362 resultados para Autopsy diagnosis
Tuberculin skin test (TST) has been used for 100 years for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis (TB) infection (LTBI). In recent years, increasing interest in the diagnosis of TB has led to the development of new assays. QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT-G) is an IFN-gamma-release assay that measures the release of interferon after stimulation in vitro by Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens. The main advantage of this assay with respect to TST is the lack of crossreaction with bacillus Calmette-Guérin and most nontuberculous mycobacteria. QFT-G also eliminates the need for the patient to return for test reading in 48-72 h. In the immunocompromised host and in pediatric populations, studies suggest that the QFT-G better correlates with the risk of TB than the TST, but data remain inconclusive. In contrast to TST, there are no prospective studies regarding the association of the QFT-G result and the risk for development of TB. Given its advantages, the QFT-G may become the standard test for the diagnosis of LTBI.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to adapt and improve a minimally invasive two-step postmortem angiographic technique for use on human cadavers. Detailed mapping of the entire vascular system is almost impossible with conventional autopsy tools. The technique described should be valuable in the diagnosis of vascular abnormalities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Postmortem perfusion with an oily liquid is established with a circulation machine. An oily contrast agent is introduced as a bolus injection, and radiographic imaging is performed. In this pilot study, the upper or lower extremities of four human cadavers were perfused. In two cases, the vascular system of a lower extremity was visualized with anterograde perfusion of the arteries. In the other two cases, in which the suspected cause of death was drug intoxication, the veins of an upper extremity were visualized with retrograde perfusion of the venous system. RESULTS: In each case, the vascular system was visualized up to the level of the small supplying and draining vessels. In three of the four cases, vascular abnormalities were found. In one instance, a venous injection mark engendered by the self-administration of drugs was rendered visible by exudation of the contrast agent. In the other two cases, occlusion of the arteries and veins was apparent. CONCLUSION: The method described is readily applicable to human cadavers. After establishment of postmortem perfusion with paraffin oil and injection of the oily contrast agent, the vascular system can be investigated in detail and vascular abnormalities rendered visible.
β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were determined in blood and synovial fluid in a series of medico-legal cases including hypothermia fatalities, individuals found dead in a cold environment and non-hypothermia cases with various, non-traumatic causes of death. Hypothermia was considered to be the cause of death according to circumstantial elements indicating exposure to cold, autopsy findings, biochemical investigation results and exclusion of other causes of death. The intention of this study was to characterize β-hydroxybutyrate distribution in synovial fluid and assess its usefulness for the postmortem diagnosis of antemortem abnormalities in blood β-hydroxybutyrate levels. Unenhanced CT scans, autopsies, histology, neuropathology, toxicology, and biochemistry were systematically performed. Within the limited number of subjects included in the study, the results indicate that abnormalities in antemortem β-hydroxybutyrate blood levels, as may be observed in hypothermia fatalities, are reflected in postmortem synovial fluid values. These preliminary findings notwithstanding, synovial fluid analysis to determine β-hydroxybutyrate is unlikely to be generally applied due to the more invasive collection technique it requires and could be limited to special cases in which biological fluids systematically collected upon autopsy are unavailable.
Between 1959 and 1987 we operated on 18 patients for malignant oddian tumor. Eleven had a Whipple resection, 3 a bilio-enteric anastomosis, 4 a local excision with or without bilio-enteric anastomosis. The overall operative mortality was 11% and the median survival was 13.8 months. Three patients are living and without evidence of disease 12, 29 and 30 months, respectively, after a Whipple resection. Because of their anatomy and favourable behaviour, malignant oddian tumors must be separated from the other periampullary tumors. Echography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with deep biopsies are the most efficient diagnostic modalities. With the aim of cure, the treatment is always surgical and relies mainly on duodenopancreatectomy. Those patients with unresectable tumors or unfit for a major procedure should benefit from internal or external biliary drainage. By coexisting duodenal obstruction, a surgical double derivation should be done.
The microbiological diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is crucial for successful antimicrobial treatment. Cultures have limited sensitivity, especially in patients receiving antibiotics. We evaluated the value of multiplex PCR for detection of microbial DNA in sonication fluid from removed orthopedic prostheses. Cases of PJI in which the prosthesis (or part of it) was removed were prospectively included. The removed implant was sonicated, and the resulting sonication fluid was cultured and subjected to multiplex PCR. Of 37 PJI cases (17 hip prostheses, 14 knee prostheses, 4 shoulder prostheses, 1 elbow prosthesis, and 1 ankle prosthesis), pathogens were identified in periprosthetic tissue in 24 (65%) cases, in sonication fluid in 23 (62%) cases, and by multiplex PCR in 29 (78%) cases. The pathogen was detected in 5 cases in sonication fluid only (Propionibacterium acnes in all cases; none of these patients had previously received antibiotics) and in 11 cases by multiplex PCR only (all of these patients had previously received antibiotics). After exclusion of 8 cases caused by P. acnes or Corynebacterium species, which cannot be detected due to the absence of specific primers in the PCR kit, sonication cultures were positive in 17 cases and multiplex PCR sonication cultures were positive in 29 cases (59% versus 100%, respectively; P < 0.01). Among 19 cases (51%) receiving antibiotics, multiplex PCR was positive in all 19 (100%), whereas sonication cultures grew the organism in 8 (42%) (P < 0.01). Multiplex PCR of sonication fluid is a promising test for diagnosis of PJI, particularly in patients who previously received antibiotics. With modified primer sets, multiplex PCR has the potential for further improvement of the diagnosis of PJI.
Complex cortical malformations associated with mutations in tubulin genes are commonly referred to as "Tubulinopathies". To further characterize the mutation frequency and phenotypes associated with tubulin mutations, we studied a cohort of 60 foetal cases. Twenty-six tubulin mutations were identified, of which TUBA1A mutations were the most prevalent (19 cases), followed by TUBB2B (6 cases) and TUBB3 (one case). Three subtypes clearly emerged. The most frequent (n = 13) was microlissencephaly with corpus callosum agenesis, severely hypoplastic brainstem and cerebellum. The cortical plate was either absent (6/13), with a 2-3 layered pattern (5/13) or less frequently thickened (2/13), often associated with neuroglial overmigration (4/13). All cases had voluminous germinal zones and ganglionic eminences. The second subtype was lissencephaly (n = 7), either classical (4/7) or associated with cerebellar hypoplasia (3/7) with corpus callosum agenesis (6/7). All foetuses with lissencephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia carried distinct TUBA1A mutations, while those with classical lissencephaly harbored recurrent mutations in TUBA1A (3 cases) or TUBB2B (1 case). The third group was polymicrogyria-like cortical dysplasia (n = 6), consisting of asymmetric multifocal or generalized polymicrogyria with inconstant corpus callosum agenesis (4/6) and hypoplastic brainstem and cerebellum (3/6). Polymicrogyria was either unlayered or 4-layered with neuronal heterotopias (5/6) and occasional focal neuroglial overmigration (2/6). Three had TUBA1A mutations and 3 TUBB2B mutations. Foetal TUBA1A tubulinopathies most often consist in microlissencephaly or classical lissencephaly with corpus callosum agenesis, but polymicrogyria may also occur. Conversely, TUBB2B mutations are responsible for either polymicrogyria (4/6) or microlissencephaly (2/6).
BACKGROUND: Our goal is to report for the first time in the literature a case of uncontrolled bleeding after an oculoplastic surgical procedure leading to the diagnosis of acquired haemophilia. HISTORY AND SIGNS: An 82-year-old patient underwent tumor excision and reconstruction of his right lower eyelid. On the same day, uncontrolled bleeding occurred that resisted optimal blood pressure control, external compression, surgical haemostasis and wound revision. Usual coagulation screening tests were normal, except for a slightly prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Extensive coagulation check was performed, which showed a severely reduced factor VIII due to the presence of an inhibitor. The bleeding was immediately stopped after administration of recombinant factor VIIa. After healing of the wound, factor VIIa treatment was replaced by immunosuppressive therapy. The factor VIII inhibitor became unmeasurable and remained so for three months after stopping the immunosuppressive therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Ophthalmologists confronted with unexpected uncontrolled bleeding should think about the possibility of blood dyscrasia, in particular acquired haemophilia.
The diagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is based on a set of clinical and neurophysiological parameters. However, in clinical practice, CIDP remains difficult to diagnose in atypical cases. In the present study, 32 experts from 22 centers (the French CIDP study group) were asked individually to score four typical, and seven atypical, CIDP observations (TOs and AOs, respectively) reported by other physicians, according to the Delphi method. The diagnoses of CIDP were confirmed by the group in 96.9 % of the TO and 60.1 % of the AO (p < 0.0001). There was a positive correlation between the consensus of CIDP diagnosis and the demyelinating features (r = 0.82, p < 0.004). The European CIDP classification was used in 28.3 % of the TOs and 18.2 % of the AOs (p < 0.002). The French CIDP study group diagnostic strategy was used in 90 % of the TOs and 61 % of the AOs (p < 0.0001). In 3 % of the TOs and 21.6 % of the AOs, the experts had difficulty determining a final diagnosis due to a lack of information. This study shows that a set of criteria and a diagnostic strategy are not sufficient to reach a consensus for the diagnosis of atypical CIDP in clinical practice.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy of a semiautomated 3D volume reconstruction method for organ volume measurement by postmortem MRI. METHODS: This prospective study was approved by the institutional review board and the infants' parents gave their consent. Postmortem MRI was performed in 16 infants (1 month to 1 year of age) at 1.5 T within 48 h of their sudden death. Virtual organ volumes were estimated using the Myrian software. Real volumes were recorded at autopsy by water displacement. The agreement between virtual and real volumes was quantified following the Bland and Altman's method. RESULTS: There was a good agreement between virtual and real volumes for brain (mean difference: -0.03% (-13.6 to +7.1)), liver (+8.3% (-9.6 to +26.2)) and lungs (+5.5% (-26.6 to +37.6)). For kidneys, spleen and thymus, the MRI/autopsy volume ratio was close to 1 (kidney: 0.87±0.1; spleen: 0.99±0.17; thymus: 0.94±0.25), but with a less good agreement. For heart, the MRI/real volume ratio was 1.29±0.76, possibly due to the presence of residual blood within the heart. The virtual volumes of adrenal glands were significantly underestimated (p=0.04), possibly due to their very small size during the first year of life. The percentage of interobserver and intraobserver variation was lower or equal to 10%, but for thymus (15.9% and 12.6%, respectively) and adrenal glands (69% and 25.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Virtual volumetry may provide significant information concerning the macroscopic features of the main organs and help pathologists in sampling organs that are more likely to yield histological findings.
Inherited metabolic disorders are the cause of a small but significant number of sudden unexpected deaths in infancy. We report a girl who suddenly died at 11 months of age, during an intercurrent illness. Autopsy showed spongiform lesions in the subcortical white matter, in the basal ganglia, and in the dentate nuclei. Investigations in an older sister with developmental delay, ataxia, and tremor revealed L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria and subcortical white matter changes with hyperintensity of the basal ganglia and dentate nuclei at brain magnetic resonance imaging. Both children were homozygous for a splice site mutation in the L2HGDH gene. Sudden death has not been reported in association with L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria so far, but since this inborn error of metabolism is potentially treatable, early diagnosis may be important.
Low-molecular-weight heparins have become the predominant choice for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis and treatment. However, their use may cause bleeding complications. Intrahepatic bleeding is exceptional and only very few cases have been described. The authors present a unique case of fatal intrahepatic hematoma complicating nadroparin use in a 65-year-old woman with a hepatic cyst who was admitted to hospital for unilateral total hip arthroplasty. At autopsy, hemoperitoneum (2,000 ml of blood and clots) was evident. A ruptured sub-capsular hematoma involving the right lobe of the liver was observed. The hemorrhage within the cyst induced by the nadroparin use was likely responsible for the subsequent hepatic hematoma, liver rupture, and death. This case highlights the need for pathologists and surgeons to be aware of the possibility of intrahepatic hematoma in patients who have received low-molecular-weight heparins, undergone major surgery and present postoperative hemodynamic instability, especially in those with preoperative diagnosis of hepatic cyst.
Introduction: Various studies from hypoxic-ischemic animals haveinvestigated neuroprotection by targeting necrosis and apoptosis with inconclusive results. Three types of cell death have been described: apoptosis, necrosis and more recently, autophagic cell death. While autophagy is a physiological process of degradation of cellular components, excessive autophagy may be involved in cell death. Recent studies showed that inhibition of autophagy is neuroprotective in rodent neonatal models of cerebral ischemia. Furthermore, neonatal hypoxia-ischemia strongly increased neuronal autophagic flux which is linked to cell death in a rat model of perinatal asphyxia. Following our observations in animals, the aim of the present study was to characterize the different neuronal death phenotypes and to clarify whether autophagic cell death could be also involved in neuronal death in the human newborns after perinatal asphyxia. Methods: we selected retrospectively and anonymously all newborns who died in our unit of neonatology between 2004 and 2009, with the following criteria: gestational age >36 weeks, diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia (Apgar <5 at 5 minutes, arterial pH <7.0 at 1 hour of life and encephalopathy Sarnat III) and performed autopsy. The brain of 6 cases in asphyxia group and 6 control cases matching gestational age who died of pulmonary or other malformations were selected. On histological sections of thalamus, frontal cortex and hippocampus, different markers of apoptosis (caspase 3, TUNEL), autophagosomes (LC3-II) and lysosomes (LAMP1, Cathepsin D) were tested by immunohistochemistry. Results: Preliminary studies on markers of apoptosis (TUNEL, caspase 3) and of autophagy (Cathepsin D, LC3II, LAMP1) showed an expected increase of apoptosis, but also an increase of neuronal autophagic flux in the selected areas. The distribution seems to be region specific. Conclusion: This is the first time that autophagic flux linked with cell death is shown in brain of human babies, in association with hypoxicischemic encephalopathy. This work leads to a better understanding of the mechanisms associated with neuronal death following perinatal asphyxia and determines whether autophagy could be a promising therapeutic target.
OBJECTIVE: Gadolinium-enhanced pulmonary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) can be an option in patients with a history of previous adverse reaction to iodinated contrast material and renal insufficiency. Radiation is also avoided. The aim of this study is to prospectively compare the diagnostic value of MRA with that of a diagnostic strategy, taking into account catheter angiography, computed tomography angiography (CTA), and lung scintigraphy [ventilation-perfusion (VQ)]. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Magnetic resonance angiography was done in 48 patients with clinically suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) using fast gradient echo coronal acquisition with gadolinium. Interpretation was done with native coronal images and multiplanar maximum intensity projection reconstructions. Results were compared to catheter angiography (n=15), CTA (n=34), VQ (n=45), as well as 6-12 months clinical follow-ups, according to a sequenced reference tree. RESULTS: The final diagnosis of PE was retained in 11 patients (23%). There were two false negatives and no false positive results with MRA. Computed tomography angiography resulted in no false negatives or false positives. Magnetic resonance angiography had a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 100%. CONCLUSION: In our study, pulmonary MRA had a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 100% for the diagnosis of PE, with slightly less sensitivity than CTA. In the diagnostic algorithm of PE, pulmonary MRA should be considered as an alternative to CTA when iodine contrast injection or radiation is a significant matter.