346 resultados para Well stimulation


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La stimulation cérébrale profonde (SCP) nécessite l'implantation chirurgicale d'un système comprenant électrodes cérébrales et boîtier(s) de stimulation. Les noyaux cérébraux visés par la méthodologie stéréotaxique d'implantation doivent être visualisés au mieux par une imagerie à haute résolution. La procédure chirurgicale d'implantation des électrodes se fait si possible en anesthésie locale pour faire des mesures électro-physiologiques et tester en peropératoire l'effet de la stimulation, afin d'optimiser la position de l'électrode définitive. Dans un deuxième temps, le ou les générateur(s) d'impulsions sont implantés en anesthésie générale. La SCP pour les mouvements anormaux a une très bonne efficacité et un risque de complications graves faible quoique non nul. Les complications liées au matériel sont les plus fréquentes. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) requires the surgical implantation of a system including brain electrodes and impulsion generator(s). The nuclei targeted by the stereotaxic implantation methodology have to be visualized at best by high resolution imaging. The surgical procedure for implanting the electrodes is performed if possible under local anaesthesia to make electro-physiological measurements and to test intra-operatively the effect of the stimulation, in order to optimize the position of the definitive electrode. In a second step, the impulsion generator(s) are implanted under general anaesthesia. DBS for movement disorders has a very good efficacy and a low albeit non-zero risk of serious complications. Complications related to the material are the most common.


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INTRODUCTION: As it might lead to less discomfort, magnetic nerve stimulation (MNS) is increasingly used as an alternative to electrical stimulation methods. Yet, MNS and electrical nerve stimulation (ENS) and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) have not been formally compared for the evaluation of plantar flexor neuromuscular function. METHODS: We quantified plantar flexor neuromuscular function with ENS, EMS and MNS in 10 volunteers in fresh and fatigued muscles. Central alterations were assessed through changes in voluntary activation level (VAL) and peripheral function through changes in M-wave, twitch and doublet (PS100) amplitudes. Discomfort associated with 100-Hz paired stimuli delivered with each method was evaluated on a 10-cm visual analog scale. RESULTS: VAL, agonist and antagonist M-wave amplitudes and PS100 were similar between the different methods in both fresh and fatigued states. Potentiated peak twitch was lower in EMS compared to ENS, whereas no difference was found between ENS and MNS for any parameter. Discomfort associated with MNS (1.5 ± 1.4 cm) was significantly less compared to ENS (5.5 ± 1.9 cm) and EMS (4.2 ± 2.6 cm) (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: When PS100 is used to evaluate neuromuscular properties, MNS, EMS and ENS can be used interchangeably for plantar flexor neuromuscular function assessment as they provide similar evaluation of central and peripheral factors in unfatigued and fatigued states. Importantly, electrical current spread to antagonist muscles was similar between the three methods while discomfort from MNS was much less compared to ENS and EMS. MNS may be potentially employed to assess neuromuscular function of plantar flexor muscles in fragile populations.


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OBJECTIVE: In contrast to conventional (CONV) neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), the use of "wide-pulse, high-frequencies" (WPHF) can generate higher forces than expected by the direct activation of motor axons alone. We aimed at investigating the occurrence, magnitude, variability and underlying neuromuscular mechanisms of these "Extra Forces" (EF). METHODS: Electrically-evoked isometric plantar flexion force was recorded in 42 healthy subjects. Additionally, twitch potentiation, H-reflex and M-wave responses were assessed in 13 participants. CONV (25Hz, 0.05ms) and WPHF (100Hz, 1ms) NMES consisted of five stimulation trains (20s on-90s off). RESULTS: K-means clustering analysis disclosed a responder rate of almost 60%. Within this group of responders, force significantly increased from 4% to 16% of the maximal voluntary contraction force and H-reflexes were depressed after WPHF NMES. In contrast, non-responders showed neither EF nor H-reflex depression. Twitch potentiation and resting EMG data were similar between groups. Interestingly, a large inter- and intrasubject variability of EF was observed. CONCLUSION: The responder percentage was overestimated in previous studies. SIGNIFICANCE: This study proposes a novel methodological framework for unraveling the neurophysiological mechanisms involved in EF and provides further evidence for a central contribution to EF in responders.


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BACKGROUND: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is recognized as an effective treatment for movement disorders. We recently changed our technique, limiting the number of brain penetrations to three per side. OBJECTIVES: The first aim was to evaluate the electrode precision on both sides of surgery since we implemented this surgical technique. The second aim was to analyse whether or not the electrode placement was improved with microrecording and macrostimulation. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed operation protocols and MRIs of 30 patients who underwent bilateral DBS. For microrecording and macrostimulation, we used three parallel channels of the 'Ben Gun' centred on the MRI-planned target. Pre- and post-operative MRIs were merged. The distance between the planned target and the centre of the implanted electrode artefact was measured. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in targeting precision on both sides of surgery. There was more intra-operative adjustment of the second electrode positioning based on microrecording and macrostimulation, which allowed to significantly approach the MRI-planned target on the medial-lateral axis. CONCLUSION: There was more electrode adjustment needed on the second side, possibly in relation with brain shift. We thus suggest performing a single central track with electrophysiological and clinical assessment, with multidirectional exploration on demand for suboptimal clinical responses.


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OBJECTIVES: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has become a promising method for pre-screening ALK-rearrangements in non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC). Various ALK antibodies, detection systems and automated immunostainers are available. We therefore aimed to compare the performance of the monoclonal 5A4 (Novocastra, Leica) and D5F3 (Cell Signaling, Ventana) antibodies using two different immunostainers. Additionally we analyzed the accuracy of prospective ALK IHC-testing in routine diagnostics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-two NSCLC with available ALK FISH results and enriched for FISH-positive carcinomas were retrospectively analyzed. IHC was performed on BenchMarkXT (Ventana) using 5A4 and D5F3, respectively, and additionally with 5A4 on Bond-MAX (Leica). Data from our routine diagnostics on prospective ALK-testing with parallel IHC, using 5A4, and FISH were available from 303 NSCLC. RESULTS: All three IHC protocols showed congruent results. Only 1/25 FISH-positive NSCLC (4%) was false negative by IHC. For all three IHC protocols the sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) compared to FISH were 96%, 100%, 100% and 97.8%, respectively. In the prospective cohort 3/32 FISH-positive (9.4%) and 2/271 FISH-negative (0.7%) NSCLC were false negative and false positive by IHC, respectively. In routine diagnostics the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of IHC compared to FISH were 90.6%, 99.3%, 93.5% and 98.9%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: 5A4 and D5F3 are equally well suited for detecting ALK-rearranged NSCLC. BenchMark and BOND-MAX immunostainers can be used for IHC with 5A4. True discrepancies between IHC and FISH results do exist and need to be addressed when implementing IHC in an ALK-testing algorithm.


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BACKGROUND: Transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with electroencephalogram (TMS-EEG) can be used to explore the dynamical state of neuronal networks. In patients with epilepsy, TMS can induce epileptiform discharges (EDs) with a stochastic occurrence despite constant stimulation parameters. This observation raises the possibility that the pre-stimulation period contains multiple covert states of brain excitability some of which are associated with the generation of EDs. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the interictal period contains "high excitability" states that upon brain stimulation produce EDs and can be differentiated from "low excitability" states producing normal appearing TMS-EEG responses. METHODS: In a cohort of 25 patients with Genetic Generalized Epilepsies (GGE) we identified two subjects characterized by the intermittent development of TMS-induced EDs. The high-excitability in the pre-stimulation period was assessed using multiple measures of univariate time series analysis. Measures providing optimal discrimination were identified by feature selection techniques. The "high excitability" states emerged in multiple loci (indicating diffuse cortical hyperexcitability) and were clearly differentiated on the basis of 14 measures from "low excitability" states (accuracy = 0.7). CONCLUSION: In GGE, the interictal period contains multiple, quasi-stable covert states of excitability a class of which is associated with the generation of TMS-induced EDs. The relevance of these findings to theoretical models of ictogenesis is discussed.


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Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) leaf trichomes are single-cell structures with a well-studied development, but little is understood about their function. Developmental studies focused mainly on the early shaping stages, and little attention has been paid to the maturation stage. We focused on the EXO70H4 exocyst subunit, one of the most up-regulated genes in the mature trichome. We uncovered EXO70H4-dependent development of the secondary cell wall layer, highly autofluorescent and callose rich, deposited only in the upper part of the trichome. The boundary is formed between the apical and the basal parts of mature trichome by a callose ring that is also deposited in an EXO70H4-dependent manner. We call this structure the Ortmannian ring (OR). Both the secondary cell wall layer and the OR are absent in the exo70H4 mutants. Ecophysiological aspects of the trichome cell wall thickening include interference with antiherbivore defense and heavy metal accumulation. Ultraviolet B light induces EXO70H4 transcription in a CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1-dependent way, resulting in stimulation of trichome cell wall thickening and the OR biogenesis. EXO70H4-dependent trichome cell wall hardening is a unique phenomenon, which may be conserved among a variety of the land plants. Our analyses support a concept that Arabidopsis trichome is an excellent model to study molecular mechanisms of secondary cell wall deposition.


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Cette thèse porte sur la contribution des caractéristiques individuelles et des situations professionnelles au bien-être. En combinant différentes perspectives théoriques, notamment la théorie de la construction de la carrière, la théorie de la justice organisationnelle, les modèles du bien-être au travail, et les conceptualisations de l'incivilité au travail, un certain nombre d'hypothèses sont proposées concernant le lien entre certaines caractéristiques individuelles et situationnelles et le bien-être général et professionnel. Les deux premières études se focalisent sur la validation d'une échelle d'adaptabilités de carrière et sur le rôle médiateur de cette adaptabilité dans la relation entre des dispositions et le bien-être. La troisième étude évolue l'hypothèse d'un possible effet de médiation de l'adaptabilité mais cette fois de la relation entre insécurité professionnelle et charge de travail d'une part et le bien-être d'autre part. La quatrième étude adopte une perspective longitudinale et analyse les associations entre les dimensions de la personnalité, l'adaptabilité de carrière et le bien-être dans quatre parcours professionnels différents. La cinquième étude porte sur une autre caractéristique individuelle, à savoir la croyance en un monde juste. Cette étude illustre comment la croyance en un monde juste influence les perceptions de justice organisationnelle une année après, qui ont une incidence importante sur le bien-être. Enfin, la dernière étude se concentre sur une population spécifique, les immigrants en Suisse, et souligne qu'être la cible d'incivilité sur le lieu de travail est généralement liée au pays d'origine. Globalement, cette thèse met en évidence que les caractéristiques individuelles ont des effets tant directs qu'indirects sur le bien-être et que ces mêmes caractéristiques explique en partie, les relations entre la situation professionnelle et le bien-être. Plus spécifiquement, des situations professionnelles peuvent influencer l'expression de certaines caractéristiques individuelles, soit en contribuant à leurs activations ou à leurs inhibitions. De plus, l'impact des caractéristiques individuelles sur le bien-être semble dépendre de la situation professionnelle. Il est donc important de considérer les influences simultanées et réciproques des caractéristiques individuelles et de la situation contextuelle et professionnelle pour rendre compte du bien-être général et professionnel. -- This thesis explores how individual characteristics and professional situations correspond to well-being. Drawing from various theoretical backgrounds, such as career construction theory, justice theory, models of job strain, and theories on subtle discrimination, a number of specific hypotheses are put forward pertaining to a selection of individual and professional aspects as well as general and work-related well-being. The six studies presented in this thesis focus on specific aspects and adopt different methodological and theoretical approaches. The first two studies concern the validation of the career adapt-abilities scale and test the potential of career adapt-abilities to mediate the relationship between dispositions and outcomes. The third study extends the hypothesis of career adapt-abilities as a mediator and finds that it mediates the effects of job insecurity and job strain on general and professional well-being. The fourth study adopts a longitudinal approach and tests the associations between personality traits and career adaptability and well-being in four different professional situations. Study five concerns another individual characteristic, belief in a just world, and illustrates how justice beliefs drive perceptions of organizational justice, which in turn impact, on well-being outcomes one year later. The final study focuses on the professional experiences of a specific population, immigrants in Switzerland, and confirms that being a target of incivilities is related to national origin. Globally, this thesis finds that individual characteristics have direct and indirect influences on well-being and that these characteristics may also mediate the associations between professional situations and outcomes. In particular, the professional situation may alter the display of individual characteristics, either by contributing to their activation or their depletion, and the ways in which individual factors influence well-being does seem to depend on the professional situation. It is thus necessary to adopt a "both...and" perspective when studying the impact of individual and professional characteristics as these factors mutually influence each other.


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Among instruments measuring spiritual well-being, the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp-12) is the most widely used instrument in research. It has been validated in patients suffering from cancer or HIV/AIDS, but has rarely been used in elderly patients. The objectives of this study were to determine the psychometric properties and suitability of the FACIT-Spto assess spiritual well-being in hospitalized elderly patients. This cross-sectional study uses a mixed method approach. Subjects were patients (N = 208), aged 65 years and older, consecutively admitted in post-acute rehabilitation. Psychometric properties of the FACITSp were investigated. The internal structure of the FACIT-Sp (factor structure and internal consistency) was assessed. Convergent validity of the FACIT-Sp was assessed using the Spiritual Distress Assessment Tool (SDAT), the question "Are you at peace?" and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Predictive validity was assessed using length of stay (LOS) and discharge destination. Understanding and interpretation of FACIT-Sp items were consecutively assessed in a sub-sample of 135 patients. Results show that FACIT-Sp scores ranged from 7 to 46 (mean 29.6 ± 7.8); 23.1% of the patients had high spiritual well-being. Cronbach's α was g ood ( 0.85). Item-to-total correlations were all significant (0.34 to 0.73). Principal component analyses performed with 2 or 3 factors were only moderately consistent with previous work. FACIT-Sp correlated with SDAT, "Are you at peace?" and GDS (Rho = −0.45, P < 0.001; 0.51, P < 0.001 and −0.38, P < 0.001). No association was found with LOS or discharge destination. Spontaneous comments about one or more FACIT-Sp items were made by 97/135 (71.9%). Specifically, items that address purpose and meaning in life were frequently found difficult to answer. Analyses suggest that the FACIT-Sp may underestimate spiritual well-being in older patients. In conclusion, despite having acceptable psychometric properties, the FACIT-Sp presents limitations for measurement of spiritual well-being in hospitalized elderly patients.


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Work-life issues have become a major concern across Western societies with the objective to promote women's careers and well-being. However, despite growing attempts to increase the number of women in senior management positions in European countries, such as Switzerland, they remain highly underrepresented. Inspired from the cultural approach in psychology, this article focuses on these women's concrete everyday life to understand how they articulate different life domains and how this influences their subjective well-being. A narrative approach based on reflexivity is adopted to analyze women's activity. Results show meaning intertwinements between life priorities that are often conflicting. Two psychological functions are identified: the feeling of control and the letting go of control. Each of these contributes to women's subjective well-being through the use of diversified supports, but their structuring roles appear only in relation to one another. Results are discussed in the light of existing literature and of their implications.


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Avec plus de 100000 transplantations d'organes solides (TOS) par année dans le monde, la transplantation d'organes reste actuellement l'un des meilleurs traitements disponibles pour de nombreuses maladies en phase terminale. Bien que les médicaments immunosuppresseurs couramment utilisés soient efficaces dans le contrôle de la réponse immune engendrant le rejet aigu d'une greffe, la survie du greffon à long terme ainsi que la présence d'effets secondaires indésirables restent un enjeu considérable en clinique. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de trouver de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques innovantes permettant de contrôler la réponse immunitaire et ainsi d'améliorer les résultats à long terme. L'utilisation des lymphocytes T régulateurs (Treg), suppresseurs naturels de la réponse inflammatoire, a fait l'objet de nombreuses études ces dix dernières années, et pourrait être considérée comme un moyen intéressant d'améliorer la tolérance immunologique de la greffe. Cependant, l'un des obstacles de l'utilisation des Treg comme agent thérapeutique est leur nombre insuffisant non seulement en conditions normales, mais en particulier lors d'une forte réponse immune avec expansion de cellules immunitaires alloréactives. En raison des limitations techniques connues pour l'induction des Treg ex-vivo ou in vitro, nous avons dédié la première partie du travail de thèse à la détermination de l'efficacité de l'induction des Treg in vivo grâce à l'utilisation d'un complexe protéique IL-2/JES6-1 (IL2c). Nous avons montré que l'expansion des Treg par IL2c permettait d'augmenter la survie du greffon sur un modèle murin de transplantation de peau avec mismatch entre le donneur et le receveur pour le complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH). De plus, nous avons vu qu'en combinant IL2c à une inhibition à court terme de la voie de co-stimulation CD40L-CD40 (anti-CD154/MRl, administré au moment de la transplantation) pour empêcher l'activation des lymphocytes T, il est possible d'induire une tolérance robuste à long terme. Finalement, nos résultats soulignent l'importance de cibler une voie de co-stimulation bien particulière. En effet, l'utilisation d'IL2c combinée au blocage de la co-stimulation CD28-B7.1/2 (CTLA-4 Ig) n'induit qu'une faible prolongation de la survie de la greffe et n'induit pas de tolérance. L'application chez l'humain des traitements induisant la tolérance dans des modèles expérimentaux murins ou de primates n'a malheureusement pas montré de résultats probants en recherche clinique ; une des principales raisons étant la présence de lymphocytes B et T mémoires provenant du systeme d immunité acquise. C est pourquoi nous avons testé si la combinaison d'IL2c et MR1 améliorait la survie de la greffe dans des souris pré¬sensibilisées. Nous avons trouvé qu'en présence de lymphocytes B et T mémoires alloréactifs, l'utilisation d'IL2c et MR1 permettait une amélioration de la survie de la greffe de peau des souris immunocompétentes mais comparé aux souris receveuses naïves, aucune tolérance n'a pu être induite. Toutefois, l'ajout d'un traitement anti-LFA-1 (permettant de bloquer la circulation des lymphocytes T activées) a permis d'améliorer de manière significative la survie de la greffe. Cependant, le rejet chronique, dû à la présence de lymphocytes B activés/mémoires et la production d'anticorps donneur-spécifiques, n'a pas pu être évité. Cibler l'activation des lymphocytes T est la stratégie immunothérapeutique prépondérente après une TOS. C'est pourquoi dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés au système de signalisation d'un récepteur des lymphocytes T qui dépend de la paracaspase Malti en tant que nouvelle stratégie immunosuppressive pour le contrôle des lymphocytes T alloréactifs. Nous avons montré que bien que l'inhibition de la signalisation du lymphocyte T en aval de Malti induise une tolérance envers un greffon de peau avec incompatibilités antigéniques mineures, cela ne permet cependant qu'une régulation partielle de l'alloréponse contre des antigènes du CMH. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés spécifiquement à l'activité protéolytique de Malti. L'inhibition constitutive de l'activité protéolytique de Malti chez les souris Malti-ki s'est révélée délétère pour l'induction de la tolérance car elle diminue la fonction des Treg et augmente l'alloréactivité des cellules Thl. Cependant, lors de l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur peptidique de l'activité protéase de Malti in vitro, il a été possible d'observer une atténuation de l'alloéactivité des lymphocytes T ainsi qu'un maintien de la population des Treg existants. Ces résultats nous laissent penser que des études plus poussées sur le rôle de la signalisation médiée par Malti seraient à envisager dans le domaine de la transplantation. En résumé, les résultats obtenus durant cette thèse nous ont permis d'élucider certains mécanismes immunologiques propres à de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques potentielles dont le but est d'induire une tolérance lors de TOS. De plus, ces résultats nous ont permis de souligner l'importance d'utiliser des modèles davantage physiologiques contenant, notamment en tenant compte des lymphocytes B et T mémoires alloréactifs. -- Organ transplantation remains the best available treatment for many forms of end-stage organ diseases, with over 100,000 solid organ transplantations (SOT) occurring worldwide eveiy year. Although the available immunosuppressive (IS) drugs are efficient in controlling acute immune activation and graft rejection, the off-target side effects as well as long-term graft and patient survival remain a challenge in the clinic. Hence, innovative therapeutic approaches are needed to improve long-term outcome across immunological barriers. Based on extensive experimental data obtained over the last decade, it is tempting to consider immunotherapy using Treg; the natural suppressors of overt inflammatory responses, in promoting transplantation tolerance. The first hurdle for the therapeutic use of Treg is their insufficient numbers in non- manipulated individuals, in particular when facing strong immune activation and expanding alloreactive effector cells. Because of the limitations associated with current protocols aiming at ex-vivo expansion or in vitro induction of Treg, the aim of the first part of this thesis was to determine the efficacy of direct in vivo expansion of Treg using the IL-2/JES6- 1 immune complex (IL2c). We found that whilst IL2c mediated Treg expansion alone allowed the prolonged graft survival of fìlli MHC-mismatched skin grafts, its combination with short-term CD40L-CD40 co-stimulation blockade (anti-CD 154/MR1) to inhibit T cell activation administered at the time of transplantation was able to achieve long-term robust tolerance. This study also highlighted the importance of combining Treg based therapies with the appropriate co-stimulation blockade as a combination of IL2c and CD28-B7.1/2 co- stimulation blockade (CTLA-4 Ig) only resulted in slight prolongation of graft survival but not tolerance. The translation of tolerance induction therapies modelled in rodents into non-human primates or into clinical trials has seldom been successful. One main reason being the presence of pre-existing memory T- and B-cells due to acquired immunity in humans versus laboratory animals. Hence, we tested whether IL2c+MRl could promote graft survival in pre-sensitized mice. We found that in the presence of alloreactive memory T- and B-cells, IL2c+MRl combination therapy could prolong MHC-mismatched skin graft survival in immunocompetent mice but tolerance was lost compared to the naïve recipients. The addition of anti-LF A-1 treatment, which prevents the trafficking of memory T cells worked synergistically to significantly further enhance graft survival. However, late rejection mediated by activated/memory B cells and persistent donor-specific alloantibodies still occurred. Immunotherapeutic strategies targeting the activation of T cells are the cornerstone in the current immunosuppressive management after SOT. Therefore, in the next part of this thesis we investigated the paracaspase Malti-dependent T-cell receptor signalling as a novel immunosuppressive strategy to control alloreactive T cells in transplantation. We observed that although the inhibition of Malti downstream T signalling lead to tolerance of a minor H- mismatch skin grafts, it was however not sufficient to regulate alloresponses against MHC mismatches and only prolonged graft survival. Furthermore, we investigated the potential of more selectively targeting the protease activity of Malti. Constitutive inhibition of Malti protease activity in Malti-ki mice was detrimental to tolerance induction as it diminished Treg function and increased Thl alloreactivity. However, when using a small peptide inhibitor of Malti proteolytic activity in vitro, we observed an attenuation of alloreactive T cells and sparing of the pre-existing Treg pool. This indicates that further investigation of the role of Malti signalling in the field of transplantation is required. Collectively, the findings of this thesis provide immunological mechanisms underlying novel therapeutic strategies for the promotion of tolerance in SOT. Moreover, we highlight the importance of testing tolerance induction therapies in more physiological models with pre-existing alloreactive memory T and B cells.


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This study examines how plant closure affected individuals' careers and lives about two years after they lost their job. We analyze the displaced workers' reemployment prospects and study for reemployed workers the characteristics of their new jobs in terms of reemployment sectors, wages, and job quality. Additionally, we inquire how workers' sociability and subjective well-being were affected by job loss. Our analysis is based on our own survey conducted in Switzerland in 2011. The survey included the workforce of five manufacturing companies that had closed down two years earlier. We addressed the risk of biases typically prevailing with observational data by complementing it with register data from the public unemployment insurance. Moreover, we use a control group based on matched data from the Swiss Household Panel. We find that workers experience strongly diverging outcomes after plant closure: on the one hand, high proportions of the workers experience a smooth transition after plant closure. More than two-thirds of the workers returned to employment, more than half of them within less than six months. With respect to their social lives, we find that positive changes in relationships with their spouse, family and friends are more frequent than negative changes. On the other hand, for a small group of workers plant closure had a detrimental effect. Close to twenty percent remained unemployed. About ten percent of the workers were long-term unemployed and subsequently often were reemployed in jobs of lower quality. Unemployed workers and workers who dropped out of the labor force were particularly prone to find their subjective well-being decreasing. The most vulnerable subgroup in our study were workers over 55. This result stands in striking contrast to a large body of literature that considers labor market institutions to be primarily biased against young workers. Our findings show that older workers not only take longer to find a job but are also less likely to return to employment. Moreover, if they manage to find a job, they experience the severest cuts in wages and job quality of all cohorts. From a life-course perspective this result is remarkable since it shows that workers are not protected from hardship in their late careers. In light of the current demographic changes this finding may have important policy implications. -- Cette étude analyse l'impact des fermetures d'entreprises sur les travailleurs licenciés. Plus précisément, nous examinons les chances de réinsertion des travailleurs dans le marché du travail et - pour ceux qui l'ont fait avec succès - dans quels secteurs, pour quels salaires et avec quelle qualité d'emploi ils sont réengagés. Nous nous intéressons également aux répercussions engendrées par la perte de l'emploi sur la sociabilité et le bien-être subjectif des travailleurs concernés. Notre analyse se base sur les données d'une enquête que nous avons menée en 2011. Cette enquête cible le personnel de cinq entreprises industrielles suisses qui avaient fermé leurs portes deux ans auparavant. Pour dépasser les biais typiques liés aux données d'observation, nous utilisons en complément des données administratives issues de l'assurance chômage publique. De plus, nous utilisons un groupe de contrôle basé sur des données appariées provenant du Panel Suisse de Ménage. Nos analyses montrent des résultats fortement contrastés. D'un côté, la majeure partie des travailleurs ont vécu une transition professionnelle plutôt facile : plus des deux tiers des personnes ont retrouvé un travail et parmi elles plus de la moitié en moins de six mois. Par rapport aux relations sociales, tant avec leur partenaire, qu'avec les membres de leur famille et leurs amis, les changements expérimentés étaient plus fréquemment positifs que négatifs. De l'autre côté, cependant, pour une petite partie de travailleurs la fermeture de leur entreprise a eu des conséquences très négatives sur leur carrière et leur bien-être. Au moment de notre enquête, presque vingt pourcents des travailleurs étaient au chômage. Les personnes au chômage et celles qui avaient quitté le marché du travail ont été particulièrement affectées par une diminution de leur bien-être subjectif. Les plus vulnérables parmi les travailleurs licenciés étaient ceux qui étaient âgés de plus de 55 ans. Notre analyse montre que les travailleurs âgés ont beaucoup moins fréquemment retrouvé un travail. Pour les personnes de plus de 55 ans qui ont tout de même retrouvé un emploi, la réinsertion a durée plus longtemps, les pertes de salaire étaient plus conséquentes et la diminution de la qualité de l'emploi plus grande que pour les autres cohortes. Au vu des changements démographiques actuels, ce résultat interpellant peut avoir des implications politiques importantes.


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OPINION STATEMENT: The diagnosis and appropriate treatment of hyperkinetic movement disorders require a work up of potentially reversible metabolic, infectious and structural disorders as well as side effects of current medication. In pharmacoresistant movement disorders with a disabling impact on quality of life, deep brain stimulation (DBS) should be considered. At different targets, DBS has become an established therapy for Parkinson's disease (GPi-STN), tremor (VIM) and primary dystonia (GPi) with reasonable perioperative risks and side effects, established guidelines and some clinical and radiological predictive factors. In contrast, for other hyperkinetic movement disorders, including secondary dystonia, Gilles de la Tourette, chorea and ballism, only few data are available. Definite targets are not well defined, and reported results are of less magnitude than those of the recognized indications. In this expanding therapeutical field without worked out recommendations, an individual approach is needed with DBS indication assessment only after rigorous multidisciplinary scrutiny, restricted to expert centres.