307 resultados para Proximal gastrectomy


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BACKGROUND: Postoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT) of gastric carcinoma improves survival among high- risk patients. This study was undertaken to analyse long-term survival probability and the impact of certain covariates on the survival outcome in affected individuals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2000 and December 2005, 244 patients with gastric cancer underwent adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) in our institution. Data were retrieved retrospectively from patient files and analysed with SPSS version 21.0. RESULTS: A total of 244 cases, with a male to female ratio of 2.2:1, were enrolled in the study. The median age of the patients was 52 years (range, 20-78 years). Surgical margin status was positive or close in 72 (33%) out of 220 patients. Postoperative adjuvant RT dose was 46 Gy. Median follow-up was 99 months (range, 79-132 months) and 23 months (range, 2-155 months) for surviving patients and all patients, respectively. Actuarial overall survival (OS) probability for 1-, 3-, 5- and 10-year was 79%, 37%, 24% and 16%, respectively. Actuarial progression free survival (PFS) probability was 69%, 34%, 23% and 16% in the same consecutive order. AJCC Stage I-II disease, subtotal gastrectomy and adjuvant CRT were significantly associated with improved OS and PFS in multivariate analyses. Surgical margin status or lymph node dissection type were not prognostic for survival. CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative CRT should be considered for all patients with high risk of recurrence after gastrectomy. Beside well-known prognostic factors such as stage, lymph node status and concurrent chemotherapy, the type of gastrectomy was an important prognostic factor in our series. With our findings we add to the discussion on the definition of required surgical margin for subtotal gastrectomy. We consider that our observations in gastric cancer patients in our clinic can be useful in the future randomised trials to point the way to improved outcomes.


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Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a recently-developed analytical tool that performs novel grey-level texture measurements on lumbar spine dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images, and thereby captures information relating to trabecular microarchitecture. In order for TBS to usefully add to bone mineral density (BMD) and clinical risk factors in osteoporosis risk stratification, it must be independently associated with fracture risk, readily obtainable, and ideally, present a risk which is amenable to osteoporosis treatment. This paper summarizes a review of the scientific literature performed by a Working Group of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Low TBS is consistently associated with an increase in both prevalent and incident fractures that is partly independent of both clinical risk factors and areal BMD (aBMD) at the lumbar spine and proximal femur. More recently, TBS has been shown to have predictive value for fracture independent of fracture probabilities using the FRAX® algorithm. Although TBS changes with osteoporosis treatment, the magnitude is less than that of aBMD of the spine, and it is not clear how change in TBS relates to fracture risk reduction. TBS may also have a role in the assessment of fracture risk in some causes of secondary osteoporosis (e.g., diabetes, hyperparathyroidism and glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis). In conclusion, there is a role for TBS in fracture risk assessment in combination with both aBMD and FRAX.


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Chromatin state variation at gene regulatory elements is abundant across individuals, yet we understand little about the genetic basis of this variability. Here, we profiled several histone modifications, the transcription factor (TF) PU.1, RNA polymerase II, and gene expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines from 47 whole-genome sequenced individuals. We observed that distinct cis-regulatory elements exhibit coordinated chromatin variation across individuals in the form of variable chromatin modules (VCMs) at sub-Mb scale. VCMs were associated with thousands of genes and preferentially cluster within chromosomal contact domains. We mapped strong proximal and weak, yet more ubiquitous, distal-acting chromatin quantitative trait loci (cQTL) that frequently explain this variation. cQTLs were associated with molecular activity at clusters of cis-regulatory elements and mapped preferentially within TF-bound regions. We propose that local, sequence-independent chromatin variation emerges as a result of genetic perturbations in cooperative interactions between cis-regulatory elements that are located within the same genomic domain.


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Tissue engineering is a popular topic in peripheral nerve repair. Combining a nerve conduit with supporting adipose-derived cells could offer an opportunity to prevent time-consuming Schwann cell culture or the use of an autograft with its donor site morbidity and eventually improve clinical outcome. The aim of this study was to provide a broad overview over promising transplantable cells under equal experimental conditions over a long-term period. A 10-mm gap in the sciatic nerve of female Sprague-Dawley rats (7 groups of 7 animals, 8 weeks old) was bridged through a biodegradable fibrin conduit filled with rat adipose-derived stem cells (rASCs), differentiated rASCs (drASCs), human (h)ASCs from the superficial and deep abdominal layer, human stromal vascular fraction (SVF), or rat Schwann cells, respectively. As a control, we resutured a nerve segment as an autograft. Long-term evaluation was carried out after 12 weeks comprising walking track, morphometric, and MRI analyses. The sciatic functional index was calculated. Cross sections of the nerve, proximal, distal, and in between the two sutures, were analyzed for re-/myelination and axon count. Gastrocnemius muscle weights were compared. MRI proved biodegradation of the conduit. Differentiated rat ASCs performed significantly better than undifferentiated rASCs with less muscle atrophy and superior functional results. Superficial hASCs supported regeneration better than deep hASCs, in line with published in vitro data. The best regeneration potential was achieved by the drASC group when compared with other adipose tissue-derived cells. Considering the ease of procedure from harvesting to transplanting, we conclude that comparison of promising cells for nerve regeneration revealed that particularly differentiated ASCs could be a clinically translatable route toward new methods to enhance peripheral nerve repair.


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Plus de la moitié des patients présentant une thrombose veineuse profonde des membres inférieurs développent un syndrome post-thrombotique. Le risque est particulièrement élevé en cas de thrombose de l'axe principal de drainage veineux comprenant la veine fémorale commune et les veines iliaques. Plusieurs études ont démontré que l'incidence du syndrome post-thrombotique peut être diminuée si une recanalisation des veines ilio-fémorales est obtenue dans la phase aiguë. A l'heure actuelle, des techniques de recanalisation percutanées sont proposées à des patients sélectionnés présentant une thrombose ilio-fémorale. Cet article a pour but de résumer les connaissances actuelles sur la recanalisation percutanée de la thrombose veineuse profonde aiguë. Nearly half of patients with acute lower limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT) develop a post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). This risk is particularly high in case of proximal DVT of the common femoral and iliac vein, the major lower limbs venous outflow vessel. Several studies have demonstrated that PTS incidence can be reduced with early vein recanalisation. Currently, catheter-based recanalisation therapies can be offered to selected patients with acute ilio-femoral deep vein thrombosis. Aim of the present article is to summarize current knowledge on these catheter-based recanalisation therapies.


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The goal of this study was to investigate the performance of 3D synchrotron differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging for the visualization of both macroscopic and microscopic aspects of atherosclerosis in the mouse vasculature ex vivo. The hearts and aortas of 2 atherosclerotic and 2 wild-type control mice were scanned with DPC imaging with an isotropic resolution of 15 μm. The coronary artery vessel walls were segmented in the DPC datasets to assess their thickness, and histological staining was performed at the level of atherosclerotic plaques. The DPC imaging allowed for the visualization of complex structures such as the coronary arteries and their branches, the thin fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaques as well as the chordae tendineae. The coronary vessel wall thickness ranged from 37.4 ± 5.6 μm in proximal coronary arteries to 13.6 ± 3.3 μm in distal branches. No consistent differences in coronary vessel wall thickness were detected between the wild-type and atherosclerotic hearts in this proof-of-concept study, although the standard deviation in the atherosclerotic mice was higher in most segments, consistent with the observation of occasional focal vessel wall thickening. Overall, DPC imaging of the cardiovascular system of the mice allowed for a simultaneous detailed 3D morphological assessment of both large structures and microscopic details.


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BACKGROUND: Endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke patients was recently shown to improve recanalization rates and clinical outcome in a well-defined study population. Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) alone is insufficiently effective to recanalize in certain patients or of little value in others. Accordingly, we aimed at identifying predictors of recanalization in patients treated with or without IVT. METHODS: In the observational Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne (ASTRAL) registry, we selected those stroke patients (1) with an arterial occlusion on computed tomography angiography (CTA) imaging, (2) who had an arterial patency assessment at 24 hours (CTA/magnetic resonance angiography/transcranial Doppler), and (3) who were treated with IVT or had no revascularization treatment. Based on 2 separate logistic regression analyses, predictors of spontaneous and post-thrombolytic recanalization were generated. RESULTS: Partial or complete recanalization was achieved in 121 of 210 (58%) thrombolyzed patients. Recanalization was associated with atrial fibrillation (odds ratio , 1.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-3.0) and absence of early ischemic changes on CT (1.1, 1.1-1.2) and inversely correlated with the presence of a significant extracranial (EC) stenosis or occlusion (.6, .3-.9). In nonthrombolyzed patients, partial or complete recanalization was significantly less frequent (37%, P < .01). The recanalization was independently associated with a history of hypercholesterolemia (2.6, 1.2-5.6) and the proximal site of the intracranial occlusion (2.5, 1.2-5.4), and inversely correlated with a decreased level of consciousness (.3, .1-.8), and EC (.3, .1-.6) and basilar artery pathology (.1, .0-.6). CONCLUSIONS: Various clinical findings, cardiovascular risk factors, and arterial pathology on acute CTA-based imaging are moderately associated with spontaneous and post-thrombolytic arterial recanalization at 24 hours. If confirmed in other studies, this information may influence patient selection toward the most appropriate revascularization strategy.


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Le système nerveux périphérique est responsable de la transmission des impulses motrices, ainsi que de la réception des afférences sensorielles. Les lésions traumatiques des nerfs périphériques conduisent à une impotence fonctionnelle qui peut être dévastant, notamment chez les travailleurs manuels,. La récupération fonctionnelle est donc le but principal dans chirurgie des nerfs périphériques. Malheureusement, une suture directe des moignons nerveux est souvent impossible dans le contexte des traumatismes complexes qui surviennent lors des accidents. La suture nerveuse par interposition d'autogreffe reste le gold standard dans la pratique chirurgicale mais nécessite le sacrifice d'un nerf donneur, avec dysesthésie et possibles douleurs neuropathiques conséquentes. Alternativement, des guides tubulaires pour les nerfs peuvent être utilisées si le gap nerveux est inférieur à 3 cm. Plusieurs guides résorbables en collagène sont approuve en Europe et aux Etas Unis (FDA). Dans cette étude, des conduits de collagène ont été associe a des cellules régénératives (cellules souches adultes) comme stratégie supplémentaire de régénération. Une fois testé le rapport des cellules avec le biomatériau (NeuraGen® nerve guides) in vitro, une étude in vivo dans le rat a été effectuée. Les différents groupes de conduits ont été supplémentés respectivement avec Schwann cells (SC); avec cellules souches adultes dérivées de la moelle épinière, différentiées en cellules "Schwann-like" (dMSC); avec cellules souches adultes dérivées de la graisse, différentiées en cellules "Schwann-like" (dASC). Un groupe de conduits avec du milieu de culture sans cellules a été utilisé comme group control. Les conduits ont été utilisés pour combler un gap de 1cm dans un model de section totale du nerf sciatique chez le rat. Deux semaines post implantation, une analyse immuno-histochimique a été effectuée pour évaluer la régénération axonales et l'infiltration de cellules de Schwann au niveau du conduit. Les cellules ont montré une adhérence efficace aux parois de collagène. En particulier, les cellules de Schwann ont montré une amélioration significative au niveau du sprouting distale. Par contre, aucune différence significative n'a été remarquée entre les groupes pour le sprouting axonale proximal. De plus, si les cellules souches ont montré un pattern de sprouting diffus, les cellules de Schwann ont par contre garanti un cône de croissance typique, associé a une affinité remarquable pour les parois de collagène. NeuraGen® guides pourraient donc être un moyen adapté a l'association avec la thérapie cellulaire en raison de la bonne adhérence des cellules au biomatériau. Des modifications de surface dans le but d'améliorer la performance neurotrophique cellulaire in vivo (e.g. peptides de matrice extracellulaire) pourront être utilisées dans des applications futures.


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Segment poses and joint kinematics estimated from skin markers are highly affected by soft tissue artifact (STA) and its rigid motion component (STARM). While four marker-clusters could decrease the STA non-rigid motion during gait activity, other data, such as marker location or STARM patterns, would be crucial to compensate for STA in clinical gait analysis. The present study proposed 1) to devise a comprehensive average map illustrating the spatial distribution of STA for the lower limb during treadmill gait and 2) to analyze STARM from four marker-clusters assigned to areas extracted from spatial distribution. All experiments were realized using a stereophotogrammetric system to track the skin markers and a bi-plane fluoroscopic system to track the knee prosthesis. Computation of the spatial distribution of STA was realized on 19 subjects using 80 markers apposed on the lower limb. Three different areas were extracted from the distribution map of the thigh. The marker displacement reached a maximum of 24.9mm and 15.3mm in the proximal areas of thigh and shank, respectively. STARM was larger on thigh than the shank with RMS error in cluster orientations between 1.2° and 8.1°. The translation RMS errors were also large (3.0mm to 16.2mm). No marker-cluster correctly compensated for STARM. However, the coefficient of multiple correlations exhibited excellent scores between skin and bone kinematics, as well as for STARM between subjects. These correlations highlight dependencies between STARM and the kinematic components. This study provides new insights for modeling STARM for gait activity.


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Proteinuria and hyperphosphatemia are cardiovascular risk factors independent of GFR. We hypothesized that proteinuria induces relative phosphate retention via increased proximal tubule phosphate reabsorption. To test the clinical relevance of this hypothesis, we studied phosphate handling in nephrotic children and patients with CKD. Plasma fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) concentration, plasma phosphate concentration, and tubular reabsorption of phosphate increased during the proteinuric phase compared with the remission phase in nephrotic children. Cross-sectional analysis of a cohort of 1738 patients with CKD showed that albuminuria≥300 mg/24 hours is predictive of higher phosphate levels, independent of GFR and other confounding factors. Albuminuric patients also displayed higher plasma FGF-23 and parathyroid hormone levels. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying these observations, we induced glomerular proteinuria in two animal models. Rats with puromycin-aminonucleoside-induced nephrotic proteinuria displayed higher renal protein expression of the sodium-phosphate co-transporter NaPi-IIa, lower renal Klotho protein expression, and decreased phosphorylation of FGF receptor substrate 2α, a major FGF-23 receptor substrate. These findings were confirmed in transgenic mice that develop nephrotic-range proteinuria resulting from podocyte depletion. In vitro, albumin did not directly alter phosphate uptake in cultured proximal tubule OK cells. In conclusion, we show that proteinuria increases plasma phosphate concentration independent of GFR. This effect relies on increased proximal tubule NaPi-IIa expression secondary to decreased FGF-23 biologic activity. Proteinuria induces elevation of both plasma phosphate and FGF-23 concentrations, potentially contributing to cardiovascular disease.


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This thesis focuses on the social-psychological factors that help coping with structural disadvantage, and specifically on the role of cohesive ingroups and the sense of connectedness and efficacy they entail in this process. It aims to complement existing group-based models of coping that are grounded in a categorization perspective to groups and consequently focus exclusively on the large-scale categories made salient in intergroup contexts of comparisons. The dissertation accomplishes this aim through a reconsideration of between-persons relational interdependence as a sufficient and independent antecedent of a sense of groupness, and the benefits that a sense of group connectedness in one's direct environment, regardless of the categorical or relational basis of groupness, might have in the everyday struggles of disadvantaged group members. The three empirical papers aim to validate this approach, outlined in the first theoretical introduction, by testing derived hypotheses. They are based on data collected with youth populations (15-30) from three institutions in French-speaking Switzerland within the context of a larger project on youth transitions. Methods of data collection are paper-pencil questionnaires and in-depth interviews with a selected sub-sample of participants. The key argument of the first paper is that members of socially disadvantaged categories face higher barriers to their life project and that a general sense of connectedness, either based on categorical identities or other proximal groups and relations, mitigates the feeling of powerlessness associated with this experience. The second paper develops and tests a model that defines individual needs satisfaction as antecedent of self-group bonds and the efficacy beliefs derived from these intragroup bonds as the mechanism underlining the role of ingroups in coping. The third paper highlights the complexities that might be associated with the construction of a sense of groupness directly from intergroup comparisons and categorization-based disadvantage, and points out a more subtle understanding of the processes underling the emergence of groupness out of the situation of structural disadvantage. Overall, the findings confirm the central role of ingroups in coping with structural disadvantage and the importance of an understanding of groupness and its role that goes beyond the dominant focus on intergroup contexts and categorization processes.


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BACKGROUND: Lymphedema is an underdiagnosed pathology which in industrialized countries mainly affects cancer patients that underwent lymph node dissection and/or radiation. Currently no effective therapy is available so that patients' life quality is compromised by swellings of the concerned body region. This unfortunate condition is associated with body imbalance and subsequent osteochondral deformations and impaired function as well as with an increased risk of potentially life threatening soft tissue infections. METHODS: The effects of PRP and ASC on angiogenesis (anti-CD31 staining), microcirculation (Laser Doppler Imaging), lymphangiogenesis (anti-LYVE1 staining), microvascular architecture (corrosion casting) and wound healing (digital planimetry) are studied in a murine tail lymphedema model. RESULTS: Wounds treated by PRP and ASC healed faster and showed a significantly increased epithelialization mainly from the proximal wound margin. The application of PRP induced a significantly increased lymphangiogenesis while the application of ASC did not induce any significant change in this regard. CONCLUSIONS: PRP and ASC affect lymphangiogenesis and lymphedema development and might represent a promising approach to improve regeneration of lymphatic vessels, restore disrupted lymphatic circulation and treat or prevent lymphedema alone or in combination with currently available lymphedema therapies.


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">This study is aimed at the determination of the measurement properties of the shoulder function B-B Score measured with a smartphone. This score measures the symmetry between sides of a power-related metric for two selected movements, with 100% representing perfect symmetry. Twenty healthy participants, 20 patients with rotator cuff conditions, 23 with fractures, 22 with capsulitis, and 23 with shoulder instabilities were measured twice across a six-month interval using the B-B Score and shoulder function questionnaires. The discriminative power, responsiveness, diagnostic power, concurrent validity, minimal detectable change (MDC), minimal clinically important improvement (MCII), and patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) were evaluated. Significant differences with the control group and significant baseline-six-month differences were found for the rotator cuff condition, fracture, and capsulitis patient groups. The B-B Score was responsive and demonstrated excellent diagnostic power, except for shoulder instability. The correlations with clinical scores were generally moderate to high, but lower for instability. The MDC was 18.1%, the MCII was 25.2%, and the PASS was 77.6. No floor effect was observed. The B-B Score demonstrated excellent measurement properties in populations with rotator cuff conditions, proximal humerus fractures, and capsulitis, and can thus be used as a routine test to evaluate those patients.


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LLC-PK1 cells, an established cell line from pig kidney with proximal tubule properties, were cultivated in vitro at confluence on plastic dishes. They were then exposed (apical side) to inorganic cadmium (CdCl2, 5 microM) for periods ranging between 1 to 24 h. Analysis of the cell supernatant after homogenisation and ultracentrifugation indicated that Cd taken up in the first 3 h was bound to cytosolic high molecular weight proteins, but was redistributed to low molecular weight proteins at later stages. Induction of Cd-metallothionein (Cd-Mt) synthesis, as judged from Cd-Mt binding to a specific anti-Cd-Mt antibody and from the rate of 35S-cys incorporation into a specific protein fraction, was apparent 3-6 h after the addition of Cd to the incubation medium.


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Free-flow micropuncture was carried out in superficial nephrons of Munich-Wistar type rats infused acutely with Cd acetate (CdA) or Cd-DTPA (141 microM Cd). Fluid obtained from Bowman's space (BS) or end-proximal tubule sites was analyzed for Cd and inulin. The fluid/plasma Cd concentration ratio in BS averaged 0.2 and 1.0 during CdA and Cd-DTPA infusions, respectively. End-proximal tubule fractional excretion of Cd during CdA infusion averaged 0.34. Previous administration of CdA (1.0 mg/kg, 48 hr before micropuncture) increased the level of circulating Cd-metallothioneins, as measured by radioimmunoassay, but did not affect the luminal tubular uptake of Cd during CdA infusion. No net transepithelial movement of Cd-DTPA was measured. It is concluded that Cd ultrafiltered during inorganic Cd administration is taken up to a large extent by the convoluted part of proximal tubules.