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AIM: To confirm the accuracy of sentinel node biopsy (SNB) procedure and its morbidity, and to investigate predictive factors for SN status and prognostic factors for disease-free survival (DFS) and disease-specific survival (DSS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between October 1997 and December 2004, 327 consecutive patients in one centre with clinically node-negative primary skin melanoma underwent an SNB by the triple technique, i.e. lymphoscintigraphy, blue-dye and gamma-probe. Multivariate logistic regression analyses as well as the Kaplan-Meier were performed. RESULTS: Twenty-three percent of the patients had at least one metastatic SN, which was significantly associated with Breslow thickness (p<0.001). The success rate of SNB was 99.1% and its morbidity was 7.6%. With a median follow-up of 33 months, the 5-year DFS/DSS were 43%/49% for patients with positive SN and 83.5%/87.4% for patients with negative SN, respectively. The false-negative rate of SNB was 8.6% and sensitivity 91.4%. On multivariate analysis, DFS was significantly worsened by Breslow thickness (RR=5.6, p<0.001), positive SN (RR=5.0, p<0.001) and male sex (RR=2.9, p=0.001). The presence of a metastatic SN (RR=8.4, p<0.001), male sex (RR=6.1, p<0.001), Breslow thickness (RR=3.2, p=0.013) and ulceration (RR=2.6, p=0.015) were significantly associated with a poorer DSS. CONCLUSION: SNB is a reliable procedure with high sensitivity (91.4%) and low morbidity. Breslow thickness was the only statistically significant parameter predictive of SN status. DFS was worsened in decreasing order by Breslow thickness, metastatic SN and male gender. Similarly DSS was significantly worsened by a metastatic SN, male gender, Breslow thickness and ulceration. These data reinforce the SN status as a powerful staging procedure
The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the handling and processing of radical prostatectomy specimens were coordinated by working group 1. Most uropathologists followed similar procedures for fixation of radical prostatectomy specimens, with 51% of respondents transporting tissue in formalin. There was also consensus that the prostate weight without the seminal vesicles should be recorded. There was consensus that the surface of the prostate should be painted. It was agreed that both the prostate apex and base should be examined by the cone method with sagittal sectioning of the tissue sample. There was consensus that the gland should be fully fixed before sectioning. Both partial and complete embedding of prostates was considered to be acceptable as long as the method of partial embedding is stated. No consensus was determined regarding the necessity of weighing and measuring the length of the seminal vesicles, the preparation of whole mounts rather than standardized blocks and the methodology for sampling of fresh tissue for research purposes, and it was agreed that these should be left to the discretion of the working pathologist.
AIMS - To pilot the implementation of brief motivational intervention (BMI) among conscripts, and to test the effectiveness of BMI in young men voluntarily showing up for a single face-to-face alcohol BMI session. Participants were conscripts attending the army recruitment process in Lausanne. This process is mandatory for all Swiss males at age 19 and Lausanne serves all francophone Swiss men. METHODS - Of 3'227 young men that were seen during the army recruitment procedures, 445 voluntarily showed up for a BMI and 367 were included in the study (exclusions were random and unsystematic and related to organizational aspects in the recruitment center). After an initial assessment, subjects were randomized into two groups: an immediate BMI and a 6-month delayed BMI (waiting list design). A 6-month follow-up assessment was conducted in both groups. BMI was a face-to-face 20 minutes counseling session with a psychologist trained in motivational interviewing at baseline and a telephone session for the control group at follow-up. Strategies of BMI included the exploration and evocation of a possible behavior change, importance of future change, readiness to change, and commitment to change. A filmed example of such an intervention is available in French at www.alcoologie.ch. RESULTS - All procedures are now fully implemented and working and the provision of preventive efforts found general approval by the army. 3'227 were eligible for BMI and 445 of them (13.8%) showed up for receiving a BMI. 367 were included in the study, 181 in the BMI group and 186 in the control group. More than 86% of those included were reached at follow-up. With one exception all findings on alcohol use went in the expected direction, i.e. a stronger decrease in alcohol use (or a smaller increase as for usual weekly drinking amount) in the BMI group. The risk for risky single occasion drinking (RSOD) decreased from 57% at-risk users at baseline to 50.6%, i.e. a 6.4% point decrease in the BMI group, while there was only a 0.6% point decrease (from 57.5% to 56.9%) in the control group. Moreover, the study showed that there was a likelihood of crossover effects for other substances like tobacco smoking and cannabis use. Despite these encouraging and consistent positive findings, none reached significance at conventional levels (p < 0.05). DISCUSSION - Data suggest a beneficial impact of BMI on alcohol use outcomes and potential effect on other substance use in 19-year old men attending the army recruitment and showing up voluntarily for BMI. As the main aim was to implement and test feasibility of conducting BMI in this setting none of our findings reached statistical significance. The consistency of findings across measures and substances, however, raises hope that non-significance in the present study does not mean no effect, but mainly insufficient power of this pilot study. [Authors]
Helicobacter-induced gastritis is considered nowadays an epidemic, the prevalence of which is one of the highest world-wide (70%), with as much as 40% of the population in industrialized countries. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) antigens (Ag) capable to elicit a protective immune response in animal models have been identified, but these antigens have not been shown to be strongly immunogenic when administered to humans. Due to their stability in the gastric environment and avidity, passive administration of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) antibodies (Ab) targeting protective Ag might be particularly relevant as a substitute or complement to current therapies. To this aim, we have designed expression vectors to convert a scFv polypeptide specific for H. pylori urease subunit A into human IgG, polymeric IgA (IgAp/d) and SIgA. Purified proteins show proper binding characteristics toward both the native and denatured forms of H. pylori urease. The direct comparison between different isotype and molecular forms, but of unique specificity, demonstrates that SIgA and IgAp/d are more efficient in blocking free and H. pylori-associated urease than IgG and scFv. We conclude that the expression system reported herein will represent a valuable tool to produce human SIgA Ab of multiple specificities against H. pylori antigens involved in colonization and persistence.
Perinatal care of pregnant women at high risk for preterm delivery and of preterm infants born at the limit of viability (22-26 completed weeks of gestation) requires a multidisciplinary approach by an experienced perinatal team. Limited precision in the determination of both gestational age and foetal weight, as well as biological variability may significantly affect the course of action chosen in individual cases. The decisions that must be taken with the pregnant women and on behalf of the preterm infant in this context are complex and have far-reaching consequences. When counselling pregnant women and their partners, neonatologists and obstetricians should provide them with comprehensive information in a sensitive and supportive way to build a basis of trust. The decisions are developed in a continuing dialogue between all parties involved (physicians, midwives, nursing staff and parents) with the principal aim to find solutions that are in the infant's and pregnant woman's best interest. Knowledge of current gestational age-specific mortality and morbidity rates and how they are modified by prenatally known prognostic factors (estimated foetal weight, sex, exposure or nonexposure to antenatal corticosteroids, single or multiple births) as well as the application of accepted ethical principles form the basis for responsible decision-making. Communication between all parties involved plays a central role. The members of the interdisciplinary working group suggest that the care of preterm infants with a gestational age between 22 0/7 and 23 6/7 weeks should generally be limited to palliative care. Obstetric interventions for foetal indications such as Caesarean section delivery are usually not indicated. In selected cases, for example, after 23 weeks of pregnancy have been completed and several of the above mentioned prenatally known prognostic factors are favourable or well informed parents insist on the initiation of life-sustaining therapies, active obstetric interventions for foetal indications and provisional intensive care of the neonate may be reasonable. In preterm infants with a gestational age between 24 0/7 and 24 6/7 weeks, it can be difficult to determine whether the burden of obstetric interventions and neonatal intensive care is justified given the limited chances of success of such a therapy. In such cases, the individual constellation of prenatally known factors which impact on prognosis can be helpful in the decision making process with the parents. In preterm infants with a gestational age between 25 0/7 and 25 6/7 weeks, foetal surveillance, obstetric interventions for foetal indications and neonatal intensive care measures are generally indicated. However, if several prenatally known prognostic factors are unfavourable and the parents agree, primary non-intervention and neonatal palliative care can be considered. All pregnant women with threatening preterm delivery or premature rupture of membranes at the limit of viability must be transferred to a perinatal centre with a level III neonatal intensive care unit no later than 23 0/7 weeks of gestation, unless emergency delivery is indicated. An experienced neonatology team should be involved in all deliveries that take place after 23 0/7 weeks of gestation to help to decide together with the parents if the initiation of intensive care measures appears to be appropriate or if preference should be given to palliative care (i.e., primary non-intervention). In doubtful situations, it can be reasonable to initiate intensive care and to admit the preterm infant to a neonatal intensive care unit (i.e., provisional intensive care). The infant's clinical evolution and additional discussions with the parents will help to clarify whether the life-sustaining therapies should be continued or withdrawn. Life support is continued as long as there is reasonable hope for survival and the infant's burden of intensive care is acceptable. If, on the other hand, the health care team and the parents have to recognise that in the light of a very poor prognosis the burden of the currently used therapies has become disproportionate, intensive care measures are no longer justified and other aspects of care (e.g., relief of pain and suffering) are the new priorities (i.e., redirection of care). If a decision is made to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining therapies, the health care team should focus on comfort care for the dying infant and support for the parents.
AIM: To assesse the rate of bile duct injuries (BDI) and overall biliary complications during single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SPLC) compared to conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy (CLC). METHODS: SPLC has recently been proposed as an innovative surgical approach for gallbladder surgery. So far, its safety with respect to bile duct injuries has not been specifically evaluated. A systematic review of the literature published between January 1990 and November 2012 was performed. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) comparing SPLC versus CLC reporting BDI rate and overall biliary complications were included. The quality of RCT was assessed using the Jadad score. Analysis was made by performing a meta-analysis, using Review Manager 5.2. This study was based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. A retrospective study including all retrospective reports on SPLC was also performed alongside. RESULTS: From 496 publications, 11 RCT including 898 patients were selected for meta-analysis. No studies were rated as high quality (Jadad score ≥ 4). Operative indications included benign gallbladder disease operated in an elective setting in all studies, excluding all emergency cases and acute cholecystitis. The median follow-up was 1 mo (range 0.03-18 mo). The incidence of BDI was 0.4% for SPLC and 0% for CLC; the difference was not statistically different (P = 0.36). The incidence of overall biliary complication was 1.6% for SPLC and 0.5% for CLC, the difference did not reached statistically significance (P = 0.21, 95%CI: 0.66-15). Sixty non-randomized trials including 3599 patients were also analysed. The incidence of BDI reported then was 0.7%. CONCLUSION: The safety of SPLC cannot be assumed, based on the current evidence. Hence, this new technology cannot be recommended as standard technique for laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Targeted mutagenesis directed by oligonucleotides (ONs) is a promising method for manipulating the genome in higher eukaryotes. In this study, we have compared gene editing by different ONs on two new target sequences, the eBFP and the rd1 mutant photoreceptor betaPDE cDNAs, which were integrated as single copy transgenes at the same genomic site in 293T cells. Interestingly, antisense ONs were superior to sense ONs for one target only, showing that target sequence can by itself impart strand-bias in gene editing. The most efficient ONs were short 25 nt ONs with flanking locked nucleic acids (LNAs), a chemistry that had only been tested for targeted nucleotide mutagenesis in yeast, and 25 nt ONs with phosphorothioate linkages. We showed that LNA-modified ONs mediate dose-dependent target modification and analyzed the importance of LNA position and content. Importantly, when using ONs with flanking LNAs, targeted gene modification was stably transmitted during cell division, which allowed reliable cloning of modified cells, a feature essential for further applications in functional genomics and gene therapy. Finally, we showed that ONs with flanking LNAs aimed at correcting the rd1 stop mutation could promote survival of photoreceptors in retinas of rd1 mutant mice, suggesting that they are also active in vivo.
Recombinant vaccinia virus with tumour cell specificity may provide a versatile tool either for direct lysis of cancer cells or for the targeted transfer of genes encoding immunomodulatory molecules. We report the expression of a single chain antibody on the surface of extracellular enveloped vaccinia virus. The wild-type haemagglutinin, an envelope glycoprotein which is not required for viral infection and replication, was replaced by haemagglutinin fusion molecules carrying a single chain antibody directed against the tumour-associated antigen ErbB2. ErbB2 is an epidermal growth factor receptor-related tyrosine kinase overexpressed in a high percentage of human adenocarcinomas. Two fusion proteins carrying the single chain antibody at different NH2-terminal positions were expressed and exposed at the envelope of the corresponding recombinant viruses. The construct containing the antibody at the site of the immunoglobulin-like loop of the haemagglutinin was able to bind solubilized ErbB2. This is the first report of replacement of a vaccinia virus envelope protein by a specific recognition structure and represents a first step towards modifying the host cell tropism of the virus.
Abstract Context. Seizures during intoxications with pharmaceuticals are a well-known complication. However, only a few studies report on drugs commonly involved and calculate the seizure potential of these drugs. Objectives. To identify the pharmaceutical drugs most commonly associated with seizures after single-agent overdose, the seizure potential of these pharmaceuticals, the age-distribution of the cases with seizures and the ingested doses. Methods. A retrospective review of acute single-agent exposures to pharmaceuticals reported to the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre (STIC) between January 1997 and December 2010 was conducted. Exposures which resulted in at least one seizure were identified. The seizure potential of a pharmaceutical was calculated by dividing the number of cases with seizures by the number of all cases recorded with that pharmaceutical. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results. We identified 15,441 single-agent exposures. Seizures occurred in 313 cases. The most prevalent pharmaceuticals were mefenamic acid (51 of the 313 cases), citalopram (34), trimipramine (27), venlafaxine (23), tramadol (15), diphenhydramine (14), amitriptyline (12), carbamazepine (11), maprotiline (10), and quetiapine (10). Antidepressants were involved in 136 cases. Drugs with a high seizure potential were bupropion (31.6%, seizures in 6 of 19 cases, 95% CI: 15.4-50.0%), maprotiline (17.5%, 10/57, 95% CI: 9.8-29.4%), venlafaxine (13.7%, 23/168, 95% CI: 9.3-19.7%), citalopram (13.1%, 34/259, 95% CI: 9.5-17.8%), and mefenamic acid (10.9%, 51/470, 95% CI: 8.4-14.0%). In adolescents (15-19y/o) 23.9% (95% CI: 17.6-31.7%) of the cases involving mefenamic acid resulted in seizures, but only 5.7% (95% CI: 3.3-9.7%) in adults (≥ 20y/o; p < 0.001). For citalopram these numbers were 22.0% (95% CI: 12.8-35.2%) and 10.9% (95% CI: 7.1-16.4%), respectively (p = 0.058). The probability of seizures with mefenamic acid, citalopram, trimipramine, and venlafaxine increased as the ingested dose increased. Conclusions. Antidepressants were frequently associated with seizures in overdose, but other pharmaceuticals, as mefenamic acid, were also associated with seizures in a considerable number of cases. Bupropion was the pharmaceutical with the highest seizure potential even if overdose with bupropion was uncommon in our sample. Adolescents might be more susceptible to seizures after mefenamic acid overdose than adults. "Part of this work is already published as a conference abstract for the XXXIV International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 27-30 May 2014, Brussels, Belgium." Abstract 8, Clin Toxicol 2014;52(4):298.
This prospective study compares repetitive thick-slab single-shot projection magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for the detection of choledocholithiasis. Fifty-seven consecutive patients (36 women, mean age 61) referred for suspected choledocholithiasis underwent MRCP, followed by EUS. Each procedure was performed by different operators blinded to the results of the other investigation. MR technique included a turbo spin-echo T2-weighted axial sequence with selective fat saturation (SPIR/TSE, TE=70 ms, TR=1,600 ms), followed by coronal dynamic MRCP. The same thick-slab slice was sequentially acquired 12 times as breath-hold single-shot projection imaging (SSh, TE=900 ms, TE=8,000 ms) centred on the common bile duct (CBD). Two experienced radiologists independently and blindly evaluated MR images for the detection of CBD stones. Their inter-observer agreement kappa was determined. Secondly, the two observers read MR images in consensus again. CBD stones were demonstrated in 18 out of 57 patients (31.6 %) and confirmed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP, n=17) or intraoperative cholangiography (n=1). Clinical follow-up served as the "gold standard" in patients with negative results without following invasive procedure (n=28). Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive value for MRCP resulting from consensus reading were 94.9%, 94.4%, 94.7%, 97.4% and 89.5%, respectively. Corresponding values of EUS were 97.4%, 94.4%, 96.5%, 97.4% and 94.4%. Inter-observer agreement kappa was 0.81. Repetitive thick-slab single-shot projection MRCP is an accurate non-invasive imaging modality for suspected choledocholithiasis and should be increasingly used to select those patients who require a subsequent therapeutic procedure, namely ERCP.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to characterize local distribution and systemic absorption of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitory single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) ESBA105 following topical administration to the eye in vivo. METHODS: Rabbits received ESBA105 as topical eye drops in two dosing regimens. First, pharmacokinetics after the topical route of administration was compared to the intravenous (i.v.) route by means of applying the identical cumulative daily dose of ESBA105. In a second study rabbits received five eye drops daily for six consecutive days in a lower frequency topical dosing regimen. Kinetics and biodistribution of ESBA105 in ocular tissues and fluids as well as in sera were determined in all animals. RESULTS: After topical administration to the eye, ESBA105 quickly reaches therapeutic concentrations in all ocular compartments. Systemic exposure after topical administration is 25,000-fold lower than exposure after i.v. injection of the identical cumulative daily dose. ESBA105 levels in vitreous humor and neuroretina are significantly higher on topical administration than after i.v. injection. Absolute and relative intraocular biodistribution of ESBA105 is different with topical and systemic delivery routes. Compared to its terminal half-life in circulation (7 hours), the vitreal half-life of ESBA105 is significantly enhanced (16-24 hours). CONCLUSIONS: On topical administration, ESBA105 is efficiently absorbed and distributed to all compartments of the eye, whereby systemic drug exposure is very low. Based on its unique intraocular biodistribution and pharmacokinetics and the absolute intraocular levels reached, topical ESBA105 appears highly attractive for treatment of various ophthalmological disorders.
We demonstrate that RecA protein can mediate annealing of complementary DNA strands in vitro by at least two different mechanisms. The first annealing mechanism predominates under conditions where RecA protein causes coaggregation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules and where RecA-free ssDNA stretches are present on both reaction partners. Under these conditions annealing can take place between locally concentrated protein-free complementary sequences. Other DNA aggregating agents like histone H1 or ethanol stimulate annealing by the same mechanism. The second mechanism of RecA-mediated annealing of complementary DNA strands is best manifested when preformed saturated RecA-ssDNA complexes interact with protein-free ssDNA. In this case, annealing can occur between the ssDNA strand resident in the complex and the ssDNA strand that interacts with the preformed RecA-ssDNA complex. Here, the action of RecA protein reflects its specific recombination promoting mechanism. This mechanism enables DNA molecules resident in the presynaptic RecA-DNA complexes to be exposed for hydrogen bond formation with DNA molecules contacting the presynaptic RecA-DNA filament.