40 resultados para silver-loaded TiO2
PURPOSE: The combination of embolic beads with a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor that inhibits tumor vessel growth is suggested as an alternative and improvement to the current standard doxorubicin-eluting beads for use in transarterial chemoembolization. This study demonstrates the in vitro loading and release kinetics of sunitinib using commercially available embolization microspheres and evaluates the in vitro biologic efficacy on cell cultures and the resulting in vivo pharmacokinetics profiles in an animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DC Bead microspheres, 70-150 µm and 100-300 µm (Biocompatibles Ltd., Farnham, United Kingdom), were loaded by immersion in sunitinib solution. Drug release was measured in saline in a USP-approved flow-through apparatus and quantified by spectrophotometry. Activity after release was confirmed in cell culture. For pharmacokinetics and in vivo toxicity evaluation, New Zealand white rabbits received sunitinib either by intraarterial injection of 100-300 µm sized beads or per os. Plasma and liver tissue drug concentrations were assessed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy. RESULTS: Sunitinib loading on beads was close to complete and homogeneous. A total release of 80% in saline was measured, with similar fast-release profiles for both sphere sizes. After embolization, drug plasma levels remained below the therapeutic threshold (< 50 ng/mL), but high concentrations at 6 hours (14.9 µg/g) and 24 hours (3.4 µg/g) were found in the liver tissue. CONCLUSIONS: DC Bead microspheres of two sizes were efficiently loaded with sunitinib and displayed a fast and almost complete release in saline. High liver drug concentrations and low systemic levels indicated the potential of sunitinib-eluting beads for use in embolization.
Abstract: Osteomyelitis is responsible for high treatment costs, long hospital stays, and results in substantial morbidity. Treatment with surgical debridement and antibiotic-impregnated Polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) beads is the standard of care, providing high local but low serum antibiotic concentrations, thereby avoiding systemic toxicity. However, for several reasons, the beads require surgical removal. Alternative antibiotic delivery systems should improve the treatment of bone infection, actively encourage bone healing and require no additional surgery for removal. We investigated the activity of gentamicin-loaded bioabsorbable beads against different microorganisms (Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans) commonly causing surgical site bone infection, by microcalorimetry. Calcium sulphate beads containing gentamicin were incubated in microcalorimetry ampoules containing different concentrations of the corresponding microorganism. Growth medium with each germ and unloaded beads was used as positive control, growth medium with loaded beads alone as negative control. Bacterial growth-related heat production at 37 °C was measured for 24 h. Cultures without gentamicin-loaded beads produced heat-flow peaks corresponding to the exponential growth of the corresponding microorganisms in nutrient-rich medium. In contrast, cultures with gentamicin-loaded beads completely suppressed heat production during 24 h, demonstrating their antibiotic activity. Gentamicin-loaded beads effectively inhibited growth of susceptible microorganisms, under the described in vitro conditions.
Grâce à la prophylaxie antibiotique per-opératoire, à l'amélioration des techniques chirurgicales et au flux laminaire dans les blocs opératoires le taux d'infections postopératoires a pu être diminué dans les interventions chirurgicales orthopédiques. Il stagne néanmoins à environ 0,5- 2% dans les fractures fermées ainsi que dans les interventions orthopédiques électives, et peut monter jusqu'à 30% dans les fractures ouvertes stade III. L'ostéomyelite et la pseudarthrose infectée, qui peuvent en découler, sont responsables de séjours hospitaliers prolongés, engendrent des coûts de traitement élevés, et conduisent souvent à une morbidité substantielle. Le traitement de l'ostéomyelite combine le débridement chirurgical et l'administration d'antibiotiques. Cependant l'administration systémique d'antibiotiques à hautes doses est problématique en raison de leur toxicité systémique et de leur faible pénétration dans les tissus ischémiques et nécrotiques, souvent présents dans l'ostéomyelite. Pour ces raisons, le traitement standard actuel consiste, après débridement chirurgical, en la mise en place de billes de Polyrnéthylmétacrylate (PMMA) imprégnées d'antibiotique, qui fournissent des concentrations locales élevées mais systémiques basses. Malheureusement, ces billes doivent être enlevées une fois l'infection guérie, ce qui nécessite une nouvelle intervention chirurgicale. Des systèmes de libération antibiotique alternatifs devraient non seulement guérir l'infection osseuse, mais également encourager activement la consolidation osseuse et ne pas nécessiter de nouvelle chirurgie pour leur ablation. Nous avons investigué l'activité de billes résorbables chargées en gentamicine contre différents microorganismes (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans), des germes communément responsables d'infections osseuses, par microcalorimétrie, une méthode novice basée sur la mesure de la chaleur produite par des microorganismes qui se répliquent dans une culture. Des billes composées essentiellement de sulfate de calcium et chargées en gentamicine ont été incubées dans des ampoules microcalorimétriques contenant différentes concentrations du germe correspondant. Les bouillons de culture avec chaque germe et billes non-chargées ont été utilisés comme contrôle positif, le bouillon de culture avec bille chargée mais sans germe comme contrôle négatif. La production de chaleur provenant de la croissance bactérienne à 37°C a été mesurée pendant 24 heures. Les cultures ne contenant pas de billes chargées en gentamicine ont. produit des pics de chaleur équivalents à la croissance exponentielle du microorganisme correspondant en milieu riche. Par contre, les germes susceptibles à la gentamicine incubés avec les billes chargées ont complètement supprimé leur production de chaleur pendant 24 heures, démontrant ainsi l'activité antibiotique des billes chargées en gentamicine contre ces germes. Les billes résorbables chargées en gentamicine inhibent donc de façon effective la croissance des germes susceptibles sous les conditions in vitro décrites. Des études sur animaux sont maintenant nécessaires pour déterminer la cinétique d'élution et l'effet antimicrobien de la gentamicine sous conditions in vivo. Finalement des études cliniques devront démontrer que l'utilisation de ces billes est effectivement une bonne option thérapeutique dans le traitement des infections osseuses.
BACKGROUND: A phase I dose-escalation trial of transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) with idarubicin-loaded beads was performed in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). AIM: To estimate the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) and to assess safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics and quality of life. METHODS: Patients received a single TACE session with injection of 2 mL drug-eluting beads (DEBs; DC Bead 300-500 μm) loaded with idarubicin. The idarubicin dose was escalated according to a modified continuous reassessment method. MTD was defined as the dose level closest to that causing dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) in 20% of patients. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were enrolled, including nine patients at 5 mg, six patients at 10 mg, and six patients at 15 mg. One patient at each dose level experienced DLT (acute myocardial infarction, hyperbilirubinaemia and elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST) at 5-, 10- and 15-mg, respectively). The calculated MTD of idarubicin was 10 mg. The most frequent grade ≥3 adverse events were pain, elevated AST, elevated γ-glutamyltranspeptidase and thrombocytopenia. At 2 months, the objective response rate was 52% (complete response, 28%, and partial response, 24%) by modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours. The median time to progression was 12.1 months (95% CI 7.4 months - not reached); the median overall survival was 24.5 months (95% CI 14.7 months - not reached). Pharmacokinetic analysis demonstrated the ability of DEBs to release idarubicin slowly. CONCLUSIONS: Using drug-eluting beads, the maximum-tolerated dose of idarubicin was 10 mg per TACE session. Encouraging responses and median time to progression were observed. Further clinical investigations are warranted (NCT01040559).
PURPOSE: To present in vitro loading and release characteristics of idarubicin with ONCOZENE (CeloNova BioSciences, Inc, San Antonio, Texas) drug-eluting embolic (DEE) agents and in vivo pharmacokinetics data after transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Loading efficacy of idarubicin with ONCOZENE DEE agents 100 µm and DC Bead (Biocompatibles UK Ltd, Farnham, United Kingdom) DEE agents 100-300 µm was monitored at 10, 20, and 30 minutes loading time by high-pressure liquid chromatography. A T-apparatus was used to monitor the release of idarubicin from the two types of DEE agents over 12 hours. Clinical and 24-hour pharmacokinetics data were recorded after transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents in four patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. RESULTS: Idarubicin loading in ONCOZENE DEE agents was > 99% at 10 minutes. Time to reach 75% of the release plateau level was 37 minutes ± 6 for DC Bead DEE agents and 170 minutes ± 19 for ONCOZENE DEE agents both loaded with idarubicin 10 mg/mL. After transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents, three partial responses and one complete response were observed with only two asymptomatic grade 3 biologic adverse events. Median time to maximum concentration for idarubicin in patients was 10 minutes, and mean maximum concentration was 4.9 µg/L ± 1.7. Mean area under the concentration-time curve from 0-24 hours was equal to 29.5 µg.h/L ± 20.5. CONCLUSIONS: ONCOZENE DEE agents show promising results with very fast loading ability, a favorable in vivo pharmacokinetics profile with a sustained release of idarubicin during the first 24 hours, and encouraging safety and responses. Histopathologic and clinical studies are needed to evaluate idarubicin release around the DEE agents in tumor tissue and to confirm safety and efficacy.
The present study discusses the effect of iron doping in TiO2 thin films deposited by rf sputtering. Iron doping induces a structural transformation from anatase to rutile and electrical measurements indicate that iron acts as an acceptor impurity. Thermoelectric power measurement shows a transition between n-type and p-type electrical conduction for an iron concentration around 0.13 at.%. The highest p-type conductivity at room temperature achieved by iron doping was 10(-6) S m(-1).
L'hyperplasie intimale est la cause majeure de sténoses de pontages veineux. Différents médicaments tels que les statines permettent de prévenir les sténoses mais leur administration systémique n'a que peu d'effet. Nous avons développé une matrice d'hydrogel d'acide hyaluronique qui permet d'avoir un relargage contrôlé d'atorvastatine sur un site désiré. L'enjeu de ce projet de recherche est de démontrer que l'atorvastatine relarguée par l'hydrogel a un effet similaire sur les cellules musculaires lisses de veines saphènes humaines comparé à l'atorvastatine directement diluée dans le milieu de culture. La recherche a été conduite conjointement par le laboratoire de médecine expérimentale du département de chirurgie thoracique et vasculaire du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois et de l'Ecole de sciences pharmaceutiques des Universités de Lausanne et de Genève. On a incorporé de l'atorvastatine calcium (Chemos GmbH, Regenstauf Allemagne) dans des gels d'acide hyaluronique (Fortelis extra) à des concentrations déterminées afin de pouvoir analyser le relargage de l'Atovastatine dans le milieu de culture cellulaire par rapport aux concentrations d'atorvastatine directement ajoutées dans le milieu. Des cellules musculaires lisses primaires ont été cultivées à partir d'expiants de veines saphènes humaines. Elles ont été identifiées grâce à l'immunohistochimie par des anticorps contre la desmine et l'alpha-smooth muscle actine. La prolifération et la viabilité de ces cellules ont été analysées à l'aide du test MTT, leur transmigration avec le test de la chambre de Boyden et leur migration avec le principe de cicatrisation de plaies (wound healing assey). L'expression de gènes connus pour participer au développement de l'hyperplasie intimale, tels que la gap junction protein Connexin43 (Cx43), l'inhibiteur du plasminogène PAI-1, Thème oxygénase HO-1, la métalloproteinase-9 et l'inhibiteur de l'activateur du plasminogène tissulaire tPA, a été déterminée par niveau de mRNA exprimé en PCR. Leur expression en protéines a été analysée en utilisant la méthode par Western blots ainsi que l'immunohistochimie. Les expériences ont été effectuées à triple reprise en duplicats en parallèles avec de l'atorvastatine calcium directement ajoutée dans le milieu de culture et avec l'atorvastatine relarguée par l'hydrogel d'acide hyaluronique. Conclusions L'atorvastatine est relarguée par l'hydrogel de façon contrôlée. L'hydrogel contenant l'atorvastatine diminue la viabilité et la transmigration des cellules musculaires lisses de veines saphènes humaines de façon similaire à l'atorvastatine directement introduite dans le milieu de culture. L'hydrogel contenant l'atorvastatine module de façon sélective l'expression de marqueurs de la différentiation cellulaire de cellules musculaires lisses de veines saphènes humaines avec un retard de 24 heures comparé avec les effets de l'atorvastatine directement ajoutée au milieu de culture, sans néanmoins changer la distribution intra-cellulaire des protéines Cx43, HO-1 et PAI-1. Perspectives Il s'agit d'un projet d'importance clinique majeure permettant de réaliser des améliorations du traitement des artériopathies occlusives, ainsi que de relevance pharmacologique permettant de réaliser des dépôts de molécules avec un relargage stable et contrôlé à un site spécifique.
BACKGROUND: Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous disease. Although no protein coding gene defects have been reported in SRS patients, approximately 50% of SRS patients carry epimutations (hypomethylation) at the IGF2/H19 imprinting control region 1 (ICR1). Proper methylation at ICR1 is crucial for the imprinted expression of IGF2, a fetal growth factor. CTCFL, a testis-specific protein, has recently been proposed to play a role in the establishment of DNA methylation at the murine equivalent of ICR1. A screen was undertaken to assess whether CTCFL is mutated in SRS patients with hypomethylation, to explore a link between the observed epimutations and a genetic cause of the disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: DNA was obtained from 36 SRS patients with hypomethylation at ICR1. All CTCFL coding exons were sequenced and analyzed for duplications/deletions using both multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, with a custom CTCFL probe set, and genomic qPCR. Novel SNP alleles were analyzed for potential differential splicing in vitro utilizing a splicing assay. Neither mutations of CTCFL nor duplications/deletions were observed. Five novel SNPs were identified and have been submitted to dbSNP. In silico splice prediction suggested one novel SNP, IVS2-66A>C, activated a cryptic splice site, resulting in aberrant splicing and premature termination. In vitro splicing assays did not confirm predicted aberrant splicing. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: As no mutations were detected at CTCFL in the patients examined, we conclude that genetic alterations of CTCFL are not responsible for the SRS hypomethylation. We suggest that analysis of other genes involved in the establishment of DNA methylation at imprinted genes, such as DNMT3A and DNMT3L, may provide insight into the genetic cause of hypomethylation in SRS patients.
Les pontages veineux restent actuellement un traitement de choix dans les pathologies vasculaires occlusives. Cependant, plusieurs problèmes sont liés à ce type de revascularisation. Premièrement, l'hyperplasie intimale (HI) qui cause une resténose dans 20 à 50% des pontages, conduisant à un échec de la revascularisation. Ce processus est dû à la prolifération et à la migration des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires vers l'intima, ainsi qu'à une sécrétion de protéines de la matrice extracellulaire conduisant à un épaississement de l'intima, principalement au niveau des anastomoses. Deuxièmement, bien qu'il existe des substances connues pour inhiber l'HI, leur administration systémique répétée est associée à une augmentation de leurs effets secondaires. Aucun dispositif ne permet actuellement la libération d'une telle substance localement au site d'une anastomose vasculaire. Nous avons donc développé un hydrogel d'acide hyaluronique compatible avec une application locale au niveau des anastomoses vasculaires et pouvant être chargé en atorvastatine (ATV) (inhibiteur de la 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA réductase), substance connue pour inhiber l'HI, dans le but de diminuer le fléau de la resténose. Nous avons tout d'abord testé l'effet de ce gel chargé en ATV sur la prolifération, la migration et la transmigration de cellules musculaires lisses primaires en culture provenant de veines saphènes humaines. Ensuite, nous avons étudié son effet sur différents gènes impliqués dans l'HI. Ceci a permis de montrer que l'ATV diminue la prolifération, la migration et la transmigration des cellules musculaires lisses humaines de façon similaire qu'elle soit ajoutée directement au milieu de culture ou qu'elle soit libérée par l'hydrogel chargé. De même, l'ATV régule de manière simultanée mais différentielle les gènes, en interférant avec le développement de l'HI. Nos expériences montrent que l'HI peut être diminuée in vitro grâce à cet hydrogel d'acide hyaluronique chargé en ATV. Ceci ouvre la porte au développement de futur dispositif permettant de relâcher des substances antisténotiques de façon continue, sur une durée prolongée, et in vivo.
The benefit of polymeric immuno-nanoparticles (NPs-Tx-HER), consisting of paclitaxel (Tx)-loaded nanoparticles coated with anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies (Herceptin, trastuzumab), in cancer treatment was assessed in a disseminated xenograft ovarian cancer model induced by intraperitoneal inoculation of SKOV-3 cells overexpressing HER2 antigens. The study was focused on the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy and biodistribution of NPs-Tx-HER compared to other Tx formulations. The therapeutic efficacy was determined by two methods: bioluminescence imaging and survival rate. The treatment regimen consisted in an initial dose of 20mg/kg Tx administered as 10mg/kg intravenously (IV) and 10mg/kg intraperitonealy (IP), followed by five alternative IP and IV injections of 10mg/kg Tx every 3 days. The bioluminescence study has clearly shown the superior anti-tumor activity of NPs-Tx-HER compared to free Tx. As a confirmation of these results, a significantly longer survival of mice was observed for NPs-Tx-HER treatment compared to free Tx, Tx-loaded nanoparticles coated with an irrelevant mAb (Mabthera, rituximab) or Herceptin alone, indicating the potential of immuno-nanoparticles in cancer treatment. The biodistribution pattern of Tx was assessed on healthy and tumor bearing mice after IV or IP administration. An equivalent biodistribution profile was observed in healthy mice for Tx encapsulated either in uncoated nanoparticles (NPs-Tx) or in NPs-Tx-HER. No significant difference in Tx biodistribution was observed after IV or IP injection, except for a lower accumulation in the lungs when NPs were administered by IP. Encapsulated Tx accumulated in the organs of the reticulo-endothelial system (RES) such as the liver and spleen, whereas free Tx had a non-specific distribution in all tested organs. Compared to free Tx, the single dose injection (IV or IP) of encapsulated Tx in mice bearing tumors induced a higher tumor accumulation. However, no difference in overall tumor accumulation between NPs-Tx-HER and NPs-Tx was observed. In conclusion, the encapsulation of Tx into NPs-Tx-HER immuno-nanoparticles resulted in an improved efficacy of drug in the treatment of disseminated ovarian cancer overexpressing HER2 receptors.
Paclitaxel (Tx)-loaded anti-HER2 immunonanoparticles (NPs-Tx-HER) were prepared by the covalent coupling of humanized monoclonal anti-HER2 antibodies (trastuzumab, Herceptin) to Tx-loaded poly (dl-lactic acid) nanoparticles (NPs-Tx) for the active targeting of tumor cells that overexpress HER2 receptors. The physico-chemical properties of NPs-Tx-HER were compared to unloaded immunonanoparticles (NPs-HER) to assess the influence of the drug on anti-HER2 coupling to the NP surface. The immunoreactivity of sulfo-MBS activated anti-HER2 mAbs and the in vitro efficacy of NPs-Tx-HER were tested on SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cells that overexpress HER2 antigens. Tx-loaded nanoparticles (NPs-Tx) obtained by a salting-out method had a size of 171+/-22 nm (P.I.=0.1) and an encapsulation efficiency of about of 78+/-10%, which corresponded to a drug loading of 7.8+/-0.8% (w/w). NPs-Tx were then thiolated and conjugated to activated anti-HER2 mAbs to obtain immunonanoparticles of 237+/-43 nm (P.I.=0.2). The influence of the activation step on the immunoreactivity of the mAbs was tested on SKOV-3 cells using 125I-radiolabeled mAbs, and the activity of the anti-HER2 mAbs was minimally affected after sulfo-MBS functionalization. Approximately 270 molecules of anti-HER2 mAbs were bound per nanoparticle. NPs-Tx-HER exhibited a zeta potential of 0.2+/-0.1 mV. The physico-chemical properties of the Tx-loaded immunonanoparticles were very similar to unloaded immunonanoparticles, suggesting that the encapsulation of the drug did not influence the coupling of the mAbs to the NPs. No drug loss was observed during the preparation process. DSC analysis showed that encapsulated Tx is in an amorphous or disordered-crystalline phase. These results suggest that Tx is entrapped in the polymeric matrix and not adsorbed to the surface of the NPs. In vitro studies on SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cells demonstrated the greater cytotoxic effect of NPs-Tx-HER compared to other Tx formulations. The results showed that at 1 ng Tx/ml, the viability of cells incubated with drug encapsulated in NP-Tx-HER was lower (77.32+/-5.48%) than the viability of cells incubated in NPs-Tx (97.4+/-12%), immunonanoparticles coated with Mabthera, as irrelevant mAb (NPs-Tx-RIT) (93.8+/-12%) or free drug (92.3+/-9.3%).
The aim of this paper is to describe the process and challenges in building exposure scenarios for engineered nanomaterials (ENM), using an exposure scenario format similar to that used for the European Chemicals regulation (REACH). Over 60 exposure scenarios were developed based on information from publicly available sources (literature, books, and reports), publicly available exposure estimation models, occupational sampling campaign data from partnering institutions, and industrial partners regarding their own facilities. The primary focus was on carbon-based nanomaterials, nano-silver (nano-Ag) and nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2), and included occupational and consumer uses of these materials with consideration of the associated environmental release. The process of building exposure scenarios illustrated the availability and limitations of existing information and exposure assessment tools for characterizing exposure to ENM, particularly as it relates to risk assessment. This article describes the gaps in the information reviewed, recommends future areas of ENM exposure research, and proposes types of information that should, at a minimum, be included when reporting the results of such research, so that the information is useful in a wider context.