22 resultados para seed health tests


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OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to determine whether subclinical thyroid dysfunction was associated with incident heart failure (HF) and echocardiogram abnormalities. BACKGROUND: Subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have been associated with cardiac dysfunction. However, long-term data on the risk of HF are limited. METHODS: We studied 3,044 adults>or=65 years of age who initially were free of HF in the Cardiovascular Health Study. We compared adjudicated HF events over a mean 12-year follow-up and changes in cardiac function over the course of 5 years among euthyroid participants, those with subclinical hypothyroidism (subdivided by thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH] levels: 4.5 to 9.9, >or=10.0 mU/l), and those with subclinical hyperthyroidism. RESULTS: Over the course of 12 years, 736 participants developed HF events. Participants with TSH>or=10.0 mU/l had a greater incidence of HF compared with euthyroid participants (41.7 vs. 22.9 per 1,000 person years, p=0.01; adjusted hazard ratio: 1.88; 95% confidence interval: 1.05 to 3.34). Baseline peak E velocity, which is an echocardiographic measurement of diastolic function associated with incident HF in the CHS cohort, was greater in those patients with TSH>or=10.0 mU/l compared with euthyroid participants (0.80 m/s vs. 0.72 m/s, p=0.002). Over the course of 5 years, left ventricular mass increased among those with TSH>or=10.0 mU/l, but other echocardiographic measurements were unchanged. Those patients with TSH 4.5 to 9.9 mU/l or with subclinical hyperthyroidism had no increase in risk of HF. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with euthyroid older adults, those adults with TSH>or=10.0 mU/l have a moderately increased risk of HF and alterations in cardiac function but not older adults with TSH<10.0 mU/l. Clinical trials should assess whether the risk of HF might be ameliorated by thyroxine replacement in individuals with TSH>or=10.0 mU/l.


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Diagnosis in allergology is facing novel challenges because of the availability not only of purified or recombinant allergens, but also of multitests such as allergen micro-arrays. These new diagnostic opportunities contribute to a better understanding of crossreactivities between respiratory and food allergens. In comparison to current diagnosis based on whole allergen extracts, this novel generation of specific IgE tests is expected to provide better information on the risk of reaction to allergens as well as on its severity. However these new technologies are expensive, and will have to be carefully analyzed in terms of medical usefulness and public health costs.


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Health assessment and medical surveillance of workers exposed to combustion nanoparticles are challenging. The aim was to evaluate the feasibility of using exhaled breath condensate (EBC) from healthy volunteers for (1) assessing the lung deposited dose of combustion nanoparticles and (2) determining the resulting oxidative stress by measuring hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA). Methods: Fifteen healthy nonsmoker volunteers were exposed to three different levels of sidestream cigarette smoke under controlled conditions. EBC was repeatedly collected before, during, and 1 and 2 hr after exposure. Exposure variables were measured by direct reading instruments and by active sampling. The different EBC samples were analyzed for particle number concentration (light-scattering-based method) and for selected compounds considered oxidative stress markers. Results: Subjects were exposed to an average airborne concentration up to 4.3×10(5) particles/cm(3) (average geometric size ∼60-80 nm). Up to 10×10(8) particles/mL could be measured in the collected EBC with a broad size distribution (50(th) percentile ∼160 nm), but these biological concentrations were not related to the exposure level of cigarette smoke particles. Although H2O2 and MDA concentrations in EBC increased during exposure, only H2O2 showed a transient normalization 1 hr after exposure and increased afterward. In contrast, MDA levels stayed elevated during the 2 hr post exposure. Conclusions: The use of diffusion light scattering for particle counting proved to be sufficiently sensitive to detect objects in EBC, but lacked the specificity for carbonaceous tobacco smoke particles. Our results suggest two phases of oxidation markers in EBC: first, the initial deposition of particles and gases in the lung lining liquid, and later the start of oxidative stress with associated cell membrane damage. Future studies should extend the follow-up time and should remove gases or particles from the air to allow differentiation between the different sources of H2O2 and MDA.


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The current study aimed to explore the validity of an adaptation into French of the self-rated form of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (F-HoNOSCA-SR) and to test its usefulness in a clinical routine use. One hundred and twenty nine patients, admitted into two inpatient units, were asked to participate in the study. One hundred and seven patients filled out the F-HoNOSCA-SR (for a subsample (N=17): at two occasions, one week apart) and the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ). In addition, the clinician rated the clinician-rated form of the HoNOSCA (HoNOSCA-CR, N=82). The reliability (assessed with split-half coefficient, item response theory (IRT) models and intraclass correlations (ICC) between the two occasions) revealed that the F-HoNSOCA-SR provides reliable measures. The concurrent validity assessed by correlating the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the SDQ revealed a good convergent validity of the instrument. The relationship analyses between the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the HoNOSCA-CR revealed weak but significant correlations. The comparison between the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the HoNOSCA-CR with paired sample t-tests revealed a higher score for the self-rated version. The F-HoNSOCA-SR was reported to provide reliable measures. In addition, it allows us to measure complementary information when used together with the HoNOSCA-CR.


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Overdiagnosis is the diagnosis of an abnormality that bears no substantial health hazard and no benefit for patients to be aware of. Resulting mainly from the use of increasingly sensitive screening and diagnostic tests, as well as broadened definitions of conditions requiring an intervention, overdiagnosis is a growing but still largely misunderstood public health issue. Fear of missing a diagnosis or of litigation, financial incentives or patient's need of reassurance are further causes of overdiagnosis. The main consequence of overdiagnosis is overtreatment. Treating an overdiagnosed condition bears no benefit but can cause harms and generates costs. Overtreatment also diverts health professionals from caring for those most severely ill. Recognition of overdiagnosis due to screening is challenging since it is rarely identifiable at the individual level and difficult to quantify precisely at the population level. Overdiagnosis exists even for screening of proven efficacy and efficiency. Measures to reduce overdiagnosis due to screening include heightened sensitization of health professionals and patients, active surveillance and deferred treatment until early signs of disease progression and prognosis estimation through biomarkers (including molecular) profiling. Targeted screening and balanced information on its risk and benefits would also help limit overdiagnosis. Research is needed to assess the the public health burden and implications of overdiagnosis due to screening activity.


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Objective: Frequent Emergency Department (ED) users are vulnerable individuals and discrimination is usually associated with increased vulnerability. The aim of this study was to investigate frequent ED users' perceptions of discrimination and to test whether they were associated with increased vulnerability. Methods: In total, 250 adult frequent ED users were interviewed in Lausanne University Hospital. From a previously published questionnaire, we assessed 15 dichotomous sources of perceived discrimination. Vulnerability was assessed using health status: objective health status (evaluation by a healthcare practitioner including somatic, mental health, behavioral, and social issues - dichotomous variables) and subjective health status [self-evaluation including health-related quality of life (WHOQOL) and quality of life (EUROQOL) - mean-scores]. We computed the prevalence rates of perceived discrimination and tested associations between perceived discrimination and health status (Fischer's exact tests, Mann-Whitney U-tests)