24 resultados para rice husk ash


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A multiwell plate bioassay was developed using genetically modified bacteria (bioreporter cells) to detect inorganic arsenic extracted from rice. The bacterial cells expressed luciferase upon exposure to arsenite, the activity of which was detected by measurement of cellular bioluminescence. The bioreporter cells detected arsenic in all rice varieties tested, with averages of 0.02-0.15 microg of arsenite equivalent per gram of dry weight and a method detection limit of 6 ng of arsenite per gram of dry rice. This amounted to between approximately 20 and 90% of the total As content reported by chemical methods for the same sample and suggested that a major proportion of arsenic in rice is in the inorganic form. Calibrations of the bioassay with pure inorganic and organic arsenic forms showed that the bacterial cells react to arsenite with highest affinity, followed by arsenate (with 25% response relative to an equivalent arsenite concentration) and trimethylarsine oxide (at 10% relative response). A method for biocompatible arsenic extraction was elaborated, which most optimally consisted of (i) grinding rice to powder, (ii) mixing with an aqueous solution containing pancreatic enzymes, (iii) mechanical shearing, (iv) extraction in mild acid conditions and moderate heat, and (v) centrifugation and pH neutralization. Detection of mainly inorganic arsenic by the bacterial cells may have important advantages for toxicity assessment of rice consumption and would form a good complement to total chemical arsenic determination.


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The central structure of the symbiotic association between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is the fungal arbuscule that delivers minerals to the plant. Our earlier transcriptome analyses identified two half-size ABCG transporters that displayed enhanced mRNA levels in mycorrhizal roots. We now show specific transcript accumulation in arbusculated cells of both genes during symbiosis. Presently, arbuscule-relevant factors from monocotyledons have not been reported. Mutation of either of the Oryza sativa (rice) ABCG transporters blocked arbuscule growth of different AM fungi at a small and stunted stage, recapitulating the phenotype of Medicago truncatula stunted arbuscule 1 and 2 (str1 and str2) mutants that are deficient in homologous ABCG genes. This phenotypic resemblance and phylogenetic analysis suggest functional conservation of STR1 and STR2 across the angiosperms. Malnutrition of the fungus underlying limited arbuscular growth was excluded by the absence of complementation of the str1 phenotype by wild-type nurse plants. Furthermore, plant AM signaling was found to be intact, as arbuscule-induced marker transcript accumulation was not affected in str1 mutants. Strigolactones have previously been hypothesized to operate as intracellular hyphal branching signals and possible substrates of STR1 and STR2. However, full arbuscule development in the strigolactone biosynthesis mutants d10 and d17 suggested strigolactones to be unlikely substrates of STR1/STR2. Interestingly, rice STR1 is associated with a cis-natural antisense transcript (antiSTR1). Analogous to STR1 and STR2, at the root cortex level, the antiSTR1 transcript is specifically detected in arbusculated cells, suggesting unexpected modes of STR1 regulation in rice.


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Phytic acid (PA) is poorly digested by humans and monogastric animals and negatively affects human/animal nutrition and the environment. Rice mutants with reduced PA content have been developed but are often associated with reduced seed weight and viability, lacking breeding value. In the present study, a new approach was explored to reduce seed PA while attaining competitive yield. The OsMRP5 gene, of which mutations are known to reduce seed PA as well as seed yield and viability, was down-regulated specifically in rice seeds by using an artificial microRNA driven by the rice seed specific promoter Ole18. Seed PA contents were reduced by 35.8-71.9% in brown rice grains of transgenic plants compared to their respective null plants (non-transgenic plants derived from the same event). No consistent significant differences of plant height or number of tillers per plant were observed, but significantly lower seed weights (up to 17.8% reduction) were detected in all transgenic lines compared to null plants, accompanied by reductions of seed germination and seedling emergence. It was observed that the silencing of the OsMRP5 gene increased the inorganic P (Pi) levels (up to 7.5 times) in amounts more than the reduction of PA-P in brown rice. This indicates a reduction in P content in other cellular compounds, such as lipids and nucleic acids, which may affect overall seed development. Put together, the present study demonstrated that seed specific silencing of OsMRP5 could significantly reduce the PA content and increase Pi levels in seeds; however, it also significantly lowers seed weight in rice. Discussions were made regarding future directions towards producing agronomically competitive and nutritionally valuable low PA rice.


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Using rice (Oryza sativa) as a model crop species, we performed an in-depth temporal transcriptome analysis, covering the early and late stages of Pi deprivation as well as Pi recovery in roots and shoots, using next-generation sequencing. Analyses of 126 paired-end RNA sequencing libraries, spanning nine time points, provided a comprehensive overview of the dynamic responses of rice to Pi stress. Differentially expressed genes were grouped into eight sets based on their responses to Pi starvation and recovery, enabling the complex signaling pathways involved in Pi homeostasis to be untangled. A reference annotation-based transcript assembly was also generated, identifying 438 unannotated loci that were differentially expressed under Pi starvation. Several genes also showed induction of unannotated splice isoforms under Pi starvation. Among these, PHOSPHATE2 (PHO2), a key regulator of Pi homeostasis, displayed a Pi starvation-induced isoform, which was associated with increased translation activity. In addition, microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles after long-term Pi starvation in roots and shoots were assessed, identifying 20 miRNA families that were not previously associated with Pi starvation, such as miR6250. In this article, we present a comprehensive spatio-temporal transcriptome analysis of plant responses to Pi stress, revealing a large number of potential key regulators of Pi homeostasis in plants.


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Phosphate (Pi) acquisition of crops via arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis acquires increasing importance due to the limited rock Pi reserves and the demand for environmentally sustainable agriculture. However, the symbiotic Pi uptake machinery has not been characterized in any monocotyledonous plant species. Among these, rice is the primary staple food for more than half of the human population and thus central for future food security. However, the relevance of the AM symbiosis for rice Pi nutrition is presently unclear. Here, we show that 70% of the overall Pi acquired by rice is delivered via the symbiotic route. To better understand this pathway we combined genetic, molecular and physiological approaches to determine the specific functions of the two rice Pi transporters, PT11 and PT13, which are expressed only during AM symbiosis. The PT11 lineage of proteins is present in mono- and dicotyledons whereas PT13, while found across the Poaceae, is absent from dicotyledons. Surprisingly, mutations in either PT11 or PT13 affected fungal colonization and arbuscule formation demonstrating that both genes are essential for AM symbiosis between rice and Glomus intra.rad.ices. Importantly, for symbiotic Pi uptake, only PT11 is necessary and sufficient. We found that mycorrhizal rice, remarkably, received almost all Pi via the symbiotic route. Such dominating mycorrhizal Pi uptake was found in plants grown under controlled conditions as well as in field soils, suggesting that the AM symbiosis is relevant for the Pi nutrition of field grown rice. Development of smaller arbuscules in PT11 mutants suggested that symbiotic Pi signaling is required for fungal nourishment by the plant. However, co-culture of mutant with wild type nurse plants did not restore normal arbuscule size in mutant roots, indicating that other factors than malnutrition accounted for the altered arbuscule phenotype. Surprisingly, the loss of PT13 did not affect symbiotic Pi uptake although it impacted arbuscule morphology, suggesting that PT13 is involved in signaling during arbuscule development. However, induction of PT13 was not only monitored in arbusculated cells but also in inner cortex cells of non-inoculated roots of plants grown under high Pi fertilization conditions. According to preliminary observations, PT13 localized at the tonoplast in arbusculated and non-arbusculated cells, suggesting that it might be involved in transporting Pi into the vacuole, possibly for maintaining cellular Pi homeostasis. The further investigation showed that fungal colonization level was significantly affected in the crown roots of two ptlS mutant alleles, but not in large lateral roots, implying the possible role of PT13 for maintaining Pi homeostasis in the crown roots. - L'acquisition de phosphate (Pi) par les plantes cultivées s'effectue grâce à une symbiose mycorhizienne arbasculaire (AM). L'étude de cette symbiose devient fondamentale puisque d'une part, les réserves en phosphate minéral sont limitées, et, d'autre part, la demande pour une agriculture écologiquement soutenable se renforce. La machinerie d'absorption symbiotique du phosphate n'est cependant pas encore élucidée chez les plantes monocotylédones. Parmi celles-ci, le riz occupe une place primordiale. Aliment de base pour plus de la moitié de la population mondiale, il revêt de ce fait une dimension essentielle en termes de sécurité alimentaire. Pourtant, l'importance de la symbiose AM chez le riz dans le processus d'acquisition du phosphate n'est, encore de nos jours, que peu comprise. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que 70% du phosphate acquis par le riz est mis à disposition de la plante grâce à la symbiose AM. Afin de mieux comprendre ce mécanisme, nous avons employé des approches physiologiques et génétiques nous permettant de déterminer les fonctions spécifiques de deux transporteurs de Pi, PT11 et PT13, présents chez le riz et exprimés uniquement durant la symbiose AM. La famille de gènes à laquelle appartient PT11 est présente chez les monocotylédones ainsi que chez les dicotylédones tandis que PT13, bien que retrouvé au sein des Poaceae, est absent chez les dicotylédones. Etonnamment, des versions mutées de PT11 ou de PT13 affectent la colonisation par le champignon endo-mycorhizien ainsi que la formation d'arbuscules, démontrant l'importance de ces deux gènes dans la symbiose AM entre le riz et Glomus intraradices. Il est à noter que seul PT11 se révèle nécessaire et suffisant pour l'apport de Pi grâce à la symbiose. Nous avons observé que la presque totalité du phosphate dont dispose le riz lors d'une symbiose AM provient du champignon. De telles proportions ont été observées tant chez des plantes cultivées en conditions contrôlées que chez des plantes cultivées dans les champs. Cela suggère l'importance de la symbiose AM dans le processus d'acquisition du Pi chez le riz cultivé à l'extérieur. Le développement d'arbuscules plus petits chez le mutant PT11 tend à montrer qu'une voie signalétique impliquant le Pi symbiotique est nécessaire pour l'entretien du champignon par la plante. Toutefois, une co-culture du mutant avec des plantes sauvages ne permet pas de restaurer des arbuscules de taille normale dans les racines du mutant. Ce résultat indique le rôle de facteurs autres que la malnutrition aboutissant à la formation d'arbuscules altérés. Si la perte de PT13 n'affecte pas l'acquisition de phosphate symbiotique, la morphologie de l'arbuscule est, quant à elle, modifiée. Ceci suggère un rôle de PT13 durant le développement de l'arbuscule. Or, l'induction de PT13 est non seulement détectée dans des cellules contenant des arbuscules mais également dans des cellules du cortex, ceci chez des plantes cultivées sans champignon mais dans des conditions de fortes concentrations en engrais phosphaté. En accord avec des observations précédentes, PT13 est localisé au niveau du tonoplaste des cellules contenant ou non des arbuscules. Ceci suggère que PT13 pourrait être impliqué dans le transport du Pi vers la vacuole, éventuellement pour maintenir une certaine homéostasie du phosphate. Dans cette étude, nous démontrons également que le niveau de colonisation par le champignon est affecté de manière significative dans les racines principales des deux allèles du mutants ptl3, mais pas dans les grosses racines latérales. Cela impliquerait un rôle possible de PT13 dans le maintien de l'homéostasie du phosphate dans les racines principales. RESUME POUR UN LARGE PUBLIC Le phosphate (Pi), l'un des éléments minéraux essentiel au développement des plantes, se trouve généralement en faible quantité dans le sol, limitant ainsi la croissance des plantes. Le rendement de la production agricole dépend dès lors de l'addition d'engrais contenant du phosphate inorganique (Pi), obtenu à partir de ressources minières riches en phosphate. Or, ces ressources devraient être épuisées d'ici la fin du siècle. Les racines des plantes possèdent des transporteurs de phosphate efficaces leur permettant d'acquérir rapidement le Pi présent dans le sol. Comme le Pi s'avère immobile dans le sol, l'absorption rapide par les racines crée des zones pauvres en Pi autour des systèmes racinaires. Pour surmonter cet obstacle, les plantes ont développé une symbiose avec des champignons endomycorhiziens, la symbiose mycorhizienne arbusculaire (AM). Cette association leur donne accès à d'autres ressources en phosphate puisque le mycélium de ces champignons se développe sur une surface 100 fois supérieure à celle des racines. Cela augmente considérablement la surface de nutrition, dépassant ainsi la zone appauvrie en Pi. Le phosphate, transporté grâce au champignon jusqu'à l'intérieur des racines, est fourni à la plante par le biais de structures établies à l'intérieur des cellules végétales, appelées arbuscules. De leur côté, les plantes possèdent des transporteurs spécifiques afin de recevoir le Pi fourni par les champignons. A l'heure actuelle, la machinerie nécessaire à cette absorption a été uniquement décrite chez des plantes dicotylédones. Or, comprendre l'apport de phosphate par les champignons mycorhiziens s'avère particulièrement pertinent dans le cas des espèces monocotylédones cultivées telles que les céréales. Ces dernières constituent en effet la majeure partie de l'alimentation humaine. Parmi les céréales, le riz demeure l'aliment de base de la population mondiale, d'où son importance en terme de sécurité alimentaire. Durant mon travail de thèse, j'ai identifié et caractérisé le transporteur du riz impliqué dans l'apport de phosphate par ce type de symbiose AM. J'ai également démontré que le riz, lorsqu'il vit en symbiose, bénéficie de la presque totalité du Pi transporté par le champignon. Environ 40% de la production globale de riz est cultivée dans des conditions permettant la symbiose avec des mycorhizes arbusculaires. Les variétés de riz adaptées à ces conditions aérobiques deviennent des alternatives favorables aux cultivars actuels nécessitant une forte irrigation. Elles se révèlent en effet plus tolérantes aux pénuries d'eau et permettent l'utilisation de pratiques agricoles moins intensives. Les données présentées dans cette étude enrichissent nos connaissances concernant l'absorption du phosphate chez le riz grâce à la symbiose AM. Ces connaissances peuvent s'avérer décisives pour le développement de cultivars du riz plus adaptés à une agriculture écologiquement soutenable.


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The rice low phytic acid (lpa) mutant Os-lpa-XS110-1(XS-lpa) has ~45 % reduction in seed phytic acid (PA) compared with the wild-type cultivar Xiushui 110. Previously, a single recessive gene mutation was shown to be responsible for the lpa phenotype and was mapped to a region of chromosome 3 near OsMIK (LOC_Os03g52760) and OsIPK1 (LOC_Os03g51610), two genes involved in PA biosynthesis. Here, we report the identification of a large insert in the intron of OsMIK in the XS-lpa mutant. Sequencing of fragments amplified through TAIL-PCRs revealed that the insert was a derivative of the LINE retrotransposon gene LOC_Os03g56910. Further analyses revealed the following characteristics of the insert and its impacts: (1) the inserted sequence of LOC_Os03g56910 was split at its third exon and rejoined inversely, with its 5' and 3' flanking sequences inward and the split third exon segments outward; (2) the LOC_Os03g56910 remained in its original locus in XS-lpa, and the insertion probably resulted from homologous recombination repair of a DNA double strand break; (3) while the OsMIK transcripts of XS-lpa and Xiushui 110 were identical, substantial reductions of the transcript abundance (~87 %) and the protein level (~60 %) were observed in XS-lpa, probably due to increased methylation in its promoter region. The above findings are discussed in the context of plant mutagenesis, epigenetics and lpa breeding.


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Development of the mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis between most land plants and fungi of the Glomeromycota is regulated by phytohormones. The role of jasmonate (JA) in AM colonization has been investigated in the dicotyledons Medicago truncatula, tomato and Nicotiana attenuata and contradicting results have been obtained with respect to a neutral, promotive or inhibitory effect of JA on AM colonization. Furthermore, it is currently unknown whether JA plays a role in AM colonization of monocotyledonous roots. Therefore we examined whether JA biosynthesis is required for AM colonization of the monocot rice. To this end we employed the rice mutant constitutive photomorphogenesis 2 (cpm2), which is deficient in JA biosynthesis. Through a time course experiment the amount and morphology of fungal colonization did not differ between wild-type and cpm2 roots. Furthermore, no significant difference in the expression of AM marker genes was detected between wild type and cpm2. However, treatment of wild-type roots with 50 μM JA lead to a decrease of AM colonization and this was correlated with induction of the defense gene PR4. These results indicate that JA is not required for AM colonization of rice but high levels of JA in the roots suppress AM development likely through the induction of defense.


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Root systems consist of different root types (RTs) with distinct developmental and functional characteristics. RTs may be individually reprogrammed in response to their microenvironment to maximize adaptive plasticity. Molecular understanding of such specific remodeling-although crucial for crop improvement-is limited. Here, RT-specific transcriptomes of adult rice crown, large and fine lateral roots were assessed, revealing molecular evidence for functional diversity among individual RTs. Of the three rice RTs, crown roots displayed a significant enrichment of transcripts associated with phytohormones and secondary cell wall (SCW) metabolism, whereas lateral RTs showed a greater accumulation of transcripts related to mineral transport. In nature, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis represents the default state of most root systems and is known to modify root system architecture. Rice RTs become heterogeneously colonized by AM fungi, with large laterals preferentially entering into the association. However, RT-specific transcriptional responses to AM symbiosis were quantitatively most pronounced for crown roots despite their modest physical engagement in the interaction. Furthermore, colonized crown roots adopted an expression profile more related to mycorrhizal large lateral than to noncolonized crown roots, suggesting a fundamental reprogramming of crown root character. Among these changes, a significant reduction in SCW transcripts was observed that was correlated with an alteration of SCW composition as determined by mass spectrometry. The combined change in SCW, hormone- and transport-related transcript profiles across the RTs indicates a previously overlooked switch of functional relationships among RTs during AM symbiosis, with a potential impact on root system architecture and functioning.


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In terrestrial ecosystems, plants take up phosphate predominantly via association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). We identified loss of responsiveness to AMF in the rice (Oryza sativa) mutant hebiba, reflected by the absence of physical contact and of characteristic transcriptional responses to fungal signals. Among the 26 genes deleted in hebiba, DWARF 14 LIKE is, the one responsible for loss of symbiosis . It encodes an alpha/beta-fold hydrolase, that is a component of an intracellular receptor complex involved in the detection of the smoke compound karrikin. Our finding reveals an unexpected plant recognition strategy for AMF and a previously unknown signaling link between symbiosis and plant development.