125 resultados para retirement time


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An accurate sense of time contributes to functions ranging from the perception and anticipation of sensory events to the production of coordinated movements. However, accumulating evidence demonstrates that time perception is subject to strong illusory distortion. In two experiments, we investigated whether the subjective speed of temporal perception is dependent on our visual environment. By presenting human observers with speed-altered movies of a crowded street scene, we modulated performance on subsequent production of "20s" elapsed intervals. Our results indicate that one's visual environment significantly contributes to calibrating our sense of time, independently of any modulation of arousal. This plasticity generates an assay for the integrity of our sense of time and its rehabilitation in clinical pathologies.


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Measuring tissue oxygenation in vivo is of interest in fundamental biological as well as medical applications. One minimally invasive approach to assess the oxygen partial pressure in tissue (pO2) is to measure the oxygen-dependent luminescence lifetime of molecular probes. The relation between tissue pO2 and the probes' luminescence lifetime is governed by the Stern-Volmer equation. Unfortunately, virtually all oxygen-sensitive probes based on this principle induce some degree of phototoxicity. For that reason, we studied the oxygen sensitivity and phototoxicity of dichlorotris(1, 10-phenanthroline)-ruthenium(II) hydrate [Ru(Phen)] using a dedicated optical fiber-based, time-resolved spectrometer in the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane. We demonstrated that, after intravenous injection, Ru(Phen)'s luminescence lifetime presents an easily detectable pO2 dependence at a low drug dose (1 mg∕kg) and low fluence (120 mJ∕cm2 at 470 nm). The phototoxic threshold was found to be at 10 J∕cm2 with the same wavelength and drug dose, i.e., about two orders of magnitude larger than the fluence necessary to perform a pO2 measurement. Finally, an illustrative application of this pO2 measurement approach in a hypoxic tumor environment is presented.


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Background: Experimental data have suggested that adoptive transfer of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs), capable of controlling immune responses to specifi c auto- or alloantigens, could be used as a therapeutic strategy to promote specifi c tolerance in T-cell mediated diseases and in organ transplantation (Tx). However, before advocating the application of immunotherapy with Tregs in Tx, we need to improve our understanding of their in vivo homeostasis, traffi cking pattern and effector function in response to alloantigens. Methods : Donor-antigen specifi c murine Tregs were generated and characterized in vitro following our described protocols. Using an adoptive transfer and skin allotransplantation model, we have analyzed the in vivo expansion and homing of fl uorescent-labeled effector T cells (Teff) and Tregs, at different time-points after Tx, using fl ow-cytometry as well as fl uorescence microscopy techniques. Results: Tregs expressed CD62L, CCR7 and CD103 allowing their homing into lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues (gut, skin) after intravenous injection. While hyporesponsive to TCR stimulation in vitro, transferred Tregs survived, migrated to secondary lymphoid organs and preferentially expanded within the allograft draining lymph nodes. Furthermore, Foxp3+ cells could be detected inside the allograft as early as day 3-5 after Tx. At a much later time-point (day 60 after Tx), graft-infi ltrating Foxp3+ cells were also detectable in tolerant recipients. When transferred alone, CD4+CD25- Teff cells expanded within secondary lymphoid organs and infi ltrated the allograft by day 3-5 after Tx. The co-transfer of Tregs limited the expansion of alloreactive Teff cells as well as their recruitment into the allograft. The promotion of graft survival observed in the presence of Tregs was in part mediated by the inhibition of the production of effector cytokines by CD4+CD25- T cells. Conclusion: Taken together, our results suggest that the suppression of allograft rejection and the induction of Tx tolerance are in part dependant on the alloantigendriven homing and expansion of Tregs. Thus, the appropriate localization of Tregs may be critical for their suppressive function in vivo.


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BACKGROUND: The value of adenovirus plasma DNA detection as an indicator for adenovirus disease is unknown in the context of T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplantation, of which adenovirus disease is an uncommon but serious complication. METHODS: Three groups of 62 T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplant recipients were selected and tested for adenovirus in plasma by polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Adenovirus was detected in 21 (87.5%) of 24 patients with proven adenovirus disease (group 1), in 4 (21%) of 19 patients who shed adenovirus (group 2), and in 1 (10.5%) of 19 uninfected control patients. The maximum viral load was significantly higher in group 1 (median maximum viral load, 6.3x10(6) copies/mL; range, 0 to 1.0x10(9) copies/mL) than in group 2 (median maximum viral load, 0 copies/mL; range, 0 to 1.7x10(8) copies/mL; P<.001) and in group 3 (median maximum viral load, 0 copies/mL; range 0-40 copies/mL; P<.001). All patients in group 2 who developed adenoviremia had symptoms compatible with adenovirus disease (i.e., possible disease). A minimal plasma viral load of 10(3) copies/mL was detected in all patients with proven or possible disease. Adenoviremia was detectable at a median of 19.5 days (range, 8-48 days) and 24 days (range, 9-41 days) before death for patients with proven and possible adenovirus disease, respectively. CONCLUSION: Sustained or high-level adenoviremia appears to be a specific and sensitive indicator of adenovirus disease after T cell-replete hematopoietic cell transplantation. In the context of low prevalence of adenovirus disease, the use of polymerase chain reaction of plasma specimens to detect virus might be a valuable tool to identify and treat patients at risk for viral invasive disease.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the prognostic accuracy of perfusion computed tomography (CT), performed at the time of emergency room admission, in acute stroke patients. Accuracy was determined by comparison of perfusion CT with delayed magnetic resonance (MR) and by monitoring the evolution of each patient's clinical condition. Twenty-two acute stroke patients underwent perfusion CT covering four contiguous 10mm slices on admission, as well as delayed MR, performed after a median interval of 3 days after emergency room admission. Eight were treated with thrombolytic agents. Infarct size on the admission perfusion CT was compared with that on the delayed diffusion-weighted (DWI)-MR, chosen as the gold standard. Delayed magnetic resonance angiography and perfusion-weighted MR were used to detect recanalization. A potential recuperation ratio, defined as PRR = penumbra size/(penumbra size + infarct size) on the admission perfusion CT, was compared with the evolution in each patient's clinical condition, defined by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). In the 8 cases with arterial recanalization, the size of the cerebral infarct on the delayed DWI-MR was larger than or equal to that of the infarct on the admission perfusion CT, but smaller than or equal to that of the ischemic lesion on the admission perfusion CT; and the observed improvement in the NIHSS correlated with the PRR (correlation coefficient = 0.833). In the 14 cases with persistent arterial occlusion, infarct size on the delayed DWI-MR correlated with ischemic lesion size on the admission perfusion CT (r = 0.958). In all 22 patients, the admission NIHSS correlated with the size of the ischemic area on the admission perfusion CT (r = 0.627). Based on these findings, we conclude that perfusion CT allows the accurate prediction of the final infarct size and the evaluation of clinical prognosis for acute stroke patients at the time of emergency evaluation. It may also provide information about the extent of the penumbra. Perfusion CT could therefore be a valuable tool in the early management of acute stroke patients.


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In type I diabetes mellitus, islet transplantation provides a moment-to-moment fine regulation of insulin. Success rates vary widely, however, necessitating suitable methods to monitor islet delivery, engraftment and survival. Here magnetic resonance-trackable magnetocapsules have been used simultaneously to immunoprotect pancreatic beta-cells and to monitor, non-invasively in real-time, hepatic delivery and engraftment by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Magnetocapsules were detected as single capsules with an altered magnetic resonance appearance on capsule rupture. Magnetocapsules were functional in vivo because mouse beta-cells restored normal glycemia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice and human islets induced sustained C-peptide levels in swine. In this large-animal model, magnetocapsules could be precisely targeted for infusion by using magnetic resonance fluoroscopy, whereas MRI facilitated monitoring of liver engraftment over time. These findings are directly applicable to ongoing improvements in islet cell transplantation for human diabetes, particularly because our magnetocapsules comprise clinically applicable materials.


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RésuméIntroduction : Le travail de thèse est un article publié dans le journal « Fertility & Sterility » s'intitulant « Birth records from Swiss married couples analyzed over the past 35 years reveal an aging of first-time mothers by 5.1 years while the interpregnancy interval has shortened ».Méthodes : Les données concernant l'âge auquel les femmes mariées donnaient naissance ont été obtenues de l'Office fédéral de la statistique. Nous avons examiné la période allant de 1969 à 2006. Cet intervalle de temps choisi nous a permis de prendre en considération un total de 2'716'370 naissances. L'âge moyen des parturientes à la naissance de leur 1er, 2ème et 3ème enfant a été calculé pour chaque année à l'aide du logiciel Excel. Grâce à ces données on a pu obtenir les intervalles inter-gestationnels théoriques entre le 1er et 2ème enfant, ainsi qu'entre le 2ème et 3ème enfant.Résultats : Nous pouvons constater que l'intervalle inter-gestationnel théorique entre la première et la deuxième grossesse était de 23.2 mois en 1969 et passait à 13.0 mois en 2006. L'intervalle compris entre la deuxième et la troisième grossesse passait de 22.4 mois en 1969 à 7.9 mois en 2006. Notre analyse suggère donc que c'est le facteur social qui exerce un effet plus important que le facteur biologique sur les intervalles inter-gestationnels, car ces intervalles diminuaient malgré l'augmentation de l'âge des mères à la naissance.


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There has been a long debate since the introduction of blood analysis prior to major sports events, to find out whether blood samples should be analysed right away on the site of competition or whether they should be transported and analysed in an anti-doping laboratory. Therefore, it was necessary to measure blood samples and compare the results obtained right after the blood withdrawal with those obtained after a few hours delay. Furthermore, it was interesting to determine the effect of temperature on the possible deterioration of red blood cell analytes used for testing recombinant erythropoietin abuse. Healthy volunteers were asked to give two blood samples and one of these was kept at room temperature whereas the second one was put into a refrigerator. On a regular basis, the samples were rolled for homogenisation and temperature stabilisation and were analysed with the same haematological apparatus. The results confirmed that blood controls prior to competition should be performed as soon as possible with standardised pre-analytical conditions to avoid too many variations notably on the haematocrit and the reticulocyte count. These recommendations should ideally also be applied to the all the blood controls compulsory for the medical follow up, otherwise unexplainable values could be misinterpreted and could for instance lead to a period of incapacity.


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BACKGROUND: In vitro aggregating brain cell cultures containing all types of brain cells have been shown to be useful for neurotoxicological investigations. The cultures are used for the detection of nervous system-specific effects of compounds by measuring multiple endpoints, including changes in enzyme activities. Concentration-dependent neurotoxicity is determined at several time points. METHODS: A Markov model was set up to describe the dynamics of brain cell populations exposed to potentially neurotoxic compounds. Brain cells were assumed to be either in a healthy or stressed state, with only stressed cells being susceptible to cell death. Cells may have switched between these states or died with concentration-dependent transition rates. Since cell numbers were not directly measurable, intracellular lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was used as a surrogate. Assuming that changes in cell numbers are proportional to changes in intracellular LDH activity, stochastic enzyme activity models were derived. Maximum likelihood and least squares regression techniques were applied for estimation of the transition rates. Likelihood ratio tests were performed to test hypotheses about the transition rates. Simulation studies were used to investigate the performance of the transition rate estimators and to analyze the error rates of the likelihood ratio tests. The stochastic time-concentration activity model was applied to intracellular LDH activity measurements after 7 and 14 days of continuous exposure to propofol. The model describes transitions from healthy to stressed cells and from stressed cells to death. RESULTS: The model predicted that propofol would affect stressed cells more than healthy cells. Increasing propofol concentration from 10 to 100 μM reduced the mean waiting time for transition to the stressed state by 50%, from 14 to 7 days, whereas the mean duration to cellular death reduced more dramatically from 2.7 days to 6.5 hours. CONCLUSION: The proposed stochastic modeling approach can be used to discriminate between different biological hypotheses regarding the effect of a compound on the transition rates. The effects of different compounds on the transition rate estimates can be quantitatively compared. Data can be extrapolated at late measurement time points to investigate whether costs and time-consuming long-term experiments could possibly be eliminated.


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A technique for fast imaging of regional myocardial function using a spiral acquisition in combination with strain-encoded (SENC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is presented in this paper. This technique, which is termed fast-SENC, enables scan durations as short as a single heartbeat. A reduced field of view (FOV) without foldover artifacts was achieved by localized SENC, which selectively excited the region around the heart. The two images required for SENC imaging (low- and high-tuning) were acquired in an interleaved fashion throughout the cardiac cycle to further shorten the scan time. Regional circumferential contraction and longitudinal shortening of both the left ventricle (LV) and right ventricle (RV) were examined in long- and short-axis views, respectively. The in vivo results obtained from five human subjects and five infarcted dogs are presented. The results of the fast-SENC technique in a single heartbeat acquisition were comparable to those obtained by conventional SENC in a long acquisition time. Therefore, fast-SENC may prove useful for imaging during stress or arrhythmia.


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Background and Aims: Two distinct e ndoscopic phenotypes of E osinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) h ave been identified: t he inflammatory (IP) a nd the stenosing (SP) p henotype. I t is not known whether these EoE-associated phenotypes are reflective of different phases during disease course. We aimed to assess the phenotype a t initial EoE p resentation and d iagnosis and to evaluate if SP increases over time. Methods: R etrospective a nalysis of t he Swiss EoE Database (SEED) extended b y a review of p atients charts, endoscopy and pathology records. Results: F orty-four E oE p atients were a nalyzed (33 males, mean age at index visit 41 ± 14 years, all Caucasians). Median follow-up t ime was 3.1 years (IQR 1-4, r ange 1 -18 years). Median diagnostic delay w as 5 y ears (IQR 2-16, range 0-34 years). A t first diagnosis, 3 2% ( 14/44) o f EoE patients h ad already presented w ith a stenosis. T he mean d iameter o f the stenoses w as 1 0 ± 2 mm, and the mean length was 2 .8 ± 2 .9 cm. Peak e osinophil count d id n ot c hange over t ime (48 ± 39 eos/HPF at index visit vs. 59 ± 41 eos/HPF at end of follow-up, n=44). The risk of the presence of a stenosis at index visit was 0% f or a d isease duration of 0 -4 y ears, 37% f or a d isease duration between 5-10 years and 67% f or a d isease duration >10 years (p = 0.0035, trend test). Conclusions: T he frequency of e sophageal stenoses i s proportional to the disease duration, whereas the inflammatory activity does n ot s ignificantly c hange over t ime. O ur f indings underscore the necessity to reduce diagnostic delay in EoE and to control the underlying inflammatory processes to prevent esophageal remodeling.


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Monitoring of T-cell responses in genital mucosa has remained a major challenge because of the absence of lymphoid aggregates and the low abundance of T cells. Here we have adapted to genital tissue a sensitive real-time reverse transcription-PCR (TaqMan) method to measure induction of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) mRNA transcription after 3 h of antigen-specific activation of CD8 T cells. For this purpose, we vaccinated C57BL/6 mice subcutaneously with human papillomavirus type 16 L1 virus-like particles and monitored the induction of CD8 T cells specific to the L1(165-173) H-2D(b)-restricted epitope. Comparison of the responses induced in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lymph nodes (LN) by L1-specific IFN-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot assay and TaqMan determination of the relative increase in L1-specific IFN-gamma mRNA induction normalized to the content of CD8b mRNA showed a significant correlation, despite the difference in the readouts. Most of the cervicovaginal tissues could be analyzed by the TaqMan method if normalization to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA was used and a significant L1-specific IFN-gamma induction was found in one-third of the immunized mice. This local response did not correlate with the immune responses measured in the periphery, with the exception of the sacral LN, an LN draining the genital mucosa, where a significant correlation was found. Our data show that the TaqMan method is sensitive enough to detect antigen-specific CD8 T-cell responses in the genital mucosa of individual mice, and this may contribute to elaborate effective vaccines against genital pathogens.


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A prospective cross-over study was performed in a general practice environment to assess and compare compliance data obtained by electronic monitoring on a BID or QD regimen in 113 patients with hypertension or angina pectoris. All patients were on a BID regimen (nifedipine SR) during the first month and switched to QD regimen (amlodipine) for another month. Taking compliance (i.e. the proportion of days with correct dosing) improved in 30% of patients (95% confidence interval 19 to 41%, p < 0.001), when switching from a BID to a QD regimen, but at the same time there was a 15% increase (95% confidence interval 5 to 25%, p < 0.02) in the number of patients with one or more no-dosing days. About 8% of patients had a low compliance rate, irrespective of the dosage regimen. Actual dosage intervals were used to estimate extent and timing of periods with unsatisfactory drug activity for various hypothetical drug durations of action, and it appears that the apparent advantage of QD regimen in terms of compliance is clinically meaningful only, when the duration of activity extents beyond the dosage interval in all patients.


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Problématique: Pourquoi la mise en scène complexe du Timée-Critias avec ses contextes spatio-temporels emboîtés et ses narrations enchâssées? Quelle est la fonction (pragmatique et argumentative) du discours cosmogonique et anthropogonique de Timée intercalé entre le résumé du récit de l'Atlantide dans le prologue du Timée et la narration même de ce récit dans le Critias! Quel est le rapport entre les discours des deux protagonistes et celui de Socrate sur la cité idéale dans la République? Voilà les principales questions auxquelles cette thèse essaie de répondre. Grâce à une approche discursive et sémio-narrative, elle cherche à montrer la fonction pragmatique et la cohérence narrative et sémantique du double dialogue tout en tenant compte des visions du monde divergentes et même contradictoires des deux protagonistes. Elle essaie de comprendre comment les deux, l'un d'origine italique, l'autre Athénien, dans un contexte énonciatif donné et sur la base de leurs conceptions culturelles et «scientifiques» - sur l'homme et sur le monde - et de leurs idées «philosophiques» - sur l'être, le devenir et la connaissance - produisent des discours de signification différente mais traitant tous deux de la genèse, que ce soit celle du monde, de l'homme et des cités. Elle propose en outre de lire le Timée-Critias à la fois comme une continuation et une réécriture de la République: non seulement les trois dialogues ont le même sujet (la meilleure cité), mais ils se caractérisent par des parallèles dans la situation dramatique et énonciative et dans la manière dont se développe la narration. Plan: Les deux premiers chapitres examinent comment les performances discursives de Timée et de Critias se mettent en place dans le prologue, en prêtant une attention particulière aux aspects dramatiques et énonciatifs, mais aussi poétiques et narratifs (énonciateurs/narrateurs et leurs destinataires, fonction et genre des discours résumés et annoncés). Les troisième et quatrième chapitres, consacrés respectivement au long discours de Timée et à celui de Critias dans le dialogue homonyme, comparent d'abord les deux discours aux Hymnes homériques, à la Théogonie d'Hésiode et à la poésie généalogique afin de mieux saisir la fonction pragmatique et la composition de l'ensemble du Timée-Critias-, puis, à partir des principes ontologiques et épistémologiques explicités dans les proèmes, ils se proposent de dégager, en suivant de près la narration, les conceptions cosmologiques, anthropologiques et épistémologiques des deux protagonistes et de voir comment elles déterminent la production et l'énonciation de leurs discours. Enfin, le dernier chapitre reprend certains éléments essentiels étudiés précédemment en élargissant la perspective à la République et à son rapport intertextuel avec le Timée- Critias: il met en regard les contextes énonciatifs et dramatiques et la problématique des deux oeuvres (le rôle des personnages, la question de la réalisation de la meilleure cité), le discours de Timée et les livres six et sept (la khóra et Yagathón, le statut du discours vraisemblable et l'analogie de la ligne), ainsi que le Critias et les livres huit et dix (la dégénérescence de l'Atlantide et de la meilleure cité, la poésie «mimétique» de Critias et celle des poètes critiquée par Socrate).


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Introduction: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be used to treat severe depression and needs a specific general anaesthesia. Important cardiovascular changes occur during the ECT with a parasympathetic induced bradycardia followed by a sympathetic response. A dedicated protocol was designed 6 years ago. The goal of this study was to analyse the management of anaesthesia for ECT in our institution, the adherence to the protocol and the occurrence of adverse events during anaesthesia. Methods: After Institutional Ethics Committee approval, we conducted a retrospective analysis of our anaesthesia protocol for patients scheduled for electroshock therapy during a five years period (2004- 2008). The protocol includes administration of atropine subcutaneously 30 minutes before the procedure, followed by general anaesthesia induced with etomidate (0.2 mg/kg). Suxamethonium (1 mg/kg) is administered after the inflation of a pneumatic tourniquet on the opposite arm, in order to observe the electroshocks convulsive effects. The psychiatrist initiates the convulsive crisis once curarisation is achieved. Face mask ventilation is then applied during the post-ictal phase with closed blood pressure monitoring. : 228 ECT were performed in 25 patients. The median dosage of etomidate was 0.37 mg/kg and suxamethonium 1.20 mg/kg. Hypertension during the ECT procedure was present in 62.7% of cases, tachycardia 23.2% and bradycardia 10.5%. Esmolol was administered in 73.4% of hypertensive patients in a range of 0 to 30 mg. The protocol was followed in half of the cases in regards to atropine administration (50.4%). We observed a significant increase of hypertension (73.9%, p = 0.001) after atropine administration, without effect on heart rate. Conclusions: The management of anaesthesia for ECT is specific and follows a predefined protocol in our institution. Adherence to our protocol was poor. Adverse events are frequent and significant association between the administration of atropine and the incidence of hypertension as well as poor protocol adherence implies reconsideration of our anaesthesia protocol for electroconvulsive therapy and better quality control of the clinical practice.