28 resultados para rendimento clonal
Clonal deletion of autoreactive thymocytes is important for self-tolerance, but the intrathymic signals that induce clonal deletion have not been clearly identified. We now report that clonal deletion during negative selection required CD28-mediated costimulation of autoreactive thymocytes at the CD4(+)CD8(lo) intermediate stage of differentiation. Autoreactive thymocytes were prevented from undergoing clonal deletion by either a lack of CD28 costimulation or transgenic overexpression of the antiapoptotic factors Bcl-2 or Mcl-1, with surviving thymocytes differentiating into anergic CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative thymocytes positive for the T cell antigen receptor αβ subtype (TCRαβ) that 'preferentially' migrated to the intestine, where they re-expressed CD8α and were sequestered as CD8αα(+) intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs). Our study identifies costimulation by CD28 as the intrathymic signal required for clonal deletion and identifies CD8αα(+) IELs as the developmental fate of autoreactive thymocytes that survive negative selection.
Thymic negative selection renders the developing T-cell repertoire tolerant to self-major histocompatability complex (MHC)/peptide ligands. The major mechanism of induction of self-tolerance is thought to be thymic clonal deletion, ie, the induction of apoptotic cell death in thymocytes expressing a self-reactive T-cell receptor. Consistent with this hypothesis, in mice deficient in thymic clonal deletion mediated by cells of hematopoietic origin, a twofold to threefold increased generation of mature thymocytes has been observed. Here we describe the analysis of the specificity of T lymphocytes developing in the absence of clonal deletion mediated by hematopoietic cells. In vitro, targets expressing syngeneic MHC were readily lysed by activated CD8(+) T cells from deletion-deficient mice. However, proliferative responses of T cells from these mice on activation with syngeneic antigen presenting cells were rather poor. In vivo, deletion-deficient T cells were incapable of induction of lethal graft-versus-host disease in syngeneic hosts. These data indicate that in the absence of thymic deletion mediated by hematopoietic cells functional T-cell tolerance can be induced by nonhematopoietic cells in the thymus. Moreover, our results emphasize the redundancy in thymic negative selection mechanisms.
The population ecology of clonal plants depends on the number and distribution of ramets formed during growth. Variation in clonal reproduction has previously been explained by variation in effects of abiotic resource heterogeneity and by plant genotypic variation. Different co-occurring species of the mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been shown to differentially alter growth traits of Prunella vulgaris which we hypothesize would lead to changes in clonal reproduction. Two experiments were carried out to test whether different co-occurring mycorrhizal fungi significantly influence clonal reproduction of P. vulgaris whether this effect also occurs when P. vulgaris is growing in an artificial plant community and how the effects compare with plant genotype effects on clonal growth of P. vulgaris. In the first experiment the number of ramets of P. vulgaris growing in a plant community of simulated calcareous grassland was significantly affected by inoculation with different mycorrhizal fungi. The number of ramets produced by P. vulgaris differed by a factor of up to 1.8 with different mycorrhizal fungi. The fungal effects on the number of new ramets were independent of their effects on the biomass of P. vulgaris. In a second experiment 17 different genotypes of P. vulgaris were inoculated with different mycorrhizal fungi. There were significant main effects of genotypes and mycorrhizal fungi on clonal reproduction of P. vulgaris. The effect of different mycorrhizal fungi contributed more than the effect of plant genotype to variation in size and ramet production. However mean stolon length and spacer length which determine the spatial arrangement of ramets were only significantly affected by plant genotype. There were no mycorrhizal fungal X plant genotype interactions on clonal growth of P. vulgaris indicating that there is no obvious evidence that selection pressures would favor further coevolution between P. vulgaris and mycorrhizal fungal species. In natural communities plants can be colonized by several different AMF at the same time. The effect of the mixed AMF treatment on the growth and clonal reproduction of P. vulgaris could not be predicted from the responses of the plants to the single AMF To what extent however the patterns of colonization by different AMF differ among plants in a natural community is unknown. Since the effects of AMF on growth and clonal reproduction occur on a population of P. vulgaris in a microcosm plant community and because the effects are also as great as those caused by plant genotypic variation we conclude that the effects are strong enough to potentially affect population size and variation of clonal plants in communities.
Meiosis in triploids faces the seemingly insuperable difficulty of dividing an odd number of chromosome sets by two. Triploid vertebrates usually circumvent this problem through either asexuality or some forms of hybridogenesis, including meiotic hybridogenesis that involve a reproductive community of different ploidy levels and genome composition. Batura toads (Bufo baturae; 3n = 33 chromosomes), however, present an all-triploid sexual reproduction. This hybrid species has two genome copies carrying a nucleolus-organizing region (NOR+) on chromosome 6, and a third copy without it (NOR-). Males only produce haploid NOR+ sperm, while ova are diploid, containing one NOR+ and one NOR- set. Here, we conduct sibship analyses with co-dominant microsatellite markers so as (i) to confirm the purely clonal and maternal transmission of the NOR- set, and (ii) to demonstrate Mendelian segregation and recombination of the NOR+ sets in both sexes. This new reproductive mode in vertebrates ('pre-equalizing hybrid meiosis') offers an ideal opportunity to study the evolution of non-recombining genomes. Elucidating the mechanisms that allow simultaneous transmission of two genomes, one of Mendelian, the other of clonal inheritance, might shed light on the general processes that regulate meiosis in vertebrates.
Molecular epidemiology of clonal diploids: a quick overview and a short DIY (do it yourself) notice.
In this short review we report the basic notions needed for understanding the population genetics of clonal diploids. We focus on the consequences of clonality on the distribution of genetic diversity within individuals, between individuals and between populations. We then summarise how to detect clonality in mainly sexual populations, conversely, how to detect sexuality in mainly clonal populations and also how genetic differentiation between populations is affected by clonality in diploids. This information is then used for building recipes on how to analyse and interpret genetic polymorphism data in molecular epidemiology studies of clonal diploids.
Question: How do clonal traits of a locally dominant grass (Elymus repens (L.) Gould.) respond to soil heterogeneity and shape spatial patterns of its tillers? How do tiller spatial patterns constrain seedling recruitment within the community?Locations: Artificial banks of the River Rhone, France.Material and Methods: We examined 45 vegetation patches dominated by Elymus repens. During a first phase we tested relationships between soil variables and three clonal traits (spacer length, number of clumping tillers and branching rate), and between the same clonal traits and spatial patterns (i.e. density and degree of spatial aggregation) of tillers at a very fine scale. During a second phase, we performed a sowing experiment to investigate effects of density and spatial patterns of E. repens on recruitment of eight species selected from the regional species pool.Results: Clonal traits had clear effects - especially spacer length - on densification and aggregation of E. repens tillers and, at the same time, a clear response of these same clonal traits as soil granulometry changed. The density and degree of aggregation of E. repens tillers was positively correlated to total seedling cover and diversity at the finest spatial scales.Conclusions: Spatial patterning of a dominant perennial grass responds to soil heterogeneity through modifications of its clonal morphology as a trade-off between phalanx and guerrilla forms. In turn, spatial patterns have strong effects on abundance and diversity of seedlings. Spatial patterns of tillers most probably led to formation of endogenous gaps in which the recruitment of new plant individuals was enhanced. Interestingly, we also observed more idiosyncratic effects of tiller spatial patterns on seedling cover and diversity when focusing on different growth forms of the sown species.
BACKGROUND: Using multinational collections of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) isolates from infective endocarditis (IE) and soft tissue infections (STIs), we sought to (1) validate the finding that S. aureus in clonal complex (CC) 30 is associated with hematogenous complications and (2) test the hypothesis that specific genetic characteristics in S. aureus are associated with infection severity. METHODS: IE and STI isolates from 2 cohorts were frequency matched by geographic origin. Isolates underwent spa typing to infer CC and multiplex polymerase chain reaction for presence of virulence genes. RESULTS: 114 isolate pairs were genotyped. IE isolates were more likely to be CC30 (19.5% vs 6.2%; P = .005) and to contain 3 adhesins (clfB, cna, map/eap; P < .0001 for all) and 5 enterotoxins (tst, sea, sed, see, and sei; P ≤ .005 for all). CC30 isolates were more likely to contain cna, tst, sea, see, seg, and chp (P < .05 for all). CONCLUSIONS: MSSA IE isolates were significantly more likely to be CC30 and to possess a distinct repertoire of virulence genes than MSSA STI isolates from the same region. The genetic basis of this association requires further study.
Families of clonally expressed major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-specific receptors provide specificity to and regulate the function of natural killer (NK) cells. One of these receptors, mouse Ly49A, is expressed by 20% of NK cells and inhibits the killing of H-2D(d) but not D(b)-expressing target cells. Here, we show that the trans-acting factor TCF-1 binds to two sites in the Ly49A promoter and regulates its activity. Moreover, we find that TCF-1 determines the size of the Ly49A NK cell subset in vivo in a dosage-dependent manner. We propose that clonal Ly49A acquisition during NK cell development is regulated by TCF-1.
Clonally reproducing hemicryptophytic rosette plants are common in the alpine belt. However, their demography, and indirectly their growth and reproductive strategy in these harsh conditions, was rarely studied. We analysed the morphology, clonal reproduction and demography of one such species, Leontopodium alpinum, in two populations of the Swiss Alps. The species forms small colonies of 1-5 (maximum 30) sterile rosettes with a few flowering stalks. After flowering, the apical meristem dies and one or two new axillary buds grow below the previous rosette in the following year, developing into short rhizomes (<2 cm), which decay after four years. The new stalk produces sterile rosettes before flowering after two to four years, depending on climatic conditions. The apical meristem often dies during the sterile stage, and is replaced by a new axillary bud. Levkovitch matrices on two stages (sterile and flowering rosettes) showed that rosette survival and clonal reproduction maintain long-lived populations (λ = 0.96). Elasticities indicated that a change in the survival of sterile rosettes had the strongest effect on population dynamics, and this stage lasts, on average, 6.8 years at 2480 m. Altogether, L. alpinum is following Tomlinson's architectural model. This growth form appears perfectly adapted to harsh alpine conditions: the clonal ramification ensures longevity to genets and the semelparous behaviour of the rosettes allows an efficient flowering, whatever the climatic conditions. L. alpinum appears to follow a common growth model among rosette possessing hemicryptophytes in the alpine belt.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The coexistence of hermaphrodites and female-sterile individuals, or androdioecy, has been documented in only a handful of plants and animals. This study reports its existence in the plant species Cardamine amara (Brassicaceae), in which female-sterile individuals have shorter pistils than seed-producing hermaphrodites. METHODS: Morphological analysis, in situ manual pollination, microsatellite genotyping and differential gene expression analysis using Arabidopsis microarrays were used to delimit variation between female-sterile individuals and hermaphrodites. KEY RESULTS: Female sterility in C. amara appears to be caused by disrupted ovule development. It was associated with a 2.4- to 2.9-fold increase in clonal propagation. This made the pollen number of female-sterile genets more than double that of hermaphrodite genets, which fulfils a condition of co-existence predicted by simple androdioecy theories. When female-sterile individuals were observed in wild androdioecious populations, their ramet frequencies ranged from 5 to 54 %; however, their genet frequencies ranged from 11 to 29 %, which is consistent with the theoretically predicted upper limit of 50 %. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a combination of sexual reproduction and increased asexual proliferation by female-sterile individuals probably explains the invasion and maintenance of female sterility in otherwise hermaphroditic populations. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the coexistence of female sterility and hermaphrodites in the Brassicaceae.
Social insects are promising model systems for epigenetics due to their immense morphological and behavioral plasticity. Reports that DNA methylation differs between the queen and worker castes in social insects [1-4] have implied a role for DNA methylation in regulating division of labor. To better understand the function of DNA methylation in social insects, we performed whole-genome bisulfite sequencing on brains of the clonal raider ant Cerapachys biroi, whose colonies alternate between reproductive (queen-like) and brood care (worker-like) phases [5]. Many cytosines were methylated in all replicates (on average 29.5% of the methylated cytosines in a given replicate), indicating that a large proportion of the C. biroi brain methylome is robust. Robust DNA methylation occurred preferentially in exonic CpGs of highly and stably expressed genes involved in core functions. Our analyses did not detect any differences in DNA methylation between the queen-like and worker-like phases, suggesting that DNA methylation is not associated with changes in reproduction and behavior in C. biroi. Finally, many cytosines were methylated in one sample only, due to either biological or experimental variation. By applying the statistical methods used in previous studies [1-4, 6] to our data, we show that such sample-specific DNA methylation may underlie the previous findings of queen- and worker-specific methylation. We argue that there is currently no evidence that genome-wide variation in DNA methylation is associated with the queen and worker castes in social insects, and we call for a more careful interpretation of the available data.
Given the dual role of many plant traits to tolerate both herbivore attack and abiotic stress, the climatic niche of a species should be integrated into the study of plant defense strategies. Here we investigate the impact of plant reproductive strategy and components of species' climatic niche on the rate of chemical defense evolution in the milkweeds using a common garden experiment of 49 species. We found that across Asclepias species, clonal reproduction repeatedly evolved in lower temperature conditions, in species generally producing low concentrations of a toxic defense (cardenolides). Additionally, we found that rates of cardenolide evolution were lower for clonal than for nonclonal species. We thus conclude that because the clonal strategy is based on survival, long generation times, and is associated with tolerance of herbivory, it may be an alternative to toxicity in colder ecosystems. Taken together, these results indicate that the rate of chemical defense evolution is influenced by the intersection of life-history strategy and climatic niches into which plants radiate.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis allows efficient generation of loss-of-function alleles in zebrafish. To date, this technology has been primarily used to generate genetic knockout animals. Nevertheless, the study of the function of certain loci might require tight spatiotemporal control of gene inactivation. Here, we show that tissue-specific gene disruption can be achieved by driving Cas9 expression with the Gal4/UAS system. Furthermore, by combining the Gal4/UAS and Cre/loxP systems, we establish a versatile tool to genetically label mutant cell clones, enabling their phenotypic analysis. Our technique has the potential to be applied to diverse model organisms, enabling tissue-specific loss-of-function and phenotypic characterization of live and fixed tissues.