25 resultados para remote diagnostics of electric drives
The diagnostics of focal nodular hyperplasia is reached through the use of imaging. When the diagnostic is certain, surgical abstention is the rule. Nevertheless, we were confronted with two cases of a rare complication; that of intraperitoneal rupture. In this situation, we suggest to first do an arteriography to control the bleeding, then to perform surgery when the patient has reached hemodynamic stability. Spontaneous rupture as a complication of benign nodular hyperplasia remains a rare event and only five cases were reported in litterature.
INTRODUCTION: Mycobacterium tuberculosis may cause a large variety of clinical presentations due to its ability to disseminate by contiguity or hematogenously. Tuberculosis may remain undiagnosed for years due to the chronic course of the disease, with potentially life-threatening long-term complications. CASE PRESENTATION: In this case report, we describe a tuberculous aortic graft infection in a 72-year-old man documented by polymerase chain reaction and cultures. The patient presented with three episodes of hemoptysis following a remote history of miliary tuberculosis. The infection was treated by graft replacement and prolonged antimycobacterial therapy. CONCLUSION: Tuberculous infection of a vascular graft is an uncommon complication, but should be considered in patients with an intravascular device and a history of previous tuberculosis, especially when hematogenous spread may have occurred a few months after surgery, or when an active mycobacterial infection is present in close proximity to the graft.
We show how an ultrafast pump-pump excitation induces strong fluorescence depletion in biological samples, such as bacteria-containing droplets, in contrast with fluorescent interferents, such as polycyclic aromatic compounds, despite similar spectroscopic properties. Application to the optical remote discrimination of biotic versus non-biotic particles is proposed. Further improvement is required to allow the discrimination of one pathogenic among other non-pathogenic micro-organisms. This improved selectivity may be reached with optimal coherent control experiments, as discussed in the paper.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this investigation was to improve the hemodynamics during venoarterial bypass by remote decompression of the left ventricle (LV). METHODS: Venoarterial bypass was established in 5 bovine experiments (69+/-10 kg) by the transjugular insertion of a self-expanding cannula (smartcanula) with return through a carotid artery. Cardiogenic shock was simulated with ventricular fibrillation induced by an external stimulator. Left ventricular decompression was achieved by switching to transfemoral drainage of the pulmonary artery (PA) with a long self-expanding cannula. RESULTS: Initial pump flow was 4.7+/-0.9 l/min and the aortic pressure accounted for 75+/-21 mmHg. After induction of ventricular fibrillation, the pump flow dropped after 11+/-8 min to 2.5+/-0.1 l/min. Transfemoral decompression increased the pump flow to 5.6+/-0.7 l/min, while the RV pressure decreased from 27+/-9 to 3+/-5 mmHg, the PA pressure decreased from 29+/-7 to 5+/-4 mmHg, the LV pressure decreased from 29+/-6 to 7+/-2 mmHg, and the aortic pressure increased from 31+/-3 to 47+/-11 mmHg. CONCLUSIONS: Remote drainage of the pulmonary artery during venoarterial bypass allows for effective decompression of the left ventricle and provides superior hemodynamics.
The success story of hydroelectricity long influenced and dominated Swiss scholarly literature devoted to the history of technology. This means of conducting power, which emerged at the end of the 19th century and is still dominating today, has attracted much more attention than technologies that have been shadowed by its success. In spite of their important contribution to Swiss economic development, the distribution networks of pressurized water have been neglected by scholars. This article contributes to close this historiographic gap by analyzing the introduction of pressurized water distribution in 1876 in Lausanne, in the context of the building of the first Swiss cable funicular between Lausanne and Ouchy. This article shows how pressurized water distribution transformed socio-economic practices in the urban areas in which it was adopted. Indeed, this innovation, which allowed the use of distant hydraulic resources, enabled the rationalization of industrial and artisanal production as well as improved the density of the urban industrial base. By facilitating the introduction of electric lighting, pressurized water networks played a key role in the early development, and further successes, of the Swiss hydroelectric industry.
Electrotransfer and iontophoresis are being developed as innovative non-viral gene delivery systems for the treatment of eye diseases. These two techniques rely on the use of electric current to allow for higher transfection yield of various ocular cell types in vivo. Short pulses of relatively high-intensity electric fields are used for electrotransfer delivery, whereas the iontophoresis technique is based on the application of low voltage electric current. The basic principles of these techniques and their potential therapeutic application for diseases of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye are reviewed. Iontophoresis has been found most efficient for the delivery of small nucleic acid fragments such as antisense oligonucleotides, siRNA, or ribozymes. Electrotransfer, on the other hand, is being developed for the delivery of oligonucleotides or custom designed plasmids. The wide range of strategies already validated and the potential for targeting specific types of cells confirm the promising early observations made using electrotransfer and iontophoresis. These two nonviral delivery systems are safe and can be used efficiently for targeted gene delivery to ocular tissues in vivo. At the present, their application for the treatment of ocular human diseases is nearing its final stages of adaptation and practical implementation at the bedside.
The most common trends observed in ammonoid evolution during ecologically stable periods are characterized by an increase of shell curvature (e.g. evolute to involute), by the development of more complex ornamentation (flexuosity of ribbing, appearance of nodes and spines) and by a long term increase of the suture line's fractal dimension. Major evolutionary jumps in ammonoids occur during severe extinction events, and are characterized by the sudden appearance of simple, primitive-looking forms which are similar to remote ancestors of their more complex immediate progenitors. Such forms are interpreted as atavistic. According to this hypothesis, homeomorphic species generated during such sublethal stress events can be separated by several millions of years.
Schizotypy, defined in terms of commonly occurring personality traits related to the schizophrenia spectrum, has been an important construct for understanding the neurodevelopment and stress-diathesis of schizophrenia. However, as schizotypy nears its sixth decade of application, it is important to acknowledge its impressively rich literature accumulating outside of schizophrenia research. In this article, we make the case that schizotypy has considerable potential as a conceptual framework for understanding individual differences in affective and social functions beyond those directly involved in schizophrenia spectrum pathology. This case is predicated on (a) a burgeoning literature noting anomalies in a wide range of social functioning, affiliative, positive and negative emotional, expressive, and social cognitive systems, (b) practical and methodological features associated with schizotypy research that help facilitate empirical investigation, and (c) close ties to theoretical constructs of central importance to affective and social science (eg, stress diathesis, neural compensation). We highlight recent schizotypy research, ie providing insight into the nature of affective and social systems more generally. This includes current efforts to clarify the neurodevelopmental, neurobiological, and psychological underpinnings of affiliative drives, hedonic capacity, social cognition, and stress responsivity systems. Additionally, we discuss neural compensatory and resilience factors that may mitigate the expression of stress-diathesis and functional outcome, and highlight schizotypy's potential role for understanding cultural determinants of social and affective functions.
sublattices ferrimagnet Cu2OSeO3 with a cubic symmetry and a linear magnetoelectric effect. There is no spectroscopic evidence for structural lattice distortions below T-C=60 K, which are expected due to magnetoelectric coupling. Using symmetry arguments we explain this observation by considering a special type of ferrimagnetic ground state which does not generate a spontaneous electric polarization. Interestingly, Raman scattering shows a strong increase of electric polarization of media through a dynamic magnetoelectric effect as a remarkable enhancement of the scattering intensity below T-C. New lines of purely magnetic origin have been detected in the magnetically ordered state. A part of them are attributed as scattering on exchange magnons. Using this observation and further symmetry considerations we argue for strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction existing in the Cu2OSeO3. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3455808]
According to Jenkyns (2010), oceanic anoxic events (OAE) record profound changes in the climatic and paleoceanographic state of the planet and represent major disturbances in the global carbon cycle. One of the most studied OAEs on a worldwide scale is the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE 2, which is characterized by a pronounced positive excursion in carbon-isotope records and the important accumulation of organic-rich sediments. The section at Gongzha (Tibet) and the sections at Barranca and Axaxacualco (Mexico) are located in remote parts of the Tethys, and show δ13C records, which are well correlated with those of classical Tethyan sections. Both sections, however, do not exhibit the presence of organic-rich sediments. Phosphorus Mass Accumulation Rates (PMAR) in Tibet show a pattern similar to that observed in the Tethys by Mort et al. (2007), which suggests enhanced Ρ regeneration during the OAE 2 time interval, though there is no evidence for anoxic conditions in Tibet. Ρ appears here to have been mainly driven by detrital influx and sea-level fluctuations. The sections at Barranca and Axaxacualco show that the Mexican carbonate platform persisted during this anoxic event, which allowed the evolution of platform fauna otherwise not present in Tethyan sections. The persistence of this carbonate platform close to the Caribbean Igneous Plateau, which is thought to have released bio-limiting metals, is explained by local uplift which delayed the drowning of the platform and a specific oceanic circulation that permitted the preservation of oligotrophic conditions in the area. The Coniacian-Santonian OAE (OAE3) appears to have been more dependent on local conditions than OAE2. The presence of black shales associated with OAE3 appear to have been restricted to shallow-water settings and epicontinental seas in areas located around the Atlantic Ocean. The sections at Olazagutia (Spain), and Ten Mile - Arbor Park (USA), two potential Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSP) sites, are devoid of organic-rich sediments and lack a δ13C positive excursion around the C-S boundary. The Gabal Ekma section (Sinai, Egypt) exhibits accumulations of organic-rich sediments, in addition to phosphorite bone beds layers, which may have been linked to an epicontinental upwelling zone and/or storm inputs. Our data suggest that OAE 3 is rarely expressed by truly anoxic conditions and seems to have been linked to local conditions rather than global paleoenvironmental change. The evidence for detrital-P being the likely cause of Ρ fluctuations during the OAEs studied here does not negate the idea that anoxia was the principal driver of these fluctuations in the western Tethys. However, an explanation is required as to why the Ρ accumulation signatures are mirrored in both oxic and anoxic sedimentary successions. 'Eustatic/climatic' and 'productivity/anoxic' models may have both operated simultaneously in different parts of the world depending on local conditions, both producing similar trends in Ρ accumulation. - Selon Jenkyns (2010), les événements anoxiques océaniques enregistrent de profonds changements dans le climat et la paléoceanographie de la planète et représente des perturbations majeures du cycle du carbone. L'un des plus étudiés à l'échelle mondiale est l'ΟΑΕ2 du Cénomanien-Turonien, qui est caractérisé par une très forte excursion positive des isotopes du carbone et une importante accumulation de sédiments riche en matière organique. La section de Gongzha (Tibet) et les sections de Barranca et Axaxcualco (Mexique) sont situées aux confins de la Téthys, et enregistrent une courbe isotopique en δ13C parfaitement corrélable avec les sections téthysiennes, mais ne montre pas d'accumulation de black shales. Le taux de phosphore en accumulation de masses (PMAR) au Tibet montre un pattern similaire observé également par Mort et al. (2007) dans la Téthys, suggérant un model de régénération du Ρ durant l'anoxie, cependant aucune conditions anoxiques régnent dans la région du Tibet. Ρ apparaît donc principalement guidé par le détritisme et les fluctuations du niveau marin. Les sections de Barranca et d'Axaxacualco montrent que la plateforme carbonatée mexicaine persiste durant cet événement anoxique, et permet le développement d'une faune de plateforme qui n'est pas présente dans les sections téthysiennes. La persistance de cette plateforme carbonatée si proche du plateau Caribéen, qui est connu pour le relâchement de métaux bio-limitant, peut être expliqué par un soulèvement tectonique local qui inhibe l'ennoiement de la plateforme et une circulation océanique spécifique qui permet la préservation de conditions oligotrophiques dans cette région. L'événement anoxique océanique du Coniacien-Santonien apparaît plus dépendant des conditions locales que pour l'ΟΑΕ2. Les black shales associés à POAE3 sont restreints aux zones situées autour de l'océan Atlantique et plus particulièrement aux eaux peu profondes et épicontinentales. Les sections d'Olazagutia (Espagne), Ten Mile Creek et Arbor Park (USA), qui sont deux potentielles sections GSSP (Sections de stratotype de limite globaux et de points), ne montre pas d'accumulation de black shales et pas de forte excursion positive en δ13C autour de la limite C-S. La section de Gabal Ekma (Sinai, Egypte) montre des accumulations de black shales, en plus des couches de phosphorites et d'accumulation d'os (« bone beds »), vraisemblablement lié à des zones active d'upwelling épicontinentale et/ou d'apport de tempêtes. Nos données suggèrent que l'OAE 3 est rarement exprimé par de vraies conditions anoxiques et semble être plus lié à des conditions plus locales que des changements paléo-environnementaux globaux, comme observés pour le Cénomanien- Turonien. Les arguments pour un modèle lié au phosphore détritique qui serait la cause des fluctuations du phosphore total durant les OAEs, n'écartent pas l'idée que l'anoxie est la principale cause de ces fluctuations dans les sections riches en matière organique de l'Ouest téthysien. Cependant une explication est nécessaire pour comprendre pourquoi la signature de l'accumulation du phosphore est semblable dans les successions sédimentaires déposées dans des conditions oxygénées et anoxiques. Les modèles « Eustatisme/Climat » et « Productivité/anoxie » ont simultanément opéré dans les différentes parties du monde dépendant de conditions locales, et ont produit des tendances similaires en accumulation de phosphore.