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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to review the literature on clinician characteristics influencing patient-clinician communication or patient outcome in oncology. METHODS: Studies investigating the association of clinician characteristics with quality of communication and with outcome for adult cancer patients were systematically searched in MEDLINE, PSYINFO, PUBMED, EMBASE, CINHAL, Web of Science and The Cochrane Library up to November 2012. We used the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses statement to guide our review. Articles were extracted independently by two of the authors using predefined criteria. RESULTS: Twenty seven articles met the inclusion criteria. Clinician characteristics included a variety of sociodemographic, relational, and personal characteristics. A positive impact on quality of communication and/or patient outcome was reported for communication skills training, an external locus of control, empathy, a socioemotional approach, shared decision-making style, higher anxiety, and defensiveness. A negative impact was reported for increased level of fatigue and burnout and expression of worry. Professional experience of clinicians was not related to communication and/or to patient outcome, and divergent results were reported for clinician gender, age, stress, posture, and confidence or self-efficacy. CONCLUSIONS: Various clinician characteristics have different effects on quality of communication and/or patient outcome. Research is needed to investigate the pathways leading to effective communication between clinicians and patients. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This study examines how patients' relationship patterns are reenacted with the therapist during the first sessions of psychotherapy. Forty (N = 40) outpatients treated with a Brief Psychodynamic Intervention were included in the study. Their narratives of relationship episodes with significant others (e.g., mother, father, romantic partner, colleagues) were compared with relationship episodes with their therapist using the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme method. The Core Conflictual Relationship Theme focuses on 3 aspects of patients' relationship narratives: what the patient wants from others or from self; how others react to his/her wish; and how the patient consequently reacts. Results showed that 60% of patients display similar relationship patterns with their therapist and with significant others. The patterns that were reenacted with the therapist were not the most pervasive ones but were similar to those found in relationship episodes involving parents or romantic partners. These findings provide some support for the clinical concept of repetition of internalized relational patterns with the therapist very early in psychotherapy. Clinical implications are discussed.
Efficacité du counseling d'orientation: impacts de l'alliance de travail et du contexte psychosocial
La problématique centrale de cette thèse de doctorat est l'efficacité de l'accompagnement à l'orientation. Elle renvoie en particulier à la multiplicité des types d'interventions ainsi qu'aux tensions entre les finalités de l'orientation qui rendent improbable une mesure univoque et objective de l'efficacité des pratiques. Le «mythe » de l'efficacité trouve notamment sa source dans le persistent monopole du modèle de l'appariement qui a largement influencé le développement de la discipline. Le manuscrit est basé sur deux études empiriques. Premièrement, « voies professionnelles » est une étude longitudinale visant l'évaluation de l'efficacité d'un service de counseling d'orientation au travers de mesures intraindividuelles. Les résultats immédiats (pre-post) indiquent une forte diminution de l'indécision vocationnelle des consultants ainsi qu'une augmentation de leur bien-être. Les résultats longitudinaux sur un an indiquent une évolution positive des difficultés plus ancrées ainsi qu'un fort taux d'implémentation des projets professionnels. La qualité de l'alliance de travail démontre un impact positif sur l'efficacité de la démarche. Deuxièmement, l'étude « orientation et genre » a permis de mettre en évidence un effet d'interaction entre le sexe et le niveau scolaire d'élèves en fin de scolarité sur leurs profils d'intérêts professionnels. Ce résultat affecte en particulier les jeunes filles dans une filière à exigences élémentaires car ces deux identités psychosociales semblent restreindre doublement les options professionnelles envisageables. Les deux études ont permis de soulever cinq implications centrales : (1) La distinction entre les aspects cognitifs et émotionnels de l'indécision vocationnelle est importante. En particulier, la préparation au choix est un construit qui nécessite clarification ; (2) Les processus de transitions professionnelles ainsi que leur accompagnement doivent être considérés dans leur dimension temporelle ; (3) L'interconnexion des différentes sphères de vie est centrale dans les processus d'orientation et leur accompagnement ; (4) L'efficacité du conseil en orientation est affectée par la qualité des aspects relationnels ; (5) La complexité des pratiques et de leurs finalités confronte l'orientation à son rôle envers des identités psychosociales fragilisées. - The central issue of this doctoral thesis is the effectiveness of career counseling and guidance. In particular, this refers to the many types of career interventions as well as the tensions between their objectives. Those aspects make it unlikely to get an unambiguous and objective measure of the effectiveness of career practices. The "myth of efficiency" is particularly rooted in the persistent monopoly of person-environment fit models, which greatly influenced the development of the discipline. This manuscript is based on two empirical studies. First, "career paths" is a longitudinal study looking at the effectiveness of a career counseling service through intraindividual measures. Pre-post impacts showed a significant decrease in clients' vocational indecision as well as a moderate increase in their well-being. The one year-longitudinal results highlighted significant decreases in more constant decision-making difficulties with a high proportion of clients having implemented their professional projects. The quality of the working alliance had a positive impact on the effectiveness of the intervention. The second study, "vocational development and gender" highlighted an interaction effect between late schoolchildren's gender and school level on their professional interests profile. This result particularly affected girls at a low school level, because these psychosocial identities were a double restraint in restricting career options. The two studies raised five central implications: (1) The distinction between cognitive and emotional aspects of vocational indecision is important. In particular, readiness to make a choice is a construct that requires clarification; (2) career transitions processes as well as supporting these transitions, should be considered in their temporal dimension (3) the interconnection of different spheres of life is central to vocational development and career guidance and counseling; (4) the effectiveness of career counseling is affected by the quality of the relational aspects in the intervention; (5) and the complexity of career interventions and their objectives forces practitioners to consider their role and responsibilities towards clients with marginalized psychosocial identities.
The treatment of back pain patients refers to the biopsychosocial model of care. This model includes illness in patient's personal and relational life. In this context, it is not only the physical symptom of the patient which is focused but also his psychological distress often hidden by algic complain. Clinical interviews conducted with back pain patients have highlighted psychosocial aspects able to influence the relationship between health care user and provider. Taking account of psychosocial aspects implies an interdisciplinary approach that identify and assesses patients' needs through adequate tools. As a result, the different health care providers implied with back pain patients have to collaborate in a structured network.
AIMS: This article explores the structures of relational resources that individuals with psychiatric disorders get from their family configurations using the concept of social capital. METHODS: The research is based on a sample of 54 individuals with psychiatric disorders and behavioural problems, and a comparison sample of 54 individuals without a clinical record matched to the clinical respondents for age and sex. Standard measures of social capital from social network methods are applied on family configurations of individuals from both samples. Differences are tested by variance analysis. RESULTS: Structures of family resources available to individuals with psychiatric disorders are distinct. Individuals with psychiatric disorders perceive themselves as less central in their family configurations and less connected to their family members. Their significant family members are perceived as less connected with each other. As a whole, their family configurations are smaller and do not include spouses or partners. Therefore bridging and bonding social capitals are not readily available for them. CONCLUSION: As family configurations of individuals with psychiatric disorders provide fewer relational resources than other families, they are not able to deal with social integration of individuals with psychiatric disorders on their own.
This study compares the clientele of a Swiss anonymous test centre with the general population tested. Information was obtained through similar questionnaires submitted to two samples of HIV-tested people aged from 17 to 45 years: the first administered in the context of a general population telephone survey (n = 245) and the second completed during face-to-face interviews of the clientele of an anonymous test centre (n = 250). The test centre sample has higher proportions of younger and single people. Attenders for anonymous testing were more likely to have acquired a new regular partner during the year preceding the interview (48.0% versus 14.4%). These differences remain when controlling for age and gender. Decision to test comes mostly from the respondent's own initiative, but suggestion from a doctor is more frequent in the general population (23.8% versus 0.8%), whereas suggestion from partner or friends is more frequent in the anonymous centre (44.4% versus 3.0%). The anonymous test centre clientele is not different from the general population tested except for the relational situation and origin of decision for testing. The test centre has become a place where the general population finds a response to a situation-specific need for HIV testing.
The present dissertation analyzed the construct of attachment at different time points, specifically focusing on two phases of adoptive family life that have so far received little attention from investigators. Study 1 focused on the first months of adoption, and analyzed the development of the attachment relationship to new caregivers. The sample was composed of a small but homogeneous group (n=6) of Korean-born children, adopted by Italian parents. The Parent Attachment Diary (Dozier & Stovall, 1997) was utilized to assess the child's attachment behavior. We assessed these behavior for the first 3 months after placement into adoption. Results showed a double variability of attachment behavior: within subjects during the 3-months, and between subjects, with just half of the children developing a stable pattern of attachment. In order to test the growth trajectories of attachment behavior, Hierarchical Linear Models (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992) were also applied, but no significant population trend was identified. Study 2 analyzed attachment among adoptees during the sensitive period of adolescence. Data was derived from an international collection (n= 104, from Belgium Italy, and Romania) of semi-structured clinical interviews (with adolescents and with their adoptive parents), as well as from questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to detect the role played by risk and protective factors on the adoptee's behavioral and socio-emotional outcomes. In addition, we tested the possible interactions between the different attachment representations within the adoptive family. Results showed that pre-adoptive risk predicted the adolescent's adjustment; however, parental representations constituted an important moderator of this relationship. Moreover, the adolescent's security of attachment partially mediated the relationship between age at placement and later behavioral problems. In conclusion, the two present attachment studies highlighted the notable rate of change of attachment behavior over time, which showed its underlying plasticity, and thus the possible reparatory value of the adoption practice. Since parents have been proven to play an important role, especially in adolescence, the post-adoption support acquires even more importance in order to help parents promoting a positive and stable relational environment over time. - L'objectif de cette thèse est de décrire la formation des relations d'attachement chez les enfants et les adolescents adoptés, lors de deux phases particulières de la vie de la famille adoptive, qui ont été relativement peu étudiées. L'Étude 1 analyse les premiers mois après l'adoption, avec le but de comprendre si, et comment, une relation d'attachement aux nouveaux parents se développe. L'échantillon est composé d'un petit groupe (n = 6) d'enfants provenant de Corée du Sud, adoptés par des parents Italiens. A l'aide du Parent Attachment Diary (Dozier & Stovall, 1997), des observations des comportements d'attachement de l'enfant ont été recueillies chaque jour au cours des 3 premiers mois après l'arrivée. Les résultats montrent une double variabilité des comportements d'attachement: au niveau inter- et intra-individuel ; au premier de ces niveaux, seuleme la moitié des enfants parvient à développer un pattern stable d'attachement ; au niveau intra-individuel, les trajectoires de développement des comportements d'attachement ont été testées à l'aide de Modèles Linéaires Hiérarchiques (Bryk et Raudenbush, 1992), mais aucune tendance significative n'a pu être révélée. L'Étude 2 vise à analyser l'attachement chez des enfants adoptés dans l'enfance, lors de la période particulièrement sensible de l'adolescence. Les données sont issues d'un base de données internationale (n = 104, Belgique, Italie et Roumanie), composée d' entretiens cliniques semi-structurées (auprès de l'adolescents et des ses parents adoptifs), ainsi que de questionnaires. Les analyses statistiques visent à détecter la présence de facteurs de risque et de protection relativement à l'attachement et aux problèmes de comportement de l'enfant adopté. En outre, la présence d'interactions entre les représentations d'attachement des membres de la famille adoptive est évaluée. Les résultats montrent que les risques associés à la période pré-adoptive prédisent la qualité du bien-être de l'adolescent, mais les représentations parentales constituent un modérateur important de cette relation. En outre, la sécurité de l'attachement du jeune adopté médiatise partiellement la relation entre l'âge au moment du placement et les problèmes de comportement lors de l'adolescence. En conclusion, à l'aide de multiples données relatives à l'attachement, ces deux études soulignent son évolution notable au fil du temps, ce qui sous-tend la présence d'une certaine plasticité, et donc la possible valeur réparatrice de la pratique de l'adoption. Comme les parents semblent jouer un rôle important de ce point de vue, surtout à l'adolescence, cela renforce la notion d'un soutien post-adoption, en vue d'aider les parents à la promotion d'un environnement relationnel favorable et stable. - Il presente lavoro è volto ad analizzare l'attaccamento durante le due fasi della vita della famiglia adottiva che meno sono state indagate dalla letteratura. Lo Studio 1 aveva l'obiettivo di analizzare i primi mesi che seguono il collocamento del bambino, al fine di capire se e come una relazione di attaccamento verso i nuovi genitori si sviluppa. Il campione è composto da un piccolo gruppo (n = 6) di bambini provenienti dalla Corea del Sud e adottati da genitori italiani. Attraverso il Parent Attachment Diary (Stovall e Dozier, 1997) sono stati osservati quotidianamente, e per i primi tre mesi, i comportamenti di attaccamento del bambino. I risultati hanno mostrato una duplice variabilità: a livello intraindividuale (nell'arco dei 3 mesi), ed interindividuale, poiché solo la metà dei bambini ha sviluppato un pattern stabile di attaccamento. Per verificare le traiettorie di sviluppo di tali comportamenti, sono stati applicati i Modelli Lineari Gerarchici (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992), che però non hanno stimato una tendenza significativa all'interno della popolazione. Obiettivo dello Studio 2 è stato quello di esaminare l'attaccamento nelle famiglie i cui figli adottivi si trovavano nella delicata fase adolescenziale. I dati, provenienti da una raccolta internazionale (n = 104, Belgio, Italia e Romania), erano costituiti da interviste cliniche semi-strutturate (con gli adolescenti e i propri genitori adottivi) e da questionari. Le analisi hanno indagato il ruolo dei fattori di rischio sullo sviluppo socio-emotivo e sugli eventuali problemi comportamentali dei ragazzi. Inoltre, sono state esaminate le possibili interazioni tra le diverse rappresentazioni di attaccamento dei membri della famiglia adottiva. I risultati hanno mostrato che il rischio pre-adottivo predice l'adattamento dell'adolescente, sebbene le rappresentazioni genitoriali costituiscano un importante moderatore di questa relazione. Inoltre, la sicurezza dell'attaccamento dell'adolescente media parzialmente la relazione tra età al momento dell'adozione e problemi comportamentali in adolescenza. In conclusione, attraverso i molteplici dati relativi all'attaccamento, i due studi ne hanno evidenziato il cambiamento nel tempo, a riprova della sua plasticità, e pertanto sottolineano il possibile valore riparativo dell'adozione. Dal momento che i genitori svolgono un ruolo importante, soprattutto in adolescenza, il supporto nel post- adozione diventa centrale per aiutarli a promuovere un ambiente relazionale favorevole e stabile nel tempo.
Dominant groups have claimed to be the targets of discrimination on several historical occasions during violent intergroup conflict and genocide.The authors argue that perceptions of ethnic victimization among members of dominant groups express social dominance motives and thus may be recruited for the enforcement of group hierarchy. They examine the antecedents of perceived ethnic victimization among dominants, following 561 college students over 3 years from freshman year to graduation year. Using longitudinal, cross-lagged structural equation modeling, the authors show that social dominance orientation (SDO) positively predicts perceived ethnic victimization among Whites but not among Latinos, whereas victimization does not predict SDO over time. In contrast, ethnic identity and victimization reciprocally predicted each other longitudinally with equal strength among White and Latino students. SDO is not merely a reflection of contextualized social identity concerns but a psychological, relational motivation that undergirds intergroup attitudes across extended periods of time and interacts with the context of group dominance.
L'interaction soignant-soigné, dans ses aspects relationnel et communicationnel, a fait l'objet depuis les années 1970 de nombreuses études, inscrites dans une pluralité d'approches théoriques et méthodologiques. L'approche de la sociolinguistique de type médical, dans laquelle s'insère le présent travail de thèse, s'est développée dans le contexte même de ces études. Ce travail s'articule autour de trois sujets de recherche permettant d'illustrer, d'éclairer ainsi que de définir l'approche spécifique de la sociolinguistique médicale et traduisant, par ailleurs, certaines des questions relatives au développement de cette sociolinguistique, qui relève des sciences de la communication et des sciences humaines en médecine. Les deux premiers sujets de recherche se focalisent sur le processus d'échange d'information, central dans l'interaction médicale. Ils portent, pour l'un, sur un format de question spécifique utilisé par des étudiants en médecine dans le cadre d'entretiens avec patients simulés centrés sur l'annonce de mauvaises nouvelles et, pour l'autre, sur la(es) définition(s) d'une unité lexicale attestée dans le contexte communicationnel du VIH/sida. Le troisième sujet de recherche, en corrélation avec les deux autres, traite des défis qui se posent aux chercheurs-sociolinguistes relativement à l'étude et à la production de savoirs sur des questions liées à la santé et à la maladie. - Since the 1970's, many studies, following various theoretical and methodological approaches, have investigated - from a relational and communication point of view - the interaction between health care professionals and patients. The approach of the medical sociolinguistics, on which this PhD thesis is based, has been developed in the context of these studies. This PhD thesis is centred on three research topics illustrating and revealing the specific approach of the medical sociolinguistics and reflecting, as regards the third research topic, on particular issues related to the development of this discipline belonging to both communication sciences and medical humanities. The first two research topics focus on the information sharing process, a main phase and purpose of the medical interaction. They address (i) a particular question design used by medical students with simulated patients in breaking bad news interviews, and (ii) the meaning of a lexical unit used in the HIV/AIDS communication context. The third topic, related with the two other, focuses on the challenges faced by medical sociolinguists while producing knowledge and investigating health- and disease-related issues.
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a late-onset movement disorder associated with FMR1 premutation alleles. Asymptomatic premutation (aPM) carriers have preserved cognitive functions, but they present subtle executive deficits. Current efforts are focusing on the identification of specific cognitive markers that can detect aPM carriers at higher risk of developing FXTAS. This study aims at evaluating verbal memory and executive functions as early markers of disease progression while exploring associated brain structure changes using diffusion tensor imaging. We assessed 30 aPM men and 38 intrafamilial controls. The groups perform similarly in the executive domain except for decreased performance in motor planning in aPM carriers. In the memory domain, aPM carriers present a significant decrease in verbal encoding and retrieval. Retrieval is associated with microstructural changes of the white matter (WM) of the left hippocampal fimbria. Encoding is associated with changes in the WM under the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a region implicated in relational memory encoding. These associations were found in the aPM group only and did not show age-related decline. This may be interpreted as a neurodevelopmental effect of the premutation, and longitudinal studies are required to better understand these mechanisms.
Dans cette recherche, je me suis intéressée à la genèse des rapports sociaux construisant un collectif, dans l'articulation être nommé et se nommer. En Uruguay, pays construit sur un imaginaire social dit "sans indiens", mon travail a consisté à essayer de comprendre les conditions historiques, sociales et politiques d'émergence de collectifs de personnes réclamant l'appartenance à une identité autochtone précise, l'identité charrùa. J'ai démontré qu'il s'agit d'un processus en cours, individuel et collectif, qui a des temporalités diverses, qui a néanmoins émergé depuis une vingtaine d'années, dans le contexte de la post-dictature et celui géopolitique de l'autochtonie, dans une articulation local/global. L'analyse dévoile que l'identité charrùa est l'enjeu du rapport social qui est la lutte politique contre l'exclusion. Cette identité accompagne l'état-nation depuis sa fondation. Figure duelle, cette identité contient les traces des violences internes dans un continuum de mémoires fragmentées et entrelacées. Elle est aussi promesse de devenir en tant que modèle identitaire parvenu à l'autonomie et conservant le « sens du collectif ». Anthropologue engagée, me situant dans une perspective décoloniale, j'ai proposé aux personnes avec qui j'ai effectué cette recherche, d'élaborer une ethnographie collaborative, la caméra et les films se situant au coeur du terrain, compris comme espace relationnel de construction d'une connaissance partagée. -- My research is based on the genesis of social relations which build up a collective, structured on being named and be named. My work in Uruguay, country built on a social construct called "without Indians", was to try to understand the historical, social and political conditions of emerging collectives. These claim the belonging of a precise indigenous identity, the charrua identity. I showed that the current process, which is individual and collective, with different temporalities, emerged twenty years ago, in the post-dictatorship context as well as the geopolitical context of indigeneity, in a local/global structure. The analysis reveals that the charrua identity is the stake of the social relation which is political fight against exclusion. This identity accompanies the nation state since its foundation. Dategory dual, this identity keeps the traces of the internal in the continuum of the fragmented and intertwined memories. This is also the becoming promise of an identity model, which reaches autonomy and keeps the "sense of collective". As an involved anthropologist, I worked from a decolonization point of view. I suggested that the people who went through the research with me, should work out a collaborative ethnography, the video camera and the movies being set in the middle of the fieldwork. This one is conceived as a relational space of construction of a shared knowledge.
While the past decades were marked by an increased interest for the existential situation of man suffering from disease, the mechanisms alienating the patient from himself and from his context have been poorly investigated. These mechanisms, though operating in a dynamic interaction, will be discussed here sequentially. The first part of this article focuses on individual mechanisms of alienation emerging from the relationship the patient establishes with his body and psyche and on those related to his relational context. The aim is not to comprehensively describe these phenomena, but to discuss--based on clinical vignettes--some examples and their implications. The second part of the article describes some mechanisms of alienation that are incorporated in the medical apparatus and the dominant discourses.
Deduction allows us to draw consequences from previous knowledge. Deductive reasoning can be applied to several types of problem, for example, conditional, syllogistic, and relational. It has been assumed that the same cognitive operations underlie solutions to them all; however, this hypothesis remains to be tested empirically. We used event-related fMRI, in the same group of subjects, to compare reasoning-related activity associated with conditional and syllogistic deductive problems. Furthermore, we assessed reasoning-related activity for the two main stages of deduction, namely encoding of premises and their integration. Encoding syllogistic premises for reasoning was associated with activation of BA 44/45 more than encoding them for literal recall. During integration, left fronto-lateral cortex (BA 44/45, 6) and basal ganglia activated with both conditional and syllogistic reasoning. Besides that, integration of syllogistic problems additionally was associated with activation of left parietal (BA 7) and left ventro-lateral frontal cortex (BA 47). This difference suggests a dissociation between conditional and syllogistic reasoning at the integration stage. Our finding indicates that the integration of conditional and syllogistic reasoning is carried out by means of different, but partly overlapping, sets of anatomical regions and by inference, cognitive processes. The involvement of BA 44/45 during both encoding (syllogisms) and premise integration (syllogisms and conditionals) suggests a central role in deductive reasoning for syntactic manipulations and formal/linguistic representations.