213 resultados para reconstructed epidermis
Ovalbumin-like serine protease inhibitors are mainly localized intracellularly and their in vivo functions are largely unknown. To elucidate their physiological role(s), we studied the expression of one of these inhibitors, protease inhibitor 8 (PI-8), in normal human tissues by immunohistochemistry using a PI-8-specific monoclonal antibody. PI-8 was strongly expressed in the nuclei of squamous epithelium of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and epidermis, and by the epithelial layer of skin appendages, particularly by more differentiated epithelial cells. PI-8 was also expressed by monocytes and by neuroendocrine cells in the pituitary gland, pancreas, and digestive tract. Monocytes showed nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of PI-8, whereas neuroendocrine cells showed only cytoplasmic staining. In vitro nuclear localization of PI-8 was confirmed by confocal analysis using serpin-transfected HeLa cells. Furthermore, mutation of the P(1) residue did not affect the subcellular distribution pattern of PI-8, indicating that its nuclear localization is independent of the interaction with its target protease. We conclude that PI-8 has a unique distribution pattern in human tissues compared to the distribution patterns of other intracellular serpins. Additional studies must be performed to elucidate its physiological role.
With the aid of the cobalt labelling technique, frog spinal cord motor neuron dendrites of the subpial dendritic plexus have been identified in serial electron micrographs. Computer reconstructions of various lengths (2.5-9.8 micron) of dendritic segments showed the contours of these dendrites to be highly irregular, and to present many thorn-like projections 0.4-1.8 micron long. Number, size and distribution of synaptic contacts were also determined. Almost half of the synapses occurred at the origins of the thorns and these synapses had the largest contact areas. Only 8 out of 54 synapses analysed were found on thorns and these were the smallest. For the total length of reconstructed dendrites there was, on average, one synapse per 1.2 micron, while 4.4% of the total dendritic surface was covered with synaptic contacts. The functional significance of these distal dendrites and their capacity to influence the soma membrane potential is discussed.
PURPOSE: Gastric or intestinal patches, commonly used for reconstructive cystoplasty, may induce severe metabolic complications. The use of bladder tissues reconstructed in vitro could avoid these complications. We compared cellular differentiation and permeability characteristics of human native with in vitro cultured stratified urothelium. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human stratified urothelium was induced in vitro. Morphology was studied with light and electron microscopy and expression of key cellular proteins was assessed using immunohistochemistry. Permeability coefficients were determined by measuring water, urea, ammonia and proton fluxes across the urothelium. RESULTS: As in native urothelium the stratified urothelial construct consisted of basal membrane and basal, intermediate and superficial cell layers. The apical membrane of superficial cells formed villi and glycocalices, and tight junctions and desmosomes were developed. Immunohistochemistry showed similarities and differences in the expression of cytokeratins, integrin and cellular adhesion proteins. In the cultured urothelium cytokeratin 20 and integrin subunits alpha6 and beta4 were absent, and symplekin was expressed diffusely in all layers. Uroplakins were clearly expressed in the superficial umbrella cells of the urothelial constructs, however, they were also present in intermediate and basal cells. Symplekin and uroplakins were expressed only in the superficial cells of native bladder tissue. The urothelial constructs showed excellent viability, and functionally their permeabilities for water, urea and ammonia were no different from those measured in native human urothelium. Proton permeability was even lower in the constructs compared to that of native urothelium. CONCLUSIONS: Although the in vitro cultured human stratified urothelium did not show complete terminal differentiation of its superficial cells, it retained the same barrier characteristics against the principal urine components. These results indicate that such in vitro cultured urothelium, after being grown on a compliant degradable support or in coculture with smooth muscle cells, is suitable for reconstructive cystoplasty.
Advances in wound care are of great importance in clinical injury management. In this respect, the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)beta/delta occupies a unique position at the intersection of diverse inflammatory or anti-inflammatory signals that influence wound repair. This study shows how changes in PPARbeta/delta expression have a profound effect on wound healing. Using two different in vivo models based on topical application of recombinant transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 and ablation of the Smad3 gene, we show that prolonged expression and activity of PPARbeta/delta accelerate wound closure. The results reveal a dual role of TGF-beta1 as a chemoattractant of inflammatory cells and repressor of inflammation-induced PPARbeta/delta expression. Also, they provide insight into the so far reported paradoxical effects of the application of exogenous TGF-beta1 at wound sites.
The evolution of eusociality is one of the major evolutionary transitions of life on earth. For investigating the conditions and processes that are central to the origin of such integrated social organization, it is best to study organisms in which individuals have retained some flexibility in their reproductive strategies. Halictid bees are especially well suited as model organisms, because they show huge variation in social systems, both within and between species. In this thesis, I investigated female reproductive strategies in the primitively eusocial bee Halictus scabiosae, with a focus on the role of helpers, in order to get insight into the mechanisms governing the evolution and maintenance of eusociality. This species produces two broods per year. The females from the first brood can stay in the natal nest to help raise a second brood of males and gynes that become the next-generation foundresses in spring. We first compared the morphology of females from the two broods, as well as the nutrition they receive as larvae. Then we conducted a helper- removal experiment in the field to quantify the effects of the presence of helpers on colony survival and productivity. Finally, we reconstructed pedigree relationships of individuals using microsatellite markers in order to detect who reproduces in the nest and how much individuals drift between nests. We found that first brood females had a uniformly small size and low fat reserves, which may be caused by the restricted pollen and nectar provisions on which they develop. Colony survival and productivity was increased by the presence of a single helper, but the effect was small and mostly limited to small colonies. By inferring parentage within and across colonies, we could determine that females from the first brood rarely reproduce in their natal nests. However, foundresses are frequently replaced, and foundresses and females from the first brood occasionally move to and reproduce in foreign colonies. As a result, colonies often contain offspring from unrelated individuals, and the relatedness of females to the brood they rear is low. Overall, this thesis shows that the reproductive system of H. scabiosae is highly flexible. The production of helpers in the first brood is important for colony success and productivity, but there is a high colony failure rate and part of the first brood females drift and reproduce in foreign nests. Both foundresses and helpers appear to be constrained by harsh environmental conditions or social factors limiting reproduction and independent colony founding. - L'origine des insectes sociaux est un domaine fascinant pour la recherche. Pour comprendre les mécanismes et les conditions qui sont nécessaires pour l'évolution et le maintien de la vie en société, il est judicieux d'étudier des sociétés primitives d'insectes, où toutes les femelles ont conservé la capacité de se reproduire, même si leur rôle comportemental dans la colonie est d'aider sans se reproduire. Une des familles d'abeilles, les halictes, est idéale pour cette sorte de recherche, en raison de la grande variabilité dans leur comportement social. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié les stratégies reproductives des femelles de Halictus scabiosae pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui influencent l'évolution de la vie en société. Cette espèce produit deux cohortes de couvain par année. Les femelles du premier couvain restent souvent dans leur nid natal pour aider à élever le deuxième couvain, tandis que les femelles du deuxième couvain s'accouplent et hibernent pour devenir les nouvelles fondatrices au printemps suivant. Nous avons d'abord comparé la morphologie des femelles issues des deux couvains ainsi que leur nutrition au stade de larve. Puis, dans une expérience sur le terrain, nous avons quantifié l'apport d'une ouvrière pour la survie et la productivité de la colonie. Finalement, nous avons reconstruit des pedigrees en utilisant des marqueurs génétiques, pour savoir qui se reproduit dans la colonie et combien d'individus migrent entre colonies. Les résultats montrent que les femelles du premier couvain sont uniformément plus petites et plus maigres, ce qui indique que les fondatrices réduisent les provisions de nourriture pour leur premier couvain afin de les inciter à aider dans le nid au lieu de se reproduire indépendamment. Dans l'expérience sur le terrain, la survie et la productivité de la colonie augmentaient avec la présence d'une ouvrière additionnelle, mais l'effet était petit et limité aux petites colonies. Par la reconstruction de pedigrees, nous pouvions constater que les femelles du premier couvain pondent rarement dans leurs nids natals. Les fondatrices cependant sont souvent remplacées en cours de saison, et migrent fréquemment entre nids, tandis que les femelles du premier couvain pondent parfois des oeufs dans des nids étrangers. De ce fait, les colonies contiennent souvent des descendants d'individus étrangers, et la parenté génétique entre les femelles et le deuxième couvain est basse. Cette thèse démontre que le système reproductif de H. scabiosae est très flexible. La production d'ouvrières est importante pour la survie de la colonie et sa productivité, mais le taux d'échec est élevé et une partie des femelles du premier couvain migrent et pondent dans une colonie étrangère. Autant les fondatrices que les ouvrières semblent être contraintes par des conditions environnementales ou sociales qui limitent la reproduction et les nouvelles fondations de colonie. - Die Entstehung von sozialen Lebensformen ist eines der wichtigsten Entwicklungen in der Geschichte des Lebens. Um die Bedingungen oder Prozesse zu verstehen, welche bei der Entstehung und dem Erhalt von sozialen Merkmalen wichtig sind, sollte man Lebewesen untersuchen, welche je nach Umwelteinflüßen ihr soziales Verhalten flexibel ändern können. Furchenbienen (Halictidae) gehören dazu. Diese weisen nämlich ein breites Spektrum verschiedener sozialer Organisationsformen auf, oftmals sogar innerhalb der einzelnen Arten. In meiner Doktorarbeit befasste ich mich mit den Fortpflanzungsstrategien der Weibchen der Skabiosen-Furchenbiene Halictus scabiosae. Diese Art produziert zwei Brüten pro Jahr. Die Weibchen der ersten Brut bleiben dabei meist als Arbeiterinnen in ihrem Geburtsnest, wohingegen die Weibchen der zweiten Brut nach der Paarung überwintern, um im nächsten Frühling neue Kolonien zu gründen. In einem ersten Schritt verglichen wir die beiden Brüten bezüglich der Grösse und der Fettreserven der Weibchen sowie der Pollen-Nektar-Vorräte für die Larven. Dann bestimmten wir in einem Feldexperiment, wieviel eine zusätzliche Arbeiterin zum Überleben und zur Produktiviät der Kolonie beiträgt. Schliesslich ermittelten wir durch genetische Tests die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Bienen, um herauszufinden, wer in den Kolonien tatsächlich die Eier legt und ob und wieviel die Bienen zwischen verschiedenen Nestern wandern. Wir stellten fest, dass die Weibchen von der ersten Brut einheitlich kleiner sind und weniger Fettreserven besitzen. Das weist daraufhin, dass die Nestgründerin die erste Brut unterernährt, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu erhöhen, dass diese Weibchen als Arbeiterinnen im Nest bleiben anstatt sich unabhängig fortzupflanzen. Schon eine einzelne zusätzliche Arbeiterin verbesserte die Überlebenschancen und Produktivität der Kolonie, der Effekt war allerdings klein und auf kleine Kolonien beschränkt. Die Verwandtschaftsanalysen zeigten, dass die Arbeiterinnen nur sehr selten ein Ei in ihr Geburtsnest legen. Erstaunlicherweise wanderten die Nestgründerinnen oft zwischen verschiedenen Nestern. Einige Weibchen der ersten Brut wanderten auch in ein fremdes Nest und produzierten dort Nachkommen. Diese Doktorarbeit zeigt, dass die Fortpflanzungsstrategien der Skabiosen-Furchenbiene tatsächlich sehr flexibel sind. Die Anwesenheit von Arbeiterinnen ist wichtig für das Überleben und die Produktivität der Kolonie. Die Misserfolgsraten bleiben jedoch hoch, und ein Teil der Weibchen der ersten Brut pflanzt sich in fremden Nestern fort. Sowohl die Nestgründerinnen als auch die Weibchen der ersten Brut scheinen durch Umweltsbedingungen oder durch soziale Faktoren in der Wahl ihrer Fortpflanzungs¬strategie eingeschränkt zu sein.
Controlling external compound entrance is essential for plant survival. To set up an efficient and selective sorting of nutrients, free diffusion via the apoplast in vascular plants is blocked at the level of the endodermis. Although we have learned a lot about endodermal specification in the last years, information regarding its differentiation is still very limited. A differentiated endodermal cell can be defined by the presence of the "Casparian strip" (CS), a cell wall modification described first by Robert Caspary in 1865. While the anatomical description of CS in many vascular plants has been very detailed, we still lack molecular information about the establishment of the Casparian strips and their actual function in roots. The recent isolation of a novel protein family, the CASPs, that localizes precisely to a domain of the plasma membrane underneath the CS represents an excellent point of entry to explore CS function and formation. In addition, it has been shown that the endodermis contains transporters that are localized to either the central (stele-facing) or peripheral (soil-facing) plasma membranes. These features suggest that the endodermis functions as a polar plant epithelium.
Folpet is one of the most widely employed fungicides in agriculture. It is typically used in the culture of vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants. Once absorbed in the human body, it has been found to be very reactive, especially in acid conditions. According to various in vitro and in vivo experiments in animals, Folpet is first fractioned at the N-S link when in contact with aqueous solutions and thiol groups. From this non-enzymatic process a phthalimide (PI) molecule is formed, which may be used as a biomarker of exposure, along with the short-lived thiophosgene. We have built a human toxicokinetic model to account for the biotransformation of Folpet into PI and its subsequent excretion while accounting for other non-monitored metabolites. The mathematical parameters of the model were determined accordingly from best-fits to the time courses of PI in blood and urine of five volunteers administered orally 1 mg/kg and dermally 10 mg/kg of Folpet. In both cases, the mean elimination half-life of PI from the body (either through faeces, urine or metabolism) was found to be 31.6 h. The average final fractions of administered dose recovered in urine as PI were 0.025% and 0.002%, for oral and dermal administration, respectively after 96 h. According to the model, when orally administered, PI rapidly hydrolyzes to phthalamic and phthalic acids such that only 0.04% of the PI found in the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed into the blood stream. Likewise, after dermal application, model predicts that only 7.4% of the applied Folpet dose crosses the epidermis. In the model, the PI initial metabolite of Folpet is formed in the dermis and further metabolized prior to reaching systemic circulation, such that only 0.125% of PI formed at the site-of-entry reaches systemic blood. Our mathematical model is in accordance with both measures of blood (R2=0.57 for dermal and R2=0.66 for oral) and urine (R2 =0.98 for dermal and R2=0.99 for oral).
Precise focusing is essential for transcranial MRI-guided focused ultrasound (TcMRgFUS) to minimize collateral damage to non-diseased tissues and to achieve temperatures capable of inducing coagulative necrosis at acceptable power deposition levels. CT is usually used for this refocusing but requires a separate study (CT) ahead of the TcMRgFUS procedure. The goal of this study was to determine whether MRI using an appropriate sequence would be a viable alternative to CT for planning ultrasound refocusing in TcMRgFUS. We tested three MRI pulse sequences (3D T1 weighted 3D volume interpolated breath hold examination (VIBE), proton density weighted 3D sampling perfection with applications optimized contrasts using different flip angle evolution and 3D true fast imaging with steady state precision T2-weighted imaging) on patients who have already had a CT scan performed. We made detailed measurements of the calvarial structure based on the MRI data and compared those so-called 'virtual CT' to detailed measurements of the calvarial structure based on the CT data, used as a reference standard. We then loaded both standard and virtual CT in a TcMRgFUS device and compared the calculated phase correction values, as well as the temperature elevation in a phantom. A series of Bland-Altman measurement agreement analyses showed T1 3D VIBE as the optimal MRI sequence, with respect to minimizing the measurement discrepancy between the MRI derived total skull thickness measurement and the CT derived total skull thickness measurement (mean measurement discrepancy: 0.025; 95% CL (-0.22-0.27); p = 0.825). The T1-weighted sequence was also optimal in estimating skull CT density and skull layer thickness. The mean difference between the phase shifts calculated with the standard CT and the virtual CT reconstructed from the T1 dataset was 0.08 ± 1.2 rad on patients and 0.1 ± 0.9 rad on phantom. Compared to the real CT, the MR-based correction showed a 1 °C drop on the maximum temperature elevation in the phantom (7% relative drop). Without any correction, the maximum temperature was down 6 °C (43% relative drop). We have developed an approach that allows for a reconstruction of a virtual CT dataset from MRI to perform phase correction in TcMRgFUS.
BACKGROUND: Reconstruction of the central aortic pressure wave from the noninvasive recording of the radial pulse with applanation tonometry has become a standard tool in the field of hypertension. It is not presently known whether recording the radial pulse on the dominant or the nondominant side has any effect on such reconstruction. METHOD: We carried out radial applanation tonometry on both forearms in young, healthy, male volunteers, who were either sedentary (n = 11) or high-level tennis players (n = 10). The purpose of including tennis players was to investigate individuals with extreme asymmetry between the dominant and nondominant upper limb. RESULTS: In the sedentary individuals, forearm circumference and handgrip strength were slightly larger on the dominant (mean +/- SD respectively 27.9 +/- 1.5 cm and 53.8 +/- 10 kg) than on nondominant side (27.3 +/- 1.6 cm, P < 0.001 vs. dominant, and 52.1 +/- 11 kg, P = NS). In the tennis players, differences between sides were more conspicuous (forearm circumference: dominant 28.0 +/- 1.7 cm nondominant 26.4 +/- 1.5 cm, P < 0.001; handgrip strength 61.4 +/- 10.8 vs. 53.4 +/- 9.7 kg, P < 0.001). We found that in both sedentary individuals and tennis players, the radial pulse had identical shape on both sides and, consequently, the reconstructed central aortic pressure waveforms, as well as derived indices of central pulsatility, were not dependent on the side where applanation tonometry was carried out. CONCLUSION: Evidence from individuals with maximal asymmetry of dominant vs. nondominant upper limb indicates that laterality of measurement is not a methodological issue for central pulse wave analysis carried out with radial applanation tonometry.
The Rho family GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 are critical regulators of the actin cytoskeleton and are essential for skin and hair function. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome family proteins act downstream of these GTPases, controlling actin assembly and cytoskeletal reorganization, but their role in epithelial cells has not been characterized in vivo. Here, we used a conditional knockout approach to assess the role of neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP), the ubiquitously expressed Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like (WASL) protein, in mouse skin. We found that N-WASP deficiency in mouse skin led to severe alopecia, epidermal hyperproliferation, and ulceration, without obvious effects on epidermal differentiation and wound healing. Further analysis revealed that the observed alopecia was likely the result of a progressive and ultimately nearly complete block in hair follicle (HF) cycling by 5 months of age. N-WASP deficiency also led to abnormal proliferation of skin progenitor cells, resulting in their depletion over time. Furthermore, N-WASP deficiency in vitro and in vivo correlated with decreased GSK-3beta phosphorylation, decreased nuclear localization of beta-catenin in follicular keratinocytes, and decreased Wnt-dependent transcription. Our results indicate a critical role for N-WASP in skin function and HF cycling and identify a link between N-WASP and Wnt signaling. We therefore propose that N-WASP acts as a positive regulator of beta-catenin-dependent transcription, modulating differentiation of HF progenitor cells.
SUMMARY: EBBP is a poorly characterized member of the RBCC/TRIM family (RING finger B-box coiled-coilltripartite motif). It is ubiquitously expressed, but particularly high levels are found in keratinocytes. There is evidence that EBBP is involved in inflammatory processes, since it can interact with pro-interleukin-1 ß (prolL-1 ß) in human macrophages and keratinocytes, and its downregulation results in reduced secretion of IL-1 ß. IL-1ß activation and secretion requires the proteolytic cleavage of prolL-1ß by caspase-1, which in turn is actìvated by a protein complex called the inflammasome. As it has been demonstrated that EBBP can bind two different proteins of the inflammasome (NALP-1 and caspase 1), we assumed that EBBP plays a role in the regulation of inflammation and that the inflammasome, which has as yet only been described in ínflammatory cells, may also exist in keratinocytes. Indeed, I could show in my thesis that the inflammasome components are expressed in human keratinócytes at the RNA and protein level and also in vivo in human epidermis. After irradiation with a physiological dose of UVB, keratinocytes activated prolL-1ß and secreted prolL-1 a, IL-1 ß, prolL-18 and inflammasome proteins, although all these proteins lack a classical signal peptide. The secretion was dependent on caspase-1 activity, but not on de novo protein synthesis. Knock-down of NALP1 and -3, caspase-1 and -5, EBBP and Asc strongly reduced the secretion of IL-1 ß, demonstrating that also in keratinocytes inflammasome proteins are directly involved in maturation of this cytokine. These results demonstrate for the first time the presence of an active inflammasome in non-professional immune cells. Moreover, they show that UV irradiation is a stimulus for inflammasome activation in keratinocytes. For the analysis of the ín vivo functions of EBBP, transgenic mice overexpressing EBBP in the epidermis were generated. To examine the influence of EBBP overexpression on inflammatory processes, we subjected the mice to different challenges, which induce inflammation. Wound-healing, UVB irradiation and delayed hypersensitivity were tested, but we did not observe any phenotype in the K14-EBBP mice. Besides, a conditional ebbp knockout mouse has been obtained, which will allow to determine the effects of EBBP gene deletion in different tissues and organs. RESUME: EBBP est un membre encore mal connu de la famille des RBCC/TRIM (RING finger B-box coiled-coil/tripartite motif). Il est exprimé de manière ubiquitaire, et en particulier dans les kératinocytes. EBBP étant capable d'interagir avec la prointerleukine-1 ß (prolL-1 ß) dans les macrophages et les kératinocytes humains et de réguler la sécrétion de l'IL-1 ß, il est très probable que cette protéine est impliquée dans l'inflammation. L'activation et la sécrétion de l'IL-1 ß requièrent le clivage protéolytique de son précurseur prolL-1ß par la caspase-1, qui est elle-même activée par un complexe protéique appelé l'inflammasome. Comme il a été démontré qu'EBBP peut lier deux protéines de l'inflammasome (NALP-1 et caspase-1), nous avons émis l'hypothèse qu'EBBP joue un rôle dans la régulation de l'inflammation et que l'inflammasome, jusqu'ici décrit exclusivement dans des cellules inflammatoires, existe dans les kératinocytes. En effet, j'ai pu montrer dans ma thèse que les composants de l'inflammasome sont exprimés dans les kératinocytes humains ainsi que in vivo dans l'épiderme humain. Après irradiation avec une dose, physiologique d'UVB, les kératinocytes activent la prolL-1 ß et sécrètent la prolL-1a, l'IL-1 ß, la prolL-18 et des protéines de l'inflammasome, bien que toutes ces protéines soient dépourvues de peptide signal. La sécrétion dépend de la caspase-1 mais pas de la synthèse protéique de novo. Le knock-down de NALP-1 et -3, des caspase-1 et -5, d'EBBP et d'Asc réduit de manière marquée la sécrétion d'IL-1 ß, démontrant que dans les kératinocytes également, les protéines de l'inflammasome sont impliquées directement dans la maturation de cette cytokine. Ces résultats démontrent pour la première fois la présence d'un inflammasome actif dans des cellules immunitaires non professionnelles. De plus, ils montrent que l'irradiation aux UV est un stimulus pour l'activation de l'inflammasome dans les kératinocytes. Pour l'analyse des fonctions d'EBBP in vivo, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques qui surexpriment EBBP dans l'épiderme. En vue d'examiner l'influence de la surexpression d'EBBP sur le processus inflammatoire, nous avons soumis ces souris à differents modèles d'inflammation. Nous avons testé cicatrisation, UVB et hypersensibilité retardée, mais n'avons pas observé de phénotype chez les souris transgéniques. En parallèle, nous avons également généré des souris knock-out pour ebbp qui devraient nous permettre de déterminer les effets de la suppression d'EBBP dans différents tissus et organes.
ABSTRACT : The epidermis, the outermost compartment of the skin, is a stratified and squamous epithelium that constantly self-renews. Keratinocytes, which represent the main epidermal population, are responsible for its cohesion and barrier function. Epidermal renewal necessitates a fine equilibrium between keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. The keratinocyte stem cell, located in the basal cell layer, is responsible for epidermal homeostasis and regeneration during the wound healing process. The transcription factor p63 structurally belongs to the p53 superfamily. It is expressed in the basal and supra-basal cell layers of stratified epithelia and is thought to be important for the renewal or the differentiation of keratinocyte stem cells (Yang et al., 1999; Mills et al., 1999). In order to better understand its function, we established an in vitro model of p63 deficient human keratinocyte stem cells using a shp63 mediated RNA interference. Knockdown of endogenous p63 induces downregulation of cell-adhesion genes as previously described (Carroll et al., 2006). Interestingly, the replating of attached p63-knockdown keratinocytes on a feeder layer results in a loss of attachment and proliferation. They are no longer clonogenic. However, if the same population are replated in a fibrin matrix, extended fibrinolysis is reported, a common process in wound healing, suggesting that p63 regulates the fibrinolytic pathway. This result was confirmed by Q-PCR and shows that the urokinase pathway, which mediates fibrinolysis, is upregulated. Altogether, these findings suggest a mechanism in which the fine tuning of p63 expression promotes attachment or release of the keratinocyte stem cell from the basement membrane by inducing genes of adhesion and/or of fibrinolysis. This mechanism may be important for epidermal self-renewal, differentiation as well as wound healing. Its misregulation may be partly responsible for the p63 knockout phenotype. The downregulation of p63 also induces a decrease in LEKTI expression. LEKTI (lymphoepithelial Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor) is a serine protease inhibitor encoded by the Spink5 gene. It is expressed and secreted in the uppermost differentiated layers of stratified epithelia and plays a role in the desquamation process. When this gene is disrupted, humans develop the Netherton syndrome (Chavanas et al., 2000b). It is a dermatosis characterized by hair dysplasias, ichtyosiform erythroderma and impairment in epidermal barrier function promoting inflammation similarly as in psoriasis with inflammatory infiltrate in excess. TNFα (tumor necrosis factor alpha) and EDA1 (ectodysplasin A1) are two transmembraneprecursors that belong to the TNF superfamily, which is involved in immune and inflammation regulation (Smahi et al., 2002). We suggest that the secreted serine protease inhibitor LEKTI plays a role in the regulation of TNFα and EDA1 precursor cleavage and absence of LEKTI induces excess of inflammation. To investigate this hypothesis, we induced downregulation of Spink5 expression in rat keratinocyte stem cells by using a shSpink5 mediated RNA interference approach. Interestingly, expression of TNFα and EDA1 is modified after knockdown of Spink5 by Q-PCR. Moreover, downregulation of Spink5 induces loss of cohesiveness between keratinocytes and colonies adopt a scattered phenotype. Altogether, these preliminary data suggest that downregulation of LEKTI may play a role in the inflammatory response in Netherton syndrome patients, by regulating TNFα expression.
We show here that the alpha, beta, and gamma isotypes of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) are expressed in the mouse epidermis during fetal development and that they disappear progressively from the interfollicular epithelium after birth. Interestingly, PPARalpha and beta expression is reactivated in the adult epidermis after various stimuli, resulting in keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation such as tetradecanoylphorbol acetate topical application, hair plucking, or skin wound healing. Using PPARalpha, beta, and gamma mutant mice, we demonstrate that PPARalpha and beta are important for the rapid epithelialization of a skin wound and that each of them plays a specific role in this process. PPARalpha is mainly involved in the early inflammation phase of the healing, whereas PPARbeta is implicated in the control of keratinocyte proliferation. In addition and very interestingly, PPARbeta mutant primary keratinocytes show impaired adhesion and migration properties. Thus, the findings presented here reveal unpredicted roles for PPARalpha and beta in adult mouse epidermal repair.
Notch proteins are important in binary cell-fate decisions and inhibiting differentiation in many developmental systems, and aberrant Notch signaling is associated with tumorigenesis. The role of Notch signaling in mammalian skin is less well characterized and is mainly based on in vitro studies, which suggest that Notch signaling induces differentiation in mammalian skin. Conventional gene targeting is not applicable to establishing the role of Notch receptors or ligands in the skin because Notch1-/- embryos die during gestation. Therefore, we used a tissue-specific inducible gene-targeting approach to study the physiological role of the Notch1 receptor in the mouse epidermis and the corneal epithelium of adult mice. Unexpectedly, ablation of Notch1 results in epidermal and corneal hyperplasia followed by the development of skin tumors and facilitated chemical-induced skin carcinogenesis. Notch1 deficiency in skin and in primary keratinocytes results in increased and sustained expression of Gli2, causing the development of basal-cell carcinoma-like tumors. Furthermore, Notch1 inactivation in the epidermis results in derepressed beta-catenin signaling in cells that should normally undergo differentiation. Enhanced beta-catenin signaling can be reversed by re-introduction of a dominant active form of the Notch1 receptor. This leads to a reduction in the signaling-competent pool of beta-catenin, indicating that Notch1 can inhibit beta-catenin-mediated signaling. Our results indicate that Notch1 functions as a tumor-suppressor gene in mammalian skin.