172 resultados para pseudomembranous colitis


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Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic disease with a wide variety of treatment options many of which are not evidence based. Supplementing available guidelines, which are often broadly defined, consensus-based and generally not tailored to specifically reflect the individual patient situation, we developed explicit appropriateness criteria to assist, and improve treatment decisions. Methods: We used the RAND appropriateness method which does not force consensus. An extensive literature review was compiled based on and supplementing, where necessary, the ECCO UC 2011 guidelines. EPATUC (endorsed by ECCO) was formed by 8 gastroenterologists, 2 surgeons and 2 general practitioners from throughout Europe. Clinical scenarios reflecting practice were rated on a 9-point scale from 1 (extremely inappropriate) to 9 (extremely appropriate), based on the expert's experience and the available literature. After extensive discussion, all scenarios were re-rated at a two-day panel meeting. Median and disagreement were used to categorize ratings into 3 categories: appropriate, uncertain and inappropriate. Results: 718 clinical scenarios were rated, structured in 13 main clinical presentations: not refractory (n=64) or refractory (n=33) proctitis, mild to moderate left-sided (n=72) or extensive (n=48) colitis, severe colitis (n=36), steroid-dependant colitis (n=36), steroid-refractory colitis (n=55), acute pouchitis (n=96), maintenance of remission (n=248), colorectal cancer prevention (n=9) and fulminant colitis (n=9). Overall, 100 indications were judged appropriate (14%), 129 uncertain (18%) and 489 inappropriate (68%). Disagreement between experts was very low (6%). Conclusion: For the very first time, explicit appropriateness criteria for therapy of UC were developed that allow both specific and rapid therapeutic decision making and prospective assessment of treatment appropriateness. Comparison of these detailed scenarios with patient profiles encountered in the Swiss IBD cohort study indicates good concordance. EPATUC criteria will be freely accessible on the internet (epatuc.ch).


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BACKGROUND: C iclosporine ( CsA), Tacrolimus (Tcl) and Infliximab (IFX) are effective rescue therapies in steroidrefractory ulcerative colitis (UC). Comparative studies are however m issing. M ETHOD: T his i s the retrospective analysis of treatment outcome for oral Tcl (n=27, initially 0.05mg/Kg twice daily, aiming for serum trough levels of 5-10 n g/mL), i ntravenous C sA ( n=23, 2 mg/kg/daily a nd then o ral CsA 5mg/kg/daily) and IFX ( n=43, 5 mg/kg intravenously at week 0, 2, 6 and then every 8 weeks) in patients with s teroid r efractory moderate to s evere UC enrolled i n the SWISS IBD cohort s tudy. After successful rescue therapy with Tcl o r C sA, t hiopurine m aintenance therapy or maintenance therapy with Tcl (in Tcl pretreated patients) was introduced. The endpoints analyzed steroid free r emission r ate (on the basis of m odified Truelove- Witts severity index (MTWSI)) and number of colectomies after 6 m onths. R ESULTS: A t 6 months, 26% ( 7/27) o f patients treated with T cl r emained i n steroid free remission (MTWSI score ≤4) compared to 30 % (7/23) on 18 droplets to the same extend under the linoleic acid treat, whereas lipid hydrolysis or loss was significantly increased in Huh-7 WT cells after 24h. Conclusions: Chronic alcohol feeding in obese, insulin-resistant rats exerts significant and synergistic effects on PNPLA3 mRNA expression, which correlated with triglyceride content. In v itro experiments suggest that PNPLA3 expression depends on the t ypes of d ietary f atty acids with polyunsaturated fatty a cids i nducing a nd monounsaturated fatty a cids inhibiting PNPLA3 mRNA. I148M polymorphism of PNPLA3 l eads to attenuation o f lipolytic processes resulting in fat accumulation in the cell. 20 CsA and 58% ( 27/41) o f patients t reated w ith IFX ( Tcl & CsA vs I FX p = 0 .018). S ignificant m ore patients had primary non response, loss of response or severe adverse events i n the CsA cohort ( 61%, 1 4/23) c ompared to Tcl cohort (33.3 % , 9/27), and IFX cohort (30%, 1 3/43) (p= 0.037). Colectomy rate was significantly higher after CsA (17.4 %, 4/23) compared to Tcl (3.7 %, 1/27) or IFX (2.3 %, 1/43) (p= 0.047).CONCLUSION: After s ix m onth, rescue therapy with I FX h ad t he l owest c olectomy r ate, significantly h igher steroid free r emission rate, a nd t he lowest rate of non-response, loss of response and severe adverse events compared to CsA or Tcl rescue treatment.


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BACKGROUND: It is unknown why patients with extensive ulcerative colitis (UC) have a higher risk of colorectal cancer compared with patients with left-sided UC. This study characterizes the inflammatory processes in left-sided UC, pancolitis, and UC-associated dysplasia at the transcriptional level to identify potential biomarkers and transcripts of importance for the carcinogenic behavior of chronic inflammation. METHODS: The Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 was applied on colonic biopsies from UC patients with left-sided UC, pancolitis, dysplasia, and controls. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry were performed for validating selected transcripts in the initial cohort and in 2 independent cohorts of patients with UC. Microarray data were analyzed by principal component analysis, and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry data by the Wilcoxon's rank-sum test. RESULTS: The principal component analysis results revealed separate clusters for left-sided UC, pancolitis, dysplasia, and controls. Close clustering of dysplastic and pancolitic samples indicated similarities in gene expression. Indeed, 101 and 656 parallel upregulated and downregulated transcripts, respectively, were identified in specimens from dysplasia and pancolitis. Validation of selected transcripts hereof identified insulin receptor alpha (INSRA) and MAP kinase interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 (MKNK2) with an enhanced expression in dysplasia compared with left-sided UC and controls, whereas laminin γ2 (LAMC2) was found with a lower expression in dysplasia compared with the remaining 3 groups. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates pancolitis and left-sided UC as distinct inflammatory processes at the transcriptional level, and identifies INSRA, MKNK2, and LAMC2 as potential critical transcripts in the inflammation-driven preneoplastic process of UC.


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The care for a patient with ulcerative colitis (UC) remains challenging despite the fact that morbidity and mortality rates have been considerably reduced during the last 30 years. The traditional management with intravenous corticosteroids was modified by the introduction of ciclosporin and infliximab. In this review, we focus on the treatment of patients with moderate to severe UC. Four typical clinical scenarios are defined and discussed in detail. The treatment recommendations are based on current literature, published guidelines and reviews, and were discussed at a consensus meeting of Swiss experts in the field. Comprehensive treatment algorithms were developed, aimed for daily clinical practice.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Low dose photodynamic therapy (LDPDT) may modify the mucosal immune response and may thus provide a therapy for Crohn's disease. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of this technique in a murine T cell-mediated colitis model. METHODS: The safety of LDPDT was first tested in BALB/c mice. Naïve T cells were used to induce colitis in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency, which were followed up endoscopically, and a murine endoscopic index of colitis (MEIC) was developed. The efficacy of LDPDT (10 J/cm (2); delta-aminolevulinic acid, 15 mg/kg bodyweight) was then tested on mice with moderate colitis, while a disease control group received no treatment. The MEIC, weight, length, and histology of the colon, cytokine expression indices, number of mucosal CD4 (+) T cells, percentage of apoptotic CD4 (+) T cells, body weight, and systemic side effects were evaluated. RESULTS: LDPDT improved the MEIC ( P = 0.011) and the histological score ( P = 0.025), diminished the expression indices of the proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 ( P = 0.042), interleukin-17 ( P = 0.029), and interferon-gamma ( P = 0.014), decreased the number of mucosal CD4 (+) T cells, and increased the percentage of apoptotic CD4 (+) T cells compared with the disease control group. No local or systemic side effects occurred. CONCLUSION: LDPDT improves murine T cell-mediated colitis, decreases the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6, interleukin-17, and interferon-gamma, and decreases the number of CD4 (+) T cells. No adverse events were observed. Therefore, this technique is now being evaluated in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.


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To be able to colonize its host, invading Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium must disrupt and severely affect host-microbiome homeostasis. Here we report that S. Typhimurium induces acute infectious colitis by inhibiting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) expression in intestinal epithelial cells. Interestingly, this PPARγ down-regulation by S. Typhimurium is independent of TLR-4 signaling but triggers a marked elevation of host innate immune response genes, including that encoding the antimicrobial peptide lipocalin-2 (Lcn2). Accumulation of Lcn2 stabilizes the metalloproteinase MMP-9 via extracellular binding, which further aggravates the colitis. Remarkably, when exposed to S. Typhimurium, Lcn2-null mice exhibited a drastic reduction of the colitis and remained protected even at later stages of infection. Our data suggest a mechanism in which S. Typhimurium hijacks the control of host immune response genes such as those encoding PPARγ and Lcn2 to acquire residence in a host, which by evolution has established a symbiotic relation with its microbiome community to prevent pathogen invasion.


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In Crohn's disease bacteria could be detected in the adjacent mesenteric fat characterized by hypertrophy of unknown function. This study aimed to define effector responses of this compartment induced by bacterial translocation during intestinal inflammation. Dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis served as a model of intestinal inflammation. Translocation of peptides and bacteria into mesenteric fat was evaluated. Innate functions of mesenteric fat and epithelium were characterized at whole tissue, cellular, and effector molecule levels. Orally applied peptides translocated in healthy wild-type (WT) mice. Bacterial translocation was not detected in healthy and acute but increased in chronic colitis. Mesenteric fat from colitic mice released elevated levels of cytokines and was infiltrated by immune cells. In MyD88(-/-) mice bacterial translocation occurred in health and increased in colitis. The exaggerated cytokine production in mesenteric fat accompanying colonic inflammation in WT mice was less distinct in MyD88(-/-) mice. In vitro studies revealed that fat not only increases cytokine production following contact with bacterial products, but also that preadipocytes are potent phagocytes. Colonic inflammation is accompanied by massive cytokine production and immune cell infiltration in adjacent adipose tissue. These effects can be considered as protective mechanisms of the mesenteric fat in the defense of bacterial translocation.


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Toll-like receptor ( TLR) s ignals are key to maintaining hostmicrobial i nteractions. T he T oll-interacting-protein (Tollip) is a ubiquitously-expressed inhibitor of inflammasome a nd TLR signaling. W e hypothesized that T ollip might control g ut homeostasis. G enetic ablation of T ollip d id not lead to spontaneous colitis b ut h ad d ramatic c onsequences on t he intestinal expression of the α-defensin cryptidin 4 and the C-type lectin R EGIIIβ. These c hanges were associated with intestinal dysbiosis a nd e nhanced colonization b y segmented filamentous bacteria - a k ey p ro-inflammatory component of the microbiota. Tollip deficiency increased susceptibility to dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis and aggravated chronic Th17-driven colitis in IL-10-/- mice. Flora d epletion w ith a ntibiotics in T ollip-/- mice w as not sufficient to restore DSS colitis susceptibility and deletion of Tollip in n on-hematopoietic c ells using bone-marrow chimeras w as sufficient to increase s usceptibility t o DSS colitis. After D SS administration, we o bserved several e pithelial defects i n Tollip-/- mice including early tight junctions disruption, increased epithelial apoptosis, and increased intestinal permeability. Overall, our data show that T ollip significantly impacts intestinal h omeostasis by controlling b acterial ecology and intestinal r esponse to chemical and immunological stresses.


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The availability of new topical preparations for the treatment of left sided ulcerative colitis offers a therapy optimization for many patients. Rectal application of steroids and 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) is associated with fewer side effects and has a higher therapeutic efficacy in left-sided colitis as compared to a systemic therapy. Therefore, we were interested in the use of topical therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis. The key question was whether topical treatment is more frequently used than oral therapy in patients with proctitis and left sided colitis. Data of 800 patients of the Swiss IBD cohort study were analyzed. Sixteen percent of patients of the cohort had proctitis, 21% proctosigmoiditis and 41% pancolitis. Topical therapy with 5-ASA or corticosteroids was given in 26% of patients with proctitis, a combined systemic and topical treatment was given in 13%, whereas systemic treatment with 5-ASA without topical treatment was given in 29%. Proportion of topical drug use decreased with respect to disease extension from 39% for proctitis to 13.1% for pancolitis (P=0.001). Patients with severe colitis received a significantly higher dose of topical 5-ASA than patients in remission. Side effects of topical or systemic 5-ASA or budesonide treatment were less frequently seen compared to other medications. Topical treatment was frequently stopped over time. The quality of life was the same in patients with limited disease compared to patients with pancolitis. Topical treatment in proctitis patients was underused in Switzerland. Since topical treatment is safe and effective it should be used to a larger extend.


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Inflammatory bowel diseases are commonly complicated by weight and bone loss. We hypothesized that IL-15, a pro-inflammatory cytokine expressed in colitis and an osteoclastogenic factor, could play a central role in systemic and skeletal complications of inflammatory bowel diseases. We evaluated the effects of an IL-15 antagonist, CRB-15, in mice with chronic colitis induced by oral 2% dextran sulfate sodium for 1 week, followed by another 1% for 2 weeks. During the last 2 weeks, mice were treated daily with CRB-15 or an IgG2a control antibody. Intestinal inflammation, disease severity, and bone parameters were evaluated at days 14 and 21. CRB-15 improved survival, early weight loss, and colitis clinical score, although colon damage and inflammation were prevented in only half the survivors. CRB-15 also delayed loss of femur bone mineral density and trabecular microarchitecture. Bone loss was characterized by decreased bone formation, but increased bone marrow osteoclast progenitors and osteoclast numbers on bone surfaces. CRB-15 prevented the suppression of osteoblastic markers of bone formation, and reduced osteoclast progenitors at day 14, but not later. However, by day 21, CRB-15 decreased tumor necrosis factor α and increased IL-10 expression in bone, paralleling a reduction of osteoclasts. These results delineate the role of IL-15 on the systemic and skeletal manifestations of chronic colitis and provide a proof-of-concept for future therapeutic developments.


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BACKGROUND: Calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine (CsA) and tacrolimus (Tcl)) and the anti-TNF-antibody infliximab (IFX) are established therapeutic options in steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis (UC). In acute severe UC failing steroids, a randomized trial showed an 85% short term response to CsA or IFX, with avoidance of colectomy. Comparative responses to the three drugs in outpatients with steroid-refractory UC are unknown. METHOD: Response to treatment in patients with steroid-refractory moderate to severe UC was retrospectively studied in three cohorts of patients: Cohort A (n=24) treated with oral Tcl (initially 0.05mg/kg twice daily, aiming for serum trough levels of 5-10 ng/mL); Cohort B (n=19) treated with intravenous CsA 2mg/kg/daily and then oral CsA 5mg/kg/daily; Cohort C. (n= 41) treated with IFX (5mg/kg intravenously at week 0, 2, 6 and then every 8 weeks). After successful rescue therapy with Tcl or CsA, thiopurine maintenance therapy was introduced. The endpoint was evaluation of clinical remission or response at week 6, on the basis of modified Truelove-Witts severity index (MTWSI). RESULTS: After 6 weeks, 42% (10/24) of patients treated with Tcl achieved remission (MTWSI score ≤4) compared to 47% (9/ 19) on CsA and 66% (27/41) of patients treated with IFX (Tcl & CsA vs IFX p=0.127). Clinical response (decrease of MTWSI score of more than 4 points) at week 6 was reached in 25% (6/24) patients on Tcl, compared to 11% (2/19) on CsA and 20% (8/41) given IFX (p=0.484). Subgroup analysis showed the highest rates of remission in those with moderate steroid-refractory UC treated with IFX: 29% (2/7) in Tcl group compared to 50% (2/4) in CsA group and 76 % (19/25) in IFX group (Tcl &CsA vs IFX p= 0.058) Patients with severe colitis showed similar rates of remission in all three groups: 47% (8/17) on Tcl, 47% (7/ 15) on CsA and 50% (8/16) on IFX (p= 0.700). Colectomy within 6 weeks occurred in 4% (1/24) after Tcl, 5% (1/19) after CsA and 0% (0/41) after IFX. Adverse effects in the first 6 weeks were observed in 13% (3/24) on Tcl, 26% (5/19) on CsA, and 10% (4/41) on IFX (p=0.224) CONCLUSION: No significant differences in response, remission, colectomy rate or adverse events between the three agents were found, although the study is too small for definitive conclusions. There are intriguing differences, with potentially greater response to IFX in moderate, steroid-refractory UC.