93 resultados para patterns of acquisition projects
Rapport de synthèse : Objectif : Les déficits cognitifs présents dans la phase aiguë d'une lésion hémisphérique focale ont tendance à être de nature plus importante et plus générale que les déficits résiduels qui persistent dans la phase chronique de récupération. Nous avons investigué, dans le cadre de ce travail, les modèles de récupération auditive et la relation qui se dessine entre les déficits et les dommages relatifs à des réseaux spécifiques, pris comme modèle cognitif des fonctions auditives. De nombreuses études humaines dans les domaines de la neuropsychologie, de la psychophysique ainsi que des études d'activation suggèrent que les processus de reconnaissance et de localisation sonores sont effectués par l'intermédiaire de réseaux distincts tant sur le plan anatomique que fonctionnel : il s'agit des zones de traitement du «What» et du «Where », qui sont toutes deux présentes dans les deux hémisphères. Des études ont démontré que des lésions hémisphériques focales gauches ou droites, centrées sur ces réseaux, sont associées dans la phase chronique de récupération à des déficits correspondant en ce qui concerne la reconnaissance et/ou la localisation sonore. Méthode : Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous avons analysé les résultats concernant les performances auditives chez 24 patients ayant subi des lésions hémisphériques focales avec déficits secondaires dans des tâches de reconnaissance, de localisation et/ou de perception du mouvement sonore lors d'un premier testing effectué en phase aiguë (9 patients), en phase subaiguë (6 patients) ou en phase chronique précoce (9 patients). La totalité de ces patients ont bénéficié d'un second testing en phase chronique. Les observations effectuées ont servi à l'élaboration de patterns de récupération auditive. Résultats : Tous les 24 patients avaient initialement un déficit dans le domaine de la localisation et/ou de la perception du mouvement sonore. Dans la phase aiguë, ce déficit survenait sans atteinte spécifique du réseau «Where » chez presque la moitié des patients ; en revanche, cette situation n'était jamais observée chez les patients testés en phase chronique précoce. Une absence de récupération avait tendance à être associée à un dommage spécifique au réseau concerné ainsi qu'à la persistance d'un déficit au-delà de la phase aiguë. Les déficits résiduels n'étaient par ailleurs pas strictement en lien avec la taille lésionnelle ou l'étendue de l'atteinte du réseau spécifique. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que des mécanismes distincts sous-tendent la récupération et la plasticité à différentes périodes temporelles post-lésionnelles.
Formulation and Implementation of Air Quality Control Pogrammes : Patterns of Interest Consideration
This article investigates some central aspects of the relationships between programme structure and implementation of sulphur dioxide air quality control policies. Previous implementation research, primarily adopting American approaches, has neglected the connections between the processes of programme formulation and implementation. 'Programme', as the key variable in implementation studies, has been defined too narrowly. On the basis of theoretical and conceptual reflections and provisional empirical results from studies in France, Italy, England, and the Federal Republic of Germany, the authors demonstrate that an integral process analysis using a more extended programme concept is necessary if patterns of interest recognition in policies are to be discovered. Otherwise, the still important question of critical social science cannot be answered, namely, what is the impact of special interests upon implementation processes.
Teaching and research are organised differently between subject domains: attempts to construct typologies of higher education institutions, however, often do not include quantitative indicators concerning subject mix which would allow systematic comparisons of large numbers of higher education institutions among different countries, as the availability of data for such indicators is limited. In this paper, we present an exploratory approach for the construction of such indicators. The database constructed in the AQUAMETH project, which includes also data disaggregated at the disciplinary level, is explored with the aim of understanding patterns of subject mix. For six European countries, an exploratory and descriptive analysis of staff composition divided in four large domains (medical sciences, engineering and technology, natural sciences and social sciences and humanities) is performed, which leads to a classification distinguishing between specialist and generalist institutions. Among the latter, a further distinction is made based on the presence or absence of a medical department. Preliminary exploration of this classification and its comparison with other indicators show the influence of long term dynamics on the subject mix of individual higher education institutions, but also underline disciplinary differences, for example regarding student to staff ratios, as well as national patterns, for example regarding the number of PhD degrees per 100 undergraduate students. Despite its many limitations, this exploratory approach allows defining a classification of higher education institutions that accounts for a large share of differences between the analysed higher education institutions.
Aim This study compares the direct, macroecological approach (MEM) for modelling species richness (SR) with the more recent approach of stacking predictions from individual species distributions (S-SDM). We implemented both approaches on the same dataset and discuss their respective theoretical assumptions, strengths and drawbacks. We also tested how both approaches performed in reproducing observed patterns of SR along an elevational gradient.Location Two study areas in the Alps of Switzerland.Methods We implemented MEM by relating the species counts to environmental predictors with statistical models, assuming a Poisson distribution. S-SDM was implemented by modelling each species distribution individually and then stacking the obtained prediction maps in three different ways - summing binary predictions, summing random draws of binomial trials and summing predicted probabilities - to obtain a final species count.Results The direct MEM approach yields nearly unbiased predictions centred around the observed mean values, but with a lower correlation between predictions and observations, than that achieved by the S-SDM approaches. This method also cannot provide any information on species identity and, thus, community composition. It does, however, accurately reproduce the hump-shaped pattern of SR observed along the elevational gradient. The S-SDM approach summing binary maps can predict individual species and thus communities, but tends to overpredict SR. The two other S-SDM approaches the summed binomial trials based on predicted probabilities and summed predicted probabilities - do not overpredict richness, but they predict many competing end points of assembly or they lose the individual species predictions, respectively. Furthermore, all S-SDM approaches fail to appropriately reproduce the observed hump-shaped patterns of SR along the elevational gradient.Main conclusions Macroecological approach and S-SDM have complementary strengths. We suggest that both could be used in combination to obtain better SR predictions by following the suggestion of constraining S-SDM by MEM predictions.
BACKGROUND: We studied human cytomegalovirus (CMV) donor-to-recipient transmission patterns in organ transplantation by analyzing genomic variants on the basis of CMV glycoprotein B (gB) genotyping. METHODS: Organ transplant recipients were included in the study if they had CMV viremia, if they had received an organ from a CMV-seropositive donor, and if there was at least 1 other recipient of an organ from the same donor who developed CMV viremia. Genotypes (gB1-4) were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Forty-seven recipients of organs from 21 donors developed CMV viremia. Twenty-three recipients had a pretransplant donor/recipient (D/R) CMV serostatus of D(+)/R(+), and 24 had a serostatus of D(+)/R(-). The prevalences of genotypes in recipients were as follows: for gB1, 51% (n = 24); for gB2, 19% (n = 9); for gB3, 9% (n = 4); for gB4, 0% (n = 0); and for mixed infection, 21% (n = 10). Recipients of an organ from a common donor had infection with CMV of the same gB genotype in 12 (57%) of 21 instances. Concordance between genotypes was higher among seronegative (i.e., D(+)/R(-)) recipients than among seropositive (D(+)/R(+)) recipients, although discordances resulting from the transmission of multiple strains were seen. In seropositive recipients, transmission of multiple strains from the donor could not be differentiated from reactivation of a recipient's own strains. CONCLUSION: Our analysis of strain concordance among recipients of organs from common donors showed that transmission of CMV has complex dynamic patterns. In seropositive recipients, transmission or reactivation of multiple CMV strains is possible.
Understanding the distribution and composition of species assemblages and being able to predict them in space and time are highly important tasks io investigate the fate of biodiversity in the current global changes context. Species distribution models are tools that have proven useful to predict the potential distribution of species by relating their occurrences to environmental variables. Species assemblages can then be predicted by combining the prediction of individual species models. In the first part of my thesis, I tested the importance of new environmental predictors to improve species distribution prediction. I showed that edaphic variables, above all soil pH and nitrogen content could be important in species distribution models. In a second chapter, I tested the influence of different resolution of predictors on the predictive ability of species distribution models. I showed that fine resolution predictors could ameliorate the models for some species by giving a better estimation of the micro-topographic condition that species tolerate, but that fine resolution predictors for climatic factors still need to be ameliorated. The second goal of my thesis was to test the ability of empirical models to predict species assemblages' characteristics such as species richness or functional attributes. I showed that species richness could be modelled efficiently and that the resulting prediction gave a more realistic estimate of the number of species than when obtaining it by stacking outputs of single species distribution models. Regarding the prediction of functional characteristics (plant height, leaf surface, seed mass) of plant assemblages, mean and extreme values of functional traits were better predictable than indices reflecting the diversity of traits in the community. This approach proved interesting to understand which environmental conditions influence particular aspects of the vegetation functioning. It could also be useful to predict climate change impacts on the vegetation. In the last part of my thesis, I studied the capacity of stacked species distribution models to predict the plant assemblages. I showed that this method tended to over-predict the number of species and that the composition of the community was not predicted exactly either. Finally, I combined the results of macro- ecological models obtained in the preceding chapters with stacked species distribution models and showed that this approach reduced significantly the number of species predicted and that the prediction of the composition is also ameliorated in some cases. These results showed that this method is promising. It needs now to be tested on further data sets. - Comprendre la manière dont les plantes se répartissent dans l'environnement et s'organisent en communauté est une question primordiale dans le contexte actuel de changements globaux. Cette connaissance peut nous aider à sauvegarder la diversité des espèces et les écosystèmes. Des méthodes statistiques nous permettent de prédire la distribution des espèces de plantes dans l'espace géographique et dans le temps. Ces modèles de distribution d'espèces, relient les occurrences d'une espèce avec des variables environnementales pour décrire sa distribution potentielle. Cette méthode a fait ses preuves pour ce qui est de la prédiction d'espèces individuelles. Plus récemment plusieurs tentatives de cumul de modèles d'espèces individuelles ont été réalisées afin de prédire la composition des communautés végétales. Le premier objectif de mon travail est d'améliorer les modèles de distribution en testant l'importance de nouvelles variables prédictives. Parmi différentes variables édaphiques, le pH et la teneur en azote du sol se sont avérés des facteurs non négligeables pour prédire la distribution des plantes. Je démontre aussi dans un second chapitre que les prédicteurs environnementaux à fine résolution permettent de refléter les conditions micro-topographiques subies par les plantes mais qu'ils doivent encore être améliorés avant de pouvoir être employés de manière efficace dans les modèles. Le deuxième objectif de ce travail consistait à étudier le développement de modèles prédictifs pour des attributs des communautés végétales tels que, par exemple, la richesse en espèces rencontrée à chaque point. Je démontre qu'il est possible de prédire par ce biais des valeurs de richesse spécifiques plus réalistes qu'en sommant les prédictions obtenues précédemment pour des espèces individuelles. J'ai également prédit dans l'espace et dans le temps des caractéristiques de la végétation telles que sa hauteur moyenne, minimale et maximale. Cette approche peut être utile pour comprendre quels facteurs environnementaux promeuvent différents types de végétation ainsi que pour évaluer les changements à attendre au niveau de la végétation dans le futur sous différents régimes de changements climatiques. Dans une troisième partie de ma thèse, j'ai exploré la possibilité de prédire les assemblages de plantes premièrement en cumulant les prédictions obtenues à partir de modèles individuels pour chaque espèce. Cette méthode a le défaut de prédire trop d'espèces par rapport à ce qui est observé en réalité. J'ai finalement employé le modèle de richesse en espèce développé précédemment pour contraindre les résultats du modèle d'assemblage de plantes. Cela a permis l'amélioration des modèles en réduisant la sur-prédiction et en améliorant la prédiction de la composition en espèces. Cette méthode semble prometteuse mais de nouveaux tests sont nécessaires pour bien évaluer ses capacités.
Purpose of the study: Basic life support (BLS) and automated externaldefibrillation (AED) represent important skills to be acquired duringpregraduate medical training. Since 3 years, our medical school hasintroduced a BLS-AED course (with certification) for all second yearmedical students. Few reports about quality and persistence over timeof BLS-AED learning are available to date in the medical literature.Comprehensive evaluation of students' acquired skills was performedat the end of the 2008 academic year, 6 month after certification.Materials and methods: The students (N = 142) were evaluated duringa 9 minutes «objective structured clinical examination» (OSCE) station.Out of a standardized scenario, they had to recognize a cardiac arrestsituation and start a resuscitation process. Their performance wererecorded on a PC using an Ambuman(TM) mannequin and the AmbuCPR software kit(TM) during a minimum of 8 cycles (30 compressions:2 ventilations each). BLS parameters were systematically checked. Nostudent-rater interactions were allowed during the whole evaluation.Results: Response of the victim was checked by 99% of the students(N = 140), 96% (N = 136) called for an ambulance and/or an AED. Openthe airway and check breathing were done by 96% (N = 137), 92% (N =132) gave 2 rescue breaths. Pulse was checked by 95% (N=135), 100%(N = 142) begun chest compression, 96% (N = 136) within 1 minute.Chest compression rate was 101 ± 18 per minute (mean ± SD), depthcompression 43 ± 8 mm, 97% (N = 138) respected a compressionventilationratio of 30:2.Conclusions: Quality of BLS skills acquisition is maintained during a6-month period after a BLS-AED certification. Main targets of 2005 AHAguidelines were well respected. This analysis represents one of thelargest evaluations of specific BLS teaching efficiency reported. Furtherfollow-up is needed to control the persistence of these skills during alonger time period and noteworthy at the end of the pregraduatemedical curriculum.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) constitute an important class of gene regulators. While models have been proposed to explain their appearance and expansion, the validation of these models has been difficult due to the lack of comparative studies. Here, we analyze miRNA evolutionary patterns in two mammals, human and mouse, in relation to the age of miRNA families. In this comparative framework, we confirm some predictions of previously advanced models of miRNA evolution, e.g. that miRNAs arise more frequently de novo than by duplication, or that the number of protein-coding gene targeted by miRNAs decreases with evolutionary time. We also corroborate that miRNAs display an increase in expression level with evolutionary time, however we show that this relation is largely tissue-dependent, and especially low in embryonic or nervous tissues. We identify a bias of tag-sequencing techniques regarding the assessment of breadth of expression, leading us, contrary to predictions, to find more tissue-specific expression of older miRNAs. Together, our results refine the models used so far to depict the evolution of miRNA genes. They underline the role of tissue-specific selective forces on the evolution of miRNAs, as well as the potential co-evolution patterns between miRNAs and the protein-coding genes they target.
The maintenance of phenotypic variation is a central question in evolutionary biology. A commonly suggested mechanism is that of local adaptation, whereby different phenotypes are adapted to alternative environmental conditions. A recent study in the European barn owl (Tyto alba) has shown that natural selection maintains a strong clinal variation in reddish pheomelanin-based coloration. Studies in the region where phenotypic variation in this owl is the highest in Europe have further demonstrated that dark-reddish and pale-reddish owls exploit open and wooded habitats, predate voles and wood mice, and are long-tailed and short-tailed, respectively. However, it remains unclear as to whether these traits evolved as a consequence of allopatric evolution of dark colour in northern Europe and white colour in southern Europe, during which owls could have also evolved different morphologies and foraging behaviour. This scenario implies that covariation between coloration and foraging behaviour could be a specificity of the European continent, which is not found in other worldwide-distributed populations. To investigate this issue we studied a barn owl population in the Middle East. Our results show that, as in Central Europe, dark-reddish female owls breed more often in the open landscape than their pale-reddish female conspecifics, their offspring are fed with more voles than Muridae, and they are longer-winged and longer-tailed. These findings indicate that in the barn owl the association in females between pheomelanin-based coloration and foraging behaviour and morphology is not restricted to the European continent but may well evolve in sympatry in many barn owl populations worldwide.
Floral bilateral symmetry (zygomorphy) has evolved several times independently in angiosperms from radially symmetrical (actinomorphic) ancestral states. Homologs of the Antirrhinum majus Cycloidea gene (Cyc) have been shown to control floral symmetry in diverse groups in core eudicots. In the basal eudicot family Ranunculaceae, there is a single evolutionary transition from actinomorphy to zygomorphy in the stem lineage of the tribe Delphinieae. We characterized Cyc homologs in 18 genera of Ranunculaceae, including the four genera of Delphinieae, in a sampling that represents the floral morphological diversity of this tribe, and reconstructed the evolutionary history of this gene family in Ranunculaceae. Within each of the two RanaCyL (Ranunculaceae Cycloidea-like) lineages previously identified, an additional duplication possibly predating the emergence of the Delphinieae was found, resulting in up to four gene copies in zygomorphic species. Expression analyses indicate that the RanaCyL paralogs are expressed early in floral buds and that the duration of their expression varies between species and paralog class. At most one RanaCyL paralog was expressed during the late stages of floral development in the actinomorphic species studied whereas all paralogs from the zygomorphic species were expressed, composing a species-specific identity code for perianth organs. The contrasted asymmetric patterns of expression observed in the two zygomorphic species is discussed in relation to their distinct perianth architecture.
BACKGROUND: Evolutionary analysis may serve as a useful approach to identify and characterize host defense and viral proteins involved in genetic conflicts. We analyzed patterns of coding sequence evolution of genes with known (TRIM5alpha and APOBEC3G) or suspected (TRIM19/PML) roles in virus restriction, or in viral pathogenesis (PPIA, encoding Cyclophilin A), in the same set of human and non-human primate species. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: This analysis revealed previously unidentified clusters of positively selected sites in APOBEC3G and TRIM5alpha that may delineate new virus-interaction domains. In contrast, our evolutionary analyses suggest that PPIA is not under diversifying selection in primates, consistent with the interaction of Cyclophilin A being limited to the HIV-1M/SIVcpz lineage. The strong sequence conservation of the TRIM19/PML sequences among primates suggests that this gene does not play a role in antiretroviral defense.
We have previously shown that env V4 from HIV-1 plasma RNA is highly heterogeneous within a single patient, due to indel-associated polymorphism. In this study, we have analyzed the variability of V4 in proviral DNA from unfractionated PBMC and sorted T and non-T cell populations within individual patients. Our data show that the degree of sequence variability and length polymorphism in V4 from HIV provirus is even higher than we previously reported in plasma. The data also show that the sequence of V4 depends largely on the experimental approach chosen. We could observe no clear trend for compartmentalization of V4 variants in specific cell types. Of interest is the fact that some variants that had been found to be predominant in plasma were not detected in any of the cell subsets analyzed. Consistently with our observations in plasma, V3 was found to be relatively conserved at both interpatient and intrapatient level. Our data show that V4 polymorphism involving insertions and deletions in addition to point mutations results in changes in the patterns of sequons in HIV-1 proviral DNA as well as in plasma RNA. These rearrangements may result in the coexistence, within the same individual, of a swarm of different V4 regions, each characterized by a different carbohydrate surface shield. Further studies are needed to investigate the mechanism responsible for the variability observed in V4 and its role in HIV pathogenesis.
Aims and background. In 2002, a survey including 1759 patients treated from 1980 to 1998 established a "benchmark" Italian data source for prostate cancer radiotherapy. This report updates the previous one. Methods. Data on clinical management and outcomes of 3001 patients treated in 15 centers from 1999 through 2003 were analyzed and compared with those of the previous survey. Results. Significant differences in clinical management (-10% had abdominal ma-gnetic resonance imaging; +26% received ≥70 Gy, +48% conformal radiotherapy, -20% pelvic radiotherapy) and in G3-4 toxicity rates (-3.8%) were recorded. Actuarial 5-year overall, disease-specific, clinical relapse-free, and biochemical relapse-free survival rates were 88%, 96%, 96% and 88%, respectively. At multivariate analysis, D'Amico risk categories significantly impacted on all the outcomes; higher radiotherapy doses were significantly related with better overall survival rates, and a similar trend was evident for disease-specific and biochemical relapse-free survival; cumulative probability of 5-year late G1-4 toxicity was 24.8% and was significantly related to higher radiotherapy doses (P <0.001). Conclusions. The changing patterns of practice described seem related to an improvement in efficacy and safety of radiotherapy for prostate cancer. However, the impact of the new radiotherapy techniques should be prospectively evaluated.