85 resultados para off-design piste


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ABSTRACT The drug discovery process has been profoundly changed recently by the adoption of computational methods helping the design of new drug candidates more rapidly and at lower costs. In silico drug design consists of a collection of tools helping to make rational decisions at the different steps of the drug discovery process, such as the identification of a biomolecular target of therapeutical interest, the selection or the design of new lead compounds and their modification to obtain better affinities, as well as pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. Among the different tools available, a particular emphasis is placed in this review on molecular docking, virtual high throughput screening and fragment-based ligand design.


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BACKGROUND: Different kinds of ventilators are available to perform noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in ICUs. Which type allows the best patient-ventilator synchrony is unknown. The objective was to compare patient-ventilator synchrony during NIV between ICU, transport-both with and without the NIV algorithm engaged-and dedicated NIV ventilators. METHODS: First, a bench model simulating spontaneous breathing efforts was used to assess the respective impact of inspiratory and expiratory leaks on cycling and triggering functions in 19 ventilators. Second, a clinical study evaluated the incidence of patient-ventilator asynchronies in 15 patients during three randomized, consecutive, 20-min periods of NIV using an ICU ventilator with and without its NIV algorithm engaged and a dedicated NIV ventilator. Patient-ventilator asynchrony was assessed using flow, airway pressure, and respiratory muscles surface electromyogram recordings. RESULTS: On the bench, frequent auto-triggering and delayed cycling occurred in the presence of leaks using ICU and transport ventilators. NIV algorithms unevenly minimized these asynchronies, whereas no asynchrony was observed with the dedicated NIV ventilators in all except one. These results were reproduced during the clinical study: The asynchrony index was significantly lower with a dedicated NIV ventilator than with ICU ventilators without or with their NIV algorithm engaged (0.5% [0.4%-1.2%] vs 3.7% [1.4%-10.3%] and 2.0% [1.5%-6.6%], P < .01), especially because of less auto-triggering. CONCLUSIONS: Dedicated NIV ventilators allow better patient-ventilator synchrony than ICU and transport ventilators, even with their NIV algorithm. However, the NIV algorithm improves, at least slightly and with a wide variation among ventilators, triggering and/or cycling off synchronization.


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Failure to detect a species in an area where it is present is a major source of error in biological surveys. We assessed whether it is possible to optimize single-visit biological monitoring surveys of highly dynamic freshwater ecosystems by framing them a priori within a particular period of time. Alternatively, we also searched for the optimal number of visits and when they should be conducted. We developed single-species occupancy models to estimate the monthly probability of detection of pond-breeding amphibians during a four-year monitoring program. Our results revealed that detection probability was species-specific and changed among sampling visits within a breeding season and also among breeding seasons. Thereby, the optimization of biological surveys with minimal survey effort (a single visit) is not feasible as it proves impossible to select a priori an adequate sampling period that remains robust across years. Alternatively, a two-survey combination at the beginning of the sampling season yielded optimal results and constituted an acceptable compromise between sampling efficacy and survey effort. Our study provides evidence of the variability and uncertainty that likely affects the efficacy of monitoring surveys, highlighting the need of repeated sampling in both ecological studies and conservation management.


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Résumé Ce travail s'inscrit dans un programme de recherche centré sur la pharmacovigilance en psychiatrie. Buts de l'étude Les nouveaux antipsychotiques atypiques sont prescrits avec beaucoup de succès, parce qu'ils présentent une sécurité dans leur emploi bien supérieure à celle des antipsychotiques classiques. Cette situation a conduit à une large prescription «off-label» (hors indication admise). Le but de ce travail a été d'étudier la pratique en matière de prescription des psychiatres hospitaliers en ce qui concerne les antipsychotiques en comparant des patients traités pour des psychoses ou d'autres indications officielles aux patients recevant un traitement antipsychotique «off-label». Méthode Dans le cadre d'un programme de pharmacovigilance - pharmacoépidemiologie, tous les médicaments prescrits à 5 jours de référence (entre 1999 et 2001) à l'hôpital psychiatrique universitaire de Lausanne (98 lits) ont été enregistrés, avec des données sur l'âge, le sexe et le diagnostic des patients. Les prescriptions de 202 patients ont été évaluées. Les patients ont été classés dans 3 groupes diagnostiques : (1) patient présentant des troubles psychotiques, (2) patient présentant des épisodes maniaques et des épisodes dépressifs avec des symptômes psychotiques, et (3) patient présentant d'autres troubles. Les groupes (1) et (2) forment une classe de patients recevant un antipsychotique pour une indication officielle, et les prescriptions dans le groupe (3) ont été considérées comme «off-label». Résultats principaux Moins de patients psychotiques ont reçu un antidépresseur (p<0.05) ou des hypnotiques non-benzodiazepine (p<0.001) comparés aux patients des deux autres groupes. Les patients présentant des troubles affectifs recevaient seulement exceptionnellement une combinaison d'un antipsychotique atypique et conventionnel, tandis qu'un nombre inférieur de patients avec des indications « off-label » ont reçu moins .souvent des antipsychotiques atypiques que ceux des deux groupes de comparaison (p<0.05). L'analyse statistique (stepwise logistic regression) a révélé que les patients présentant des troubles psychotiques avaient un risque plus élevé de recevoir un médicament antipsychotique d'une dose moyenne ou élevée, (p<0.001) en comparaison aux deux autres groupes. Conclusion Les nouveaux médicaments antipsychotiques semblent être prescrits avec moins d'hésitation principalement pour des indications admises. Les médecins prescrivent de nouveaux médicaments « off-label » seulement après avoir acquis une certaine expérience dans le domaine des indications approuvées, et ils étaient plus prudents en ce qui concerne la dose en traitant sur la base «off-label». Abstract Objective The new brands of atypical antipsychotics are very successfully prescribed because of their enhanced safety profiles and their larger pharmacological profile in comparison to the conventional antipsychotic. This has led to broad off-label utilisation. The aim of the present survey was to study the prescription practice of hospital psychiatrists with regard to antipsychotic drugs, comparing patients treated for psychoses or other registered indications to patients receiving an off-label antipsychotic treatment. Method As part of a pharmacovigilance/pharmacoepidemiology program, all drugs given on 5 reference days (1999 - 2001) in the 98-bed psychiatric hospital of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, were recorded along with age, sex and diagnosis. The prescriptions of 202 patients were assessed. Patients were classified in 3 diagnostic groups: (1) patient with psychotic disorders, (2) patients with manic episodes and depressive episodes with psychotic symptoms, and (3) patients with other disorders. Group (1) and (2) formed the class of patients receiving an antipsychotic for a registered indication, and the prescriptions in group (3) were considered as off-label. Main results A lesser number of psychotic patients received antidepressant (p<0.05) and nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics (p<0.001) compared to the patients of the other two groups. The patients with affective disorders received only exceptionally a combination of an atypical and a conventional antipsychotic, whereas a lesser number of patients with off-label indications received less often atypical antipsychotics than those of the two comparison groups (p<0.05). Stepwise logistic regression revealed that patients with psychotic disorder were at higher risk of receiving an antipsychotic medication in medium or high dose (p<0.001), in comparison to the two other groups. Conclusions The new antipsychotic drugs seem to be prescribed with less hesitation mainly for approved indications. Physicians prescribe new drugs on off-label application only after having gained some experience in the field of the approved indications, and were more cautious with regard to dose when treating on an off-label basis.


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Learning and immunity are two adaptive traits with roles in central aspects of an organism's life: learning allows adjusting behaviours in changing environments, while immunity protects the body integrity against parasites and pathogens. While we know a lot about how these two traits interact in vertebrates, the interactions between learning and immunity remain poorly explored in insects. During my PhD, I studied three possible ways in which these two traits interact in the model system Drosophila melanogaster, a model organism in the study of learning and in the study of immunity. Learning can affect the behavioural defences against parasites and pathogens through the acquisition of new aversions for contaminated food for instance. This type of learning relies on the ability to associate a food-related cue with the visceral sickness following ingestion of contaminated food. Despite its potential implication in infection prevention, the existence of pathogen avoidance learning has been rarely explored in invertebrates. In a first part of my PhD, I tested whether D. melanogaster, which feed on food enriched in microorganisms, innately avoid the orally-acquired 'novel' virulent pathogen Pseudomonas entomophila, and whether it can learn to avoid it. Although flies did not innately avoid this pathogen, they decreased their preference for contaminated food over time, suggesting the existence of a form of learning based likely on infection-induced sickness. I further found that flies may be able to learn to avoid an odorant which was previously associated with the pathogen, but this requires confirmation with additional data. If this is confirmed, this would be the first time, to my knowledge, that pathogen avoidance learning is reported in an insect. The detrimental effect of infection on cognition and more specifically on learning ability is well documented in vertebrates and in social insects. While the underlying mechanisms are described in detail in vertebrates, experimental investigations are lacking in invertebrates. In a second part of my PhD, I tested the effect of an oral infection with natural pathogens on associative learning of D. melanogaster. By contrast with previous studies in insects, I found that flies orally infected with the virulent P. entomophila learned better the association of an odorant with mechanical shock than uninfected flies. The effect seems to be specific to a gut infection, and so far I have not been able to draw conclusions on the respective contributions of the pathogen's virulence and of the flies' immune activity in this effect. Interestingly, infected flies may display an increased sensitivity to physical pain. If the learning improvement observed in infected flies was due partially to the activity of the immune system, my results would suggest the existence of physiological connections between the immune system and the nervous system. The basis of these connections would then need to be addressed. Learning and immunity are linked at the physiological level in social insects. Physiological links between traits often result from the expression of genetic links between these traits. However, in social insects, there is no evidence that learning and immunity may be involved in an evolutionary trade-off. I previously reported a positive effect of infection on learning in D. melanogaster. This might suggest that a positive genetic link could exist between learning and immunity. We tested this hypothesis with two approaches: the diallel cross design with inbred lines, and the isofemale lines design. The two approaches provided consistent results: we found no additive genetic correlation between learning and resistance to infection with the diallel cross, and no genetic correlation in flies which are not yet adapted to laboratory conditions in isofemale lines. Consistently with the literature, the two studies suggested that the positive effect of infection on learning I observed might not be reflected by a positive evolutionary link between learning and immunity. Nevertheless, the existence of complex genetic relationships between the two traits cannot be excluded. - L'apprentissage et l'immunité sont deux caractères à valeur adaptative impliqués dans des aspects centraux de la vie d'un organisme : l'apprentissage permet d'ajuster les comportements pour faire face aux changements de l'environnement, tandis que l'immunité protège l'intégrité corporelle contre les attaques des parasites et des pathogènes. Alors que les interactions entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité sont bien documentées chez les vertébrés, ces interactions ont été très peu étudiées chez les insectes. Pendant ma thèse, je me suis intéressée à trois aspects des interactions possibles entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité chez la mouche du vinaigre Drosophila melanogaster, qui est un organisme modèle dans l'étude à la fois de l'apprentissage et de l'immunité. L'apprentissage peut affecter les défenses comportementales contre les parasites et les pathogènes par l'acquisition de nouvelles aversions pour la nourriture contaminée par exemple. Ce type d'apprentissage repose sur la capacité à associer une caractéristique de la nourriture avec la maladie qui suit l'ingestion de cette nourriture. Malgré les implications potentielles pour la prévention des infections, l'évitement appris des pathogènes a été rarement étudié chez les invertébrés. Dans une première partie de ma thèse, j'ai testé si les mouches, qui se nourrissent sur des milieux enrichis en micro-organismes, évitent de façon innée un 'nouveau' pathogène virulent Pseudomonas entomophila, et si elles ont la capacité d'apprendre à l'éviter. Bien que les mouches ne montrent pas d'évitement inné pour ce pathogène, elles diminuent leur préférence pour de la nourriture contaminée dans le temps, suggérant l'existence d'une forme d'apprentissage basée vraisemblablement sur la maladie générée par l'infection. J'ai ensuite observé que les mouches semblent être capables d'apprendre à éviter une odeur qui était au préalable associée avec ce pathogène, mais cela reste à confirmer par la collecte de données supplémentaires. Si cette observation est confirmée, cela sera la première fois, à ma connaissance, que l'évitement appris des pathogènes est décrit chez un insecte. L'effet détrimental des infections sur la cognition et plus particulièrement sur les capacités d'apprentissage est bien documenté chez les vertébrés et les insectes sociaux. Alors que les mécanismes sous-jacents sont détaillés chez les vertébrés, des études expérimentales font défaut chez les insectes. Dans une seconde partie de ma thèse, j'ai mesuré les effets d'une infection orale par des pathogènes naturels sur les capacités d'apprentissage associatif de la drosophile. Contrairement aux études précédentes chez les insectes, j'ai trouvé que les mouches infectées par le pathogène virulent P. entomophila apprennent mieux à associer une odeur avec des chocs mécaniques que des mouches non infectées. Cet effet semble spécifique à l'infection orale, et jusqu'à présent je n'ai pas pu conclure sur les contributions respectives de la virulence du pathogène et de l'activité immunitaire des mouches dans cet effet. De façon intéressante, les mouches infectées pourraient montrer une plus grande réactivité à la douleur physique. Si l'amélioration de l'apprentissage observée chez les mouches infectées était due en partie à l'activité du système immunitaire, mes résultats suggéreraient l'existence de connections physiologiques entre le système immunitaire et le système nerveux. Les mécanismes de ces connections seraient à explorer. L'apprentissage et l'immunité sont liés sur un plan physiologique chez les insectes sociaux. Les liens physiologiques entre les caractères résultent souvent de l'expression de liens entre ces caractères au niveau génétique. Cependant, chez les insectes sociaux, il n'y a pas de preuve que l'apprentissage et l'immunité soient liés par un compromis évolutif. J'ai précédemment rapporté un effet positif de l'infection sur l'apprentissage chez la drosophile. Cela pourrait suggérer qu'une relation génétique positive existerait entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse par deux approches : le croisement diallèle avec des lignées consanguines, et les lignées isofemelles. Les deux approches ont fournies des résultats similaires : nous n'avons pas détecté de corrélation génétique additive entre l'apprentissage et la résistance à l'infection avec le croisement diallèle, et pas de corrélation génétique chez des mouches non adaptées aux conditions de laboratoire avec les lignées isofemelles. En ligne avec la littérature, ces deux études suggèrent que l'effet positif de l'infection sur l'apprentissage que j'ai précédemment observé ne refléterait pas un lien évolutif positif entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité. Néanmoins, l'existence de relations génétiques complexes n'est pas exclue.


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The use of artificial nest-boxes has led to significant progress in bird conservation and in our understanding of the functional and evolutionary ecology of free-ranging birds that exploit cavities for roosting and reproduction. Nest-boxes and their improved accessibility have made it easier to perform comparative and experimental field investigations. However, concerns about the generality and applicability of scientific studies involving birds breeding in nest-boxes have been raised because the occupants of boxes may differ from conspecifics occupying other nest sites. Here we review the existing evidence demonstrating the importance of nest-box design to individual life-history traits in three falcon (Falconiformes) and seven owl (Strigiformes) species, as well as the extent to which publications on these birds describe the characteristics of exploited artificial nest-boxes in their 'methods' sections. More than 60% of recent publications did not provide any details on nest-box design (e.g. size, shape, material), despite several calls >15 years ago to increase the reporting of such information. We exemplify and discuss how variation in nest-box characteristics can affect or confound conclusions from nest-box studies and conclude that it is of overall importance to present details of nest-box characteristics in scientific publications.


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Voting is fundamental for democracy, however, this decisive democratic act requires quite an effort. Decision making at elections depends largely on the interest to gather information about candidates and parties, the effort to process the information at hand and the motivation to reach a vote choice. Especially in electoral systems with highly fragmented party systems and hundreds of candidates running for office, the process of decision making in the pre‐election sphere is highly demanding. In the age of information and communication technologies, new possibilities for gathering and processing such information are available. Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) provide guidance to voters prior to the act of voting and assist voters in choosing between different candidates and parties on the basis of issue congruence. Meanwhile widely used all over the world, scientific inquiry into the effect of such tools on electoral behavior is ongoing. This paper adds to the current debate by focusing on whether the popularity of candidates on the Swiss VAA smartvote eventually paid off at the 2007 Swiss federal elections and whether there is a direct link between the performance of a candidate on the tool and his or her electoral performance.


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Casework expercience has shown that, in some cases, long exposures of surfaces subjected to cyanoacrylate (CA) fuming had detrimental effects on the subsequent application of Bluestar. This study aimed to develop a control mechanism to monitor the amount of CA deposited prior to the subsequent treatment. A control slide bearing spots of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) of known concentrations and volume was designed and validated against both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations and latent print examiners' assessments of the quality of the developed marks. The control slide allows one to define three levels of development that were used to monitor the Bluestar reaction on depleting footwear marks left in diluted blood. The appropriate conditions for a successful application of both CA and Bluestar were determined.


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Time-expanded echolocation calls were recorded from 29 species of Neotropical bats in lowland moist tropical forest in Trinidad, West Indies with three aims (I) to describe the echolocation calls of the members of a diverse Neotropical bat community, especially members of the family Phyllostomidae, whose calls are not well documented (2) to investigate whether multivariate analysis of calls allows species and foraging guilds to be identified and (3) to evaluate the use of bat detectors in surveying the phyllostomids of Neotropical forests. The calls of 12 species of the family Phyllostomidae are described here for the first time and a total of 29 species, belonging to five families (Emballonuridae, Mormoopidae, Phyllostomidae, Molossidae and Vespertilionidae) were recorded Quadratic discriminant function analysis (DFA) was used to obtain classification rates for each one of 11 individual species and for six guilds (based on diet, foraging mode and habitat) comprising 26 species Overall classification rates were low compared to similar studies conducted in the Palaeotropics We suggest that this may be due to a combination of ecological plasticity for certain species and a loose relationship between echolocation call shape, fine-grained resource partitioning and resource acquisition in phyllostomids


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While mobile technologies can provide great personalized services for mobile users, they also threaten their privacy. Such personalization-privacy paradox are particularly salient for context aware technology based mobile applications where user's behaviors, movement and habits can be associated with a consumer's personal identity. In this thesis, I studied the privacy issues in the mobile context, particularly focus on an adaptive privacy management system design for context-aware mobile devices, and explore the role of personalization and control over user's personal data. This allowed me to make multiple contributions, both theoretical and practical. In the theoretical world, I propose and prototype an adaptive Single-Sign On solution that use user's context information to protect user's private information for smartphone. To validate this solution, I first proved that user's context is a unique user identifier and context awareness technology can increase user's perceived ease of use of the system and service provider's authentication security. I then followed a design science research paradigm and implemented this solution into a mobile application called "Privacy Manager". I evaluated the utility by several focus group interviews, and overall the proposed solution fulfilled the expected function and users expressed their intentions to use this application. To better understand the personalization-privacy paradox, I built on the theoretical foundations of privacy calculus and technology acceptance model to conceptualize the theory of users' mobile privacy management. I also examined the role of personalization and control ability on my model and how these two elements interact with privacy calculus and mobile technology model. In the practical realm, this thesis contributes to the understanding of the tradeoff between the benefit of personalized services and user's privacy concerns it may cause. By pointing out new opportunities to rethink how user's context information can protect private data, it also suggests new elements for privacy related business models.


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The tumor antigen NY-ESO-1 is a promising cancer vaccine target. We describe here a novel HLA-B7-restricted NY-ESO-1 epitope, encompassing amino acids 60-72 (APRGPHGGAASGL), which is naturally presented by melanoma cells. The tumor epitope bound to HLA-B7 by bulging outward from the peptide-binding cleft. This bulged epitope was not an impediment to T-cell recognition, however, because four of six HLA-B7(+) melanoma patients vaccinated with NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX vaccine generated a potent T-cell response to this determinant. Moreover, the response to this epitope was immunodominant in three of these patients and, unlike the T-cell responses to bulged HLA class I viral epitopes, the responding T cells possessed a remarkably broad TCR repertoire. Interestingly, HLA-B7(+) melanoma patients who did not receive the NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX vaccine rarely generated a spontaneous T-cell response to this cryptic epitope, suggesting a lack of priming of such T cells in the natural anti-NY-ESO-1 response, which may be corrected by vaccination. Together, our results reveal several surprising aspects of antitumor immunity and have implications for cancer vaccine design.