27 resultados para metodi level set segmentazione immagini di nevi immagini mediche regolarizzazione


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Little is known about sample behavior and fieldwork effects of different incentives introduced in a household panel survey. This is especially true for telephone surveys. In a randomized experiment, the Swiss Household Panel implemented one prepaid and two promised nonmonetary incentives in the range of 10 to 15 Swiss Francs (7-10 e), plus a no incentive control group. The aim of the paper is to compare effects of these incentives especially on cooperation, but also on sample selection and fieldwork effort, separated by the household and the subsequent individual level. We find small positive cooperation effects of the prepaid incentive on both the household and the individual level especially in larger households. Sample composition is affected to a very minor extent. Finally, incentives tend to save fieldwork time and partially the number of contacts needed on the individual level.


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La tesi di Dottorato, condotta in accordo di colutela tra l'Università di Roma Tor Vergata e l'UNIL di Losanna, ha affrontato l'analisi di un gruppo di undici disegni custodia presso la National Gallery of Scotland di Edimburgo, copie di alcuni dei più significativi mosaici medioevali delle chiese di Roma, ricostruendone la genesi, quindi le vicende legate alla committenza, e il percorso collezionistico. I disegni scozzesi, oggetto di un importante articolo di Julian Gardner pubblicato sul Burlington Magatine nel 1973, furono commissionati intorno agli anni Settanta del XVII secolo dall'antiquario romano Giovanni Giustino Ciampini (1633-1698) in connessione alla stesura della sua opera di erudizione più avvertita e famosa: i Vetera Mommenta in' quibus praecipue Musiva Opera, sacrarum, profanan,mque, Aedìum structura, ac nonnulli antiqui ritus dissertationibus iconìbusque illustrantur. La composizione dei Vetera Mommenta - un'opera riccamente illustrata che nasce per rispondere alle esigenze della ideologia della Chiesa di Roma in un momento di rinnovata crisi del sistema - impone a Ciampini di porsi da un lato nella prospettiva della più alta tradizione antiquaria cinque e seicentesca, di cui recupera i metodi di lettura e di analisi applicati allo studio delle monete e dei monumenti antichi interpretati quali prove per la ricostruzione storica, e dall'altra, come è emerso dalle mie ricerche, lo pone immediatamente in contatto con gli avamposti del più moderno metodo di indagine storica e filologica applicato alle fonti e ai documenti della storia ecclesiastica, inaugurato dall'ambiente bollandista e inaurino. I monumenti paleocristiani e medioevali assumono in quest'ottica lo status di 'fatti incontestabili', le fonti primarie attraverso le quali Ciampini ricuce le tappe salienti della storia della Chiesa, da Costantino fino al XV secolo. Nel 1700 le copie di Edimburgo arrivano nelle mani del mercante e connoisseur milanese il padre oratoriano Sebastiano Resta (1635-1714), di stanza a Roma presso la Chiesa Nuova della Vallicella dal 1660, che decide di rilegarle tutte insieme in un volume da donare al suo maggiore acquirente e patrono, il vescovo di Arezzo Giovanni Matteo Marchetti. Come spiega Resta in alcune sue lettere, il presente avrebbe dovuto costituire insieme una curiosità ed offrire un confronto: infatti «le copie delli mosaici di Roma che erano di Monsignor Ciampini» - afferma Resta - avrebbero mostrato al Marchetti «le maniere di que' tempi gottici, barbari e divoti de cristiani e [fatto] spiccare i secoli seguenti». Questa indagine infatti ha fatto riemergere aspetti della precoce attenzione di Sebastiano Resta per l'arte dei "secoli bassi", mai debitamente affrontata dagli studi. E' infatti sulla scorta di una profonda conoscenza dei testi della letteratura artistica, e in connessione alla esplosione vivacissima della controversia Malvasia/Baldinucci sul primato del risorgere delle arti in Toscana, che Sebastiano a partire dagli anni Ottanta del Seicento comincia a meditare sul Medioevo artistico con il fine di spiegare l'evoluzione del linguaggio tecnico e formale che ha condotto alla perfezione dell'atte moderna. In questa prospettiva ι disegni del XIV e XV secolo che egli riuscì ad intercettare sul mercato valgono quali testimonianze delle maniere degli artefici più antichi e sono imbastiti nei molteplici album che Resta compone nel rispetto della successione cronologica dei presunti autori, e ordinati in base alle scuole pittoriche di pertinenza. La tesi permette perciò di descrivere nelle loro diverse specificità: da un lato il modo dei conoscitori come Resta, interessati nell'opera al dato stilistico, con immediate e sensibili ricadute sul mercato, e disposti anche con passione a ricercare i documenti relativi all'opera in quanto pressati dall'urgenza di collocarla nella sequenza cronologica dello sviluppo del linguaggio formale e tecnico; dall'altro gli antiquari come Ciampini e come Bianchini, per i quali le opere del passato valgono come prove irrefutabili della ricostruzione storica, e divengono quindi esse stesse, anche nel loro statuto di copia, documento della stona. Sono due approcci che si manifestano nel Seicento, e talvolta in una medesima persona, come mostra il caso anche per questo cruciale di Giovati Pietro Bellori, ma che hanno radici cinquecentesche, di cui i protagonisti di queste vicende sono ben consapevoli: e se dietro Resta c'è palesemente Vasari, dietro Ciampini e soprattutto Bianchini c'è la più alta tradizione antiquaria del XVI secolo, da Antonio Augustin a Fulvio Orsini.


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An analysis is presented of the diversity and faunal turnover of Jurassic ammonites related to transgressive /regressive events. The data set contained 400 genera and 1548 species belonging to 67 ammonite zones covering the entire Jurassic System. These data were used in the construction of faunal turnover curves and ammonite diversities, that correlate with sea-level fluctuation curves. Twenty-four events of ammonite faunal turnover are analyzed throughout the Jurassic. The most important took place at the Sinemurian-Carixian boundary, latest Carixian-Middle Domerian, Domerian-Toarcian boundary, latest Middle Toarcian-Late Toarcian, Toarcian-Aalenian boundary, latest Aalenian-earliest Bajocian, latest Early Bajocian-earliest Late Bojocian, Early Bathonian-Middle Bathonian boundary, latest Middle Bathonian-earliest Late Bathonian, latest Bathonian-Early Callovian, earliest Early Oxfordian-Middle Oxfordian, earliest Late Oxfordian-latest Oxfordian, latest Early Kimmeridgian, Late Kimmeridgian, middle Early Tithonian and Early Tithonian-Late Tithonian boundary. More than 75 percent of these turnovers correlate with regressive-transgressive cycles in the Exxon, and /or Hallam's sea-level curves. Inmost cases the extinction events coincide with regressive intervals, whereas origination and radiation events are related to transgressive cycles. The turnovers frequently coincide with major or minor discontinuities in the Subbetic basin (Betic Cordillera).


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This paper examines the application of the guidelines for evidence-based treatments in family therapy developed by Sexton and collaborators to a set of treatment models. These guidelines classify the models using criteria that take into account the distinctive features of couple and family treatments. A two-step approach was taken: (1) The quality of each of the studies supporting the treatment models was assessed according to a list of ad hoc core criteria; (2) the level of evidence of each treatment model was determined using the guidelines. To reflect the stages of empirical validation present in the literature, nine models were selected: three models each with high, moderate, and low levels of empirical validation, determined by the number of randomized clinical trials (RCTs). The quality ratings highlighted the strengths and limitations of each of the studies that provided evidence backing the treatment models. The classification by level of evidence indicated that four of the models were level III, "evidence-based" treatments; one was a level II, "evidence-informed treatment with promising preliminary evidence-based results"; and four were level I, "evidence-informed" treatments. Using the guidelines helped identify treatments that are solid in terms of not only the number of RCTs but also the quality of the evidence supporting the efficacy of a given treatment. From a research perspective, this analysis highlighted areas to be addressed before some models can move up to a higher level of evidence. From a clinical perspective, the guidelines can help identify the models whose studies have produced clinically relevant results.


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Purpose: We have previously demonstrated that mutations in the FAM161A gene, encoding a protein with unknown function and no similarities with other characterized sequences, cause autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The purpose of this work is to investigate the functional role of FAM161A within the retina and its relationship with other proteins involved in RP. Methods: The subcellular localization of FAM161A in the retina was assessed by immunohistochemistry of retinal sections and dissociated photoreceptors from mice, which were stained using antibodies against FAM161A and antibodies against cilium markers. The function of FAM161A was further assessed in ciliated mammalian cell lines by expression of recombinant FAM161A with various fusion tags. The binary interaction between FAM161A and a collection of ciliary and ciliopathy-associated proteins was analyzed using a yeast two-hybrid assay. The results obtained with this technique were validated using independent protein-protein interaction assays (GST-pull downs, co-transfection and co-immunoprecipitation). Results: Native FAM161A localized at the connecting cilium of photoreceptor cells, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence in both dissociated photoreceptors and retinal sections of mice. More specifically, co-staining with markers for ciliary sub-structures (RPGRIP1L, Centrin, RP1, GT335) demonstrated that FAM161A decorated the basal body and the very apical part of the connecting cilium. Upon overexpression in ciliated cultured mammalian cells, FAM161A localized to the ciliary basal body. Yeast two-hybrid analysis of the binary interaction of FAM161A and an array of ciliary proteins revealed the direct interaction of FAM161A with three proteins of which the cognate genes are mutated in retinal ciliopathies. The confirmation of these interactions using different biochemical assays is currently in progress. Conclusions: FAM161A is a ciliary basal body protein of the photoreceptor connecting cilium, rendering the associated RP as a novel retinal ciliopathy. The confined expression of FAM161A in the retina and the direct interaction of FAM161A with other retinal ciliopathy-associated proteins may explain the retinal phenotype of this specific subset of mechanistically and phenotypically connected retinal disorders.


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Multisensory interactions are observed in species from single-cell organisms to humans. Important early work was primarily carried out in the cat superior colliculus and a set of critical parameters for their occurrence were defined. Primary among these were temporal synchrony and spatial alignment of bisensory inputs. Here, we assessed whether spatial alignment was also a critical parameter for the temporally earliest multisensory interactions that are observed in lower-level sensory cortices of the human. While multisensory interactions in humans have been shown behaviorally for spatially disparate stimuli (e.g. the ventriloquist effect), it is not clear if such effects are due to early sensory level integration or later perceptual level processing. In the present study, we used psychophysical and electrophysiological indices to show that auditory-somatosensory interactions in humans occur via the same early sensory mechanism both when stimuli are in and out of spatial register. Subjects more rapidly detected multisensory than unisensory events. At just 50 ms post-stimulus, neural responses to the multisensory 'whole' were greater than the summed responses from the constituent unisensory 'parts'. For all spatial configurations, this effect followed from a modulation of the strength of brain responses, rather than the activation of regions specifically responsive to multisensory pairs. Using the local auto-regressive average source estimation, we localized the initial auditory-somatosensory interactions to auditory association areas contralateral to the side of somatosensory stimulation. Thus, multisensory interactions can occur across wide peripersonal spatial separations remarkably early in sensory processing and in cortical regions traditionally considered unisensory.


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Caspase cleaved amyloid precursor protein (APPcc) and SET are increased and mislocalized in the neuronal cytoplasm in Alzheimer Disease (AD) brains. Translocated SET to the cytoplasm can induce tau hyperphosphorylation. To elucidate the putative relationships between mislocalized APPcc and SET, we studied their level and distribution in the hippocampus of 5 controls, 3 Down syndrome and 10 Alzheimer patients. In Down syndrome and Alzheimer patients, APPcc and SET levels were increased in CA1 and the frequency of both localizations in the neuronal cytoplasm was high in CA1, and low in CA4. As the increase of APPcc is already present at early stages of AD, we overexpressed APPcc in CA1 and the dentate gyrus neurons of adult mice with a lentiviral construct. APPcc overexpression in CA1 and not in the dentate gyrus induced endogenous SET translocation and tau hyperphosphorylation. These data suggest that increase in APPcc in CA1 neurons could be an early event leading to the translocation of SET and the progression of AD through tau hyperphosphorylation.


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This article employs a unique data set - covering 25 popular votes on foreign, European and immigration/asylum policy held between 1992 and 2006 in Switzerland - in order to examine the conditional impact of context upon utilitarian, cultural, political and cognitive determinants of individual attitudes toward international openness. Our results reveal clear patterns of cross-level interactions between individual determinants and the project-related context of the vote. Thus, although party cues and political competence have a strong impact on individuals' support for international openness, this impact is substantially mediated by the type of coalition that is operating within the party elite. Similarly, subjective utilitarian and cultural considerations influence the voters' decision in interaction with the content of the proposal submitted to the voters as well as with the framing of the voting campaign.


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A high resolution mineralogical study (bulk-rock and clay-fraction) was carried out upon the hemipelagic strata of the Angles section (Vocontian Basin, SE France) in which the Valanginian positive C-isotope excursion occurs. To investigate sea-level fluctuations and climate change respectively, a Detrital Index (DI: (phyllosilicates and quartz)/calcite) and a Weathering Index (WI: kaolinite/(illite + chlorite)) were established and compared to second-order sea-level fluctuations. In addition, the mineralogical data were compared with the High Nutrient Index (HNI, based on calcareous nannofossil taxa) data obtained by Duchamp-Alphonse et al. (2007), in order to assess the link between the hydrolysis conditions recorded on the surrounding continents and the trophic conditions inferred for the Vocontian Basin. It appears that the mineralogical distribution along the northwestern Tethyan margin is mainly influenced by sea-level changes during the Early Valanginian (Pertransiens to Stephanophorus ammonite Zones) and by climate variations from the late Early Valanginian to the base of the Hauterivian (top of the Stephanophorus to the Radiatus ammonite Zones). The sea-level fall observed in the Pertransiens ammonite Zone (Early Valanginian) is well expressed by an increase in detrital inputs (an increase in the DI) associated with a more proximal source and a shallower marine environment, whereas the sea-level rise recorded in the Stephanophorus ammonite Zone corresponds to a decrease in detrital influx (a decrease in the DI) as the source becomes more distal and the environment deeper. Interpretation of both DI and WI, indicates that the positive C-isotope excursion (top of the Stephanophorus to the Verrucosum ammonite Zones) is associated with an increase of detrital inputs under a stable, warm and humid climate, probably related to greenhouse conditions, the strongest hydrolysis conditions being reached at the maximum of the positive C-isotope excursion. From the Verrucosum ammonite Zone to the base of the Hauterivian (Radiatus ammonite Zone) climatic conditions evolved from weak hydrolysis conditions and, most likely, a cooler climate (resulting in a decrease in detrital inputs) to a seasonal climate in which more humid seasons alternated with more arid ones. The comparison of the WI to the HNI shows that the nutrification recorded al: the Angles section from the top of the Stephanophorus to the Radiatus ammonite Zones (including the positive C-isotope shift), is associated with climatic changes in the source areas. At that time, increased nutrient inputs were generally triggered by increased weathering processes in the source areas due to acceleration in the hydrological cycle under greenhouse conditions This scenario accords with the widely questioned palaeoenvironmental model proposed by Lini et al., (1992) and suggests that increasing greenhouse conditions are the main factor that drove the palaeoenvironmental changes observed in the hemipelagic realm of the Vocontian Basin, during the Valanginian positive C-isotope shift. This high-resolution mineralogical study highlights short-term climatic changes during the Valanginian, probably associated to rapid changes in the C-cycle. Coeval Massive Parana-Etendeka flood basalt eruptions may explain such rapid perturbations. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phtalate (DEHP) is a plasticizer with endocrine disrupting properties found ubiquitously in the environment and altering reproduction in rodents. Here we investigated the impact of prenatal exposure to DEHP on spermatogenesis and DNA sperm methylation in two distinct, selected, and sequenced mice strains. FVB/N and C57BL/6J mice were orally exposed to 300 mg/kg/day of DEHP from gestation day 9 to 19. Prenatal DEHP exposure significantly decreased spermatogenesis in C57BL/6J (fold-change = 0.6, p-value = 8.7*10-4), but not in FVB/N (fold-change = 1, p-value = 0.9). The number of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) by DEHP-exposure across the entire genome showed increased hyper- and decreased hypo-methylation in C57BL/6J compared to FVB/N. At the promoter level, three important subsets of genes were massively affected. Promoters of vomeronasal and olfactory receptors coding genes globally followed the same trend, more pronounced in the C57BL/6J strain, of being hyper-methylated in DEHP related conditions. In contrast, a large set of micro-RNAs were hypo-methylated, with a trend more pronounced in the FVB/N strain. We additionally analyze both the presence of functional genetic variations within genes that were associated with the detected DMRs and that could be involved in spermatogenesis, and DMRs related with the DEHP exposure that affected both strains in an opposite manner. The major finding in this study indicates that prenatal exposure to DEHP can decrease spermatogenesis in a strain-dependent manner and affects sperm DNA methylation in promoters of large sets of genes putatively involved in both sperm chemotaxis and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms.


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