67 resultados para medical image segmentation


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This paper presents the segmentation of bilateral parotid glands in the Head and Neck (H&N) CT images using an active contour based atlas registration. We compare segmentation results from three atlas selection strategies: (i) selection of "single-most-similar" atlas for each image to be segmented, (ii) fusion of segmentation results from multiple atlases using STAPLE, and (iii) fusion of segmentation results using majority voting. Among these three approaches, fusion using majority voting provided the best results. Finally, we present a detailed evaluation on a dataset of eight images (provided as a part of H&N auto segmentation challenge conducted in conjunction with MICCAI-2010 conference) using majority voting strategy.


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This paper presents automated segmentation of structuresin the Head and Neck (H\&N) region, using an activecontour-based joint registration and segmentation model.A new atlas selection strategy is also used. Segmentationis performed based on the dense deformation fieldcomputed from the registration of selected structures inthe atlas image that have distinct boundaries, onto thepatient's image. This approach results in robustsegmentation of the structures of interest, even in thepresence of tumors, or anatomical differences between theatlas and the patient image. For each patient, an atlasimage is selected from the available atlas-database,based on the similarity metric value, computed afterperforming an affine registration between each image inthe atlas-database and the patient's image. Unlike manyof the previous approaches in the literature, thesimilarity metric is not computed over the entire imageregion; rather, it is computed only in the regions ofsoft tissue structures to be segmented. Qualitative andquantitative evaluation of the results is presented.


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This paper presents a new and original variational framework for atlas-based segmentation. The proposed framework integrates both the active contour framework, and the dense deformation fields of optical flow framework. This framework is quite general and encompasses many of the state-of-the-art atlas-based segmentation methods. It also allows to perform the registration of atlas and target images based on only selected structures of interest. The versatility and potentiality of the proposed framework are demonstrated by presenting three diverse applications: In the first application, we show how the proposed framework can be used to simulate the growth of inconsistent structures like a tumor in an atlas. In the second application, we estimate the position of nonvisible brain structures based on the surrounding structures and validate the results by comparing with other methods. In the final application, we present the segmentation of lymph nodes in the Head and Neck CT images, and demonstrate how multiple registration forces can be used in this framework in an hierarchical manner.


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Purpose: Recently morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have been done with ECG-gated MDCT to help the development of future endovascular therapies (TCT) [1]. However, the variability of these measurements remains unknown. It will be interesting to know the impact of CAD (computer aided diagnosis) with automated segmentation of the vessel and automatic measurements of diameter on the management of ascending aorta aneurysms. Methods and Materials: Thirty patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography (64-row CT scanner) were evaluated. Measurements of the maximum and minimum ascending aorta diameters were obtained automatically with a commercially available CAD and semi-manually by two observers separately. The CAD algorithms segment the iv-enhanced lumen of the ascending aorta into perpendicular planes along the centreline. The CAD then determines the largest and the smallest diameters. Both observers repeated the automatic measurements and the semimanual measurements during a different session at least one month after the first measurements. The Bland and Altman method was used to study the inter/intraobserver variability. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was also used to analyse differences between observers. Results: Interobserver variability for semi-manual measurements between the first and second observers was between 1.2 to 1.0 mm for maximal and minimal diameter, respectively. Intraobserver variability of each observer ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 mm, the lowest variability being produced by the more experienced observer. CAD variability could be as low as 0.3 mm, showing that it can perform better than human observers. However, when used in nonoptimal conditions (streak artefacts from contrast in the superior vena cava or weak lumen enhancement), CAD has a variability that can be as high as 0.9 mm, reaching variability of semi-manual measurements. Furthermore, there were significant differences between both observers for maximal and minimal diameter measurements (p<0.001). There was also a significant difference between the first observer and CAD for maximal diameter measurements with the former underestimating the diameter compared to the latter (p<0.001). As for minimal diameters, they were higher when measured by the second observer than when measured by CAD (p<0.001). Neither the difference of mean minimal diameter between the first observer and CAD nor the difference of mean maximal diameter between the second observer and CAD was significant (p=0.20 and 0.06, respectively). Conclusion: CAD algorithms can lessen the variability of diameter measurements in the follow-up of ascending aorta aneurysms. Nevertheless, in non-optimal conditions, it may be necessary to correct manually the measurements. Improvements of the algorithms will help to avoid such a situation.


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In this paper, we propose a new paradigm to carry outthe registration task with a dense deformation fieldderived from the optical flow model and the activecontour method. The proposed framework merges differenttasks such as segmentation, regularization, incorporationof prior knowledge and registration into a singleframework. The active contour model is at the core of ourframework even if it is used in a different way than thestandard approaches. Indeed, active contours are awell-known technique for image segmentation. Thistechnique consists in finding the curve which minimizesan energy functional designed to be minimal when thecurve has reached the object contours. That way, we getaccurate and smooth segmentation results. So far, theactive contour model has been used to segment objectslying in images from boundary-based, region-based orshape-based information. Our registration technique willprofit of all these families of active contours todetermine a dense deformation field defined on the wholeimage. A well-suited application of our model is theatlas registration in medical imaging which consists inautomatically delineating anatomical structures. Wepresent results on 2D synthetic images to show theperformances of our non rigid deformation field based ona natural registration term. We also present registrationresults on real 3D medical data with a large spaceoccupying tumor substantially deforming surroundingstructures, which constitutes a high challenging problem.


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In the last five years, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has become the most popular and effective surgical technique for the treatent of Parkinson's disease (PD). The Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) is the usual target involved when applying DBS. Unfortunately, the STN is in general not visible in common medical imaging modalities. Therefore, atlas-based segmentation is commonly considered to locate it in the images. In this paper, we propose a scheme that allows both, to perform a comparison between different registration algorithms and to evaluate their ability to locate the STN automatically. Using this scheme we can evaluate the expert variability against the error of the algorithms and we demonstrate that automatic STN location is possible and as accurate as the methods currently used.


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This paper presents a new non parametric atlas registration framework, derived from the optical flow model and the active contour theory, applied to automatic subthalamic nucleus (STN) targeting in deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. In a previous work, we demonstrated that the STN position can be predicted based on the position of surrounding visible structures, namely the lateral and third ventricles. A STN targeting process can thus be obtained by registering these structures of interest between a brain atlas and the patient image. Here we aim to improve the results of the state of the art targeting methods and at the same time to reduce the computational time. Our simultaneous segmentation and registration model shows mean STN localization errors statistically similar to the most performing registration algorithms tested so far and to the targeting expert's variability. Moreover, the computational time of our registration method is much lower, which is a worthwhile improvement from a clinical point of view.


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In the last five years, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has become the most popular and effective surgical technique for the treatent of Parkinson's disease (PD). The Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) is the usual target involved when applying DBS. Unfortunately, the STN is in general not visible in common medical imaging modalities. Therefore, atlas-based segmentation is commonly considered to locate it in the images. In this paper, we propose a scheme that allows both, to perform a comparison between different registration algorithms and to evaluate their ability to locate the STN automatically. Using this scheme we can evaluate the expert variability against the error of the algorithms and we demonstrate that automatic STN location is possible and as accurate as the methods currently used.


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Validation is the main bottleneck preventing theadoption of many medical image processing algorithms inthe clinical practice. In the classical approach,a-posteriori analysis is performed based on someobjective metrics. In this work, a different approachbased on Petri Nets (PN) is proposed. The basic ideaconsists in predicting the accuracy that will result froma given processing based on the characterization of thesources of inaccuracy of the system. Here we propose aproof of concept in the scenario of a diffusion imaginganalysis pipeline. A PN is built after the detection ofthe possible sources of inaccuracy. By integrating thefirst qualitative insights based on the PN withquantitative measures, it is possible to optimize the PNitself, to predict the inaccuracy of the system in adifferent setting. Results show that the proposed modelprovides a good prediction performance and suggests theoptimal processing approach.


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PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate the accuracy and reliability of "freehand" posttraumatic orbital wall reconstruction with AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthese) titanium mesh plates by using computer-aided volumetric measurement of the bony orbits. METHODS: Bony orbital volume was measured in 12 patients from coronal CT scan slices using OsiriX Medical Image software. After defining the volumetric limits of the orbit, the segmentation of the bony orbital region of interest of each single slice was performed. At the end of the segmentation process, all regions of interest were grouped and the volume was computed. The same procedure was performed on both orbits, and thereafter the volume of the contralateral uninjured orbit was used as a control for comparison. RESULTS: In all patients, the volume data of the reconstructed orbit fitted that of the contralateral uninjured orbit with accuracy to within 1.85 cm3 (7%). CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study has demonstrated that posttraumatic orbital wall reconstruction using "freehand" bending and placement of AO titanium mesh plates results in a high success rate in re-establishing preoperative bony volume, which closely approximates that of the contralateral uninjured orbit.


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Diffusion MRI is a well established imaging modality providing a powerful way to probe the structure of the white matter non-invasively. Despite its potential, the intrinsic long scan times of these sequences have hampered their use in clinical practice. For this reason, a large variety of methods have been recently proposed to shorten the acquisition times. Among them, spherical deconvolution approaches have gained a lot of interest for their ability to reliably recover the intra-voxel fiber configuration with a relatively small number of data samples. To overcome the intrinsic instabilities of deconvolution, these methods use regularization schemes generally based on the assumption that the fiber orientation distribution (FOD) to be recovered in each voxel is sparse. The well known Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD) approach resorts to Tikhonov regularization, based on an ℓ(2)-norm prior, which promotes a weak version of sparsity. Also, in the last few years compressed sensing has been advocated to further accelerate the acquisitions and ℓ(1)-norm minimization is generally employed as a means to promote sparsity in the recovered FODs. In this paper, we provide evidence that the use of an ℓ(1)-norm prior to regularize this class of problems is somewhat inconsistent with the fact that the fiber compartments all sum up to unity. To overcome this ℓ(1) inconsistency while simultaneously exploiting sparsity more optimally than through an ℓ(2) prior, we reformulate the reconstruction problem as a constrained formulation between a data term and a sparsity prior consisting in an explicit bound on the ℓ(0)norm of the FOD, i.e. on the number of fibers. The method has been tested both on synthetic and real data. Experimental results show that the proposed ℓ(0) formulation significantly reduces modeling errors compared to the state-of-the-art ℓ(2) and ℓ(1) regularization approaches.


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Aging is commonly associated with a loss of muscle mass and strength, resulting in falls, functional decline, and the subjective feeling of weakness. Exercise modulates the morbidities of muscle aging. Most studies, however, have examined muscle-loss changes in sedentary aging adults. This leaves the question of whether the changes that are commonly associated with muscle aging reflect the true physiology of muscle aging or whether they reflect disuse atrophy. This study evaluated whether high levels of chronic exercise prevents the loss of lean muscle mass and strength experienced in sedentary aging adults. A cross-section of 40 high-level recreational athletes ("masters athletes") who were aged 40 to 81 years and trained 4 to 5 times per week underwent tests of health/activity, body composition, quadriceps peak torque (PT), and magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral quadriceps. Mid-thigh muscle area, quadriceps area (QA), subcutaneous adipose tissue, and intramuscular adipose tissue were quantified in magnetic resonance imaging using medical image processing, analysis, and visualization software. One-way analysis of variance was used to examine age group differences. Relationships were evaluated using Spearman correlations. Mid-thigh muscle area (P = 0.31) and lean mass (P = 0.15) did not increase with age and were significantly related to retention of mid-thigh muscle area (P < 0.0001). This occurred despite an increase in total body fat percentage (P = 0.003) with age. Mid-thigh muscle area (P = 0.12), QA (P = 0.17), and quadriceps PT did not decline with age. Specific strength (strength per QA) did not decline significantly with age (P = 0.06). As muscle area increased, PT increased significantly (P = 0.008). There was not a significant relationship between intramuscular adipose tissue (P = 0.71) or lean mass (P = 0.4) and PT. This study contradicts the common observation that muscle mass and strength decline as a function of aging alone. Instead, these declines may signal the effect of chronic disuse rather than muscle aging. Evaluation of masters athletes removes disuse as a confounding variable in the study of lower-extremity function and loss of lean muscle mass. This maintenance of muscle mass and strength may decrease or eliminate the falls, functional decline, and loss of independence that are commonly seen in aging adults.


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Images acquired using optical microscopes are inherently subject to vignetting effects due to imperfect illumination and image acquisition. However, such vignetting effects hamper accurate extraction of quantitative information from biological images, leading to less effective image segmentation and increased noise in the measurements. Here, we describe a rapid and effective method for vignetting correction, which generates an estimate for a correction function from the background fluorescence without the need to acquire additional calibration images. We validate the usefulness of this algorithm using artificially distorted images as a gold standard for assessing the accuracy of the applied correction and then demonstrate that this correction method enables the reliable detection of biologically relevant variation in cell populations. A simple user interface called FlattifY was developed and integrated into the image analysis platform YeastQuant to facilitate easy application of vignetting correction to a wide range of images.


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Images of myocardial strain can be used to diagnose heart disease, plan and monitor treatment, and to learn about cardiac structure and function. Three-dimensional (3D) strain is typically quantified using many magnetic resonance (MR) images obtained in two or three orthogonal planes. Problems with this approach include long scan times, image misregistration, and through-plane motion. This article presents a novel method for calculating cardiac 3D strain using a stack of two or more images acquired in only one orientation. The zHARP pulse sequence encodes in-plane motion using MR tagging and out-of-plane motion using phase encoding, and has been previously shown to be capable of computing 3D displacement within a single image plane. Here, data from two adjacent image planes are combined to yield a 3D strain tensor at each pixel; stacks of zHARP images can be used to derive stacked arrays of 3D strain tensors without imaging multiple orientations and without numerical interpolation. The performance and accuracy of the method is demonstrated in vitro on a phantom and in vivo in four healthy adult human subjects.


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Fetal MRI reconstruction aims at finding a high-resolution image given a small set of low-resolution images. It is usually modeled as an inverse problem where the regularization term plays a central role in the reconstruction quality. Literature has considered several regularization terms s.a. Dirichlet/Laplacian energy, Total Variation (TV)- based energies and more recently non-local means. Although TV energies are quite attractive because of their ability in edge preservation, standard explicit steepest gradient techniques have been applied to optimize fetal-based TV energies. The main contribution of this work lies in the introduction of a well-posed TV algorithm from the point of view of convex optimization. Specifically, our proposed TV optimization algorithm or fetal reconstruction is optimal w.r.t. the asymptotic and iterative convergence speeds O(1/n2) and O(1/√ε), while existing techniques are in O(1/n2) and O(1/√ε). We apply our algorithm to (1) clinical newborn data, considered as ground truth, and (2) clinical fetal acquisitions. Our algorithm compares favorably with the literature in terms of speed and accuracy.