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Purpose: The accurate estimation of total energy expenditure (TEE) is essential to allow the provision of nutritional requirements in patients treated by maintenance hemodialysis (MHD). The measurement of TEE and resting energy expenditure (REE) by direct or indirect calorimetry and doubly labeled water are complicated, timeconsuming and cumbersome in this population. Recently, a new system called SenseWear® armband (SWA) was developed to assess TEE, physical activity and REE. This device works by measurements of body acceleration in two axes, heat production and steps counts. REE measured by indirect calorimetry and SWA are well correlated. The aim of this study was to determine TEE, physical activity and REE on patients on MHD using this new device. Methods and materials: Daily TEE, REE, step count, activity time, intensity of activity and lying time were determined for 7 consecutive days in unselected stable patients on MHD and sex, age and weightmatched healthy controls (HC). Patients with malnutrition, cancer, use of immunosuppressive drugs, hypoalbumemia <35 g/L and those hospitalized in the last 3 months, were excluded. For MHD patients, separate analyses were conducted in dialysis and non-dialysis days. Relevant parameters known to affect REE, such as BMI, albumin, pre-albumin, hemoglobin, Kt/V, CRP, bicarbonate, PTH, TSH, were recorded. Results: Thirty patients on MHD and 30 HC were included. In MHD patients, there were 20 men and 10 women. Age was 60,13 years ± 14.97 (mean ± SD), BMI was 25.77 kg/m² ± 4.73 and body weight was 74.65 kg ± 16.16. There were no significant differences between the two groups. TEE was lower in MHD patients compared to HC (28.79 ± 5.51 SD versus 32.91 ± 5.75 SD kcal/kg/day; p <0.01). Activity time was significantly lower in patients on MHD (101.3 ± 12.6SD versus 50.7 ± 9.4 SD min; p = 0.0021). Energy expenditure during the time of activity was significantly lower in MHD patients. MHD patients walked 4543 ± 643 SD vs 8537 ± 744 SD steps per day (p <0.0001). Age was negatively correlated with TEE (r = -0.70) and intensity of activity (r = -0.61) in HC, but not in patients on MHD. TEE showed no difference between dialysis and non-dialysis days (29.92 ± 2.03 SD versus 28.44 ± 1.90 SD kcal/kg/day; p = NS), reflecting a lack of difference in activity (number of steps, time of physical activity) and REE. This finding was observed in MHD patients both older and younger than 60 years. However, age stratification appeared to have an influence on TEE, regardless of dialysis day, (29.92 ± 2.07 SD kcal/kg/day for <60 years-old versus 27.41 ± 1.04 SD kcal/kg/day for ≥60 years old), although failing to reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Using SWA, we have shown that stable patients on MHD have a lower TEE than matched HC. On average, a TEE of 28.79 kcal/kg/day, partially affected by age, was measured. This finding gives support to the clinical impression that it is difficult and probably unnecessary to provide an energy amount of 30-35 kcal/kg/day, as proposed by international guidelines for this population. In addition, we documented for the first time that MHD patients exert a reduced physical activity as compared to HC. There were surprisingly no differences in TEE, REE and physical activity parameters between dialysis and non-dialysis days. This observation might be due to the fact that patients on MHD produce a physical effort to reach the dialysis centre. Age per se did not influence physical activity in MHD patients, contrary to HC, reflecting the impact of co-morbidities on physical activity in this group of patients.


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Abstract The late Neoproterozoic or Ediacaran period, (635 to -543 Ma) is a primordial time in the Earth history corresponding to the beginning of animal life and the most extreme ice ages on Earth. In this dissertation, palaeoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed for Ediacaran, post-Gaskiers shelf deposits in SW- Gondwana and their changes were evaluated according to the diversity of organisms. The present study addresses the question of interactions between biodiversity and environmental change by using the elemental and isotopic geochemistry of sedimentary rocks and associated organic matter, as well as the distribution of hydrocarbon biomarkers. The studied sedimentary sequences are from a large basin extended from the Paraguay belt to the Rio de la Plata craton, including the Corumbâ Group in SW-Brazil (Paraguay belt), the Arroyo del Soldado Group in Uruguay and the Sierras Bayas Group in Argentina (both in the Rio de la Plata craton). Several geochemical signatures of the sediments from Corumbâ and Sierras Bayas groups provides evidence for an euxinic setting in the Ediacaran Ocean: 1) The occurrence of syngenetic pyrite in the Corumbâ Group together with hydrocarbon biomarkers of an anoxic microbial consortium including traces of gammacerane, a distribution of hopanes with maxima at C29 as well as a low pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio; 2) the occurrence of 34S enrichments within sulfides of the Sierras Bayas Group exceeding the sulfur isotopic composition of coeval carbonate-associated sulfate. In the Arroyo del Soldado Group, an event of reducing conditions was revealed by higher concentrations of redox-sensitive trace elements and negative 513Ccar shifts in all sections. This event is extended to the whole unit in the deepest section and is restricted to tempestites in the two other shallow sections. The persistent negative. ôl3Ccar values recorded at the basinal setting implies strong isotopic gradient between shallow and deep water environments and therefore, a locus of deposition below the redox chemocline. In all studied sections, the excursions, the strong enrichment of authigenic trace-elements, the occurrence of longer chain «-alkanes, gammacerane and low Pr/Ph and Ph/>;-C]a ratios, combined with the previous sedimentological and paleontological observations indicate that the chemistry of the ocean was strongly controlled by the oxygen availability; waters being moderately oxic at the surface and anoxic at depth for much of the Neoproterozoic. This water column stratification was favourable to the storage of large amounts of nutrients in the deep ocean. During upwelling periods, the export of these nutrient-rich waters may have triggered an important bioproductivity in surface waters. Drops in Al3Cc,,.](Cr and positive ôl3Ccllr excursions highlight the increase in primary productivity. Preservation of organic carbon was ensured by reducing conditions at the bottom. The Al3ccar.kcr excursions could also reflect changes in the composition of the primary biomass. New geochemical evidence from SW-Gondwana sections supports a stratified Ediacaran ocean, outside restricted or hypersaline environments, in the aftermath of glaciations. The association of ocean stratification and the appearance of metazoans support the model that the evolution of eukaryotic life was related to the increase of oxygen levels in surface environments due to an efficient recycling of nutrients in the anoxic deep ocean. Résumé Le Néoprotérozoïque terminal, ou Édiacarien (635 à -543 Ma), est un période de première importance dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle correspond a l'apparition des métazoaires pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Le présent mémoire se propose de reconstituer les conditions paléoenvironnementales des dépôts de plateforme mis en place durant l'Édiacarien, au sud-ouest du Gondwana. Les interactions entre changements environnementaux et biodiversité sont évaluées en s'appuyant d'une part sur la composition élémentaire et isotopique des roches sédimentaires et de leur matière organique, et d'autre part sur la distribution moléculaire de biomarqueurs hydrocarbonés. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées proviennent d'un grand bassin qui s'étend de la chaîne du Paraguay jusqu'au craton du Rio de la Plata. La séquence du Groupe Corumbâ au Sud Ouest du Brésil se situe dans la chaîne du Paraguay, tandis que le Groupe Arroyo del Soldado en Uruguay et le Groupe Sierras Bayas en Argentine sont situés sur le craton du Rio de la Plata. L'étude géochimique des sédiments des groupes Corumbâ et Sierras Bayas révèle de façon claire des conditions euxiniques dans l'océan édiacarien. On trouve ainsi, dans le Groupe Corumbâ, les biomarqueurs d'un cortège microbien anoxique et sulfurique comprenant des bactéries sulfato-réductrices, et dans les sulfures du Groupe Sierras Bayas, des enrichissements en Î4S excédant les rapports isotopiques du soufre dans le sulfate cogénétique associé aux carbonates. Dans la séquence de l'Arroyo del Soldado, un événement réducteur est mis en évidence par des teneurs plus élevées en éléments traces sensibles aux conditions redox et par des excursions négatives du 613Ccardans toutes les coupes. Cet événement affecte la totalité de la section la plus profonde et n'apparaît que dans les tempestites dans les sections les moins profondes. La persistance de valeurs négatives du ô13Ccarau large implique un gradient isotopique prononcé entre les environnements superficiels et profonds, et donc, ta présence d'une chémocline redox. Les excursions du. ôBCcar, l'enrichissement authigène en éléments traces, la présence de gammacérane et de rt-alcanes à longue chaîne, ainsi que de faibles rapports Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Cl8, viennent s'ajouter aux observations préliminaires sur la sédimentologie et la paléontologie pour indiquer que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, les eaux étant modérément oxiques à la surface et anoxiques en profondeur pendant la plus grande partie du Néoprotérozoïque. La stratification de la colonne d'eau était favorable au stockage de grandes quantités de nutriments dans l'océan profond. Dans les zones d'upwelling, la migration d'eaux profondes riches en nutriment vers la surface a pu provoquer une bioproductivité prononcée dans les eaux de surface. La conservation du carbone organique était assurée par les conditions anoxiques prévalant au fond. Les excursions du A13Ccar.kt.r pourraient aussi refléter des changements dans la biomasse primaire. Le présent travail apporte donc de nouvelles preuves qu'un océan stratifié s'est maintenu à la suite des glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le Sud Ouest du Gondwana. L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Résumé pour le grand public La période Ediacarienne (635 à -543 Ma) à la fin du Précambrien est l'une de plus énigmatiques dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle est caractérisée par la diversification de la vie multicellulaire (eucaryote) pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous cherchons à déceler l'existence éventuelle d'un lien entre ces changements environnementaux et l'évolution de la vie eucaryote à travers une étude biogéochimique. La biogéochimie est l'étude des activités biologiques dans la géosphère, telles que celles intervenant dans les cycles des éléments chimiques (y compris les isotopes stables) et celles de production de composés carbonés caractérisant certains groups d'organismes ou taxons. La recherche des signatures paléoenvironnementales dans les roches précambriennes a été fortement facilitée par l'utilisation des biomarqueurs ou fossiles moléculaires. Ces composés, provenant des lipides biologiques (molécules avec des fonctions spécifiques dans les organismes), peuvent être reliés à des taxons spécifiques ou à des voies métaboliques. La transformation d'un biolipide en fossile moléculaire intervient lorsque des restes organiques déposés dans un substrat subissent un enfouissement et une augmentation de la pression (diagenèse). Ce processus mène à la formation de kérogène, un grand agrégat chimique de matière organique insoluble dans des solvants organiques, et de bitume ou fraction soluble (extractible) de la matière organique. L'analyse intégrée du kérogène et du bitume fournit des indications précieuses pour les reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales. Des conditions paléoenvironnementales ont ainsi été déterminées pour une plateforme marine Ediacarienne située dans la partie sud-américaine du bloc occidental du paléocontinent Gondwana. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées appartiennent au même bassin qui s'étend de la ceinture du Paraguay (Groupe Corumbâ, Brésil) au craton du Rio de la Plata (Groupes Arroyo del Soldado, Uruguay et Sierras Bayas, Argentina). Nous nous sommes intéressés aux isotopes stables de carbonates et de la matière organique associée (kérogène et bitume), aux éléments majeurs et traces, ainsi qu'aux biomarqueurs caractérisant ces roches. Les résultats de cette dissertation suggèrent qu'au cours de l'Édiacarien, suite aux glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le bloc occidental du Gondwana, l'océan était stratifié en zones spécifiques d'eaux riches en sulfures et dépourvues d'oxygène (euxiniques). L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Les excursions isotopiques (tendance à des valeurs positives ou négatives) en constante fluctuation pour le carbone et très positives pour le soufre des sulfures, l'enrichissement en éléments trace et la présence de certains composés (e.g. gammacerane; Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Ci8 en basse proportion) conjugués aux observations sédimentologiques et paléontologiques des différents profils étudiés indiquent que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, avec des eaux modérément oxygénées en surface et euxiniques en profondeur pour la plupart du Néoprotérozoïque.


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Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of the enantiomers of citalopram (CIT), its N-demethylated metabolite demethylcitalopram (DCIT) and its deaminated metabolite citalopram propionic acid derivative (CIT-PROP) were measured in plasma and CSF in 22 depressed patients after a 4-week treatment with 40 mg/d citalopram, which was preceded by a 1-week washout period. CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were measured at baseline and after the 4-week CIT medication period. Patients were assessed clinically, using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (21-item HAM-D): at baseline and then at weekly intervals. CSF concentrations of S-CIT and R-CIT were 10.6 +/- 4.3 and 20.9 +/- 6 ng/mL, respectively, and their CSF/plasma ratios were 52% +/- 9% and 48% +/- 6%, respectively. The CIT treatment resulted in a significant decrease (28%) of 5-HIAA (P < 0.0001) and a significant increase (41%) of HVA in the CSF. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to identify the impact of plasma and CSF CIT enantiomers and its metabolites on CSF monoamine metabolites and clinical response. There were 10 responders as defined by a > or =50% decrease of the HAM-D score (DeltaHAM-D) after the 4-week treatment. DeltaHAM-D correlated (Spearman) significantly with CSF S-CIT (r = - 0.483, P < 0.05), CSF S-CIT-PROP (r = -0.543, P = 0.01) (a metabolite formed from CIT by monoamine oxidase [MAO]) and 5-HIAA decrease (Delta5-HIAA) (r = 0.572, P = 0.01). The demonstrated correlations between pharmacokinetic parameters and the clinical outcome as well as 5-HIAA changes indicate that monitoring of plasma S-CIT, CSF S-CIT and CSF S-CIT-PROP may be of clinical relevance.


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Neuropeptides appear to play a role in the pathophysiology of depression and electroconvulsive treatment and lithium affect these compounds in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and rodent brain. Consequently, we investigated whether long-term treatment with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram (Cit) would also affect neuropeptides in CSF of depressed patients. Changes in CSF monoamine metabolites were also explored. CSF concentrations of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)-like immunoreactivity (-LI), neuropeptide Y (NPY)-LI, and Cit were determined in 21 patients with major depression. Lumbar puncture was performed in the morning at baseline and was repeated after at least 4 wk of Cit treatment (40 mg/d). The severity of depression was assessed by the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD). Cit treatment was associated with a significant increase in NPY-LI and decrease in CRH-LI. An evaluation of the relationship between changes in concentrations of NPY-LI, CRH-LI, and the clinical response showed significant correlations between these parameters. Significant NPY and CRH changes in CSF following treatment as well as correlations to changes in HAMD support the hypothesis that these two peptides play a role in affective disorders and are markers of therapeutic response.


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Clinical experience and experimental data suggest that intradialytic hemodynamic profiles could be influenced by the characteristics of the dialysis membranes. Even within the worldwide used polysulfone family, intolerance to specific membranes was occasionally evoked. The aim of this study was to compare hemodynamically some of the commonly used polysulfone dialyzers in Switzerland. We performed an open-label, randomized, cross-over trial, including 25 hemodialysis patients. Four polysulfone dialyzers, A (Revaclear high-flux, Gambro, Stockholm, Sweden), B (Helixone high-flux, Fresenius), C (Xevonta high-flux, BBraun, Melsungen, Germany), and D (Helixone low-flux, Fresenius, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany), were compared. The hemodynamic profile was assessed and patients were asked to provide tolerance feedback. The mean score (±SD) subjectively assigned to dialysis quality on a 1-10 scale was A 8.4 ± 1.3, B 8.6 ± 1.3, C 8.5 ± 1.6, D 8.5 ± 1.5. Kt/V was A 1.58 ± 0.30, B 1.67 ± 0.33, C 1.62 ± 0.32, D 1.45 ± 0.31. The low- compared with the high-flux membranes, correlated to higher systolic (128.1 ± 13.1 vs. 125.6 ± 12.1 mmHg, P < 0.01) and diastolic (76.8 ± 8.7 vs. 75.3 ± 9.0 mmHg; P < 0.05) pressures, higher peripheral resistance (1.44 ± 0.19 vs. 1.40 ± 0.18 s × mmHg/mL; P < 0.05) and lower cardiac output (3.76 ± 0.62 vs. 3.82 ± 0.59 L/min; P < 0.05). Hypotension events (decrease in systolic blood pressure by >20 mmHg) were 70 with A, 87 with B, 73 with C, and 75 with D (P < 0.01 B vs. A, 0.05 B vs. C and 0.07 B vs. D). The low-flux membrane correlated to higher blood pressure levels compared with the high-flux ones. The Helixone high-flux membrane ensured the best efficiency. Unfortunately, the very same dialyzer correlated to a higher incidence of hypotensive episodes.


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BACKGROUND: Several studies have been performed to understand the way family physicians apply knowledge from medical research in practice. However, very little is known concerning family physicians in Switzerland. In an environment in which information constantly accumulates, it is crucial to identify the major sources of scientific information that are used by family physicians to keep their medical knowledge up to date and barriers to use these sources. Our main objective was to examine medical knowledge translation (KT) practices of Swiss family physicians. METHODS: The population consisted of French- and German-speaking private practice physicians specialised in family medicine. We conducted four interviews and three focus groups (n = 25). The interview guides of the semi-structured interviews and focus groups focused on (a) ways and means used by physicians to keep updated with information relevant to clinical practice; (b) how they consider their role in translating knowledge into practice; (c) potential barriers to KT; (d) solutions proposed by physicians for effective KT. RESULTS: Family physicians find themselves rather ambivalent about the translation of knowledge based on scientific literature, but generally express much interest in KT. They often feel overwhelmed by "information floods" and perceive clinical practice guidelines and other supports to be of limited usefulness for their practice. They often combine various formal and informal information sources to keep their knowledge up to date. Swiss family physicians report considering themselves as artisans, caring for patients with complex needs. CONCLUSION: Improved performance of KT initiatives in family medicine should be tailored to actual needs and based on high quality evidence-based sources.


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The historical pole of this research distinguishes differing historical and cultural contexts in which the scholar al-Bïrûnî evolved. Between the years 973 and 1017, he lived in Khwarezm (Kät and JürjänTya), Ray, and Jürjän. He also dwelt in Kabul and Ghazna, both situated on a passage between Persia and India, and travelled to some parts of early medieval India between the years 1017 and 1030. Evidence pointing to him having made actual direct observations beyond the abode of Islam remains scanty. According to his writings, only five locales emerge as having been visited by him, all situated in today's Afghanistan and Pakistan. When al-BTrunl visited these places, he encountered the society of the Indian Shähis, who followed a form of Brahmanism. Al-Bïrûnï's knowledge of Sanskrit was the result of a long process that lasted at least 30 years (1000-1030). In order to reach the level of Sanskrit that enabled him to translate several works from Sanskrit into Arabic, he needed to work with literate people well-versed in Sanskrit, who may also have had some comprehension of Arabic, and/or Persian. The textual pole of this dissertation examines the question of the relationship between al- Bïrûnï's Arabic Kitab Sank and Kitäb Pätangal - two works related to Sämkhya-Yoga - and their possible Sanskrit sources. A philological survey based on these Arabic translations and on Sämkhya-Yoga Sanskrit literature highlights that al-Bïrûnï's translations, both, are related to the classical phase in the development of these two Indian philosophical systems. Despite the early spread of Yoga and Sämkhya ideas through Sanskrit literature, it seems that between the early 11th and 16th centuries they lost vitality amongst Indian scholars. Therefore, al-Bïrûnï's translation of works related to these specific Indian philosophies in the early 11th century CE deserves attention. The second pole of this study also demonstrates that al-BTrünl's hermeneutics played an important part in his transmission of these two Indian schools of thought, as he highly transformed his source in both form and substance. This dissertation considers the question of the relationship between al-Bïrûnï's Arabic translations and their possible Sanskrit sources from the viewpoint of Translation Studies; which makes it possible to point out potential candidates for being al-Bïrûnï's original Sanskrit sources with some confidence. Overall, the Kitäb Sank and the Kitäb Pätangal represent original works of Sämkhya and Yoga, as viewed and transmitted by a Perso-Muslim scholar, rather than pure translations of Sanskrit work.