66 resultados para legal obligations in residential development
SUMMARY : The present work addresses several aspects of cell cycle regulation, cell fate specification and cell death in the central nervous system (CNS), specifically the cortex and the retina. More precisely, we investigated the role of Bmi1, a polycomb family gene required for stem cell proliferation and self-renewal, in the development of the cerebral cortex, as well as in the genesis of the retina. These data, together with studies published during the last two decades concerning cell cycle re-activation in apoptotic neurons in the CNS, raised the question of a possible link between regulation of the cell cycle during development and during retinal degeneration. 1. The effects of Bmi1 loss in the cerebral cortex : Consistently with our and others' observations on failure of Bmi9-/- stem cells to proliferate and self-renew in vitro, the Bmi9-/- cerebral cortex presented slight defects in proliferation in stem/progenitor cells compartments in vivo. This was in accordance with the pattern of Bmi1 expression in the developing forebrain. The modest proliferation defects, compared to the drastic consequences of Bmi9 loss in vitro, suggest that cell-extrinsic mechanisms may partially compensate for Bmi1 deletion in vivo during cortical histogenesis. Nevertheless, we observed a decreased proliferating activity in neurogenic regions of the adult telencephalon, more precisely in the subventricular zone, showing that Bmi1 controls neural stem/progenitor proliferation during adulthood in vivo. Our data also highlight an increased production of astrocytes at birth, and a generalized gliosis in the adult Bmi9-/- brain. Importantly, glial progenitors and astrocytes retained the ability to proliferate in the absence of Bmi1. 2. The effects of Bmi1 loss in the retina : The pattern of expression of Bmi1 during development and in the adult retina suggests a role for Bmi1 in cell fate specification and differentiation rather than in proliferation. While the layering and the global structure of the retina appear normal in Bmi1 /adult mice, immunohistochemìcal analysis revealed defects in the three major classes of retinal interneurons, namely: horizontal, bipolar and amacrine cells. Electroretinogram recordings in Bmi9-/- mice are coherent with the defects observed at the histological level, with a reduced b-wave and low-profile oscillatory potentials. These results show that Bmi1 controls not only proliferation, but also cell type generation, as previously observed in the cerebellum. 3. Cell cycle events and related neuroprotective strategies in retinal degeneration : In several neurodegenerative disorders, neurons re-express cell cycle proteins such as cyclin dependent kinases (Cdks) prior to apoptosis. Here, we show for the first time that this is also the case during retinal degeneration. Rd1 mice carry a recessive defect (Pdeóbrd/rd) that causes retinal degeneration and serves as a model of retinitis pigmentosa. We found that photoreceptors express Cdk4 and Cdk2, and undergo DNA synthesis prior to cell death. To interfere with the reactivation of Cdk-related pathways, we deleted E2fs or Brni1, which normally allow cell cycle progression. While deleting E2f1 (downstream of Cdk4/6) in Rd1 mice provides only temporary protection, knocking out Bmi1 (upstream of Cdks) leads to an extensive neuroprotective effect, independent of p16ink4a or p19arf, two tumor suppressors regulated by Bmi1. Analysis of Cdks and the DNA repair-related protein Ligase IV showed that Bmi1 acts downstream of DNA repair events and upstream of Cdks in this neurodegenerative mechanism. Expression of Cdks during an acute model of retinal degeneration, light damage-induced photoreceptor death, points to a role for Bmi1 and cell cycle proteins in retinal degeneration. Considering the similarity with the cell cycle-related apoptotic pathway observed in other neurodegenerative diseases, Bmi1 is a possible general target to prevent or delay neuronal death. RESUME : Ce travail aborde plusieurs aspects de la régulation du cycle cellulaire, de la spécification du devenir des cellules et de la mort cellulaire dans le système nerveux centrale (SNC), plus particulièrement dans le cortex cérébral et dans la rétine. Nous nous sommes intéressés au gène Bmi1, appartenant à la famille polycomb et nécessaire à la prolifération et au renouvellement des cellules souches. Nous avons visé à disséquer son rôle dans le développement du cortex et de la rétine. Ces données, ainsi qu'une série de travaux publiés au cours des deux dernières décennies concernant la réactivation du cycle cellulaire dans les neurones en voie d'apoptose dans le SNC, nous ont ensuite poussé à chercher un lien entre la régulation du cycle cellulaire pendant le développement et au cours de la dégénérescence rétinienne. 1. Les effets de l'inactivation de Bmi1 dans le cortex cérébral : En accord avec l'incapacité des cellules souches neurales in vitro à proliférer et à se renouveler en absence de Bmi1, le cortex cérébral des souris Bmi1-/- présente de légers défauts de prolifération dans les compartiments contenant les cellules souches neurales. Ceci est en accord avec le profil d'expression de Bmi1 dans le télencéphale. Les conséquences de la délétion de Bmi1 sont toutefois nettement moins prononcées in vivo qu'in vitro ; cette différence suggère l'existence de mécanismes pouvant partiellement compenser l'absence de Bmi1 pendant la corticogenèse. Néanmoins, l'observation d'une réduction de la prolifération dans la zone sous-ventriculaire, la zone majeure de neurogenèse dans le télencéphale adulte, montre que Bmi1 contrôle la prolifération des cellules souche/progénitrices neurales chez la souris adulte. Nos résultats démontrent par ailleurs une augmentation de la production d'astrocytes à la naissance ainsi qu'une gliose généralisée à l'état adulte chez les souris Bmi1-/-. Les progéniteurs gliaux et les astrocytes conservent donc leur capacité à proliférer en absence de Bmi1. 2. Les effets de l'inactivation de Bmi1 dans la rétine : Le profil d'expression de Bmi1 pendant fe développement ainsi que dans la rétine adulte suggère un rôle de Bmi1 dans la spécification de certains types cellulaires et dans la différentiation plutôt que dans la prolifération. Alors que la structure et la lamination de la rétine semblent normales chez les souris Bmi1-/-, l'analyse par immunohistochimie amis en évidence des défauts au niveau des trois classes d'interneurones rétiniens (les cellules horizontales, bipolaires et amacrines). Les électrorétinogrammes des souris Bmi1-/- sont cohérents avec les défauts observés au niveau histologique et montrent une réduction de l'onde « b » et des potentiels oscillatoires. Ces résultats montrent que Bmi1 contrôle la génération de certaines sous-populations de neurones, comme démontré auparavant au niveau de cervelet. 3. Réactivation du cycle cellulaire et stratégies théraoeutiaues dans les dégénérescences rétiniennes : Dans plusieurs maladies neurodégénératives, les neurones ré-expriment des protéines du cycle cellulaire telles que les kinases cycline-dépendantes (Cdk) avant d'entrer en apoptose. Nous avons démontré que c'est aussi le cas dans les dégénérescences rétiniennes. Les souris Rd1 portent une mutation récessive (Pde6brd/rd) qui induit une dégénérescence de la rétine et sont utilisées comme modèle animal de rétinite pigmentaire. Nous avons observé que les photorécepteurs expriment Cdk4 et Cdk2, et entament une synthèse d'ADN avant de mourir par apoptose. Pour interférer avec la réactivation les mécanismes Cdk-dépendants, nous avons inactivé les gènes E2f et Bmi1, qui permettent normalement la progression du cycle cellulaire. Nous avons mis en évidence que la délétion de E2f1 (en aval de Cdk4/6) dans les souris Rd1 permet une protection transitoire des photorécepteurs. Toutefois, l'inactivation de Bmi1 (en amont des Cdk) est corrélée à une neuroprotection bien plus durable et ceci indépendamment de p16ink4a et p19arf, deux suppresseurs de tumeurs normalement régulés par Bmi1. L'analyse des Cdk et de la ligase IV (une protéine impliquée dans les mécanismes de réparation de l'ADN) a montré que Bmi1 agit en aval des événements de réparation de l'ADN et en amont des Cdk dans la cascade apoptotique dans les photorécepteurs des souris Rd1. Nous avons également observé la présence de Cdk dans un modèle aigu de dégénérescence rétinienne induit par une exposition des animaux à des niveaux toxiques de lumière. Nos résultats suggèrent donc un rôle général de Bmi1 et des protéines du cycle cellulaire dans les dégénérescences de la rétine. Si l'on considère la similarité avec les événements de réactivation du cycle cellulaire observés dans d'autres maladies neurodégénératives, Bmi1 pourrait être une cible thérapeutique générale pour prévenir la mort neuronale.
Objective: The NALP3 inflammasome functions as a sensor of danger signals and triggers processing and release of IL-1b. Mutations of NALP3 are responsible for the cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes, a group of autoinflammatory disorders that respond to IL1 inhibition. Genetic studies have also linked NALP3 to hypertension in man, but the mechanism is not understood. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of NAPL3 inflammasome in the development of hypertension in an animal model. Design and Method: Six-week old male WT and NALP3 KO mice were used for generating a two-kidney, one clip (2K1C) renovascular hypertension. A U-shaped stainless steel clip (O^ ¼0.12mm) was placed on left renal artery under anaesthesia. The same surgery without clipping was performed in sham mice. At week 6 and 12 after the clipping, intra-arterial blood pressure (BP) was measured in conscious mice. Blood was collected for plasma renin analysis. Heart and kidney were excised and stored for molecular and morphological examinations. n¼5-6 mice per group. Data are mean_SEM. Results: Mean BP was significantly increased at week 6 and 12 in WT-2K1C mice compared to WT-sham group (MBPweek6: 138_2 vs.124_3 mmHg, p<0.01 and MBPweek12: 141_5 vs.122_3 mmHg, p<0.01) followed with an significant increase in heart weight (HW) and a decrease in clipped kidney weight indices in WT-2K1C mice compared to the WT-sham (HW/ BWweek6: 4.65_0.04 vs. 3.99_0.12 mg/g, p<0.001 and HW/BWweek12: 4.94_0.15 vs. 4.22_0.12 mg/g, p<0.001). Interestingly, NALP3 KO-2K1C mice did not develop hypertension. The MBP of KO-2K1C mice was comparable to the KO-sham (MBPweek6: 122_3 vs. 119_3 mmHg, p>0.05 and MBPweek6: 128_5 vs.122_4 mmHg, p>0.05). There was also no significant change in heart and kidney weight indices between KO- 2K1C and KO-sham mice. Conclusion: The preliminary results suggest that absence of NALP3 protects mice from the development of renin-dependent hypertension. Further molecular and morphological examinations are ongoing for the confirmation and mechanism explanation.
The QDR (quinidine drug resistance) family of genes encodes transporters belonging to the MFS (major facilitator superfamily) of proteins. We show that QDR transporters, which are localized to the plasma membrane, do not play a role in drug transport. Hence, null mutants of QDR1, QDR2 and QDR3 display no alterations in susceptibility to azoles, polyenes, echinocandins, polyamines or quinolines, or to cell wall inhibitors and many other stresses. However, the deletion of QDR genes, individually or collectively, led to defects in biofilm architecture and thickness. Interestingly, QDR-lacking strains also displayed attenuated virulence, but the strongest effect was observed with qdr2∆, qdr3∆ and in qdr1/2/3∆ strains. Notably, the attenuated virulence and biofilm defects could be reversed upon reintegration of QDR genes. Transcripts profiling confirmed differential expression of many biofilm and virulence-related genes in the deletion strains as compared with wild-type Candida albicans cells. Furthermore, lipidomic analysis of QDR-deletion mutants suggests massive remodelling of lipids, which may affect cell signalling, leading to the defect in biofilm development and attenuation of virulence. In summary, the results of the present study show that QDR paralogues encoding MFS antiporters do not display conserved functional linkage as drug transporters and perform functions that significantly affect the virulence of C. albicans.
Pancreatic ß cells are highly specialized endocrine cells located within the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Their main role is to produce and secrete insulin, the hormone essential for the regulation of glucose homeostasis and body's metabolism. Diabetes mellitus develops when the amount of insulin released by ß cells is not sufficient to cover the metabolic demand. In type 1 diabetes (5-10% of diagnoses) insulin deficiency is caused by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic ß cells. Type 2 diabetes (90% of diagnoses) results from a genetic predisposition and from the presence of adverse environmental conditions. The combination of these factors reduces insulin sensitivity of peripheral target tissues, causes impairment in ß-cell function and can lead to partial loss of ß cells. The development of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diabetes necessitates the comprehension of the cellular processes involved in dysfunction and loss of ß cells. My thesis was focused on the involvement in the physiopathological processes leading to the development of diabetes of a class of small regulatory RNA molecules, called microRNAs (miRNAs) that post- transcriptionally regulate gene expression. Global miRNA profiling in pancreatic islets of two animal models of diabetes, the db/db mice and mice that were fed a high fat diet (HFD), characterized by obesity and insulin resistance, led us to identify two groups of miRNAs displaying expression changes under pre-diabetic and diabetic conditions. Among the miRNAs already upregulated in pre-diabetic db/db mice and HFD mice, miR- 132 was found to have beneficial effects on pancreatic ß cell function and survival. Indeed, mimicking the upregulation of miR-132 in primary pancreatic islet cells and ß-cell lines improved glucose- induced insulin secretion and favored survival of the cells upon exposure to pro-apoptotic stimuli such as palmitate and cytokines. MiR-132 was found to exert its action by enhancing the expression of MafA, a transcription factor essential for ß-cell function, survival and identity. On the other hand, up-regulation of miR-199a-5p and miR-199a-3p was detectable only in the islets of diabetic db/db mice and resulted in impaired insulin secretion and sensitization of the cells to apoptosis. MiR-199a- 5p was found to decrease insulin secretion by inducing the expression of granuphilin, a potent inhibitor of ß cell exocytosis. In contrast, miR-199a-3p was demonstrated to directly target and reduce the expression of two key ß-cell genes, mTOR and cMET, resulting in impaired ß-cell adaptation to metabolic demands and loss by apoptosis. Our findings suggest that miRNAs are important players in the onset of type 2 diabetes. MiRNA expression is adjusted in pancreatic ß cells exposed to a diabetogenic environment. These changes initially concern miRNAs responsible for adaptive processes aimed at compensating the onset of insulin resistance, but later such changes can be overlapped by modifications in the level of several additional miRNAs that favor ß-cell failure and the onset of type 2 diabetes.
During development vertebrate embryos pass through a stage where their morphology is most conserved between species, the phylotypic period (approximately the pharyngula). To explain the resistance to evolutionary changes of this period, one hypothesis suggests that it is characterized by a high level of interactions. Based on this hypothesis, we examined protein-protein interactions, signal transduction cascades and miRNAs over the course of zebrafish development, and the conservation of expression of these genes in mouse development. We also investigated the characteristics of genes highly expressed before or during the presumed phylotypic period. We show that while there is a high diversity of interactions during the phylotypic period (protein-DNA, RNA-RNA, cell-cell, and between tissues), which is well conserved with mouse, there is no clear difference with later, more morphologically divergent, stages. We propose that the phylotypic period may rather be the expression at the morphological level of strong conservation of molecular processes earlier in development.
The existence of at least three isoforms of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in adult brain tissues [alpha 1, kidney type; alpha 2 [or alpha(+)]; alpha 3] suggests that these genes might be regulated in a cell-specific and time-dependent manner during development. We have studied this question in serum-free aggregating cell cultures of mechanically dissociated rat fetal telencephalon. At the protein level, the relative rate of synthesis of the pool of alpha 1-, alpha 2-, and alpha 3-subunits increased approximately twofold over 15 days of culture, leading to a marked increase in the immunochemical pool of alpha-subunits as measured by a panspecific polyclonal antibody. Concomitantly, Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase enzyme-specific activity increased three- (lower forebrain) to sixfold (upper forebrain). The transcripts of all three alpha-isoforms and beta-subunit were detected in vitro in similar proportion to the level observed in vivo. alpha 3-mRNA (3.7 kb) was more abundant than alpha 1 (3.7 kb) or alpha 2 (5.3 and 3.4 kb). Cytosine arabinoside (0.4 microM) and cholera toxin (0.1 microM) were used to selectively eliminate glial cells or neurons, respectively. It was found that alpha 2-mRNA is predominantly transcribed in glial cell cultures, whereas alpha 3- and beta 1-mRNA (2.7, 2.3, and 1.8 kb) are predominant in neuronal cultures.
The focus of my PhD research was the concept of modularity. In the last 15 years, modularity has become a classic term in different fields of biology. On the conceptual level, a module is a set of interacting elements that remain mostly independent from the elements outside of the module. I used modular analysis techniques to study gene expression evolution in vertebrates. In particular, I identified ``natural'' modules of gene expression in mouse and human, and I showed that expression of organ-specific and system-specific genes tends to be conserved between such distance vertebrates as mammals and fishes. Also with a modular approach, I studied patterns of developmental constraints on transcriptome evolution. I showed that none of the two commonly accepted models of the evolution of embryonic development (``evo-devo'') are exclusively valid. In particular, I found that the conservation of the sequences of regulatory regions is highest during mid-development of zebrafish, and thus it supports the ``hourglass model''. In contrast, events of gene duplication and new gene introduction are most rare in early development, which supports the ``early conservation model''. In addition to the biological insights on transcriptome evolution, I have also discussed in detail the advantages of modular approaches in large-scale data analysis. Moreover, I re-analyzed several studies (published in high-ranking journals), and showed that their conclusions do not hold out under a detailed analysis. This demonstrates that complex analysis of high-throughput data requires a co-operation between biologists, bioinformaticians, and statisticians.
Ectodysplasin (Eda), a member of the tumor necrosis factor (Tnf) family, regulates skin appendage morphogenesis via its receptor Edar and transcription factor NF-κB. In humans, inactivating mutations in the Eda pathway components lead to hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED), a syndrome characterized by sparse hair, tooth abnormalities, and defects in several cutaneous glands. A corresponding phenotype is observed in Eda-null mice, where failure in the initiation of the first wave of hair follicle development is a hallmark of HED pathogenesis. In an attempt to discover immediate target genes of the Eda/NF-κB pathway, we performed microarray profiling of genes differentially expressed in embryonic skin explants after a short exposure to recombinant Fc-Eda protein. Upregulated genes included components of the Wnt, fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor-β, Tnf, and epidermal growth factor families, indicating that Eda modulates multiple signaling pathways implicated in skin appendage development. Surprisingly, we identified two ligands of the chemokine receptor cxcR3, cxcl10 and cxcl11, as new hair-specific transcriptional targets of Eda. Deficiency in cxcR3 resulted in decreased primary hair follicle density but otherwise normal hair development, indicating that chemokine signaling influences the patterning of primary hair placodes only.
Background: C-reactive protein (CRP) is associated with risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Whether CRP is causally associated with CHD or merely a marker of underlying atherosclerosis is uncertain. Methods: We used a Mendelian randomisation design to investigate the causal relationship of CRP with CHD. We identified three genetic variants in the CRP locus (rs7553007, rs1130864 and rs1205) which influence CRP levels. We tested the three SNPs for association with CHD amongst 28,112 CHD cases and 100,823 controls. We then compared the observed relationship between the SNPs and CHD, with that predicted from the association of SNPs with CRP levels, and of CRP levels with CHD. Results: SNPs in the CRP locus were not associated with CHD: rs7553007, OR 0.98 (95% CI, 0.94-1.01); rs1130864, OR 1.00 (95% CI, 0.86-1.15); rs1205, OR 1.03 (95% CI, 0.99-1.07); combined OR for all three SNPs, 1.00 (95% CI, 0.97-1.02), per 20% lower CRP (figure). In contrast, the predicted OR for CHD from a 20% lower CRP level is 0.94 (95% CI, 0.94- 0.95), based on meta-analysis of observational studies. Conclusions: Though CRP variants are associated with CRP levels, and CRP levels with risk of CHD, we observed that CRP variants are not associated with CHD risk. Our Mendelian randomisation experiment strongly argues against a causal association of CRP with CHD.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In the present review, we will provide the scientific rationale for applying systems biology to the development of vaccines and particularly HIV vaccines, the predictive power of systems biology on the vaccine immunological profile, the correlation between systems biology and the immunological functional profiles of different candidate vaccines, and the value of systems biology in the selection process of identifying the best-in-class candidate vaccines and in the decision process to move into in-vivo evaluation in clinical trials. RECENT FINDINGS: Systems biology has been recently applied to the characterization of the protective yellow fever vaccine YF17D and of seasonal flu vaccines. This has been instrumental in the identification of the components of the immune response that need to be stimulated by the vaccine in order to generate protective immunity. It is worth noting that a systems biology approach is currently being performed to identify correlates of immune protection of the RV144 Thai vaccine, the only known vaccine that showed modest protection against HIV reacquisition. SUMMARY: Systems biology represents a novel and powerful approach to predict the vaccine immunological profile, to identify the protective components of the immune response, and to help in the selection process of the best-in-class vaccines to move into clinical development.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Current tools for analgesia are often only partially successful, thus investigations of new targets for pain therapy stimulate great interest. Consequent to peripheral nerve injury, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity in cells of the dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and spinal cord is involved in triggering neuropathic pain. However, the relative contribution of distinct JNK isoforms is unclear. Using knockout mice for single isoforms, and blockade of JNK activity by a peptide inhibitor, we have used behavioral tests to analyze the contribution of JNK in the development of neuropathic pain after unilateral sciatic nerve transection. In addition, immunohistochemical labelling for the growth associated protein (GAP)-43 and Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (CGRP) in DRGs was used to relate injury related compensatory growth to altered sensory function. RESULTS: Peripheral nerve injury produced pain-related behavior on the ipsilateral hindpaw, accompanied by an increase in the percentage of GAP43-immunoreactive (IR) neurons and a decrease in the percentage of CGRP-IR neurons in the lumbar DRGs. The JNK inhibitor, D-JNKI-1, successfully modulated the effects of the sciatic nerve transection. The onset of neuropathic pain was not prevented by the deletion of a single JNK isoform, leading us to conclude that all JNK isoforms collectively contribute to maintain neuropathy. Autotomy behavior, typically induced by sciatic nerve axotomy, was absent in both the JNK1 and JNK3 knockout mice. CONCLUSIONS: JNK signaling plays an important role in regulating pain threshold: the inhibition of all of the JNK isoforms prevents the onset of neuropathic pain, while the deletion of a single splice JNK isoform mitigates established sensory abnormalities. JNK inactivation also has an effect on axonal sprouting following peripheral nerve injury.
The appearance of immunoreactive alpha-melanotropin (alpha-MSH) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) during development was studied in 3 areas of the rat brain--cerebral hemispheres, midbrain and hindbrain--from embryonic day (ED) 13-14 until day 21 postnatally. The alpha-MSH content in vivo was always highest in the midbrain; a peak content at birth was followed by a transient decline and a later, higher plateau from postnatal day 7 onwards. The alpha-MSH content in the cerebral hemispheres rose progressively after birth reaching a peak at day 21. Values in the hindbrain rose at day 3 and changed relatively sue taken at ED 15-16 showed a gradual increase in alpha-MSH content over the 20 days. The alpha-MSH content of hindbrain cultures remained at constant low levels, while no alpha-MSH was detectable in cerebral hemisphere cultures. ACTH appeared in vivo earlier than alpha-MSH and was detectable in embryonic brains at ED 13-14. A transient rise was seen at ED 17-18 and major peaks at birth, day 2 and day 3, in the midbrain, hemispheres and hindbrain, respectively. In vitro, the ACTH content increased in all brain regions during the first 5 days in culture and showed no further change thereafter. Comparisons of the in vivo and in vitro development of alpha-MSH and ACTH demonstrate that (i) these two peptide systems are independent in respect to their localization and time of appearance; (ii) they undergo maturation both in vivo and in vitro; (iii) epigenetic factors, such as interactions with other neurotransmitter systems may modulate the developmental pattern of these two peptides.
Résumé L'influence des hormones reproductives sur le développement du cancer du sein a été établie au travers de nombreuse études épidémiologiques. Nous avons précédemment démontré que le gène Wnt-4 est un médiateur essentiel de la progestérone dans le développement lobulo-alvéolaire de l'épithélium mammaire. De plus, le rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt dans la tumorigénèse de la glande mammaire mutine est largement établi. Pour comprendre sa fonction dans le cancer du sein, nous avons activée cette voie en surexprimant le gène Wnt-1 dans des cellules épithéliales primaires de sein, au moyen d'un rétrovirus. Ceci a conduit à la transformation oncogénique de ces cellules et à l'obtention d'un modèle de carcinogénèse du sein dénommé Wnt-1 HMEC. L'analyse de l'expression des gènes induits par la surexpression de Wnt-1 dans ces cellules, a permis d'identifier les gènes BMP4 et 7. Alors que des analyses de RT-PCR ont montré leur forte expression dans les cellules Wnt-1-HMECs, la présence d'une grande quantité de la protéine BMP7 a été constatée dans les tumeurs dérivées de ces cellules. L'importante phosphorylation des Smad 1, 5, S dans les Wnt-1 HMECs indique l'activation de la voie BMP, possiblement due à la stimulation ce celle-ci par BMP7. L'activation de la voie Wnt par la ß-Caténine, conduit à la transcription de BMP7, identifiant ainsi ce gène comme un gène cible de la voie canonique. La pertinence de nos observations a par ailleurs été confirmée par le fait que BMP7 est surexprimé dans les tumeurs de seins humains. Afin d'élucider la fonction de la voie BMP dans le sein, nous avons utilisé le modèle mutin. L'expression du gène BMP7 dans les souris transgéniques MMTV Wnt-1 s'est avérée élevée, démontrant qu'il est aussi un gène cible de la voie Wnt in-vivo. L'expression de l'ARN messager .codant pour la protéine BMP7 est induite lors du développement lobulo-alvéolaire, qui se fait sous l'influence de la progestérone et de Wnt-4. Ensemble, ces observations corroborent le fait qu'une stimulation avec de la progestérone suffit à induire la transcription du gène dans les 24h. Nos résultats coïncident d'autre part avec le fait que BMP7 est exprimé dans la couche myoépithéliale de l'épithélium où la voie Wnt est activée. L'analyse de souris reportrices de l'activité de la voie BMP, suggère une activation dans la couche luminale de l'épithélium durant tout le développement de la glande mammaire. Curieusement, cette même voie est active dans le mésenchyme lors de la mammogénèse embryonnaire. Finalement, nos analyses d'immunofluorescence démontrent la capacité de prolifération des cellules ayant activé BMP, ainsi que leur nette ségrégation d'avec les cellules exprimant le récepteur à la progestérone. Nos résultats démontrent que le gène BMP7 est un gène cible de la voie Wnt canonique dans le sein. Son expression dans la couche myoépitheliale est induite par Wnt-4, lui-même sécrété par les cellules luminales sensibles à la progestérone. La sécrétion de la protéine BMP7 conduit finalement à l'activation de la voie BMP dans les cellules négatives pour le récepteur à la progestérone. Abstract Epidemiological studies highlight the repetitive exposure to circulating progesterone as a major risk in the development of breast cancer. Work in our laboratory showed that Wnt-4 is an essential mediator of progesterone-driven side-branch formation, while Wnt signaling has long been established as strongly oncogenic in the mouse mammary gland. To address the role of Wnt in breast tumorigenesis we activated the pathway in primary human breast epithelial cells by means of refroviral Wnt-1 expression. This resulted in a Wnt1-induced breast carcinogenesis model, being referred to as Wnt-1-HMECs. Gene expression profiling revealed the Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 and 7 (BMP4 and 7) a mong the most upregulated gene by ectopic Wnt-1 expression in primary HMECs. RT-PCR analysis confirmed elevated BMP4 and 7 mRNA levels in Wnt-1-infected HMECs, as well as strong BMP7 expression in the tumors derived from these cells. Smad 1, 5, 8 phosphorylation was high in Wnt-1HMECs whereas below detection limit in primary HMECs suggesting that the increased expression of BMP-7 results in activation of downstream signaling. Ectopic expressíon of a stabilized form of ßcatenin in primary HMECs resulted in increased transcription of BMP-7 suggesting that it is a target of canonical Wnt signaling. The clinical relevance of our observations was confirmed by the finding of BMP7 being upregulated in human breast tumor samples. To elucidate the role of BMP ligands in the breast in-vivo, we made use of the mouse model. Expression of the BMP7 gene was found to be increased in MMTV-Wnt-1 transgenic animals, suggesting that BMP7 may also be a Wnt 1 target gene in vivo. Expression of BMP7 was upregulated in mid-pregnancy which coincides with progesterone/Wnt induced side branching. BMP7 was induced within 24 hours by progesterone. Consistent with it being a target of canonical Wnt signaling, we demonstrated preferential expression of this ligand in the myoepithelial cells, the target cells of Wnt signals. In-vivo analysis of BMP signaling using a reporter mouse revealed the activation of the pathway in the luminal layer of the epithelium throughout postnatal development. Interestingly, during embryonic mammogenesis the pathway was found to be active in the mesenchyme. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that cells with BMP activity can proliferate. They also revealed a clear segregation between progesterone receptor positive cells and cells with active BMP signaling. Together our observations suggest that BMP-7 is a canonical Wnt signaling target both in HMECs and in the mouse mammary gland in-vivo. It is expressed in the myoepithelium possibly in response to Wnt-4, which is secreted by steroid receptor positive cells in response to progesterone. BMP-7 in turn may impinge on lumina) epithelial cells and activate BMP signaling in PR negative cells.