70 resultados para intersectoral mobilisation of stakeholders


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Résumé Rôle des paramètres sociopolitiques et des connaissances dans la gestion des risques hydrologiques¦La recherche analyse (1) la mise en oeuvre de la gestion des risques hydrologiques et (2) les connaissances dont disposent les acteurs sur ces derniers, ainsi que (3) les interdépendances entre ces deux volets. Au total, trois études de cas ont été réalisées dont deux études régionales (ville de Berne, commune de Saillon) et une étude sur un acteur spécifique (les corporations de digues dans le canton de Berne). Les données empiriques ont été obtenues par des entretiens oraux semi-directifs et des enquêtes écrites.¦La gestion des risques hydrologiques est fortement influencée par des paramètres sociopolitiques, c'est-à-dire par les intérêts et les objectifs des acteurs, par les rapports de force entre ceux-ci ainsi que par les processus de négociation et de décision. Dans la pratique, les démarches de gestion se restreignent toutefois majoritairement aux aspects physiques, techniques et administratifs des risques hydrologiques. La dimension sociopolitique est ainsi négligée, ce qui est source de conflits qui ralentissent considérablement la planification de la protection contre les crues, voire la bloquent même complètement. La gestion des risques hydrologiques est en outre largement focalisée sur la réduction des aléas. Lés débats sur la vulnérabilité sont nettement plus rares bien qu'ils soient indispensables lorsqu'il s'agit de traiter les risques de façon holistique.¦Etant donné l'importance de la dimension sociopolitique et de la vulnérabilité, il est nécessaire que les démarches prévues dans la gestion des risques hydrologiques soient reconsidérées et adaptées. De plus, une meilleure intégration de tous les acteurs concernés est primordiale afin de trouver des solutions qui soient acceptables pour une majorité. Pour l'instant, le recours à des instruments de négociation est insuffisant.¦Les connaissances des risques hydrologiques et de leur gestion peuvent être classées en quatre répertoires (connaissances du système, de l'événement, de l'intervention et connaissances sociopolitiques) qui influent tous sur la réduction des risques. Parmi les facteurs les plus importants susceptibles de déclencher des transformations se trouvent l'occurrence de crues, la réalisation d'études (portant sur les aléas, la vulnérabilité, les mesures, etc.), l'échange de connaissances entre les acteurs, ainsi que la recherche de solutions lors de la gestion.¦Les caractéristiques des connaissances varient considérablement selon les acteurs. L'appartenance à un groupe donné ne permet toutefois pas à elle seule de déterminer l'état des connaissances : tous les acteurs peuvent avoir des connaissances pertinentes pour la gestion des risques. Les différences entre les acteurs rendent pourtant la communication compliquée. Ce problème pourrait être atténué par des médiateurs qui assureraient un travail de traduction. Dans la pratique, de telles instances manquent généralement.¦La gestion et les connaissances des risques hydrologiques sont fortement interdépendantes. L'état et les caractéristiques des connaissances déterminent directement la qualité de la protection contre les crues. Des lacunes ou des imprécisions peuvent donc entraîner une gestion non adaptée aux risques présents. Afin d'éviter une telle situation, il est important que les connaissances sur les risques hydrologiques et sur les possibilités d'y faire face soient régulièrement remises à jour. Ne devant pas se restreindre à l'expérience de crues passées, il est impératif qu'elles contiennent aussi des réflexions prospectives et des scénarios novateurs.¦La gestion n'est pas seulement demandeuse en connaissances, elle est également susceptible d'en générer de nouvelles et d'élargir les connaissances existantes. Il convient donc de considérer la création et le transfert de connaissances comme une tâche centrale de la gestion des risques.¦Zusammenfassung Die Rolle der soziopolitischen Parameter und des Wissens im Umgang mit hydrologischen Risiken¦Die Arbeit untersucht drei Themenbereiche: (1) den soziopolitischen Umgang mit hydrologischen Risiken, (2) das Wissen, über das die Akteure bezüglich der Hochwasserrisiken verfügen sowie (3) die Wechselwirkungen zwischen diesen beiden Themenfeldern. Insgesamt wurden drei Fallstudien durchgeführt, darunter zwei regionale Studien (Stadt Bern, Gemeinde Saillon) und eine Untersuchung eines spezifischen Akteurs (Schwellenkorporationen im Kanton Bern). Die empirischen Daten wurden anhand von halbstandardisierten Interviews und schriftlichen Umfragen erhoben.¦Das Management hydrologischer Risiken ist stark von soziopolitischen Parametern beeinflusst, d.h. von Interessen und Zielvorstellungen der Akteure, von Machtverhältnissen und von Verhandlungs- und Entscheidungsprozessen. Die in der Praxis vorgesehenen Schritte zur Reduktion der Hochwasserrisiken beschränken sich jedoch meist auf die physischen, administrativen und technischen Aspekte der Risiken. Die Vernachlässigung ihrer soziopolitischen Dimension führt zu Konflikten, welche die Planung von Hochwasserschutzprojekten deutlich verlangsamen oder gar blockieren. Des Weiteren konzentriert sich das Risikomanagement im Wesentlichen auf die Reduktion der Gefahren. Gesellschaftliche Debatten zur Vulnerabilität sind deutlich seltener, obschon sie für einen umfassenden Umgang mit Risiken unabdingbar sind.¦Angesichts der Bedeutung der soziopolitischen Dimension und der Vulnerabilität ist es notwendig, dass die Vorgehensweise im Risikomanagement überdacht und angepasst wird. Zudem ist eine bessere Integration aller betroffener Akteure unablässig, um mehrheitsfähige Lösungen zu finden. Zur Zeit ist der Rückgriff auf entsprechende Instrumente ungenügend.¦Das Wissen über hydrologische Risiken und deren Management kann in vier Repertoires eingeteilt werden (Systemwissen, Ereigniswissen, Interventionswissen, soziopolitisches Wissen), die alle bei der Reduktion von Risiken bedeutsam sind. Zu den wichtigsten Faktoren, die Wissenstransformationen auslösen, gehören Hochwasserereignisse, die Durchführung von Studien (zu Gefahren, zur Vulnerabilität, zu Massnahmen usw.), der Wissensaustausch zwischen Akteuren und die Suche nach Lösungen während des Risikomanagements.¦Die Merkmale der Wissensformen unterschieden sich stark zwischen den verschiedenen Akteuren. Die Zugehörigkeit eines Akteurs zu einer bestimmten Gruppe ist jedoch kein ausreichendes Kriterium, um dessen Wissensstand zu bestimmen: Alle Akteure können über Wissen verfügen, das für den Umgang mit Risiken relevant ist. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Akteuren gestalten die Kommunikation allerdings schwierig. Das Problem liesse sich entschärfen, indem Mediatoren eingesetzt würden, die als Übersetzer und Vermittler agierten. In der Praxis fehlen solche Instanzen weitgehend.¦Zwischen dem Umgang mit hydrologischen Risken und dem Wissen bestehen enge Wechselwirkungen. Der Zustand und die Eigenschaften der Wissensformen bestimmen direkt die Qualität des Hochwasserschutzes. Lückenhaftes und unpräzises Wissen kann demnach zu einem Risikomanagement führen, das den tatsächlichen Gegebenheiten nicht angepasst ist. Um eine solche Situation zu verhindern, muss das Wissen über Risiken und Hochwasserschutz regelmässig aktualisiert werden. Dabei darf es sich nicht auf die Erfahrung vergangener Hochwasser beschränken, sondern hat auch vorausschauende Überlegungen und neuartige Szenarien einzubeziehen.¦Das Risikomanagement benötigt nicht nur Wissen, es trägt auch dazu bei, neues Wissen zu t generieren und bestehendes zu erweitern. Die Erarbeitung und der Transfer von Wissen sind deshalb als zentrale Aufgaben des Risikomanagements zu betrachten.¦Abstract¦The role of socio-political parameters and of knowledge in the management of hydrological risks¦The purpose of the thesis is to analyse (1) the socio-political management of hydrological risks, (2) the knowledge about hydrological risks, and (3) the interaction between risk management and knowledge. Three case studies were carried out, two at a regional level (city of Berne, village of Saillon) and one about a specific stakeholder (the dyke corporations in the canton of Berne). Empirical data were collected by the means of semi-structured interviews and surveys.¦The management of hydrological risks is highly influenced by socio-political issues, i.e. by interests and goals of stakeholders, by the balance of power between stakeholders, as well as by negotiations and decision-making processes. In practice, however, risk management is mainly constrained by physical, technical, and administrative aspects. The neglect of the socio-political dimension may thus be the source of conflicts which significantly delay the planning and implementation of flood protection measures, or even stop them. Furthermore, risk management mostly concentrates on hazard reduction. Discussions on vulnerability issues are less frequent although they are fundamental for treating risks in a holistic manner.¦Because of the importance of the social-political dimension and of vulnerability issues, it is necessary that the common approach of managing hydrological risks is reconsidered and adapted. Moreover, the integration of all stakeholders that are concerned with hydrological risks is essential for finding solutions which are supported by a majority. For instance, the application of appropriate negotiation instruments is insufficient.¦Knowledge about hydrological risks and their management can be classified into four categories (system knowledge, event knowledge, intervention knowledge, socio-political knowledge) which are all influencing the reduction of risks. Among the most important factors that are likely to trigger knowledge transformations, one can point out flood events, studies about risk parameters (hazards, vulnerability, protection measures, etc.), knowledge exchange between stakeholders, and the search for solutions during risk management.¦The characteristics of knowledge vary considerably between stakeholders. The affiliation to a specific group is thus not a sufficient criterion to determine the quality of a stakeholder's knowledge: every stakeholder may have knowledge that is relevant for risk management. However, differences between stakeholders complicate the communication. This problem could be attenuated by mediators which ensure the translation between stakeholders. In practice, such instances are generally lacking.¦The management and knowledge of hydrological risks are highly interdependent. The state and the characteristics of the four categories of knowledge determine directly the quality of flood protection. Gaps and imprecison may thus lead to forms of management which are not adapted to the actual risks. This kind of situation can be avoided by updating regularly the knowledge about hydrological risks and about protection measures. However, knowledge must not be restricted to the experience of past floods. On the contrary, it is indispensable also to involve prospective reflections and new scenarios.¦Risk management does not only require knowledge, it may also generate new knowledge and enlarge existing knowledge. The creation and the transfer of knowledge has thus to be seen as a central task in risk management.


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After the Fukushima accident, the Swiss Federal Council opted for withdrawal from nuclear energy in the horizon 2035. Considering that this decision cannot be studied in historical isolation, this article describes the evolution of the relationship between nuclear energy and the Swiss society by highlighting four distinctive periods: the social mobilisation of the seventies and eighties, the turning point of the nineties, the nuclear revival in the late 2000s and the Fukushima accident. To describe this relationship, we will analyse social mobilisation and the results of initiatives and empirical studies related to nuclear energy in Switzerland.


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This articles describes three models which played a key role in the evolution of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and all the organizations which contribute to the staging of the Olympic Games and constitute the Olympic System, from its beginnings in 1894 to the present day. This evolution and the addition of many stakeholders has increased the complexity of the management of the Olympic System over the years from pure Olympic administration (when the IOC headquarters moved to Lausanne in 1915) to Olympic network governance which must take into consideration more than 24 types of stakeholders, including goverments and intergovernmental organizations.


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BACKGROUND: In general, schools are an important setting to implement current recommendations for obesity prevention in children because the vast majority of children attend school. This study investigated the opinions of different school stakeholders on the feasibility and acceptability of current obesity prevention strategies that could be implemented in Swiss schools. METHODS: Research methods were comprised of a qualitative study which included school directors, physical education teachers, catering staff, school nurses and health educators, parents of young adolescents, and young adolescents interviewed (N = 40) categorized into 6 focus groups. Open-ended questions were used to determine the participants' opinion regarding current obesity prevention recommendations, and healthy eating and physical activity promotion strategies. RESULTS: All participants approved the implementation of nutritional standards for food and drinks sold in schools, but thought that increasing the attractiveness of healthy options was the best strategy to improve eating habits. Enjoying participation in physical activity classes or after-school activities was stressed. Participants suggested offering classes for all students with poor physical condition, independent of weight status. Stakeholders called for governmental support and global coordination of interventions balanced with providing schools with enough autonomy to adapt programs relevant to their individual circumstances. They recommended integrating all school stakeholders in obesity prevention initiatives, with special attention to students and local authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Participants agreed that schools are a crucial setting to implement childhood obesity prevention strategies. They called on school stakeholders to join efforts aiming to encourage healthy behaviors and to support and reinforce parents' efforts by spreading consistent and coherent health messages.


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Summary This dissertation explores how stakeholder dialogue influences corporate processes, and speculates about the potential of this phenomenon - particularly with actors, like non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other representatives of civil society, which have received growing attention against a backdrop of increasing globalisation and which have often been cast in an adversarial light by firms - as a source of teaming and a spark for innovation in the firm. The study is set within the context of the introduction of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) in Europe. Its significance lies in the fact that scientific developments and new technologies are being generated at an unprecedented rate in an era where civil society is becoming more informed, more reflexive, and more active in facilitating or blocking such new developments, which could have the potential to trigger widespread changes in economies, attitudes, and lifestyles, and address global problems like poverty, hunger, climate change, and environmental degradation. In the 1990s, companies using biotechnology to develop and offer novel products began to experience increasing pressure from civil society to disclose information about the risks associated with the use of biotechnology and GMOs, in particular. Although no harmful effects for humans or the environment have been factually demonstrated even to date (2008), this technology remains highly-contested and its introduction in Europe catalysed major companies to invest significant financial and human resources in stakeholder dialogue. A relatively new phenomenon at the time, with little theoretical backing, dialogue was seen to reflect a move towards greater engagement with stakeholders, commonly defined as those "individuals or groups with which. business interacts who have a 'stake', or vested interest in the firm" (Carroll, 1993:22) with whom firms are seen to be inextricably embedded (Andriof & Waddock, 2002). Regarding the organisation of this dissertation, Chapter 1 (Introduction) describes the context of the study, elaborates its significance for academics and business practitioners as an empirical work embedded in a sector at the heart of the debate on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Chapter 2 (Literature Review) traces the roots and evolution of CSR, drawing on Stakeholder Theory, Institutional Theory, Resource Dependence Theory, and Organisational Learning to establish what has already been developed in the literature regarding the stakeholder concept, motivations for engagement with stakeholders, the corporate response to external constituencies, and outcomes for the firm in terms of organisational learning and change. I used this review of the literature to guide my inquiry and to develop the key constructs through which I viewed the empirical data that was gathered. In this respect, concepts related to how the firm views itself (as a victim, follower, leader), how stakeholders are viewed (as a source of pressure and/or threat; as an asset: current and future), corporate responses (in the form of buffering, bridging, boundary redefinition), and types of organisational teaming (single-loop, double-loop, triple-loop) and change (first order, second order, third order) were particularly important in building the key constructs of the conceptual model that emerged from the analysis of the data. Chapter 3 (Methodology) describes the methodology that was used to conduct the study, affirms the appropriateness of the case study method in addressing the research question, and describes the procedures for collecting and analysing the data. Data collection took place in two phases -extending from August 1999 to October 2000, and from May to December 2001, which functioned as `snapshots' in time of the three companies under study. The data was systematically analysed and coded using ATLAS/ti, a qualitative data analysis tool, which enabled me to sort, organise, and reduce the data into a manageable form. Chapter 4 (Data Analysis) contains the three cases that were developed (anonymised as Pioneer, Helvetica, and Viking). Each case is presented in its entirety (constituting a `within case' analysis), followed by a 'cross-case' analysis, backed up by extensive verbatim evidence. Chapter 5 presents the research findings, outlines the study's limitations, describes managerial implications, and offers suggestions for where more research could elaborate the conceptual model developed through this study, as well as suggestions for additional research in areas where managerial implications were outlined. References and Appendices are included at the end. This dissertation results in the construction and description of a conceptual model, grounded in the empirical data and tied to existing literature, which portrays a set of elements and relationships deemed important for understanding the impact of stakeholder engagement for firms in terms of organisational learning and change. This model suggests that corporate perceptions about the nature of stakeholder influence the perceived value of stakeholder contributions. When stakeholders are primarily viewed as a source of pressure or threat, firms tend to adopt a reactive/defensive posture in an effort to manage stakeholders and protect the firm from sources of outside pressure -behaviour consistent with Resource Dependence Theory, which suggests that firms try to get control over extemal threats by focussing on the relevant stakeholders on whom they depend for critical resources, and try to reverse the control potentially exerted by extemal constituencies by trying to influence and manipulate these valuable stakeholders. In situations where stakeholders are viewed as a current strategic asset, firms tend to adopt a proactive/offensive posture in an effort to tap stakeholder contributions and connect the organisation to its environment - behaviour consistent with Institutional Theory, which suggests that firms try to ensure the continuing license to operate by internalising external expectations. In instances where stakeholders are viewed as a source of future value, firms tend to adopt an interactive/innovative posture in an effort to reduce or widen the embedded system and bring stakeholders into systems of innovation and feedback -behaviour consistent with the literature on Organisational Learning, which suggests that firms can learn how to optimize their performance as they develop systems and structures that are more adaptable and responsive to change The conceptual model moreover suggests that the perceived value of stakeholder contribution drives corporate aims for engagement, which can be usefully categorised as dialogue intentions spanning a continuum running from low-level to high-level to very-high level. This study suggests that activities aimed at disarming critical stakeholders (`manipulation') providing guidance and correcting misinformation (`education'), being transparent about corporate activities and policies (`information'), alleviating stakeholder concerns (`placation'), and accessing stakeholder opinion ('consultation') represent low-level dialogue intentions and are experienced by stakeholders as asymmetrical, persuasive, compliance-gaining activities that are not in line with `true' dialogue. This study also finds evidence that activities aimed at redistributing power ('partnership'), involving stakeholders in internal corporate processes (`participation'), and demonstrating corporate responsibility (`stewardship') reflect high-level dialogue intentions. This study additionally finds evidence that building and sustaining high-quality, trusted relationships which can meaningfully influence organisational policies incline a firm towards the type of interactive, proactive processes that underpin the development of sustainable corporate strategies. Dialogue intentions are related to type of corporate response: low-level intentions can lead to buffering strategies; high-level intentions can underpin bridging strategies; very high-level intentions can incline a firm towards boundary redefinition. The nature of corporate response (which encapsulates a firm's posture towards stakeholders, demonstrated by the level of dialogue intention and the firm's strategy for dealing with stakeholders) favours the type of learning and change experienced by the organisation. This study indicates that buffering strategies, where the firm attempts to protect itself against external influences and cant' out its existing strategy, typically lead to single-loop learning, whereby the firm teams how to perform better within its existing paradigm and at most, improves the performance of the established system - an outcome associated with first-order change. Bridging responses, where the firm adapts organisational activities to meet external expectations, typically leads a firm to acquire new behavioural capacities characteristic of double-loop learning, whereby insights and understanding are uncovered that are fundamentally different from existing knowledge and where stakeholders are brought into problem-solving conversations that enable them to influence corporate decision-making to address shortcomings in the system - an outcome associated with second-order change. Boundary redefinition suggests that the firm engages in triple-loop learning, where the firm changes relations with stakeholders in profound ways, considers problems from a whole-system perspective, examining the deep structures that sustain the system, producing innovation to address chronic problems and develop new opportunities - an outcome associated with third-order change. This study supports earlier theoretical and empirical studies {e.g. Weick's (1979, 1985) work on self-enactment; Maitlis & Lawrence's (2007) and Maitlis' (2005) work and Weick et al's (2005) work on sensegiving and sensemaking in organisations; Brickson's (2005, 2007) and Scott & Lane's (2000) work on organisational identity orientation}, which indicate that corporate self-perception is a key underlying factor driving the dynamics of organisational teaming and change. Such theorizing has important implications for managerial practice; namely, that a company which perceives itself as a 'victim' may be highly inclined to view stakeholders as a source of negative influence, and would therefore be potentially unable to benefit from the positive influence of engagement. Such a selfperception can blind the firm from seeing stakeholders in a more positive, contributing light, which suggests that such firms may not be inclined to embrace external sources of innovation and teaming, as they are focussed on protecting the firm against disturbing environmental influences (through buffering), and remain more likely to perform better within an existing paradigm (single-loop teaming). By contrast, a company that perceives itself as a 'leader' may be highly inclined to view stakeholders as a source of positive influence. On the downside, such a firm might have difficulty distinguishing when stakeholder contributions are less pertinent as it is deliberately more open to elements in operating environment (including stakeholders) as potential sources of learning and change, as the firm is oriented towards creating space for fundamental change (through boundary redefinition), opening issues to entirely new ways of thinking and addressing issues from whole-system perspective. A significant implication of this study is that potentially only those companies who see themselves as a leader are ultimately able to tap the innovation potential of stakeholder dialogue.


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Résumé Identification, localisation et activation des cellules souches hématopoiétiques dormantes in vivo Les cellules souches somatiques sont présentes dans la majorité des tissus régénératifs comme la peau, l'épithélium intestinal et le système hématopoiétique. A partir d'une seule cellule, elles ont les capacités de produire d'autres cellules souches du même type (auto-renouvellement) et d'engendrer un ensemble défini de cellules progénitrices différenciées qui vont maintenir ou réparer leur tissu hôte. Les cellules souches adultes les mieux caractérisées sont les cellules souches hématopoiétiques (HSC), localisées dans la moelle osseuse. Un des buts de mon travail de doctorat était de caractériser plus en profondeur la localisation des HSCs endogènes in vivo. Pour ce faire, la technique "label retaining assay", se basant sur la division peu fréquentes et sur la dormance des cellules souches, a été utilisée. Après un marquage des souris avec du BrdU (analogue à l'ADN) suivi d'une longue période sans BrdU, les cellules ayant incorporés le marquage ("label retaining cells" LCRs) ont pu être identifiées dans la moelle osseuse. Ces cellules LCRs étaient enrichies 300 fois en cellules de phenotype HSC et, en utilisant de la cytofluorométrie, il a pu être montré qu'environ 15% de toutes les HSCs d'une souris restent dormantes durant plusieures semaines. Ces HSCs dormantes à long terme ne sont probablement pas impliquées dans la maintenance de 'hématopoièse. Par contre, on assiste à l'activation rapide de ces HSCs dormantes lors d'une blessure, comme une ablation myéloide. Elles re-entrent alors en cycle cellulaire et sont essentielles pour une génération rapide des cellules progénitrices et matures qui vont remplacer les cellules perdues. De plus, la détection des LCRs, combinée avec l'utilisation du marqueur de HSCs c-kit, peut être utilisée pour la localisation des HSCs dormantes présentes dans la paroi endostéale de la cavité osseuse. De manière surprenante, les LCRs c-kit+ ont surtout étés trouvées isolées en cellule unique, suggérant que le micro-environement spécifique entourant et maintenant les HSCs, appelé niche, pourrait être très réduit et abriter une seule HSC par niche. Rôles complexes du gène supresseur de tumeur Pten dans le système hématopoiétique La phosphatase PTEN disparaît dans certains cancers héréditaires ou sporadiques humains, comme les gliomes, les cancers de l'utérus ou du sein. Pten inhibe la voie de signalisation de la PI3-kinase et joue un rôle clé dans l'apoptose, la croissance, la prolifération et la migration cellulaire. Notre but était d'étudier le rôle de Pten dans les HSC normale et durant la formation de leucémies. Pour ce faire, nous avons généré un modèle murin dans lequel le gène Pten peut être supprimé dans les cellules hématopoiétiques, incluant les HSCs. Ceci a été possible en croissant l'allèle conditionnelle ptenflox soit avec le transgène MxCre inductible par l'interféron α soit avec le transgène Scl-CreERt inductible par le tamoxifen. Ceci permet la conversion de l'allèle ptenflox en l'allèle nul PtenΔ dans les HSCs et les autres types cellulaires hématopoiétiques. Les souris mutantes Pten développent une splénomégalie massive causée par une expansion dramatiques de toutes les cellules myéloides. De manière interessante, alors que le nombre de HSCs dans la moelle osseuse diminue progressivement, le nombre des HSCs dans la rate augmente de manière proportionnelle. Etrangement, les analyses de cycle cellulaire ont montrés que Pten n'avait que peu ou pas d'effet sur la dormance des HSCs ou sur leur autorenouvellement. En revanche, une augmentation massive du niveau de la cytokine de mobilisation G-CSF a été détéctée dans le serum sanguin, suggérant que la suppression de Pten stimulerait la mobilisation et la migration des HSC de la moelle osseuse vers la rate. Finallement, la transplantation de moelle osseuse délétée en Pten dans des souris immuno-déficientes montre que Pten fonctionnerait comme un suppresseur de tumeur dans le système hématopoiétique car son absence entraîne la formation rapide de leucémies lymphocytaires. Summary Identification, localization and activation of dormant hematopoietic stun cells in vivo Somatic stem cells are present in most self-renewing tissues including the skin, the intestinal epithelium and the hematopoietic system. On a single cell basis they have the capacity to produce more stem cells of the same phenotype (self-renewal) and to give rise to a defined set of mature differentiated progeny, responsible for the maintenance or repair of the host tissue. The best characterized adult stem cell is the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) located in the bone marrow. One goal of my thesis work was to further characterize the location of endogenous HSCs in vivo. To do this, a technique called "label retaining assay» was used which takes advantage of the fact that stem cells (including HSCs) divide very infrequently and can be dormant for months. After labeling mice with the DNA analogue BrdU followed by a long BrdU free "chase", BrdU "label retaining cells" (CRCs) could be identified in the bone marrow. These CRCs were 300-fold enriched for phenotypic HSCs and by using flow cytometry analysis it could be shown that about 15% of all HSCs in the mouse are dormant for many weeks. Our results suggest that these long-term dormant HSCs are unlikely to be involved in homeostatic maintenance. However they are rapidly activated and reenter the cell cycle in response to injury signals such as myeloid ablation. In addition, detection of LRCs in combination with the HSC marker c-Kit could be used to locate engrafted dormant HSCs close to the endosteal lining of the bone marrow cavities. Most surprisingly, c-Kit+LRCs were found predominantly as single cells suggesting that the specific stem cell maintaining microenvironment, called niche, has limited space and may house only single HSCs. Complex roles of the tumor suppressor gene Pten in the hematopoietic system. The phosphatase PTEN is lost in hereditary and sporadic forms of human cancers, including gliomas, endometrial and breast cancers. Pten inhibits the PI3-kina.se pathway and plays a key role in apoptosis, cell growth, proliferation and migration. Our aim was to study the role of Pten in normal HSCs and during leukemia formation. To do this, we generated a mouse model in which the Pten gene can be deleted in hematopoietic cells including HSCs. This was achieved by crossing the conditional ptenflox allele with either the interferona inducible MxCre or the tamoxifen inducible Scl-CreERT transgene. This allowed the conversion of the ptenflox allele into a pterr' null allele in HSCs and other hematopoietic cell types. As a result Pten mutant mice developed massive splenomegaly due to a dramatic expansion of all myeloid cells. Interestingly, while the number of bone marrow HSCs progressively decreased, the number of HSCs in the spleen increased to a similar extent. Unexpectedly, extensive cell cycle analysis showed that Pten had little or no effect on HSC dormancy or HSC self-renewal. Instead, dramatically increased levels of the mobilizing cytokine G-CSF were detected in the blood serum suggesting that loss-of Pten stimulates mobilization and migration of HSC from the BM to the spleen. Finally, transplantation of Pten deficient BM cells into immuno-compromised mice showed that Pten can function as a tumor suppressor in the hematopoietic system and that its absence leads to the rapid formation of T cell leukemia.


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Aim: The relative effectiveness of different methods of prevention of HIV transmission is a subject of debate that is renewed with the integration of each new method. The relative weight of values and evidence in decision-making is not always clearly defined. Debate is often confused, as the proponents of different approaches address the issue at different levels of implementation. This paper defines and delineates the successive levels of analysis of effectiveness, and proposes a conceptual framework to clarify debate. Method / Issue: Initially inspired from work on contraceptive effectiveness, a first version of the conceptual framework was published in 1993 with definition of the Condom Effectiveness Matrix (Spencer, 1993). The framework has since integrated and further developed thinking around distinctions made between efficacy and effectiveness and has been applied to HIV prevention in general. Three levels are defined: theoretical effectiveness (ThE), use-effectiveness (UseE) and population use-effectiveness (PopUseE). For example, abstinence and faithfulness, as proposed in the ABC strategy, have relatively high theoretical effectiveness but relatively low effectiveness at subsequent levels of implementation. The reverse is true of circumcision. Each level is associated with specific forms of scientific enquiry and associated research questions: basic and clinical sciences with ThE; clinical and social sciences with UseE; epidemiology and social, economic and political sciences with PopUseE. Similarly, the focus of investigation moves from biological organisms, to the individual at the physiological and then psychological, social and ecological level, and finally takes as perspective populations and societies as a whole. The framework may be applied to analyse issues on any approach. Hence, regarding consideration of HIV treatment as a means of prevention, examples of issues at each level would be: ThE: achieving adequate viral suppression and non-transmission to partners; UseE: facility and degree of adherence to treatment and medical follow-up; PopUseE: perceived validity of strategy, feasibility of achieving adequate population coverage. Discussion: Use of the framework clarifies the questions that need to be addressed at all levels in order to improve effectiveness. Furthermore, the interconnectedness and complementary nature of research from the different scientific disciplines and the relative contribution of each become apparent. The proposed framework could bring greater rationality to the prevention effectiveness debate and facilitate communication between stakeholders.


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Summary : Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) and Transforming Growth Factor-ß (TGF-ß) are two crucial growth factors in tissue repair and regeneration. They control migration and proliferation of macrophages and fibroblasts, as well as myofibroblast differentiation and synthesis of the new connective tissue. The transcription factor Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) has been implicated in the TGF-ß pathway and regulation of extracellular matrix proteins in vitro. This suggests a possible implication of NFI-C in tissue repair. In this study, our purpose was to identify the NFI-C target genes in TGF-ß1 pathway activation and define the relationship between these two factors in cutaneous wound healing process. High-throughput genomic analysis in wild-type and NFI-C knock-out embryonic fibroblasts indicated that NFI-C acts as a repressor of the expression of genes which transcriptional activity is enhanced by TGF-ß. Interestingly, we found an over representation of genes involved in connective tissue inflammation and repair. In accordance with the genomic analysis, NFI-C-/- mice showed an improvement of skin healing during the inflammatory stage. Analysis of this new phenotype indicated that the expression of PDGFA and PDGF-Ra genes were increased in the wounds of NFI-C-/- mice resulting in early recruitment of macrophages and fibroblasts in the granulation tissue. In correlation with the stimulation effect of TGF-ß on myofibroblast differentiation we found an increased differentiation of these cells in null mice, providing a rationale for rapid wound closure. Thus, in the absence of NFI-C, both TGF-ß and PDGF pathways may be activated, leading to enhanced healing process. Therefore, the inhibition of NFI-C expression could constitute a suitable therapy for healing improvement. In addition, we identified a delay of hair follicle cycle initiation in NFI-C-/- mice. This prompted us to investigate the role of NFI-C in skin appendage. The transition from a quiescent to a proliferative phase requires a perfect timing of signalling modulation, leading to stem cell activation. As a consequence of cycle initiation delay in null mice, the activation of signalling involved in cell proliferation was also retarded. Interestingly, at the crucial moment of cell fate determination, we identified a decrease of CD34 gene in mutant mice. Since CD34 protein is involved in migration of multipotent cells, we suggest that NFI-C may be involved in stem cell mobilisation required for hair follicle renewal. Further investigations of the role of NFI-C in progenitor cell activation will lead to a better understanding of tissue regeneration and raise the possibility of treating alopecia with NFI-C-targeting treatment. In summary, this study demonstrates new regenerative functions of NFI-C in adult mice, which regulates skin repair and hair follicle renewal. Résumé : PDGF et TGF-ß sont des facteurs important du mécanisme de défense immunitaire. Ils influencent la prolifération et migration des macrophages et des fibroblastes, ainsi que la différenciation des myofibroblastes et la formation du nouveau tissu conjonctif. Le facteur de transcription NFI-C a été impliqué dans la voie de signalisation de TGF-ß et dans 1a régulation de l'expression des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire in vitro. Ces études antérieures laissent supposer que NFI-C serait un facteur important du remodelage tissulaire. Cependant le rôle de NFI-C dans un tissu comme la peau n'a pas encore été étudié. Dans ce travail, le but a été de d'identifier la relation qu'il existe entre I~1FI-C et TGF-ßl à un niveau transcriptionnel et dans le processus de cicatrisation cutanée in vivo. Ainsi, une analyse génétique à grande échelle, a permis d'indiquer que NFI-C agit comme un répresseur sur l'expression des gènes dont l'activité transcriptionnelle est activée par TGF-ß. De plus nous avons identifié un groupe de gènes qui controlent le développement et l'inflammation du tissue conjonctif. En relation avec ce résultat, l'absence de NFI-C dans la peau induit une cicatrisation plus rapide pendant la phase inflammatoire. Durant cette période, nous avons montré que les expressions de PDGFA et PDGFRa seraient plus élevées en absence de NFI-C. En conséquence, l'activation de la voie de PDGF induit une infiltration plus importante des macrophages et fibroblastes dans le tissue granuleux des souris mutantes. De plus, en corrélation avec le rôle de TGF-ßl dans la différenciation des myofibroblasts, nous avons observé une différenciation plus importante de ces cellules chez les animaux knock-out, ce qui peut expliquer une contraction plus rapide de la plaie. De plus, nous avons découvert que NFI-C est impliqué dans l'initiation du cycle folliculaire. La caractérisation de ce nouveau phénotype a montré un ralentissement de la transition telogène-anagène des souris NFI-C-/-. Or, un événement clé de cette transition est la modulation de plusieurs signaux moléculaires aboutissant à' l'activation des cellules souches. En corrélation avec le decalage du cycle, l'activation de ces signaux est également décalée dans les souris NFI-C-/-. Ainsi, au commencement de l'anagène, la prolifération des keratinocytes,NFI-C-/- est retardée et corrèle avec une diminution de l'expression de CD34, une protéine responsable de la détermination du migration des cellules multipotentes. Ainsi, NFI-C semble être impliqué dans la mobilisation des cellules souches qui sont nécessaires au renouvellement folliculaire. En résumé, NFI-C est impliqué dans la régulation des signaux moléculaires nécessaires à la réparation tissulaire et son inhibition pourrait constituer un traitement de la cicatrisation. L'analyse de son rôle dans l'activation des cellules souches permettrait de mieux comprendre le renouvellement tissulaire et, à long terme, d'améliorer les techniques de greffe des cellules souches épithéliales ou consituter une cible pour le traitement de l'alopecie.