21 resultados para fish community structure
A major challenge in community ecology is a thorough understanding of the processes that govern the assembly and composition of communities in time and space. The growing threat of climate change to the vascular plant biodiversity of fragile ecosystems such as mountains has made it equally imperative to develop comprehensive methodologies to provide insights into how communities are assembled. In this perspective, the primary objective of this PhD thesis is to contribute to the theoretical and methodological development of community ecology, by proposing new solutions to better detect the ecological and evolutionary processes that govern community assembly. As phylogenetic trees provide by far, the most advanced tools to integrate the spatial, ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant communities, they represent the cornerstone on which this work was based. In this thesis, I proposed new solutions to: (i) reveal trends in community assembly on phylogenies, depicted by the transition of signals at the nodes of the different species and lineages responsible for community assembly, (ii) contribute to evidence the importance of evolutionarily labile traits in the distribution of mountain plant species. More precisely, I demonstrated that phylogenetic and functional compositional turnover in plant communities was driven by climate and human land use gradients mostly influenced by evolutionarily labile traits, (iii) predict and spatially project the phylogenetic structure of communities using species distribution models, to identify the potential distribution of phylogenetic diversity, as well as areas of high evolutionary potential along elevation. The altitudinal setting of the Diablerets mountains (Switzerland) provided an appropriate model for this study. The elevation gradient served as a compression of large latitudinal variations similar to a collection of islands within a single area, and allowed investigations on a large number of plant communities. Overall, this thesis highlights that stochastic and deterministic environmental filtering processes mainly influence the phylogenetic structure of plant communities in mountainous areas. Negative density-dependent processes implied through patterns of phylogenetic overdispersion were only detected at the local scale, whereas environmental filtering implied through phylogenetic clustering was observed at both the regional and local scale. Finally, the integration of indices of phylogenetic community ecology with species distribution models revealed the prospects of providing novel and insightful explanations on the potential distribution of phylogenetic biodiversity in high mountain areas. These results generally demonstrate the usefulness of phylogenies in inferring assembly processes, and are worth considering in the theoretical and methodological development of tools to better understand phylogenetic community structure.
Soil pollution with hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) has caused serious environmental problems. Here we describe the targeted degradation of all HCH isomers by applying the aerobic bacterium Sphingobium indicum B90A. In particular, we examined possibilities for large-scale cultivation of strain B90A, tested immobilization, storage and inoculation procedures, and determined the survival and HCH-degradation activity of inoculated cells in soil. Optimal growth of strain B90A was achieved in glucose-containing mineral medium and up to 65% culturability could be maintained after 60 days storage at 30 degrees C by mixing cells with sterile dry corncob powder. B90A biomass produced in water supplemented with sugarcane molasses and immobilized on corncob powder retained 15-20% culturability after 30 days storage at 30 degrees C, whereas full culturability was maintained when cells were stored frozen at -20 degrees C. On the contrary, cells stored on corncob degraded gamma-HCH faster than those that had been stored frozen, with between 15 and 85% of gamma-HCH disappearance in microcosms within 20 h at 30 degrees C. Soil microcosm tests at 25 degrees C confirmed complete mineralization of [(14)C]-gamma-HCH by corncob-immobilized strain B90A. Experiments conducted in small pits and at an HCH-contaminated agricultural site resulted in between 85 and 95% HCH degradation by strain B90A applied via corncob, depending on the type of HCH isomer and even at residual HCH concentrations. Up to 20% of the inoculated B90A cells survived under field conditions after 8 days and could be traced among other soil microorganisms by a combination of natural antibiotic resistance properties, unique pigmentation and PCR amplification of the linA genes. Neither the addition of corncob nor of corncob immobilized B90A did measurably change the microbial community structure as determined by T-RFLP analysis. Overall, these results indicate that on-site aerobic bioremediation of HCH exploiting the biodegradation activity of S. indicum B90A cells stored on corncob powder is a promising technology.
The late Early Cretaceous greenhouse climate has been studied intensively based on proxy data derived essentially from open marine archives. In contrast, information on continental climatic conditions and on the accompanying response of vegetation is relatively scarce, most notably owing to the stratigraphic uncertainties associated with many Lower Cretaceous terrestrial deposits. Here, we present a palynological record from Albian near-shore deposits of the Lusitanian Basin of W Portugal, which have been independently dated using Sr-isotope signals derived from low-Mg oyster shell calcite. Sr-87/Sr-86 values fluctuate between 0.707373 +/- 0.00002 and 0.707456 +/- 0.00003; absolute values and the overall stratigraphic trend match well with the global open marine seawater signature during Albian times. Based on the new Sr-isotope data, existing biostratigraphic assignments of the succession are corroborated and partly revised. Spore-pollen data provide information on the vegetation community structure and are flanked by sedimentological and clay mineralogical data used to infer the overall climatic conditions prevailing on the adjacent continent. Variations in the distribution of climate-sensitive pollen and spores indicate distinct changes in moisture availability across the studied succession with a pronounced increase in hygrophilous spores in late Early Albian times. Comparison with time-equivalent palynofloras from the Algarve Basin of southern Portugal shows pronounced differences in the xerophyte/hygrophyte ratio, interpreted to reflect the effect of a broad arid climate belt covering southern and southeastern Iberia during Early Albian times.
Using a new dynamical network model of society in which pairwise interactions are weighted according to mutual satisfaction, we show that cooperation is the norm in the hawks-doves game when individuals are allowed to break ties with undesirable neighbors and to make new acquaintances in their extended neighborhood. Moreover, cooperation is robust with respect to rather strong strategy perturbations. We also discuss the empirical structure of the emerging networks, and the reasons that allow cooperators to thrive in the population. Given the metaphorical importance of this game for social interaction, this is an encouraging positive result as standard theory for large mixing populations prescribes that a certain fraction of defectors must always exist at equilibrium.
Coordination games are important to explain efficient and desirable social behavior. Here we study these games by extensive numerical simulation on networked social structures using an evolutionary approach. We show that local network effects may promote selection of efficient equilibria in both pure and general coordination games and may explain social polarization. These results are put into perspective with respect to known theoretical results. The main insight we obtain is that clustering, and especially community structure in social networks has a positive role in promoting socially efficient outcomes.
The human auditory cortex comprises the supratemporal plane and large parts of the temporal and parietal convexities. We have investigated the relevant intrahemispheric cortico-cortical connections using in vivo DSI tractography combined with landmark-based registration, automatic cortical parcellation and whole-brain structural connection matrices in 20 right-handed male subjects. On the supratemporal plane, the pattern of connectivity was related to the architectonically defined early-stage auditory areas. It revealed a three-tier architecture characterized by a cascade of connections from the primary auditory cortex to six adjacent non-primary areas and from there to the superior temporal gyrus. Graph theory-driven analysis confirmed the cascade-like connectivity pattern and demonstrated a strong degree of segregation and hierarchy within early-stage auditory areas. Putative higher-order areas on the temporal and parietal convexities had more widely spread local connectivity and long-range connections with the prefrontal cortex; analysis of optimal community structure revealed five distinct modules in each hemisphere. The pattern of temporo-parieto-frontal connectivity was partially asymmetrical. In conclusion, the human early-stage auditory cortical connectivity, as revealed by in vivo DSI tractography, has strong similarities with that of non-human primates. The modular architecture and hemispheric asymmetry in higher-order regions is compatible with segregated processing streams and lateralization of cognitive functions.