97 resultados para electronic conducting polymers
We investigated the use of in situ implant formation that incorporates superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) as a form of minimally invasive treatment of cancer lesions by magnetically induced local hyperthermia. We developed injectable formulations that form gels entrapping magnetic particles into a tumor. We used SPIONs embedded in silica microparticles to favor syringeability and incorporated the highest proportion possible to allow large heating capacities. Hydrogel, single-solvent organogel and cosolvent (low-toxicity hydrophilic solvent) organogel formulations were injected into human cancer tumors xenografted in mice. The thermoreversible hydrogels (poloxamer, chitosan), which accommodated 20% w/v of the magnetic microparticles, proved to be inadequate. Alginate hydrogels, however, incorporated 10% w/v of the magnetic microparticles, and the external gelation led to strong implants localizing to the tumor periphery, whereas internal gelation failed in situ. The organogel formulations, which consisted of precipitating polymers dissolved in single organic solvents, displayed various microstructures. A 8% poly(ethylene-vinyl alcohol) in DMSO containing 40% w/v of magnetic microparticles formed the most suitable implants in terms of tumor casting and heat delivery. Importantly, it is of great clinical interest to develop cosolvent formulations with up to 20% w/v of magnetic microparticles that show reduced toxicity and centered tumor implantation.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Recently, genetic variations in MICA (lead single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP] rs2596542) were identified by a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to be associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Japanese patients. In the present study, we sought to determine whether this SNP is predictive of HCC development in the Caucasian population as well. METHODS: An extended region around rs2596542 was genotyped in 1924 HCV-infected patients from the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study (SCCS). Pair-wise correlation between key SNPs was calculated both in the Japanese and European populations (HapMap3: CEU and JPT). RESULTS: To our surprise, the minor allele A of rs2596542 in proximity of MICA appeared to have a protective impact on HCC development in Caucasians, which represents an inverse association as compared to the one observed in the Japanese population. Detailed fine-mapping analyses revealed a new SNP in HCP5 (rs2244546) upstream of MICA as strong predictor of HCV-related HCC in the SCCS (univariable p=0.027; multivariable p=0.0002, odds ratio=3.96, 95% confidence interval=1.90-8.27). This newly identified SNP had a similarly directed effect on HCC in both Caucasian and Japanese populations, suggesting that rs2244546 may better tag a putative true variant than the originally identified SNPs. CONCLUSIONS: Our data confirms the MICA/HCP5 region as susceptibility locus for HCV-related HCC and identifies rs2244546 in HCP5 as a novel tagging SNP. In addition, our data exemplify the need for conducting meta-analyses of cohorts of different ethnicities in order to fine map GWAS signals.
Focus groups are increasingly popular in nursing research. However, proper care and attention are critical to their planning and conduct, particularly those involving nursing staff. This article uses data gleaned from prior research to address the complexities present in clinical settings when conducting focus groups with nurses. Applying their combined experiences of conducting studies with nursing staff, the authors present a data-derived approach to thorough preparation and successful implementation of focus group research, offering a unique contribution to the literature regarding this research strategy.
Sequence homologies suggest that the Bacillus subtilis 168 tagO gene encodes UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:undecaprenyl-P N-acetylglucosaminyl 1-P transferase, the enzyme responsible for catalysing the first step in the synthesis of the teichoic acid linkage unit, i.e. the formation of undecaprenyl-PP-N-acetylglucosamine. Inhibition of tagO expression mediated by an IPTG-inducible P(spac) promoter led to the development of a coccoid cell morphology, a feature characteristic of mutants blocked in teichoic acid synthesis. Indeed, analyses of the cell-wall phosphate content, as well as the incorporation of radioactively labelled precursors, revealed that the synthesis of poly(glycerol phosphate) and poly(glucosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate), the two strain 168 teichoic acids known to share the same linkage unit, was affected. Surprisingly, under phosphate limitation, deficiency of TagO precludes the synthesis of teichuronic acid, which is normally induced under these conditions. The regulatory region of tagO, containing two partly overlapping sigma(A)-controlled promoters, is similar to that of sigA, the gene encoding the major sigma factor responsible for growth. Here, the authors discuss the possibility that TagO may represent a pivotal element in the multi-enzyme complexes responsible for the synthesis of anionic cell-wall polymers, and that it may play one of the key roles in balanced cell growth.
We use numerical simulations to investigate how the chain length and topology of freely fluctuating knotted polymer rings affect their various spatial characteristics such as the radius of the smallest sphere enclosing momentary configurations of simulated polymer chains. We describe how the average value of a characteristic changes with the chain size and how this change depends on the topology of the modeled polymers. Although the scaling profiles of a spatial characteristic for distinct knot types do not intersect (at least, in the range of our data), the profiles for nontrivial knots intersect the corresponding profile obtained for phantom polymers, i.e., those that are free to explore all available topological states. For each knot type, this point of intersection defines its equilibrium length with respect to the spatial characteristic. At this chain length, a polymer forming a given knot type will not tend to increase or decrease. on average, the value of the spatial characteristic when the polymer is released from its topological constraint. We show interrelations between equilibrium lengths defined with respect to spatial characteristics of different character and observe that they are related to the lengths of ideal geometric configurations of the corresponding knot types.
The systematic collection of behavioural information is an important component of second-generation HIV surveillance. The extent of behavioural surveillance among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Europe was examined using data collected through a questionnaire sent to all 31 countries of the European Union and European Free Trade Association as part of a European-wide behavioural surveillance mapping study on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. The questionnaire was returned by 28 countries during August to September 2008: 16 reported behavioural surveillance studies (two provided no further details). A total of 12 countries used repeated surveys for behavioural surveillance and five used their Treatment Demand Indicator system (three used both approaches). The data collected focused on drug use, injecting practices, testing for HIV and hepatitis C virus and access to healthcare. Eight countries had set national indicators: three indicators were each reported by five countries: the sharing any injecting equipment, uptake of HIV testing and uptake of hepatitis C virus testing. The recall periods used varied. Seven countries reported conducting one-off behavioural surveys (in one country without a repeated survey, these resulted an informal surveillance structure). All countries used convenience sampling, with service-based recruitment being the most common approach. Four countries had used respondent-driven sampling. Three fifths of the countries responding (18/28) reported behavioural surveillance activities among IDUs; however, harmonisation of behavioural surveillance indicators is needed.
Purpose: We investigate a new heat delivery technique for the local treatment of solid tumors. The technique involves injecting a formulation that solidifies to form an implant in situ. This implant entraps superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) embedded in silica microbeads for magnetically induced moderate hyperthermia. Particle entrapment prevents phagocytosis and distant migration of SPIONs. The implant can be repeatedly heated by magnetic induction. Methods: We evaluated heating and treatment efficacies by means of thermometry and survival studies in nude mice carrying subcutaneous human colocarcinomas. At day 1, we injected the formulation into the tumor. At day 2, a single 20-min hyperthermia treatment was delivered by 141-kHz magnetic induction using field strengths of 9 to 12 mT under thermometry. Results: SPIONs embedded in silica microbeads were effectively confined within the implant at the injection site. Heat-induced necro-apoptosis was assessed by histology on day 3. On average, 12 mT resulted in tumor temperature of 47.8 degrees C, and over 70% tumor necrosis that correlated to the heat dose (AUC = 282 degrees C.min). In contrast, a 9-mT field strength induced tumoral temperature of 40 degrees C (AUC = 131 degrees C.min) without morphologically identifiable necrosis. Survival after treatment with 10.5 or 12 mT fields was significantly improved compared to non-implanted and implanted controls. Median survival times were 27 and 37 days versus 12 and 21 days respectively. Conclusion: Five of eleven mice (45%) of the 12 mT group survived one year without any tumor recurrence, holding promise for tumor therapy using magnetically induced moderate hyperthermia through injectable implants.
In this paper, a phenomenologically motivated magneto-mechanically coupled finite strain elastic framework for simulating the curing process of polymers in the presence of a magnetic load is proposed. This approach is in line with previous works by Hossain and co-workers on finite strain curing modelling framework for the purely mechanical polymer curing (Hossain et al., 2009b). The proposed thermodynamically consistent approach is independent of any particular free energy function that may be used for the fully-cured magneto-sensitive polymer modelling, i.e. any phenomenological or micromechanical-inspired free energy can be inserted into the main modelling framework. For the fabrication of magneto-sensitive polymers, micron-size ferromagnetic particles are mixed with the liquid matrix material in the uncured stage. The particles align in a preferred direction with the application of a magnetic field during the curing process. The polymer curing process is a complex (visco) elastic process that transforms a fluid to a solid with time. Such transformation process is modelled by an appropriate constitutive relation which takes into account the temporal evolution of the material parameters appearing in a particular energy function. For demonstration in this work, a frequently used energy function is chosen, i.e. the classical Mooney-Rivlin free energy enhanced by coupling terms. Several representative numerical examples are demonstrated that prove the capability of our approach to correctly capture common features in polymers undergoing curing processes in the presence of a magneto-mechanical coupled load.
BACKGROUND: carbon nanotubes (CNT) can have adverse effects on health. Therefore, minimizing the risk associated with CNT exposure is of crucial importance. The aim of this work was to evaluate if coating multi-walled CNT (MWCNT) with polymers could modify their toxicity, thus representing a useful strategy to decrease adverse health effects of CNT. We used industrially-produced MWCNT uncoated (NT1) or coated (50/50 wt%) with acid-based (NT2) or polystyrene-based (NT3) polymer, and exposed murine macrophages (RAW 264.7 cell line) or Balb/c mice by intratracheal administration. Biological experiments were performed both in vitro and in vivo, examining time- and dose-dependent effects of CNT, in terms of cytotoxicity, expression of genes and proteins related to oxidative stress, inflammation and tissue remodeling, cell and lung tissue morphology (optical and transmission electron microscopy), and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid content analysis.RESULTS: extensive physico-chemical characterization of MWCNT was performed, and showed, although similar dimensions for the 3 MWCNT, a much smaller specific surface area for NT2 and NT3 as compared to NT1 (54.1, 34 and 227.54 m(2)/g respectively), along with different surface characteristics. MWCNT-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammation were increased by acid-based and decreased by polystyrene-based polymer coating both in vitro in murine macrophages and in vivo in lung of mice monitored for 6 months.CONCLUSIONS: these results demonstrate that coating CNT with polymers, without affecting their intrinsic structure, may constitute a useful strategy for decreasing CNT toxicity, and may hold promise for improving occupational safety and that of general the user.
Every day, hospital doctors spend time at conducting ward rounds. Rounds are a core clinical activity during which doctors interact with patients, synthetise a whole set of informations and make many decisions. In addition, rounds can become a crucial teaching moment, when a trainee gets supervised by an attending physician. However, litterature on the topic of rounds is scarce. This paper summarizes the results of the few key studies focusing on ward rounds. The results are presented in four sections, each one being dedicated to one of the round stakeholders: the trainee or resident, the trainer, the patient and the nurse. An emphasis is put on ward rounds involving both a trainee and a trainer, since such rounds always mean striking a balance between care and teaching.
Nonadherence to treatment is a common problem in the clinical management of hypercholesterolemic patients. This study was carried out with the aim of monitoring the daily compliance to a 6-month course of lipid-lowering therapy, using a microelectronic device, the Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS), versus pill count. Forty men with primary hypercholesterolemia were prescribed fluvastatin 1 x 40 mg daily, provided in a MEMS package to record the date and time of each opening of the pillbox. Thirty-nine of 40 patients (98%) completed the study. Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels decreased significantly (18% and 25%, p < 0.001) during the 6-month therapy period. A high mean rate of compliance was achieved by MEMS using the following three indexes--compliance to total prescribed dose (88.8% +/- 13.5%), compliance to prescribed days (82.4% +/- 19.5%), and compliance to prescribed time of day (81.86% +/- 19.5%)--and by pill count (93.4% +/- 9.5%). In addition, the MEMS provided some patterns of nonadherence to medication, undetectable by pill count alone, such as a drug holiday in 38% of cases, a drug omission for more than 7 consecutive days in 9% of cases, and, conversely, use of more than the one prescribed daily dose in 47% of cases. A significant correlation between the rate of compliance and the decrease in LDL cholesterol was observed only when the compliance was assessed by MEMS. The results indicate that MEMS is a useful tool for monitoring compliance in clinical practice and may possibly increase adherence to long-term lipid-lowering therapy.
Using numerical simulations we investigate shapes of random equilateral open and closed chains, one of the simplest models of freely fluctuating polymers in a solution. We are interested in the 3D density distribution of the modeled polymers where the polymers have been aligned with respect to their three principal axes of inertia. This type of approach was pioneered by Theodorou and Suter in 1985. While individual configurations of the modeled polymers are almost always nonsymmetric, the approach of Theodorou and Suter results in cumulative shapes that are highly symmetric. By taking advantage of asymmetries within the individual configurations, we modify the procedure of aligning independent configurations in a way that shows their asymmetry. This approach reveals, for example, that the 3D density distribution for linear polymers has a bean shape predicted theoretically by Kuhn. The symmetry-breaking approach reveals complementary information to the traditional, symmetrical, 3D density distributions originally introduced by Theodorou and Suter.