79 resultados para ecological opportunity
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Mountain regions and UNESCO Mountain Biosphere Reserves (MBRs) encapsulate broad elevational ranges, cover large gradients of geological, topographical and climatic diversity, and thus host greater biodiversity than the surrounding lowlands. Much of the biological richness in MBRs results from the interaction of climatic contrasts and gravitational forces along elevational gradients. External forces such as atmospheric change and human land use interact with these gradients, and result in distinct landscape patchiness, ie mosaics of land cover types within and across elevational belts. The management of MBRs influences land use and land cover, which affects biodiversity and ecosystem processes, both of which provide goods and services to society. Due to their broad environmental and biological diversity, MBRs are ideally suited for global change research and will be increasingly important in illustrating biodiversity conservation. This article summarizes the ecologically relevant results of an international workshop on elevational gradients that aimed to achieve a synthesis of the major ecosystem and biodiversity conditions and drivers in an altitude context. The workshop developed a core research agenda for MBRs that prioritizes long-term research and changes in land use across a broad elevational range.
The European genus Ophrys (Orchidaceae) is famous for its insect-like floral morphology, an adaptation for a pseudocopulatory pollination strategy involving Hymenoptera males. A large number of endemic Ophrys species have recently been described, especially within the Mediterranean Basin, which is one of the major species diversity hotspots. Subtle morphological variation and specific pollinator dependence are the two main perceptible criteria for describing numerous endemic taxa. However, the degree to which endemics differ genetically remains a challenging question. Additionally, knowledge regarding the factors underlying the emergence of such endemic entities is limited. To achieve new insights regarding speciation processes in Ophrys, we have investigated species boundaries in the Fly Orchid group (Ophrys insectifera sensu lato) by examining morphological, ecological and genetic evidence. Classically, authors have recognized one widespread taxon (O. insectifera) and two endemics (O. aymoninii from France and O. subinsectifera from Spain). Our research has identified clear morphological and ecological factors segregating among these taxa; however, genetic differences were more ambiguous. Insights from cpDNA sequencing and amplified fragment length polymorphisms genotyping indicated a recent diversification in the three extant Fly Orchid species, which may have been further obscured by active migration and admixture across the European continent. Our genetic results still indicate weak but noticeable phylogeographic clustering that partially correlates with the described species. Particularly, we report several isolated haplotypes and genetic clusters in central and southeastern Europe. With regard to the morphological, ecological and genetic aspects, we discuss the endemism status within the Fly Orchid group from evolutionary, taxonomical and conservation perspectives.
Introduction: There is little information regarding the impact of diet on disease incidence and mortality in Switzerland. Objectives: We aimed at assessing the associations between food availability and disease using ecological correlations. Methods: Time-trend ecologic study for period 1970 to 2009. Food availability was measured through the FAO food balance sheets. Standardized mortality rates (SMRs) were obtained from the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics. Cancer incidence data was obtained from the WHO Health for all database and the Vaud cancer registry. Association between food availability and mortality/incidence was assessed at lags 0, 5, 10 and 15 years by Spearman correlation. Results: Alcoholic beverages and fruit availability were positively associated with SMRs from all types of cardiovascular disease, while fish availability was negatively associated. Animal products, meat and animal fats were positively associated with SMR from ischemic heart disease only. For cancers, opposite results were found whether the association used SMRs or incidence rates. For all cancers, alcoholic beverages and fruits were positively associated with SMRs but negatively associated with incidence rates. Similar findings were obtained for all other foods, with the exception of vegetables, which were weakly and negatively associated with SMRs and incidence rates. Finally, a 15 years lag time reversed the association for animal and vegetal products, weakened the association for alcohol and fruits and strengthened the association for fish. Conclusion: Ecologic associations between food availability and disease vary considerably whether mortality or incidence rates are used. Great care should be taken when interpreting the results.
While early intervention strategies have been developed for psychotic disorders, affective psychoses and bipolar disorders have been neglected by this movement. However, when considering that outcome of bipolar disorders is often not as favorable as previously thought and that delay between illness onset and introduction of an adequate treatment is often very long, such developments seem clearly justified. In this paper we briefly review arguments supporting early intervention in bipolar disorders, the practical and theoretical obstacles that still need to be overcome, the strategies that may already now contribute to decrease treatment delay, and we describe current state of research regarding identification of the prodromal phase of bipolar disorders.
An alternative socio-ecological strategy? International Trade Unions' engagement with climate change
In the context of a global ecological crisis, it is an important move when trade unions turn to environmentalism. Yet, the form that this environmentalism takes is often overlooked. This is especially the case with international trade unions. Based on an empirical study of international trade unions' engagement with the climate change issue, this article argues that international trade unions follow three different (and partially conflicting) strategies. I label these strategies as 'deliberative', 'collaborative growth' and 'socialist', and I examine each in turn. I argue that such analysis is important if we want to identify the potential for transforming the social relations of production that are at the root of the current climate crisis, and for identifying an alternative socio-ecological strategy.
Although Leontopodium alpinum is considered to be threatened in many countries, only limited scientific information about its autecology is available. In this study, we aim to define the most important ecological factors which influence the distribution of L. alpinum in the Swiss Alps. These were assessed at the national scale using species distribution models based on topoclimatic predictors and at the community scale using exhaustive plant inventories. The latter were analysed using hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis, and the results were interpreted using ecological indicator values. L. alpinum was found almost exclusively on base-rich bedrocks (limestone and ultramaphic rocks). The species distribution models showed that the available moisture (dry regions, mostly in the Inner Alps), elevation (mostly above 2000 m.a.s.l.) and slope (mostly >30°) were the most important predictors. The relevés showed that L. alpinum is present in a wide range of plant communities, all subalpine-alpine open grasslands, with a low grass cover. As a light-demanding and short species, L. alpinum requires light at ground level; hence, it can only grow in open, nutrient-poor grasslands. These conditions are met in dry conditions (dry, summer-warm climate, rocky and draining soil, south-facing aspect and/or steep slope), at high elevations, on oligotrophic soils and/or on windy ridges. Base-rich soils appear to also be essential, although it is still unclear if this corresponds to physiological or ecological (lower competition) requirements.
Background Early age at first delivery has been identified as a risk factor for high-risk HPV-type infection and cervical cancer development. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in a large public maternity hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. During June 2006 to February 2007, 301 women aged 15-24 years who gave birth to their first child were recruited between 43 and 60 days after delivery. Detection of HPV DNA in cervical specimens was performed using a standardised PCR protocol with PGMY09/11 primers. The association of selected factors with HPV infection was assessed by using a Generalised Linear Model. Results HPV DNA was detected in 58.5% (95% CI 52.7% to 64.0%) of the enrolled young women. The most common types of HPV found were: HPV16, HPV51, HPV52, HPV58 and HPV71. The overall prevalence of HPV types targeted by the HPV prophylactic vaccines was: HPV 16-12.0%, HPV 18-2.3% and HPV 6 and 11 4.3%. In the multivariate analysis, only age (inversely, p for trend=0.02) and smoking habits were independently associated with HPV infection. Conclusions The findings show that these young primiparous women had high cervical HPV prevalence, suggesting that this is a high-risk group for cervical cancer development. Nevertheless, 17.3% were positive for any of the four HPV types included in HPV vaccines (HPV6, 11, 16 or 18), with 13.3% positive for HPV 16 or 18 and only 1.0% having both vaccine related-oncogenic HPV types. Thus, young primiparous women could benefit from catch-up HPV vaccination programmes.
Understanding drivers of biodiversity patterns is of prime importance in this era of severe environmental crisis. More diverse plant communities have been postulated to represent a larger functional trait-space, more likely to sustain a diverse assembly of herbivore species. Here, we expand this hypothesis to integrate environmental, functional and phylogenetic variation of plant communities as factors explaining the diversity of lepidopteran assemblages along elevation gradients in the Swiss Western Alps. According to expectations, we found that the association between butterflies and their host plants is highly phylogenetically structured. Multiple regression analyses showed the combined effect of climate, functional traits and phylogenetic diversity in structuring butterfly communities. Furthermore, we provide the first evidence that plant phylogenetic beta diversity is the major driver explaining butterfly phylogenetic beta diversity. Along ecological gradients, the bottom up control of herbivore diversity is thus driven by phylogenetically structured turnover of plant traits as well as environmental variables.
La thèse traite de projets de classes enfantines avec de l'activité physique, projets pilotes ayant entre autres le but d'évaluer les effets d'un apport d'activité physique auprès d'enfants de 4 à 6 ans. Le projet de recherche saisit l'opportunité de pouvoir observer les effets de l'AP sur de jeunes enfants (n=86, classes AP=40, classes contrôles=46) et ceci par trois regards distincts : une quantification de l'activité physique, l'influence de cette dernière sur certaines composantes cognitives (créativité, intelligence et concentration) des jeunes enfants et, enfin, l'influence de l'activité physique au niveau psychosocial (microsystèmes familial et scolaire). La méthodologie mélange des méthodes qualitatives (entretiens, observations) et quantitatives (accéléromètres (GT1M), tests de créativité (Krampen, 1996), d'intelligence (Cattell, Weiss & Osterland, 1997), de concentration (Krampen, 2007)). Les principaux résultats démontrent que ce type de projet permet d'augmenter l'AP durant le temps scolaire et les résultats sont plus contrastés en extrascolaire. Un temps supérieur consacré à l'AP ne démontre aucune diminution des capacités cognitives dans cette tranche d'âge-là. L'analyse du microsystème familial nous informe sur le fait que les parents qui ont placé leurs enfants dans ce type de classes sont eux-mêmes plus actifs que la moyenne de la population suisse (Lamprecht, Fischer, & Stamm, 2008a). Enfin, un apport d'AP ne permet pas d'augmenter le nombre de feedbacks tournés vers l'autonomie et le style contrôlant est même renforcé. Nos résultats sont discutés sur la base des études de Kriemler et al. (2010) qui démontrent toute la difficulté d'une intervention scolaire pour modifier les comportements familiaux en extrascolaire. La fonction exécutive (Tomporowski et al., 2008) offre un regard neurophysiologique éclairant les effets de l'AP sur les différentes capacités étudiées. Enfin, il semble que la pression générée par la mise en place de projets liés à un apport d'AP en école enfantine va dans le sens d'une augmentation d'un style contrôlant (Tessier, 2006). Ce choix d'approcher les observations selon plusieurs angles d'étude est audacieux car il se situe en situation écologique mais il représente en même temps le seul moyen d'observer les effets en tenant davantage compte de la complexité des conduites des interactions entre différents facteurs. - The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of physical activity (PA) in kindergartens with children aged from 4 to 6 years old. The project seizes the opportunity to observe the effects of PA on young children (n=86, classes AP=40, control classes=46) with three different axes: a quantification of PA, the influence of PA on cognitive functions (creativity, intelligence and concentration), and the influence on the family and the climate in the class. The methodology is based on a mix of qualitative (interviews, observations) and quantitative (accelerometer (GT1M), creativity test (Krampen, 1996), intelligence test (Cattell, Weiss & Osterland, 1997), concentration test (Krampen, 2007)) methods. The main results show that PA during the schooltime increased and the results outside of the school present more contrasts. More time spent for PA doesn't influence negatively the evolution of the cognitive functions at this age. The parents, who have interest for this kind of kindergartens for their children move significantly more than the Swiss population (Lamprecht, et al., 2008a). More PA during the lessons doesn't increase the feedbacks given with autonomy and more control is even observed. The results show the difficulty of changing the behaviors of a family linked to PA outside of the school (Kriemler et al., 2010). The discussion of the results of the cognitive functions is based on the executive function, which seems to be linked to PA (Tomporowski et al., 2008). Finally, it seems that the pressure occurred by those projects with PA tend to foster a climate with more control (Tessier, 2006). The choice of structuring the thesis with three different axes represents a risk because it is established in ecological conditions, but it also allows to observe the effects of PA taking into consideration the interactions between the different factors.