36 resultados para deformed austenite


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Résumé Scientific:Pétrologie et Géochimie du Complexe Plutonique de Chaltén et les conséquences pour l'évolution magmatique et tectonique du Andes du Sud (Patagonia) pendant le MiocèneLe sujet de cette thèse est le Complexe Plutonique de Chaltén (CHPC), situé à la frontière entre le Chili et l'Argentine, en Patagonie (49°15'S). Ce complexe s'est mis en place au début du Miocène, dans un contexte de changements tectoniques importants. La géométrie et la vitesse de migration des plaques en Patagonie a été modifiée suite l'ouverture de la plaque Farallon il y a 25Ma (Pardo-Casas and Molnar 1987) et la subduction de la ride active du Chili sous la plaque sud-américaine il y a 14Ma (Cande and Leslie 1986). Les effets de cette reconfiguration tectonique sur la morphologie et le magmatisme de la plaque supérieure sont encore sujets à discussion. Dans ce contexte, un groupe d'intrusions miocènes - telle que le CHPC - est particulièrement intriguant, car en position transitionnelle entre le batholithe patagonien et l'arc volcanique cénozoïque et récent à l'ouest, et les laves de plateau de Patagonie à l'est (Fig. 1). A cause de leur position tectonique transitoire, ces plutons isolés hors du batholithe représentent un endroit clé pour comprendre les interactions entre la tectonique à large échelle et le magmatisme en Patagonie. Ici, je présente de nouvelles données de terrain, petrologiques, géochimiques et géochronologiques dans le but de caractériser la nature du CHPC, qui était largement inconnu avant cette étude, dans le but de tester l'hypothèse de migration de l'arc et erosion par subduction.Les résultats de l'investigation géochimique (chapitre 2) montrent que le CHPC n'est qu'un exemple parmi les plutons isolés d'arrière arc ave une composition calco-alcaline caractéristique, c-à-d une signature d'arc. La plupart de ces plutons isolés ont une composition alcaline. Le CHPC, contrairement, a une signature calco-alcaline avec Κ intermédiaire, tel que le batholithe patagonien et la plupart des roches volcaniques quaternaires liées à l'arc le long des Andes.De nouvelles données géochronologiques U-Pb de haute précision sur des zircons, acquis par TIMS, sur le CHPC donnent des âges entre 17.0 et 16.4Ma. Les âges absolus sont en accord avec la séquence intrusive déduite des relations de terrain (chapitre 1). Ces données sont les premières contraintes d'âge U-Pb sur le CHPC. Elles montrent clairement que l'histoire magmatique du CHPC n'a pas de lien direct avec la subduction de la ride à cette latitude (Cande and Leslie 1986), car le complexe est au moins 6Ma plus ancien.Une comparaison en profondeur avec les autres intrusions d'âge Miocène en Patagonie révèlent - pour la première fois - une évolution temporelle intéressante. Il y a une tendance E-W distincte au magmatisme calco-alcalin entre 20-16Ma avec une diminution de l'âge vers l'est - le CHPC est l'expression la plus orientale de cette tendance. Je suggère que la relation espace-temps reflète une migration vers l'est (vers le continent) de l'arc magmatique. Je propose que le facteur principal contrôlant cette migration est la subduction rapide suite à la reconfiguration de la vitesse des plaques tectoniques après l'ouverture la plaque Farallon (à ~26Ma) qui résulterait en une déformation importante ainsi qu'à des taux élevés d'érosion dans la fosse de subduction.Les rapports d'isotopes radiogéniques (Pb, Sr, Nd) élevés, une signature 6018 basse et un rapport Th/La élevé sont des paramètres distinctifs pour les roches mafiques du CHPC. Le modèle isotopique présenté (chapitre 2) suggère que cette signature reflète une contamination de la source, dans le coin de manteau, plutôt qu'une contamination crustale. La signature des éléments en trace du CHPC indiquent que le coin de manteau a été contaminé par des composés terrigènes, le plus vraisemblablement par des sédiments paléozoïques.Les travaux de terrain, la pétrographie et la géothermobarométrie ont été utilisés dans le but de comprendre l'histoire interne du CHPC (chapitre 3). Ces données suggèrent deux niveaux distincts de cristallisation : l'un dans la croûte moyenne (6 à 4.5kbar) et l'autre à un niveau peu profond (3.5 à 2kbar). La modélisation isotopique AFC de la contamination crustale indique des taux variables d'assimilation, qui ne sont pas corrélés avec le degré de différenciation. Cela suggère que différents volumes de magma se sont différenciés en profondeur, de façon indépendante. Cela implique que le CHPC se serait formés en plusieurs puises de magmas provenant d'au moins trois sources différentes. Les textures des granodiorites et des granites indiquent des teneurs élevées en cristaux avant la mise en place et, par conséquent, des températures d'emplacement faibles. Les observations de terrain montrent que les roches mafiques sont déformées, alors que ce n'est pas le cas pour les granodiorites et granites (plus jeunes). La déformation des roches mafiques est encore sujet de recherche, afin de savoir si elle est liée à la déformation régionale en régime compressif ou à l'emplacement lui-même. Cependant, la mise en place de grand volume de magma felsique riche en cristaux suggère un régime d'extension.Scientific Abstract:Petrology and chemistry of the Chaltén Plutonic Complex and implications on the magmatic and tectonic evolution of the Southernmost Andes (Patagonia) during the MioceneThe subject of this thesis is the Chaltén Plutonic Complex (CHPC) located at the frontier between Chile and Argentina in Patagonia (at 49° 15 'Southern latitude). This complex intruded during early Miocene in a context of major tectonics changes. The plate geometry of Patagonia has been modified by changes in the plate motions after the break up of the Farallôn plate at 25Ma (Pardo-Casas and Molnar 1987) and by the subduction of the Chile spreading Ridge beneath South-America at 14 Ma (Cande and Leslie 1986). The effects of this tectonic setting on the morphology and the magmatism of the overriding plate are a matter of on-going discussion. Particularly intriguing in this context is a group of isolated Miocene intrusions - like the CHPC - which are located in a transitional position between the Patagonian Batholith and the Cenozoic and Recent volcanic arc in the West, and the Patagonian plateau lavas in the East (Fig. 1). Due to their transient tectonic position these isolated plutons outside the batholith represent a key to understanding the interaction between global-scale tectonics and magmatism in Patagonia. Here, I present new field, penological, geochemical and geochronological data to characterize the nature of the CHPC, which was largely unknown before this study, in order to test the hypothesis of time- transgressive magmatism.The results of the geochemical investigation (Chapter 2) show that the CHPC is only one among these isolated back-arc plutons with a characteristic calc-alkaline composition, i.e. arc signature. Most of these isolated intrusives have an alkaline character. The CHPC, in contrast, has a medium Κ calc-alkaline signature, like the Patagonian batholith and most of the Quaternary arc-related volcanic rocks along the Andes.New high precision TIMS U-Pb zircon dating of the CHPC yield ages between 17.0 to 16.4 Ma. The absolute ages support the sequence of intrusion relations established in the field (Chapter 1). These data are the first U-Pb age constraints on the CHPC, and clearly show that the magmatic history of CHPC has no direct link to the subduction of the ridge, since this complex is at least 6 Ma older than the time of collision of the Chile ridge at this latitude (Cande and Leslie 1986).An in-depth comparison with other intrusion of Miocene age in Patagonia reveals - for the first time - an interesting temporal pattern. There is a distinct E-W trend of calc-alkaline magmatism between 20-16 Ma with the younging of ages in the East - the CHPC is the easternmost expression of this trend. I suggest that this time-space relation reflects an eastward (landward) migration of the magmatic arc. I propose that main factor controlling this migration is the fast rates of subduction after the major reconfigurations of the plate tectonic motions after the break up of the Farallôn Plate (at -26 ) resulting in strong deformation and high rates of subduction erosion.High radiogenic isotope ratios (Pb, Sr, Nd) ratios, low 5018 signature and high Th/La ratios in mafic rocks are distinctive features of the CHPC. The presented isotopic models (Chapter 2) suggest that this signature reflects source contamination of the mantle wedge rather than crustal contamination. The trace element signature of the CHPC indicates that the mantle wedge was contaminated with a terrigenous component, most likely from Paleozoic sediments.Fieldwork, petrography and geothermobarometry were used to further unravel the internal history of the CHPC (Chapter 3). These data suggest two main levels of crystallization: one a mid crustal levels (6 to 4.5 kbar) and other a shallow level (3.5 to 2 kbar). Isotopic AFC modeling of crustal contamination indicate variable rates of assimilation, which are not correlated with the degree of differentiation. This suggests that different batches of magma differentiate independently at depths. This implies that the CHPC would have formed by several pulses of magmas from at least 3 different sources. Textures of granodiorites and granites indicate a high content of crystals previous to the emplacement and consequently low emplacement temperatures. Field observations show that the mafic rocks are deformed, whereas the (younger) granodiorites and granites are not. It is still subject of investigation whether the deformation of the mafic rocks is related to regional deformation during a compressional regime or to the emplacement it self. However, the emplacement of huge amount of crystal rich felsic magmas suggests an extensional regime.Résumé Grand PublicPétrologie et Géochimie du Complexe Plutonique de Chaltén et les conséquences pour l'évolution magmatique et tectonique du Andes du Sud (Patagonia) pendant le MiocèneLe Complexe Plutonique de Chaltén (CHPC) est un massif montagneux situé à 49°S à la frontière entre le Chili et l'Argentine, en Patagonie (région la plus au sud de l'Amérique du Sud). Il est composé de montagnes qui peuvent atteindre plus de 3000 mètres d'altitude, telles que le Cerro Fitz Roy (3400m) et le Cerro Torre (3100m). Ces montagnes sont composées de roches plutoniques, c.-à-d. des magmas qui se sont refroidis et ont cristallisés sous la surface terrestre.La composition chimique de ces roches montre que les magmas, qui ont formé ce complexe plutonique, font partie d'un volcanisme d'arc. Celui-ci se forme lorsqu'une plaque océanique plonge sous une plaque continentale. Les géologues appellent ce processus « subduction ». Dans un tel scénario, le manteau terrestre, qui se fait prendre entre ces deux plaques, fond pour former ainsi du magma. Ce magma remonte à travers la plaque continentale vers la surface. Si celui-ci atteint la surface, il forme les roches volcaniques, comme par exemple des laves. S'il n'atteint pas la surface, le magma se refroidit pour former finalement les roches plutoniques.Le long de la marge ouest d'Amérique du Sud, la plaque Nazca - qui se situe au sud-est de la plaque océanique pacifique - passe en dessous de la plaque d'Amérique du Sud. La bordure ouest du sud de la plaque sud-américaine a également été affectée par d'autres processus tectoniques, tels que des changements dramatiques dans les déplacements de plaques (il y a 25Ma) et la collision de la ride du Chili (depuis 15 Ma jusqu'à aujourd'hui). Ces caractéristiques tectoniques et magmatiques font de cette région un haut lieu pour les géologues. La plaque Nazca, s'est formée suite à l'ouverture d'une plaque océanique plus ancienne, il y a 25Ma. Cette ouverture est liée aux vitesses de subduction les plus rapides jamais connues. La ride du Chili est l'endroit où le sol de l'Océan Pacifique s'ouvre, formant deux plaques océaniques : les plaques Nazca et Antarctique. La ride du Chili subducte sous la plaque sud-américaine depuis 15Ma, en association avec la formation de grands volumes de magma ainsi que des changements morphologiques importants. La question de savoir lequel de ces changements tectoniques globaux affecte la géologie et la géographie de Patagonie a été, et est encore, discutée pendant de nombreuses années. De nombreux chercheurs suggèrent que la plupart des caractéristiques morphologiques et magmatiques en Patagonie sont liés à la subduction de la ride du Chili, mais cette suggestion est encore débattue comme le montre notre étude.Le batholithe de Patagonie du sud (SPB) est un énorme massif composé de roches plutoniques et il s'étend tout au long de la côte ouest de Patagonie (au sud de 47°S). Ces roches correspondent certainement aux racines d'un ancien arc volcanique, qui a été soulevé et érodé. Le CHPC, ainsi que d'autres petites intrusions dans la région, se situe dans une position exotique, à 100km à l'est du SPB. Certains chercheurs suggèrent que ces intrusions pourraient être liées à la subduction de la ride du Chili.Afin de débattre de cette problématique, nous avons utilisé différentes méthodes géochronologiques pour déterminer l'âge du CHPC et le comparer (a) à l'âge des roches intrusives similaires du SPB et (b) à l'âge de la collision de la ride du Chili. Dans ce travail, nous prouvons que le CHPC s'est formé au moins 7Ma avant la collision avec la ride du Chili. Sur la base des âges du CHPC et de la composition chimique de ses roches et minéraux, nous proposons que le CHPC fait partie d'un arc volcanique ancien. La migration de l'arc volcanique plus profondément dans le continent résulte de la grande vitesse de subduction entre 25 et lOMa. Des caractéristiques évidentes pour un tel processus - telles qu'une déformation importante et une vitesse d'érosion élevée - peuvent être rencontrées tout au long de la bordure ouest de l'Amérique du sud.


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In this paper we present new data on the spatial variability of peridotite composition across a kilometer-scale mantle shear zone within the Lanzo massif (Western Alps, Italy). The shear zone separates the central from the northern part of the massif. Plagioclase peridotite shows gradually increasing deformation towards the shear zone, from porphyroclastic to mylonitic textures in the central body, while the northern body is composed of porphyroclastic rocks. The peridotite displays a large range of compositions, from fertile peridotite to refractory harzburgite and dunite. Deformed peridotites (proto-mylonite and mylonites) tend to be compositionally more homogeneous and fertile than weakly deformed peridotites. The composition of most plagioclase peridotites show rather high and constant (Ce/Yb) (N) ratios, and Yb (N) that cannot be explained by any simple melting model. Instead, refertilization modeling, consisting of melt increments from spinel peridotite sources, particularly with E-MORB melt, reasonably reproduces the plagioclase peridotite whole rock composition. Combined with constraints from Ce-Nb and Ce-Th systematics, we speculate that peridotites such as those from Lanzo record pervasive refertilization processes in the thermal boundary layer. In this scenario, mantle shear zones might act as important areas of melt focusing in the upper mantle that separates the thermal boundary layer from the conductively cooled mantle.


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The Helvetic nappe system in Western Switzerland is a stack of fold nappes and thrust sheets em-placed at low grade metamorphism. Fold nappes and thrust sheets are also some of the most common features in orogens. Fold nappes are kilometer scaled recumbent folds which feature a weakly deformed normal limb and an intensely deformed overturned limb. Thrust sheets on the other hand are characterized by the absence of overturned limb and can be defined as almost rigid blocks of crust that are displaced sub-horizontally over up to several tens of kilometers. The Morcles and Doldenhom nappe are classic examples of fold nappes and constitute the so-called infra-Helvetic complex in Western and Central Switzerland, respectively. This complex is overridden by thrust sheets such as the Diablerets and Wildhörn nappes in Western Switzerland. One of the most famous example of thrust sheets worldwide is the Glariis thrust sheet in Central Switzerland which features over 35 kilometers of thrusting which are accommodated by a ~1 m thick shear zone. Since the works of the early Alpine geologist such as Heim and Lugeon, the knowledge of these nappes has been steadily refined and today the geometry and kinematics of the Helvetic nappe system is generally agreed upon. However, despite the extensive knowledge we have today of the kinematics of fold nappes and thrust sheets, the mechanical process leading to the emplacement of these nappe is still poorly understood. For a long time geologist were facing the so-called 'mechanical paradox' which arises from the fact that a block of rock several kilometers high and tens of kilometers long (i.e. nappe) would break internally rather than start moving on a low angle plane. Several solutions were proposed to solve this apparent paradox. Certainly the most successful is the theory of critical wedges (e.g. Chappie 1978; Dahlen, 1984). In this theory the orogen is considered as a whole and this change of scale allows thrust sheet like structures to form while being consistent with mechanics. However this theoiy is intricately linked to brittle rheology and fold nappes, which are inherently ductile structures, cannot be created in these models. When considering the problem of nappe emplacement from the perspective of ductile rheology the problem of strain localization arises. The aim of this thesis was to develop and apply models based on continuum mechanics and integrating heat transfer to understand the emplacement of nappes. Models were solved either analytically or numerically. In the first two papers of this thesis we derived a simple model which describes channel flow in a homogeneous material with temperature dependent viscosity. We applied this model to the Morcles fold nappe and to several kilometer-scale shear zones worldwide. In the last paper we zoomed out and studied the tectonics of (i) ductile and (ii) visco-elasto-plastic and temperature dependent wedges. In this last paper we focused on the relationship between basement and cover deformation. We demonstrated that during the compression of a ductile passive margin both fold nappes and thrust sheets can develop and that these apparently different structures constitute two end-members of a single structure (i.e. nappe). The transition from fold nappe to thrust sheet is to first order controlled by the deformation of the basement. -- Le système des nappes helvétiques en Suisse occidentale est un empilement de nappes de plis et de nappes de charriage qui se sont mis en place à faible grade métamorphique. Les nappes de plis et les nappes de charriage sont parmi les objets géologiques les plus communs dans les orogènes. Les nappes de plis sont des plis couchés d'échelle kilométrique caractérisés par un flanc normal faiblement défor-mé, au contraire de leur flanc inverse, intensément déformé. Les nappes de charriage, à l'inverse se caractérisent par l'absence d'un flanc inverse bien défini. Elles peuvent être définies comme des blocs de croûte terrestre qui se déplacent de manière presque rigide qui sont déplacés sub-horizontalement jusqu'à plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres. La nappe de Mordes et la nappe du Doldenhorn sont des exemples classiques de nappes de plis et constitue le complexe infra-helvétique en Suisse occidentale et centrale, respectivement. Ce complexe repose sous des nappes de charriages telles les nappes des Diablerets et du Widlhörn en Suisse occidentale. La nappe du Glariis en Suisse centrale se distingue par un déplacement de plus de 35 kilomètres qui s'est effectué à la faveur d'une zone de cisaillement basale épaisse de seulement 1 mètre. Aujourd'hui la géométrie et la cinématique des nappes alpines fait l'objet d'un consensus général. Malgré cela, les processus mécaniques par lesquels ces nappes se sont mises en place restent mal compris. Pendant toute la première moitié du vingtième siècle les géologues les géologues ont été confrontés au «paradoxe mécanique». Celui-ci survient du fait qu'un bloc de roche haut de plusieurs kilomètres et long de plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres (i.e., une nappe) se fracturera de l'intérieur plutôt que de se déplacer sur une surface frictionnelle. Plusieurs solutions ont été proposées pour contourner cet apparent paradoxe. La solution la plus populaire est la théorie des prismes d'accrétion critiques (par exemple Chappie, 1978 ; Dahlen, 1984). Dans le cadre de cette théorie l'orogène est considéré dans son ensemble et ce simple changement d'échelle solutionne le paradoxe mécanique (la fracturation interne de l'orogène correspond aux nappes). Cette théorie est étroitement lié à la rhéologie cassante et par conséquent des nappes de plis ne peuvent pas créer au sein d'un prisme critique. Le but de cette thèse était de développer et d'appliquer des modèles basés sur la théorie de la méca-nique des milieux continus et sur les transferts de chaleur pour comprendre l'emplacement des nappes. Ces modèles ont été solutionnés de manière analytique ou numérique. Dans les deux premiers articles présentés dans ce mémoire nous avons dérivé un modèle d'écoulement dans un chenal d'un matériel homogène dont la viscosité dépend de la température. Nous avons appliqué ce modèle à la nappe de Mordes et à plusieurs zone de cisaillement d'échelle kilométrique provenant de différents orogènes a travers le monde. Dans le dernier article nous avons considéré le problème à l'échelle de l'orogène et avons étudié la tectonique de prismes (i) ductiles, et (ii) visco-élasto-plastiques en considérant les transferts de chaleur. Nous avons démontré que durant la compression d'une marge passive ductile, a la fois des nappes de plis et des nappes de charriages peuvent se développer. Nous avons aussi démontré que nappes de plis et de charriages sont deux cas extrêmes d'une même structure (i.e. nappe) La transition entre le développement d'une nappe de pli ou d'une nappe de charriage est contrôlé au premier ordre par la déformation du socle. -- Le système des nappes helvétiques en Suisse occidentale est un emblement de nappes de plis et de nappes de chaînage qui se sont mis en place à faible grade métamoiphique. Les nappes de plis et les nappes de charriage sont parmi les objets géologiques les plus communs dans les orogènes. Les nappes de plis sont des plis couchés d'échelle kilométrique caractérisés par un flanc normal faiblement déformé, au contraire de leur flanc inverse, intensément déformé. Les nappes de charriage, à l'inverse se caractérisent par l'absence d'un flanc inverse bien défini. Elles peuvent être définies comme des blocs de croûte terrestre qui se déplacent de manière presque rigide qui sont déplacés sub-horizontalement jusqu'à plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres. La nappe de Morcles and la nappe du Doldenhorn sont des exemples classiques de nappes de plis et constitue le complexe infra-helvétique en Suisse occidentale et centrale, respectivement. Ce complexe repose sous des nappes de charriages telles les nappes des Diablerets et du Widlhörn en Suisse occidentale. La nappe du Glarüs en Suisse centrale est certainement l'exemple de nappe de charriage le plus célèbre au monde. Elle se distingue par un déplacement de plus de 35 kilomètres qui s'est effectué à la faveur d'une zone de cisaillement basale épaisse de seulement 1 mètre. La géométrie et la cinématique des nappes alpines fait l'objet d'un consensus général parmi les géologues. Au contraire les processus physiques par lesquels ces nappes sont mises en place reste mal compris. Les sédiments qui forment les nappes alpines se sont déposés à l'ère secondaire et à l'ère tertiaire sur le socle de la marge européenne qui a été étiré durant l'ouverture de l'océan Téthys. Lors de la fermeture de la Téthys, qui donnera naissance aux Alpes, le socle et les sédiments de la marge européenne ont été déformés pour former les nappes alpines. Le but de cette thèse était de développer et d'appliquer des modèles basés sur la théorie de la mécanique des milieux continus et sur les transferts de chaleur pour comprendre l'emplacement des nappes. Ces modèles ont été solutionnés de manière analytique ou numérique. Dans les deux premiers articles présentés dans ce mémoire nous nous sommes intéressés à la localisation de la déformation à l'échelle d'une nappe. Nous avons appliqué le modèle développé à la nappe de Morcles et à plusieurs zones de cisaillement provenant de différents orogènes à travers le monde. Dans le dernier article nous avons étudié la relation entre la déformation du socle et la défonnation des sédiments. Nous avons démontré que nappe de plis et nappes de charriages constituent les cas extrêmes d'un continuum. La transition entre nappe de pli et nappe de charriage est intrinsèquement lié à la déformation du socle sur lequel les sédiments reposent.


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Two granitic plutons, the Tso Morari gneiss and the Rupshu metagranite, crop out in the Tso Morari area. The Polokongka La granite, classically interpreted as a young intrusion in the Tso Morari gneiss, has been recognized as the undeformed facies of the latter. Conventional isotope dilution U-Pb zircon dating on single-grain and small multi-grain fractions yielded magmatic ages of 479 +/- 2 Ma for the Tso Morari gneiss and the Polokongka La granite, and 482.5 +/- 1 Ma for the Rupshu granite. There is a great difference in zircon morphology between the Tso Morari gneiss (peraluminous type) and the Rupshu granite (alkaline type). This difference is confirmed by whole-rock chemistry. The Tso Morari gneiss is a typical deformed S-type granite, resulting from crustal anatexis. On the other hand, the Rupshu granite is an essentially metaluminous alkali-calcic intrusion derived from a different source material. Data compilation from other Himalayan Cambro-Ordovician granites reveals huge and widespread magmatic activity all along and beyond the northern Indian plate between 570 and 450 Ma, with a peak at 500-480 Ma. A major, continental-scale tectonic event is required to generate such a large magmatic belt; it has been tentatively compared to the Variscan post-orogenic extensional regime of Western Europe, as a late evolution stage of a Pan-African orogenic event.


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The Western Cordillera of Ecuador consists of Cretaceous crustal fragments of oceanic plateaux and superimposed insular arcs, which were accreted to the northwestern South American margin during the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene. Slices of high-grade metabasites, ultramafic rocks, gabbros and basalts, unmetamorphosed radiolarian cherts and scarce garnet-bearing metasediments were randomly exhumed along Miocene to Recent transcurrent faults crosscutting the Western Cordillera. The basalts show geochemical characteristics of oceanic plateau basalts (flat REE patterns, La/Nb = 0.85). The gabbros differ from the basalts in having lower REE levels, positive Eu anomalies, and negative Nb and Ta anomalies; they are interpreted as resulting from arc magmatism. The amphibolites and banded amphibolites have major and trace element chemistry similar to that of oceanic plateau basalts (flat REE patterns, La/Nb = 0.86) or to cumulate gabbros. The granulite shares with oceanic plateaus similar trace element chemistry (flat REE patterns, La/Nb < 1) and epsilon(Ndi) values (+7.6). Continent-derived metasediments are depleted in heavy REE (La/Y = 4.8) and have a negative Eu anomaly. Foliated Iherzolites, melagabbronorites and pyroxenites consist of serpentinized olivine + cpx + opx +/- Ca-plagioclase. Lherzolites, melagabbronorites and pyroxenites are LREE depleted with positive Eu anomalies, while the harzburgite displays a U-shaped REE pattern. The trace element abundances of the ultramafic rocks are very low (0.1 to 1 times the chonctritic and primitive mantle values). The ultramafic rocks represent fragments of depleted mantle, deformed cpx-rich cumulate, and continental lithospheric mantle or mantle contaminated by subduction-fluid. Except the scarce quartz-rich metasediments, all these rocks likely represent remnants of accreted oceanic crustal fragments and associated depleted mantle. Since these samples were randomly sampled at depth by the fault, we propose that the Western Cordillera and its crustal root are mainly of oceanic nature.


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In order to evaluate the influence of continental crustal rocks on trace element budgets of serpentinized peridotites incorporated into the continental crust, we have analyzed the chemical composition of whole rock samples and minerals of the Geisspfad ultramafic complex (Swiss-Italian Alps). This complex represents a relict oceanic succession composed of serpentinites, ophicarbonates and metabasic rocks, emplaced into crustal gneisses during Alpine collision. Following peak metamorphic amphibolite facies conditions, fluid flow modified some of the trace element contents of ophicarbonates and deformed serpentinites close to the contact with country rocks. The fluid originated from the surrounding continental crustal rocks as documented by the increase of Pb in the serpentinites, and by the strongly negative all) values (-112 parts per thousand) of some ultramafic rocks close to the contact with surrounding gneisses. Little or no modification of the fluid mobile elements Li, B or U was observed in the serpentinite. In-situ analysis of light elements of serpentinite minerals indicate redistribution of light elements coupled to changes of mineral modes towards the outer 100-150 m of the massif. In the centre of the massif, Li is preferentially concentrated in olivine, while Be and B are hosted by tremolite. In contrast, at the outer rim of the massif, Li and Be are preferentially incorporated into diopside, and B into antigorite. This redistribution of light elements among the different minerals is visible in the serpentinite, at a maximum distance of -100-150 m from the ophicarbonate-metabasite contact. Our results show that interaction of ultramafic rocks and crust-derived fluids can be easily detected by studies of Pb and partial derivative D in whole rocks. We argue that small ultramafic bodies potentially record an emplacement-related trace element signature, and that crustal light element values in ultramafic rocks are not necessarily derived from a subducting slab. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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La présence de fluide météorique synchrone à l'activité du détachement (Farmin, 2003 ; Mulch et al., 2007 ; Gébelin et al., 2011), implique que les zones de cisaillement sont des systèmes ouverts avec des cellules de convections à l'échelle crustale et un intense gradient géothermique au sein du détachement (Morrison et Anderson, 1998, Gottardi et al., 2011). De plus, les réactions métamorphiques liées à des infiltrations fluides dans les zones de cisaillement extensionnel peuvent influencer les paramètres rhéologiques du système (White and Knipe, 1978), et impliquer la localisation de la déformation dans la croûte. Dans ce manuscrit, deux zones de cisaillement infiltrées par des fluides météoriques sont étudiées, l'une étant largement quartzitique, et l'autre de nature granitique ; les relations entre déformation, fluides, et roches s'appuient sur des approches structurales, microstructurales, chimiques et isotopiques. L'étude du détachement du Columbia river (WA, USA) met en évidence que la déformation mylonitique se développe en un million d'années. La phase de cisaillement principal s'effectue à 365± 30°C d'après les compositions isotopiques en oxygène du quartz et de la muscovite. Ces minéraux atteignent l'équilibre isotopique lors de leur recristallisation dynamique contemporaine à la déformation. La zone de cisaillement enregistre une baisse de température, remplaçant le mécanisme de glissement par dislocation par celui de dissolution- précipitation dans les derniers stades de l'activité du détachement. La dynamique de circulation fluide bascule d'une circulation pervasive à chenalisée, ce qui engendre localement la rupture des équilibres d'échange isotopiques. La zone de cisaillement de Bitterroot (MT, USA) présente une zone mylonitique de 600m d'épaisseur, progressant des protomylonites aux ultramylonites. L'intensité de la localisation de la déformation se reflète directement sur l'hydratation des feldspaths, réaction métamorphique majeure dite de « rock softening ». Une étude sur roche totale indique des transferts de masse latéraux au sein des mylonites, et d'importantes pertes de volume dans les ultramylonites. La composition isotopique en hydrogène des phyllosilicates met en évidence la présence (1) d'une source magmatique/métamorphique originelle, caractérisée par les granodiorites ayant conservé leur foliation magmatique, jusqu'aux protomylonites, et (2) une source météorique qui tamponne les valeurs des phyllosilicates des fabriques mylonitiques jusqu'aux veines de quartz non-déformées. Les compositions isotopiques en oxygène des minéraux illustrent le tamponnement de la composition du fluide météorique par l'encaissant. Ce phénomène cesse lors du processus de chloritisation de la biotite, puisque les valeurs des chlorites sont extrêmement négatives (-10 per mil). La thermométrie isotopique indique une température d'équilibre isotopique de la granodiorite entre 600-500°C, entre 500-300°C dans les mylonites, et entre 300 et 200°C dans les fabriques cassantes (cataclasites et veines de quartz). Basé sur les résultats issus de ce travail, nous proposons un modèle général d'interactions fluide-roches-déformation dans les zones de détachements infiltrées par des fluides météoriques. Les zones de détachements évoluent rapidement (en quelques millions d'années) au travers de la transition fragile-ductile ; celle-ci étant partiellement contrôlée par l'effet thermique des circulations de fluide météoriques. Les systèmes de détachements sont des lieux où la déformation et les circulations fluides sont couplées ; évoluant rapidement vers une localisation de la déformation, et de ce fait, une exhumation efficace. - The presence of meteoric fluids synchronous with the activity of extensional detachment zones (Famin, 2004; Mulch et al., 2007; Gébelin et al., 2011) implies that extensional systems involve fluid convection at a crustal scale, which results in high geothermal gradients within active detachment zones (Morrison and Anderson, 1998, Gottardi et al., 2011). In addition, the metamorphic reactions related to fluid infiltration in extensional shear zones can influence the rheology of the system (White and Knipe, 1978) and ultimately how strain localizes in the crust. In this thesis, two shear zones that were permeated by meteoric fluids are studied, one quartzite-dominated, and the other of granitic composition; the relations between strain, fluid, and evolving rock composition are addressed using structural, microstructural, and chemical/isotopic measurements. The study of the Columbia River detachment that bounds the Kettle core complex (Washington, USA) demonstrates that the mylonitic fabrics in the 100 m thick quartzite- dominated detachment footwall developed within one million years. The main shearing stage occurred at 365 ± 30°C when oxygen isotopes of quartz and muscovite equilibrated owing to coeval deformation and dynamic recrystallization of these minerals. The detachment shear zone records a decrease in temperature, and dislocation creep during detachment shearing gave way to dissolution-precipitation and fracturing in the later stages of detachment activity. Fluid flow switched from pervasive to channelized, leading to isotopic disequilibrium between different minerals. The Bitterroot shear zone detachment (Montana, USA) developed a 600 m thick mylonite zone, with well-developed transitions from protomylonite to ultramylonite. The localization of deformation relates directly to the intensity of feldspar hydration, a major rock- softening metamorphic reaction. Bulk-rock analyses of the mylonitic series indicate lateral mass transfer in the mylonite (no volume change), and significant volume loss in ultramylonite. The hydrogen isotope composition of phyllosilicates shows (1) the presence of an initial magmatic/metamorphic source characterized by the granodiorite in which a magmatic, and gneissic (protomylonite) foliation developed, and (2) a meteoric source that buffers the values of phyllosilicates in mylonite, ultramylonite, cataclasite, and deformed and undeformed quartz veins. The mineral oxygen isotope compositions were buffered by the host-rock compositions until chloritization of biotite started; the chlorite oxygen isotope values are negative (-10 per mil). Isotope thermometry indicates a temperature of isotopic equilibrium of the granodiorite between 600-500°C, between 500-300°C in the mylonite, and between 300 and 200°C for brittle fabrics (cataclasite and quartz veins). Results from this work suggest a general model for fluid-rock-strain feedbacks in detachment systems that are permeated by meteoric fluids. Phyllosilicates have preserved in their hydrogen isotope values evidence for the interaction between rock and meteoric fluids during mylonite development. Fluid flow generates mass transfer along the tectonic anisotropy, and mylonites do not undergo significant volume change, except locally in ultramylonite zones. Hydration of detachment shear zones attends mechanical grain size reduction and enhances strain softening and localization. Self-exhuming detachment shear zones evolve rapidly (a few million years) through the transition from ductile to brittle, which is partly controlled by the thermal effect of circulating surface fluids. Detachment systems are zones in the crust where strain and fluid flow are coupled; these systems. evolve rapidly toward strain localization and therefore efficient exhumation.


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We propose a new terrane subdivision of Nicaragua and Northern Costa Rica, based on Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology of ribbon radiolarites, the newly studied Siuna Serpentinite Mélange, and published 40Ar/39Ar dating and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic igneous rock units of the area. The new Mesquito Composite Oceanic Terrane (MCOT) comprises the southern half of the Chortis Block, that was assumed to be a continental fragment of N-America. The MCOT is defined by 4 corner localities characterized by ultramafic and mafic oceanic rocks and radiolarites of Late Triassic, Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age: 1. The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (NE-Nicaragua), 2. The El Castillo Mélange (Nicaragua/Costa Rica border), 3.The Santa Elena Ultramafics (N-Costa Rica) and, 4. DSDP Legs 67/84. 1. The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange contains, high pressure metamorphic mafics and Middle Jurassic (Bajocian-Bathonian) radiolarites in original, sedimentary contact with arc-metandesites. The Siuna Mélange also contains Upper Jurassic black detrital chert formed in a marginal (fore-arc?) basin shortly before subduction. A phengite 40Ar/39Ar -cooling age dates the exhumation of the high pressure rocks as 139 Ma (earliest Cretaceous). 2. The El Castillo Mélange comprises a radiolarite block tectonically embedded in serpentinite that yielded a diverse Rhaetian (latest Triassic) radiolarian assemblage, the oldest fossils recovered so far from S-Central America. 3. The Santa Elena Ultramafics of N-Costa Rica together with the serpentinite outcrops near El Castillo (2) in Southern Nicaragua, are the southernmost outcrops of the MCOT. The Santa Elena Unit (3) itself is still undated, but it is thrust onto the middle Cretaceous Santa Rosa Accretionary Complex (SRAC), that contains Lower to Upper Jurassic, highly deformed radiolarite blocks, probably reworked from the MCOT, which was the upper plate with respect to the SRAC. 4. Serpentinites, metagabbros and basalts have long been known from DSDP Leg 67/84 (3), drilled off Guatemala in the Nicaragua-Guatemala forearc basement. They have been restudied and reveal 40Ar/39Ar dated Upper Triassic to middle Cretaceous enriched Ocean Island Basalts and Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous depleted Island arc rocks of probable Pacific origin. The area between localities 1-4 is largely covered by Tertiary to Recent arcs, but we suspect that its basement is made of oceanic/accreted terranes. Earthquake seismic studies indicate an ill-defined, shallow Moho in this area. The MCOT covers most of Nicaragua and could extend to Guatemala to the W and form the Lower (southern) Nicaragua Rise to the NE. Some basement complexes of Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico may also belong to the MCOT. The Nicoya Complex s. str. has been regarded as an example of Caribbean crust and the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP). However, 40Ar/39Ar - dates on basalts and intrusives indicate ages as old as Early Cretaceous. Highly deformed Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous radiolarites occur as blocks within younger intrusives and basalts. Our interpretation is that radiolarites became first accreted to the MCOT, then became reworked into the Nicoya Plateau in Late Cretaceous times. This implies that the Nicoya Plateau formed along the Pacific edge of the MCOT, independent form the CLIP and most probably unrelated with he Galapagos hotspot. No Jurassic radiolarite, no older sediment age than Coniacian-Santonian, and no older 40Ar/39Ar age than 95 Ma is known from S-Central America between SE of Nicoya and Colombia. For us this area represents the trailing edge of the CLIP s. str.


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The Monte Perdido thrust fault (southern Pyrenees) consists of a 6-m-thick interval of intensely deformed clay-bearing rocks. The fault zone is affected by a pervasive pressure solution seam and numerous shear surfaces. Calcite extensional-shear veins are present along the shear surfaces. The angular relationships between the two structures indicate that shear surfaces developed at a high angle (70°) to the local principal maximum stress axis r1. Two main stages of deformation are present. The first stage corresponds to the development of calcite shear veins by a combination of shear surface reactivation and extensional mode I rupture. The second stage of deformation corresponds to chlorite precipitation along the previously reactivated shear surfaces. The pore fluid factor k computed for the two deformation episodes indicates high fluid pressures during the Monte Perdido thrust activity. During the first stage of deformation, the reactivation of the shear surface was facilitated by a suprahydrostatic fluid pressure with a pore fluid factor kv equal to 0.89. For the second stage, the fluid pressure remained still high (with a k value ranging between 0.77 and 0.84) even with the presence of weak chlorite along the shear surfaces. Furthermore, evidence of hydrostatic fluid pressure during calcite cement precipitation supports that incremental shear surface reactivations are correlated with cyclic fluid pressure fluctuations consis- tent with a fault-valve model.


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Results of a field and microstructural study between the northern and the central bodies of the Lanzo plagioclase peridotite massif (NW Italy) indicate that the spatial distribution of deformation is asymmetric across kilometre-scale mantle shear zones. The southwestern part of the shear zone (footwall) shows a gradually increasing degree of deformation from porphyroclastic peridotites to mylonite, whereas the northeastern part (hanging wall) quickly grades into weakly deformed peridotites. Discordant gabbroic and basaltic dykes are asymmetrically distributed and far more abundant in the footwall of the shear zone. The porphyroclastic peridotite displays porphyroclastic zones and domains of igneous crystallization whereas mylonites are characterized by elongated porphyroclasts, embedded between fine-grained, polycrystalline bands of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, spinel, rare titanian pargasite, and domains of recrystallized olivine. Two types of melt impregnation textures have been found: (1) clinopyroxene porphyroclasts incongruently reacted with migrating melt to form orthopyroxene plagioclase; (2) olivine porphyroclasts are partially replaced by interstitial orthopyroxene. The meltrock reaction textures tend to disappear in the mylonites, indicating that deformation in the mylonite continued under subsolidus conditions. The pyroxene chemistry is correlated with grain size. High-Al pyroxene cores indicate high temperatures (11001030C), whereas low-Al neoblasts display lower final equilibration temperatures (860C). The spinel Cr-number [molar Cr/(Cr Al)] and TiO2 concentrations show extreme variability covering almost the entire range known from abyssal peridotites. The spinel compositions of porphyroclastic peridotites from the central body are more variable than spinel from mylonite, mylonite with ultra-mylonite bands, and porphyroclastic rocks of the northern body. The spinel compositions probably indicate disequilibrium and would favour rapid cooling, and a faster exhumation of the central peridotite body, relative to the northern one. Our results indicate that melt migration and high-temperature deformation are juxtaposed both in time and space. Meltrock reaction may have caused grain-size reduction, which in turn led to localization of deformation. It is likely that melt-lubricated, actively deforming peridotites acted as melt focusing zones, with permeabilities higher than the surrounding, less deformed peridotites. Later, under subsolidus conditions, pinning in polycrystalline bands in the mylonites inhibited substantial grain growth and led to permanent weak zones in the upper mantle peridotite, with a permeability that is lower than in the weakly deformed peridotites. Such an inversion in permeability might explain why actively deforming, fine-grained peridotite mylonite acted as a permeability barrier and why ascending mafic melts might terminate and crystallize as gabbros along actively deforming shear zones. Melt-lubricated mantle shear zones provide a mechanism for explaining the discontinuous distribution of gabbros in oceancontinent transition zones, oceanic core complexes and ultraslow-spreading ridges.


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A combined Ar-40/Ar-39, K/Ar, Rb/Sr and stable isotope study has been made of white micas from the Gummfluh klippe (Brianconnais domain of the Prealpes), Switzerland. The klippe consists mainly of Mesozoic to early Tertiary carbonate rocks metamorphosed from anchizonal to epizonal conditions. At the base of the klippe is a 10-50 m thick, ductilely deformed marble mylonite containing deformed authigenic quartz segregations. Stable isotope measurements of the coexisting calcite (deltaO-18SMOW=24.5) and quartz (deltaO-18SMOW=28.4) from the mylonite indicate relatively low temperatures (< 300-degreesC) during mylonitization. Analyses of white mica separates of varying size fractions from the mylonitic rocks by K/Ar and Rb/Sr techniques yield ages between 57 and 103 Ma. This variation is correlated with two parameters, the size of the mineral fraction, and the proportion of 2M1 (more phengitic) to 1M (more muscovitic) polytype in the sample. The K/Ar and Rb/Sr ages are generally younger in the smaller size fractions, which also containless 2M1 phengite. High precision Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectra from different size fractions of these micas record three distinct components, a small Hercynian component (ca. 200-300 Ma), a significant Eoalpine component (64-80 Ma) forming Ar-40/Ar-39 age plateaus, and a very minor Tertiary component (ca. 20-40 Ma). Characterization of the samples by SEM indicates the presence of two white mica populations, a coarser grained, deformed, detrital mica that probably corresponds to the 2M1 phengite and a finer grained neoformed 1M mica. Collectively these observations suggest that the Gummfluh samples contain a mixture of detrital phengites of Hercynian age together with neocrystallized muscovites grown during the late Eoalpine metamorphic event followed by minor argon loss during the Tertiary. The main geologic episode recorded in the Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectra of white micas in the mylonite is of Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary age (64-80 Ma), representing the first reliable Eoalpine ages ever to be reported from the Prealpes. Contrary to tectonic models, the marble mylonite at the base of the Gummfluh klippe appears to be a Cretaceous thrust plane and not the thrust surface formed during transport of the klippe into its present position from the Penninic Alps during the Tertiary. The late Cretaceous thrust developed during marine sedimentation at a depth of 800 m below the seafloor at temperatures of approximately 280-degrees-C, facilitated by warm fluids along the tectonic discontinuity.


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The formation and structural evolution of the jungrau syncline is described, based on excellent outcrops occurring in the lotschental, in the central alps of switzerland. the quality of the outcrops allows us to demonstrate that the external massifs of the swiss alps have developed due to internal folding. The jungfrau suncline, which separates the autochtonous gastern dome from the aar massif basement gneiss folds, is composed of slivers of basement rocks with their mesozoic sedimentary cover. in the inner faflertal, a side valley of the lotschental, the 200 m thick syncline cp, roses fpir imots, the gastern massif with a reduced mesozoic sedimentary cover in a normal stratigraphic succession, two units of overturned basement rocks with their mesozoic sedimentary cover, and the overturned lower limn of the tschingelhorn gneiss fold of the aar massif with lenses of its sedimentary cover. stratigraphy shows that the lower units, related to the gastern massis, are condensed and that the upper units, deposited farther away from a gastern paleo-high, form a more complete sequence, linked to the doldenhorn meso-cneozoic basin fill. the integration of these local observations with published regional data leads to the following model. on the northern margin of the doldenhorn hbasin, at the northern fringe of the alpine tethuys, the pre-triassic crystalline basement and its mesozoic sedimentary cover were folded by ductile deformation at temperatures above 300 degrees C and in the presence of high fluid pressures, as the helveti c and penninic nappes were overthrusted towards the northwest during the main alpine deformation phase, the visosity contrast between the basement gneisses and the sediments caused the formation of large basement anticlines and tight sedimentary sunclines (mullion-type structures). The edges of basement blocks bounded buy pre-cursor se-dipping normal faults at the northwestern border of the doldenhorn basin were deformed bu simple shear, creating overturned slices of crystalline rocks with their sedimentary cover in what now forms the hungfrau syncline. the localisation of ductile deformation in the vicinity of pre-existing se-dipping faults is thought to have been helped by the circulation of fluids along the faults; these fluids would have been released from the mesozoic sediments by metamorphic dehydration reactions accompanied by creep and dynamic recrystallisation of quartz at temperatures above 300 degrees C. Quantification of the deformation suggests an strain ellipsoid with a ratio (1 + e(1)/+ e(3)) of approximately 1000. The jungfrau suncline was deformed bu more brittle nw-directed shear creating well-developed shear band cleavages at a late stage, after cooling by uplift and erosion. It is suggested that the external massifs of the apls are basement gneiss folds created at temperatures of 300 degrees C by detachment through ductile deformation of the upper crust of the european plate as it was underthrusted below the adriatic plate.


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An oceanic assemblage of alkaline basalts, radiolarites and polymictic breccias forms the tectonic substratum of the Santa Elena Nappe, which is constituted by extensive outcrops of ultramafic and mafic rocks of the Santa Elena Peninsula (NW Costa Rica). The undulating basal contact of this nappe defines several half-windows along the south shores of the Santa Elena Peninsula. Lithologically it is constituted by vesicular pillowed and massive alkaline basaltic flows, alkaline sills, ribbon-bedded and knobby radiolarites, muddy tuffaceous and detrital turbidites, debris flows and polymictic breccias and megabreccias. Sediments and basalt flows show predominant subvertical dips and occur in packages separated by roughly bed-parallel thrust planes. Individual packages reveal a coherent internal stratigraphy that records younging to the east in all packages and shows rapid coarsening upwards of the detrital facies. Alkaline basalt flows, pillow breccias and sills within radiolarite successions are genetically related to a mid-Cretaceous submarine seamount. Detrital sedimentary facies range form distal turbidites to proximal debris flows and culminate in megabreccias related to collapse and mass wasting in an accretionary prism. According to radiolarian dating, bedded radiolarites and soft-sediment- deformed clasts in the megabreccias formed in a short, late Aptian to Cenomanian time interval. Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous radiolarian ages are found in clasts and blocks reworked from an older oceanic basement. We conclude that the oceanic assemblage beneath the Santa Elena Nappe does not represent a continuous stratigraphic succession. It is a pile of individual thrust sheets constituting an accretionary sequence, where intrusion and extrusion of alkaline basalts, sedimentation of radiolarites, turbidites and trench fill chaotic sediments occurred during the Aptian-Cenomanian. These thrust sheets formed shortly before the off-scraping and accretion of the complex. Here we define the Santa Rosa Accretionary Complex and propose a new hypothesis not considered in former interpretations. This hypothesis would be the basis for further research.


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The Turkish part of the Tethyan realm is represented by a series of terranes juxtaposed through Alpine convergent movements and separated by complex suture zones. Different terranes can be defined and characterized by their dominant geological background. The Pontides domain represents a segment of the former active margin of Eurasia, where back-arc basins opened in the Triassic and separated the Sakarya terrane from neighbouring regions. Sakarya was re-accreted to Laurasia through the Balkanic mid-Cretaceous orogenic event that also affected the Rhodope and Strandja zones. The whole region from the Balkans to the Caucasus was then affected by a reversal of subduction and creation of a Late Cretaceous arc before collision with the Anatolian domain in the Eocene. If the Anatolian terrane underwent an evolution similar to Sakarya during the Late Paleozoic and Early Triassic times, both terranes had a diverging history during and after the Eo-Cimmerian collision. North of Sakarya, the Küre back-arc was closed during the Jurassic, whereas north of the Anatolian domain, the back-arc type oceans did not close before the Late Cretaceous. During the Cretaceous, both domains were affected by ophiolite obduction, but in very different ways: north directed diachronous Middle to Late Cretaceous mélange obduction on the Jurassic Sakarya passive margin; Senonian synchronous southward obduction on the Triassic passive margin of Anatolia. From this, it appears that the Izmir-Ankara suture, currently separating both terranes, is composite, and that the passive margin of Sakarya is not the conjugate margin of Anatolia. To the south, the Cimmerian Taurus domain together with the Beydağları domain (part of the larger Greater Apulian terrane), were detached from north Gondwana in the Permian during the opening of the Neotethys (East-Mediterranean basin). The drifting Cimmerian blocks entered into a soft collision with the Anatolian and related terranes in the Eo-Cimmerian orogenic phase (Late Triassic), thus suturing the Paleotethys. At that time, the Taurus plate developed foreland-type basins, filled with flysch-molasse deposits that locally overstepped the lower plate Taurus terrane and were deposited in the opening Neotethys to the south. These olistostromal deposits are characterized by pelagic Carboniferous and Permian material from the Paleotethys suture zone found in the Mersin mélange. The latter, as well as the Antalya and Mamonia domains are represented by a series of exotic units now found south of the main Taurus range. Part of the Mersin exotic material was clearly derived from the former north Anatolian passive margin (Huğlu-type series) and re-displaced during the Paleogene. This led us to propose a plate tectonic model where the Anatolian ophiolitic front is linked up with the Samail/Baër-Bassit obduction front found along the Arabian margin. The obduction front was indented by the Anatolian promontory whose eastern end was partially subducted. Continued slab roll-back of the Neotethys allowed Anatolian exotics to continue their course southwestward until their emplacement along the Taurus southern margin (Mersin) and up to the Beydağları promontory (Antaya-Mamonia) in the latest Cretaceous-Paleocene. The supra-subduction ocean opening at the back of the obduction front (Troodos-type Ocean) was finally closed by Eocene north-south shortening between Africa and Eurasia. This brought close to each other Cretaceous ophiolites derived from the north of Anatolia and those obducted on the Arabian promontory. The latter were sealed by a Maastrichtian platform, and locally never affected by Alpine tectonism, whereas those located on the eastern Anatolian plate are strongly deformed and metamorphosed, and affected by Eocene arc magmatism. These observations help to reconstruct the larger frame of the central Tethyan realm geodynamic evolution.


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This paper presents field, petrographic-structural and geochemical data on spinet and plagioclase peridotites from the southern domain of the Lanzo ophiolitic peridotite massif (Western Alps). Spinet lherzolites, harzburgites and dunites crop out at Mt. Arpone and Mt. Musine. Field evidence indicates that pristine porphyroclastic spinet lherzolites are transformed to coarse granular spinet harzburgites, which are in turn overprinted by plagioclase peridotites, while strongly depleted spinet harzburgite and dunite bands and bodies replace the plagioclase peridotites. On the northern flank of Mt. Arpone, deformed, porphyroclastic (lithospheric) lherzolites, with diffuse pyroxenite banding, represent the oldest spinel-facies rocks. They show microstructures of a composite subsolidus evolution, suggesting provenance from deeper (asthenospheric) mantle levels and accretion to the lithosphere. These protoliths are locally transformed to coarse granular (reactive) spinet harzburgites and dunites, which show textures reminiscent of melt/rock reaction and geochemical characteristics suggesting that they are products of peridotite interaction with reactively percolating melts. Geochemical data and modelling suggest that <1-5% fractional melting of spinel-facies DMM produced the injected melts. Plagioclase peridotites are hybrid rocks resulting from pre-existing spinet peridotites and variable enrichment of plagioclase and micro-gabbroic material by percolating melts. The impregnating melts attained silica-saturation, as testified by widespread orthopyroxene replacement of olivine, during open system migration in the lithosphere. At Mt. Musine, coarse granular spinet harzburgite and dunite bodies replace the plagioclase peridotites. Most of these replacive, refractory peridotites have interstitial magmatic clinopyroxene with trace element compositions in equilibrium with MORB, while some Cpx have REE-depleted patterns suggesting transient geochemical features of the migrating MORB-type melts, acquired by interaction with the ambient plagioclase peridotite. These replacive spinet harzburgite and dunite bodies are interpreted as channels exploited for focused and reactive migration of silica-undersaturated melts with aggregate MORB compositions. Such melts were unrelated to the silica-saturated melts that refertilized the pre-existing plagioclase peridotites. Finally, MORB melt migration occurred along open fractures, now recorded as gabbroic dikes. Our data document the complexity of rock-types and mantle processes in the South Lanzo peridotite massif and describe a composite tectonic and magmatic scenario that is not consistent with the ``asthenospheric scenario'' proposed by previous authors. We envisage a ``transitional scenario'' in which extending subcontinental lithospheric mantle was strongly modified (both depleted and refertilized) by early melts with MORB-affinity formed by decompression partial melting of the upwelling asthenosphere, during pre-oceanic rifting and lithospheric thinning in the Ligurian Tethys realm. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.