17 resultados para cylindrical aquarium
AIMS: There is no standard test to determine the fatigue resistance of denture teeth. With the increasing number of patients with implant-retained dentures the mechanical strength of the denture teeth requires more attention and valid laboratory test set-ups. The purpose of the present study was to determine the fatigue resistance of various denture teeth using a dynamic load testing machine. METHODS: Four denture teeth were used: Bonartic II (Candulor), Physiodens (Vita), SR Phonares II (Ivoclar Vivadent) and Trubyte (Dentsply). For dynamic load testing, first upper molars with a similar shape and cusp inclination were selected. The molar teeth were embedded in cylindrical steel molds with denture base material (ProBase, Ivoclar Vivadent). Dynamic fatigue loading was carried out on the mesio-buccal cusp at a 45° angle using dynamic testing machines and 2,000,000 cycles at 2Hz in water (37°C). Three specimens per group and load were submitted to decreasing load levels (at least 4) until all the three specimens no longer showed any failures. All the specimens were evaluated under a stereo microscope (20× magnification). The number of cycles reached before observing a failure, and its dependence on the load and on the material, has been modeled using a parametric survival regression model with a lognormal distribution. This allowed to estimate the fatigue resistance for a given material as the maximal load for which one would observe less than 1% failure after 2,000,000 cycles. RESULTS: The failure pattern was similar for all denture teeth, showing a large chipping of the loaded mesio-buccal cusp. In our regression model, there were statistically significant differences among the different materials, with SR Phonares II and Bonartic II showing a higher resistance than Physiodens and Trubyte, the fatigue resistance being estimated at around 110N for the former two, and at about 60N for the latter two materials. CONCLUSION: The fatigue resistance may be a useful parameter to assess and to compare the clinical risk of chipping and fracture of denture tooth materials.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Within this subset, coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most prevalent. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is an emerging technique that provides a safe, non-invasive way of assessing CAD progression. To generate contrast between tissues, MR images are weighted according to the magnetic properties of those tissues. In cardiac MRI, T2 contrast, which is governed by the rate of transverse signal loss, is often created through the use of a T2-Preparation module. T2-Preparation, or T2-Prep, is a magnetization preparation scheme used to improve blood/myocardium contrast in cardiac MRI. T2-Prep methods generally use a non-selective +90°, 180°, 180°, -90° train of radiofrequency (RF) pulses (or variant thereof), to tip magnetization into the transverse plane, allow it to evolve, and then to restore it to the longitudinal plane. A key feature in this process is the combination of a +90° and -90° RF pulse. By changing either one of these, a mismatch occurs between signal excitation and restoration. This feature can be exploited to provide additional spectral or spatial selectivity. In this work, both of these possibilities are explored. The first - spectral selectivity - has been examined as a method of improving fat saturation in coronary MRA. The second - spatial selectivity - has been examined as a means of reducing imaging time by decreasing the field of view, and as a method of reducing artefacts originating from the tissues surrounding the heart. Two additional applications, parallel imaging and self-navigation, are also presented. This thesis is thus composed of four sections. The first, "A Fat Signal Suppression for Coronary MRA at 3T using a Water-Selective Adiabatic T2-Preparation Technique", was originally published in the journal Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (MRM) with co-authors Ruud B. van Heeswijk and Matthias Stuber. The second, "Combined T2-Preparation and 2D Pencil Beam Inner Volume Selection", again with co-authors Ruud van Heeswijk and Matthias Stuber, was also published in the journal MRM. The third, "A cylindrical, inner volume selecting 2D-T2-Prep improves GRAPPA-accelerated image quality in MRA of the right coronary artery", written with co-authors Jerome Yerly and Matthias Stuber, has been submitted to the "Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance", and the fourth, "Combined respiratory self-navigation and 'pencil-beam' 2D-T2 -Prep for free-breathing, whole-heart coronary MRA", with co¬authors Jerome Chaptinel, Giulia Ginami, Gabriele Bonanno, Simone Coppo, Ruud van Heeswijk, Davide Piccini, and Matthias Stuber, is undergoing internal review prior to submission to the journal MRM. -- Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la cause principale de décès dans le monde : parmi celles-ci, les maladies coronariennes sont les plus répandues. L'angiographie par résonance magnétique (ARM) est une technique émergente qui fournit une manière sûre, non invasive d'évaluer la progression de la coronaropathie. Pour obtenir un contraste entre les tissus, les images d'IRM sont pondérées en fonction des propriétés magnétiques de ces tissus. En IRM cardiaque, le contraste en T2, qui est lié à la décroissance du signal transversal, est souvent créé grâce à l'utilisàtion d'un module de préparation T2. La préparation T2, ou T2-Prep, est un système de préparation de l'aimantation qui est utilisé pour améliorer le contraste entre le sang et le myocarde lors d'une IRM cardiaque. Les méthodes de T2-Prep utilisent généralement une série non-sélective d'impulsions de radiofréquence (RF), typiquement [+ 90°, 180°, 180°, -90°] ou une variante, qui bascule l'aimantation dans le plan transversal, lui permet d'évoluer, puis la restaure dans le plan longitudinal. Un élément clé de ce processus est la combinaison des impulsions RF de +90° et -90°. En changeant l'une ou l'autre des impulsions, un décalage se produit entre l'excitation du signal et de la restauration. Cette fonction peut être exploitée pour fournir une sélectivité spectrale ou spatiale. Dans cette thèse, les deux possibilités sont explorées. La première - la sélectivité spectrale - a été examinée comme une méthode d'améliorer la saturation de la graisse dans l'IRM coronarienne. La deuxième - la sélectivité spatiale - a été étudiée comme un moyen de réduire le temps d'imagerie en diminuant le champ de vue, et comme une méthode de réduction des artefacts provenant des tissus entourant le coeur. Deux applications supplémentaires, l'imagerie parallèle et la self-navigation, sont également présentées. Cette thèse est ainsi composée de quatre sections. La première, "A Fat Signal Suppression for Coronary MRA at 3T using a Water-Selective Adiabatic T2-Preparation Technique", a été publiée dans la revue médicale Magnetic Resonance .in Medicine (MRM) avec les co-auteurs Ruud B. van Heeswijk et Matthias Stuber. La deuxième, Combined T2-Preparation and 2D Pencil Beam Inner Volume Selection", encore une fois avec les co-auteurs Ruud van Heeswijk et Matthias Stuber, a également été publiée dans le journal MRM. La troisième, "A cylindrical, inner volume selecting 2D-T2-Prep improves GRAPPA- accelerated image quality in MRA of the right coronary artery", écrite avec les co-auteurs Jérôme Yerly et Matthias Stuber, a été présentée au "Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance", et la quatrième, "Combined respiratory self-navigation and 'pencil-beam' 2D-T2 -Prep for free-breathing, whole-heart coronary MRA", avec les co-auteurs Jérôme Chaptinel, Giulia Ginami, Gabriele Bonanno , Simone Coppo, Ruud van Heeswijk, Davide Piccini, et Matthias Stuber, subit un examen interne avant la soumission à la revue MRM.