35 resultados para criterion of identity
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was identified in perchloric acid (PCA)_extract from normal colon mucosa by 2 immunological criteria: a line of identity in double diffusion and a parallel inhibition curve in radioimmunoassay (RIA), both with reference colon carcinoma-CEA (CEA-Tu). The average concentration of CEA in normal colon mucosa (CEA-No) was 35 times lower than in primary large bowel carcinomas and 230 times lower than in metastatic colon or rectum carcinomas. CEA-No was purified from PCA extracts of normal colon mucosa by Sephadex G-200 filtration and immunoadsorbent columns. Purified CEA-No had quatitatively the same inhibition activity in RIA as the British Standard CEA coded 73/601. Purified CEA-No was labelled with 125I. The percentage of binding of labelled CEA-No to a specific goat anti-CEA-Tu antiserum was similar to that of CEA-Tu. Labelled CEA-No could be used as radioactive tracer in RIA as well as labelled CEA-Tu. The physico-chemical properties of purified CEA-Tu as demonstrated by Sepharose 6 B filtration, SDS Polyacrylamide gel analysis and cesium chloride density gradient, were found to be almost identical to those of reference CEA-Tu. Preliminary results showed that CEA-No and CEA-Tu contained the same types of carbohydrates in similar proportions. A rabbit antiserum against CEA-No was obtained which demonstrated the same specificity as conventional anti-CEA-Tu antisera.
The present research deals with an application of artificial neural networks for multitask learning from spatial environmental data. The real case study (sediments contamination of Geneva Lake) consists of 8 pollutants. There are different relationships between these variables, from linear correlations to strong nonlinear dependencies. The main idea is to construct a subsets of pollutants which can be efficiently modeled together within the multitask framework. The proposed two-step approach is based on: 1) the criterion of nonlinear predictability of each variable ?k? by analyzing all possible models composed from the rest of the variables by using a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) as a model; 2) a multitask learning of the best model using multilayer perceptron and spatial predictions. The results of the study are analyzed using both machine learning and geostatistical tools.
Introduction: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) aims at optimizing treatment by individualizing dosage regimen based on measurement of blood concentrations. Maintaining concentrations within a target range requires pharmacokinetic and clinical capabilities. Bayesian calculation represents a gold standard in TDM approach but requires computing assistance. In the last decades computer programs have been developed to assist clinicians in this assignment. The aim of this benchmarking was to assess and compare computer tools designed to support TDM clinical activities.¦Method: Literature and Internet search was performed to identify software. All programs were tested on common personal computer. Each program was scored against a standardized grid covering pharmacokinetic relevance, user-friendliness, computing aspects, interfacing, and storage. A weighting factor was applied to each criterion of the grid to consider its relative importance. To assess the robustness of the software, six representative clinical vignettes were also processed through all of them.¦Results: 12 software tools were identified, tested and ranked. It represents a comprehensive review of the available software's characteristics. Numbers of drugs handled vary widely and 8 programs offer the ability to the user to add its own drug model. 10 computer programs are able to compute Bayesian dosage adaptation based on a blood concentration (a posteriori adjustment) while 9 are also able to suggest a priori dosage regimen (prior to any blood concentration measurement), based on individual patient covariates, such as age, gender, weight. Among those applying Bayesian analysis, one uses the non-parametric approach. The top 2 software emerging from this benchmark are MwPharm and TCIWorks. Other programs evaluated have also a good potential but are less sophisticated (e.g. in terms of storage or report generation) or less user-friendly.¦Conclusion: Whereas 2 integrated programs are at the top of the ranked listed, such complex tools would possibly not fit all institutions, and each software tool must be regarded with respect to individual needs of hospitals or clinicians. Interest in computing tool to support therapeutic monitoring is still growing. Although developers put efforts into it the last years, there is still room for improvement, especially in terms of institutional information system interfacing, user-friendliness, capacity of data storage and report generation.
The identity [r]evolution is happening. Who are you, who am I in the information society? In recent years, the convergence of several factors - technological, political, economic - has accelerated a fundamental change in our networked world. On a technological level, information becomes easier to gather, to store, to exchange and to process. The belief that more information brings more security has been a strong political driver to promote information gathering since September 11. Profiling intends to transform information into knowledge in order to anticipate one's behaviour, or needs, or preferences. It can lead to categorizations according to some specific risk criteria, for example, or to direct and personalized marketing. As a consequence, new forms of identities appear. They are not necessarily related to our names anymore. They are based on information, on traces that we leave when we act or interact, when we go somewhere or just stay in one place, or even sometimes when we make a choice. They are related to the SIM cards of our mobile phones, to our credit card numbers, to the pseudonyms that we use on the Internet, to our email addresses, to the IP addresses of our computers, to our profiles... Like traditional identities, these new forms of identities can allow us to distinguish an individual within a group of people, or describe this person as belonging to a community or a category. How far have we moved through this process? The identity [r]evolution is already becoming part of our daily lives. People are eager to share information with their "friends" in social networks like Facebook, in chat rooms, or in Second Life. Customers take advantage of the numerous bonus cards that are made available. Video surveillance is becoming the rule. In several countries, traditional ID documents are being replaced by biometric passports with RFID technologies. This raises several privacy issues and might actually even result in changing the perception of the concept of privacy itself, in particular by the younger generation. In the information society, our (partial) identities become the illusory masks that we choose -or that we are assigned- to interplay and communicate with each other. Rights, obligations, responsibilities, even reputation are increasingly associated with these masks. On the one hand, these masks become the key to access restricted information and to use services. On the other hand, in case of a fraud or negative reputation, the owner of such a mask can be penalized: doors remain closed, access to services is denied. Hence the current preoccupying growth of impersonation, identity-theft and other identity-related crimes. Where is the path of the identity [r]evolution leading us? The booklet is giving a glance on possible scenarios in the field of identity.
Objectives: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) aims at optimizing treatment by individualizing dosage regimen based on blood concentrations measurement. Maintaining concentrations within a target range requires pharmacokinetic (PK) and clinical capabilities. Bayesian calculation represents a gold standard in TDM approach but requires computing assistance. The aim of this benchmarking was to assess and compare computer tools designed to support TDM clinical activities.¦Methods: Literature and Internet were searched to identify software. Each program was scored against a standardized grid covering pharmacokinetic relevance, user-friendliness, computing aspects, interfacing, and storage. A weighting factor was applied to each criterion of the grid to consider its relative importance. To assess the robustness of the software, six representative clinical vignettes were also processed through all of them.¦Results: 12 software tools were identified, tested and ranked. It represents a comprehensive review of the available software characteristics. Numbers of drugs handled vary from 2 to more than 180, and integration of different population types is available for some programs. Nevertheless, 8 programs offer the ability to add new drug models based on population PK data. 10 computer tools incorporate Bayesian computation to predict dosage regimen (individual parameters are calculated based on population PK models). All of them are able to compute Bayesian a posteriori dosage adaptation based on a blood concentration while 9 are also able to suggest a priori dosage regimen, only based on individual patient covariates. Among those applying Bayesian analysis, MM-USC*PACK uses a non-parametric approach. The top 2 programs emerging from this benchmark are MwPharm and TCIWorks. Others programs evaluated have also a good potential but are less sophisticated or less user-friendly.¦Conclusions: Whereas 2 software packages are ranked at the top of the list, such complex tools would possibly not fit all institutions, and each program must be regarded with respect to individual needs of hospitals or clinicians. Programs should be easy and fast for routine activities, including for non-experienced users. Although interest in TDM tools is growing and efforts were put into it in the last years, there is still room for improvement, especially in terms of institutional information system interfacing, user-friendliness, capability of data storage and automated report generation.
The effect of heterogeneous environments upon the dynamics of invasion and the eradication or control of invasive species is poorly understood, although it is a major challenge for biodiversity conservation. Here, we first investigate how the probability and time for invasion are affected by spatial heterogeneity. Then, we study the effect of control program strategies (e.g. species specificity, spatial scale of action, detection and eradication efficiency) on the success and time of eradication. We find that heterogeneity increases both the invasion probability and the time to invasion. Heterogeneity also reduces the probability of eradication but does not change the time taken for successful eradication. We confirm that early detection of invasive species reduces the time until eradication, but we also demonstrate that this is true only if the local control action is sufficiently efficient. The criterion of removal efficiency is even more important for an eradication program than simply ensuring control effort when the invasive species is not abundant.
OBJECT: Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is described as a clinical and radiological entity characterized by thunderclap headaches, a reversible segmental or multifocal vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries with or without focal neurological deficits or seizures. The purpose of this study is to determine risk factors of poor outcome in patients presented a RCVS. METHODS: A retrospective multi-center review of invasive and non-invasive neurovascular imaging between January 2006 and January 2011 has identified 10 patients with criterion of reversible segmental vasoconstriction syndrome. Demographics data, vascular risks and evolution of each of these patients were analyzed. RESULTS: Seven of the ten patients were females with a mean age of 46 years. In four patients, we did not found any causative factors. Two cases presented RCVS in post-partum period between their first and their third week after delivery. The other three cases were drug-induced RCVS, mainly vaso-active drugs. Cannabis was found as the causative factor in two patient, Sumatriptan identified in one patient while cyclosporine was the causative agent in also one patient. The mean duration of clinical follow-up was 10.2 months (range: 0-28 months). Two patients had neurological sequelae: one patient kept a dysphasia and the other had a homonymous lateral hemianopia. We could not find any significant difference of the evolution between secondary RCVS and idiopathic RCVS. The only two factors, which could be correlated to the clinical outcome were the neurological status at admission and the presence of intraparenchymal abnormalities (ischemic stroke, hematoma) in brain imaging. CONCLUSIONS: Fulminant vasoconstriction resulting in progressive symptoms or death has been reported in exceptional frequency. Physicians had to remember that such evolution could happen and predict them by identifying all factors of poor prognosis (neurological status at admission, the presence of intraparenchymal abnormalities).
This chapter argues that the electoral competition between the New Left and the Radical Right is best understood as a cultural divide anchored in different class constituencies. Based on individual-level data from the European Social Survey, we analyze the links between voters' class position, their economic and cultural preferences and their party choice for four small and affluent European countries. We find a striking similarity in the class pattern across countries. Everywhere, the New Left attracts disproportionate support from socio-cultural professionals and presents a clear-cut middle-class profile, whereas the Radical Right is most successful among production and service workers and receives least support from professionals. In general, the Radical Right depends on the votes of lowereducated men and older citizens and has turned into a new type of working-class party. However, its success within the working-class is not due to economic, but to cultural issues. The voters of the Radical Right collide with those of the New Left over a cultural conflict of identity and community - and not over questions of redistribution. A full-grown cleavage has thus emerged in the four countries under study, separating a libertarian-universalistic pole from an authoritarian-communitarian pole and going along with a process of class realignment.
Chest pain is a common presenting symptom in emergency departments, and a typical manifestation of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Recognition of ECG changes in AMI is essential for timely diagnosis and treatment. Right bundle branch block (RBBB) may be an isolated sign of AMI, and was previously considered as a criterion for fibrinolytic therapy. Since the most recent European Society of Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines in 2013, RBBB alone is no longer considered a diagnostic criterion of AMI, even if it occurs in the context of acute chest pain, as RBBB does not usually interfere with the interpretation of ST-segment alteration. Our case illustrates an acute septal myocardial infarction with an isolated RBBB, and thus the importance of recognising this pattern in order to permit timely diagnosis and treatment.
ABSTRACT This dissertation investigates the, nature of space-time as described by the theory of general relativity. It mainly argues that space-time can be naturally interpreted as a physical structure in the precise sense of a network of concrete space-time relations among concrete space-time points that do not possess any intrinsic properties and any intrinsic identity. Such an interpretation is fundamentally based on two related key features of general relativity, namely substantive general covariance and background independence, where substantive general covariance is understood as a gauge-theoretic invariance under active diffeomorphisms and background independence is understood in the sense that the metric (or gravitational) field is dynamical and that, strictly speaking, it cannot be uniquely split into a purely gravitational part and a fixed purely inertial part or background. More broadly, a precise notion of (physical) structure is developed within the framework of a moderate version of structural realism understood as a metaphysical claim about what there is in the world. So, the developement of this moderate structural realism pursues two main aims. The first is purely metaphysical, the aim being to develop a coherent metaphysics of structures and of objects (particular attention is paid to the questions of identity and individuality of these latter within this structural realist framework). The second is to argue that moderate structural realism provides a convincing interpretation of the world as described by fundamental physics and in particular of space-time as described by general relativity. This structuralist interpretation of space-time is discussed within the traditional substantivalist-relationalist debate, which is best understood within the broader framework of the question about the relationship between space-time on the one hand and matter on the other. In particular, it is claimed that space-time structuralism does not constitute a 'tertium quid' in the traditional debate. Some new light on the question of the nature of space-time may be shed from the fundamental foundational issue of space-time singularities. Their possible 'non-local' (or global) feature is discussed in some detail and it is argued that a broad structuralist conception of space-time may provide a physically meaningful understanding of space-time singularities, which is not plagued by the conceptual difficulties of the usual atomsitic framework. Indeed, part of these difficulties may come from the standard differential geometric description of space-time, which encodes to some extent this atomistic framework; it raises the question of the importance of the mathematical formalism for the interpretation of space-time.
Durant la dernière dictature argentine (1976-1983), !a junte militaire organisa le vol de nourrissons, enfants de leurs ennemis, pour qu'ils puissent être élevés dans des familles proches du pouvoir. L'association « Grands-Mères de la Place de Mai » comptabilisa environ 409 vols. Au moment de l'exploration du terrain de récherche, en 2004, une quarantaine avaient été retrouvés dans des familles qui ne connaissaient pas leurs origines tandis qu'une vingtaine étaient dans des familles liées à la junte ; c'est à cette dernière catégorie que s'intéresse ce travail. Durant leur enfance ou à l'âge adulte, ces enfants apprirent un jour la vérité sur leurs origines biologiques et la justice la leur restitua ; c'est pourquoi ils sont dits « restitués ». Cette contribution vise à interroger l'identité individuelle comme une dynamique intime qui s'articule à la filiation et s'insère dans une collectivité, une société. Trois hypothèses l'ont organisée : une première concerne la connaissance des origines biologiques et ses conséquences psychologiques identitaires, qui passe nécessairement par la justice et la société. Une deuxième hypothèse explore les éventelles conséquences traumatiques de l'enlèvement des personnes restituées et de la restitution. Enfin, la troisième hypothèse interroge le rapport de la construction identitaire à la société, qu'elle se fasse par des investissements politiques et associatifs ou par les médias et l'Histoire. Ces hypothèses nourrissent un questionnement sur les liens entre restitution et travail de symbolisation des origines. Sept entretiens semi structurés avec des personnes restituées ont. été menés puis qualitativement analysés dans une perspective que l'on peut référer, de manière large, à une « anthropologique clinique », au croisement d'une psychologie clinique éclairée par la psychanalyse et de l'anthropologie. Au travers d'une analyse approfondie de leur parcours identitaire des personnes enlevées, adoptées et restituées, ce travail se livre à une recherche empirique sur la construction identitaire. Le concept de transmission se trouve mobilisé, qui concerne l'inscription de l'individu dans la subjectivité d'un couple avec le prénom, dans une lignée ou dans un collectif avec le choix professionnel ou les liens avec l'association « Grands-Mères de la Place Mai ». De plus, la thèse apporte une contribution à la compréhension des enjeux du clivage, des blessures primitive et narcissique, des processus d'affiliation et des secrets de famille et propose également de penser, en prolongement, les enjeux de la « défiliation » et de I'« amalgame ». La question du traumatisme, de sa répétition et de son élaboration, ainsi que celle des facteurs de resilience sont également discutées. Ce travail ouvre sur une réflexion plus large du concept d'identité. - During the last dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983), the military junta organized the kidnapping of infants - children of its enemies - in order to raise them in families close to the authorities. The association "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo" estimates that approximately 400 children have been kidnapped in this way. During their childhood, or as adults, they have come to learn the truth about their biological origins, restituted to them by justice: They are therefore known as "restituted" children. At the time of the field research in 2004, around 40 children had been found in families unaware of their origins. About 20 other came from families close to the junta. The present work is particularly interested in the latter category. This contribution investigates the individual identity as an intimate dynamics by examining its articulation with filiation and its insertion within a community, a society. It revolves around three hypotheses: the first concerns the knowledge - necessarily transmitted through justice and society - of biological origins and its psychological consequences on the identity. The second explores the eventually traumatic, consequences of kidnapping and restitution among the restituted persons. Finally, the third hypothesis questions the relation between identity construction and society, whether it is made through political and associative involvements, media or History. These hypotheses lead to the examination of affiliations between restitution and symbolization process of the origins. Seven semi-structured interviews with restituted persons have been conducted and qualitatively analyzed in a perspective that can, in a large sense, be referred to as "clinical anthropology": an approach/intersection between clinical psychology, psychoanalysis and anthropology. Through an in-depth analysis of the identity itinerary of the kidnapped, adopted and restituted persons, this work is conducted as an empirical research on identity construction. For that purpose, it uses the concept of transmission to describe an individual's affiliation with the subjectivity of a couple through the first name, with a lineage or a community through professional choices or through his/her connections with the association "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo". Further, it makes a meaningful contribution to the understanding and implications of the notions of cleavage, of primal and narcissistic wounds, of processes of affiliation and of family secrets. In addition, it also proposes a reflection on and the implication of the notions of "deviation" and "amalgam". The question of trauma, its repetition and elaboration, and of resilience factors are aiso being discussed. This work concludes with results in a iarger consideration of the concept of identity.
Introduction: Discrimination of species-specific vocalizations is fundamental for survival and social interactions. Its unique behavioral relevance has encouraged the identification of circumscribed brain regions exhibiting selective responses (Belin et al., 2004), while the role of network dynamics has received less attention. Those studies that have examined the brain dynamics of vocalization discrimination leave unresolved the timing and the inter-relationship between general categorization, attention, and speech-related processes (Levy et al., 2001, 2003; Charest et al., 2009). Given these discrepancies and the presence of several confounding factors, electrical neuroimaging analyses were applied to auditory evoked-potential (AEPs) to acoustically and psychophysically controlled non-verbal human and animal vocalizations. This revealed which region(s) exhibit voice-sensitive responses and in which sequence. Methods: Subjects (N=10) performed a living vs. man-made 'oddball' auditory discrimination task, such that on a given block of trials 'target' stimuli occurred 10% of the time. Stimuli were complex, meaningful sounds of 500ms duration. There were 120 different sound files in total, 60 of which represented sounds of living objects and 60 man-made objects. The stimuli that were the focus of the present investigation were restricted to those of living objects within blocks where no response was required. These stimuli were further sorted between human non-verbal vocalizations and animal vocalizations. They were also controlled in terms of their spectrograms and formant distributions. Continuous 64-channel EEG was acquired through Neuroscan Synamps referenced to the nose, band-pass filtered 0.05-200Hz, and digitized at 1000Hz. Peri-stimulus epochs of continuous EEG (-100ms to 900ms) were visually inspected for artifacts, 40Hz low-passed filtered and baseline corrected using the pre-stimulus period . Averages were computed from each subject separately. AEPs in response to animal and human vocalizations were analyzed with respect to differences of Global Field Power (GFP) and with respect to changes of the voltage configurations at the scalp (reviewed in Murray et al., 2008). The former provides a measure of the strength of the electric field irrespective of topographic differences; the latter identifies changes in spatial configurations of the underlying sources independently of the response strength. In addition, we utilized the local auto-regressive average distributed linear inverse solution (LAURA; Grave de Peralta Menendez et al., 2001) to visualize and statistically contrast the likely underlying sources of effects identified in the preceding analysis steps. Results: We found differential activity in response to human vocalizations over three periods in the post-stimulus interval, and this response was always stronger than that to animal vocalizations. The first differential response (169-219ms) was a consequence of a modulation in strength of a common brain network localized into the right superior temporal sulcus (STS; Brodmann's Area (BA) 22) and extending into the superior temporal gyrus (STG; BA 41). A second difference (291-357ms) also followed from strength modulations of a common network with statistical differences localized to the left inferior precentral and prefrontal gyrus (BA 6/45). These two first strength modulations correlated (Spearman's rho(8)=0.770; p=0.009) indicative of functional coupling between temporally segregated stages of vocalization discrimination. A third difference (389-667ms) followed from strength and topographic modulations and was localized to the left superior frontal gyrus (BA10) although this third difference did not reach our spatial criterion of 12 continuous voxels. Conclusions: We show that voice discrimination unfolds over multiple temporal stages, involving a wide network of brain regions. The initial stages of vocalization discrimination are based on modulations in response strength within a common brain network with no evidence for a voice-selective module. The latency of this effect parallels that of face discrimination (Bentin et al., 2007), supporting the possibility that voice and face processes can mutually inform one another. Putative underlying sources (localized in the right STS; BA 22) are consistent with prior hemodynamic imaging evidence in humans (Belin et al., 2004). Our effect over the 291-357ms post-stimulus period overlaps the 'voice-specific-response' reported by Levy et al. (Levy et al., 2001) and the estimated underlying sources (left BA6/45) were in agreement with previous findings in humans (Fecteau et al., 2005). These results challenge the idea that circumscribed and selective areas subserve con-specific vocalization processing.
Cette thèse, qui se base sur des entretiens qualitatifs, porte sur la négociation des références identitaires de musulmans immigrés et réfugiés en provenance de Γ ex-Yougoslavie au Luxembourg et s'intéresse à la pertinence changeante de la religion dans la conception de soi. Selon une approche constructiviste et interactionniste, l'identité est conçue comme un projet constamment négocié, reconstruit dans des processus d'interaction sociale et en fonction des contextes sociaux. Nos données suggèrent l'émergence de constructions identitaires complexes et attestent de la pluridimensionalité et de l'intersectionnalité des références identitaires utilisées dans la conception de soi et témoignent de la non-réduction des individus à des catégories fixes. Différentes catégories sont rendues significatives et de multiples frontières sont établies afin de se différencier de figures d'altérité changeantes, sélectivement choisies pour construire une certaine image de soi. Les discours identitaires témoignent de l'aspiration à une identité positive, dans une situation caractérisée par la perte du statut social et des stigmatisations multiples, en tant que ex-Yougoslaves, demandeurs d'asile et musulmans. Nos interlocuteurs établissent un répertoire identitaire composé de marqueurs transposés, inventés et revalorisés, leur permettant de reconstruire une identité positive pour soi et leurs audiences. Ce travail décrit les manières dont les individus établissent leur répertoire identitaire à l'aide de marqueurs transposés, inventés et revalorisés, leur permettant de reconstruire une identité positive pour soi et leurs audiences et montre comment les processus de différenciation de 'l'autre' dans le pays d'origine et d'accueil sont reliés. - The question addressed in this project with a qualitative design, is how muslim migrants and refugees from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in Luxemburg negotiate salient identity references in a new social political environment and discusses the changing significance of religion and the way it is integrated in the identity patchwork. According to a constructivist and interactionist approach, conceiving identity as a constantly negotiated project, reconstructed in interaction and with regard to social context, identities are relevant only in relation to particular other groups and in certain situations of interaction. Our data suggest the emergence of complex identity patterns using multiple references for self- description and attest of the intersectionnality of identity references and show that individuals can't be reduced to fixed categories. Different categories are made salient and multiple symbolic boundaries are established in order to differentiate from different "others", selected in order to construct a certain self-concept. The discourses of our participants attest of an aspiration towards a positive identity in a situation characterized by the loss of social status and multiple stigmata. This thesis describes the ways how individuals establish their identity repertoire with invented, transposed and negotiated identity references, that allow them to construct a favourable identity for themselves and their public and shows how différenciation processes in home and host country are related.
Introduction.- Since the work of the "International Association for the Study of Pain" (IASP), complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS I) or algodystrophy includes motor disorders (tremor, dystony, myoclony) as diagnosis criterion. This can lead to confusion with some neurologic disorders which can wrongly be considered as CRPS I. The following observation illustrates this problem.Observation.- A 31-year-old man was hospitalised in a rehabilitation clinic in April 2007 with suspected CRPS I with persistent pain in the left leg. In 2005, the patient underwent ligament reconstruction at the right ankle. In May 2006, a recurrence of his ankle sprain was treated conservatively. The course of this pathology was unfavourable with an extension of the pain areas (leg and foot) as well as an appearance of abnormal motion. Toe motion in abduction was observed (especially T5) followed by a flexion cramp; an hypoesthesia in the sural nerve area, a scar allodynia and discrete vasomotor disorders. The scintigraphy was compatible with a stage 2 algodystrophy. Lower limb electromyography was normal; measurement of pseudo periodic activity of the motor unit at the foot level (abductor of the 5th toe, 4th interosseous). A "Painful legs and moving toes syndrome" was diagnosed which was treated with gabapentin and carbamazepine with a partial improvement.Discussion.- The "Painful legs and moving toes syndrome" is a rare pathology rehabilitation specialists should recognize. The origin is often peripheral nerve damage. The medullar interneuron activation (between the dorsal and ventral horn) is considered as the source of the efferent motor nerves which are responsible for the abnormal movements. This observation illustrates the need for a demanding approach before establishing the diagnosis of CRPS I and the respect of the 4th criterion of the ASP (exclusion of this syndrome when another pathology may explain pain and dysfunction).
Recognition and identification processes for deceased persons. Determining the identity of deceased persons is a routine task performed essentially by police departments and forensic experts. This thesis highlights the processes necessary for the proper and transparent determination of the civil identities of deceased persons. The identity of a person is defined as the establishment of a link between that person ("the source") and information pertaining to the same individual ("identifiers"). Various identity forms could emerge, depending on the nature of the identifiers. There are two distinct types of identity, namely civil identity and biological identity. The paper examines four processes: identification by witnesses (the recognition process) and comparisons of fingerprints, dental data and DNA profiles (the identification processes). During the recognition process, the memory function is examined and helps to clarify circumstances that may give rise to errors. To make the process more rigorous, a body presentation procedure is proposed to investigators. Before examining the other processes, three general concepts specific to forensic science are considered with regard to the identification of a deceased person, namely, matter divisibility (Inman and Rudin), transfer (Locard) and uniqueness (Kirk). These concepts can be applied to the task at hand, although some require a slightly broader scope of application. A cross comparison of common forensic fields and the identification of deceased persons reveals certain differences, including 1 - reverse positioning of the source (i.e. the source is not sought from traces, but rather the identifiers are obtained from the source); 2 - the need for civil identity determination in addition to the individualisation stage; and 3 - a more restricted population (closed set), rather than an open one. For fingerprints, dental and DNA data, intravariability and intervariability are examined, as well as changes in these post mortem (PM) identifiers. Ante-mortem identifiers (AM) are located and AM-PM comparisons made. For DNA, it has been shown that direct identifiers (taken from a person whose civil identity has been alleged) tend to lead to determining civil identity whereas indirect identifiers (obtained from a close relative) direct towards a determination of biological identity. For each process, a Bayesian model is presented which includes sources of uncertainty deemed to be relevant. The results of the different processes combine to structure and summarise an overall outcome and a methodology. The modelling of dental data presents a specific difficulty with respect to intravariability, which in itself is not quantifiable. The concept of "validity" is, therefore, suggested as a possible solution to the problem. Validity uses various parameters that have an acknowledged impact on teeth intravariability. In cases where identifying deceased persons proves to be extremely difficult due to the limited discrimination of certain procedures, the use of a Bayesian approach is of great value in bringing a transparent and synthetic value. RESUME : Titre: Processus de reconnaissance et d'identification de personnes décédées. L'individualisation de personnes décédées est une tâche courante partagée principalement par des services de police, des odontologues et des laboratoires de génétique. L'objectif de cette recherche est de présenter des processus pour déterminer valablement, avec une incertitude maîtrisée, les identités civiles de personnes décédées. La notion d'identité est examinée en premier lieu. L'identité d'une personne est définie comme l'établissement d'un lien entre cette personne et des informations la concernant. Les informations en question sont désignées par le terme d'identifiants. Deux formes distinctes d'identité sont retenues: l'identité civile et l'identité biologique. Quatre processus principaux sont examinés: celui du témoignage et ceux impliquant les comparaisons d'empreintes digitales, de données dentaires et de profils d'ADN. Concernant le processus de reconnaissance, le mode de fonctionnement de la mémoire est examiné, démarche qui permet de désigner les paramètres pouvant conduire à des erreurs. Dans le but d'apporter un cadre rigoureux à ce processus, une procédure de présentation d'un corps est proposée à l'intention des enquêteurs. Avant d'entreprendre l'examen des autres processus, les concepts généraux propres aux domaines forensiques sont examinés sous l'angle particulier de l'identification de personnes décédées: la divisibilité de la matière (Inman et Rudin), le transfert (Locard) et l'unicité (Kirk). Il est constaté que ces concepts peuvent être appliqués, certains nécessitant toutefois un léger élargissement de leurs principes. Une comparaison croisée entre les domaines forensiques habituels et l'identification de personnes décédées montre des différences telles qu'un positionnement inversé de la source (la source n'est plus à rechercher en partant de traces, mais ce sont des identifiants qui sont recherchés en partant de la source), la nécessité de devoir déterminer une identité civile en plus de procéder à une individualisation ou encore une population d'intérêt limitée plutôt qu'ouverte. Pour les empreintes digitales, les dents et l'ADN, l'intra puis l'inter-variabilité sont examinées, de même que leurs modifications post-mortem (PM), la localisation des identifiants ante-mortem (AM) et les comparaisons AM-PM. Pour l'ADN, il est démontré que les identifiants directs (provenant de la personne dont l'identité civile est supposée) tendent à déterminer une identité civile alors que les identifiants indirects (provenant d'un proche parent) tendent à déterminer une identité biologique. Puis une synthèse des résultats provenant des différents processus est réalisée grâce à des modélisations bayesiennes. Pour chaque processus, une modélisation est présentée, modélisation intégrant les paramètres reconnus comme pertinents. À ce stade, une difficulté apparaît: celle de quantifier l'intra-variabilité dentaire pour laquelle il n'existe pas de règle précise. La solution préconisée est celle d'intégrer un concept de validité qui intègre divers paramètres ayant un impact connu sur l'intra-variabilité. La possibilité de formuler une valeur de synthèse par l'approche bayesienne s'avère d'une aide précieuse dans des cas très difficiles pour lesquels chacun des processus est limité en termes de potentiel discriminant.