35 resultados para comparison of the member countries


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Document Type: Meeting Abstract


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This work compares the detector performance and image quality of the new Kodak Min-R EV mammography screen-film system with the Fuji CR Profect detector and with other current mammography screen-film systems from Agfa, Fuji and Kodak. Basic image quality parameters (MTF, NPS, NEQ and DQE) were evaluated for a 28 kV Mo/Mo (HVL = 0.646 mm Al) beam using different mAs exposure settings. Compared with other screen-film systems, the new Kodak Min-R EV detector has the highest contrast and a low intrinsic noise level, giving better NEQ and DQE results, especially at high optical density. Thus, the properties of the new mammography film approach those of a fine mammography detector, especially at low frequency range. Screen-film systems provide the best resolution. The presampling MTF of the digital detector has a value of 15% at the Nyquist frequency and, due to the spread size of the laser beam, the use of a smaller pixel size would not permit a significant improvement of the detector resolution. The dual collection reading technology increases significantly the low frequency DQE of the Fuji CR system that can at present compete with the most efficient mammography screen-film systems.


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Dissociated cerebral hemisphere cells from 4- to 7-day-old chick embryos were cultured either on a collagen or a polylysine substrate in a serum-containing medium. Neurons were characterized by the demonstration of acetylcholinesterase, the presence of D2/N-CAM glycoprotein and neurofilament proteins. The proliferation of neuronal precursor cells was shown by morphological observations, autoradiographic analysis and measurements of [3H]-thymidine incorporation. Neuronal precursors derived from the 6-day-old embryos showed the highest proliferative activity. Neuroblast proliferation was found to be dependent on the culture substrates (i.e. polylysine or collagen), which yielded either isolated cells or cell aggregates, and the latter favored the mitogenic effect.


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The energy budgets of two freshwater gastropds, Lymnae peregra and Physa acuta, were compared in similar experimental conditions (20ºC, fed ad libitum with 24h-decayed lettuce), and found to differ in several ways. 1) L. Peregra has a higher assimilation efficiency than P. acuta (72% vs 60%). 2) These species assimilate different components of the ingested food: P. acuta uses a smaller, but more energetic part (probably mainly bacteria), whereas L. peregra assimilate a larger, but less energetic part (probably mainly cellulose). 3) L. peregra allocates more of its assimilated energy to oxygene consumption and mucus production (maintenance investments), wheras P. acuta invest more in growth and reproduction (production investments). Such differences are relevant to the natural habitat of these two species: P. acuta colonizes warm, eutrophic and temporary pools, where decaying material constitue the main part of available resources, and where adult mortality is high and impredictible. By contrast, L. peregra is frequently found in colder, oligotrophic and predictible environements, where living primary producers constitute the main part of available resources, and where biotic interactions are important factors of mortality.


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279 paires de bases du gène du Cytochrome b ont été séquencés pour 16 individus appartenant aux différentes formes chromosomiques de S. araneaus des Alpes occidentales, à S. coronatus et à S. granarius, laquelle a conservé un caryotype primitif. Trois clones principaux ont été identifiés: CC correspond à S. coronatus, CV caractérise la rae chromosomique Valais de S. araneaus, à l'exception des individus capturés aux Houches près de Chamonix, et CA est commun à tous les autres A. araneaus analysés. S. granarius ne montre que de très faibles différences avec le groupe CA, ce qui est en contradiction avec les données de la caryologie. Le fait que le clone CA soit caractéristique d'individus de la race Valais aux Houches, alors qu'une correspondance claire entre race chromosomique et clone de mtDNA est relevée dans les zones de contact entre la race Vaud (clone CA) et la race Valais (clone CB), suggère que les contact entre la race Vaud (clone CA et la race Valais (clone CB); suggère que les chromosomes Valais ont pénétré les populations Acrocentriques par introgression, tandis qu'au Haslital, la race Valais a progressé en repoussant la race Vaud sans qu'il y ait eu échange génétique


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A comparison of the site distribution of cutaneous malignant melanoma in New Zealand and Canada was performed. This series deals with 41,331 incident cases registered between 1968 and 1990 and is the largest to date to evaluate the influence of age and gender on the site distribution of melanoma. Site-specific, age-standardized rates per unit surface area and relative tumour density were assessed by gender and country and differences compared with statistical techniques adapted to this context. The age-standardized rates for all sites were higher in New Zealand than in Canada, the ratio being 3.2 for men and 3.8 for women. Occurrence of melanoma was denser for chronically than intermittently exposed sites in both New Zealand and Canada. The highest incidence rate per unit area was for the ears in men which was more than 5 times the rate for the entire body in each country. For each gender, melanomas were relatively commoner on the trunk and the face in Canada, and on the lower limbs in New Zealand. The variations in the site distribution were similar in each country and consistent with the effect of differential patterns of sun exposure between genders. Our results show that the levels of risk of melanoma between phenotypically comparable populations exposed to different amount of UV radiation vary in a site-specific manner, especially for intermittently exposed sites. This suggests that both environmental conditions and lifestyle factors influence the site distribution of melanoma in these two populations.


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Fibreoptic intubation remains a key technique for the management of difficult intubation. We randomly compared the second generation single-use Ambu(®) aScope? 2 videoscope with a standard re-usable flexible intubating fibrescope in 50 tracheal intubations in patients with a difficult airway simulated by a semirigid collar. All patients' tracheas were intubated successfully with the aScope 2 or the re-usable fibrescope. The median (IQR [range]) time to intubate was significantly longer with the aScope 2 70 (55-97 [41?-226]) s vs 50 (40-59 [27-175]) s, p = 0.0003) due to an increased time to see the carina. Quality of vision was significantly lower with the aScope 2 (excellent 24 (48%) vs 49 (98%), p = 0.0001; good 22 (44%) vs 1 (2%), p = 0.0001; poor 4 (8%) vs 0, p = 0.12) but with no difference in the subjective ease to intubate (easy score of 31 (62%) vs 38 (76%), p = 0.19; intermediate 12 (24%) vs 7 (14%), p = 0.31; difficult 7 (14%) vs 5 (5%), p = 0.76). The longer times to intubate and the poorer scores for quality of vision do not support the use of the single-use aScope 2 videoscope as an alternative to the re-usable fibrescope.


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INTRODUCTION: To compare the power spectral changes of the voluntary surface electromyogram (sEMG) and of the compound action potential (M wave) in the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles during fatiguing contractions. METHODS: Interference sEMG and force were recorded during 48 intermittent 3-s isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) from 13 young, healthy subjects. M waves and twitches were evoked using supramaximal femoral nerve stimulation between the successive MVCs. Mean frequency (F mean), and median frequency were calculated from the sEMG and M waves. Muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) was computed by cross-correlation. RESULTS: The power spectral shift to lower frequencies was significantly greater for the voluntary sEMG than for the M waves (P < 0.05). Over the fatiguing protocol, the overall average decrease in MFCV (~25 %) was comparable to that of sEMG F mean (~22 %), but significantly greater than that of M-wave F mean (~9 %) (P < 0.001). The mean decline in MFCV was highly correlated with the mean decreases in both sEMG and M-wave F mean. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings indicated that, as fatigue progressed, central mechanisms could enhance the relative weight of the low-frequency components of the voluntary sEMG power spectrum, and/or the end-of-fiber (non-propagating) components could reduce the sensitivity of the M-wave spectrum to changes in conduction velocity.


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A three-dimensional cell culture system was used as a model to study the influence of low levels of mercury in the developing brain. Aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were treated for 10 days either during an early developmental period (i.e., between days 5 and 15 in vitro) or during a phase of advanced maturation (i.e., between days 25 and 35) with mercury. An inorganic (HgCl2) and an organic mercury compound (monomethylmercury chloride, MeHgCl) were examined. By monitoring changes in cell type-specific enzymes activities, the concentration-dependent toxicity of the compounds was determined. In immature cultures, a general cytotoxicity was observed at 10(-6) M for both mercury compounds. In these cultures, HgCl2 appeared somewhat more toxic than MeHgCl. However, no appreciable demethylation of MeHgCl could be detected, indicating similar toxic potencies for both mercury compounds. In highly differentiated cultures, by contrast, MeHgCl exhibited a higher toxic potency than HgCl2. In addition, at 10(-6) M, MeHgCl showed pronounced neuron-specific toxicity. Below the cytotoxic concentrations, distinct glia-specific reactions could be observed with both mercury compounds. An increase in the immunoreactivity for glial fibrillary acidic protein, typical for gliosis, could be observed at concentrations between 10(-9) M and 10(-7) M in immature cultures, and between 10(-8) M and 3 x 10(-5) M in highly differentiated cultures. A conspicuous increase in the number and clustering of GSI-B4 lectin-binding cells, indicating a microglial response, was found at concentrations between 10(-10) M and 10(-7) M. These development-dependent and cell type-specific effects may reflect the pathogenic potential of long-term exposure to subclinical doses of mercury.


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The structural organization and the coding nucleotide sequence of the Xenopus laevis A2 and the chicken major vitellogenin genes have been compared. Both genes show the same exon-intron organization. However, the degree of homology between the nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences varies extensively along the genes. Several of the 35 exons are quite similar, and a unique cysteine motif in the lipovitellin II domain is conserved between the two genes. In contrast, one internal region is quite divergent. Part of this region encodes phosvitin, which appears to have evolved rapidly by both point mutations and duplications of serines or short other amino acid stretches. On the basis of these observations, we discuss the possible mechanism of evolution of phosvitin in vertebrates.


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Three standard radiation qualities (RQA 3, RQA 5 and RQA 9) and two screens, Kodak Lanex Regular and Insight Skeletal, were used to compare the imaging performance and dose requirements of the new Kodak Hyper Speed G and the current Kodak T-MAT G/RA medical x-ray films. The noise equivalent quanta (NEQ) and detective quantum efficiencies (DQE) of the four screen-film combinations were measured at three gross optical densities and compared with the characteristics for the Kodak CR 9000 system with GP (general purpose) and HR (high resolution) phosphor plates. The new Hyper Speed G film has double the intrinsic sensitivity of the T-MAT G/RA film and a higher contrast in the high optical density range for comparable exposure latitude. By providing both high sensitivity and high spatial resolution, the new film significantly improves the compromise between dose and image quality. As expected, the new film has a higher noise level and a lower signal-to-noise ratio than the standard film, although in the high frequency range this is compensated for by a better resolution, giving better DQE results--especially at high optical density. Both screen-film systems outperform the phosphor plates in terms of MTF and DQE for standard imaging conditions (Regular screen at RQA 5 and RQA 9 beam qualities). At low energy (RQA 3), the CR system has a comparable low-frequency DQE to screen-film systems when used with a fine screen at low and middle optical densities, and a superior low-frequency DQE at high optical density.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to statistically model the relative increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) per year older in Data collection on Adverse events of anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) and to compare this with the relative increased risk of CVD per year older in general population risk equations. METHODS: We analysed three endpoints: myocardial infarction (MI), coronary heart disease (CHD: MI or invasive coronary procedure) and CVD (CHD or stroke). We fitted a number of parametric age effects, adjusting for known risk factors and antiretroviral therapy (ART) use. The best-fitting age effect was determined using the Akaike information criterion. We compared the ageing effect from D:A:D with that from the general population risk equations: the Framingham Heart Study, CUORE and ASSIGN risk scores. RESULTS: A total of 24 323 men were included in analyses. Crude MI, CHD and CVD event rates per 1000 person-years increased from 2.29, 3.11 and 3.65 in those aged 40-45 years to 6.53, 11.91 and 15.89 in those aged 60-65 years, respectively. The best-fitting models included inverse age for MI and age + age(2) for CHD and CVD. In D:A:D there was a slowly accelerating increased risk of CHD and CVD per year older, which appeared to be only modest yet was consistently raised compared with the risk in the general population. The relative risk of MI with age was not different between D:A:D and the general population. CONCLUSIONS: We found only limited evidence of accelerating increased risk of CVD with age in D:A:D compared with the general population. The absolute risk of CVD associated with HIV infection remains uncertain.