47 resultados para atom abstraction


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To provide nursing practice with evidence, it is important to understand nursing phenomena in detail. Therefore, good descriptions including the identification of characteristics and attributes of nursing phenomena on various levels of abstraction, i. e., concepts, are needed. In this article the significance of concept development for nursing science will be demonstrated by drawing on the example of 'transitoriness'. The evolutionary concept analysis proposed by Rodgers (2000) is introduced in more detail. Drawing on transitoriness, the phenomenon is presented with the help of the evolutionary concept analysis by Rodgers (2000). The phenomenon's characteristics and attributes are identified, as well as potential areas of application. Moreover, areas are outlined, in which interventions for nursing practice can be developed, implemented and evaluated. Thus, nursing practice is updated to include new findings and innovation. Through concept analysis nursing phenomena can be described in more detail, enhanced or broadened for use in nursing practice. Such structured processes as concept analysis can be employed successfully for other nursing phenomena. Concept analyses can lead to the identification of tasks for the respective scientific discipline and professionals. Thus, concept analyses can lead to the concretisation of tasks in nursing.


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Cognitive errors (CE) and coping strategies (CS) are the focus of most cognitive-behavioral treatments for incarcerated child molesters. Several studies have reported differences in CEs and CSs between child molesters and controls. However, the vast majority of these studies assessed cognitive errors and coping using questionnaires, which are known to present a number of important limitations. This pilot study aimed to compare the CEs and CSs of N = 17 incarcerated child abusers and N = 12 controls using observer-rated methods, namely the Cognitive Error Rating Scale (CERS; Drapeau et al., 2005) and the Coping Action Pattern Rating Scale (CAPRS; Perry, Drapeau, & Dunkley, 2005). Results showed that child molesters presented more cognitive errors, in particular positive selective abstraction, and lower coping functioning, such as escape strategies. Treatment and research implications, including the use of observer-rated methods, are discussed.


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The vigorous production of oxygenated fatty acids (oxylipins) is a characteristic response to pathogenesis and herbivory, and is often accompanied by the substantial release of small and reactive lipid-fragmentation products. Some oxylipins, most notably those of the jasmonate family, have key roles as potent regulators. Recent advances have been made in understanding oxylipin-regulated signal transduction in response to attack. Much jasmonate signaling takes place via a genetically defined signal network that is linked to the ethylene, auxin, and salicylic acid signal pathways, but a second aspect of jasmonate signaling is emerging. Some jasmonates and several newly discovered cyclopentenone lipids can activate or repress gene expression through the activities of a conserved electrophilic atom group.


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BACKGROUND: Numerous trials of the efficacy of brief alcohol intervention have been conducted in various settings among individuals with a wide range of alcohol disorders. Nevertheless, the efficacy of the intervention is likely to be influenced by the context. We evaluated the evidence of efficacy of brief alcohol interventions aimed at reducing long-term alcohol use and related harm in individuals attending primary care facilities but not seeking help for alcohol-related problems. METHODS: We selected randomized trials reporting at least 1 outcome related to alcohol consumption conducted in outpatients who were actively attending primary care centers or seeing providers. Data sources were the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, ISI Web of Science, ETOH database, and bibliographies of retrieved references and previous reviews. Study selection and data abstraction were performed independently and in duplicate. We assessed the validity of the studies and performed a meta-analysis of studies reporting alcohol consumption at 6 or 12 months of follow-up. RESULTS: We examined 19 trials that included 5639 individuals. Seventeen trials reported a measure of alcohol consumption, of which 8 reported a significant effect of intervention. The adjusted intention-to-treat analysis showed a mean pooled difference of -38 g of ethanol (approximately 4 drinks) per week (95% confidence interval, -51 to -24 g/wk) in favor of the brief alcohol intervention group. Evidence of other outcome measures was inconclusive. CONCLUSION: Focusing on patients in primary care, our systematic review and meta-analysis indicated that brief alcohol intervention is effective in reducing alcohol consumption at 6 and 12 months.


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Rates of protein synthesis (PS) and turnover are more rapid during the neonatal period than during any other stage of postnatal life. Vitamin A and lactoferrin (Lf) can stimulate PS in neonates. However, newborn calves are vitamin A deficient and have a low Lf status, but plasma vitamin A and Lf levels increase rapidly after ingestion of colostrum. Neonatal calves (n = 6 per group) were fed colostrum or a milk-based formula without or with vitamin A, Lf, or vitamin A plus Lf to study PS in the jejunum and liver. l-[(13)C]Valine was intravenously administered to determine isotopic enrichment of free (nonprotein-bound) Val (AP(Free)) in the protein precursor pool, atom percentage excess (APE) of protein-bound Val, fractional protein synthesis rate (FSR) in the jejunum and liver, and isotopic enrichment of Val in plasma (APE(Pla)) and in the CO(2) of exhaled air (APE(Ex)). The APE, AP(Free), and FSR in the jejunum and liver did not differ significantly among groups. The APE(Ex) increased, whereas APE(Pla) decreased over time, but there were no group differences. Correlations were calculated between FSR(Jej) and histomorphometrical and histochemical data of the jejunum, and between FSR(Liv) and blood metabolites. There were negative correlations between FSR(Liv) and plasma albumin concentrations and between FSR(Jej) and the ratio of villus height:crypt depth, and there was a positive correlation between FSR(Jej) and small intestinal cell proliferation in crypts. Hence, there were no effects of vitamin A and Lf and no interactions between vitamin A and Lf on intestinal and hepatic PS. However, FSR(Jej) was correlated with histomorphometrical traits of the jejunum and FSR(Liv) was correlated with plasma albumin concentrations.


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Since the era of Gaupp who introduced the concept of atheroscletic depressive disorder, the concept of late-life depression has been correlated with cerebrovascular comorbidities, microvascular lesions, frontal cortical and subcortical gray and white matter hyperintensities. The predominant neuropsychological deficits concern the domains of planning, organization and abstraction, with executive dysfunction being the predominant finding. MRI studies reveal a higher prevalence of white matter lesions in elderly patients with depression. Molecular mechanisms underlying the disease still remain unclear. Hyperhomocysteinemia has been associated with depression through its toxicity to neurons and blood vessels. Endothelial dysfunction is another possible mechanism referring to the loss of vasodilatation capacity. Inflammatory phenomena, such as increased peripheral leucocytes, elevated CRP and cytokine levels, could play a role in endothelial dysfunction. In this review we will briefly combine findings from neurobiological, epidemiological, structural and post-mortem data. A more complex model in late-life depression combining different modalities could be an elucidating approach to the disease's etiopathogeny in the future.


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Metabolic problems lead to numerous failures during clinical trials, and much effort is now devoted to developing in silico models predicting metabolic stability and metabolites. Such models are well known for cytochromes P450 and some transferases, whereas less has been done to predict the activity of human hydrolases. The present study was undertaken to develop a computational approach able to predict the hydrolysis of novel esters by human carboxylesterase hCES2. The study involved first a homology modeling of the hCES2 protein based on the model of hCES1 since the two proteins share a high degree of homology (congruent with 73%). A set of 40 known substrates of hCES2 was taken from the literature; the ligands were docked in both their neutral and ionized forms using GriDock, a parallel tool based on the AutoDock4.0 engine which can perform efficient and easy virtual screening analyses of large molecular databases exploiting multi-core architectures. Useful statistical models (e.g., r (2) = 0.91 for substrates in their unprotonated state) were calculated by correlating experimental pK(m) values with distance between the carbon atom of the substrate's ester group and the hydroxy function of Ser228. Additional parameters in the equations accounted for hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between substrates and contributing residues. The negatively charged residues in the hCES2 cavity explained the preference of the enzyme for neutral substrates and, more generally, suggested that ligands which interact too strongly by ionic bonds (e.g., ACE inhibitors) cannot be good CES2 substrates because they are trapped in the cavity in unproductive modes and behave as inhibitors. The effects of protonation on substrate recognition and the contrasting behavior of substrates and products were finally investigated by MD simulations of some CES2 complexes.


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In der Pflegewissenschaft geben der Einsatz von Theorien und der daraus folgende Gewinn immer wieder Anlass zu Diskussionen. Ein Hauptvorwurf ist, dass Pflegetheorien als sehr abstrakt und wenig praxisnah gelten. Jedoch gibt es wenige Indikatoren, um das Abstraktionsniveau von Theorien und die damit verbundene Reichweite zu bestimmen. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden Fragen basierend auf die Definitionen und Grundannahmen von Theorien erstellt. Damit werden anschließend drei ausgesuchte Theorien auf ihr Abstraktionsniveau und Reichweite untersucht. Es wurden 18 Fragen zu den drei Bereichen ,,Zweck der Theorie", ,,Aufgabe der Theorie" und ,,Beschreibung der Theorie" entwickelt. Diese 18 Fragen wurden auf die Theorie der Adaptation von Sister Callista Roy, die Theorie zur Unsicherheit von Merle M. Mishel und die Theorie der Omnipräsenz von Krebs von Maya Shaha angewendet. [The use of nursing theories and their associated benefits remain an area of repeated discussion in nursing. One of the main objections is that nursing theories are abstract and therefore cannot be easily applied to practice. However, only few indicators exist to help identify a theory's level of abstraction or its scope. In this article, questions based on definitions and assumptions of theories have been developed. These questions have then been applied to three selected theories to investigate their level of abstraction and scope. A total of 18 questions divided into three domains were developed. The three categories were: ,,the purpose of the theory", ,,the aim of the theory" and ,,the description of the theory". The theory of Adaptation by Sister Callista Roy, the Theory of Uncertainty by Merle M. Mishel and the Theory of the Omnipresence of Cancer by Maya Shaha were selected to be analysed following the three domains with the 18 questions.]


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À l'heure où la fascination esthétisante pour « l'horreur » semble gagner des adeptes en nombre toujours croissant, tant d'un point de vue historiographique que des différents usages publics et politiques qui en sont faits, cette contribution vise à repenser la guerre en tant qu'espace social signifiant. Elle s'inscrit en effet dans des dynamiques sociales et politiques « ordinaires ». Elle ne peut, dans cette optique, faire abstraction de la compréhension de l'ordre social existant avec son lot d'oppression, mais aussi de refus et de révolte. Cette contribution se propose d'envisager, à partir du cas italien, un cas limite trop souvent oublié dans l'historiographie européenne du premier conflit mondial, les pratiques mais aussi les représentations sociales du conflit, afin de saisir ce que la guerre peut apporter à la compréhension de la conflictualité sociale au début du XXe siècle. Mais aussi de chercher à savoir comment les « résistances » ouvertes ou celées qui s'expriment au cours de la guerre faite et vécue transforment le rapport des soldats à leur groupe social.


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A novel approach to the study of hepatic glycogen kinetics and fractional gluconeogenesis in vivo is described. Ten healthy female subjects were fed an iso-caloric diet containing 55% carbohydrate energy with a 13C abundance of 1.083 atom percent for a 3-day baseline period; then, a diet of similar composition, but providing carbohydrate with a 13C abundance of 1.093 atom percent was started and continued for 5 days. Resting respiratory gas exchanges, urinary nitrogen excretion, breath 13CO2 and plasma 13C glucose were measured every morning in the fasting state. The enrichment in 13C of hepatic glycogen was calculated from these measured data. 13C glycogen enrichment increased after switching to a 13C enriched carbohydrate diet, and was identical to the 13C enrichment of dietary carbohydrates after 3 days. The time required to renew 50% of hepatic glycogen, as determined from the kinetics of 13C glycogen enrichment, was 18.9 +/- 3.6 h. Fractional gluconeogenesis, as determined from the difference between the enrichments of glucose oxidized originating from hepatic glycogen and plasma glucose 13C was 50.8 +/- 5.3%. This non-invasive method will allow the study of hepatic glycogen metabolism in insulin-resistant patients.


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Le neuroscienze occupano oggi un ruolo essenziale nel dibattito scientifico e filosofico, nonché in quello delle scienze umane. Esse costituiscono la sfida più seria al sapere fin qui elaborato intorno ai fondamenti dell'esperienza di coscienza, poiché si propongono come capaci di rispondere alla domanda di origine e funzionamento della coscienza. Le neuroscienze cognitive stanno, oggi, rivoluzionando la nostra concezione della mente e delle sue funzioni. Ci forniscono nuovi dati sulla natura delle sensazioni, della memoria, della percezione e dei processi di astrazione. L'epistemologia è rientrata così pienamente nell'ambito di una disciplina sperimentale, come diversi filosofi (da Hume a Quine) hanno auspicato. È, alla fine, evoluta nell'esperienza odierna della cosiddetta "epistemologia sperimentale", luogo che coniuga il rigore sperimentale della scienza con la profondità e la sofisticazione argomentativa della tradizione filosofica. Come arriviamo a conoscere? Quali vincoli poniamo a quello che deve essere conosciuto? Perché seguiamo certe vie invece di altre? Come arriviamo a formulare giudizi e a prendere decisioni? Che valore ha la conoscenza già acquisita nell'elaborazione di nuove esperienze? In particolare, che peso hanno le aspettative e i ricordi in questo processo? Qual è il rapporto fra esperienza, conoscenza e memoria? Come si fissano e come si richiamano i ricordi? Qual è il rapporto fra coscienza e memoria? Sono alcune delle domande che l'autore si pone in questa ottica e alle quali cerca di rispondere, a partire dall'analisi e valutazione del dialogo-dibattito fra J.-P. Changeux e P. Ricoeur, per apprenderne il linguaggio, capire i problemi sollevati, adattarsi alla complessità della materia. Nel contesto della filosofia della mente, la "lettura" della discussione ripercorre i relativi percorsi attraverso l'analisi delle loro opere, da un lato quelle dello scienziato (sulla struttura e dinamica del cervello, la teoria dell'epigenesi e stabilizzazione selettiva, le speculazioni sull'uomo neuronale e i rilievi antropologici, le teorie della conoscenza e della coscienza, oltre che sulla conoscenza matematica, gli argomenti di estetica ed etica); dall'altro lato quelle del filosofo (dal Cogito riflessivo alla scoperta dell'ermeneutica, dalle eterogenee riflessioni sul Conflitto delle interpretazioni alla grande teoria sulla creatività del linguaggio, le conclusioni teoriche sull'ermeneutica del sé e l'ontologia dell'agire). Il punto di arrivo è la determinazione delle relative posizioni: quella di Changeux tra i neuroscienziati che si occupano di questioni filosofiche, epistemologiche ed etiche, e quella di Ricoeur tra i filosofi che si occupano di neuroscienze. La conclusione della tesi si svolge in un approfondimento teoretico che dalla nozione di "traccia" porta all'esperienza della "memoria", al fine di intrecciare i fili della discussione ripercorsa ed offrire una sponda non forzata al dibattito più ampio. Il tema della memoria è privilegiato per ragioni intrinseche, poiché si tratta di uno dei temi precipui delle neuroscienze, della filosofia della mente e della fenomenologia. A un primo livello viene instaurato su questo punto un confronto epistemologico tra la proposta della neurofenomenologia (Varala, ad esempio) e la posizione tenuta in particolare da Ricoeur rispetto ad essa e al suo "progetto unificante", posizione defilata e, per certi aspetti, criticamente dubbiosa sul fatto che si possa davvero giungere a un "terzo discorso". Si riferisce poi del largo interesse e dei risultati più significativi della riflessione fenomenologica antica e moderna sulla memoria. A un secondo livello vengono illustrati i programmi di ricerca recenti della neurofenomenologia su questo argomento all'interno delle scienze cognitive e si dà conto dei risultati più significativi. Ad un terzo e conclusivo livello, si approfondisce il significato teologico della memoria. Les neurosciences ont aujourd'hui un rôle essentiel dans le débat scientifique et philosophique, ainsi que dans celui des sciences humaines. Elles constituent le défi le plus sérieux aux savoir qu'on a construit jusqu'ici sur les fondements de l'expérience de conscience, attendu qu'elles-mêmes se considèrent capables de répondre à la demande sur l'origine e le fonctionnement de la conscience. Les neurosciences cognitives sont aujourd'hui en train de révolutionner notre conception de l'esprit et des ses fonctions. Elles nous offrent des nouvelles données au sujet de la nature de nos sensations, mémoire, perception et procédés d'abstraction. Aussi l'épistémologie est rentrée pleinement dans le domaine d'une discipline expérimentale, comme plusieurs philosophes (de Hume à Quine) l'ont souhaité. Elle s'est enfin adressée, dans l'expérience actuelle, vers la soi-disant "épistémologie expérimentale", lieu qui met en accord la rigueur expérimentale de la science avec la profondeur et la sophistiquée finesse argumentative de la tradition philosophique. Comment en arrivons-nous à connaître? Quels liens mettons-nous à ce qu'on doit être connu? Pourquoi suivons-nous certaines vois au lieu d'autres? Comment en arrivons-nous à formuler des opinions et à prendre des décisions? Quelle valeur a la connaissance qu'on a déjà acquise par l'élaboration des nouvelles expériences? En particulier, quelle est l'importance des attentes et des souvenirs dans cette évolution? Quel est le rapport entre expérience, connaissance e mémoire? Comment fixons et rappelons-nous nos souvenirs? Quel est le rapport entre conscience et mémoire? Ces sont quelques-unes des questions que l'auteur se pose dans cette perspective et aux quelles essaie de répondre a partir de l'analyse et l'évaluation du dialogue-débat entre fra J.-P. Changeux et P. Ricoeur, pour en apprendre le langage, comprendre les problèmes soulevés, s'adapter à la complexité du sujet. Dans le contexte de la philosophie du cerveau, la "lecture" du dialogue reparcourt les parcours des deux interlocuteurs par l'analyse de leur ouvrages, d'une part celles du savant (sur la structure et la dynamique du cerveau, la théorie de l'épigenèse et stabilisation sélective; les spéculations sur l'homme neuronal et les commentaires anthropologiques; les théories de la connaissance et de la conscience, de même que sur la connaissance de la mathématique, les sujets d'esthétique et étique; d'autre part celles du philosophe (du Cogito réflexif à la découverte de l'herméneutique, de les hétérogènes réflexions sur le Conflit des interprétations à la grande théorie sur la créativité du langage, les conclusions théoriques sur l'herméneutique du soi et l'ontologie de l'agir). L'issue est la determination des relatives positions: celle de Changeux parmi les neuro-scientifiques qui s'occupent de questions philosophiques, épistémologiques et éthiques, et celle de Ricoeur parmi les philosophes qui s'occupent de neurosciences. La conclusion de la thèse se développe dans un approfondissement théorétique que de la notion de "trace" à l'expérience de la "mémoire", à l'effet de nouer les fils de la discussion passée en revue et d'assurer un appui pas forcé au débat plus vaste. Le thème de la mémoire a été choisi pour des raisons intrinsèques, puisqu'il est un des thèmes principaux des neurosciences, de la philosophie de l'esprit et de la phénoménologie. Sur un premier plan épistémologique il est établi une comparaison entre la proposition de la neurophénoménologie (Varala, par exemple) et la position soutenue en particulier par Ricoeur au sujet de ce courant phénoménologique et de son "projet unifiant", position défilée et, à certains égards, critiquement hésitante sur le fait qu'on puisse vraiment en venir à un "troisième discours". On rend compte du grand intérêt et des résultats les plus significatifs de la réflexion phénoménologique ancienne et moderne sur la mémoire. Sur un second plan neurophénoménologique on illustre des plans de recherche récents sur cet argument au-dedans des sciences cognitives et on rend compte des résultats les plus distinctives. Sur un troisième et conclusif plan on approfondit le sens théologique de la mémoire.


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RESUME DE LA THESE Introduction. Les traitements de la phase aiguë d'un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ischémique ne peuvent être proposés actuellement qu'à une minorité de patients. Nous avons évalué l'accès à la thrombolyse des patients admis pour un AVC aigu dans un hôpital régional de Suisse romande (Neuchâtel) et l'avons comparé avec celui d'un centre universitaire de référence, distant de 75 km, administrant directement ce type de traitement (CHUV, Lausanne). Méthodes. Tous les cas admis à l'hôpital à Neuchâtel pour une suspicion d'AVC aigu sur une période de 2 ans ont été analysés rétrospectivement au niveau de la phase pré-hospitalière et hospitalière par rapport à la possibilité d'une thrombolyse. Résultats. Chez 120 patients (54%), le diagnostic d'AVC ischémique a été confirmé. Si l'on fait abstraction du facteur temps, 46 patients (38.3%) auraient été éligibles pour une thrombolyse sur des critères cliniques et radiologiques. Trois patients (2.5%) ont finalement bénéficié d'une thrombolyse intraveineuse (iv) dans un intervalle de 3 heures après transfert au CHUV. En comparaison, 33 patients (7%) ont été traités au CHUV durant la même période. Conclusion. Grâce notamment à l'avènement de la télémédecine, la pratique de la thrombolyse iv dans des centres régionaux sélectionnés pourrait contribuer à rendre ce traitement plus accessible.


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Pyochelin (Pch) and enantio-pyochelin (EPch) are enantiomer siderophores that are produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens, respectively, under iron limitation. Pch promotes growth of P. aeruginosa when iron is scarce, and EPch carries out the same biological function in P. fluorescens. However, the two siderophores are unable to promote growth in the heterologous species, indicating that siderophore-mediated iron uptake is highly stereospecific. In the present work, using binding and iron uptake assays, we found that FptA, the Fe-Pch outer membrane transporter of P. aeruginosa, recognized (K(d) = 2.5 +/- 1.1 nm) and transported Fe-Pch but did not interact with Fe-EPch. Likewise, FetA, the Fe-EPch receptor of P. fluorescens, was specific for Fe-EPch (K(d) = 3.7 +/- 2.1 nm) but did not bind and transport Fe-Pch. Growth promotion experiments performed under iron-limiting conditions confirmed that FptA and FetA are highly specific for Pch and EPch, respectively. When fptA and fetA along with adjacent transport genes involved in siderophore uptake were swapped between the two bacterial species, P. aeruginosa became able to utilize Fe-EPch as an iron source, and P. fluorescens was able to grow with Fe-Pch. Docking experiments using the FptA structure and binding assays showed that the stereospecificity of Pch recognition by FptA was mostly due to the configuration of the siderophore chiral centers C4'' and C2'' and was only weakly dependent on the configuration of the C4' carbon atom. Together, these findings increase our understanding of the stereospecific interaction between Pch and its outer membrane receptor FptA.


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Abstract This PhD thesis addresses the issue of alleviating the burden of developing ad hoc applications. Such applications have the particularity of running on mobile devices, communicating in a peer-to-peer manner and implement some proximity-based semantics. A typical example of such application can be a radar application where users see their avatar as well as the avatars of their friends on a map on their mobile phone. Such application become increasingly popular with the advent of the latest generation of mobile smart phones with their impressive computational power, their peer-to-peer communication capabilities and their location detection technology. Unfortunately, the existing programming support for such applications is limited, hence the need to address this issue in order to alleviate their development burden. This thesis specifically tackles this problem by providing several tools for application development support. First, it provides the location-based publish/subscribe service (LPSS), a communication abstraction, which elegantly captures recurrent communication issues and thus allows to dramatically reduce the code complexity. LPSS is implemented in a modular manner in order to be able to target two different network architectures. One pragmatic implementation is aimed at mainstream infrastructure-based mobile networks, where mobile devices can communicate through fixed antennas. The other fully decentralized implementation targets emerging mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), where no fixed infrastructure is available and communication can only occur in a peer-to-peer fashion. For each of these architectures, various implementation strategies tailored for different application scenarios that can be parametrized at deployment time. Second, this thesis provides two location-based message diffusion protocols, namely 6Shot broadcast and 6Shot multicast, specifically aimed at MANETs and fine tuned to be used as building blocks for LPSS. Finally this thesis proposes Phomo, a phone motion testing tool that allows to test proximity semantics of ad hoc applications without having to move around with mobile devices. These different developing support tools have been packaged in a coherent middleware framework called Pervaho.


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Résumé de la thèseLe présent travail analyse la notion d'autonomie en éthique biomédicale et en propose unecompréhension à partir des théories de la délibération éthique. La thèse s'articule en deux parties.La première partie consiste en l'examen de la conception de l'autonomie développée en éthiquebiomédicale. Notamment, on retrace les origines de la notion de l'autonomie du patient dans lecontexte états-unien, on analyse l'élaboration de l'autonomie sous la forme de principe éthique, etl'on considère les critiques qui lui ont été adressées. Cette première partie débouche sur la thèsesuivante: en éthique biomédicale, l'autonomie est pensée comme un outil pour la légitimation deschoix, des pratiques, ou des politiques de santé, non pas comme réflexion critique sur les raisonspour agir ou sur les conditions des choix. Le risque est que l'autonomie se réduise à un dispositif dereproduction des normes et des conditions de l'interaction, sans pour autant remettre en discussionla rationalité médicale qui prédispose les options de choix et qui justifie les pratiques et lespolitiques dans le contexte du soin. Cette conception de l'autonomie présuppose une théorie de ladélibération éthique «en troisième personne». Selon cette théorie, la délibération consiste en uneprise de distance du point de vue subjectif de l'agent, pour assumer un point de vue plus objectif: lepoint de vue d'un «spectateur» impartial. Ainsi, le but de la délibération éthique est l'élaboration deraisons morales objectives, partageables par toute personne raisonnable, pouvant générer unconsensus sur la justification des actions. Cette théorie de la délibération a une implicationimportante pour la conception de l'autonomie en éthique biomédicale: l'autonomie est représentéecomme un principe moral partageable, comme le résultat d'un processus d'abstraction réflexive.Selon une théorie de la délibération éthique différente, que l'on appelle «en première personne», onpeut apprécier la valeur de l'autonomie seulement du point de vue de l'«agent». Ainsi, l'autonomieest la véritable modalité de la délibération éthique, dont le but est la constitution de soi-même, deson intégrité et identité morale. Dans ce travail, on s'est donc demandé si et comment cette manièrede concevoir la délibération du point de vue de l'agent peut apporter quelque chose à lacompréhension de la valeur de l'autonomie personnelle en éthique biomédicale.La deuxième partie de la thèse explore deux modèles de l'autonomie en première personnedéveloppés dans le débat philosophique plus récent: le modèle «hiérarchique» et le modèle«constructiviste kantien». Les deux modèles débouchent sur une compréhension «monologique» del'autonomie, qui est centrée sur l'agent et qui ne tient pas suffisamment compte du contexterelationnel du soin. Pour apprécier la valeur de l'autonomie dans les relations intersubjectives il fautadopter une perspective différente, que l'on appelle «en deuxième personne». Selon cette théorie, ladélibération est un dialogue entre les agents et l'autonomie est issue d'une relation de respect etreconnaissance réciproque. Comme l'autonomie est toujours issue d'une relation de réciprocité,comme elle est essentiellement relationnelle, elle n'est pas une entreprise simplement singulièremais toujours et inévitablement plurielle, collective. Ainsi, l'autonomie peut représenter un idéalnon seulement personnel mais aussi public. Il s'agit d'un idéal qu'on peut adopter dans nos relationsréciproques, un idéal normatif qui nous demande d'interroger la praticabilité de l'autonomie, c'est-àdired'identifier les sources de sa vulnérabilité. Cette vulnérabilité se situe à trois niveaux: au niveaudes relations interpersonnelles, au niveau des pratiques et des institutions, et au niveau des liensd'appartenance à des communautés culturelles ou à des groupes sociaux, qui contribuent à définirles relations réciproques et donc l'exercice de l'autonomie. Ces trois sources de vulnérabilité del'autonomie se retrouvent, toutes les trois, dans le contexte du soin. Selon cette conception del'autonomie, le but de la délibération n'est ni l'élaboration des raisons objectives, ni simplement laconstitution de sa propre identité ou intégrité, quant plutôt la construction de notre monde social.Ainsi, l'autonomie est quelque chose dont on est responsables, quelque chose qui nous engage àentrer en dialogue avec l'autre comme interlocuteurs dans une communauté morale.