39 resultados para aço inoxidavel duplex


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BACKGROUND: The superficial femoral vein (SFV) is a well-established alternative conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructivenous hypertension after SFV harvest may however result in significant morbidity. This study reports the efficiency of SFV as conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions and characterize the anatomic and physiologic changes in harvest limbs and their relationship to the development of venous complications. METHODS: From May 1999 through November 2003, 23 SFV were harvested from 21 patients undergoing infra-inguinal reconstructions. Bypasses were controlled by regular duplex-ultrasound. The venous morbidity was assessed by measurements of leg circumferences, strain-gauge plethysmography and quality of life, investigated by the VEINES-QOL scale. RESULTS: At a mean follow-up of 10.4 months (range 1-56), primary, secondary patency and limb salvage rates of infra-inguinal bypasses using SFV are 71.4%, 76.2% and 85.7% respectively. No patient had major venous claudication. Oedema was significantly present in nine patients. Strain-gauge plethysmography showed outflow obstruction in all patients. The VEINES-QOL assessment showed no limitation in social and domestic activity, moderate complain about leg heaviness despite presence of oedema. CONCLUSION: The SFV harvest is a reliable conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions and results in moderate venous morbidity in terms of functional consequences and quality of life.


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BACKGROUND: Vascular reconstructions are becoming challenging due to the comorbidity of the aging population and since the introduction of minimally invasive approaches. Many sutureless anastomosis devices have been designed to facilitate the cardiovascular surgeon's work and the vascular join (VJ) is one of these. We designed an animal study to assess its reliability and long-term efficacy. METHODS: VJ allows the construction of end-to-end and end-to-side anastomoses. It consists of two metallic crowns fixed to the extremity of the two conduits so that vessel edges are joined layer by layer. There is no foreign material exposed to blood. In adult sheep both carotid arteries were prepared and severed. End-to-end anastomoses were performed using the VJ device on one side and the classical running suture technique on the other side. Animals were followed-up with Duplex-scan every 3 months and sacrificed after 12 months. Histopathological analysis was carried out. RESULTS: In 20 animals all 22 sutureless anastomoses were successfully completed in less than 2 min versus 6 +/- 3 min for running suture. Duplex showed the occlusion of three controls and one sutureless anastomosis. Two controls and one sutureless had stenosis >50%. Histology showed very thin layer of myointimal hyperplasia (50 +/- 10 microm) in the sutureless group versus 300 +/- 27 microm in the control. No significant inflammatory reaction was detected. CONCLUSIONS: VJ provides edge-to-edge vascular repair that can be considered the most physiological way to restore vessel continuity. For the first time, in healthy sheep, an anastomotic device provided better results than suture technique.


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Objective: The vascular access steal syndrome is a complication occurring in 1-6% after native arterio-venous (AV) fistulas, often due to huge diameter of the vein. This results in very high flow, which could also be responsible for cardiac overload. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of a new approach in the treatment of this pathology using open-pore external scaffolding prosthesis.Methods: This a retrospective review of all patients presenting symptomatic high flow after native AV fistula between January 2007 and December 2009 in 3 vascular centers. Pre-operative duplex exam confirmed the diagnosis of high flow. The operation consisted in preparation of the whole fistula, measurement of the flow and section on the venous side. The vein was wrapped with this 6 to 8 mm open-pore external scaffolding prosthesis (ProVena, BBraun, Germany) according to its diameter and to the flow and then sutured. Measurement of the flow was repeated. Patients were followed by duplex exam at 1 week and at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Procedural success was defined as complete implantation of the prosthesis and reduction of the flow. Primary outcomes were reduction of the flow and recovery of the symptoms and secondary endpoint was patency of the fistula.Results: During the study period, 14 patients, with a mean age of 65・8 years old, have been operated with this technique.There were 2 native forearmfistulas and 12 on the armwith a mean pre-operative flow of 2600 ml/min (1800-3800). The mode of presentation was pain in 6 patients, neurological disorders in 10 and necrosis in 4. Moreover, 3 patients had cardiac insufficiency due to high flow in the fistula. The procedure was technically successful in 100% of cases. Re-intervention was necessary in 2 patients due to hematoma. Recovery of the initial symptoms occurred in 13 patients (93%). The mean flow reduction was 1200 ml/min (600-2000). In 1 patient, a persistent steal syndrome despite flow reduction to 1400 ml/min resulted in fistula closure 2 months later. At a mean follow-up of 22 months (4-35), all remaining patients (13/14) presented a patent fistula without recurrence.Conclusion: This new approach seems to be safe and effective in the treatment of symptomatic high flow native AV fistulas by significantly reducing the flow and avoiding closure of the vascular access. Longer follow-up with more patients are necessary to evaluate the risk of recurrence.


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The 20 amino acid residue peptides derived from RecA loop L2 have been shown to be the pairing domain of RecA. The peptides bind to ss- and dsDNA, unstack ssDNA, and pair the ssDNA to its homologous target in a duplex DNA. As shown by circular dichroism, upon binding to DNA the disordered peptides adopt a beta-structure conformation. Here we show that the conformational change of the peptide from random coil to beta-structure is important in binding ss- and dsDNA. The beta-structure in the DNA pairing peptides can be induced by many environmental conditions such as high pH, high concentration, and non-micellar sodium dodecyl sulfate (6 mM). This behavior indicates an intrinsic property of these peptides to form a beta-structure. A beta-structure model for the loop L2 of RecA protein when bound to DNA is thus proposed. The fact that aromatic residues at the central position 203 strongly modulate the peptide binding to DNA and subsequent biochemical activities can be accounted for by the direct effect of the aromatic amino acids on the peptide conformational change. The DNA-pairing domain of RecA visualized by electron microscopy self-assembles into a filamentous structure like RecA. The relevance of such a peptide filamentous structure to the structure of RecA when bound to DNA is discussed.


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In bacteria, genetic recombination is catalysed by RecA protein, the product of the recA gene. A human gene that shares homology with Escherichia coli recA (and its yeast homologue RAD51) has been cloned from a testis cDNA library, and its 37 kDa product (hRad51) purified to homogeneity. The human Rad51 protein binds to single- and double-stranded DNA and exhibits DNA-dependent ATPase activity. Using a topological assay, we demonstrate that hRad51 underwinds duplex DNA, in a reaction dependent upon the presence of ATP or its non-hydrolysable analogue ATP gamma S. Complexes formed with single- and double-stranded DNA have been observed by electron microscopy following negative staining. With nicked duplex DNA, hRad51 forms helical nucleoprotein filaments which exhibit the striated appearance characteristic of RecA or yeast Rad51 filaments. Contour length measurements indicate that the DNA is underwound and extended within the nucleoprotein complex. In contrast to yeast Rad51 protein, human Rad51 forms filaments with single-stranded DNA in the presence of ATP/ATP gamma S. These resemble the inactive form of the RecA filament which is observed in the absence of a nucleotide cofactor.


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Three phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-related protein kinases implement cellular responses to DNA damage. DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated respond primarily to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Ataxia-telangiectasia and RAD3-related (ATR) signals the accumulation of replication protein A (RPA)-covered single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), which is caused by replication obstacles. Stalled replication intermediates can further degenerate and yield replication-associated DSBs. In this paper, we show that the juxtaposition of a double-stranded DNA end and a short ssDNA gap triggered robust activation of endogenous ATR and Chk1 in human cell-free extracts. This DNA damage signal depended on DNA-PKcs and ATR, which congregated onto gapped linear duplex DNA. DNA-PKcs primed ATR/Chk1 activation through DNA structure-specific phosphorylation of RPA32 and TopBP1. The synergistic activation of DNA-PKcs and ATR suggests that the two kinases combine to mount a prompt and specific response to replication-born DSBs.


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Eukaryotic cells encode two homologs of Escherichia coli RecA protein, Rad51 and Dmc1, which are required for meiotic recombination. Rad51, like E.coli RecA, forms helical nucleoprotein filaments that promote joint molecule and heteroduplex DNA formation. Electron microscopy reveals that the human meiosis-specific recombinase Dmc1 forms ring structures that bind single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) DNA. The protein binds preferentially to ssDNA tails and gaps in duplex DNA. hDmc1-ssDNA complexes exhibit an irregular, often compacted structure, and promote strand-transfer reactions with homologous duplex DNA. hDmc1 binds duplex DNA with reduced affinity to form nucleoprotein complexes. In contrast to helical RecA/Rad51 filaments, however, Dmc1 filaments are composed of a linear array of stacked protein rings. Consistent with the requirement for two recombinases in meiotic recombination, hDmc1 interacts directly with hRad51.


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Homologous recombination is important for the repair of double-strand breaks during meiosis. Eukaryotic cells require two homologs of Escherichia coli RecA protein, Rad51 and Dmc1, for meiotic recombination. To date, it is not clear, at the biochemical level, why two homologs of RecA are necessary during meiosis. To gain insight into this, we purified Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad51 and Dmc1 to homogeneity. Purified Rad51 and Dmc1 form homo-oligomers, bind single-stranded DNA preferentially, and exhibit DNA-stimulated ATPase activity. Both Rad51 and Dmc1 promote the renaturation of complementary single-stranded DNA. Importantly, Rad51 and Dmc1 proteins catalyze ATP-dependent strand exchange reactions with homologous duplex DNA. Electron microscopy reveals that both S. pombe Rad51 and Dmc1 form nucleoprotein filaments. Rad51 formed helical nucleoprotein filaments on single-stranded DNA, whereas Dmc1 was found in two forms, as helical filaments and also as stacked rings. These results demonstrate that Rad51 and Dmc1 are both efficient recombinases in lower eukaryotes and reveal closer functional and structural similarities between the meiotic recombinase Dmc1 and Rad51. The DNA strand exchange activity of both Rad51 and Dmc1 is most likely critical for proper meiotic DNA double-strand break repair in lower eukaryotes.


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A second collaborative exercise on RNA/DNA co-analysis for body fluid identification and STR profiling was organized by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP). Six human blood stains, two blood dilution series (5-0.001 μl blood) and, optionally, bona fide or mock casework samples of human or non-human origin were analyzed by the participating laboratories using a RNA/DNA co-extraction or solely RNA extraction method. Two novel mRNA multiplexes were used for the identification of blood: a highly sensitive duplex (HBA, HBB) and a moderately sensitive pentaplex (ALAS2, CD3G, ANK1, SPTB and PBGD). The laboratories used different chemistries and instrumentation. All of the 18 participating laboratories were able to successfully isolate and detect mRNA in dried blood stains. Thirteen laboratories simultaneously extracted RNA and DNA from individual stains and were able to utilize mRNA profiling to confirm the presence of blood and to obtain autosomal STR profiles from the blood stain donors. The positive identification of blood and good quality DNA profiles were also obtained from old and compromised casework samples. The method proved to be reproducible and sensitive using different analysis strategies. The results of this collaborative exercise involving a RNA/DNA co-extraction strategy support the potential use of an mRNA based system for the identification of blood in forensic casework that is compatible with current DNA analysis methodology.


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PURPOSE: Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the gold standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. However, the physiologic impact of CPAP on cerebral blood flow (CBF) is not well established. Ultrasound can be used to estimate CBF, but there is no widespread accepted protocol. We studied the physiologic influence of CPAP on CBF using a method integrating arterial diameter and flow velocity (FV) measurements obtained for each vessel supplying blood to the brain. METHODS: FV and lumen diameter of the left and right internal carotid, vertebral, and middle cerebral arteries were measured using duplex Doppler ultrasound with and without CPAP at 15 cm H(2)O, applied in a random order. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide (PtcCO(2)), heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), and oxygen saturation were monitored. Results were compared with a theoretical prediction of CBF change based on the effect of partial pressure of carbon dioxide on CBF. RESULTS: Data were obtained from 23 healthy volunteers (mean ± SD; 12 male, age 25.1 ± 2.6 years, body mass index 21.8 ± 2.0 kg/m(2)). The mean experimental and theoretical CBF decrease under CPAP was 12.5 % (p < 0.001) and 11.9 % (p < 0.001), respectively. The difference between experimental and theoretical CBF reduction was not statistically significant (3.84 ± 79 ml/min, p = 0.40). There was a significant reduction in PtcCO(2) with CPAP (p = <0.001) and a significant increase in mean BP (p = 0.0017). No significant change was observed in SaO(2) (p = 0.21) and HR (p = 0.62). CONCLUSION: Duplex Doppler ultrasound measurements of arterial diameter and FV allow for a noninvasive bedside estimation of CBF. CPAP at 15 cm H(2)O significantly decreased CBF in healthy awake volunteers. This effect appeared to be mediated predominately through the hypocapnic vasoconstriction coinciding with PCO(2) level reduction. The results suggest that CPAP should be used cautiously in patients with unstable cerebral hemodynamics.


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Objectives: The study aims to assess the feasibility and midterm outcome of trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for coeliac artery compression syndrome (CACS).Design: Retrospective chart review involving four European vascular surgery departments and two surgical teams.Materials and methods: charts for patients who underwent laparoscopy for symptomatic CACS between December 2003 and November 2009 were reviewed. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) angiography and postoperative duplex scan and/or CT angiography were performed.Results: Eleven consecutive patients (nine women) with a median age of 52 years (interquartile range: 42.5-59 years) underwent trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for CACS. All patients had a history of postprandial abdominal pain; weight loss exceeded 10% of the body mass in eight cases. Preoperative CT angiography revealed coeliac trunk stenosis >70% in all cases. One patient had additional aortitis and inferior mesenteric artery occlusion, while another patient presented with an occluded superior mesenteric artery. Two conversions occurred (one difficult dissection and one aorto-hepatic bypass needed for incomplete release of CACS). The median blood loss was 195 ml (range: 50-900 ml) and median operative time was 80 min (interquartile range: 65-162.5 years). Symptoms improved immediately in 10/11 patients (no residual stenosis) while one remained unchanged despite a residual stenosis treated by a percutaneous angioplasty. Symptoms reappeared in one patient due to coeliac axis occlusion. The mean follow-up period was 35 +/- 23 months (range: 12-78 months).Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for treating median arcuate ligament syndrome is safe and feasible. Additional patients and a longer follow-up are needed for long-term assessment of this laparoscopic technique. (C) 2011 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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SPP1-encoded replicative DNA helicase gene 40 product (G40P) is an essential product for phage replication. Hexameric G40P, in the presence of AMP-PNP, preferentially binds unstructured single-stranded (ss)DNA in a sequence-independent manner. The efficiency of ssDNA binding, nucleotide hydrolysis and the unwinding activity of G40P are affected in a different manner by different nucleotide cofactors. Nuclease protection studies suggest that G40P protects the 5' tail of a forked molecule, and the duplex region at the junction against exonuclease attack. G40P does not protect the 3' tail of a forked molecule from exonuclease attack. By using electron microscopy we confirm that the ssDNA transverses the centre of the hexameric ring. Our results show that hexameric G40P DNA helicase encircles the 5' tail, interacts with the duplex DNA at the ss-double-stranded DNA junction and excludes the 3' tail of the forked DNA.


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AIM: Chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI) often requires venous bypass grafting to distal arterial segments. However, graft patency is influenced by the length and quality of the graft and occasionally patients may have limited suitable veins. We investigated short distal bypass grafting from the superficial femoral or popliteal artery to the infrapopliteal, ankle or foot arteries, despite angiographic alterations of inflow vessels, providing that invasive pressure measurement at the site of the planned proximal anastomosis revealed an inflow-brachial pressure difference of <or=10 mmHg. METHODS: Four hundred and twenty-three consecutive infrainguinal bypass grafts were performed for CLI between June, 1999 and November, 2002 at our institution. All patients underwent preoperative clinical examination, arteriography and assessment of the veins by duplex ultrasound. The study group are patients in whom the proximal and distal anastomoses of the bypass are below the femoral bifurcation and the popliteal artery, respectively. Invasive arterial pressure measurements were recorded at the level of the planned proximal anastomosis which was performed at that level if the difference of the inflow-brachial pressure was <or=10 mmHg, irrespective of angiographic alterations of the inflow vessels proximal to the planned anastomosis. All patients had a clinical follow-up included a duplex examination of their graft, at 1 week, 3, 9 and 12 months and, thereafter, annually. No patient was lost to follow-up. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients underwent 71 short distal bypass grafts in 71 limbs with reversed saphenous vein grafts in 52, in situ saphenous veins in 11, reversed cephalic vein in 1 and composite veins in 7, respectively. Surgical or endovascular interventions to improve inflow were required in 4 limbs (5.6%). The mean follow-up time was 22.5 months and the two-year survival was 92.5%. Primary and secondary patency rates at 2 years were 73% and 93%, respectively, and the limb salvage rate was 98.5%. CONCLUSION: In appropriately selected patients, short distal venous bypass grafts can be performed with satisfactory patency and limb salvage rates even in the presence of morphologic alterations of the inflow vessels providing that these are not hemodynamically significant, or can be corrected intraoperatively.


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A novel type of triple-stranded DNA structure was proposed by several groups to play a crucial role in homologous recognition between single- and double-stranded DNA molecules. In this still putative structure a duplex DNA was proposed to co-ordinate a homologous single strand in its major groove side. In contrast to the well-characterized pyrimidine-purine-pyrimidine triplexes in which the two like strands are antiparallel and which are restricted to poly-pyrimidine-containing stretches, the homology-specific triplexes would have like strands in parallel orientation and would not be restricted to any particular sequence provided that there is a homology between interacting DNA molecules. For many years the stereo-chemical possibility of forming homology-dependent three- or four-stranded DNA structures during the pairing stage of recombination reactions was seriously considered in published papers. However, only recently has there been a marked increase in the number of papers that have directly tested the formation of triple-stranded DNA structures during the actual pairing stage of the recombination reaction. Unfortunately the results of these tests are not totally clear cut; while some laboratories presented experimental evidence consistent with the formation of triplexes, others studying the same or very similar systems offered alternative explanations. The aim of this review is to present the current state of the central question in the mechanism of homologous recombination, namely, what kind of DNA structure is responsible for DNA homologous recognition. Is it a novel triplex structure or just a classical duplex?