46 resultados para ZERO-EMISSION
Rapport de synthèse : Les tumeurs de la paroi thoracique sont des pathologies graves dont le traitement principal consiste en une résection chirurgicale. L'enjeu majeur de cette intervention ontologique est de réséquer la totalité de la tumeur, ce qui nécessite une planification préopératoire minutieuse. Classiquement, l'identification et la localisation de la tumeur se fait à l'aide de la tomodensitométrie (computed tomography, CT) ou de l'imagerie par résonnance magnétique (1RM). Actuellement, l'imagerie nucléaire fonctionnelle par tomographie par émission de positons (positron emission tomography, PET) qui peut être couplée au CT (PET/CT) est de plus en plus appliquée aux patients présentant une tumeur maligne. Son efficacité a fréquemment été démontrée. Le but de la présente étude est d'évaluer la valeur du PET dans la planification de la résection des tumeurs de la paroi thoracique. Une analyse rétrospective de dix-huit patients opérés entre 2004 et 2006 a été réalisée; Dans ce groupe de patient, la taille de la tumeur mesurée sur la pièce opératoire réséquée a été comparée à la taille de la tumeur mesurée sur le CT et le PET. Les résultats démontrent que le CT surestimait de manière consistante la taille réelle de la tumeur par rapport au PET (+64% par rapport à +1%, P<0.001). De plus, le PET s'est avéré particulièrement performant pour prédire la taille des tumeurs de plus de 5.5 cm de diamètre par rapport au CT (valeur prédictive positive 80% par rapport à 44% et spécificité 93% par apport à 64%, respectivement). Cette étude démontre que le PET permettrait de mesurer la taille des tumeurs de la paroi thoracique de manière plus précise que le CT. Cette nouvelle modalité diagnostique s'avèrerait donc utile pour planifier les résections chirurgicales de telles tumeurs. A notre connaissance, aucune publication ne décrit la valeur du PET dans ce domaine. Les performances accrues du PET permettraient une meilleure délimitation des tumeurs ce qui améliorerait la précision de la résection chirurgicale. En conclusion, cette étude préliminaire rétrospective démontre la faisabilité du PET pour les tumeurs de la paroi thoracique. Ces résultats devraient être confirmés par une étude prospective incluant un plus grand nombre de patients avec la perspective de juger l'impact clinique réel du PET sur la prise en charge thérapeutique des patients.
PURPOSE: 3'-deoxy-3'-[(18)F]fluorothymidine ([(18)F]FLT), a cell proliferation positron emission tomography (PET) tracer, has been shown in numerous tumors to be more specific than 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose ([(18)F]FDG) but less sensitive. We studied the capacity of a nontoxic concentration of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd), a thymidine synthesis inhibitor, to increase uptake of [(18)F]FLT in tumor xenografts. METHODS: The duration of the FdUrd effect in vivo on tumor cell cycling and thymidine analogue uptake was studied by varying FdUrd pretreatment timing and holding constant the timing of subsequent flow cytometry and 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine biodistribution measurements. In [(18)F]FLT studies, FdUrd pretreatment was generally performed 1 h before radiotracer injection. [(18)F]FLT biodistributions were measured 1 to 3 h after radiotracer injection of mice grafted with five different human tumors and pretreated or not with FdUrd and compared with [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake. Using microPET, the dynamic distribution of [(18)F]FLT was followed for 1.5 h in FdUrd pretreated mice. High-field T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histology were used comparatively in assessing tumor viability and proliferation. RESULTS: FdUrd induced an immediate increase in tumor uptake of 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, that vanished after 6 h, as also confirmed by flow cytometry. Biodistribution measurements showed that FdUrd pretreatment increased [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors by factors of 3.2 to 7.8 compared with controls, while [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake was about fourfold and sixfold lower in breast cancers and lymphoma. Dynamic PET in FdUrd pretreated mice showed that [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors increased steadily up to 1.5 h. MRI showed a well-vascularized homogenous lymphoma with high [(18)F]FLT uptake, while in breast cancer, a central necrosis shown by MRI was inactive in PET, consistent with the histomorphological analysis. CONCLUSION: We showed a reliable and significant uptake increase of [(18)F]FLT in different tumor xenografts after low-dose FdUrd pretreatment. These results show promise for a clinical application of FdUrd aimed at increasing the sensitivity of [(18)F]FLT PET.
PURPOSE: Quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF) with generator-produced (82)Rb is an attractive alternative for centres without an on-site cyclotron. Our aim was to validate (82)Rb-measured MBF in relation to that measured using (15)O-water, as a tracer 100% of which can be extracted from the circulation even at high flow rates, in healthy control subject and patients with mild coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: MBF was measured at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperaemia with (82)Rb and (15)O-water PET in 33 participants (22 control subjects, aged 30 ± 13 years; 11 CAD patients without transmural infarction, aged 60 ± 13 years). A one-tissue compartment (82)Rb model with ventricular spillover correction was used. The (82)Rb flow-dependent extraction rate was derived from (15)O-water measurements in a subset of 11 control subjects. Myocardial flow reserve (MFR) was defined as the hyperaemic/rest MBF. Pearson's correlation r, Bland-Altman 95% limits of agreement (LoA), and Lin's concordance correlation ρ (c) (measuring both precision and accuracy) were used. RESULTS: Over the entire MBF range (0.66-4.7 ml/min/g), concordance was excellent for MBF (r = 0.90, [(82)Rb-(15)O-water] mean difference ± SD = 0.04 ± 0.66 ml/min/g, LoA = -1.26 to 1.33 ml/min/g, ρ(c) = 0.88) and MFR (range 1.79-5.81, r = 0.83, mean difference = 0.14 ± 0.58, LoA = -0.99 to 1.28, ρ(c) = 0.82). Hyperaemic MBF was reduced in CAD patients compared with the subset of 11 control subjects (2.53 ± 0.74 vs. 3.62 ± 0.68 ml/min/g, p = 0.002, for (15)O-water; 2.53 ± 1.01 vs. 3.82 ± 1.21 ml/min/g, p = 0.013, for (82)Rb) and this was paralleled by a lower MFR (2.65 ± 0.62 vs. 3.79 ± 0.98, p = 0.004, for (15)O-water; 2.85 ± 0.91 vs. 3.88 ± 0.91, p = 0.012, for (82)Rb). Myocardial perfusion was homogeneous in 1,114 of 1,122 segments (99.3%) and there were no differences in MBF among the coronary artery territories (p > 0.31). CONCLUSION: Quantification of MBF with (82)Rb with a newly derived correction for the nonlinear extraction function was validated against MBF measured using (15)O-water in control subjects and patients with mild CAD, where it was found to be accurate at high flow rates. (82)Rb-derived MBF estimates seem robust for clinical research, advancing a step further towards its implementation in clinical routine.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and perform a meta-analysis on the diagnostic performances of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) for giant cell arteritis (GCA), with or without polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). METHODS: MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Library were searched for articles in English that evaluated FDG PET in GCA or PMR. All complete studies were reviewed and qualitatively analysed. Studies that fulfilled the three following criteria were included in a meta-analysis: (1) FDG PET used as a diagnostic tool for GCA and PMR; (2) American College of Rheumatology and Healey criteria used as the reference standard for the diagnosis of GCA and PMR, respectively; and (3) the use of a control group. RESULTS: We found 14 complete articles. A smooth linear or long segmental pattern of FDG uptake in the aorta and its main branches seems to be a characteristic pattern of GCA. Vessel uptake that was superior to liver uptake was considered an efficient marker for vasculitis. The meta-analysis of six selected studies (101 vasculitis and 182 controls) provided the following results: sensitivity 0.80 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.63-0.91], specificity 0.89 (95% CI 0.78-0.94), positive predictive value 0.85 (95% CI 0.62-0.95), negative predictive value 0.88 (95% CI 0.72-0.95), positive likelihood ratio 6.73 (95% CI 3.55-12.77), negative likelihood ratio 0.25 (95% CI 0.13-0.46) and accuracy 0.84 (95% CI 0.76-0.90). CONCLUSION: We found overall valuable diagnostic performances for FDG PET against reference criteria. Standardized FDG uptake criteria are needed to optimize these diagnostic performances.
Radioimmunodetection of tumours with monoclonal antibodies is becoming an established procedure. Positron emission tomography (PET) shows better resolution than normal gamma camera single photon emission tomography and can provide more precise quantitative data. Thus, in the present study, these powerful methods have been combined to perform radioimmuno PET (RI-PET). Monoclonal antibodies directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) an IgG, its F(ab')2 and a mouse-human chimeric IgG derived from it were labelled with 124I, a positron-emitting radionuclide with a convenient physical half-life of four days. Mice, xenografted with a CEA-producing human colon carcinoma, were injected with the 124I-MAb and the tumours were visualized using PET. The concentrations of 124I in tumour and normal tissue were determined by both PET and direct radioactivity counting of the dissected animals, with very good agreement. To allow PET quantification, a procedure was established to account for the presence of radioactivity during the absorption correction measurement (transmission scan). Comparison of PET and tissue counting indicates that this novel combination of radioimmunolocalization and PET (RI-PET) will provide, in addition to more precise diagnosis, more accurate radiation dosimetry for radioimmunotherapy.
The diagnosis of focal status epilepticus (SE) can be challenging, particularly when clinical manifestations leave doubts about its nature, and electroencephalography (EEG) is not conclusive. This work addresses the utility of ictal (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in focal SE, which was performed in eight patients in whom SE was finally diagnosed. Clinical, MRI and EEG data were reviewed. (18)F-FDG-PET proved useful: (1) to establish the diagnosis of focal SE, when clinical elements were equivocal or the EEG did not show clear-cut epileptiform abnormalities; (2) to delineate the epileptogenic area in view of possible resective surgery; and (3) when clinical features, MRI and EEG were incongruent regarding the origin of SE. We suggest that ictal (18)F-FDG-PET may represent a valuable diagnostic tool in selected patients with focal SE or frequent focal seizures.
Toperform a meta-analysis of FDG-PET performances in the diagnosis of largevessels vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) associated or not withPolymyalgia Rheumatica(PMR), Takayasu). Materials and methods : The MEDLINE,Cochrane Library, Embase were searched for relevant original articlesdescribing FDG-PET for vasculitis assessment, using MesH terms ("GiantCell Arteritis or Vasculitis" AND "PET"). Criteria for inclusionwere:(1)FDG-PET for diagnosis of vasculitis(2)American College of Rheumatologycriteria as reference standard(3)control group. After data extraction, analyseswere performed using a random-effects model. Results : Of 184 citations(database search and references screening),70 articles were reviewed of which12 eligible studies were extracted (sensitivity range from 32% to 97%). 7studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria. Owing to overlapping population, 1study was excluded. Statistical heterogeneity justified the random-effectsmodel. Pooled 6 studies analysis(116 vasculitis,224 controls) showed a 81%sensitivity (95%CI:70-89%);a 89% specificity (95%CI:77-95%);a 85%PPV(95%CI:63-95%); a 90% NPV(95%CI:79-95%);a 7.1 positive LR(95%CI:3.4-14.9); a0.2 negative LR(95%CI:0.14-0.35) and 90.1 DOR(95%CI: 18.6-437). Conclusion :FDG-PET has good diagnostic performances in the detection of large vesselsvasculitis. Its promising role could be extended to follow up patients undertreatment, but further studies are needed to confirm this possibility.
An EGFP construct interacting with the PIB1000-PEG6000-PIB1000 vesicles surface reported a ~2-fold fluorescence emission enhancement. Because of the constructs nature with the amphiphilic peptide inserted into the PIB core, EGFP is expected to experience a "pure" PEG environment. To unravel this phenomenon PEG/water solutions at different molecular weights and concentrations were used. Already at ~1 : 10 protein/PEG molar ratio the increase in fluorescence emission is observed reaching a plateau correlating with the PEG molecular weight. Parallel experiments in presence of glycerol aqueous solutions did show a slight fluorescence enhancement however starting at much higher concentrations. Molecular dynamics simulations of EGFP in neat water, glycerol, and PEG aqueous solutions were performed showing that PEG molecules tend to "wrap" the protein creating a microenvironment where the local PEG concentration is higher compared to its bulk concentration. Because the fluorescent emission can be perturbed by the refractive index surrounding the protein, the clustering of PEG molecules induces an enhanced fluorescence emission already at extremely low concentrations. These findings can be important when related to the use of EGFP as reported in molecular biology experiments.
PURPOSE: 3'-deoxy-3'-[(18)F]fluorothymidine ([(18)F]FLT), a cell proliferation positron emission tomography (PET) tracer, has been shown in numerous tumors to be more specific than 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D: -glucose ([(18)F]FDG) but less sensitive. We studied the capacity of a nontoxic concentration of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd), a thymidine synthesis inhibitor, to increase uptake of [(18)F]FLT in tumor xenografts. METHODS: The duration of the FdUrd effect in vivo on tumor cell cycling and thymidine analogue uptake was studied by varying FdUrd pretreatment timing and holding constant the timing of subsequent flow cytometry and 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine biodistribution measurements. In [(18)F]FLT studies, FdUrd pretreatment was generally performed 1 h before radiotracer injection. [(18)F]FLT biodistributions were measured 1 to 3 h after radiotracer injection of mice grafted with five different human tumors and pretreated or not with FdUrd and compared with [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake. Using microPET, the dynamic distribution of [(18)F]FLT was followed for 1.5 h in FdUrd pretreated mice. High-field T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histology were used comparatively in assessing tumor viability and proliferation. RESULTS: FdUrd induced an immediate increase in tumor uptake of 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, that vanished after 6 h, as also confirmed by flow cytometry. Biodistribution measurements showed that FdUrd pretreatment increased [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors by factors of 3.2 to 7.8 compared with controls, while [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake was about fourfold and sixfold lower in breast cancers and lymphoma. Dynamic PET in FdUrd pretreated mice showed that [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors increased steadily up to 1.5 h. MRI showed a well-vascularized homogenous lymphoma with high [(18)F]FLT uptake, while in breast cancer, a central necrosis shown by MRI was inactive in PET, consistent with the histomorphological analysis. CONCLUSION: We showed a reliable and significant uptake increase of [(18)F]FLT in different tumor xenografts after low-dose FdUrd pretreatment. These results show promise for a clinical application of FdUrd aimed at increasing the sensitivity of [(18)F]FLT PET.
Aims Perfusion-cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has emerged as a potential alternative to single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to assess myocardial ischaemia non-invasively. The goal was to compare the diagnostic performance of perfusion-CMR and SPECT for the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) using conventional X-ray coronary angiography (CXA) as the reference standard. Methods and results In this multivendor trial, 533 patients, eligible for CXA or SPECT, were enrolled in 33 centres (USA and Europe) with 515 patients receiving MR contrast medium. Single-photon emission computed tomography and CXA were performed within 4 weeks before or after CMR in all patients. The prevalence of CAD in the sample was 49%. Drop-out rates for CMR and SPECT were 5.6 and 3.7%, respectively (P = 0.21). The primary endpoint was non-inferiority of CMR vs. SPECT for both sensitivity and specificity for the detection of CAD. Readers were blinded vs. clinical data, CXA, and imaging results. As a secondary endpoint, the safety profile of the CMR examination was evaluated. For CMR and SPECT, the sensitivity scores were 0.67 and 0.59, respectively, with the lower confidence level for the difference of +0.02, indicating superiority of CMR over SPECT. The specificity scores for CMR and SPECT were 0.61 and 0.72, respectively (lower confidence level for the difference: -0.17), indicating inferiority of CMR vs. SPECT. No severe adverse events occurred in the 515 patients. Conclusion In this large multicentre, multivendor study, the sensitivity of perfusion-CMR to detect CAD was superior to SPECT, while its specificity was inferior to SPECT. Cardiac magnetic resonance is a safe alternative to SPECT to detect perfusion deficits in CAD.
AIMS: We studied the respective added value of the quantitative myocardial blood flow (MBF) and the myocardial flow reserve (MFR) as assessed with (82)Rb positron emission tomography (PET)/CT in predicting major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) in patients with suspected myocardial ischaemia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Myocardial perfusion images were analysed semi-quantitatively (SDS, summed difference score) and quantitatively (MBF, MFR) in 351 patients. Follow-up was completed in 335 patients and annualized MACE (cardiac death, myocardial infarction, revascularization, or hospitalization for congestive heart failure or de novo stable angor) rates were analysed with the Kaplan-Meier method in 318 patients after excluding 17 patients with early revascularizations (<60 days). Independent predictors of MACEs were identified by multivariate analysis. During a median follow-up of 624 days (inter-quartile range 540-697), 35 MACEs occurred. An annualized MACE rate was higher in patients with ischaemia (SDS >2) (n = 105) than those without [14% (95% CI = 9.1-22%) vs. 4.5% (2.7-7.4%), P < 0.0001]. The lowest MFR tertile group (MFR <1.8) had the highest MACE rate [16% (11-25%) vs. 2.9% (1.2-7.0%) and 4.3% (2.1-9.0%), P < 0.0001]. Similarly, the lowest stress MBF tertile group (MBF <1.8 mL/min/g) had the highest MACE rate [14% (9.2-22%) vs. 7.3% (4.2-13%) and 1.8% (0.6-5.5%), P = 0.0005]. Quantitation with stress MBF or MFR had a significant independent prognostic power in addition to semi-quantitative findings. The largest added value was conferred by combining stress MBF to SDS. This holds true even for patients without ischaemia. CONCLUSION: Perfusion findings in (82)Rb PET/CT are strong MACE outcome predictors. MBF quantification has an added value allowing further risk stratification in patients with normal and abnormal perfusion images.
This clinical study was based on experimental results obtained in nude mice grafted with human colon carcinoma, showing that injected 131I-labeled F(ab')2 and Fab fragments from high affinity anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibodies (MAb) gave markedly higher ratios of tumor to normal tissue localization than intact MAb. 31 patients with known colorectal carcinoma, including 10 primary tumors, 13 local tumor recurrences, and 21 metastatic involvements, were injected with 123I-labeled F(ab')2 (n = 14) or Fab (n = 17) fragments from MAb anti-CEA. The patients were examined by emission-computerized tomography (ECT) at 6, 24, and sometimes 48 h after injection using a rotating dual head scintillation camera. All 23 primary tumors and local recurrences except one were clearly visualized on at least two sections of different tomographic planes. Interestingly, nine of these patients had almost normal circulating CEA levels, and three of the visualized tumors weighed only 3-5 g. Among 19 known metastatic tumor involvements, 14 were correctly localized by ECT. Two additional liver and several bone metastases were discovered by immunoscintigraphy. Altogether, 86% of the tumor sites were detected, 82% with F(ab')2 and 89% with Fab fragments. The contrast of the tumor images obtained with Fab fragments suggests that this improved method of immunoscintigraphy has the potential to detect early tumor recurrences and thus to increase the survival of patients. The results of this retrospective study, however, should be confirmed in a prospective study before this method can be recommended for the routine diagnosis of cancer.
OBJECTIVE: To systematically review and meta-analyze published data about the diagnostic performance of Fluorine-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and PET/computed tomography (PET/CT) in the assessment of pleural abnormalities in cancer patients. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search of studies published through June 2013 regarding the role of (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT in evaluating pleural abnormalities in cancer patients was performed. All retrieved studies were reviewed and qualitatively analyzed. Pooled sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio (LR+ and LR-) and diagnostic odd ratio (DOR) of (18)F-FDG-PET or PET/CT on a per patient-based analysis were calculated. The area under the summary ROC curve (AUC) was calculated to measure the accuracy of these methods in the assessment of pleural abnormalities. Sub-analyses considering (18)F-FDG-PET/CT and patients with lung cancer only were carried out. RESULTS: Eight studies comprising 360 cancer patients (323 with lung cancer) were included. The meta-analysis of these selected studies provided the following results: sensitivity 86% [95% confidence interval (95%CI): 80-91%], specificity 80% [95%CI: 73-85%], LR+ 3.7 [95%CI: 2.8-4.9], LR- 0.18 [95%CI: 0.09-0.34], DOR 27 [95%CI: 13-56]. The AUC was 0.907. No significant improvement considering PET/CT studies only and patients with lung cancer was found. CONCLUSIONS: (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT demonstrated to be useful diagnostic imaging methods in the assessment of pleural abnormalities in cancer patients, nevertheless possible sources of false-negative and false-positive results should be kept in mind. The literature focusing on the use of (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT in this setting remains still limited and prospective studies are needed.