52 resultados para Voice picking


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The aim of this study is to test the feasibility and the efficacy of a cognitive and behavior therapy manual for auditory hallucinations with persons suffering from schizophrenia in a French-speaking environment and under natural clinical conditions. Eight patients met ICD-10 criteria for paranoid schizophrenia, 2 for hebephrenic schizophrenia and 1 for schizoaffective disorder. All were hearing voices daily. Patients followed the intervention for 3 to 6 months according to their individual rhythms. Participants filled up questionnaires at pre-test, post-test and three months follow-up. The instruments were the Belief About Voice Questionnaire--Revised and two seven points scales about frequency of hallucinations and attribution of the source of the voices. Results show a decrease of voices' frequency and improvement in attributing the voices rather to an internal than to an external source. Malevolent or benevolent beliefs about voices are significantly decreased at follow-up as well as efforts at coping with hallucinations. Results should be interpreted with caution because of the small number of subjects. The sample may not be representative of patients with persistent symptoms since there is an over representation of patients with benevolent voices and an under representation of patients with substance misuse


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Among the numerous clinical syndromes observed after severe traumatic head injury, post-traumatic mutism is a disorder rarely reported in adults and not studied in any detail in children. We report seven children between the ages of 3 1/2 and 14 years who sustained severe head injury and developed post-traumatic mutism. We aim to give a precise clinical characterization of this disorder, discuss differential diagnosis and correlations with brain imaging and suggest its probable neurological substrate. After a coma lasting from 5 to 25 days, the seven patients who suffered from post-traumatic mutism went through a period of total absence of verbal production lasting from 5 to 94 days, associated with the recovery of non-verbal communication skills and emotional vocalization. During the first days after the recovery of speech, all patients were able to produce correct small sentences with a hypophonic and monotonous voice, moderate dysarthria, word finding difficulties but no signs of aphasia, and preserved oral comprehension. The neurological signs in the acute phase (III nerve paresis in three of seven patients, signs of autonomic dysfunctions in five of seven patients), the results of the brain imaging and the experimental animal data all suggest the involvement of mesencephalic structures as playing a key role in the aetiology of post-traumatic mutism.


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BACKGROUND: The management of pediatric laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS) can be challenging, and laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) with cartilage interposition grafting remains the mainstay of surgical treatment for pediatric LTS in most experienced centers. The purpose of this study was to report the results of this procedure in a center where primary cricotracheal resection is frequently performed. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed on 45 patients who underwent LTR in our hospital between October 1997 and July 2012. Demographic characteristics and information on the preoperative status, stenosis, and operation were collected. Primary outcomes were measured as overall (ODR) and operation-specific (OSDR) decannulation rates and secondary outcomes as morbidity, mortality, and postoperative functional results. RESULTS: ODR and OSDR were 86.7% (39/45) and 66.7% (30/45), respectively. Re-stenosis was observed in 11/45 (24%) patients, all of whom were endoscopically or surgically treated. Revision surgery was performed in 10 patients, 6 for re-stenosis and 2 for peristomial tracheomalacia. Two children died of mucous obstruction of tracheostomy tube at 3 and 6 months postoperatively (4.4%). Respiratory, voice, and swallowing functions were excellent or good in 86, 75, and 84% of patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: LTR for pediatric LTS has high decannulation rates with acceptable morbidity and mortality in selected patients. Most LTR procedures were double-stage for lower grade subglottic stenoses associated with glottic involvement that required stenting. Careful preoperative evaluation and adequate surgical indications are extremely important to achieve high decannulation rates.


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Fifty-eight infants and children with a severe subglottic stenosis underwent a partial cricotracheal resection with primary thyrotracheal anastomosis. There were 2 grade II, 40 grade III, and 16 grade IV stenoses according to the Myer-Cotton classification. A 100% subglottic lumen was formed in 34 cases and a better than 80% lumen in 23 cases. Fifty-four of the 58 (93%) patients are presently decannulated; one patient sustained a complete restenosis and three patients with a better than 80% subglottic airway still await decannulation for the following reasons: severe tracheomalacia, bilateral cricoarytenoïd joint fixation and laryngeal malformation with fusion of the vocal cords in each case respectively. Forty-four patients have no exercise intolerance, 8 live fully normally but present a slight exertional dyspnea, one patient with a laryngeal malformation is decannulated but suffers from a severe exertional dyspnea, and 4 patients are still not decannulated. The voice is normal in 20 cases, a slight dysphonia is present in 17, a moderate to severe dysphonia in another 17 and 4 patients are still not decannulated.


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OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess the long-term outcome of 57 pediatric patients who underwent partial cricotracheal resection for subglottic stenosis. METHODS: Eighty-one pediatric partial cricotracheal resections were performed in our tertiary care institution between 1978 and 2004. Fifty-seven patients had a minimal follow-up time of 1 year and were included in this study. Evaluation was based on the last laryngotracheal endoscopy, the responses to a questionnaire, and a retrospective review of the patient's data. The following parameters were analyzed: decannulation rates, breathing, voice quality, and deglutition. RESULTS: A single-stage partial cricotracheal resection was performed in 38 patients, and a double-stage procedure was performed in 19 patients. Sixteen patients underwent an extended partial cricotracheal resection (ie, partial cricotracheal resection combined with another open procedure). At a median follow-up time of 5.1 years, the decannulation rates after a single- or double-stage procedure were 97.4% and 95%, respectively. Two patients remained tracheotomy dependent. One patient had moderate exertional dyspnea, and all other patients had no exertional dyspnea. Voice quality was found to improve after surgical intervention for 1 +/- 1.34 grade dysphonia (P < .0001) according to the adapted GRBAS grading system (Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, and Strain). CONCLUSIONS: Partial cricotracheal resection provides good results for grades III and IV subglottic stenosis as primary or salvage operations. The procedure has no deleterious effects on laryngeal growth and function. The quality of voice significantly improves after surgical intervention but largely depends on the preoperative condition.


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Investigations, diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal paralysis depend upon history taking and examination of phonation, swallowing and of the pharyngo-larynx. In unilateral paralysis, the main symptom is dysphonia. Dysphagia lasting more than 10 days may indicate a proximal vagus nerve lesion. Voice and swallowing therapy may be undertaken. If this remains insufficient after one month, a temporary or definitive vocal fold medialisation may be considered. Paralysis is considered to be definitive if lasting for more than 12 months. A minimal of one-year follow-up is indicated in case of idiopathic paralysis.


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Verbal auditory hallucinations can have a strong impact on the social and professional functioning of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. The safety-seeking behaviours used to reduce the threat associated with voices play a significant role in explaining the functional consequences of auditory hallucinations. Nevertheless, these safety-seeking behaviours have been little studied. Twenty-eight patients with schizophrenia and verbal auditory hallucinations were recruited for this study. Hallucinations were evaluated using the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale and the Belief About Voice Questionnaire and safety behaviours using a modified version of the Safety Behaviour Questionnaire. Our results show that the vast majority of patients relies on safety behaviours to reduce the threat associated with voices. This reliance on safety behaviours is mostly explained by beliefs about origin of voices the omnipotence attributed to hallucinations and the behavioural and emotional reactions to the voices. Safety-seeking behaviours play an important role in maintaining dysfunctional beliefs with respect to voices. They should be better targeted within the cognitive and behavioural therapies for auditory hallucinations.


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Introduction: Discrimination of species-specific vocalizations is fundamental for survival and social interactions. Its unique behavioral relevance has encouraged the identification of circumscribed brain regions exhibiting selective responses (Belin et al., 2004), while the role of network dynamics has received less attention. Those studies that have examined the brain dynamics of vocalization discrimination leave unresolved the timing and the inter-relationship between general categorization, attention, and speech-related processes (Levy et al., 2001, 2003; Charest et al., 2009). Given these discrepancies and the presence of several confounding factors, electrical neuroimaging analyses were applied to auditory evoked-potential (AEPs) to acoustically and psychophysically controlled non-verbal human and animal vocalizations. This revealed which region(s) exhibit voice-sensitive responses and in which sequence. Methods: Subjects (N=10) performed a living vs. man-made 'oddball' auditory discrimination task, such that on a given block of trials 'target' stimuli occurred 10% of the time. Stimuli were complex, meaningful sounds of 500ms duration. There were 120 different sound files in total, 60 of which represented sounds of living objects and 60 man-made objects. The stimuli that were the focus of the present investigation were restricted to those of living objects within blocks where no response was required. These stimuli were further sorted between human non-verbal vocalizations and animal vocalizations. They were also controlled in terms of their spectrograms and formant distributions. Continuous 64-channel EEG was acquired through Neuroscan Synamps referenced to the nose, band-pass filtered 0.05-200Hz, and digitized at 1000Hz. Peri-stimulus epochs of continuous EEG (-100ms to 900ms) were visually inspected for artifacts, 40Hz low-passed filtered and baseline corrected using the pre-stimulus period . Averages were computed from each subject separately. AEPs in response to animal and human vocalizations were analyzed with respect to differences of Global Field Power (GFP) and with respect to changes of the voltage configurations at the scalp (reviewed in Murray et al., 2008). The former provides a measure of the strength of the electric field irrespective of topographic differences; the latter identifies changes in spatial configurations of the underlying sources independently of the response strength. In addition, we utilized the local auto-regressive average distributed linear inverse solution (LAURA; Grave de Peralta Menendez et al., 2001) to visualize and statistically contrast the likely underlying sources of effects identified in the preceding analysis steps. Results: We found differential activity in response to human vocalizations over three periods in the post-stimulus interval, and this response was always stronger than that to animal vocalizations. The first differential response (169-219ms) was a consequence of a modulation in strength of a common brain network localized into the right superior temporal sulcus (STS; Brodmann's Area (BA) 22) and extending into the superior temporal gyrus (STG; BA 41). A second difference (291-357ms) also followed from strength modulations of a common network with statistical differences localized to the left inferior precentral and prefrontal gyrus (BA 6/45). These two first strength modulations correlated (Spearman's rho(8)=0.770; p=0.009) indicative of functional coupling between temporally segregated stages of vocalization discrimination. A third difference (389-667ms) followed from strength and topographic modulations and was localized to the left superior frontal gyrus (BA10) although this third difference did not reach our spatial criterion of 12 continuous voxels. Conclusions: We show that voice discrimination unfolds over multiple temporal stages, involving a wide network of brain regions. The initial stages of vocalization discrimination are based on modulations in response strength within a common brain network with no evidence for a voice-selective module. The latency of this effect parallels that of face discrimination (Bentin et al., 2007), supporting the possibility that voice and face processes can mutually inform one another. Putative underlying sources (localized in the right STS; BA 22) are consistent with prior hemodynamic imaging evidence in humans (Belin et al., 2004). Our effect over the 291-357ms post-stimulus period overlaps the 'voice-specific-response' reported by Levy et al. (Levy et al., 2001) and the estimated underlying sources (left BA6/45) were in agreement with previous findings in humans (Fecteau et al., 2005). These results challenge the idea that circumscribed and selective areas subserve con-specific vocalization processing.


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Dans le présent article, l'auteur examine certains commentaires développés par Gérard Genette à propos d'exemples filmiques dans l'ouvrage Métalepse, et tente de prolonger l'étude de cette « figure » dans le cadre des théories de la fiction en se penchant sur des films réalisés dans la dernière décennie. Il montre ainsi la pertinence de l'étude des phénomènes relevant de la métalepse pour aborder certaines productions cinématographiques contemporaines qui engagent des pratiques réflexives complexes. Par ailleurs, il aborde la façon dont Genette se positionne par rapport à l'objet cinéma - qu'il tient distance -, et propose d'autres ouvertures théoriques, notamment en tenant plus spécifiquement compte des théories de l'énonciation filmique. Enfin, il discute certains problèmes soulevés par la conception genettienne de la « diégèse » appliquée au cinéma, notamment dans le cas de l'analyse des implications du procédé du pont sonore et des sons dits « extradiégétiques ». L'étude s'achève par l'analyse de la transgression des niveaux narratifs dans un film à voix-over, Stranger than fiction (Marc Forster, 2006), qui constitue un lieu privilégié pour éprouver certaines remarques de Genette. This article discusses some reflections developed by Gérard Genette with respect to the filmic examples in Métalepse and tries to pursue the study of this figure within the framework of fiction theories, by focusing on certain films released in the last decade. The article also shows how the study of metalepsis can be important in order to address contemporary movies presenting complex self-reflexive strategies. Furthermore, it gives account of the particular way in which Genette deals with cinema and suggests some other possible theoretical developments, considering in particular the theories about filmic enunciation. Finally, the paper discusses some problems concerning Genette's idea of "diegesis" when it is applied to cinema and analyses the transgression of narrative levels in a voice-over film - in this case Stranger than Fiction (Marc Forster, 2006), which provides a particularly interesting example in order to test some of Genette's remarks.


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It is frequently stated that unilateral cricothyroid muscle (CT) paralysis can be diagnosed by physical examination, noting rotation of the glottis, and shortening and vertical displacement of the ipsilateral vocal fold. These signs, however, are inconsistently observed, and there is considerable controversy regarding the direction of glottic rotation. To determine the effects of CT contraction on three-dimensional glottic configuration, we performed computerized tomography on cadaver larynges before and after simulated CT contraction. Radiopaque makers were used to compute distances. Unilateral CT contraction equally increased the length of both membranous vocal folds, and rotated the posterior glottis less than 1 mm. CT contraction neither adducted the vocal processes, nor significantly their altered vertical level. These results suggest that unilateral CT paralysis cannot be diagnosed on the basis of any clinically apparent change in glottal configuration.


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The timing of puberty is highly variable. We carried out a genome-wide association study for age at menarche in 4,714 women and report an association in LIN28B on chromosome 6 (rs314276, minor allele frequency (MAF) = 0.33, P = 1.5 x 10(-8)). In independent replication studies in 16,373 women, each major allele was associated with 0.12 years earlier menarche (95% CI = 0.08-0.16; P = 2.8 x 10(-10); combined P = 3.6 x 10(-16)). This allele was also associated with earlier breast development in girls (P = 0.001; N = 4,271); earlier voice breaking (P = 0.006, N = 1,026) and more advanced pubic hair development in boys (P = 0.01; N = 4,588); a faster tempo of height growth in girls (P = 0.00008; N = 4,271) and boys (P = 0.03; N = 4,588); and shorter adult height in women (P = 3.6 x 10(-7); N = 17,274) and men (P = 0.006; N = 9,840) in keeping with earlier growth cessation. These studies identify variation in LIN28B, a potent and specific regulator of microRNA processing, as the first genetic determinant regulating the timing of human pubertal growth and development.


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Medialization laryngoplasty was performed in 25 patients between 1993 and 1997. The underlying pathology resulting in glottal incompetence was vocal cord paralysis in 22 patients and vocal cord bowing in 3 patients. Two types of implants were used: self-carved Proplast in 19 patients and prefabricated hydroxyapatite prostheses in 6 patients. Preoperative and postoperative results were compared in terms of dysphagia, vocal quality as graded by three experienced voice specialists, and computer measurements of the glottal gap. All patients showed improvement both subjectively and on the objective measurements used. Swallowing returned to normal in all patients who had isolated recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis. The voice improved in all patients but was rarely judged as entirely normal.


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Dans une société du consentement, chacun devrait pouvoir exprimer sa voix. Mais tout enfant apprend à parler en faisant usage de la parole des autres. Dans quelle mesure ce que dit le nouveau venu n'est-il pas une pure reproduction de ce que disent ses aînés ? Si chacun a la voix de sa communauté, qu'est-ce que peut bien vouloir dire « liberté d'expression » ? J'aimerais montrer qu'une voix n'est pas quelque chose que l'on a, mais quelque chose que l'on fait entendre au cours d'un apprentissage. Le problème est politique : ma voix est liée à ma place dans une communauté. In a society of consent, each and everyone should express their own voice. However, a child learns how to speak using the words of the others. To which extent the newcomer isn't just reproducing what his elders say ? If everyone speaks through their community's voice, what does « freedom of speech » mean ? I want to demonstrate that a voice isn't something that one has, it's something that one acquires through education. This is a political problem : my voice is linked to my place in a community.