141 resultados para Vingerhoets, Guy
BACKGROUND: Male carriers of the FMR1 premutation are at risk of developing the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), a newly recognised and largely under-diagnosed late onset neurodegenerative disorder. Patients affected with FXTAS primarily present with cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor. Cognitive decline has also been associated with the premutation, but the lack of data on its penetrance is a growing concern for clinicians who provide genetic counselling. METHODS: The Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (MDRS) was administered in a double blind fashion to 74 men aged 50 years or more recruited from fragile X families (35 premutation carriers and 39 intrafamilial controls) regardless of their clinical manifestation. Based on previous publications, marked cognitive impairment was defined by a score <or=123 on the MDRS. RESULTS: Both logistic and survival models confirmed that in addition to age and education level, premutation size plays a significant (p<0.01 and p<0.03 for logistic and survival model, respectively) role in cognitive impairment. The estimated penetrance of marked cognitive impairment in our sample (adjusted for the mean age 63.4 years and mean education level 9.7 years) for midsize/large (70-200 CGG) and small (55-69 CGG) premutation alleles was 33.3% (relative risk (RR) 6.5; p = 0.01) and 5.9% (RR 1.15; p = 0.9) respectively. Penetrance in the control group was 5.1%. CONCLUSIONS: Male carriers of midsize to large premutation alleles had a sixfold increased risk of developing cognitive decline and the risk increases with allele size. In addition, it was observed that cognitive impairment may precede motor symptoms. These data provide guidance for genetic counselling although larger samples are required to refine these estimates.
INTRODUCTION: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) is a non-invasive neurosurgical stereotactic procedure, increasingly used as an alternative to open functional procedures. This includes targeting of the ventro-intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (e.g. Vim) for tremor. We currently perform an indirect targeting, as the Vim is not visible on current 3Tesla MRI acquisitions. Our objective was to enhance anatomic imaging (aiming at refining the precision of anatomic target selection by direct visualisation) in patients treated for tremor with Vim GKS, by using high field 7T MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODSH: Five young healthy subjects were scanned on 3 (T1-w and diffusion tensor imaging) and 7T (high-resolution susceptibility weighted images (SWI)) MRI in Lausanne. All images were further integrated for the first time into the Gamma Plan Software(®) (Elekta Instruments, AB, Sweden) and co-registered (with T1 was a reference). A simulation of targeting of the Vim was done using various methods on the 3T images. Furthermore, a correlation with the position of the found target with the 7T SWI was performed. The atlas of Morel et al. (Zurich, CH) was used to confirm the findings on a detailed analysis inside/outside the Gamma Plan. RESULTS: The use of SWI provided us with a superior resolution and an improved image contrast within the basal ganglia. This allowed visualization and direct delineation of some subgroups of thalamic nuclei in vivo, including the Vim. The position of the target, as assessed on 3T, perfectly matched with the supposed one of the Vim on the SWI. Furthermore, a 3-dimensional model of the Vim-target area was created on the basis of the obtained images. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of the integration of SWI high field MRI into the LGP, aiming at the improvement of targeting validation of the Vim in tremor. The anatomical correlation between the direct visualization on 7T and the current targeting methods on 3T (e.g. quadrilatere of Guyot, histological atlases) seems to show a very good anatomical matching. Further studies are needed to validate this technique, both by improving the accuracy of the targeting of the Vim (potentially also other thalamic nuclei) and to perform clinical assessment.
This article summarize principal news about treatments in the different specialities in neurology. We don't pretend to be exhaustive and to make a detailed analyse of all treatments, and preferred to present pertinent therapeutic advances, with an evidence-based point of view. We also mentioned some negative studies, to balance our purpose.
In 2011, new oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation are available and the ABCD3-I score predicting stroke after TIA updates the ABCD2 score. New McDonald criteria allow faster MS diagnosis and the first oral treatment (fingolimod) for MS can be prescribed. A new anti-antiepileptic drug (retigabine) is available and sodium valproate has long term neurological adverse effects after in utero exposure. Among Parkinson disease treatments, deep brain stimulation is extending applications and dopamine agonists with extended release are as efficient and well tolerated as standard forms at long term scale. Monoclonal antibodies and immunosuppressant agents are proposed as good alternatives in the treatment of chronic dysimmune polyneuropathies. Gene therapy for the treatment of genetic myopathies is progressing.
Les troubles dissociatifs se présentent souvent par une clinique neurologique atypique impliquant une démarche diagnostique complexe à l'interface de la neurologie et de la psychiatrie. La restitution du diagnostic aux patients et leur prise en charge nécessitent une étroite collaboration interdisciplinaire. Les connaissances actuelles sont encore limitées, mais ce domaine est enrichi par des études récentes en neurosciences cliniques. Cet article présente les principaux aspects des troubles dissociatifs et formule un concept de prise en charge. Dissociative disorders often have an atypical neurological presentation requiring a complex diagnostic process at the interface between neurology and psychiatry. A strong interdisciplinary collaboration is needed for diagnosis restitution and patient treatment. Current knowledge is still scarce but recent studies in clinical neuroscience enrich this field. This article presents the main aspects of dissociative disorders and suggests a treatment framework
Introduction: The Fragile X - associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) is a recently described, and under-diagnosed, late onset (≈ 60y) neurodegenerative disorder affecting male carriers of a premutation in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The premutation is an CGG (Cytosine-Guanine-Guanine) expansion (55 to 200 CGG repeats) in the proximal region of the FMR1 gene. Patients with FXTAS primarily present with cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor. Neuroradiological features of FXTAS include prominent white matter disease in the periventricular, subcortical, middle cerebellar peduncles and deep white matter of the cerebellum on T2-weighted or FLAIR MR imaging (Jacquemmont 2007, Loesch 2007, Brunberg 2002, Cohen 2006). We hypothesize that a significant white matter alteration is present in younger individuals many years prior to clinical symptoms and/or the presence of visible lesions on conventional MR sequences and might be detectable by magnetization transfer (MT) imaging. Methods: Eleven asymptomatic premutation carriers (mean age = 55 years) and seven intra-familial controls participated to the study. A standardized neurological examination was performed on all participants and a neuropsychological evaluation was carried out before MR scanning performed on a 3T Siemens Trio. The protocol included a sagittal T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo sequence (MPRAGE, 160 slices, 1 mm^3 isotropic voxels) and a gradient-echo MTI (FA 30, TE 15, matrix size 256*256, pixel size 1*1 mm, 36 slices (thickness 2mm), MT pulse duration 7.68 ms, FA 500, frequency offset 1.5 kHz). MTI was performed by acquiring consecutively two set of images; first with and then without the MT saturation pulse. MT images were coregistered to the T1 acquisition. The MTR for every intracranial voxel was calculated as follows: MTR = (M0 - MS)/M0*100%, creating a MTR map for each subject. As first analysis, the whole white matter (WM) was used to mask the MTR image in order to create an histogram of the MTR distribution in the whole tissue class over the two groups examined. Then, for each subject, we performed a segmentation and parcellation of the brain by means of Freesurfer software, starting from the high resolution T1-weighted anatomical acquisition. Cortical parcellations was used to assign a label to the underlying white matter by the construction of a Voronoi diagram in the WM voxels of the MR volume based on distance to the nearest cortical parcellation label. This procedure allowed us to subdivide the cerebral WM in 78 ROIs according to the cortical parcellation (see example in Fig 1). The cerebellum, by the same procedure, was subdivided in 5 ROIs (2 per each hemisphere and one corresponding to the brainstem). For each subject, we calculated the mean value of MTR within each ROI and averaged over controls and patients. Significant differences between the two groups were tested using a two sample T-test (p<0.01). Results: Neurological examination showed that no patient met the clinical criteria of Fragile X Tremor and Ataxia Syndrome yet. Nonetheless, premutation carriers showed some subtle neurological signs of the disorder. In fact, premutation carriers showed a significant increase of tremor (CRST, T-test p=0.007) and increase of ataxia (ICARS, p=0.004) when compared to controls. The neuropsychological evaluation was normal in both groups. To obtain general characterizations of myelination for each subject and premutation carriers, we first computed the distribution of MTR values across the total white matter volume and averaged for each group. We tested the equality of the two distributions with the non parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and we rejected the null-hypothesis at a p=0.03 (fig. 2). As expected, when comparing the asymptomatic permutation carriers with control subjects, the peak value and peak position of the MTR values within the whole WM were decreased and the width of the distribution curve was increased (p<0.01). These three changes point to an alteration of the global myelin status of the premutation carriers. Subsequently, to analyze the regional myelination and white matter integrity of the same group, we performed a ROI analysis of MTR data. The ROI-based analysis showed a decrease of mean MTR value in premutation carriers compared to controls in bilateral orbito-frontal and inferior frontal WM, entorhinal and cingulum regions and cerebellum (Fig 3). The detection of these differences in these regions failed with other conventional MR techniques. Conclusions: These preliminary data confirm that in premutation carriers, there are indeed alterations in "normal appearing white matter" (NAWM) and these alterations are visible with the MT technique. These results indicate that MT imaging may be a relevant approach to detect both global and local alterations within NAWM in "asymptomatic" carriers of premutations in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The sensitivity of MT in the detection of these alterations might point towards a specific physiopathological mechanism linked to an underlying myelin disorder. ROI-based analyses show that the frontal, parahippocampal and cerebellar regions are already significantly affected before the onset of symptoms. A larger sample will allow us to determine the minimum CGG expansion and age associated with these subclinical white matter alterations.
After more than 40 years of clinical use, levodopa (LD) remains the gold standard of symptomatic efficacy in the drug treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD). Compared with other available dopaminergic therapies, dopamine replacement with LD is associated with the greatest improvement in motor function. Long-term treatment with LD is, however, often complicated by the development of various types of motor response oscillations over the day, as well as drug-induced dyskinesias. Motor fluctuations can be improved by the addition of drugs such as entacapone or monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which extend the half-life of levodopa or dopamine, respectively. However, dyskinesia control still represents a major challenge. As a result, many neurologists have become cautious when prescribing therapy with LD. This review summarizes the available evidence regarding the use of LD to treat PD and will also address the issue of LD delivery as a critical factor for the drug's propensity to induce motor complications.
A series of 24 consecutive PD patients were prospectively studied prior to and within 6 months postoperatively for mood, motor, and cognitive status to investigate the effects on mood of subthalamic deep brain stimulation (DBS) in PD. In six patients (25%), mood state worsened significantly, and three were transiently suicidal despite clear motor improvement. Caregivers and patients should be educated about the potential impact of this neurosurgical procedure on mood.
L'étude du comportement au sens large fait partie intégrante de l'examen neurologique classique. Cet article présente une revue des manifestations comportementales et thymiques dans l'épilepsie, l'accident vasculaire cérébral, la maladie de Parkinson et la sclérose en plaques. The assessement of behavior is common part of the neurological examination. This article reviews the behavioral and mood manifestations in four classical syndroms: Epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis
Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is a recognized treatment for advanced and severe forms of Parkinson's Disease. The procedure improves motor signs and often allows a reduction of the medication. The impact of the procedure on cognitive and neuropsychiatric signs of the disease is more debated and there is an international consensus for the need of a multidisciplinary evaluation of patients undergoing such programs, including a neuropsychiatric assessment. We present a review of the literature as well as the experience at our centre focused on the short and long term outcome on mood following STN-DBS.
In 2014, breastfeeding during maternal antiepileptic therapy seems to be safe for the children and can be recommended. Intravenous thrombolysis by Alteplase improves the outcome after a stroke if administered within 4.5 hours and it is also recommended in elderly population over 80 years. ProSavin genic therapy for Parkinson disease is under investigation. The Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has an analgesic effect in neuropathic pain as well as an antidepressant effect. Antagonists of calcitonin gene-related peptide can have a beneficial role in migraine prevention. Diagnostic biomarker panels for Alzheimer disease are under investigation. Oral teriflunomide and dimethyl fumarate (BG-12) for relapsing multiple sclerosis treatment are now available in Switzerland.
Purpose: Epilepsy surgery in young children with focal lesions offers a unique opportunity to study the impact of severe seizures on cognitive development during a period of maximal brain plasticity, if immediate control can be obtained. We studied 11 children with early refractory epilepsy (median onset, 7.5 months) due to focal lesion who were rendered seizure-free after surgery performed before the age of 6 years. Methods: The children were followed prospectively for a median of 5 years with serial neuropsychological assessments correlated with electroencephalography (EEG) and surgery-related variables. Results: Short-term follow-up revealed rapid cognitive gains corresponding to cessation of intense and propagated epileptic activity [two with early catastrophic epilepsy; two with regression and continuous spike-waves during sleep (CSWS) or frontal seizures]; unchanged or slowed velocity of progress in six children (five with complex partial seizures and frontal or temporal cortical malformations). Longer-term follow-up showed stabilization of cognitive levels in the impaired range in most children and slow progress up to borderline level in two with initial gains. Discussion: Cessation of epileptic activity after early surgery can be followed by substantial cognitive gains, but not in all children. In the short term, lack of catch-up may be explained by loss of retained function in the removed epileptogenic area; in the longer term, by decreased intellectual potential of genetic origin, irreversible epileptic damage to neural networks supporting cognitive functions, or reorganization plasticity after early focal lesions. Cognitive recovery has to be considered as a "bonus," which can be predicted in some specific circumstances.