179 resultados para Vesicular Trafficking
Neuron-astrocyte reciprocal communication at synapses has emerged as a novel signalling pathway in brain function. Astrocytes sense the level of synaptic activity and, in turn, influence its efficacy through the regulated release of 'gliotransmitters' such as glutamate, ATP or D-serine. A calcium-dependent exocytosis is proposed to drive the release of gliotransmitters but its existence is still debated. Over the last years, we have been studying the molecular determinants governing D-serine release from glia using different approaches. Using a novel bioassay for D-serine, we have been able to show that D-serine release occurs mainly through a calcium- and SNARE proteindependent mechanism just supporting the idea that this amino acid is released by exocytosis from glia. We next have pursued our exploration by confocal imaging and tracking of the exocytotic routes for Dserine- mediated gliotransmission and have shown that D-serine releasable pools are confined to synaptobrevin2/cellubrevin-bearing vesicles. To shed light onto the mechanisms controlling the storage and the release of gliotransmitters and namely D-serine, we have developed a new method for the immunoisolation of synaptobrevin 2- positive vesicles from rat cortical astrocytes in culture while preserving their content in gliotransmitters. The purified organelles are clear round shape vesicles of excellent purity with homogeneous size (40 nm) as judged by electron microscopy. Immunoblotting analysis revealed that isolated vesicles contain most of the major proteins already described for neuron-derived vesicles like synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) and the proton pump H?-ATPase. In addition, we have analyzed the content for various amino acids of these vesicles by means of chiral capillary electrophoresis coupled to laser-induced fluorescence detection. The purified vesicles contain large amount of D-serine. We also detect peaks corresponding to unidentified compounds that may correspond to others amino acids. Postembedding immunogold labelling of the rat neocortex further revealed the expression of D-serine in astrocytes processes contacting excitatory synapses. Finally, we have examined the uptake properties for Dserine and glutamate inside the isolated glial vesicles. Our results provide significant support for the existence of an uptake system for D-serine in secretory glial vesicles and for the storage of chemical substances like D-serine and glutamate. 11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins 763 123
Plasma membrane expression of the Na,K-ATPase requires assembly of its α- and β-subunits. Using a novel labeling technique to identify Na,K-ATPase partner proteins, we detected an interaction between the Na,K-ATPase α-subunit and the coat protein, β-COP, a component of the COP-I complex. When expressed in the absence of the Na,K-ATPase β-subunit, the Na,K-ATPase α-subunit interacts with β-COP, is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum, and is targeted for degradation. In the presence of the Na,K-ATPase β-subunit, the α-subunit does not interact with β-COP and traffics to the plasma membrane. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrate that in cells expressing both the Na,K-ATPase α- and β-subunits, newly synthesized α-subunit associates with β-COP immediately after its synthesis but that this interaction does not constitute an obligate intermediate in the assembly of the α- and β-subunits to form the pump holoenzyme. The interaction with β-COP was reduced by mutating a dibasic motif at Lys(54) in the Na,K-ATPase α-subunit. This mutant α-subunit is not retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and reaches the plasma membrane, even in the absence of Na,K-ATPase β-subunit expression. Although the Lys(54) α-subunit reaches the cell surface without need for β-subunit assembly, it is only functional as an ion-transporting ATPase in the presence of the β-subunit.
The reggie/flotillin proteins are implicated in membrane trafficking and, together with the cellular prion protein (PrP), in the recruitment of E-cadherin to cell contact sites. Here, we demonstrate that reggies, as well as PrP down-regulation, in epithelial A431 cells cause overlapping processes and abnormal formation of adherens junctions (AJs). This defect in cell adhesion results from reggie effects on Src tyrosine kinases and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR): loss of reggies reduces Src activation and EGFR phosphorylation at residues targeted by Src and c-cbl and leads to increased surface exposure of EGFR by blocking its internalization. The prolonged EGFR signaling at the plasma membrane enhances cell motility and macropinocytosis, by which junction-associated E-cadherin is internalized and recycled back to AJs. Accordingly, blockage of EGFR signaling or macropinocytosis in reggie-deficient cells restores normal AJ formation. Thus, by promoting EGFR internalization, reggies restrict the EGFR signaling involved in E-cadherin macropinocytosis and recycling and regulate AJ formation and dynamics and thereby cell adhesion.
Summary : Sorting nexin (SNX) family members play important roles in intracellular protein and membrane trafficking, The membrane-tubulating SNX9 protein has been shown to interact with multiple components of the endocytic machinery and to participate in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of cell surface receptors. It has not been investigated if SNX9 may also participate in other protein sorting pathways that involve vesicular transport, specifically the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles (LROs). Closely related to SNX9 is SNXl8, whose function is largely unknown. In this work, we have characterized the expression of SNX9 and SNXl8 in LRO-containing cells and investigated their role in protein trafficking during the formation of LROs. Our results indicate that SNX9 and SNXl8 are not essential for the formation of LROs, nor for the sorting of melanosomal proteins. We investigated how the level of intracellular SNX9 protein is regulated and found that it is a substrate of the ubiquitin ligase Itch, a member of the NEDD4 family of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Itch ubiquitylates SNX9 and regulates SNX9 levels by enhancing its degradation. Using ? truncated proteins we found that the interaction with SNX9 is mediated by the proline-rich domain of Itch, a domain distinct from the conventional WW recognition domain, and the SH3 domain of SNX9. Interaction with the PRD of Itch is essential for SNX9 ubiquitylation and degradation. We further showed that Itch binding is not affected by tyrosine phosphorylation of SNX9. Using lentivector-mediated siRNA techniques, we found that Itch regulates the level of melanosomal proteins, while knock-down of SNX9 does not alter their level. Interestingly, we revealed that silencing of SNXIS affects the amount of the melanosomal protein Melan-A, but also of SNX9, and that SNXl8 can interact with SNX9. Taken together, our results highlight that the pool of substrates of NEDD4 family E3 ligases extends to proteins containing SH3 domains and provide insight into the potential functions of SNXI8. Résumé : Les membres de la famille des Sorting Nexins (SNX) jouent des rôles importants dans le trafic intracellulaire de protéines et membranes. Il a été démontré que la protéine SNX9, qui génère les tubules membranaires, interagit avec plusieurs composants de la machinerie d'endocytose et participe à l'endocytose des récepteurs de surface mediée par la clathrine. Aucune étude n'a investigué si SNX9 pourrait aussi participer à d'autres voies de trafic de protéines tel que le transport vésiculaire, et plus particulièrement la biogenèse des organites lysosomaux ("lysosome-related organelles", LR©s). SNXl8 est similaire à SNX9, mais sa fonction est largement inconnue. Dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé l'expression de SNX9 et SNX18 dans des cellules contenants des LROs et investigué leur rôle dans le trafic de protéines pendant la formation des LROS. Nos résultats indiquent que SNX9 et SNXI8 ne sont essentiels ni pour la formation des LR©s, ni pour le trafic de protéines mélanosomales. Nous avons examiné la régulation du niveau intracellulaire de la protéine SNX9 et avons trouvé qu'elle est un substrat de l'ubiquitine ligase Itch, un membre de la famille NEDD4 des ubiquitine ligases E3. Itch ubiquitine SNX9 et régule les niveaux de SNX9 en augmentant sa dégradation. En utilisant des protéines mutées nous avons découvert que l'interaction avec SNX9 est médiée par le domaine riche en proline de Itch, qui est différent du domaine conventionnel de reconnaissance WW, et par le domaine SH3 de SNX9. L'interaction avec le domaine riche en proline de Itch est essentielle pour l'ubiquitination et la dégradation de SNX9. De plus, nous avons montré que cette liaison n'est pas affectée par la phosphorylation des résidus tyrosine de SNX9. En utilisant des vecteurs lentiviraux exprimant des siARN, nous avons trouvé que Itch régule les niveaux de protéines mélanosomales, alors que l'extinction de l'expression de SNX9 ne change pas leurs niveaux. En autre, nous avons révélé que la diminution de SNXl8 affecte le niveau de la protéine mélanosomale Melan-A et de SNX9, et aussi que SNXl8 peut interagir avec SNX9. En résumé, nos résultats démontrent que l'ensemble des substrats de la famille NEDD4 des ubiquitine ligases E3 s'élargit aux protéines contenant des domaines SH3 et ouvrent des perspectives sur les fonctions potentielles de SNXl8.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis alteration contributes to pancreatic β-cell dysfunction and death and favors the development of diabetes. In this study, we demonstrate that HDLs protect β-cells against ER stress induced by thapsigargin, cyclopiazonic acid, palmitate, insulin overexpression, and high glucose concentrations. ER stress marker induction and ER morphology disruption mediated by these stimuli were inhibited by HDLs. Using a temperature-sensitive viral glycoprotein folding mutant, we show that HDLs correct impaired protein trafficking and folding induced by thapsigargin and palmitate. The ability of HDLs to protect β-cells against ER stress was inhibited by brefeldin A, an ER to Golgi trafficking blocker. These results indicate that HDLs restore ER homeostasis in response to ER stress, which is required for their ability to promote β-cell survival. This study identifies a cellular mechanism mediating the beneficial effect of HDLs on β-cells against ER stress-inducing factors.
The concept of tripartite synapse suggests that astrocytes make up a functional synapse with pre- and postsynaptic neuronal elements to modulate synaptic transmission through the regulated release of neuromodulators called gliotransmitters. Release of gliotransmitters such as glutamate or D-serine has been shown to depend on Ca21-dependent exocytosis. However, the origin (cytosolic versus vesicular) of the released gliotransmitter is still a matter of debate. The existence of Ca21-regulated exocytosis in astrocytes has been questioned mostly because the nature of secretory organelles which are loaded with gliotransmitters is unknown. Here we show the existence of a population of vesicles that uptakes and stores glutamate and D-serine in astrocytes which are present in situ. Immunoisolated glial organelles expressing synaptobrevin 2 (Sb2) display morphological and biochemical features very similar to synaptic vesicles. We demonstrate that these organelles not only contain and uptake glutamate but also display a glia-specific transport activity for D-serine. Furthermore, we report that the uptake of D-serine is energized by a H1-ATPase present on the immunoisolated vesicles and that cytosolic chloride ions modulate the uptake of D-serine. Finally, we show that serine racemase (SR), the synthesizing enzyme for D-serine, is anchored to the membrane of glial organelles allowing a local and efficient concentration of the gliotransmitter to be transported. We conclude that vesicles in astrocytes do exist with the goal to store and release D-serine, glutamate and most likely other neuromodulators.
Astrocytes establish rapid cell-to-cell communication through the release of chemical transmitters. The underlying mechanisms and functional significance of this release are, however, not well understood. Here we identify an astrocytic vesicular compartment that is competent for glutamate exocytosis. Using postembedding immunogold labeling of the rat hippocampus, we show that vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT1/2) and the vesicular SNARE protein, cellubrevin, are both expressed in small vesicular organelles that resemble synaptic vesicles of glutamatergic terminals. Astrocytic vesicles, which are not as densely packed as their neuronal counterparts, can be observed in small groups at sites adjacent to neuronal structures bearing glutamate receptors. Fluorescently tagged VGLUT-containing vesicles were studied dynamically in living astrocytes by total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. After activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors, astrocytic vesicles underwent rapid (milliseconds) Ca(2+)- and SNARE-dependent exocytic fusion that was accompanied by glutamate release. These data document the existence of a Ca(2+)-dependent quantal glutamate release activity in glia that was previously considered to be specific to synapses.
The identification of genetic causes for Mendelian disorders has been based on the collection of multi-incident families, linkage analysis, and sequencing of genes in candidate intervals. This study describes the application of next-generation sequencing technologies to a Swiss kindred presenting with autosomal-dominant, late-onset Parkinson disease (PD). The family has tremor-predominant dopa-responsive parkinsonism with a mean onset of 50.6 ± 7.3 years. Exome analysis suggests that an aspartic-acid-to-asparagine mutation within vacuolar protein sorting 35 (VPS35 c.1858G>A; p.Asp620Asn) is the genetic determinant of disease. VPS35 is a central component of the retromer cargo-recognition complex, is critical for endosome-trans-golgi trafficking and membrane-protein recycling, and is evolutionarily highly conserved. VPS35 c.1858G>A was found in all affected members of the Swiss kindred and in three more families and one patient with sporadic PD, but it was not observed in 3,309 controls. Further sequencing of familial affected probands revealed only one other missense variant, VPS35 c.946C>T; (p.Pro316Ser), in a pedigree with one unaffected and two affected carriers, and thus the pathogenicity of this mutation remains uncertain. Retromer-mediated sorting and transport is best characterized for acid hydrolase receptors. However, the complex has many types of cargo and is involved in a diverse array of biologic pathways from developmental Wnt signaling to lysosome biogenesis. Our study implicates disruption of VPS35 and retromer-mediated trans-membrane protein sorting, rescue, and recycling in the neurodegenerative process leading to PD.
MCT2 is the major neuronal monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) that allows the supply of alternative energy substrates such as lactate to neurons. Recent evidence obtained by electron microscopy has demonstrated that MCT2, like alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors, is localized in dendritic spines of glutamatergic synapses. Using immunofluorescence, we show in this study that MCT2 colocalizes extensively with GluR2/3 subunits of AMPA receptors in neurons from various mouse brain regions as well as in cultured neurons. It also colocalizes with GluR2/3-interacting proteins, such as C-kinase-interacting protein 1, glutamate receptor-interacting protein 1 and clathrin adaptor protein. Coimmunoprecipitation of MCT2 with GluR2/3 and C-kinase-interacting protein 1 suggests their close interaction within spines. Parallel changes in the localization of both MCT2 and GluR2/3 subunits at and beneath the plasma membrane upon various stimulation paradigms were unraveled using an original immunocytochemical and transfection approach combined with three-dimensional image reconstruction. Cell culture incubation with AMPA or insulin triggered a marked intracellular accumulation of both MCT2 and GluR2/3, whereas both tumor necrosis factor alpha and glycine (with glutamate) increased their cell surface immunolabeling. Similar results were obtained using Western blots performed on membrane or cytoplasm-enriched cell fractions. Finally, an enhanced lactate flux into neurons was demonstrated after MCT2 translocation on the cell surface. These observations provide unequivocal evidence that MCT2 is linked to AMPA receptor GluR2/3 subunits and undergoes a similar translocation process in neurons upon activation. MCT2 emerges as a novel component of the synaptic machinery putatively linking neuroenergetics to synaptic transmission.
Ubiquitination, deubiquitination, and the formation of specific ubiquitin chain topologies have been implicated in various cellular processes. Little is known, however, about the role of ubiquitin in the development of cellular organelles. Here, we identify and characterize the deubiquitinating enzyme AMSH3 from Arabidopsis thaliana. AMSH3 hydrolyzes K48- and K63-linked ubiquitin chains in vitro and accumulates both ubiquitin chain types in vivo. amsh3 mutants fail to form a central lytic vacuole, accumulate autophagosomes, and mis-sort vacuolar protein cargo to the intercellular space. Furthermore, AMSH3 is required for efficient endocytosis of the styryl dye FM4-64 and the auxin efflux facilitator PIN2. We thus present evidence for a role of deubiquitination in intracellular trafficking and vacuole biogenesis.
The lipid raft proteins reggie-1 and -2 (flotillins) are implicated in membrane protein trafficking but exactly how has been elusive. We find that reggie-1 and -2 associate with the Rab11a, SNX4, and EHD1-decorated tubulovesicular recycling compartment in HeLa cells and that reggie-1 directly interacts with Rab11a and SNX4. Short hairpin RNA-mediated down-regulation of reggie-1 (and -2) in HeLa cells reduces association of Rab11a with tubular structures and impairs recycling of the transferrin-transferrin receptor (TfR) complex to the plasma membrane. Overexpression of constitutively active Rab11a rescues TfR recycling in reggie-deficient HeLa cells. Similarly, in a Ca(2+) switch assay in reggie-depleted A431 cells, internalized E-cadherin is not efficiently recycled to the plasma membrane upon Ca(2+) repletion. E-cadherin recycling is rescued, however, by overexpression of constitutively active Rab11a or SNX4 in reggie-deficient A431 cells. This suggests that the function of reggie-1 in sorting and recycling occurs in association with Rab11a and SNX4. Of interest, impaired recycling in reggie-deficient cells leads to de novo E-cadherin biosynthesis and cell contact reformation, showing that cells have ways to compensate the loss of reggies. Together our results identify reggie-1 as a regulator of the Rab11a/SNX4-controlled sorting and recycling pathway, which is, like reggies, evolutionarily conserved.
Interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1RI) is a master regulator of inflammation and innate immunity. When triggered by IL-1beta, IL-1RI aggregates with IL-1R-associated protein (IL-1RAcP) and forms a membrane proximal signalosome that potently activates downstream signaling cascades. IL-1beta also rapidly triggers endocytosis of IL-1RI. Although internalization of IL-1RI significantly impacts signaling, very little is known about trafficking of IL-1RI and therefore about precisely how endocytosis modulates the overall cellular response to IL-1beta. Upon internalization, activated receptors are often sorted through endosomes and delivered to lysosomes for degradation. This is a highly regulated process that requires ubiquitination of cargo proteins as well as protein-sorting complexes that specifically recognize ubiquitinated cargo. Here, we show that IL-1beta induces ubiquitination of IL-1RI and that via these attached ubiquitin groups, IL-1RI interacts with the ubiquitin-binding protein Tollip. By using an assay to follow trafficking of IL-1RI from the cell surface to late endosomes and lysosomes, we demonstrate that Tollip is required for sorting of IL-1RI at late endosomes. In Tollip-deficient cells and cells expressing only mutated Tollip (incapable of binding IL-1RI and ubiquitin), IL-1RI accumulates on late endosomes and is not efficiently degraded. Furthermore, we show that IL-1RI interacts with Tom1, an ubiquitin-, clathrin-, and Tollip-binding protein, and that Tom1 knockdown also results in the accumulation of IL-1RI at late endosomes. Our findings suggest that Tollip functions as an endosomal adaptor linking IL-1RI, via Tom1, to the endosomal degradation machinery.
The small Rho-family GTPase Cdc42 is critical for cell polarization and polarizes spontaneously in absence of upstream spatial cues. Spontaneous polarization is thought to require dynamic Cdc42 recycling through Guanine nucleotide Dissociation Inhibitor (GDI)-mediated membrane extraction and vesicle trafficking. Here, we describe a functional fluorescent Cdc42 allele in fission yeast, which demonstrates Cdc42 dynamics and polarization independent of these pathways. Furthermore, an engineered Cdc42 allele targeted to the membrane independently of these recycling pathways by an amphipathic helix is viable and polarizes spontaneously to multiple sites in fission and budding yeasts. We show that Cdc42 is highly mobile at the membrane and accumulates at sites of activity, where it displays slower mobility. By contrast, a near-immobile transmembrane domain-containing Cdc42 allele supports viability and polarized activity, but does not accumulate at sites of activity. We propose that Cdc42 activation, enhanced by positive feedback, leads to its local accumulation by capture of fast-diffusing inactive molecules.
Reggies/flotillins are implicated in trafficking of membrane proteins to their target sites and in the regulation of the Rab11a-dependent targeted recycling of E-cadherin to adherens junctions (AJs). Here we demonstrate a function of reggies in focal adhesion (FA) formation and α5- and β1-integrin recycling to FAs. Downregulation of reggie-1 in HeLa and A431 cells by siRNA and shRNA increased the number of FAs, impaired their distribution and modified FA turnover. This was coupled to enhanced focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and Rac1 signaling and gain in plasma membrane motility. Wild type and constitutively-active (CA) Rab11a rescued the phenotype (normal number of FAs) whereas dominant-negative (DN) Rab11a mimicked the loss-of-reggie phenotype in control cells. That reggie-1 affects integrin trafficking emerged from the faster loss of internalized antibody-labeled β1-integrin in reggie-deficient cells. Moreover, live imaging using TIRF microscopy revealed vesicles containing reggie-1 and α5- or β1-integrin, trafficking close to the substrate-near membrane and making kiss-and-run contacts with FAs. Thus, reggie-1 in interaction with Rab11a controls Rac1 and FAK activation and coordinates the targeted recycling of α5- and β1-integrins to FAs to regulate FA formation and membrane dynamics.
Estrella lausannensis is a new member of the Chlamydiales order. Like other Chlamydia-related bacteria, it is able to replicate in amoebae and in fish cell lines. A preliminary study investigating the pathogenic potential of Chlamydia-related bacteria found a correlation between antibody response to E. lausannensis and pneumonia in children. To further investigate the pathogenic potential of E. lausannensis, we determined its ability to grow in human macrophages and its intracellular trafficking. The replication in macrophages resulted in viable E. lausannensis; however, it caused a significant cytopathic effect. The intracellular trafficking of E. lausannensis was analyzed by determining the interaction of the Estrella-containing inclusions with various endocytic markers as well as host organelles. The E. lausannensis inclusion escaped the endocytic pathway rapidly avoiding maturation into phagolysosomes by preventing both EEA-1 and LAMP-1 accumulation. Compared to Waddlia chondrophila, another Chlamydia-related bacteria, the recruitment of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum was minimal for E. lausannensis inclusions. Estrella lausannensis appears to use a distinct source of nutrients and energy compared to other members of the Chlamydiales order. In conclusion, we hypothesize that E. lausannensis has a restricted growth in human macrophages, due to its reduced capacity to control programmed cell death.