23 resultados para Travelling poetry


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Résumé Cet essai retrace l'implication de l'écrivaine américaine Hilda Doolittle (qui signe H. D.) au sein du groupe Pool (1927-1933), dont les activités sont centrées sur le cinéma. Nous mettons ainsi en évidence les points de convergence entre les théories de l'image dans les mouvements littéraires imagistes, vorticistes ou encore objectivistes, et les débats qui portent sur les moyens d'expression et la fonction du film dans les milieux émergents de la cinéphilie. H. D., dont les premiers poèmes ont été médiatisés par Ezra Pound et la revue Poetry, transpose son expérience de l'espace littéraire dans le contexte du cinéma. La logique du long-métrage Borderline (Kenneth Macpherson, Suisse, 1930) et les points de vue qui s'expriment dans la revue Close Up (juillet 1927-décembre 1933) sont surdéterminés par le mythe expressif d'un renouvellement de l'écriture idéogrammatique, traversant la poésie d'avant-garde anglo-saxonne depuis les années 1910. L'enjeu de cette recherche est double. D'une part, nous soutenons qu'une dynamique cinématographique sous-tend les manifestes et les poèmes publiés dans le contexte des premières avant-gardes historiques anglo-américaines. En un sens, les recherches sur l'objectivation des images et la fragmentation du rythme trouvent un point de résolution dans le caractère indiciel des photogrammes et les procédés du montage discontinu. D'autre part, nous démontrons que les expérimentations sur le vers libre et les formes poétiques ouvertes conditionnent les réflexions du groupe Pool sur le cinéma et leur pratique filmique. Nous analysons dans le détail deux «textes » : nous rapportons Borderline au genre surréaliste du scénario intournable, et nous relisons le dernier poème de H. D. en regard des théories du montage d'Eisenstein. Le modèle princeps du hiéroglyphe, qui est convoqué par Eisenstein et par Pound, mais que H. D. et Freud s'approprient également, constitue le fil rouge qui permet de nouer ces différents liens.


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The clinical demand for a device to monitor Blood Pressure (BP) in ambulatory scenarios with minimal use of inflation cuffs is increasing. Based on the so-called Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) principle, this paper introduces and evaluates a novel concept of BP monitor that can be fully integrated within a chest sensor. After a preliminary calibration, the sensor provides non-occlusive beat-by-beat estimations of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) by measuring the Pulse Transit Time (PTT) of arterial pressure pulses travelling from the ascending aorta towards the subcutaneous vasculature of the chest. In a cohort of 15 healthy male subjects, a total of 462 simultaneous readings consisting of reference MAP and chest PTT were acquired. Each subject was recorded at three different days: D, D+3 and D+14. Overall, the implemented protocol induced MAP values to range from 80 ± 6 mmHg in baseline, to 107 ± 9 mmHg during isometric handgrip maneuvers. Agreement between reference and chest-sensor MAP values was tested by using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = 0.78) and Bland-Altman analysis (mean error = 0.7 mmHg, standard deviation = 5.1 mmHg). The cumulative percentage of MAP values provided by the chest sensor falling within a range of ±5 mmHg compared to reference MAP readings was of 70%, within ±10 mmHg was of 91%, and within ±15mmHg was of 98%. These results point at the fact that the chest sensor complies with the British Hypertension Society (BHS) requirements of Grade A BP monitors, when applied to MAP readings. Grade A performance was maintained even two weeks after having performed the initial subject-dependent calibration. In conclusion, this paper introduces a sensor and a calibration strategy to perform MAP measurements at the chest. The encouraging performance of the presented technique paves the way towards an ambulatory-compliant, continuous and non-occlusive BP monitoring system.


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Dans les années trente, Ella Maillart et Annemarie Schwarzenbach quittent la Suisse pour l'Afghanistan. Deux décennies plus tard, L. Pestelli et N. Bouvier s'embarquent à leur tour sur les routes d'Orient. Filles et fils de grands industriels, d'universitaires ou de diplomates, ces quatre écrivains-voyageurs mettent un point d'honneur à s'éloigner d'une conception bourgeoise du voyage en présentant leur départ comme un moyen de se définir dans l'ailleurs, c'est-à-dire en dehors de leur héritage social, familial, national et occidental. L'Orient leur semble le lieu des possibles. Or, malgré leur désir de table rase, ils s'aperçoivent vite que, quoi qu'ils fassent, leur corps porte les stigmates de l'Occident. Ils vont donc tenter de le modifier. Si le but du voyage n'est pas de faire totalement disparaître le corps, ce n'est qu'en le risquant, en l'offrant au monde, pour le meilleur et souvent pour le pire, que les voyageurs croient pouvoir goûter aux délices du dehors. Mais ce bonheur charnel, physique, sensuel voire érotique, comment le dire ? Et quelle langue adopter pour rendre compte de sa présence physique au monde ? La réunion de ces quatre auteurs d'époques, de genres et de plumes différents, nous permet d'observer l'évolution des représentations du corps dans le récit de voyage au vingtième siècle tout en questionnant nos habitudes de lecture. Quelle représentation attendons-nous du corps dans un récit de voyage ? Celui-ci est-il vraiment le lieu privilégié pour remettre le corps à l'ouvrage ? The Boby at work. Body representations ìn the narratives of Eila Maillart, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Nicolas Bouvier and Lorenzo Pestelli. In the 1930s, Ella Maillart and Annemarie Schwarzenbach left Switzerland for Afghanistan. Two decades later, Lorenzo Pestelli and Nicolas Bouvier set out on the routes to the East. Daughters and sons of prominent industrialists, academics or diplomats, these four writer-travellers made a point of straying away from the bourgeois conception of travel by presenting their departure as a way of defining the self away from social, family, national and Western inheritance. The East appears to them as the location of many possibilities. Yet, in spite of their desire for a clean slate, they soon realise that, no matter what they do, their body carries the stigma of the West. They will thus try to modify it. If the aim of their travelling is not to make the body disappear completely, it is only by putting it at risk and by offering it to the world, for better and often for worse, that the travellers believe they can taste the delights from the outside. But how to put in words this carnal, physical, sensual and even erotic pleasure? And what language can be chosen to account for one's presence in the world? Working jointly on four writers, from different eras, genres and styles, helps us to observe the evolution of the representations of the body in travel literature in the 20`h century and at the same time it questions our reading habits. What representations of the body do we expect in travel literature? Is travel literature really the privileged location to put the body back to work?


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Testimonies disclosed that a 44-year-old pedestrian was struck head-on by a truck while she was roaming on the motorway; at the time of collision, the truck was travelling at a speed of about 90 km/h. In the second phase of the collision, the pedestrian was projected about 100 m before her body was run over by the truck and then by a car. The autopsy revealed extensive mutilations, making it impossible to verify the testimonies of witnesses to the collision as regards the pedestrian's position at the moment of the first impact. However, the reports produced by the technical expert and the forensic pathologist were able to confirm the testimonies, based on an impact zone on the front panel of the cab of the truck, where part of the pedestrian's face was reproduced like a "modern holy shroud".


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Résumé La mobilité ne signifie plus uniquement se mouvoir d'un point à un autre ; il s'agit d'un concept lui-même en constante évolution, grâce au progrès technique et à l'innovation sociale notamment. Aujourd'hui, la recherche de la vitesse n'est plus le seul enjeu au coeur de nos préoccupations. Elle a été remplacée par un retour au voyage enrichi par l'expérience et ce quelle que soit sa durée. Cet enrichissement s'est principalement fait par le truchement des technologies de l'information et de la communication et peut prendre plusieurs formes liées aux problématiques contemporaines de la ville et du territoire. Citons comme exemple la valorisation du temps de déplacement, grâce à un meilleur accès à l'information (travail, réseaux sociaux, etc.) et à la recherche d'une plus grande cohérence entre l'acte de se mouvoir et l'environnement proche ou lointain. Cette « recontextualisation » du mouvement nous interpelle dans notre rapport à l'espace et nous donne également des pistes pour repenser le métier d'urbaniste de la ville intelligente. Abstract Mobility issues do not only involve the act of moving nowadays. The concept itself evolves continuously thanks to technological and social innovations. The main stakes do not focus anymore on improving speed, but on enriching the experience of travelling, even in the case of short trips. One of the main factors that fosters this evolution is the progressive adoption of information and communication technologies that help to reshape the issues of contemporary cities. For example, the quality of travel time has improved thanks to the ubiquitous accessibility to information, and by offering a better coherence between the trip and the immediate social environment. The "recontextualisation" of everyday activities (working, interacting, etc.) challenges the relationship individuals have with space and offers many clues in regard to the required skills that urban planners and designers of the smart city should possess.


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Background. New recommendations for rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) were published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization in 2010. In view of these new recommendations, we investigated the adequacy of rabies PEP among patients consulting our travel clinic. Methods. A retrospective analysis of the files of all patients who consulted for rabies PEP at the Travel Clinic of the University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, between January 2005 and August 2011 was conducted. Results. A total of 110 patients who received rabies PEP were identified. The median age of the patients was 34 years (range, 2-79 years), and 53% were women. Ninety subjects were potentially exposed to rabies while travelling abroad. Shortcomings in the management of these patients were (1) late initiation of rabies PEP in travelers who waited to seek medical care until returning to Switzerland, (2) administration of human rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG) to only 7 of 50 travelers (14%) who sought care abroad and for whom HRIG was indicated, and (3) antibody levels <0.5 IU/mL in 6 of 90 patients (6.7%) after 4 doses of vaccine. Conclusions. Patients do not always receive optimal rabies PEP under real-life conditions. A significant proportion of patients did not develop adequate antibody levels after 4 doses of vaccine. These data indicate that the measurement of antibody levels on day 21 of the Essen PEP regimen is useful in order to verify an adequate immune response.


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BACKGROUND: Studies carried out on specific travelers' groups such as students describe an increase in the consumption of alcohol and drugs during travel and vacation time. The present study investigates the risk behaviors (alcohol and drugs) in a general adult population in Switzerland travelling abroad who visited a travel clinic before departure. METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted in a travel clinic between January 2006 and December 2008. 14,496 patients came to the clinic for a pre-travel consultation. 3,537 of them answered a questionnaire about their life habits in Switzerland and during their last trip. The only exclusion criterion was an age inferior to 18 years old.The consumption habits of drugs and at-risk alcohol intake (8 standard drinks (SD) per week for women and 15 SD for men) was analyzed according to gender, sex, destination and profession. Predictors of adopting a risky behavior between habits in Switzerland and during their previous trip were also analyzed. RESULTS: 7% (229/3477) of participants declared having at-risk alcohol consumption in Switzerland and 14% (473/3275 [95% CI 13-16]) during their trip. 9% (332/3527) of the participants used drugs in Switzerland and 5% (178/3481) during their trip. Risk factors for at-risk alcohol consumption during a trip were: at-risk alcohol consumption in Switzerland (OR 31[95% CI 21-45]), smoking (1.7 [95% CI 1-2]), use of drugs in Switzerland (OR 2.2 [95% CI 2-3]), leisure travel (OR 1.6 [95% CI 1-2]) and managerial professions (OR 1.8 [95% CI 1-3]). Risk factors for the use of drugs during a trip were: alcohol consumption in Switzerland (OR 2.1 [95% CI 1-4]), smoking (OR 1.9 [95% CI 1-3]), and use of drugs in Switzerland (OR 29.7 [95% CI 19-45]). CONCLUSIONS: At-risk alcohol consumption and, to a lesser extent, use of drugs, affect a large number of travelers which expose them to health problems during a trip. Exploring the alcohol and drugs consumption patterns of people visiting a travel clinic should be part of the pre-travel routine consultation and would allow to identifying people who would benefit most from a specific prevention.