60 resultados para THERMAL FLUCTUATIONS
The Western Alpine Are has been created during the Cretaceous and the Tertiary orogenies. The interference patterns of the Tertiary structures suggest their formation during continental collision of the European and the Adriatic Plates, with an accompanying anticlockwise rotation of the Adriatic indenter. Extensional structures are mainly related to ductile deformation by simple shear. These structures developed at a deep tectonic level, in granitic crustal rocks, at depths in excess of 10 km. In the early Palaeogene period of the Tertiary Orogeny, the main Tertiary nappe emplacement resulted from a NW-thrusting of the Austroalpine, Penninic and Helvetic nappes. Heating of the deep zone of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary nappe stack by geothermal heat flow is responsible for the Tertiary regional metamorphism, reaching amphibolite-facies conditions in the Lepontine Gneiss Dome (geothermal gradient 25 degrees C/ km). The Tertiary thrusting occurred mainly during prograde metamorphic conditions with creation of a penetrative NW-SE-oriented stretching lineation, X(1) (finite extension), parallel to the direction of simple shear. Earliest cooling after the culmination of the Tertiary metamorphism, some 38 Ma ago, is recorded by the cooling curves of the Monte Rosa and Mischabel nappes to the west and the Suretta Nappe to the east of the Lepontine Gneiss Dome. The onset of dextral transpression, with a strong extension parallel to the mountain belt, and the oldest S-vergent `'backfolding'' took place some 35 to 30 Ma ago during retrograde amphibolite-facies conditions and before the intrusion of the Oligocene dikes north of the Periadriatic Line. The main updoming of the Lepontine Gneiss Dome started some 32-30 Ma ago with the intrusion of the Bergell tonalites and granodiorites, concomitant with S-vergent backfolding and backthrusting and dextral strike-slip movements along the Tonale and Canavese Lines (Argand's Insubric phase). Subsequently, the center of main updoming migrated slowly to the west, reaching the Simplon region some 20 Ma ago. This was contemporaneous with the westward migration of the Adriatic indenter. Between 20 Ma and the present, the Western Aar Massif-Toce culmination was the center of strong uplift. The youngest S-vergent backfolds, the Glishorn anticline and the Berisal syncline fold the 12 Ma Rb/Sr biotite isochron and are cut by the 11 Ma old Rhone-Simplon Line. The discrete Rhone-Simplon Line represents a late retrograde manifestation in the preexisting ductile Simplon Shear Zone. This fault zone is still active today. The Oligocene-Neogene dextral transpression and extension in the Simplon area were concurrent with thrusting to the northwest of the Helvetic nappes, the Prealpes (35-15 Ma) and with the Jura thin-skinned thrust (11-3 Ma). It was also contemporaneous with thrusting to the south of the Bergamasc (> 35-5 Ma) and Milan thrusts (16-5 Ma).
La peau est sujette à un vieillissement intrinsèque (processus naturel et chronologique) et extrinsèque (processus induit par l'environnement et notamment les rayons UV). Plusieurs études ont montré que le vieillissement cutané s'accompagne d'une réduction de la densité capillaire au sein du derme et d'une dégradation de plusieurs protéines de la matrice extracellulaire. Cette atteinte morphologique est associée à une diminution de la capacité vasodilatatrice maximale de la microcirculation dermique et en particulier, de la réponse maximale du flux sanguin cutané à un échauffement local de la surface cutanée à des températures avoisinant les 43-44°C. Cette réponse, appelée hyperémie locale induite par la chaleur (local thermal hyperemia), est facilement mesurable par des investigations non invasives, telles que le laser Doppler. Nous avons entrepris cette étude afin d'investiguer les effets de l'âge sur la réactivité de la microcirculation dermique dans des zones cutanées exposées différemment aux rayons UV. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié, chez des patients jeunes (18 à 30 ans, n=13) et des patients âgés (> 60 ans, n=13), la vasodilatation cutanée induite par réchauffement local de la peau, au niveau de 3 sites anatomiques différents (la cuisse, l'avant- bras et le front). Les mesures ont été effectuées au moyen d'un laser Doppler. Pour chaque sujet et chaque site, la température cutanée fut tout d'abord amenée à 34°C par 2 corps de chauffe (A et B), disposés de manière adjacente sur la peau. La température fut ensuite augmentée à 39°C (corps de chauffe A) et à 41°C (corps de chauffe B) pour une durée de 30 minutes, dans l'optique d'induire une vasodilatation sous- maximale. Ensuite, la température fut augmentée à 43 °C (corps de chauffe A et B) pour 15 minutes supplémentaires. Enfin, la vasodilatation maximale a été induite par un échauffement local à 44°C pour 15 minutes supplémentaires (corps de chauffe A et B). L'enregistrement séquentiel du flux sanguin cutané, effectué chaque minute par laser Doppler imager, donne des images sur lesquelles peut être calculé le flux sanguin cutané (unités de perfusion, PU). Par la suite, nous avons calculé les conductances vasculaires cutanées (CVC), en divisant le flux sanguin (PU) par la tension artérielle moyenne (mmHg), afin de permettre une normalisation entre les différents sujets. Les CVC, évaluées au temps de départ (température 34°C) et après vasodilatation maximale (température 44°C), étaient plus hautes au niveau du front qu'au niveau des 2 autres sites anatomiques. Sur les 3 sites, la CVC maximale (température 44°C) diminuait avec l'âge mais de façon moins importante au niveau du front, en comparaison avec les 2 autres sites. La réponse aux températures sous-maximales (température 39 et 41°C), exprimée en pourcentage de la CVC maximale, ne variait pas avec l'âge ni en fonction du site anatomique étudié. En conclusion, cette étude est la première à étudier simultanément l'hyperémie locale induite par la chaleur sur 3 sites ayant une exposition différente aux rayons UV. Le processus utilisé (laser Doppler imager) est également unique dans la littérature concernant les altérations de la microcirculation cutanée en lien avec l'âge. Cette étude confirme ainsi que le vieillissement cutané intrinsèque et/ou extrinsèque réduit la capacité vasodilatatrice maximale de la microcirculation dermique. Par contre, la réactivité à réchauffement local à des températures moindres ne semble pas être affectée.
Purpose: Crosslinking of corneal collagen with riboflavin and ultraviolet-A irradiation (CXL) induces crosslinks within and between collagen fibers. CXL increases corneal biomechanical and biochemical stability and is currently used clinically to treat keratectasia. CXL also significantly reduces the stromal swelling capacity. We investigated whether a modified CXL treatment protocol would be beneficial in early Fuchs' dystrophy with various degrees of corneal edema and diurnal variations in visual acuity. Methods: CXL was performed as published previously with the following modification: in cases where the stroma was thicker than 450 µm after abrasion and 30 minutes of instillation of isoosmolar riboflavin solution, glycerol 70% solution was applied every 5 seconds for two minutes, and central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured using ultrasound pachymetry. Glycerol 70% solution was administered repeatedly until the target corneal thickness of 370-430 µm was reached. During irradiation, CCT was monitored by ultrasound pachymetry every five minutes and glycerol 70% solution was applied, if necessary. Results: Three eyes in two patients were treated using the modified CXL protocol. Representative case: a 50-year-old woman with Fuchs' dystrophy and a history of 3 years of diurnal visual fluctuations was referred to us in March 2008. Preoperative best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) was 20/50. We performed modified CXL in the left eye. At one month after CXL, Scheimpflug analysis of CCT showed a reduction of more than 100 µm, and the Corneal Thickness Spatial Profile (CTSP) and Percentage of Increase in Thickness (PIT) showed a regularization of the "flattening" typical for Fuchs' dystrophy. Accordingly, diurnal analysis of corneal thickness showed a distinct postoperative reduction in CCT at all time points measured. At one month after CXL, the patient reported a reduction of diurnal visual fluctuations and we measured an increase in BSCVA to 20/32. The patient showed stable topographical and visual acuity at the three months follow-up. Conclusions: We saw a distinct reduction in CCT, an improvement of the corneal thickness spatial profile (CTSP) and an increase in BSCVA at one month after treatment, which remained stable at the three months follow-up. Patients with early Fuchs' dystrophy and disturbing diurnal visual fluctuations represent a novel application for CXL. Although CXL may not prevent the outcome of the dystrophy, it may increase the patients' visual comfort until keratoplasty becomes necessary.
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) in situ has been used to observe the cold disassembly dynamics of microtubules at a previously unrealised spatial resolution. Microtubules either electrostatically or covalently bound to aminosilane surfaces disassembled at room temperature under buffer solutions with no free tubulin present. This process was followed by taking sequential tapping-mode AFM images and measuring the change in the microtubule end position as a function of time, with an spatial accuracy down to +/-20nm and a temporal accuracy of +/-1s. As well as giving average disassembly rates on the order of 1-10 tubulin monomers per second, large fluctuations in the disassembly rate were revealed, indicating that the process is far from smooth and linear under these experimental conditions. The surface bound rates measured here are comparable to the rates for GMPCPP-tubulin microtubules free in solution, suggesting that inhibition of tubulin curvature through steric hindrance controls the average, relatively low disassembly rate. The large fluctuations in this rate are thought to be due to multiple pathways in the kinetics of disassembly with differing rate constants and/or stalling due to defects in the microtubule lattice. Microtubules that were covalently bound to the surface left behind the protofilaments covalently cross-linked to the aminosilane via glutaraldehyde during the disassembly process. Further work is needed to quantitatively assess the effects of surface binding on protofibril disassembly rates, reveal any differences in disassembly rates between the plus and minus ends and to enable assembly as well as disassembly to be imaged in the microscope fluid cell in real-time.
In recent research, both soil (root-zone) and air temperature have been used as predictors for the treeline position worldwide. In this study, we intended to (a) test the proposed temperature limitation at the treeline, and (b) investigate effects of season length for both heat sum and mean temperature variables in the Swiss Alps. As soil temperature data are available for a limited number of sites only, we developed an air-to-soil transfer model (ASTRAMO). The air-to-soil transfer model predicts daily mean root-zone temperatures (10cm below the surface) at the treeline exclusively from daily mean air temperatures. The model using calibrated air and root-zone temperature measurements at nine treeline sites in the Swiss Alps incorporates time lags to account for the damping effect between air and soil temperatures as well as the temporal autocorrelations typical for such chronological data sets. Based on the measured and modeled root-zone temperatures we analyzed. the suitability of the thermal treeline indicators seasonal mean and degree-days to describe the Alpine treeline position. The root-zone indicators were then compared to the respective indicators based on measured air temperatures, with all indicators calculated for two different indicator period lengths. For both temperature types (root-zone and air) and both indicator periods, seasonal mean temperature was the indicator with the lowest variation across all treeline sites. The resulting indicator values were 7.0 degrees C +/- 0.4 SD (short indicator period), respectively 7.1 degrees C +/- 0.5 SD (long indicator period) for root-zone temperature, and 8.0 degrees C +/- 0.6 SD (short indicator period), respectively 8.8 degrees C +/- 0.8 SD (long indicator period) for air temperature. Generally, a higher variation was found for all air based treeline indicators when compared to the root-zone temperature indicators. Despite this, we showed that treeline indicators calculated from both air and root-zone temperatures can be used to describe the Alpine treeline position.
The thermal energetics of rodents from cool, wet tropical highlands are poorly known. Metabolic rate, body temperature and thermal conductance were measured in the moss-forest rat, Rattus niobe (Rodentia), a small murid endemic to the highlands of New Guinea. These data were evaluated in the context of the variation observed in the genus Rattus and among tropical murids. In 7 adult R. niobe, basal metabolic rate (BMR) averaged 53.6±6.6mLO2h(-1), or 103% of the value predicted for a body mass of 42.3±5.8g. Compared to other species of Rattus, R. niobe combines a low body temperature (35.5±0.6°C) and a moderately low minimal wet thermal conductance cmin (5.88±0.7mLO2h(-1)°C(-1), 95% of predicted) with a small size, all of which lead to reduced energy expenditure in a constantly cool environment. The correlations of mean annual rainfall and temperature, altitude and body mass with BMR, body temperature and cmin were analyzed comparatively among tropical Muridae. Neither BMR, nor cmin or body temperature correlated with ambient temperature or altitude. Some of the factors which promote high BMR in higher latitude habitats, such as seasonal exposure to very low temperature and short reproductive season, are lacking in wet montane tropical forests. BMR increased with rainfall, confirming a pattern observed among other assemblages of mammals. This correlation was due to the low BMR of several desert adapted murids, while R. niobe and other species from wet habitats had a moderate BMR.
The thermal springs of Acquarossa and the nearby mineral springs of Soia have outlet temperatures of 12 degrees to 25 degrees C, TDS of 2290 to 3000 mg/kg and Ca-SO4 to Ca-SO4-HCO3 composition. Chemical geothermometers suggest reservoir temperatures close to 60 degrees C. P-CO2 values at depth are estimated to range from 0.3 to 2 bar. delta D and delta(18)O values indicate a meteoric origin and recharge elevations of 1600 +/- 150 m above sea level (a.s.l.) for these thermal and mineral waters. All these waters discharge from the overturned limb of the Simano nappe, probably dose to the contact between basement and underlying cover rocks. They therefore represent rain waters that descend slowly, heat at depth and locally rise relatively quickly to the surface, preserving part of their physical and chemical characteristics. (C) 1999 CNR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Inhibitory control refers to the ability to suppress planned or ongoing cognitive or motor processes. Electrophysiological indices of inhibitory control failure have been found to manifest even before the presentation of the stimuli triggering the inhibition, suggesting that pre-stimulus brain-states modulate inhibition performance. However, previous electrophysiological investigations on the state-dependency of inhibitory control were based on averaged event-related potentials (ERPs), a method eliminating the variability in the ongoing brain activity not time-locked to the event of interest. These studies thus left unresolved whether spontaneous variations in the brain-state immediately preceding unpredictable inhibition-triggering stimuli also influence inhibitory control performance. To address this question, we applied single-trial EEG topographic analyses on the time interval immediately preceding NoGo stimuli in conditions where the responses to NoGo trials were correctly inhibited [correct rejection (CR)] vs. committed [false alarms (FAs)] during an auditory spatial Go/NoGo task. We found a specific configuration of the EEG voltage field manifesting more frequently before correctly inhibited responses to NoGo stimuli than before FAs. There was no evidence for an EEG topography occurring more frequently before FAs than before CR. The visualization of distributed electrical source estimations of the EEG topography preceding successful response inhibition suggested that it resulted from the activity of a right fronto-parietal brain network. Our results suggest that the fluctuations in the ongoing brain activity immediately preceding stimulus presentation contribute to the behavioral outcomes during an inhibitory control task. Our results further suggest that the state-dependency of sensory-cognitive processing might not only concern perceptual processes, but also high-order, top-down inhibitory control mechanisms.
AbstractPurpose: to evaluate the tolerability, comfort and precision of the signal transmission of an ocular Sensor used for 24-hour intraocular pressure fluctuation monitoring in humans.Patients and methods: In this uncontrolled open trial involving 10 healthy volunteers an 8.7 mm radius prototype ocular telemetry Sensor (SENSIMED Triggerfish®, Lausanne, Switzerland) and an orbital bandage containing a loop antenna were applied and connected to a portable recorder after full eye examination. Best corrected visual acuity and position, surface wetting ability and mobility of the Sensor were assessed after 5 and 30 minutes, 4, 12 and 24 hours. Subjective wearing comfort was scored and activities documented in a logbook. After Sensor removal a full eye examination was repeated and the recorded signal analyzed.Results: The comfort score was high and did not fluctuate significantly over time. The mobility of the Sensor was limited across follow-up visits and its surface wetting ability remained good. Best corrected visual acuity was significantly reduced during Sensor wear and immediately after its removal (from 1.07 before, to 0.85 after, P-value 0.008). Three subjects developed a mild, transient corneal abrasion. In all but one participant we obtained usable data of a telemetric signal recording with sufficient sensitivity to depict ocular pulsation.Conclusions: This 24-hour- trial has encouraging results on the tolerability and functionality of the ocular telemetric Sensor for intraocular pressure fluctuation monitoring. Further studies with different Sensor radii conducted on a larger study population are needed to improve comfort, precision and interpretation of the telemetric signal.
Land plants are prone to strong thermal variations and must therefore sense early moderate temperature increments to induce appropriate cellular defenses, such as molecular chaperones, in anticipation of upcoming noxious temperatures. To investigate how plants perceive mild changes in ambient temperature, we monitored in recombinant lines of the moss Physcomitrella patens the activation of a heat-inducible promoter, the integrity of a thermolabile enzyme, and the fluctuations of cytoplasmic calcium. Mild temperature increments, or isothermal treatments with membrane fluidizers or Hsp90 inhibitors, induced a heat shock response (HSR) that critically depended on a preceding Ca(2+) transient through the plasma membrane. Electrophysiological experiments revealed the presence of a Ca(2+)-permeable channel in the plasma membrane that is transiently activated by mild temperature increments or chemical perturbations of membrane fluidity. The amplitude of the Ca(2+) influx during the first minutes of a temperature stress modulated the intensity of the HSR, and Ca(2+) channel blockers prevented HSR and the onset of thermotolerance. Our data suggest that early sensing of mild temperature increments occurs at the plasma membrane of plant cells independently from cytosolic protein unfolding. The heat signal is translated into an effective HSR by way of a specific membrane-regulated Ca(2+) influx, leading to thermotolerance.
An analysis is presented of the diversity and faunal turnover of Jurassic ammonites related to transgressive /regressive events. The data set contained 400 genera and 1548 species belonging to 67 ammonite zones covering the entire Jurassic System. These data were used in the construction of faunal turnover curves and ammonite diversities, that correlate with sea-level fluctuation curves. Twenty-four events of ammonite faunal turnover are analyzed throughout the Jurassic. The most important took place at the Sinemurian-Carixian boundary, latest Carixian-Middle Domerian, Domerian-Toarcian boundary, latest Middle Toarcian-Late Toarcian, Toarcian-Aalenian boundary, latest Aalenian-earliest Bajocian, latest Early Bajocian-earliest Late Bojocian, Early Bathonian-Middle Bathonian boundary, latest Middle Bathonian-earliest Late Bathonian, latest Bathonian-Early Callovian, earliest Early Oxfordian-Middle Oxfordian, earliest Late Oxfordian-latest Oxfordian, latest Early Kimmeridgian, Late Kimmeridgian, middle Early Tithonian and Early Tithonian-Late Tithonian boundary. More than 75 percent of these turnovers correlate with regressive-transgressive cycles in the Exxon, and /or Hallam's sea-level curves. Inmost cases the extinction events coincide with regressive intervals, whereas origination and radiation events are related to transgressive cycles. The turnovers frequently coincide with major or minor discontinuities in the Subbetic basin (Betic Cordillera).
During free walking, gait is automatically adjusted to provide optimal mechanical output and minimal energy expenditure; gait parameters, such as cadence, fluctuate from one stride to the next around average values. It was described that this fluctuation exhibited long-range correlations and fractal-like patterns. In addition, it was suggested that these long-range correlations disappeared if the participant followed the beep of metronome to regulate his or her pace. Until now, these fractal fluctuations were only observed for stride interval, because no technique existed to adequately analyze an extended time of free walking. The aim of the present study was to measure walking speed (WS), step frequency (SF) and step length (SL) with high accuracy (<1 cm) satellite positioning method (global positioning system or GPS) in order to detect long-range correlations in the stride-to-stride fluctuations. Eight participants walked 30 min under free and constrained (metronome) conditions. Under free walking conditions, DFA (detrended fluctuation analysis) and surrogate data tests showed that the fluctuation of WS, SL and SF exhibited a fractal pattern (i.e., scaling exponent alpha: 0.5 < alpha < 1) in a large majority of participants (7/8). Under constrained conditions (metronome), SF fluctuations became significantly anti-correlated (alpha < 0.5) in all participants. However, the scaling exponent of SL and WS was not modified. We conclude that, when the walking pace is controlled by an auditory signal, the feedback loop between the planned movement (at supraspinal level) and the sensory inputs induces a continual shifting of SF around the mean (persistent anti-correlation), but with no effect on the fluctuation dynamics of the other parameters (SL, WS).
The calculation of elasticity parameters by sonic and ultra sonic wave propagation in saturated soils using Biot's theory needs the following variables : forpiation density and porosity (p, ø), compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp, Vs), fluid density, viscosity and compressibility (Pfi Ilfi Ki), matrix density and compressibility (p" K), The first four parameters can be determined in situ using logging probes. Because fluid and matrix characteristics are not modified during core extraction, they can be obtained through laboratory measurements. All parameters necessitate precise calibrations in various environments and for specific range of values encountered in soils. The slim diameter of boreholes in shallow geophysics and the high cost of petroleum equipment demand the use of specific probes, which usually only give qualitative results. The measurement 'of density is done with a gamma-gamma probe and the measurement of hydrogen index, in relation to porosity, by a neutron probe. The first step of this work has been carried out in synthetic formations in the laboratory using homogeneous media of known density and porosity. To establish borehole corrections different casings have been used. Finally a comparison between laboratory and in situ data in cored holes of known geometry and casing has been performed.
OBJECT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of bilateral contemporaneous deep brain stimulation (DBS) in patients who have levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with untreatable motor fluctuations. Bilateral pallidotomy carries a high risk of corticobulbar and cognitive dysfunction. Deep brain stimulation offers new alternatives with major advantages such as reversibility of effects, minimal permanent lesions, and adaptability to individual needs, changes in medication, side effects, and evolution of the disease. METHODS: Patients in whom levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with untreatable severe motor fluctuations has been clinically diagnosed underwent bilateral pallidal magnetic resonance image-guided electrode implantation while receiving a local anesthetic. Pre- and postoperative evaluations at 3-month intervals included Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) scoring, Hoehn and Yahr staging, 24-hour self-assessments, and neuropsychological examinations. Six patients with a mean age of 55 years (mean 42-67 years), a mean duration of disease of 15.5 years (range 12-21 years), a mean "on/off' Hoehn and Yahr stage score of 3/4.2 (range 3-5), and a mean "off' time of 40% (range 20-50%) underwent bilateral contemporaneous pallidal DBS, with a minimum follow-up period lasting 24 months (range 24-30 months). The mean dose of levodopa in these patients could not be changed significantly after the procedure and pergolide was added after 12 months in five patients because of recurring fluctuations despite adjustments in stimulation parameters. All but two patients had no fluctuations until 9 months. Two of the patients reported barely perceptible fluctuations at 12 months and two at 15 months; however, two patients remain without fluctuations at 2 years. The mean improvements in the UPDRS motor score in the off time and the activities of daily living (ADL) score were more than 50%; the mean off time decreased from 40 to 10%, and the mean dyskinesia and complication of treatment scores were reduced to one-third until pergolide was introduced at 12 months. No significant improvement in "on" scores was observed. A slight worsening after 1 year was observed and three patients developed levodopa- and stimulation-resistant gait ignition failure and minimal fluctuations at 1 year. Side effects, which were controlled by modulation of stimulation, included dysarthria, dystonia, and confusion. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral pallidal DBS is safe and efficient in patients who have levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with severe fluctuations. Major improvements in motor score, ADL score, and off time persisted beyond 2 years after the operation, but signs of decreased efficacy started to be seen after 12 months.