62 resultados para Supporting methodology


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CONTEXTE: Les sélectines sont une famille de trois protéines qui règlent la capture et le roulement des leucocytes et qui initient la cascade d'adhésion. Elles contrôlent également la migration des leucocytes en réponse à un stimulus physiologique ou inflammatoire pour atteindre un organe cible. Le rôle des sélectines et des leurs ligands est bien connu dans l'adhésion des leucocytes normaux à l'endothélium; en revanche, la nature des ligands des sélectines exprimés par les cellules leucémiques et le myélome multiple est peu connue. La récente découverte que la E- et la P-sélectine sont exprimées par les cellules endothéliales et du stroma de la moelle osseuse, nous a incité à examiner leur rôle dans les interactions des cellules malignes avec leur environnement médullaire. RÉSULTATS: Les analyses ont été conduites sur les cellules du sang ou de la moelle osseuse prélevées à des patients atteints de leucémie aiguë ou de myélome multiple et sur des lignées cellulaires. Les ligands des sélectines qui ont été identifiés sur les blastes leucémiques ou les plasmocytes, sont « P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 » (PSGL-1), CD44, CD43 et l'endoglycan (EGC), ainsi que les saccharides fucosylés sLex et CLA. Nous avons vérifié dans des expériences d'adhésion cellulaire effectuées dans des conditions de flux que ces ligands sont fonctionnels, étant porteurs des sucres mentionnés, et qu'ils sont capables de supporter le roulement cellulaire dépendant des sélectines. De plus, nous avons montré que la liaison de ces ligands génère des signaux intracellulaires favorisant la prolifération et la survie des cellules de myélome. CONCLUSION. Les données présentées ici montrent que la E- et la P- sélectine du microenvironnement médullaire interagissent avec les cellules leucémiques et de myélome multiple, et que ces interactions activent des voies de signalisation contrôlant la prolifération et la survie cellulaire. Ces effets protecteurs sont impliqués dans la persistance de clones cellulaires malins résistant aux traitements et peuvent conduire à la récidive de la maladie. L'inhibition de ces interactions pourrait fournir de nouvelles options thérapeutiques pour le traitement de ces maladies de mauvais pronostic. - BACKGROUND: Selectins are a family of glycoproteins involved in the first steps of the adhesion cascade, tethering and rolling, during which leukocytes sense tissue specific signals and commit the cells to enter in a particular organ or inflammation site. While the role of selectins and their ligands is well established in supporting normal leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelium, our knowledge of selectin ligands in two hematological malignancies, acute leukemia and multiple myeloma, is incomplete. The recent discovery that E- and P- selectin are also expressed on bone marrow (BM) endothelial and stromal cells, prompted us to investigate a potential role in selectin-mediated interaction of malignant cells with its protective BM microenvironment. RESULTS. Using cells obtained from blood or BM of patients affected by acute myeloid or lymphoblastic leukemia, or multiple myeloma, as well as cell lines, we characterized the expression of selectin ligands on blasts and plasma cells and identified P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), CD44, CD43 and endoglycan (EGC), as well as sLex/CLA determinants. Rolling assays under flow conditions allowed us to verify that these ligands are functional, i.e. correctly glycosylated and able to support selectin-mediated rolling. Moreover, we demonstrated that these ligands trigger proliferation and pro-survival signals upon engagement on myeloma cells. CONCLUSIONS. Data presented here demonstrate that E- and P-selectin in the BM microenvironment interact with leukemia and myeloma cells, and suggest that they have an impact on proliferation and survival of malignant plasma cells. These protective effects may induce drug resistance in malignant clones, leading to disease relapse. Interfering with these interactions could provide new therapeutic options. - Le corps humain dépend du système immunitaire pour sa protection face aux agressions, notamment des bactéries ou des virus, ou face à une dysfonction de l'organisme. Ce système est composé de plusieurs types cellulaires, regroupés sous le nom de leucocytes, qui participent à son fonctionnement. Ces cellules se développent à partir d'une cellule souche hématopo'iétique commune qui réside dans la moelle osseuse. Comme c'est le cas dans les autres tissus, les cellules du système immunitaire peuvent aussi développer des cancers, appelés tumeurs hématopoïétiques ou tumeurs du sang. Bien que ces maladies puissent être traitées avec succès grâce à de fortes doses de chimiothérapies ou à d'autres moyens comme les greffes, les patients connaissent un fort taux de rechute. La raison de ces récidives est la survie d'une partie des cellules malignes dans la moelle osseuse, où elles reçoivent une protection au traitement par le biais de l'interaction avec d'autres cellules. Les sélectines (E-, P- et L-sélectine) régulent l'interaction des leucocytes avec l'endothélium (la paroi des vaisseaux sanguins), d'autres leucocytes et les plaquettes ; ces interactions surviennent quand les leucocytes atteignent un site d'inflammation ou un organe cible. Dans la moelle osseuse, la E- et la P-sélectine se trouvent sur les cellules de l'endothélium et sur les macrophages, qui sont d'autres leucocytes faisant partie du stroma de la moelle. Elles pourraient être impliquées dans la protection des cellules cancéreuses évoquée plus haut. Les molécules d'adhésion avec lesquelles les sélectines s'associent, autrement dit les ligands des sélectines, sont des glycoprotéines. Ces protéines ont besoin de sucres spécifiques pour acquérir une telle capacité d'adhésion. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié deux types de cellules extraites du sang et de la moelle osseuse des patients atteints d'une leucémie aiguë (les blastes) ou de myélome multiple (les plasmocytes), et leur capacité à se lier aux sélectines. Nous avons démontré une interaction entre ces cellules malignes et la E- et/ou la P-sélectine, à condition que les ligands soient correctement décorés. De plus, lors que les plasmocytes se lient aux sélectines, une cascade de signaux à l'intérieur des cellules stimule leur prolifération et leur survie. L'ensemble de ces résultats permet l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles de ces hémopathies de mauvais pronostic.


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A nosological issue that has yet to be resolved relates to the diagnostic and clinical overlap of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare, within a treated epidemiological cohort of first episode patients, the clinical characteristics of patients with schizophrenia (FES) or schizoaffective disorder (FESA). Medical fi le audit methodology was employed to collect information on 704 first episode psychosis patients (FEP), among which 283 patients had a fi nal diagnosis of FES and 64 patients with a fi nal diagnosis of FESA. These patients were treated at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC), Melbourne, Australia. Patients with FES were signifi cantly more likely to have a longer prodrome (P = .020), longer duration of untreated psychosis (P < .001), and earlier age of onset (P = .004) compared to FESA. At service entry, FESA patients had more severe levels of psychopathology (P = .020), which was due to the presence of manic symptoms (P < .001); consequently, requiring a greater number of inpatient admissions (P = .017). At discharge, depressive symptoms were more severe in those with FESA (P = .011). There are signifi cant differences in the phenomenology of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder during early illness course; supporting the notion that these are two discernable disorders.


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SUMMARY Heavy metal presence in the environment is a serious concern since some of them can be toxic to plants, animals and humans once accumulated along the food chain. Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most toxic heavy metal. It is naturally present in soils at various levels and its concentration can be increased by human activities. Several plants however have naturally developed strategies allowing them to grow on heavy metal enriched soils. One of them consists in the accumulation and sequestration of heavy metals in the above-ground biomass. Some plants present in addition an extreme strategy by which they accumulate a limited number of heavy metals in their shoots in amounts 100 times superior to those expected for a non-accumulating plant in the same conditions. Understanding the genetic basis of the hyperaccumulation trait - particularly for Cd - remains an important challenge which may lead to biotechnological applications in the soil phytoremediation. In this thesis, Thlaspi caerulescens J. & C. Presl (Brassicaceae) was used as a model plant to study the Cd hyperaccumulation trait, owing to its physiological and genetic characteristics. Twenty-four wild populations were sampled in different regions of Switzerland. They were characterized for environmental and soil parameters as well as intrinsic characteristics of plants (i.e. metal concentrations in shoots). They were as well genetically characterized by AFLPs, plastid DNA polymorphism and genes markers (CAPS and microsatellites) mainly developed in this thesis. Some of the investigated genes were putatively linked to the Cd hyperaccumulation trait. Since the study of the Cd hyperaccumulation in the field is important as it allows the identification of patterns of selection, the present work offered a methodology to define the Cd hyperaccumulation capacity of populations from different habitats permitting thus their comparison in the field. We showed that Cd, Zn, Fe and Cu accumulations were linked and that populations with higher Cd hyperaccumulation capacity had higher shoot and reproductive fitness. Using our genetic data, statistical methods (Beaumont & Nichols's procedure, partial Mantel tests) were applied to identify genomic signatures of natural selection related to the Cd hyperaccumulation capacity. A significant genetic difference between populations related to their Cd hyperaccumulation capacity was revealed based on somè specific markers (AFLP and candidate genes). Polymorphism at the gene encoding IRTl (Iron-transporter also participating to the transport of Zn) was suggested as explaining part of the variation in Cd hyperaccumulation capacity of populations supporting previous physiological investigations. RÉSUMÉ La présence de métaux lourds dans l'environnement est un phénomène préoccupant. En effet, certains métaux lourds - comme le cadmium (Cd) -sont toxiques pour les plantes, les animaux et enfin, accumulés le long de la chaîne alimentaire, pour les hommes. Le Cd est naturellement présent dans le sol et sa concentration peut être accrue par différentes activités humaines. Certaines plantes ont cependant développé des stratégies leur permettant de pousser sur des sols contaminés en métaux lourds. Parmi elles, certaines accumulent et séquestrent les métaux lourds dans leurs parties aériennes. D`autres présentent une stratégie encore plus extrême. Elles accumulent un nombre limité de métaux lourds en quantités 100 fois supérieures à celles attendues pour des espèces non-accumulatrices sous de mêmes conditions. La compréhension des bases génétiques de l'hyperaccumulation -particulièrement celle du Cd - représente un défi important avec des applications concrètes en biotechnologies, tout particulièrement dans le but appliqué de la phytoremediation des sols contaminés. Dans cette thèse, Thlaspi caerulescens J. & C. Presl (Brassicaceae) a été utilisé comme modèle pour l'étude de l'hyperaccumulation du Cd de par ses caractéristiques physiologiques et génétiques. Vingt-quatre populations naturelles ont été échantillonnées en Suisse et pour chacune d'elles les paramètres environnementaux, pédologique et les caractéristiques intrinsèques aux plantes (concentrations en métaux lourds) ont été déterminés. Les populations ont été caractérisées génétiquement par des AFLP, des marqueurs chloroplastiques et des marqueurs de gènes spécifiques, particulièrement ceux potentiellement liés à l'hyperaccumulation du Cd (CAPS et microsatellites). La plupart ont été développés au cours de cette thèse. L'étude de l'hyperaccumulation du Cd en conditions naturelles est importante car elle permet d'identifier la marque, éventuelle de sélection naturelle. Ce travail offre ainsi une méthodologie pour définir et comparer la capacité des populations à hyperaccumuler le Cd dans différents habitats. Nous avons montré que les accumulations du Cd, Zn, Fe et Cu sont liées et que les populations ayant une grande capacité d'hyperaccumuler le Cd ont également une meilleure fitness végétative et reproductive. Des méthodes statistiques (l'approche de Beaumont & Nichols, tests de Martel partiels) ont été utilisées sur les données génétiques pour identifier la signature génomique de la sélection naturelle liée à la capacité d'hyperaccumuler le Cd. Une différenciation génétique des populations liée à leur capacité d'hyperaccumuler le Cd a été mise en évidence sur certains marqueurs spécifiques. En accord avec les études physiologiques connues, le polymorphisme au gène codant IRT1 (un transporteur de Fe impliqué dans le transport du Zn) pourrait expliquer une partie de la variance de la capacité des populations à hyperaccumuler le Cd.


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This paper presents a new type of very fine grid hydrological model based on the spatiotemporal repartition of a PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) and on the topography. The goal is to estimate the influence of this rain on a PMF (Probable Maximum Flood) on a catchment area in Switzerland. The spatiotemporal distribution of the PMP was realized using six clouds modeled by the advection-diffusion equation. The equation shows the movement of the clouds over the terrain and also gives the evolution of the rain intensity in time. This hydrological modeling is followed by a hydraulic modeling of the surface and subterranean flow, done considering the factors that contribute to the hydrological cycle, such as the infiltration, the resurgence and the snowmelt. These added factors make the developed model closer to reality and also offer flexibility in the initial condition that is added to the factors concerning the PMP, such as the duration of the rain, the speed and direction of the wind. All these initial conditions taken together offer a complete image of the PMF.


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L'étude porte sur 951 porteurs d'un cancer primaire bucco-pharyngo-laryngé, et révèle un taux de multifocalité du carcinome épidermoïde sur les voies digestive supérieure (bouche-pharynx-oesophage) et aérienne distale (larynx-trachée-bronches) s'élevant à 14,5 %. Les secondes localisations peuvent être simultanées (6,4 %) ou successives (8,1 %) à la découverte du premier cancer: dès la deuxième année du follow-up leur incidence dépasse celle des récidives. Elles se localisent tant au niveau ORL (8,5 %) qu'oesophagien (3 %) ou bronchique (3 %). Le cancer du voile présente un taux de multifocalité particulièrement élevé (51 %). Les auteurs décrivent un type d'endoscopie de dépistage (bucco-pharyngo-oesophago-laryngo-trachéobronchoscopie) dont la fiabilité repose sur une technicité spécifique d'une part, et sur la connaissance des caractéristiques propres aux secondes localisations d'autre part. Ce dépistage systématique permet de détecter les tumeurs secondaires à un stade le plus souvent précoce et encore asymptomatique.


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This study was conducted to assess if fingerprint specialists could be influenced by extraneous contextual information during a verification process. Participants were separated into three groups: a control group (no contextual information was given), a low bias group (minimal contextual information was given in the form of a report prompting conclusions), and a high bias group (an internationally recognized fingerprint expert provided conclusions and case information to deceive this group into believing that it was his case and conclusions). A similar experiment was later conducted with laypersons. The results showed that fingerprint experts were influenced by contextual information during fingerprint comparisons, but not towards making errors. Instead, fingerprint experts under the biasing conditions provided significantly fewer definitive and erroneous conclusions than the control group. In contrast, the novice participants were more influenced by the bias conditions and did tend to make incorrect judgments, especially when prompted towards an incorrect response by the bias prompt.


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Analytical results harmonisation is investigated in this study to provide an alternative to the restrictive approach of analytical methods harmonisation which is recommended nowadays for making possible the exchange of information and then for supporting the fight against illicit drugs trafficking. Indeed, the main goal of this study is to demonstrate that a common database can be fed by a range of different analytical methods, whatever the differences in levels of analytical parameters between these latter ones. For this purpose, a methodology making possible the estimation and even the optimisation of results similarity coming from different analytical methods was then developed. In particular, the possibility to introduce chemical profiles obtained with Fast GC-FID in a GC-MS database is studied in this paper. By the use of the methodology, the similarity of results coming from different analytical methods can be objectively assessed and the utility in practice of database sharing by these methods can be evaluated, depending on profiling purposes (evidential vs. operational perspective tool). This methodology can be regarded as a relevant approach for database feeding by different analytical methods and puts in doubt the necessity to analyse all illicit drugs seizures in one single laboratory or to implement analytical methods harmonisation in each participating laboratory.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Appropriate use of colonoscopy is a key component of quality management in gastrointestinal endoscopy. In an update of a 1998 publication, the 2008 European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (EPAGE II) defined appropriateness criteria for various colonoscopy indications. This introductory paper therefore deals with methodology, general appropriateness, and a review of colonoscopy complications. METHODS:The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was used to evaluate the appropriateness of various diagnostic colonoscopy indications, with 14 multidisciplinary experts using a scale from 1 (extremely inappropriate) to 9 (extremely appropriate). Evidence reported in a comprehensive updated literature review was used for these decisions. Consolidation of the ratings into three appropriateness categories (appropriate, uncertain, inappropriate) was based on the median and the heterogeneity of the votes. The experts then met to discuss areas of disagreement in the light of existing evidence, followed by a second rating round, with a subsequent third voting round on necessity criteria, using much more stringent criteria (i. e. colonoscopy is deemed mandatory). RESULTS: Overall, 463 indications were rated, with 55 %, 16 % and 29 % of them being judged appropriate, uncertain and inappropriate, respectively. Perforation and hemorrhage rates, as reported in 39 studies, were in general < 0.1 % and < 0.3 %, respectively CONCLUSIONS: The updated EPAGE II criteria constitute an aid to clinical decision-making but should in no way replace individual judgment. Detailed panel results are freely available on the internet (www.epage.ch) and will thus constitute a reference source of information for clinicians.


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PURPOSE: As the magnetic susceptibility induced frequency shift increases linearly with magnetic field strength, the present work evaluates manganese as a phase imaging contrast agent and investigates the dose dependence of brain enhancement in comparison to T1 -weighted imaging after intravenous administration of MnCl2 . METHODS: Experiments were carried out on 12 Sprague-Dawley rats. MnCl2 was infused intravenously with the following doses: 25, 75, 125 mg/kg (n=4). Phase, T1 -weighted images and T1 maps were acquired before and 24h post MnCl2 administration at 14.1 Tesla. RESULTS: Manganese enhancement was manifested in phase imaging by an increase in frequency shift differences between regions rich in calcium gated channels and other tissues, together with local increase in signal to noise ratio (from the T1 reduction). Such contrast improvement allowed a better visualization of brain cytoarchitecture. The measured T1 decrease observed across different manganese doses and in different brain regions were consistent with the increase in the contrast to noise ratio (CNR) measured by both T1 -weighted and phase imaging, with the strongest variations being observed in the dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb. CONCLUSION: Overall from its high sensitivity to manganese combined with excellent CNR, phase imaging is a promising alternative imaging protocol to assess manganese enhanced MRI at ultra high field. Magn Reson Med 72:1246-1256, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Carbon isotope ratio (CIR) analysis has been routinely and successfully used in sports drug testing for many years to uncover the misuse of endogenous steroids. One limitation of the method is the availability of steroid preparations exhibiting CIRs equal to endogenous steroids. To overcome this problem, hydrogen isotope ratios (HIR) of endogenous urinary steroids were investigated as a potential complement; results obtained from a reference population of 67 individuals are presented herein. An established sample preparation method was modified and improved to enable separate measurements of each analyte of interest where possible. From the fraction of glucuronidated steroids; pregnanediol, 16-androstenol, 11-ketoetiocholanolone, androsterone (A), etiocholanolone (E), dehydroepiandrosterone (D), 5α- and 5β-androstanediol, testosterone and epitestosterone were included. In addition, sulfate conjugates of A, E, D, epiandrosterone and 17α- and 17β-androstenediol were considered and analyzed after acidic solvolysis. The obtained results enabled the calculation of the first reference-population-based thresholds for HIR of urinary steroids that can readily be applied to routine doping control samples. Proof-of-concept was accomplished by investigating urine specimens collected after a single oral application of testosterone-undecanoate. The HIR of most testosterone metabolites were found to be significantly influenced by the exogenous steroid beyond the established threshold values. Additionally, one regular doping control sample with an extraordinary testosterone/epitestosterone ratio of 100 without suspicious CIR was subjected to the complementary methodology of HIR analysis. The HIR data eventually provided evidence for the exogenous origin of urinary testosterone metabolites. Despite further investigations on HIR being advisable to corroborate the presented reference-population-based thresholds, the developed method proved to be a new tool supporting modern sports drug testing procedures.


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A statistical methodology for the objective comparison of LDI-MS mass spectra of blue gel pen inks was evaluated. Thirty-three blue gel pen inks previously studied by RAMAN were analyzed directly on the paper using both positive and negative mode. The obtained mass spectra were first compared using relative areas of selected peaks using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Euclidean distance. Intra-variability among results from one ink and inter-variability between results from different inks were compared in order to choose a differentiation threshold minimizing the rate of false negative (i.e. avoiding false differentiation of the inks). This yielded a discriminating power of up to 77% for analysis made in the negative mode. The whole mass spectra were then compared using the same methodology, allowing for a better DP in the negative mode of 92% using the Pearson correlation on standardized data. The positive mode results generally yielded a lower differential power (DP) than the negative mode due to a higher intra-variability compared to the inter-variability in the mass spectra of the ink samples.