33 resultados para Solution Enthalpy


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OBJECTIVE: Enteral glutamine supplementation and antioxidants have been shown to be beneficial in some categories of critically ill patients. This study investigated the impact on organ function and clinical outcome of an enteral solution enriched with glutamine and antioxidant micronutrients in patients with trauma and with burns. METHODS: This was a prospective study of a historical control group including critically ill, burned and major trauma patients (n = 86, 40 patients with burns and 46 with trauma, 43 in each group) on admission to an intensive care unit in a university hospital (matching for severity, age, and sex). The intervention aimed to deliver a 500-mL enteral solution containing 30 g of glutamine per day, selenium, zinc, and vitamin E (Gln-AOX) for a maximum of 10 d, in addition to control treatment consisting of enteral nutrition in all patients and intravenous trace elements in all burn patients. RESULTS: Patients were comparable at baseline, except for more inhalation injuries in the burn-Gln-AOX group (P = 0.10) and greater neurologic impairment in the trauma-Gln-AOX group (P = 0.022). Intestinal tolerance was good. The full 500-mL dose was rarely delivered, resulting in a low mean glutamine daily dose (22 g for burn patients and 16 g for trauma patients). In burn patients intravenous trace element delivery was superior to the enteral dose. The evolution of the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score and other outcome variables did not differ significantly between groups. C-reactive protein decreased faster in the Gln-AOX group. CONCLUSION: The Gln-AOX supplement was well tolerated in critically ill, injured patients, but did not improve outcome significantly. The delivery of glutamine below the 0.5-g/kg recommended dose in association with high intravenous trace element substitution doses in burn patients are likely to have blunted the impact by not reaching an efficient treatment dose. Further trials testing higher doses of Gln are required.


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Volumes of data used in science and industry are growing rapidly. When researchers face the challenge of analyzing them, their format is often the first obstacle. Lack of standardized ways of exploring different data layouts requires an effort each time to solve the problem from scratch. Possibility to access data in a rich, uniform manner, e.g. using Structured Query Language (SQL) would offer expressiveness and user-friendliness. Comma-separated values (CSV) are one of the most common data storage formats. Despite its simplicity, with growing file size handling it becomes non-trivial. Importing CSVs into existing databases is time-consuming and troublesome, or even impossible if its horizontal dimension reaches thousands of columns. Most databases are optimized for handling large number of rows rather than columns, therefore, performance for datasets with non-typical layouts is often unacceptable. Other challenges include schema creation, updates and repeated data imports. To address the above-mentioned problems, I present a system for accessing very large CSV-based datasets by means of SQL. It's characterized by: "no copy" approach - data stay mostly in the CSV files; "zero configuration" - no need to specify database schema; written in C++, with boost [1], SQLite [2] and Qt [3], doesn't require installation and has very small size; query rewriting, dynamic creation of indices for appropriate columns and static data retrieval directly from CSV files ensure efficient plan execution; effortless support for millions of columns; due to per-value typing, using mixed text/numbers data is easy; very simple network protocol provides efficient interface for MATLAB and reduces implementation time for other languages. The software is available as freeware along with educational videos on its website [4]. It doesn't need any prerequisites to run, as all of the libraries are included in the distribution package. I test it against existing database solutions using a battery of benchmarks and discuss the results.


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Etude critique de Charles Larmore, Modernité et morale (Paris, PUF, 1993). Cet article présente et discute le projet de son auteur de défendre l'idée d'une morale « pragmatiste » et « intuitionniste ». Restituant la position de l'auteur, il expose les arguments en faveur d'une conception pragmatiste de la vérité morale et ceux en faveur du recours à l'intuition pour découvrir le contenu de nos obligations morales. Dans une brève note critique finale, il suggère que le pragmatisme semble peu à même d'échapper tout à fait au reproche de relativisme.


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Motivation: Genome-wide association studies have become widely used tools to study effects of genetic variants on complex diseases. While it is of great interest to extend existing analysis methods by considering interaction effects between pairs of loci, the large number of possible tests presents a significant computational challenge. The number of computations is further multiplied in the study of gene expression quantitative trait mapping, in which tests are performed for thousands of gene phenotypes simultaneously. Results: We present FastEpistasis, an efficient parallel solution extending the PLINK epistasis module, designed to test for epistasis effects when analyzing continuous phenotypes. Our results show that the algorithm scales with the number of processors and offers a reduction in computation time when several phenotypes are analyzed simultaneously. FastEpistasis is capable of testing the association of a continuous trait with all single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP) pairs from 500 000 SNPs, totaling 125 billion tests, in a population of 5000 individuals in 29, 4 or 0.5 days using 8, 64 or 512 processors.


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A multicomponent indicator displacement assay ( MIDA) based on an organometallic receptor and three dyes can be used for the identification and quantification of nucleotides in aqueous solution at neutral pH.


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We conducted an open, randomized, and prospective study to determine the effect of hypertonic saline on the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone in children with severe head injury (Glasgow coma scale <8). Thirty-one consecutive patients at a level III pediatric intensive care unit at a children's hospital received either lactated Ringer's solution (Ringer's group, n = 16) or hypertonic saline (Hypertonic Saline group, n = 15) over a 3-day period. Serum ADH levels were significantly larger in the Hypertonic Saline group as compared with the Ringer's group (P = 0.001; analysis of variance) and were correlated to sodium intake (Ringer's group: r = 0.39, R(2) = 0.15, P = 0.02; Hypertonic Saline group: r = 0.42, R(2) = 0.18, P = 0.02) and volume of fluids given IV (Ringer's group: r = 0.38, R(2) = 0.15, P = 0.02; Hypertonic Saline group: r = 0.32, R(2) = 0.1, P = not significant). Correlation of ADH to plasma osmolality was significant if plasma osmolality was >280 mOsm/kg (r = 0.5, R(2) = 0.25, P = 0.06), indicating an osmotic threshold for ADH release. Serum aldosterone levels were larger on the first day than during Days 2 and 3 in both groups and inversely correlated to serum sodium levels only in the Ringer's group (r = -0.55, R(2) = 0.3, P < 0.001). This group received a significantly larger fluid volume on Day 1 (P = 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) than did patients in the Hypertonic Saline group, indicating hypovolemia during the first day. Head-injured children have appropriate levels of ADH. They may be hypovolemic during the first day of treatment, especially if they receive lactated Ringer's solution. IMPLICATIONS: In head-injured patients, we recommend fluid restriction to avoid inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. In a prospective, randomized, and controlled study in 31 children, we were able to show that the antidiuretic hormone levels are appropriate in response to hypovolemia, sodium load, or both.


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The Brianconnais area is explained as a large scale exotic terrain separating from Europe during the opening of the Valais ocean. It's displacement history during the Alpine evolution allows to replace older concepts of multiple oceans separating narrow strips of continental crust.


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The use of quantum dots (QDs) in the area of fingermark detection is currently receiving a lot of attention in the forensic literature. Most of the research efforts have been devoted to cadmium telluride (CdTe) quantum dots often applied as powders to the surfaces of interests. Both the use of cadmium and the nano size of these particles raise important issues in terms of health and safety. This paper proposes to replace CdTe QDs by zinc sulphide QDs doped with copper (ZnS:Cu) to address these issues. Zinc sulphide-copper doped QDs were successfully synthesized, characterized in terms of size and optical properties and optimized to be applied for the detection of impressions left in blood, where CdTe QDs proved to be efficient. Effectiveness of detection was assessed in comparison with CdTe QDs and Acid Yellow 7 (AY7, an effective blood reagent), using two series of depletive blood fingermarks from four donors prepared on four non-porous substrates, i.e. glass, transparent polypropylene, black polyethylene and aluminium foil. The marks were cut in half and processed separately with both reagents, leading to two comparison series (ZnS:Cu vs. CdTe, and ZnS:Cu vs. AY7). ZnS:Cu proved to be better than AY7 and at least as efficient as CdTe on most substrates. Consequently, copper-doped ZnS QDs constitute a valid substitute for cadmium-based QDs to detect blood marks on non-porous substrates and offer a safer alternative for routine use.


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An image analysis method is presented which allows for the reconstruction of the three-dimensional path of filamentous objects from two of their projections. Starting with stereo pairs, this method is used to trace the trajectory of DNA molecules embedded in vitreous ice and leads to a faithful representation of their three-dimensional shape in solution. This computer-aided reconstruction is superior to the subjective three-dimensional impression generated by observation of stereo pairs of micrographs because it enables one to look at the reconstructed molecules from any chosen direction and distance and allows quantitative analysis such as determination of distances, curvature, persistence length, and writhe of DNA molecules in solution.


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This work presents geochemistry and structural geology data concerning the low enthalpy geothermal circuits of the Argentera crystalline Massif in northwestern Italian Alps. I n this area some thermal springs (50-60 degreesC), located in the small Bagni di Vinadio village, discharge mixtures made up of a Na-Cl end-member and a Na-SO4 component. The latter is also discharged by the thermal springs of Terme di Valdieri located some kilometres apart within the same tectonic complex. Both end-members share the same meteoric origin and the same reservoir temperature, which is close to 150 degreesC. Explanations are thus required to understand how they reach the surface and how waters of the same origin and circulating in similar rocks can attain such different compositions. Sodium-sulphate waters discharged at both sites, likely represent the common interaction product of meteoric waters with the widespread granitic-migmatitic rocks of the Argentera Massif, whereas Na-CI waters originate through leaching of mineralised cataclastic rocks, which are rich in phyllosilicatic minerals and fluid inclusions, both acting as Cl- sources. Due to the relatively low inferred geothermal gradient of the region, -25C/km, meteoric waters have to descend to depths of 5.5-6 km to attain temperatures of similar to 150 degreesC. These relevant depths can be reached by descending meteoric waters, due to the recent extensional stress field, which allows the development of geothermal circulations at greater depths than in other sectors of the Alps by favouring a greater fractures aperture. The ascent of the thermal waters rakes place along brittle shear zones. In both sites, the thermal waters emerge at the bottoms of the valleys, close to either the lateral termination of a brittle shear zone at Terme di Valdieri, or a step-over between two en-echelon brittle shear zones at Bagni di Vinadio. These observations attest to a strong control operated on the location of outlet regions by both brittle tectonics and the minima in hydraulic potential inside the fractured massif.


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Introduction: Le captopril, inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine, est largement utilisé dans le traitement de l'hypertension artérielle et de l'insuffisance cardiaque chez l'adulte et l'enfant . De par son instabilité en milieu aqueux (oxydation en captopril disulfure), il n'est actuellement commercialisé que sous forme de comprimés. La prescription fréquente de doses faibles et variables en pédiatrie justifiait le développement d'une forme orale liquide, tant sur le plan pratique et économique, que sur celui de la sécurité d'administration. Cependant toutes les formulations orales liquides publiées présentent une stabilité courte, ne dépassant guère 1 mois. Objectif: Développer une forme orale liquide de captopril d'une stabilité d'au moins 6 mois. Méthode: Sur la base des données de la littérature, élaboration de 8 formulations liquides différentes de captopril 1 mg/ml (concentration permettant le prélèvement d'un volume adéquat pour une administration en pédiatrie). Mise au point d'une « stability indicating method » par HPLC par des tests de dégradation accélérée à la chaleur (100°C), en milieu acide, basique, en présence d'un agent oxydant et de la lumière. Sélection de la formulation la plus stable durant le premier mois. Etude de stabilité sur 2 ans de 3 lots (3 échantillons/lot) dans leur conditionnement final à température ambiante (TA), au frigo et à 40° ± 2°C. Contrôle microbiologique au début et à la fin de l'étude selon la méthode de la Ph. Eur. (Ed. 3). Résultats: La formule retenue est une solution aqueuse de captopril 1 mg/ml additionnée d'EDTA 1 mg/ml comme stabilisateur et conditionnée dans des flacons VERAL en verre brun de 60 ml. Après dégradation dans les conditions définies ci-dessus, le pic du captopril est nettement séparé sur les chromatogrammes de ceux des produits de dégradation. Après 2 ans, la concentration mesurée est de 104.6% (±0.32%) au frigo, 103.6% (±0.86%) à TA et 96.5 % (±0.02%) à 40°C. Aucune croissance n'a été observée sur la durée de l'étude. Discussion et conclusion: La solution de captopril 1 mg/ml mise au point est simple à préparer. En partant du principe actif pur et en présence d'EDTA comme complexant, les traces de métaux éventuellement présents n'induisent pas l'oxydation du captopril et par conséquent le recours à d'autres stabilisateurs n'est pas nécessaire. La méthode HPLC développée est une « stability indicating method ». Les résultats de l'étude ont montré que cette solution a une durée de validité de 2 ans au frigo et à TA. Compte tenu du fait que la préparation ne contient pas d'agent antimicrobien, une conservation au frigo (2 - 8°C) est toutefois recommandée. La formule proposée présente un réel avantage en pédiatrie tant sur le plan de la sécurité d'administration que sur celui de l'économie.


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OBJECTIVES: Resuscitation in severe head injury may be detrimental when given with hypotonic fluids. We evaluated the effects of lactated Ringer's solution (sodium 131 mmol/L, 277 mOsm/L) compared with hypertonic saline (sodium 268 mmol/L, 598 mOsm/L) in severely head-injured children over the first 3 days after injury. DESIGN: An open, randomized, and prospective study. SETTING: A 16-bed pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) (level III) at a university children's hospital. PATIENTS: A total of 35 consecutive children with head injury. INTERVENTIONS: Thirty-two children with Glasgow Coma Scores of <8 were randomly assigned to receive either lactated Ringer's solution (group 1) or hypertonic saline (group 2). Routine care was standardized, and included the following: head positioning at 30 degrees; normothermia (96.8 degrees to 98.6 degrees F [36 degrees to 37 degrees C]); analgesia and sedation with morphine (10 to 30 microg/kg/hr), midazolam (0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg/hr), and phenobarbital; volume-controlled ventilation (PaCO2 of 26.3 to 30 torr [3.5 to 4 kPa]); and optimal oxygenation (PaO2 of 90 to 105 torr [12 to 14 kPa], oxygen saturation of >92%, and hematocrit of >0.30). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure and intracranial pressure (ICP) were monitored continuously and documented hourly and at every intervention. The means of every 4-hr period were calculated and serum sodium concentrations were measured at the same time. An ICP of 15 mm Hg was treated with a predefined sequence of interventions, and complications were documented. There was no difference with respect to age, male/female ratio, or initial Glasgow Coma Score. In both groups, there was an inverse correlation between serum sodium concentration and ICP (group 1: r = -.13, r2 = .02, p < .03; group 2: r = -.29, r2 = .08, p < .001) that disappeared in group 1 and increased in group 2 (group 1: r = -.08, r2 = .01, NS; group 2: r = -.35, r2 =.12, p < .001). Correlation between serum sodium concentration and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) became significant in group 2 after 8 hrs of treatment (r = .2, r2 = .04, p = .002). Over time, ICP and CPP did not significantly differ between the groups. However, to keep ICP at <15 mm Hg, group 2 patients required significantly fewer interventions (p < .02). Group 1 patients received less sodium (8.0 +/- 4.5 vs. 11.5 +/- 5.0 mmol/kg/day, p = .05) and more fluid on day 1 (2850 +/- 1480 vs. 2180 +/- 770 mL/m2, p = .05). They also had a higher frequency of acute respiratory distress syndrome (four vs. 0 patients, p = .1) and more than two complications (six vs. 1 patient, p = .09). Group 2 patients had significantly shorter ICU stay times (11.6 +/- 6.1 vs. 8.0 +/- 2.4 days; p = .04) and shorter mechanical ventilation times (9.5 +/- 6.0 vs. 6.9 +/- 2.2 days; p = .1). The survival rate and duration of hospital stay were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of severe head injury with hypertonic saline is superior to that treatment with lactated Ringer's solution. An increase in serum sodium concentrations significantly correlates with lower ICP and higher CPP. Children treated with hypertonic saline require fewer interventions, have fewer complications, and stay a shorter time in the ICU.