42 resultados para Social Problems Theory
Many models proposed to study the evolution of collective action rely on a formalism that represents social interactions as n-player games between individuals adopting discrete actions such as cooperate and defect. Despite the importance of spatial structure in biological collective action, the analysis of n-player games games in spatially structured populations has so far proved elusive. We address this problem by considering mixed strategies and by integrating discrete-action n-player games into the direct fitness approach of social evolution theory. This allows to conveniently identify convergence stable strategies and to capture the effect of population structure by a single structure coefficient, namely, the pairwise (scaled) relatedness among interacting individuals. As an application, we use our mathematical framework to investigate collective action problems associated with the provision of three different kinds of collective goods, paradigmatic of a vast array of helping traits in nature: "public goods" (both providers and shirkers can use the good, e.g., alarm calls), "club goods" (only providers can use the good, e.g., participation in collective hunting), and "charity goods" (only shirkers can use the good, e.g., altruistic sacrifice). We show that relatedness promotes the evolution of collective action in different ways depending on the kind of collective good and its economies of scale. Our findings highlight the importance of explicitly accounting for relatedness, the kind of collective good, and the economies of scale in theoretical and empirical studies of the evolution of collective action.
Research question: International and national sport federations as well as their member organisations are key actors within the sport system and have a wide range of relationships outside the sport system (e.g. with the state, sponsors, and the media). They are currently facing major challenges such as growing competition in top-level sports, democratisation of sports with 'sports for all' and sports as the answer to social problems. In this context, professionalising sport organisations seems to be an appropriate strategy to face these challenges and current problems. We define the professionalisation of sport organisations as an organisational process of transformation leading towards organisational rationalisation, efficiency and business-like management. This has led to a profound organisational change, particularly within sport federations, characterised by the strengthening of institutional management (managerialism) and the implementation of efficiency-based management instruments and paid staff. Research methods: The goal of this article is to review the current international literature and establish a global understanding of and theoretical framework for analysing why and how sport organisations professionalise and what consequences this may have. Results and findings: Our multi-level approach based on the social theory of action integrates the current concepts for analysing professionalisation in sport federations. We specify the framework for the following research perspectives: (1) forms, (2) causes and (3) consequences, and discuss the reciprocal relations between sport federations and their member organisations in this context. Implications: Finally, we work out a research agenda and derive general methodological consequences for the investigation of professionalisation processes in sport organisations.
Background: Motive-oriented therapeutic relationship (MOTR) was postulated to be a particularly helpful therapeutic ingredient in the early treatment phase of patients with personality disorders, in particular with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The present randomized controlled study using an add-on design is the first study to test this assumption in a 10-session general psychiatric treatment with patients presenting with BPD on symptom reduction and therapeutic alliance. Methods: A total of 85 patients were randomized. They were either allocated to a manual-based short variant of the general psychiatric management (GPM) treatment (in 10 sessions) or to the same treatment where MOTR was deliberately added to the treatment. Treatment attrition and integrity analyses yielded satisfactory results. Results: The results of the intent-to-treat analyses suggested a global efficacy of MOTR, in the sense of an additional reduction of general problems, i.e. symptoms, interpersonal and social problems (F1, 73 = 7.25, p < 0.05). However, they also showed that MOTR did not yield an additional reduction of specific borderline symptoms. It was also shown that a stronger therapeutic alliance, as assessed by the therapist, developed in MOTR treatments compared to GPM (Z55 = 0.99, p < 0.04). Conclusions: These results suggest that adding MOTR to psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments of BPD is promising. Moreover, the findings shed additional light on the perspective of shortening treatments for patients presenting with BPD. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Ce travail s'intéresse à la problématique du suicide à partir de l'émergence en Suisse, vers la fin des années '90, de la prévention du suicide comme préoccupation sociale et politique. Au début, ce sont les milieux associatifs qui ont soulevé à cette question en percevant le suicide comme le reflet d'une souffrance d'origine sociale. Par la suite, la prévention du suicide est progressivement devenue une problématique de santé publique appréhendée essentiellement sous le registre médical comme étant le symptôme d'une pathologie psychiatrique. Après une première partie consacrée aux processus sociopolitiques et aux transformations morales touchant le suicide et sa prévention, ce travail approfondit, au travers d'un terrain ethnographique, la prise en charge des personnes présentant des problématiques suicidaires au sein d'un service d'urgences psychiatriques.Malgré une approche se voulant biopsychosociale, l'analyse des discours et des pratiques soignantes montre que la dimension sociale est largement négligée, conduisant à une médicalisation de situations de détresse qui sont principalement de nature sociale. En effet, parmi la population qui fréquente le service, on observe une surreprésentation de personnes issues des classes sociales défavorisées présentant souvent des trajectoires biographiques particulièrement difficiles. Au fil des entretiens avec les patients émerge une analyse voyant la souffrance psychique et la prise en charge psychiatrique comme étant aujourd'hui une manière d'obtenir une reconnaissance sociale et symbolique. Les problématiques suicidaires peuvent ainsi être interprétées comme une forme d'expression, un langage au travers duquel s'exprime la position sociale défavorisée.En adoptant une posture militante construite à partir de la réalité ethnographique, les problématiques suicidaires sont analysées comme l'expression d'une condition d'oppression liée à un cadre social et économique de plus en plus contraignant, à des rapports de pouvoir inégaux ainsi qu'à une lecture individualisante, médicalisante et pathologisante des problèmes sociaux.The present thesis discusses suicide prevention in Switzerland, which emerged as a social and political issue at the end of the '90s. At first, this question was taken up by associations considering suicide as a reflection of social suffering. Thereafter, suicide prevention gradually became a public health matter conceived with a medical approach as a symptom of a psychiatric disease. The first part of this work analyzes the sociopolitical process and moral transformations concerning suicide and its prevention. The second part is based on an ethnographic fieldwork conducted in a psychiatric emergency unit that attends people who have tried to attempt their life or consider doing it. Through the analysis of discourses and practices of the medical staff, this research shows that the social aspect of suicide is widely neglected, leading to a medicalization of social problems. In fact, amongst patients attending the emergency unit, there is an over--representation of people from disadvantaged classes having very difficult life stories. Interviews with patients also revealed that psychic suffering and psychiatric treatment is nowadays a way to get social and symbolical recognition. Suicidal problems can be understood as a language expressing a disadvantaged social position. By adopting a militant position constructed from the ethnographic reality, suicide is analyzed as the expression of an oppressed condition related to a more and more restricted social and economic situation, to unequal power relations as well as to an individualistic, medical and pathological interpretation of social problems.
In natural populations, dispersal tends to be limited so that individuals are in local competition with their neighbours. As a consequence, most behaviours tend to have a social component, e.g. they can be selfish, spiteful, cooperative or altruistic as usually considered in social evolutionary theory. How social behaviours translate into fitness costs and benefits depends considerably on life-history features, as well as on local demographic and ecological conditions. Over the last four decades, evolutionists have been able to explore many of the consequences of these factors for the evolution of social behaviours. In this paper, we first recall the main theoretical concepts required to understand social evolution. We then discuss how life history, demography and ecology promote or inhibit the evolution of helping behaviours, but the arguments developed for helping can be extended to essentially any social trait. The analysis suggests that, on a theoretical level, it is possible to contrast three critical benefit-to-cost ratios beyond which costly helping is selected for (three quantitative rules for the evolution of altruism). But comparison between theoretical results and empirical data has always been difficult in the literature, partly because of the perennial question of the scale at which relatedness should be measured under localized dispersal. We then provide three answers to this question.
Background: Simultaneous polydrug use (SPU) may represent a greater incremental risk factor for human health than concurrent polydrug use (CPU). However, few studies have examined these patterns of use in relation to health issues, particularly with regard to the number of drugs used. Methods: In the present study, we have analyzed data from a representative sample of 5734 young Swiss males from the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors. Exposure to drugs (i.e., alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and 15 other illicit drugs), as well as mental, social and physical factors, were studied through regression analysis. Results: We found that individuals engaging in CPU and SPU followed the known stages of drug use, involving initial experiences with licit drugs (e.g., alcohol and tobacco), followed by use of cannabis and then other illicit drugs. In this regard, two classes of illicit drugs were identified, including first uppers, hallucinogens and sniffed drugs; and then "harder" drugs (ketamine, heroin, and crystal meth), which were only consumed by polydrug users who were already taking numerous drugs. Moreover, we observed an association between the number of drugs used simultaneously and social issues (i.e., social consequences and aggressiveness). In fact, the more often the participants simultaneously used substances, the more likely they were to experience social problems. In contrast, we did not find any relationship between SPU and depression, anxiety, health consequences, or health. Conclusions: We identified some associations with SPU that were independent of CPU. Moreover, we found that the number of concurrently used drugs can be a strong factor associated with mental and physical health, although their simultaneous use may not significantly contribute to this association. Finally, the negative effects related to the use of one substance might be counteracted by the use of an additional substance.
Early consumption of full servings of alcohol and early experience of drunkenness have been linked with alcohol-related harmful effects in adolescence, as well as adult health and social problems. On the basis of secondary analysis of county-level prevalence data, the present study explored the current pattern of drinking and drunkenness among 15- and 16-year-old adolescents in 40 European and North American countries. Data from the 2006 Health Behavior in School Children survey and the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs were used. The potential role of alcohol control and policy measures in explaining variance in drinking patterns across countries was also examined. Policy measures and data on adult consumption patterns were taken from the WHO Global Information System on Alcohol and Health, Eurostat and the indicator of alcohol control policy strength developed by Brand DA, Saisana M, Rynn LA et al. [(2007) Comparative analysis of alcohol control policies in 30 countries. PLoS Med 4:e151.]. We found that a non-significant trend existed whereby higher prices and stronger alcohol controls were associated with a lower proportion of weekly drinking but a higher proportion of drunkenness. It is important that future research explores the causal relationships between alcohol policy measures and alcohol consumption patterns to determine whether strict policies do in fact have any beneficial effect on drinking patterns, or rather, lead to rebellion and an increased prevalence of binge drinking.
This study was designed to investigate the lifestyle and substance use habits of dance music event attendees together with their attitudes toward prevention of substance misuse, harm reduction measures and health-care resources. A total of 302 attendees aged 16-46 years (mean=22.70, S.D.=4.65) were randomly recruited as they entered dance music events. Rates for lifetime and current use (last 30 days) were particularly high for alcohol (95.3% and 86.6%, respectively), cannabis (68.8% and 53.8%, respectively), ecstasy (40.4% and 22.7%, respectively) and cocaine (35.9% and 20.7%, respectively). Several patterns of substance use could be identified: 52% were alcohol and/or cannabis only users, 42% were occasional poly-drug users and 6% were daily poly-drug users. No significant difference was observed between substance use patterns according to gender. Pure techno and open-air events attracted heavier drug users. Psychological problems (such as depressed mood, sleeping problems and anxiety attacks), social problems, dental disorders, accidents and emergency treatment episodes were strongly related to party drug use. Party drug users appeared to be particularly receptive to harm reduction measures, such as on-site emergency staff, pill testing and the availability of cool water, and to prevention of drug use provided via counseling. The greater the involvement in party drug use, the greater the need for prevention personnel to be available for counseling. General practitioners appeared to be key professionals for accessing health-care resources.
To create an instrument to be used in an outpatient clinic to detect adolescents prone to risk-taking behaviours. Based on previous research, five identified variables (relationship with parents and teachers, liking going to school, average grades, and level of religiosity) were used to create a screening tool to detect at least one of ten risky behaviours (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and other illegal drugs use; sexual intercourse and sexual risky behaviour; driving while intoxicated, riding with an intoxicated driver, not always using a seat belt, and not always using a helmet). The instrument was tested using the Barcelona Adolescent Health Survey 1993. A Receiver Operating Characteristics curve was used to find the best cut-off point between high and low risk score. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to detect at least one risky behaviour and for each individual behaviour. In order to assess its predictive value, the analysis was repeated using the Barcelona Adolescent Health Survey 1999. In both cases, analyses were conducted for the whole sample and for younger and older adolescents. Adolescents with a high-risk score were more likely to take at least one risky behaviour both when the whole sample was analysed and by age groups. With very few exceptions, the Behaviour Evaluation for Risk-Taking Adolescents showed significant odds ratios for each individual variable. CONCLUSION: The Behaviour Evaluation for Risk-Taking Adolescents has shown its potential as an easy to use instrument to screen for risk-taking behaviours. Future research must aim towards assessing this instrument's predictive value in the clinical setting and it's application to other populations.
RésuméCette étude a pour objectif d'observer l'évolution des actes agressifs dans deux sports d'équipes en fonction de facteurs situationnels (périodes de jeu, lieu de la faute, état du score) et du type d'agressions (instrumentales, hostile). 60 matchs professionnels de football et de hockey sur glace ont été filmés puis analysés à l'aide de grilles d'observation différenciant les deux types d'agressions. Les résultats révèlent que dans ces deux sports, les agressions instrumentales sont plus fréquentes dans les zones importantes du terrain (milieu ou défense) ou lorsque le score est serré. En revanche, les agressions hostiles ne varient pas (ou peu) selon ces facteurs. Les résultats sont discutés au regard de la théorie de l'apprentissage social et de l'hypothèse frustration-agression.AbstractThis study aims at examining observed aggression in two team sports as a function of situational triggers (periods, zones of field, games score) and of type of aggression (instrumental, hostile). 60 soccer and ice hockey games were recorded and analyzed using a grid that differentiates the two types of aggression. The results revealed that theses two sports, instrumental aggressions were more frequent in important zones of field (neutral or defensive ones) and in tied score situations. However, no difference was found for hostile aggression according to these factors. The discussion focused on the social learning theory and frustration-aggression hypothesis.
Providing care to multimorbid older patients is complex, not only because of the coexistence of multiple chronic conditions, but also because of their frequent intrication with psychological and social problems. This article describes a guide for clinicians to assess and manage multimorbid older patients. This guide was adapted from the work of a group of expert US geriatricians. It proposes seven steps: identification of the main problem; identification of patients' preferences; setting of goals of care; estimation of life expectancy; identification of relevant evidence in the literature; revision of the plan of care; and discussion of the options with the patient. The use of this guide is illustrated by a clinical case.
Drawing on Social Representations Theory, this study investigates focalisation and anchoring during the diffusion of information concerning the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the particle accelerator at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). We hypothesised that people focus on striking elements of the message, abandoning others, that the nature of the initial information affects diffusion of information, and that information is anchored in prior attitudes toward CERN and science. A serial reproduction experiment with two generations and four chains of reproduction diffusing controversial versus descriptive information about the LHC shows a reduction of information through generations, the persistence of terminology regarding the controversy and a decrease of other elements for participants exposed to polemical information. Concerning anchoring, positive attitudes toward CERN and science increase the use of expert terminology unrelated to the controversy. This research highlights the relevance of a social representational approach in the public understanding of science.
Alcohol abuse causes numerous medical and social problems. In spite of the decrease of the global consumption of alcohol per capita in Switzerland during the last years, the cases of massive alcoholic poisoning seem increasing in emergency departments. Very few data is available at the moment on this phenomenon. The present article focuses on this problem within the framework of the emergency department of the CHUV. It aims at bringing to light on the sociodemographic and medical characteristics, as well as on the characteristics of the stay of these patients who are admitted with such a problem, to have a global vision of this phenomenon.
AIMS: The aim of the study was to explore whether the concept of heavy substance use over time can be used as definition of substance use disorder. METHODS: Narrative review. RESULTS: Heavy use over time clearly underlies the neurobiological changes associated with current thinking of substance use disorders. In addition, there is evidence that heavy use over time can explain the majority of social problems and of burden of disease (morbidity and mortality). A definition of substance use disorders via heavy use over time would avoid some of the problems of current conceptualizations, for instance the cultural specificity of concepts such as loss of control. Finally, stressing the continuum of use may avoid the high level of stigmatization currently associated with substance use disorders. CONCLUSION: 'Heavy substance use over time' seems to be a definition of substance use disorders in line with results of basic research and epidemiology. Additionally, it reduces stigmatization. This approach should thus be further explored.
The purpose of this paper is to study the diffusion and transformation of scientific information in everyday discussions. Based on rumour models and social representations theory, the impact of interpersonal communication and pre-existing beliefs on transmission of the content of a scientific discovery was analysed. In three experiments, a communication chain was simulated to investigate how laypeople make sense of a genetic discovery first published in a scientific outlet, then reported in a mainstream newspaper and finally discussed in groups. Study 1 (N=40) demonstrated a transformation of information when the scientific discovery moved along the communication chain. During successive narratives, scientific expert terminology disappeared while scientific information associated with lay terminology persisted. Moreover, the idea of a discovery of a faithfulness gene emerged. Study 2 (N=70) revealed that transmission of the scientific message varied as a function of attitudes towards genetic explanations of behaviour (pro-genetics vs. anti-genetics). Pro-genetics employed more scientific terminology than anti-genetics. Study 3 (N=75) showed that endorsement of genetic explanations was related to descriptive accounts of the scientific information, whereas rejection of genetic explanations was related to evaluative accounts of the information.