145 resultados para Skull fracture
Meta-analysis of prospective studies shows that quantitative ultrasound of the heel using validated devices predicts risk of different types of fracture with similar performance across different devices and in elderly men and women. These predictions are independent of the risk estimates from hip DXA measures.Introduction Clinical utilisation of heel quantitative ultrasound (QUS) depends on its power to predict clinical fractures. This is particularly important in settings that have no access to DXA-derived bone density measurements. We aimed to assess the predictive power of heel QUS for fractures using a meta-analysis approach.Methods We conducted an inverse variance random effects meta-analysis of prospective studies with heel QUS measures at baseline and fracture outcomes in their follow-up. Relative risks (RR) per standard deviation (SD) of different QUS parameters (broadband ultrasound attenuation [BUA], speed of sound [SOS], stiffness index [SI], and quantitative ultrasound index [QUI]) for various fracture outcomes (hip, vertebral, any clinical, any osteoporotic and major osteoporotic fractures) were reported based on study questions.Results Twenty-one studies including 55,164 women and 13,742 men were included in the meta-analysis with a total follow-up of 279,124 person-years. All four QUS parameters were associated with risk of different fracture. For instance, RR of hip fracture for 1 SD decrease of BUA was 1.69 (95% CI 1.43-2.00), SOS was 1.96 (95% CI 1.64-2.34), SI was 2.26 (95%CI 1.71-2.99) and QUI was 1.99 (95% CI 1.49-2.67). There was marked heterogeneity among studies on hip and any clinical fractures but no evidence of publication bias amongst them. Validated devices from different manufacturers predicted fracture risks with similar performance (meta-regression p values > 0.05 for difference of devices). QUS measures predicted fracture with a similar performance in men and women. Meta-analysis of studies with QUS measures adjusted for hip BMD showed a significant and independent association with fracture risk (RR/SD for BUA = 1.34 [95%CI 1.22-1.49]).Conclusions This study confirms that heel QUS, using validated devices, predicts risk of different fracture outcomes in elderly men and women. Further research is needed for more widespread utilisation of the heel QUS in clinical settings across the world.
Objectives: Trabecular Bone Score (TBS, Med-Imaps, France) is an index of bone microarchitecture calculated from antero-posterior spine DXA scan and reported to be associated with fracture in prior case-control studies and in a large prospective study with the Prodigy DXA device. Our aim was to assess the ability of TBS to predict incident fracture and improve the classification of fracture prospectively in the OFELY study.Materials/Methods: TBS was assessed in 564 postmenopausal women (66±8 years old) from the OFELY cohort, who had a spine DXA scan (QDR 4500A, Hologic, USA) between year 2000 and 2001. During a mean follow up of 7.8±1.3 years, 94 women sustained a fragility fracture.Results: At the time of baseline DXA scan, women with incident fracture were significantly older (70±9 vs. 65± 8 years), had a lower spine BMD (T-score: −1.9±1.2 vs. −1.3±1.3, p<0.001) and spine TBS (−3.1%, p<0.001) than women without incident fracture. After adjustment for age, BMI and the presence of prevalent fracture, the magnitude of fracture prediction was similar for spine BMD (OR=1.42 [1.11;1.82] per SD decrease [95% CI]) and TBS (OR=1.34 [1.04;1.74]) but the combination of TBS and spine BMD did not improve fracture prediction. Spine BMD and TBS were both correlated with age (respectively r=−0.17 and −0.49, p<0.001) and correlated together with 39% of TBS explained by spine BMD (r=0.63, p<0.001). When using the WHO classification, 38% of the fractures occurred in osteoporotic (fracture rate=29%), 47% in osteopenic (fracture rate=16%) and 15% in women with T-score >−1 (fracture rate=9%). By classifying our population in tertiles of TBS, we found that 47% of the fractures occurred in the lowest tertile of TBS (fracture rate=23%) and 39% of the fracture that occurred in osteopenic women were in the lowest tertile of TBS.Conclusions: Spine BMD and TBS predicted fractures equally well. The addition of TBS to spine BMD added only limited information on fracture risk prediction in our cohort when considering the all range of BMD. Nevertheless combining the osteopenic T-score and the lowest TBS helped defining a subset of osteopenic women at higher risk of fracture.Disclosure of Interest: None declared.
Within the framework of a retrospective study of the incidence of hip fractures in the canton of Vaud (Switzerland), all cases of hip fracture occurring among the resident population in 1986 and treated in the hospitals of the canton were identified from among five different information sources. Relevant data were then extracted from the medical records. At least two sources of information were used to identify cases in each hospital, among them the statistics of the Swiss Hospital Association (VESKA). These statistics were available for 9 of the 18 hospitals in the canton that participated in the study. The number of cases identified from the VESKA statistics was compared to the total number of cases for each hospital. For the 9 hospitals the number of cases in the VESKA statistics was 407, whereas, after having excluded diagnoses that were actually "status after fracture" and double entries, the total for these hospitals was 392, that is 4% less than the VESKA statistics indicate. It is concluded that the VESKA statistics provide a good approximation of the actual number of cases treated in these hospitals, with a tendency to overestimate this number. In order to use these statistics for calculating incidence figures, however, it is imperative that a greater proportion of all hospitals (50% presently in the canton, 35% nationwide) participate in these statistics.
Sacral insufficiency fractures have been described in association with conditions leading to osteoporosis. No association with spondylolisthesis has been described to date. A 60-year-old patient with known lumbosacral isthmic spondylolisthesis presented with exacerbation of symptoms initially thought to be linked to her known spinal pathology. Plain radiography, computer tomography, MRI and bone scan confirmed the presence of a recent sacral insufficiency fracture with anterior angulation. Conservative treatment resulted in improvement of symptoms after 6 months. Care should be taken when considering older patients for more aggressive treatment if they present with exacerbation of back pain and sciatica in the presence of a pre-existing spondylolisthesis. A suspicion of insufficiency fracture should be raised if risk factors exist and further investigations ordered in particular if plain radiography is normal. Lumbosacral fusion might be inappropriate in this setting.
Anterior and middle skull base tumors, mainly meningiomas, are usually operated on using a sub-frontal route with a microscope. With modern radiotherapy, the goal of skull base surgery moves from a radical surgery with high rate of side effect to a functional concept that aims to remove as much as possible of the tumor without compromising the neurological status of patients. Minimally skull base surgery benefits from keyhole and endoscopy techniques. For 3 2 decades, the development of endoscopy helps to imagine innovative approaches for skull base tumors such as the endonasal route. Nonetheless, CSF leak issue and the absence of direct control of the tumor margins may limit the interest of such a route. Keyhole craniotomies have been developed with microscope but vision issue limits their use. Combining advantages of both techniques appears therefore natural and gave birth to intracranial assisted and more recently to fully endoscopic keyhole surgery. For anterior or middle skull base tumors, Keyhole supraorbital approaches can be done either by a trans-eyebrow or trans-eyelid routes. A step-by-step description of these fully endoscopic alternative routes summarizing advantages and drawbacks compared to others (traditional sub-frontal or more recent endonasal approaches) is reported in this chapter by the authors.
To study energy and protein balances in elderly patients after surgery, spontaneous energy and protein intake and resting energy expenditure (REE) were measured in 20 elderly female patients with a femoral neck fracture (mean age 81 +/- 4, SD, range 74-87 years; weight 53 +/- 8, range 42-68 kg) during a 5-6 day period following surgery. REE, measured over 20-40 min by indirect calorimetry using a ventilated canopy, averaged 0.98 +/- 0.15 kcal/min on day 3 and decreased to 0.93 +/- 0.15 kcal/min on day 8-9 postsurgery (p less than 0.02). REE was positively correlated with body weight (r = 0.69, p less than 0.005). Mean REE extrapolated to 24 hr (24-REE) was 1283 +/- 194 kcal/day. Mean daily food energy intake measured over the 5-day follow-up period was 1097 +/- 333 kcal/day and was positively correlated with 24-REE (r = 0.50, p less than 0.05). Daily energy balance was -235 +/- 351 kcal/day on day 3 (p less than 0.01 vs zero) and -13 +/- 392 kcal/day on day 8-9 postsurgery (NS vs zero) with a mean over the study period of -185 +/- 289 kcal/day (p less than 0.01 vs zero). When an extra 100 kcal/day was allowed for the energy cost of physical activity, mean daily energy balance over the 5-day study period was calculated to be -285 +/- 289 kcal/day (p less than 0.01 vs zero). Measurements of total 24-hr urinary nitrogen (N) excretion were obtained in a subgroup of 14 patients.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Introduction: Osteoporosis (OP) is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by a low bone mineral density (BMD) and a micro-architectural (MA) deterioration. Clinical risk factors (CRF) are often used as a MA approximation. MA is yet evaluable in daily practice by the Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) measure. TBS is a novel grey-level texture measurement reflecting bone micro-architecture based on the use of experimental variograms of 2D projection images. TBS is very simple to obtain, by reanalyzing a lumbar DXA-scan. TBS has proven to have diagnosis and prognosis value, partially independent of CRF and BMD. The aim of the OsteoLaus cohort is to combine in daily practice the CRF and the information given by DXA (BMD, TBS and vertebral fracture assessment (VFA)) to better identify women at high fracture risk. Method: The OsteoLaus cohort (1400 women 50 to 80 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland) started in 2010. This study is derived from the cohort COLAUS who started in Lausanne in 2003. The main goals of COLAUS is to obtain information on the epidemiology and genetic determinants of cardiovascular risk in 6700 men and women. CRF for OP, bone ultrasound of the heel, lumbar spine and hip BMD, VFA by DXA and MA evaluation by TBS are recorded in OsteoLaus. Preliminary results are reported. Results: We included 631 women: mean age 67.4±6.7 y, BMI 26.1±4.6, mean lumbar spine BMD 0.943±0.168 (T-score -1.4 SD), TBS 1.271±0.103. As expected, correlation between BMD and site matched TBS is low (r2=0.16). Prevalence of VFx grade 2/3, major OP Fx and all OP Fx is 8.4%, 17.0% and 26.0% respectively. Age- and BMI-adjusted ORs (per SD decrease) are 1.8 (1.2- 2.5), 1.6 (1.2-2.1), 1.3 (1.1-1.6) for BMD for the different categories of fractures and 2.0 (1.4-3.0), 1.9 (1.4-2.5), 1.4 (1.1-1.7) for TBS respectively. Only 32 to 37% of women with OP Fx have a BMD < -2.5 SD or a TBS < 1.200. If we combine a BMD < -2.5 SD or a TBS < 1.200, 54 to 60% of women with an osteoporotic Fx are identified. Conclusion: As in the already published studies, these preliminary results confirm the partial independence between BMD and TBS. More importantly, a combination of TBS subsequent to BMD increases significantly the identification of women with prevalent OP Fx which would have been miss-classified by BMD alone. For the first time we are able to have complementary information about fracture (VFA), density (BMD), micro- and macro architecture (TBS & HAS) from a simple, low ionizing radiation and cheap device: DXA. Such complementary information is very useful for the patient in the daily practice and moreover will likely have an impact on cost effectiveness analysis.
Osteoporotic fracture (OF) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Switzerland is among the countries with the greatest risk. Our aim was (1) to calculate the FRAX(®) in a selected Swiss population the day before the occurrence of an OF and (2) to compare the results with the proposed Swiss FRAX(®) thresholds. The Swiss Association Against Osteoporosis proposed guidelines for the treatment of osteoporosis based on age-dependent thresholds. To identify a population at a very high risk of osteoporotic fracture, we included all consecutive patients in the active OF pathway cohort from the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. FRAX(®) was calculated with the available data the day before the actual OF. People with a FRAX(®) body mass index (BMI) or a FRAX(®) (bone mineral density) BMD lower than the Swiss thresholds were not considered at high risk. Two-hundred thirty-seven patients were included with a mean age of 77.2 years, and 80 % were female. Major types of fracture included hip (58 %) and proximal humerus (25 %) fractures. Mean FRAX(®) BMI values were 28.0, 10.0, 13.0, 26.0, and 37.0 % for age groups 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, and 80-89 years old, respectively. Fifty percent of the population was not considered at high risk by the FRAX(®) BMI. FRAX(®) BMD was available for 95 patients, and 45 % had a T score < -2.5 standard deviation. Only 30 % of patients with a normal or osteopenic BMD were classified at high risk by FRAX(®) BMD. The current proposed Swiss thresholds were not able to classify at high risk in 50 to 70 % of the studied population the day before a major OF.
BACKGROUND: Jaffe-Campanacci is a rare syndrome characterised by the association of café-au-lait spots, axillary freckles, multiple non-ossifying fibromas of the long bones and jaw, as well as some features of type 1 neurofibromatosis. There are less than 30 reported cases, and a genetic profile has not yet been determined. Furthermore, it has not been clarified whether it is a subtype of type 1 neurofibromatosis or a separate syndrome. The risk of pathological fracture is over 50%, due to substantial cortical thinning of the weight-bearing bones. CASE PRESENTATION: A 17-year-old female patient, known for type 1 neurofibromatosis, presented with a low-energy distal femoral fracture due to disseminated large non-ossifying fibromas. Investigations revealed all of the distinctive signs of Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome. Both her distal femurs and proximal tibias exhibited multiple non-ossifying fibromas. The fracture was treated by open reduction and internal plate fixation. Some of the bony lesions were biopsied to confirm the diagnosis. The fracture healed eventless, as did the lesions biopsied or involved in the fracture. The other ones healed after curettage and bone grafting performed at the time of plate removal. CONCLUSION: Jaffe-Campanacci is a rare syndrome having unclear interactions with type 1 neurofibromatosis, which still needs to be characterised genetically. It is associated with a high risk of pathological fracture, due to the presence of multiple large non-ossifying fibromas of the long bones, with an expected normal healing time. Curettage and bone grafting promote healing of the lesions and should be considered to prevent pathological fracture. We agree with other authors that all patients with newly-diagnosed type 1 neurofibromatosis should undergo an osseous screening to detect disseminated non-ossifying fibromas, and evaluate the inherent risk of pathological fracture.
The authors present the case of an open fracture of femur Cauchoix type II with an infection due to Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Enterococcus and Aspergillus fumigatus. After several sequestrectomies and five hyperbaric sessions, apyrexia was attained at the end of the third month, the femur having been stabilised with an external fixator. The 15 cm gap due to loss of bone substance, filled at each dressing with an antiseptic iodine based ointment, closed itself finishing as continuous bone five months after the accident, the granulation tissue having been recovered by thin skin grafts. A repeated fracture occurring forty-eight hours after the removal of the Hoffmann frame was treated by fitting an Ilizarov fixator arriving at consolidation in seven months. The authors examine different possibilities of accelerating osteogenesis and highlight the potential role of iodine ointment as inductive to osteogenesis stemming from a periosteal layer seemingly held in place.
We found that lumbar spine texture analysis using trabecular bone score (TBS) is a risk factor for MOF and a risk factor for death in a retrospective cohort study from a large clinical registry for the province of Manitoba, Canada. INTRODUCTION: FRAX® estimates the 10-year probability of major osteoporotic fracture (MOF) using clinical risk factors and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD). Trabecular bone score (TBS), derived from texture in the spine dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) image, is related to bone microarchitecture and fracture risk independently of BMD. Our objective was to determine whether TBS provides information on MOF probability beyond that provided by the FRAX variables. METHODS: We included 33,352 women aged 40-100 years (mean 63 years) with baseline DXA measurements of lumbar spine TBS and femoral neck BMD. The association between TBS, the FRAX variables, and the risk of MOF or death was examined using an extension of the Poisson regression model. RESULTS: During the mean of 4.7 years, 1,754 women died and 1,872 sustained one or more MOF. For each standard deviation reduction in TBS, there was a 36 % increase in MOF risk (HR 1.36, 95 % CI 1.30-1.42, p < 0.001) and a 32 % increase in death (HR 1.32, 95 % CI 1.26-1.39, p < 0.001). When adjusted for significant clinical risk factors and femoral neck BMD, lumbar spine TBS was still a significant predictor of MOF (HR 1.18, 95 % CI 1.12-1.23) and death (HR 1.20, 95 % CI 1.14-1.26). Models for estimating MOF probability, accounting for competing mortality, showed that low TBS (10th percentile) increased risk by 1.5-1.6-fold compared with high TBS (90th percentile) across a broad range of ages and femoral neck T-scores. CONCLUSIONS: Lumbar spine TBS is able to predict incident MOF independent of FRAX clinical risk factors and femoral neck BMD even after accounting for the increased death hazard.