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BACKGROUND: Isolated lung perfusion (ILP) with free and a novel liposomal-encapsulated doxorubicin (Liporubicin, CT Sciences SA, Lausanne, Switzerland) was compared with respect to drug uptake and distribution in rat lungs bearing a sarcomatous tumor. METHODS: A single sarcomatous tumor was generated in the left lung of 39 Fischer rats, followed 10 days later by left-sided ILP (n = 36) with free and equimolar-dosed liposomal doxorubicin at doses of 100 microg (n = 9) and 400 microg (n = 9) for each doxorubicin formulation. In each perfused lung, the drug concentration and distribution were assessed in the tumor and in three areas of normal lung parenchyma by high-performance liquid chromatography (n = 6) and fluorescence microscopy (n = 3). Histologic assessment and immunostaining with von Willebrand factor was performed in 3 animals with untreated tumors. RESULTS: The sarcomatous tumors in controls were well vascularized with fine branching capillaries present throughout the tumors. Isolated lung perfusion resulted in a heterogeneous drug distribution within the perfused lung and a consistently lower drug uptake in tumors than in lung parenchyma for both doxorubicin formulations and both drug doses applied. Isolated lung perfusion with free doxorubicin resulted in a significantly higher drug uptake than Liporubicin in both the tumor and lung tissue for both drug doses applied (p < 0.01). However, the tumor/normal tissue drug ratio was lower for free than for liposomal doxorubicin at a drug dose of 100 microg (0.27 +/- 0.1 vs 0.53 +/- 0.5; p = 0.225) and similar for both doxorubicin formulations at a drug dose of 400 microg (0.67 +/- 0.2 vs 0.54 +/- 0.2; p = 0.335). Both doxorubicin formulations resulted in fluorescence signaling emerging from all tissue compartments of normal lung parenchyma but only in weak and sporadic signaling from the tumors confined to the tumor periphery and vessels situated within the tumor for both drug doses assessed. CONCLUSIONS: Isolated lung perfusion with free and liposomal doxorubicin resulted in a heterogeneous drug distribution within the perfused lung and in a lower drug uptake in tumors than in lung tissue for both doxorubicin formulations and drug doses applied.


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PURPOSE: Investigation of the incidence and distribution of congenital structural cardiac malformations among the offspring of mothers with diabetes type 1 and of the influence of periconceptional glycemic control. METHODS: Multicenter retrospective clinical study, literature review, and meta-analysis. The incidence and pattern of congenital heart disease in the own study population and in the literature on the offspring of type 1 diabetic mothers were compared with the incidence and spectrum of the various cardiovascular defects in the offspring of nondiabetic mothers as registered by EUROCAT Northern Netherlands. Medical records were, in addition, reviewed for HbA(1c) during the 1st trimester. RESULTS: The distribution of congenital heart anomalies in the own diabetic study population was in accordance with the distribution encountered in the literature. This distribution differed considerably from that in the nondiabetic population. Approximately half the cardiovascular defects were conotruncal anomalies. The authors' study demonstrated a remarkable increase in the likelihood of visceral heterotaxia and variants of single ventricle among these patients. As expected, elevated HbA(1c) values during the 1st trimester were associated with offspring fetal cardiovascular defects. CONCLUSION: This study shows an increased likelihood of specific heart anomalies, namely transposition of the great arteries, persistent truncus arteriosus, visceral heterotaxia and single ventricle, among offspring of diabetic mothers. This suggests a profound teratogenic effect at a very early stage in cardiogenesis. The study emphasizes the frequency with which the offspring of diabetes-complicated pregnancies suffer from complex forms of congenital heart disease. Pregnancies with poor 1st-trimester glycemic control are more prone to the presence of fetal heart disease.


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AIMS: Estimates of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in patients with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias related to coronary artery disease (CAD) have rarely been reported despite it has become the basis for determining patient's eligibility for prophylactic defibrillator. We aimed to determine the extent and distribution of reduced LVEF in patients with sustained ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. METHODS AND RESULTS: 252 patients admitted for ventricular arrhythmia related to CAD were included: 149 had acute myocardial infarction (MI) (Group I, 59%), 54 had significant chronic obstructive CAD suggestive of an ischaemic arrhythmic trigger (Group II, 21%) and 49 patients had an old MI without residual ischaemia (Group III, 19%). 34% of the patients with scar-related arrhythmias had an LVEF > or =40%. Based on pre-event LVEF evaluation, it can be estimated that less than one quarter of the whole study population had a known chronic MI with severely reduced LVEF. In Group III, the proportion of inferior MI was significantly higher than anterior MI (81 vs. 19%; absolute difference, -62; 95% confidence interval, -45 to -79; P < or = 0.0001), though median LVEF was higher in inferior MI (0.37 +/- 10 vs. 0.29 +/- 10; P = 0.0499). CONCLUSION: Patients included in defibrillator trials represent only a minority of the patients at risk of sudden cardiac death. By applying the current risk stratification strategy based on LVEF, more than one third of the patients with old MI would not have qualified for a prophylactic defibrillator. Our study also suggests that inferior scars may be more prone to ventricular arrhythmia compared to anterior scars.


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The geodynamic forces acting in the Earth's interior manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Volcanoes are amongst the most impressive examples in this respect, but like with an iceberg, they only represent the tip of a more extensive system hidden underground. This system consists of a source region where melt forms and accumulates, feeder connections in which magma is transported towards the surface, and different reservoirs where it is stored before it eventually erupts to form a volcano. A magma represents a mixture of melt and crystals. The latter can be extracted from the source region, or form anywhere along the path towards their final crystallization place. They will retain information of the overall plumbing system. The host rocks of an intrusion, in contrast, provide information at the emplacement level. They record the effects of thermal and mechanical forces imposed by the magma. For a better understanding of the system, both parts - magmatic and metamorphic petrology - have to be integrated. I will demonstrate in my thesis that information from both is complementary. It is an iterative process, using constraints from one field to better constrain the other. Reading the history of the host rocks is not always straightforward. This is shown in chapter two, where a model for the formation of clustered garnets observed in the contact aureole is proposed. Fragments of garnets, older than the intrusive rocks are overgrown by garnet crystallizing due to the reheating during emplacement of the adjacent pluton. The formation of the clusters is therefore not a single event as generally assumed but the result of a two-stage process, namely the alteration of the old grains and the overgrowth and amalgamation of new garnet rims. This makes an important difference when applying petrological methods such as thermobarometry, geochronology or grain size distributions. The thermal conditions in the aureole are a strong function of the emplacement style of the pluton. therefore it is necessary to understand the pluton before drawing conclusions about its aureole. A study investigating the intrusive rocks by means of field, geochemical, geochronologi- cal and structural methods is presented in chapter three. This provided important information about the assembly of the intrusion, but also new insights on the nature of large, homogeneous plutons and the structure of the plumbing system in general. The incremental nature of the emplacement of the Western Adamello tonalité is documented, and the existence of an intermediate reservoir beneath homogeneous plutons is proposed. In chapter four it is demonstrated that information extracted from the host rock provides further constraints on the emplacement process of the intrusion. The temperatures obtain by combining field observations with phase petrology modeling are used together with thermal models to constrain the magmatic activity in the immediate intrusion. Instead of using the thermal models to control the petrology result, the inverse is done. The model parameters were changed until a match with the aureole temperatures was obtained. It is shown, that only a few combinations give a positive match and that temperature estimates from the aureole can constrain the frequency of ancient magmatic systems. In the fifth chapter, the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of intrusive rocks is compared to 3D tomography. The obtained signal is a function of the shape and distribution of ferromagnetic grains, and is often used to infer flow directions of magma. It turns out that the signal is dominated by the shape of the magnetic crystals, and where they form tight clusters, also by their distribution. This is in good agreement with the predictions made in the theoretical and experimental literature. In the sixth chapter arguments for partial melting of host rock carbonates are presented. While at first very surprising, this is to be expected when considering the prior results from the intrusive study and experiments from the literature. Partial melting is documented by compelling microstructures, geochemical and structural data. The necessary conditions are far from extreme and this process might be more frequent than previously thought. The carbonate melt is highly mobile and can move along grain boundaries, infiltrating other rocks and ultimately alter the existing mineral assemblage. Finally, a mineralogical curiosity is presented in chapter seven. The mineral assemblage magne§site and calcite is in apparent equilibrium. It is well known that these two carbonates are not stable together in the system Ca0-Mg0-Fe0-C02. Indeed, magnesite and calcite should react to dolomite during metamorphism. The presented explanation for this '"forbidden" assemblage is, that a calcite melt infiltrated the magnesite bearing rock along grain boundaries and caused the peculiar microstructure. This is supported by isotopie disequilibrium between calcite and magnesite. A further implication of partially molten carbonates is, that the host rock drastically looses its strength so that its physical properties may be comparable to the ones of the intrusive rocks. This contrasting behavior of the host rock may ease the emplacement of the intrusion. We see that the circle closes and the iterative process of better constraining the emplacement could start again. - La Terre est en perpétuel mouvement et les forces tectoniques associées à ces mouvements se manifestent sous différentes formes. Les volcans en sont l'un des exemples les plus impressionnants, mais comme les icebergs, les laves émises en surfaces ne représentent que la pointe d'un vaste système caché dans les profondeurs. Ce système est constitué d'une région source, région où la roche source fond et produit le magma ; ce magma peut s'accumuler dans cette région source ou être transporté à travers différents conduits dans des réservoirs où le magma est stocké. Ce magma peut cristalliser in situ et produire des roches plutoniques ou alors être émis en surface. Un magma représente un mélange entre un liquide et des cristaux. Ces cristaux peuvent être extraits de la source ou se former tout au long du chemin jusqu'à l'endroit final de cristallisation. L'étude de ces cristaux peut ainsi donner des informations sur l'ensemble du système magmatique. Au contraire, les roches encaissantes fournissent des informations sur le niveau d'emplacement de l'intrusion. En effet ces roches enregistrent les effets thermiques et mécaniques imposés par le magma. Pour une meilleure compréhension du système, les deux parties, magmatique et métamorphique, doivent être intégrées. Cette thèse a pour but de montrer que les informations issues de l'étude des roches magmatiques et des roches encaissantes sont complémentaires. C'est un processus itératif qui utilise les contraintes d'un domaine pour améliorer la compréhension de l'autre. Comprendre l'histoire des roches encaissantes n'est pas toujours aisé. Ceci est démontré dans le chapitre deux, où un modèle de formation des grenats observés sous forme d'agrégats dans l'auréole de contact est proposé. Des fragments de grenats plus vieux que les roches intru- sives montrent une zone de surcroissance générée par l'apport thermique produit par la mise en place du pluton adjacent. La formation des agrégats de grenats n'est donc pas le résultat d'un seul événement, comme on le décrit habituellement, mais d'un processus en deux phases, soit l'altération de vieux grains engendrant une fracturation de ces grenats, puis la formation de zone de surcroissance autour de ces différents fragments expliquant la texture en agrégats observée. Cette interprétation en deux phases est importante, car elle engendre des différences notables lorsque l'on applique des méthodes pétrologiques comme la thermobarométrie, la géochronologie ou encore lorsque l'on étudie la distribution relative de la taille des grains. Les conditions thermales dans l'auréole de contact dépendent fortement du mode d'emplacement de l'intrusion et c'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de d'abord comprendre le pluton avant de faire des conclusions sur son auréole de contact. Une étude de terrain des roches intrusives ainsi qu'une étude géochimique, géochronologique et structurale est présente dans le troisième chapitre. Cette étude apporte des informations importantes sur la formation de l'intrusion mais également de nouvelles connaissances sur la nature de grands plutons homogènes et la structure de système magmatique en général. L'emplacement incrémental est mis en évidence et l'existence d'un réservoir intermédiaire en-dessous des plutons homogènes est proposé. Le quatrième chapitre de cette thèse illustre comment utiliser l'information extraite des roches encaissantes pour expliquer la mise en place de l'intrusion. Les températures obtenues par la combinaison des observations de terrain et l'assemblage métamorphique sont utilisées avec des modèles thermiques pour contraindre l'activité magmatique au contact directe de cette auréole. Au lieu d'utiliser le modèle thermique pour vérifier le résultat pétrologique, une approche inverse a été choisie. Les paramètres du modèle ont été changés jusqu'à ce qu'on obtienne une correspondance avec les températures observées dans l'auréole de contact. Ceci montre qu'il y a peu de combinaison qui peuvent expliquer les températures et qu'on peut contraindre la fréquence de l'activité magmatique d'un ancien système magmatique de cette manière. Dans le cinquième chapitre, les processus contrôlant l'anisotropie de la susceptibilité magnétique des roches intrusives sont expliqués à l'aide d'images de la distribution des minéraux dans les roches obtenues par tomographie 3D. Le signal associé à l'anisotropie de la susceptibilité magnétique est une fonction de la forme et de la distribution des grains ferromagnétiques. Ce signal est fréquemment utilisé pour déterminer la direction de mouvement d'un magma. En accord avec d'autres études de la littérature, les résultats montrent que le signal est dominé par la forme des cristaux magnétiques, ainsi que par la distribution des agglomérats de ces minéraux dans la roche. Dans le sixième chapitre, une étude associée à la fusion partielle de carbonates dans les roches encaissantes est présentée. Si la présence de liquides carbonatés dans les auréoles de contact a été proposée sur la base d'expériences de laboratoire, notre étude démontre clairement leur existence dans la nature. La fusion partielle est documentée par des microstructures caractéristiques pour la présence de liquides ainsi que par des données géochimiques et structurales. Les conditions nécessaires sont loin d'être extrêmes et ce processus pourrait être plus fréquent qu'attendu. Les liquides carbonatés sont très mobiles et peuvent circuler le long des limites de grain avant d'infiltrer d'autres roches en produisant une modification de leurs assemblages minéralogiques. Finalement, une curiosité minéralogique est présentée dans le chapitre sept. L'assemblage de minéraux de magnésite et de calcite en équilibre apparent est observé. Il est bien connu que ces deux carbonates ne sont pas stables ensemble dans le système CaO-MgO-FeO-CO.,. En effet, la magnésite et la calcite devraient réagir et produire de la dolomite pendant le métamorphisme. L'explication présentée pour cet assemblage à priori « interdit » est que un liquide carbonaté provenant des roches adjacentes infiltre cette roche et est responsable pour cette microstructure. Une autre implication associée à la présence de carbonates fondus est que la roche encaissante montre une diminution drastique de sa résistance et que les propriétés physiques de cette roche deviennent comparables à celles de la roche intrusive. Cette modification des propriétés rhéologiques des roches encaissantes peut faciliter la mise en place des roches intrusives. Ces différentes études démontrent bien le processus itératif utilisé et l'intérêt d'étudier aussi bien les roches intrusives que les roches encaissantes pour la compréhension des mécanismes de mise en place des magmas au sein de la croûte terrestre.


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BACKGROUND: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) at low drug-light conditions can enhance the transport of intravenously injected macromolecular therapeutics through the tumor vasculature. Here we determined the impact of PDT on the distribution of liposomal doxorubicin (Liporubicin™) administered by isolated lung perfusion (ILP) in sarcomas grown on rodent lungs. METHODS: A syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma cell line was implanted subpleurally in the left lung of Fischer rats. Treatment schemes consisted in ILP alone (400 μg of Liporubicin), low-dose (0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne®, 10 J/cm(2) and 35 mW/cm(2)) and high-dose left lung PDT (0.125 mg/kg Visudyne, 10 J/cm(2) and 35 mW/cm(2)) followed by ILP (400 μg of Liporubicin). The uptake and distribution of Liporubicin in tumor and lung tissues were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence microscopy in each group. RESULTS: Low-dose PDT significantly improved the distribution of Liporubicin in tumors compared to high-dose PDT (p < 0.05) and ILP alone (p < 0.05). However, both PDT pretreatments did not result in a higher overall drug uptake in tumors or a higher tumor-to-lung drug ratio compared to ILP alone. CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative low-dose Visudyne-mediated PDT enhances liposomal doxorubicin distribution administered by ILP in sarcomas grown on rodent lungs which is predicted to improve tumor control by ILP.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: To investigate if two distinct, commercially available embryo culture media have a different effect on birthweight and length of singleton term infants conceived after IVF-ICSI. METHODS: University hospital based cohort study. Between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2004, patients conceiving through IVF-ICSI at the University Hospital, Lausanne have been allocated to two distinct embryo culture media. Only term singleton pregnancies were analysed (n = 525). Data analysis was performed according to two commercially available culture media: Vitrolife (n = 352) versus Cook (n = 173). Analysis was performed through linear regression adjusted for confounders. Media were considered equivalent if the 95% confidence interval lay between -150 g/+150 g. RESULTS: Length, gestational age and distribution of birthweight percentiles did not differ between groups (for both genders). Analysis of the whole cohort, adjusted for a subset of confounders, resulted in a statistically not different mean birthweight between the two groups (Vitrolife +37 g vs Cook, 95%CI: -46 g to 119 g) suggesting equivalence. Adjustment for an enlarged number of confounders in a subsample of patients (n = 258) also revealed no relevant mean birthweight difference of +71 g (95%CI: -45 g to 187 g) in favour of Vitrolife; however, lacking power to prove equivalence. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that significant differences in birthweight due to these two distinct, commercially available embryo culture media are unlikely.


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Imatinib (Glivec®) has transformed the treatment and short-term prognosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST). However, the treatment must be taken indefinitely and is not devoid of inconvenience and toxicity. Moreover, resistance or escape from disease control occurs in a significant number of patients. Imatinib is a substrate of the cytochromes P450 CYP3A4/5 and of the multidrug transporter P glycoprotein (product of the MDR1 gene), and is also bound to the alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) in plasma. Considering the large inter-individual differences in the expression and function of those systems, the disposition and clinical activity of imatinib can be expected to vary widely among patients, calling for dosage individualisation. The aim of this exploratory study was to determine the average pharmacokinetic parameters characterizing the disposition of imatinib in the target population, to assess their inter-individual variability, and to identify influential factors affecting them. A total of 321 plasma concentrations were measured in 59 patients receiving Glivec® at diverse dosage regimens, using a validated chromatographic method developed for this study. The results were analysed by non-linear mixed effect modelling (NONMEM). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption described the data appropriately, with an average apparent clearance of 12.4 l/h, a volume of distribution of 268 l and an absorption constant of 0.47 h-1. The clearance was affected by body weight, age and sex. No influences of interacting drugs were found. DNA samples were used for pharmacogenetic explorations. The MDR1 polymorphism 3435C>T and the AAG phenotype appears to modulate the disposition of imatinib. Large inter-individual variability (CV %) remained unexplained by the demographic covariates considered, both on clearance (40%) and distribution volume (71%). Together with intra-patient variability (34%), this translates into an 8-fold width of the 90%-prediction interval of plasma concentrations expected under a fixed dosing regimen. This is a strong argument to further investigate the possible usefulness of a therapeutic drug monitoring programme for imatinib. It may help in individualising the dosing regimen before overt disease progression or observation of treatment toxicity, thus improving both the long-term therapeutic effectiveness and tolerability of this drug.


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Significant quantities of antibiotics are used in all parts of the globe to treat diseases with bacterial origins. After ingestion, antibiotics are excreted by the patient and transmitted in due course to the aquatic environment. This study examined temporal fluctuations (monthly time scale) in antibiotic sources (ambulatory sales and data from a hospital dispensary) for Lausanne, Switzerland. Source variability (i.e., antibiotic consumption, monthly data for 2006-2010) were examined in detail for nine antibiotics--azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, clindamycin, metronidazole, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, from which two main conclusions were reached. First, some substances--azithromycin, clarithromycin, ciprofloxacin--displayed high seasonality in their consumption, with the winter peak being up to three times higher than the summer minimum. This seasonality in consumption resulted in seasonality in Predicted Environmental Concentrations (PECs). In addition, the seasonality in PECs was also influenced by that in the base wastewater flow. Second, the contribution of hospitals to the total load of antibiotics reaching the Lausanne Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP) fluctuated markedly on a monthly time scale, but with no seasonal pattern detected. That is, there was no connection between fluctuations in ambulatory and hospital consumption for the substances investigated.


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The identification of NK cell receptors specific for MHC class I molecules has greatly improved our knowledge of NK cell reactivity and specificity. Inhibitory receptors prevent NK cell activation directed against cells expressing self-MHC class I molecules. Consequently, diseased cells that do not express self-MHC class I molecules become susceptible to NK cell-mediated attack. Because of the specificity and distribution of inhibitory NK cell receptors, cells that express non-self (allogeneic) MHC class I molecules are also susceptible to NK cell reactions. This feature has been exploited in a clinical setting to treat leukemia patients.


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Summary The field of public finance focuses on the spending and taxing activities of governments and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income. This work covers in three parts different topics related to public finance which are currently widely discussed in media and politics. The first two parts deal with issues on social security, which is in general one of the biggest spending shares of governments. The third part looks at the main income source of governments by analyzing the perceived value of tax competition. Part one deals with the current problem of increased early retirement by focusing on Switzerland as a special case. Early retirement is predominantly considered to be the result of incentives set by social security and the tax system. But the Swiss example demonstrates that the incidence of early retirement has dramatically increased even in the absence of institutional changes. We argue that the wealth effect also plays an important role in the retirement decision for middle and high income earners. An actuarially fair, but mandatory funded system with a relatively high replacement rate may thus contribute to a low labor market participation rate of elderly workers. We provide evidence using a unique dataset on individual retirement decisions in Swiss pension funds, allowing us to perfectly control for pension scheme details. Our findings suggest that affordability is a key determinant in the retirement decisions. The higher the accumulated pension capital, the earlier men, and to a smaller extent women, tend to leave the workforce. The fact that early retirement has become much more prevalent in the last 15 years is a further indicator of the importance of a wealth effect, as the maturing of the Swiss mandatory funded pension system over that period has led to an increase in the effective replacement rates for middle and high income earners. Part two covers the theoretical side of social security. Theories analyzing optimal social security benefits provide important qualitative results, by mainly using one general type of an economy. Economies are however very diverse concerning numerous aspects, one of the most important being the wealth level. This can lead to significant quantitative benefit differences that imply differences in replacement rates and levels of labor supply. We focus on several aspects related to this fact. In a within cohort social security model, we introduce disability insurance with an imperfect screening mechanism. We then vary the wealth level of the model economy and analyze how the optimal social security benefit structure or equivalently, the optimal replacement rates, changes depending on the wealth level of the economy, and if the introduction of disability insurance into a social security system is preferable for all economies. Second, the screening mechanism of disability insurance and the threshold level at which people are defined as disabled can differ. For economies with different wealth levels, we determine for different thresholds the screening level that maximizes social welfare. Finally, part three turns to the income of governments, by adding an element to the controversy on tax competition versus tax harmonization.2 Inter-jurisdictional tax competition can generate at least two potential benefits or costs: On a public level, tax competition may result in a lower or higher efficiency in the production of public services. But there is also a more private benefit in the form of an option for individuals to move to a community with a lower tax rate in the future. To explore the value citizens attach to tax competition we analyze a unique popular vote for a complete tax harmonization between communities in the third largest Swiss canton, Vaud. Although a majority of voters would have seemingly benefited from replacing the current tax rate by a revenue-neutral average tax rate, the proposal was rejected by a large margin. Our estimates suggest that the estimated combined perceived benefit from tax competition is in the range of 10%.


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Neurofilament (NF) proteins consist of three subunits of different molecular weights defined as NF-H, NF-M, and NF-L. They are typical structures of the neuronal cytoskeleton. Their immunocytochemical distribution during postnatal development of cat cerebellum was studied with several monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against phosphorylated or unmodified sites. Expression and distribution of the triplet neurofilament proteins changed with maturation. Afferent mossy and climbing fibers in the medullary layer contained NF-M and NF-L already at birth, whereas NF-H appeared later. Within the first three postnatal weeks, all three subunits appeared in mossy and climbing fibers in the internal granular and molecular layers and in the axons of Purkinje cells. Axons of local circuit neurons such as basket cells expressed these proteins at the end of the first month, whereas parallel fibers expressed them last, at the beginning of the third postnatal month. Differential localization was especially observed for NF-H. Depending on phosphorylation, NF-H proteins were found in different axon types in climbing, mossy, and basket fibers or additionally in parallel fibers. A nonphosphorylated NF-H subunit was exclusively located in some Purkinje cells at early developmental stages and in some smaller interneurons later. A novel finding is the presence of a phosphorylation site in the NF-H subunit that is localized in dendrites of Purkinje cells but not in axons. Expression and phosphorylation of the NF-H subunit, especially, is cell-type specific and possibly involved in the adult-type stabilization of the axonal and dendritic cytoskeleton.


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Functional divergence between homologous proteins is expected to affect amino acid sequences in two main ways, which can be considered as proxies of biochemical divergence: a "covarion-like" pattern of correlated changes in evolutionary rates, and switches in conserved residues ("conserved but different"). Although these patterns have been used in case studies, a large-scale analysis is needed to estimate their frequency and distribution. We use a phylogenomic framework of animal genes to answer three questions: 1) What is the prevalence of such patterns? 2) Can we link such patterns at the amino acid level with selection inferred at the codon level? 3) Are patterns different between paralogs and orthologs? We find that covarion-like patterns are more frequently detected than "constant but different," but that only the latter are correlated with signal for positive selection. Finally, there is no obvious difference in patterns between orthologs and paralogs.


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Brain spectrin is one of the major cytoskeletal proteins associated with the plasma membrane. In many tissues this protein occurs in a variety of isoforms, for which at least three have been described in the brain: i) brain spectrin 240/235 is localized in neurons most prominently in axons and is present early during brain development. ii) Brain spectrin 240/235E is immunologicaly related to erythrocyte spectrin and restricted to somato-dendritic regions in neurons and to glia. It appears late in brain development. iii) A third form, brain spectrin 240/ 235A, is found exclusively in astrocytes. In this study we have investigated the appearance and distribution of brain spectrins 240/235 and 240/235E during embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia development in vivo and in vitro. This system provides a unique model due to the lack of dendrites on developing sensory neurons. Both isoforms first appeared at embryonic day 6. Brain spectrin 240/235 increased transiently around embryonic day 10 and 14, and was first expressed in ventrolateral neurons. It was localized abundantly in perikarya and their axons. This somato-axonal distribution pattern found in situ was also observed in vitro. In contrast, brain spectrin 240/235E only slightly increased between E6 and E15 and remained unchanged thereafter. It was localized mainly in small neurons of the mediodorsal area, where it was found as punctate staining in the cytoplasm, forming first a nuclear cap and in subsequent stages becoming distributed evenly throughout cytoplasm. This brain spectrin isoform was absent from axons, both in situ and in vitro. In conclusion, this study suggests i) that brain spectrin 240/235 may contribute towards the outgrowth, elongation and possibly maintenance of axonal processes, ii) that brain spcctrin 240/235E could be involved in the stablization of the cytoarchilecture of cell bodies in a sclected population of ganglion cells, and iii) that isoform expression of brain spectrin 240/235E in DRG cells may depend on environmental factors.


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PURPOSE: We investigated the incidence and distribution of post-mortem gas detected with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) to identify factors that could distinguish artifactual gas from cardiac air embolism. MATERIAL AND METHODS: MDCT data of 119 cadavers were retrospectively examined. Gas was semiquantitatively assessed in selected blood vessels, organs, and body spaces (82 total sites). RESULTS: Seventy-four of the 119 cadavers displayed gas (62.2%; CI 95% 52.8-70.9), and 56 (75.7%) displayed gas in the heart. Most gas was detected in the hepatic parenchyma (40%), right heart (38% ventricle, 35% atrium), inferior vena cava (30% infrarenally, 26% suprarenally), hepatic veins (26% left, 29% middle, 22% right), and portal spaces (29%). Male cadavers displayed gas more frequently than female cadavers. Gas was detected 5-84 hours after death; therefore, the post-mortem interval could not reliably predict gas distribution (rho = 0.719, p < 0.0001). We found that a large amount of putrefaction-generated gas in the right heart was associated with aggregated gas bubbles in the hepatic parenchyma (sensitivity = 100%, specificity = 89.7%). In contrast, gas in the left heart (sensitivity = 41.7%, specificity = 100%) or in periumbilical subcutaneous tissues (sensitivity = 50%, specificity = 96.3%) could not predict gas due to putrefaction. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to show that the appearance of post-mortem gas follows a specific distribution pattern. An association between intracardiac gas and hepatic parenchymal gas could distinguish between post-mortem-generated gas and vital air embolism. We propose that this finding provides a key for diagnosing death due to cardiac air embolism.


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MR connectomics is an emerging framework in neuro-science that combines diffusion MRI and whole brain tractography methodologies with the analytical tools of network science. In the present work we review the current methods enabling structural connectivity mapping with MRI and show how such data can be used to infer new information of both brain structure and function. We also list the technical challenges that should be addressed in the future to achieve high-resolution maps of structural connectivity. From the resulting tremendous amount of data that is going to be accumulated soon, we discuss what new challenges must be tackled in terms of methods for advanced network analysis and visualization, as well data organization and distribution. This new framework is well suited to investigate key questions on brain complexity and we try to foresee what fields will most benefit from these approaches.