46 resultados para Russian nationalism


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This book explores Russian synthesis that occurred in Russian economic thought between 1890 and 1920. This includes all the attempts at synthesis between classical political economy and marginalism; the labour theory of value and marginal utility; and value and prices. The various ways in which Russian economists have approached these issues have generally been addressed in a piecemeal fashion in history of economic thought literature. This book returns to the primary sources in the Russian language, translating many into English for the first time, and offers the first comprehensive history of the Russian synthesis. The book first examines the origins of the Russian synthesis by determining the condition of reception in Russia of the various theories of value involved: the classical theories of value of Ricardo and Marx on one side; the marginalist theories of prices of Menger, Walras and Jevons on the other. It then reconstructs the three generations of the Russian synthesis: the first (Tugan-Baranovsky), the second, the mathematicians (Dmitriev, Bortkiewicz, Shaposhnikov, Slutsky, etc.) and the last (Yurovsky), with an emphasis on Tugan-Baranovsky's initial impetus. This volume is suitable for those studying economic theory and philosophy as well as those interested in the history of economic thought.


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Des années 1780, quand surgit la question de l'émancipation des juifs, à la Première Guerre mondiale, qui dément l'optimisme de la perfectibilité du genre humain cultivé par la Bildung, le « long » XIXe siècle est la scène sur laquelle se déploient les efforts d'intégration des juifs dans la société et la culture allemandes, où la Bildung, intimement liée à l'esprit du protestantisme allemand qui l'a profondément marquée de son empreinte, tient lieu de médiation. Fil conducteur de ma recherche, la Bildung me permet de montrer en quoi son idéal est devenu un élément constitutif de l'identité des juifs allemands, en même temps qu'il cesse, sous les effets de la nationalisation d'une culture allemande devenue un outil au service d'un peuple particulier, d'être le projet, certes d'une communauté donnée, mais porteur d'universalisme. De fait, tout en adhérant à sa définition originale, les juifs ont su réinterpréter l'idée de Bildung en désamorçant l'alliance entre culture, germanité et nationalisme, afin de construire une nouvelle identité judéo-allemande qui réponde aux enjeux et aux exigences de la modernité ainsi qu'aux évolutions du temps, tout en visant à la reconnaissance des valeurs et du statut du judaïsme. Dans la mesure où cet idéal de la Bildung, sous les coups du nationalisme allemand, a perdu sa portée universelle pour, dans un processus de germanisation, devenir un instrument au service du projet nationaliste, les juifs vont progressivement se voir exclus de la nation allemande, quand bien même ou précisément parce qu'ils se sont identifiés à tel point au projet initial de la Bildung qu'ils en sont devenus les garants. From the 1780s, when the question of the emancipation of the Jews emerged, until World War I-a disappointment for those who were optimistic about cultivating a perfected humanity through Bildung (education)-the "long" nineteenth century is the stage on which the efforts to integrate the Jews into German society and culture took place. In this context, Bildung, which was decidedly bound to and profoundly marked by the German Protestant spirit, served as mediation. The underlying theme of Bildung in my research enables me to show how its ideal became the constitutive element of German Jewish identity. Concurrently, under the effects of the nationalization of German culture that became a tool in the service of a specific folk, the ideal of Bildung ceased to be a project that conveyed universal meaning. In fact, although the Jewish people agreed with its original definition, they succeeded in reinterpreting the idea of Bildung by neutralizing the alliance between culture, being German, and nationalism in order to elaborate a new German-Jewish identity in reply to the challenges and requirements of modernity and the evolution of society while still recognizing the values and status of Judaism. Inasmuch as the ideal of Bildung lost its universal significance for serving the nationalist project under the influence of German nationalism, the Jews were gradually excluded from the German folk, which took place despite, or precisely because, they identified to such an extent with the original aims of Bildung that they became the guarantors for it. Das ,,lange" 19. Jahrhundert bildet die Kulisse der Integrationsbemühungen der Juden in die deutsche Gesellschaft und Kultur, von den 1780er Jahren, als die Frage nach der Judenemanzipation zutage kommt, bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg, der den Optimismus der menschlichen Verbesserungsfahigkeit durch die Bildung widerlegt. Die mit dem Geist des deutschen Protestantismus eng verbundene Bildung dient hier als Mediation. Der rote Faden der Bildung ermöglicht mir zu zeigen, inwiefern ihr Ideal wesentlich für die jüdische Identität geworden ist. Zur gleichen Zeit hat das Bildungsideal, unter der Wirkung der Nationalisierung der deutschen Kultur, die zum Werkzeug eines eigenartigen Volkes gemacht wurde, sein universales Wesen verloren. In der Tat, obwohl die Juden dem ursprünglichen Bildungsideal zustimmten, haben sie die Bildung neu interpretiert, indem sie die Verbindung zwischen Kultur, Germanentum und Nationalismus entschärft und eine neue deutsch-jüdische Identität gebildet haben, die den Herausforderungen und den Ansprüchen der Moderne sowie dem Gesellschaftswandel entsprach und gleichzeitig darauf abzielte, die Werte und den Status des Judentums zu anerkennen. Insoweit, als das Bildungsideal seine universale Geltung unter dem Einfluss des deutschen Nationalismus verloren hat, um den nationalistischen Absichten zu dienen, wurden die Juden nach und nach vom deutschen Volk ausgeschlossen, selbst wenn oder gerade weil sie sich dermassen mit dem ursprünglichen Zweck der Bildung identifiziert haben, dass sie ihre Garanten geworden sind.


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Background: Over the last two decades, mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) declined by about 30% in the European Union (EU). Design: We analyzed trends in CHD (X ICD codes: I20-I25) and CVD (X ICD codes: I60-I69) mortality in young adults (age 35-44 years) in the EU as a whole and in 12 selected European countries, over the period 1980-2007. Methods: Data were derived from the World Health Organization mortality database. With joinpoint regression analysis, we identified significant changes in trends and estimated average annual percent changes (AAPC). Results: CHD mortality rates at ages 35-44 years have decreased in both sexes since the 1980s for most countries, except for Russia (130/100,000 men and 24/100,000 women, in 2005-7). The lowest rates (around 9/100,000 men, 2/100,000 women) were in France, Italy and Sweden. In men, the steepest declines in mortality were in the Czech Republic (AAPC = -6.1%), the Netherlands (-5.2%), Poland (-4.5%), and England and Wales (-4.5%). Patterns were similar in women, though with appreciably lower rates. The AAPC in the EU was -3.3% for men (rate = 16.6/100,000 in 2005-7) and -2.1% for women (rate = 3.5/100,000). For CVD, Russian rates in 2005-7 were 40/100,000 men and 16/100,000 women, 5 to 10-fold higher than in most western European countries. The steepest declines were in the Czech Republic and Italy for men, in Sweden and the Czech Republic for women. The AAPC in the EU was -2.5% in both sexes, with steeper declines after the mid-late 1990s (rates = 6.4/100,000 men and 4.3/100,000 women in 2005-7). Conclusions: CHD and CVD mortality steadily declined in Europe, except in Russia, whose rates were 10 to 15-fold higher than those of France, Italy or Sweden. Hungary and Poland, and also Scotland, where CHD trends were less favourable than in other western European countries, also emerge as priorities for preventive interventions.


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OBJECTIVE: To update trends in mortality from coronary heart diseases (CHD) and cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) over the period 1981-2004 in Europe, the USA, Latin America, Japan and other selected areas of the world. METHODS: Age-standardized mortality rates were derived from the World Health Organization database. Joinpoint analysis was used to identify significant changes in trends. RESULTS: In the European Union (27 countries), CHD mortality in men declined from 139/100,000 in 1985-1989 to 93/100,000 in 2000-2004 (-33%). In women, the fall was from 61/100,000 to 44/100,000 (-27%). In this area, a decline by over 30% was also registered in CVD mortality for both sexes. In the Russian Federation and other countries of the former Soviet Union, CHD rates in 2000-2004 were exceedingly high, around 380/100,000 men and 170/100,000 women in Russia, 430 for men and 240 for women in Ukraine, 420 and 200 in Belarus. For CVD, a similar situation was registered, with mortality rates of 226/100,000 for men and 159/100,000 for women in 2004 in the Russian Federation, and more than 24% increase since the late 1980s for men and 15% for women. CHD and CVD mortality continued to decline in most Latin American countries, Australia and other areas considered, including Asia (even if with marked differences). CONCLUSION: Although mortality from CHD and CVD continues to decline in several areas of the world including most countries of Europe and of the America providing data and Australia, unfavourable trends were still observed in the Russian Federation and other countries of the former Soviet Union, whose recent rates remain exceedingly high.


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Résumé: Relevant du domaine des représentations, cette thèse porte sur la reconstitution du processus relatif à l'invention des notions liées au «coeur du continent » asiatique, distinguant deux phases: avant et après l'apparition de la dénomination Asie centrale. Partant de l'idée que dans le processus de création de cet objet d'investigation deux actes restent primordiaux - le découpage d'un continuum géographique et culturel et la nomination des parties extraites cette étude cherche à reconstituer selon quels critères et en fonction de quelles justifications et de quels arguments, il a été possible de parvenir, via des mots, à créer les notions centre-asiatiques, afin de faire valoir des «choses» en les représentant verbalement ou graphiquement comme réelles. Cette optique invite, dans une perspective d'histoire des sciences, à travers des images changeantes, à interroger l'Asie centrale en tant qu'objet d'étude, tel qu'il a été historiquement inventé, construit et représenté par les voyageurs et les scientifiques, sans négliger l'analyse du processus politique qui a réussi à insérer des lignes-frontières dans cet espace. Cette investigation aidera à mieux comprendre le sens épistémologique des expressions relatives à l'Asie centrale, souvent imprégnées d'une vision eurocentriste, lors de la progression des connaissances sur la région, en faisant revivre des courants de pensées multiples afin de pouvoir saisir la logique du développement des idées et comprendre quel rôle ces limites centre-asiatiques inventées, qui ne sont que la codification temporelle de certaines données, jouent dans les investigations scientifiques. Abstract: This dissertation proposes a reconstitution of the process of construction of the concepts relating to the Asia's «Heart of the Continent». It is divided into two parts: I: before the invention of the Central. Asia concept, from Antiquity until nineteenth century; II: the notion after this event. The study is mainly devoted to an epistemologic analysis of the arguments used during the delineation and the designation of this space


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Over the last decade, mortality from oral and pharyngeal cancer has been declining in most European countries, but it had been increasing substantially in Hungary, Slovakia and a few other countries of central Europe, reaching rates comparable to those of lung cancer in several western European countries in males. To update trends in oral cancer mortality and further analyse the recent epidemic in central Europe, official death certifications for oral and pharyngeal cancer for 37 European countries were derived over the period 1970-2007, and an age-period-cohort model was fitted for selected countries. Male oral cancer mortality continued to decline in most European countries, including the Russian Federation, and, more importantly, it also started to decline in some of the countries with the highest male rates, i.e. Hungary and Slovakia; persisting rises were, however, observed in Belarus, Bulgaria and Romania. Oral cancer mortality rates for women were lower than in men and showed no appreciable trend over recent periods in the EU overall. Estimates from the age-period-cohort analysis for most selected countries showed a fall in effects for the cohorts born after the 1950s. For the period effect displayed a rise for the earlier periods, an inversion in the 1990s and a continuous fall up to the last studied period. Only some former non-market economy countries, like Romania, Ukraine and Lithuania, had rising cohort effect trends up to most recent generations. The major finding of this updated analysis of oral cancer mortality is the leveling of the epidemic for men in most European countries, including Hungary and other central European countries, where mortality from this cancer was exceedingly high. These trends essentially reflect the changes in alcohol and tobacco consumption in various populations.


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Using data from the International Social Survey Programme, this research investigated asymmetric attitudes of ethnic minorities and majorities towards their country and explored the impact of human development, ethnic diversity, and social inequality as country-level moderators of national attitudes. In line with the general hypothesis of ethnic asymmetry, we found that ethnic, linguistic, and religious majorities were more identified with the nation and more strongly endorsed nationalist ideology than minorities (H1, 33 countries). Multilevel analyses revealed that this pattern of asymmetry was moderated by country-level characteristics: the difference between minorities and majorities was greatest in ethnically diverse countries and in egalitarian, low inequality contexts. We also observed a larger positive correlation between ethnic subgroup identification and both national identification and nationalism for majorities than for minorities (H2, 20 countries). A stronger overall relationship between ethnic and national identification was observed in countries with a low level of human development. The greatest minority-majority differences in the relationship between ethnic identification and national attitudes were found in egalitarian countries with a strong welfare state tradition.


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В статье будут рассмотрены два исследования русского и советского лингвиста Е.Д. Поливанова, посвященные фонетике «интеллигентского языка». В начале 1930-ч гг. Поливанов выдвинул новаторскую теорию языка, основанную на изучении социолектов и групповых диалектов русского языка современности. Язык интеллигенции - один из излюбленных предметов исследований лингвиста. Поливанов доказывает, что изменениям подвержен не только словарный запас, но и фонетика, и приводит конкретные примеры фонетических изменений, вызванных революцией.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) This book provides in-depth discussions of Islamic thought across the twentieth century, encompassing the breadth of self-expression in Muslim communities world-wide. It explores key themes in modern Islamic thinking, including the social origins and ideological underpinnings of the late nineteenth- early twentieth-century Islamic reformist project, nationalism in the Muslim world, Islamist attitudes towards democracy, the science of Islamic economics, Islamist notions of family and the role of women, Muslim perceptions and constructions of the West, and aspects of Muslim thinking on Christians and Jews


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Résumé : Depuis la fin de la perestroïka s'est mis en place en Russie un discours identitaire qui, en linguistique, prend des formes extrêmes, reposant sur un strict déterminisme de la pensée par la langue. Les organismes de financement de la recherche scientifique soutiennent des projets qui étudient le rapport entre la grammaire russe et le « caractère national russe ». Des objets nouveaux apparaissent : « l'image linguistique russe du monde », « la personnalité linguistique », la « linguoculturologie ». Cet ensemble discursif construit dans l'imaginaire une identité collective rassurante, reposant sur l'idée que 1) tous les gens qui parlent la même langue pensent de la même façon; 2) les langues, donc les pensées collectives, sont imperméables entre elles, et donc intraduisibles. Cette tendance néo-humboldtienne dans la linguistique russe actuelle se déploie en toute méconnaissance de ses origines historiques : le Romantisme allemand dans son opposition à la philosophie des Lumières, le positivisme évolutionnisme d'Auguste Comte et la linguistique déterministe de l'Allemagne des années 1930.AbstractSince the end of perestroika, in linguistics in Russia, a new form of discourse has taken place, which stresses a very tight determinism of thought by language. The funding organizations of scientific research back up projects studying the relationship between Russiangrammar and the « Russian national character ». New objects of knowledge come to light : « the Russian linguistic image of the world », « linguistic personnality », « culturology ». This kind of discourse builds up an imaginary comforting collective identity, which relies on the principle that 1) all the people who speak the same language think the same way; 2) languages, hence collective kinds of thought, are hermetically closed to each other, and untranslatable. This neo-humboldtian trend in contemporary Russian linguistics has no knowledge of its historical origins : German Romanticism in its Anti-Enlightenment trend, evolutionnist positivism of Auguste Comte, and deterministic linguistics in Germany in the 1930s.


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Background: Over the last two decades, mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) declined by about 30% in the European Union (EU). Design: We analyzed trends in CHD (X ICD codes: I20-I25) and CVD (X ICD codes: I60-I69) mortality in young adults (age 35-44 years) in the EU as a whole and in 12 selected European countries, over the period 1980-2007. Methods: Data were derived from the World Health Organization mortality database. With joinpoint regression analysis, we identified significant changes in trends and estimated average annual percent changes (AAPC). Results: CHD mortality rates at ages 35-44 years have decreased in both sexes since the 1980s for most countries, except for Russia (130/100,000 men and 24/100,000 women, in 2005-7). The lowest rates (around 9/100,000 men, 2/100,000 women) were in France, Italy and Sweden. In men, the steepest declines in mortality were in the Czech Republic (AAPC = -6.1%), the Netherlands (-5.2%), Poland (-4.5%), and England and Wales (-4.5%). Patterns were similar in women, though with appreciably lower rates. The AAPC in the EU was -3.3% for men (rate = 16.6/100,000 in 2005-7) and -2.1% for women (rate = 3.5/100,000). For CVD, Russian rates in 2005-7 were 40/100,000 men and 16/100,000 women, 5 to 10-fold higher than in most western European countries. The steepest declines were in the Czech Republic and Italy for men, in Sweden and the Czech Republic for women. The AAPC in the EU was -2.5% in both sexes, with steeper declines after the mid-late 1990s (rates = 6.4/100,000 men and 4.3/100,000 women in 2005-7). Conclusions: CHD and CVD mortality steadily declined in Europe, except in Russia, whose rates were 10 to 15-fold higher than those of France, Italy or Sweden. Hungary and Poland, and also Scotland, where CHD trends were less favourable than in other western European countries, also emerge as priorities for preventive interventions.


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