21 resultados para Ritmo de filtração glomerular


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Purpose: Obesity is an established independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease. Thus, measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is important in this population. Traditionally, GFR has been indexed for body surface area (BSA), but this indexation may not be appropriate in obese individuals. Therefore, the objective of the study was to compare absolute GFR with GFR indexed for BSA and with GFR indexed for height. Methods and materials: The study was conducted in 66 families from the Seychelles islands that included several members with hypertension. GFR and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) were measured using inulin and PAH clearances, respectively. Antihypertensive treatment, if used, was withheld 2 weeks before conducting the clearances. Participants with diabetes mellitus were excluded from the analysis. BSA was calculated using the Dubois formula. We assessed trend across BMI categories using a non parametric test. Results: Participants included 174 women and 127 men. The prevalence of hypertension was 61%, of which 68% were treated. The table shows that absolute GFR, GFR indexed for height, ERPF, filtration fraction were significantly higher across BMI categories. When GFR was indexed for BSA, the association between GFR and BMI categories was lost. Conclusion: Indexing GFR for BSA in overweight and obese individuals leads to a substantial underestimation of GFR. Filtration fraction, which does not depend on BSA, is higher in obese individuals, which suggests glomerular hyperfiltration. Indexing GFR for BSA therefore would mask the underlying glomerular hyperfiltration. As the number of nephrons does not increase with weight gain, absolute GFR represents a better marker of single nephron GFR and is more appropriate.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of glomerular hyperfiltration (GH) is difficult; the variable reported definitions impede comparisons between studies. A clear and universal definition of GH would help in comparing results of trials aimed at reducing GH. This study assessed how GH is measured and defined in the literature. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: Three databases (Embase, MEDLINE, CINAHL) were systematically searched using the terms "hyperfiltration" or "glomerular hyperfiltration". All studies reporting a GH threshold or studying the effect of a high GFR in a continuous manner against another outcome of interest were included. RESULTS: The literature search was performed from November 2012 to February 2013 and updated in August 2014. From 2013 retrieved studies, 405 studies were included. Threshold use to define GH was reported in 55.6% of studies. Of these, 88.4% used a single threshold and 11.6% used numerous thresholds adapted to participant sex or age. In 29.8% of the studies, the choice of a GH threshold was not based on a control group or literature references. After 2004, the use of GH threshold use increased (P<0.001), but the use of a control group to precisely define that GH threshold decreased significantly (P<0.001); the threshold did not differ among pediatric, adult, or mixed-age studies. The GH threshold ranged from 90.7 to 175 ml/min per 1.73 m(2) (median, 135 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)). CONCLUSION: Thirty percent of studies did not justify the choice of threshold values. The decrease of GFR in the elderly was rarely considered in defining GH. From a methodologic point of view, an age- and sex-matched control group should be used to define a GH threshold.


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Life on earth is rhythmic by essence due to day/night alternation, and many biological processes are also cyclic. The kidney has a special role in the organism, controlling electrolytes and water balance, blood pressure, elimination of metabolic waste and xenobiotics and the production of several hormones. The kidney is submitted to changes throughout 24 h with periods of intense activity followed by calmer periods. Filtration, reabsorption and secretion are the three components determining renal function. Here, we review circadian changes related to glomerular function and proteinuria and emphasize the role of the clock in these processes.


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Estimer la filtration glomérulaire chez les personnes âgées, tout en tenant compte de la difficulté supplémentaire d'évaluer leur masse musculaire, est difficile et particulièrement important pour la prescription de médicaments. Le taux plasmatique de la creatinine dépend à la fois de la fraction d'élimination rénale et extra-rénale et de la masse musculaire. Actuellement, pour estimer là filtration glomérulaire différentes formules sont utilisées, qui se fondent principalement sur la valeur de la créatinine. Néanmoins, en raison de la fraction éliminée par les voies tubulaires et intestinales la clairance de la créatinine surestime généralement le taux de filtration glomérulaire (GFR). Le but de cette étude est de vérifier la fiabilité de certains marqueurs et algorithmes de la fonction rénale actuellement utilisés et d'évaluer l'avantage additionnel de prendre en considération la masse musculaire mesurée par la bio-impédance dans une population âgée (> 70 ans) et avec une fonction rénale chronique compromise basée sur MDRD eGFR (CKD stades lll-IV). Dans cette étude, nous comparons 5 équations développées pour estimer la fonction rénale et basées respectivement sur la créatinine sérique (Cockcroft et MDRD), la cystatine C (Larsson), la créatinine combinée à la bêta-trace protéine (White), et la créatinine ajustée à la masse musculaire obtenue par analyse de la bio-impédance (MacDonald). La bio-impédance est une méthode couramment utilisée pour estimer la composition corporelle basée sur l'étude des propriétés électriques passives et de la géométrie des tissus biologiques. Cela permet d'estimer les volumes relatifs des différents tissus ou des fluides dans le corps, comme par exemple l'eau corporelle totale, la masse musculaire (=masse maigre) et la masse grasse corporelle. Nous avons évalué, dans une population âgée d'un service interne, et en utilisant la clairance de l'inuline (single shot) comme le « gold standard », les algorithmes de Cockcroft (GFR CKC), MDRD, Larsson (cystatine C, GFR CYS), White (beta trace protein, GFR BTP) et Macdonald (GFR = ALM, la masse musculaire par bio-impédance. Les résultats ont montré que le GFR (mean ± SD) mesurée avec l'inuline et calculée avec les algorithmes étaient respectivement de : 34.9±20 ml/min pour l'inuline, 46.7±18.5 ml/min pour CKC, 47.2±23 ml/min pour CYS, 54.4±18.2ml/min pour BTP, 49±15.9 ml/min pour MDRD et 32.9±27.2ml/min pour ALM. Les courbes ROC comparant la sensibilité et la spécificité, l'aire sous la courbe (AUC) et l'intervalle de confiance 95% étaient respectivement de : CKC 0 68 (055-0 81) MDRD 0.76 (0.64-0.87), Cystatin C 0.82 (0.72-0.92), BTP 0.75 (0.63-0.87), ALM 0.65 (0.52-0.78). ' En conclusion, les algorithmes comparés dans cette étude surestiment la GFR dans la population agee et hospitalisée, avec des polymorbidités et une classe CKD lll-IV. L'utilisation de l'impédance bioelectrique pour réduire l'erreur de l'estimation du GFR basé sur la créatinine n'a fourni aucune contribution significative, au contraire, elle a montré de moins bons résultats en comparaison aux autres equations. En fait dans cette étude 75% des patients ont changé leur classification CKD avec MacDonald (créatinine et masse musculaire), contre 49% avec CYS (cystatine C), 56% avec MDRD,52% avec Cockcroft et 65% avec BTP. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus avec Larsson (CYS C) et la formule de Cockcroft.


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OBJECTIVE: Experimental evidence suggests that aldosterone directly contributes to organ damage by promoting cell growth, fibrosis, and inflammation. Based on these premises, this work aimed to assess the glomerular effects of aldosterone, alone and in combination with salt. METHODS: After undergoing uninephrectomy, 75 rats were allocated to five groups: control, salt diet, aldosterone, aldosterone + salt diet, aldosterone + salt diet and eplerenone, and they were all studied for four weeks. We focused on glomerular structural, functional, and molecular changes, including slit diaphragm components, local renin-angiotensin system activation, as well as pro-oxidative and profibrotic changes. RESULTS: Aldosterone significantly increased systolic blood pressure, led to glomerular hypertrophy, mesangial expansion, and it significantly increased the glomerular permeability to albumin and the albumin excretion rate, indicating the presence of glomerular damage. These effects were worsened by adding salt to aldosterone, while they were reduced by eplerenone. Aldosterone-induced glomerular damage was associated with glomerular angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 2 downregulation, with ACE/ACE2 ratio increase, ANP decrease, as well as with glomerular pro-oxidative and profibrotic changes. CONCLUSIONS: Aldosterone damages not only the structure but also the function of the glomerulus. ACE/ACE2 upregulation, ACE2 and ANP downregulation, and pro-oxidative and profibrotic changes are possible mechanisms accounting for aldosterone-induced glomerular injury.