38 resultados para Ring Seine Fishing
Smad (Sma and Mad-related protein) 2/3 are downstream signaling molecules for TGF-β and myostatin (Mstn). Recently, Mstn was shown to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skeletal muscle via canonical Smad3, nuclear factor-κB, and TNF-α pathway. However, mice lacking Smad3 display skeletal muscle atrophy due to increased Mstn levels. Hence, our aims were first to investigate whether Mstn induced muscle atrophy in Smad3(-/-) mice by increasing ROS and second to delineate Smad3-independent signaling mechanism for Mstn-induced ROS. Herein we show that Smad3(-/-) mice have increased ROS levels in skeletal muscle, and inactivation of Mstn in these mice partially ablates the oxidative stress. Furthermore, ROS induction by Mstn in Smad3(-/-) muscle was not via nuclear factor-κB (p65) signaling but due to activated p38, ERK MAPK signaling and enhanced IL-6 levels. Consequently, TNF-α, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase, and xanthine oxidase levels were up-regulated, which led to an increase in ROS production in Smad3(-/-) skeletal muscle. The exaggerated ROS in the Smad3(-/-) muscle potentiated binding of C/EBP homology protein transcription factor to MuRF1 promoter, resulting in enhanced MuRF1 levels leading to muscle atrophy.
Eukaryotic cells encode two homologs of Escherichia coli RecA protein, Rad51 and Dmc1, which are required for meiotic recombination. Rad51, like E.coli RecA, forms helical nucleoprotein filaments that promote joint molecule and heteroduplex DNA formation. Electron microscopy reveals that the human meiosis-specific recombinase Dmc1 forms ring structures that bind single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) DNA. The protein binds preferentially to ssDNA tails and gaps in duplex DNA. hDmc1-ssDNA complexes exhibit an irregular, often compacted structure, and promote strand-transfer reactions with homologous duplex DNA. hDmc1 binds duplex DNA with reduced affinity to form nucleoprotein complexes. In contrast to helical RecA/Rad51 filaments, however, Dmc1 filaments are composed of a linear array of stacked protein rings. Consistent with the requirement for two recombinases in meiotic recombination, hDmc1 interacts directly with hRad51.
BACKGROUND: Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCLs) arising in specific extranodal sites have peculiar clinicopathologic features. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed a cohort of 187 primary Waldeyer's ring (WR) DLBCLs retrieved from GELA protocols using anthracyclin-based polychemotherapy. RESULTS: Most patients (92%) had stage I-II disease. A germinal center B-cell-like (GCB) immunophenotype was observed in 61%, and BCL2 expression in 55%, of WR DLBCLs. BCL2, BCL6, IRF4 and MYC breakpoints were observed in, respectively, 3 of 42 (7%), 9 of 36 (25%), 2 of 26 (8%) and 4 of 40 (10%) contributive cases. A variable follicular pattern was evidenced in 30 of 68 (44%) large biopsy specimens. The 5-year progression-free survival (PFS) and the overall survival (OS) of 153 WR DLBCL patients with survival information were 69.5% and 77.8%, respectively. The GCB immunophenotype correlated with a better OS (P = 0.0015), while BCL2 expression predicted a worse OS (P = 0.037), an effect overcome by the GCB/non-GCB classification. Compared with matched nodal DLBCLs, WR DLBCLs with no age-adjusted international prognostic index factor disclosed a better 5-year PFS rate (77.5% versus 70.7%; P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: WR DLBCLs display distinct clinicopathologic features compared with conventional DLBCLs, with usual localized-stage disease, common follicular features and a high frequency of GCB immunophenotype contrasting with a low rate of BCL2 rearrangements. In addition, they seem to be associated with a better outcome than their nodal counterpart.
Objective: Lymphomas with signet ring cell features are rare, as is uterine dissemination of lymphomas. We report an exceptional case of a uterine tumor combining these two characteristics. Method: A 61-year-old female was diagnosed in 2004 with localized nodal grade 2 follicular lymphoma (stage IA). She received local radiation therapy, experienced total remission, and did well until 2009 when a systematic CT scan evidenced a pelvic anterior-lateral mass. Total enlarged hysterectomy was performed. Results: The anterior uterine wall contained a 4.8-cm fish flesh well-delineated mass corresponding to a mostly diffuse and focally nodular proliferation of medium to large cells with extensive signet ring cell changes. Tumor cells were CD20-, CD10-, Bcl2-, and Bcl6-positive with a low proliferation rate (<10-15%); CD21 underlined a focal follicular architecture. The vacuoles were PAS-negative and did not stain for immunoglobulin; ultrastructural analysis revealed nonspecific degenerative vacuoles. No lymph nodes were identified isolated from the surgical specimen. The tumor was considered as a secondary localization of the systemic follicular lymphoma, though no signet ring cells were evidenced in the cervical lymph node biopsy (reviewed). Follow-up showed retroperitoneal tissue infiltration (PET-CT) and normal medullar biopsy. She recently started R-CHOP chemotherapy. Conclusion: This case illustrates both an unusual site of dissemination and challenging cytological characteristics in a follicular lymphoma. The signet ring cell changes challenged the adequate classification of this lymphoma as either a large B cell or a follicular B cell lymphoma.
OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of off-pump transapical mitral valve-in-ring implantation and to test the performance of a custom-made self-expandable stent valve, in comparison with the standard SAPIEN valve. METHODS: Acute experiments were performed in five pigs. Animals (mean weight 58.4 ± 7.3 kg) underwent mitral valve annuloplasties under cardiopulmonary bypass using 26-mm rings (SJM?). Then, a 30-mm custom-made self-expandable stent valve or a 23-mm balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valve (Edwards SAPIEN XT?) was deployed within the annuloplasty rings through a transatrial access and under direct vision. Subsequently, the stent valves were inserted transapically under fluoroscopic guidance and off pump. RESULTS: The procedural success of transatrial and transapical mitral valve-in-ring procedures was 100% (10 of 10). Mean transatrial and transapical procedure time was 2.0 ± 1.1 and 22.0 ± 5.7 min, respectively. Haemodynamic status during transapical implantation remained stable, and differences in data collected before and after the stent-valve deployment were not statistically significant. Mean mitral annulus diameter and mean mitral orifice area in the group of self-expandable stent valves were 2.60 ± 0.02 cm and 4.16 ± 0.48 cm(2), respectively, whereas in the SAPIEN group they were 1.95 ± 0.18 cm and 2.26 ± 0.20 cm(2), respectively. Trace or mild regurgitation was detected only in the self-expandable stent-valve group. Mean gradients were 4.1 ± 4.5 mmHg across the self-expandable stent valves and 1.0 ± 0 mmHg across the SAPIEN valves. Postmortem examination confirmed adequate positioning of the self-expandable valves and the SAPIEN valves within the annuloplasty ring. CONCLUSIONS: Off-pump transapical mitral valve-in-ring implantation is safe and feasible. Transapical access may represent the ideal option for valve-in-ring procedures in cases of recurrent mitral regurgitation after mitral valve repair, in high-risk patients. Owing to the supra-annular profile of the valve components, our custom-made nitinol stent valve provides nearer to normal functional area than the SAPIEN valve.
La pression exercée par les activités humaines menace pratiquement tous les écosystèmes aquatiques du globe. Ainsi, sous l'effet de divers facteurs tels que la pollution, le réchauffement climatique ou encore la pêche industrielle, de nombreuses populations de poissons ont vu leurs effectifs chuter et divers changements morphologiques ont été observés. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à une menace particulière: la sélection induite par la pêche sur la croissance des poissons. En effet, la génétique des populations prédit que la soustraction régulière des individus les plus gros peut entraîner des modifications rapides de certains traits physiques comme la croissance individuelle. Cela a par ailleurs été observé dans de nombreuses populations marines ou lacustres, dont les populations de féras, bondelles et autres corégones des lacs suisses. Toutefois, malgré un nombre croissant d'études décrivant ce phénomène, peu de plans de gestion en tiennent compte, car l'importance des effets génétiques liés à la pêche est le plus souvent négligée par rapport à l'impact des changements environnementaux. Le but premier de cette étude a donc été de quantifier l'importance des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux. Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons étudié la population de palée du lac de Joux (Coregonus palaea). Nous avons déterminé les différentiels de sélection dus à la pêche, c'est-à-dire l'intensité de la sélection sur le taux de croissance, ainsi que les changements nets de croissance au cours du temps. Nous avons observé une baisse marquée de croissance et un différentiel de sélection important indiquant qu'au moins 30% de la diminution de croissance observée était due à la pression de sélection induite par la pêche. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous avons effectué les mêmes analyses sur deux espèces proches du lac de Brienz (C. albellus et C. fatioi) et avons observé des effets similaires dont l'intensité était spécifique à chaque espèce. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons analysé deux autres espèces : C. palaea et C. confusus du lac de Bienne, et avons constaté que le lien entre la pression de sélection et la diminution de croissance était influencé par des facteurs environnementaux. Finalement, dans le dernier chapitre, nous avons étudié les effets potentiels de différentes modifications de la taille des mailles des filets utilisés pour la pêche à l'aide de modèles mathématiques. Nous concluons que la pêche a un effet génétique non négligeable (et donc peu réversible) sur la croissance individuelle dans les populations observée, que cet effet est lié à la compétition pour la nourriture et à la qualité de l'environnement, et que certaines modifications simples de la taille des mailles des filets de pêche pourraient nettement diminuer l'effet de sélection et ainsi ralentir, voir même renverser la diminution de croissance observée.
INTRODUCTION: Currently, there is no reliable method to differentiate acute from chronic carotid occlusion. We propose a novel CTA-based method to differentiate acute from chronic carotid occlusions that could potentially aid clinical management of patients. METHODS: We examined 72 patients with 89 spontaneously occluded extracranial internal carotids with CT angiography (CTA). All occlusions were confirmed by another imaging modality and classified as acute (imaging <1 week of presumed occlusion) orchronic (imaging >4 weeks), based on circumstantial clinical and radiological evidence. A neuroradiologist and a neurologist blinded to clinical information determined the site of occlusion on axial sections of CTA. They also looked for (a) hypodensity in the carotid artery (thrombus), (b) contrast within the carotid wall (vasa vasorum), (c) the site of the occluded carotid, and (d) the "carotid ring sign" (defined as presence of a and/or b). RESULTS: Of 89 occluded carotids, 24 were excluded because of insufficient circumstantial evidence to determine timing of occlusion, 4 because of insufficient image quality, and 3 because of subacute timing of occlusion. Among the remaining 45 acute and 13 chronic occlusions, inter-rater agreement (kappa) for the site of proximal occlusion was 0.88, 0.45 for distal occlusion, 0.78 for luminal hypodensity, 0.82 for wall contrast, and 0.90 for carotid ring sign. The carotid ring sign had 88.9% sensitivity, 69.2% specificity, and 84.5% accuracy to diagnose acute occlusion. CONCLUSION: The carotid ring sign helps to differentiate acute from chronic carotid occlusion. If further confirmed, this information may be helpful in studying ischemic symptoms and selecting treatment strategies in patients with carotid occlusions.
A human in vivo toxicokinetic model was built to allow a better understanding of the toxicokinetics of folpet fungicide and its key ring biomarkers of exposure: phthalimide (PI), phthalamic acid (PAA) and phthalic acid (PA). Both PI and the sum of ring metabolites, expressed as PA equivalents (PAeq), may be used as biomarkers of exposure. The conceptual representation of the model was based on the analysis of the time course of these biomarkers in volunteers orally and dermally exposed to folpet. In the model, compartments were also used to represent the body burden of folpet and experimentally relevant PI, PAA and PA ring metabolites in blood and in key tissues as well as in excreta, hence urinary and feces. The time evolution of these biomarkers in each compartment of the model was then mathematically described by a system of coupled differential equations. The mathematical parameters of the model were then determined from best fits to the time courses of PI and PAeq in blood and urine of five volunteers administered orally 1 mg kg(-1) and dermally 10 mg kg(-1) of folpet. In the case of oral administration, the mean elimination half-life of PI from blood (through feces, urine or metabolism) was found to be 39.9 h as compared with 28.0 h for PAeq. In the case of a dermal application, mean elimination half-life of PI and PAeq was estimated to be 34.3 and 29.3 h, respectively. The average final fractions of administered dose recovered in urine as PI over the 0-96 h period were 0.030 and 0.002%, for oral and dermal exposure, respectively. Corresponding values for PAeq were 24.5 and 1.83%, respectively. Finally, the average clearance rate of PI from blood calculated from the oral and dermal data was 0.09 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.05 ml h(-1) while the volume of distribution was 4.30 ± 1.12 and 6.05 ± 2.22 l, respectively. It was not possible to obtain the corresponding values from PAeq data owing to the lack of blood time course data.
The RAD52 epistasis group was identified in yeast as a group of genes required to repair DNA damaged by ionizing radiation [1]. Genetic evidence indicates that Rad52 functions in Rad51-dependent and Rad51-independent recombination pathways [2] [3] [4]. Consistent with this, purified yeast and human Rad52 proteins have been shown to promote single-strand DNA annealing [5] [6] [7] and to stimulate Rad51-mediated homologous pairing [8] [9] [10] [11]. Electron microscopic examinations of the yeast [12] and human [13] Rad52 proteins have revealed their assembly into ring-like structures in vitro. Using both conventional transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), we found that the human Rad52 protein forms heptameric rings. A three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction revealed that the heptamer has a large central channel. Like the hexameric helicases such as Escherichia coli DnaB [14] [15], bacteriophage T7 gp4b [16] [17], simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen [18] and papilloma virus E1 [19], the Rad52 rings show a distinctly chiral arrangement of subunits. Thus, the structures formed by the hexameric helicases may be a more general property of other proteins involved in DNA metabolism, including those, such as Rad52, that do not bind and hydrolyze ATP.