205 resultados para Recombinant hepatitis B vaccines
We previously reported that hepatitis B virus (HBV) e antigen (HBeAg) inhibits production of interleukin 6 by suppressing NF-κB activation. NF-κB is known to be activated through receptor-interacting serine/threonine protein kinase 2 (RIPK2), and we examined the mechanisms of interleukin 6 regulation by HBeAg. HBeAg inhibits RIPK2 expression and interacts with RIPK2, which may represent 2 mechanisms through which HBeAg blocks nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 ligand-induced NF-κB activation in HepG2 cells. Our findings identified novel molecular mechanisms whereby HBeAg modulates intracellular signaling pathways by targeting RIPK2, supporting the concept that HBeAg could impair both innate and adaptive immune responses to promote chronic HBV infection.
Coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been associated with severe liver disease and frequent progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical evidence suggests reciprocal replicative suppression of the two viruses, or viral interference. However, interactions between HBV and HCV have been difficult to study due to the lack of appropriate model systems. We have established a novel model system to investigate interactions between HBV and HCV. Stable Huh-7 cell lines inducibly replicating HBV were transfected with selectable HCV replicons or infected with cell culture-derived HCV. In this system, both viruses were found to replicate in the same cell without overt interference. Specific inhibition of one virus did not affect the replication and gene expression of the other. Furthermore, cells harboring replicating HBV could be infected with cell culture-derived HCV, arguing against superinfection exclusion. Finally, cells harboring replicating HBV supported efficient production of infectious HCV. Conclusion: HBV and HCV can replicate in the same cell without evidence for direct interference in vitro. Therefore, the viral interference observed in coinfected patients is probably due to indirect mechanisms mediated by innate and/or adaptive host immune responses. These findings provide new insights into the pathogenesis of HBV-HCV coinfection and may contribute to its clinical management in the future.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients worldwide. It is unclear whether HIV-related outcomes are affected by HBV coinfection. We compared virological suppression and immunological recovery during antiretroviral therapy (ART) of patients of different HBV serological status in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. CD4 cell recovery during ART was significantly impaired in hepatitis B surface antigen-positive patients and in those with anti-hepatitis B core antigen alone compared with HBV-uninfected patients, despite similar virological efficacy of ART. CD4 increase in patients with resolved HBV infection was similar to that in HBV-uninfected individuals.
Rôle du génotype 3 du virus de l'hépatite C dans la progression de la fibrose hépatique, une revue systématique avec méta-analyse. On estime à 170 millions le nombre de personnes atteintes d'hépatite C chronique dans le monde. La principale conséquence de cette maladie est la fibrose du foie, qui évolue plus ou moins rapidement, pour aboutir au développement d'une cirrhose et/ou d'un hépatocarcinome. Certains des facteurs accélérateurs de la fibrose, comme l'âge avancé au moment de l'infection, le sexe masculin, la consommation d'alcool, sont bien connus. On a longtemps considéré que les six différents génotypes viraux n'influençaient pas la progression de la fibrose. Des études récentes ont cependant suggéré que certains génotypes, en particulier ie génotype 3, pouvaient entraîner une fibrose plus rapide. Le but de ce travail de thèse était de déterminer à l'aide d'une méta-analyse le rôle du génotype viral dans la progression de la fibrose dans l'infection chronique au virus de l'hépatite C. Les études ont été sélectionnées dans la littérature médicale à partir d'une série de mots-clés. Le degré de fibrose a été estimé par biopsie, en utilisant le score Metavir. Deux types d'études ont décrits de manière différente la durée d'infection. Les premières ont calculé la progression de la fibrose depuis le moment estimée de l'infection (« études avec une biopsie »), les secondes ont exprimés cette durée comme étant l'intervalle entre deux biopsies (« études avec deux biopsies »). L'analyse a permis d'identifier 8 études avec une biopsie pour un collectif total de 3182 patients ainsi que 8 études avec deux biopsies pour un collectif de 896 patients. Dans une méta-analyse de type « random effect », le rapport de cote pour l'association du génotype 3 avec une fibrose accélérée est de 1.52 (95% IC 1.12-2.07, p=0.007) pour les études à une biopsie. Pour les études à deux biopsies, le rapport de cote pour cette association est de 1.37 (95% IC 0.87-2.17, P=0.17). Cette étude montre que les patients avec une hépatite C chronique due au génotype 3 ont une progression de fibrose plus rapide que ceux qui sont infectés par les autres génotypes. Alors que la méta-analyse des études avec une biopsie est clairement significative, celle des études avec deux biopsies est au-dessous du seuil de significativité. Les études à deux biopsies peuvent être limitées par plusieurs facteurs, comprenant un « biais d'indication » (seuls les patients évoluant rapidement vers la cirrhose ont plus de risque d'avoir une deuxième biopsie), une durée d'observation très courte (5 années comparée à 13 années pour les études à 2 biopsies), et un nombre de patient limité (896 pour le études à 2 biopsies comparé à 3182 pour les études à 1 biopsie). Impact d'un programme de vaccination sur l'immunité contre l'hépatite Β dans une clinique suisse du VIH Le virus de l'hépatite Β cause une infection aigûe dont la symptomatologie varie d'une présentation subclinique à une progression fulminante. Dans une minorité de cas, l'infection aigiie est suivie d'une infection chronique pouvant évoluer vers une cirrhose hépatique et/ou un hépatocarcinome. La prévalence de l'hépatite Β aiguë et chronique chez les personnes vivant avec le virus d'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) est supérieure à celle de la population générale. Par ailleurs la co-infection avec le virus du VIH entraine une progression plus rapide de l'hépatite B. Dès lors, l'immunité pour le virus de l'hépatite Β représente un facteur primordial de prévention dans la population infectée par le virus de l'HIV. Bien que l'administration d'un vaccin contre l'hépatite Β soit particulièrement recommandée chez tous les individus infectés par le VIH, la couverture vaccinale dans cette population est souvent insuffisante. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer l'état d'immunisation contre le virus de l'hépatite Β dans la population infectée par le VIH de la cohorte Suisse HIV et d'analyser l'efficacité d'un programme de vaccination administré par le personnel soignant. L'immunité avant et après intervention dans notre centre a été comparée aux autres centres de la cohorte HIV en Suisse. L'immunité pour le centre d'intervention a passé de 32% avant intervention à 76% après intervention alors que pour les autres centres, l'immunité n'a progressé que de 33% à 39% dans le même laps de temps (n=2712, P=0.001). Cette étude montre qu'un contrôle systématique de l'immunité par du personnel soignant augmente de manière significative l'immunité pour le vaccin de l'hépatite Β dans la population HIV.
BACKGROUND: Chronic liver disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients is mostly caused by hepatitis virus co-infection. Other reasons for chronic alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation are more difficult to diagnose. METHODS: We studied the incidence of and risk factors for chronic elevation of ALT levels (greater than the upper limit of normal at 2 consecutive semi-annual visits) in participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study without hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection who were seen during the period 2002-2008. Poisson regression analysis was used. RESULTS: A total of 2365 participants were followed up for 9972 person-years (median age, 38 years; male sex, 66%; median CD4+ cell count, 426/microL; receipt of antiretroviral therapy [ART], 56%). A total of 385 participants (16%) developed chronic elevated ALT levels, with an incidence of 3.9 cases per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.5-4.3 cases per 100 person-years). In multivariable analysis, chronic elevated ALT levels were associated with HIV RNA level >100,000 copies/mL (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 2.23; 95% CI, 1.45-3.43), increased body mass index (BMI, defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters) (BMI of 25-29.9 was associated with an IRR of 1.56 [95% CI, 1.24-1.96]; a BMI 30 was associated with an IRR of 1.70 [95% CI, 1.16-2.51]), severe alcohol use (1.83 [1.19-2.80]), exposure to stavudine (IRR per year exposure, 1.12 [95% CI, 1.07-1.17]) and zidovudine (IRR per years of exposure, 1.04 [95% CI, 1.00-1.08]). Associations with cumulative exposure to combination ART, nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, and unboosted protease inhibitors did not remain statistically significant after adjustment for exposure to stavudine. Black ethnicity was inversely correlated (IRR, 0.52 [95% CI, 0.33-0.82]). Treatment outcome and mortality did not differ between groups with and groups without elevated ALT levels. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients without hepatitis virus co-infection, the incidence of chronic elevated ALT levels was 3.9 cases per 100 person-years, which was associated with high HIV RNA levels, increased BMI, severe alcohol use, and prolonged stavudine and zidovudine exposure. Long-term follow-up is needed to assess whether chronic elevation of ALT levels will result in increased morbidity or mortality.
More than 5% of the world's population lives with chronic hepatitis B. Migrants, particularly asylum seekers, are mostly from middle and high endemic regions. In Switzerland, however, no systematic screening of chronic hepatitis B is proposed to them. In a resolution published in 2010 the WHO encourages vaccination, but also screening of people at risk, as well as care of infected individuals. On the basis of a study conducted in asylum seekers in the canton of Vaud, prevalence of Ac antiHBc is estimated at 42% and HBsAg at 8%. Possible screening strategies and care are discussed in the light of these data. Identifying infected migrants would give them access to medical care and therefore lower the rate of complications, as well as the transmission of the virus between migrants and the local population.
Treatment options for chronic hepatitis B have significantly expanded over the last decade. Six nucleoside or nucleotide analogs (NA) with activity against the hepatitis B virus are currently available. Prolonged NA treatment is required in many cases to maintain viral suppression, with an inherent risk of the development of antiviral resistance. The purpose of this concise review is to provide an introduction to the prevention, diagnosis and management of antiviral resistance in chronic hepatitis B.
Background. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an important cause of chronic viral disease worldwide and can be life threatening. While a safe and effective vaccine is widely available, 5 to 10% of healthy vaccinees fail to achieve a protective anti-hepatitis B surface antigen antibody (anti-HBs) titer (>10mIU/ml). A limited number of studies investigated host genetics of the response to HBV vaccine. To our knowledge, no comprehensive overview of genetic polymorphisms both within and outside the HLA system has been done so far. Aim. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review of the literature of human genetics influencing immune response after hepatitis B vaccination. Methods. Literature searches using keywords were conducted in the electronic databases Medline, Embase and ISI Web of Science the cut-off date being March 2014. After selection of papers according to stringent inclusion criteria, relevant information was systematically collected from the remaining articles, including demographic data, number of patients, schedule and type of vaccine, phenotypes, genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) genotyping results and their association with immune response to hepatitis B vaccine. Results. The literature search produced a total of 1968 articles from which 46 studies were kept for further analyses. From these studies, data was extracted for 19 alleles from the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region that were reported as significant at least twice. Among those alleles, 9 were firmly associated with vaccine response outcome (DQ2 [DQB1*02 and DQB1*0201], DR3 [DRB1*03 and DRB1*0301], DR7 [DRB1*07 and DRB1*0701], C4AQ0, DPB1*0401, DQ3, DQB1*06, DRB1*01 and DRB1*13 [DRB1*1301]). In addition, data was extracted for 55 different genes from which 13 extra-HLA genes had polymorphisms that were studied by different group of investigators or by the same group with a replication study. Among the 13 genes allowing comparison, 4 genes (IL-1B, IL-2, IL-4R and IL- 6) revealed no significant data, 6 genes (IL-4, IL-10, IL-12B, IL-13, TNFA, IFNG and TLR2) were explored with inconsistent results and 2 genes (CD3Z and ITGAL) yielded promising results as their association with vaccine response was confirmed by a replication approach. Furthermore, this review produced a list of 46 SNPs from 26 genes that were associated with immune response to vaccine only once, providing novel candidates to be tested in datasets from existing genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic review of immunogenetic studies of response to hepatitis B vaccine. While this work reassesses the role of several HLA alleles on vaccine response outcome, the associations with polymorphisms in genes outside the HLA region were rather inconsistent. Moreover, this work produced a list of 46 significant SNPs that were reported by a single group of investigators, opening up some interesting possibilities for further research.
Some chronic diseases--like renal failure, liver insufficiency, chronic lung disease, cardiac involvement, diabetes mellitus, asplenia--present limited defects of the immune system and/or a higher risk of infection; therefore, patients with such pathologies should get selective vaccinations. The efficacy of immunization decreases with disease progression; for this reason, these patients should be immunized as soon as possible. At the beginning of their disease, these patients do not need a specialized treatment and are followed by the general practitioner alone who is in charge of immunizing them as well as contact people of any immunocompromised patient. OFSP's regular vaccinations programme is recommended, as well as selective vaccinations against influenza, pneumococci and viral hepatitis, depending on the underlying chronic disease.