29 resultados para RERO DOC
This paper compares the inflectional diversity and density of adjectives and verbs in French CS, CDS, and ADS samples in a social perspective. The aim of the study is to show that the relation between CS, CDS, and ADS is not identical as far as verb and adjective inflection is concerned. We firstly expected verb inflectional morphology to be less diverse and dense in CDS and CS than in ADS. Conversely, we predicted adjective inflectional diversity and density to be higher in CDS and CS. Interestingly the findings do not exactly match the first prediction. The social implications of the study are discussed.
Résumé:S'inscrivant dans le projet Construction intégrée des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires dans l'enseignement bilingue au secondaire et au tertiaire, dirigé par L. Gajo, notre étude met en relation des données concernant les représentations des acteurs de l'enseignement bilingue avec des exemples d'interactions effectives. Plusieurs décalages sont ainsi mis à jour, les pratiques s'avérant souvent largement plus complexes que les représentations qui leur sont sous-jacentes. Dans ce cadre, nous accordons une attention particulière aux spécificités disciplinaires, et interrogeons la traditionnelle représentation associant les mathématiques à une "langue en soi". Enfin, l'examen de séquences-types illustrera la richesse du travail effectivement réalisé en classe bilingue - tant dans les sciences humaines que dans les sciences exactes - et nous conclurons sur quelques propositions didactiques découlant directement de nos observations.Abstract:In der vorliegenden Studie (durchgeführt im Rahmen des von L. Gajo geleiteten Projekts Construction intégrée des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires dans l'enseignement bilingue au secondaire et au tertiaire) werden Vorstellungen der betroffenen Akteure über bilingualen Sachfachunterricht in Bezug zu Beispielen von real beobachteten Interaktionen gesetzt. Dabei können eine Reihe von Diskrepanzen aufgedeckt werden, da sich die Praxis häufig als wesentlich komplexer als die ihr zugrunde liegenden Vorstellungen erweist. Des Weiteren wird den fachspezifischen Eigenheiten besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt und die Vorstellung hinterfragt, die die Mathematik als eine "Sprache an sich" ansieht. Die Analyse einiger Mustersequenzen veranschaulicht die vielseitige Realität der Arbeit in bilingualen Klassen - sowohl in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften als auch in den Naturwissenschaften. Letztlich werden einige fachdidaktischen Empfehlungen abgegeben, die sich aus unseren Beobachtungen ableiten lassen.
This paper describes and analyses language norms in a storytelling manual published in the Frenchspeaking part of Switzerland. In the manual, storytelling is conceived as a means of persuasion and thus it appears that an appropriate storytelling should lead to believe or to act. What exactly is "appropriateness" in this specific case? In order to examine this issue, this paper addresses three questions: how storytelling is promoted as an efficient communicative technique; which methods are used to propose and support language norms (by showing "what the storyteller should do" and by saying "how he should do so"); and which are the criteria which define an appropriate story (semantic/formal and functional criteria) and an appropriate telling of the story (communicative and linguistic criteria).
This study aims to explore the relationships that can be established between identity tensions affecting a learner of French in an alloglotte context, its investment in the appropriation of the language and the contacts that can be established with the target language, the latter constituting a necessary mediation for a successful appropria tion. The empirical analysis is based on data concerning an Austrian living in French-speaking Switzerland and taking courses in an academic context.
This article aims to explain how newspapers commented on the movie Good Night, and Good Luck before its release. The media coverage anticipated George Clooney's film as a partisan attack launched against George W. Bush's policy since 9/11. Clooney advocates another reading: the historic confrontation between journalist Edward Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarty permits to reflect on the crucial role that the media play for democracy. Such reflection tries to prevent the dividing of the public sphere into antagonistic camps opposing "friends" to "foes," a division that undermines the possibility of a true pluralism. Our socio-semiotic analysis will focus on the critical work accomplished by the media, and on the way that work determines the collective meaning of a cultural object. Simultaneously, we will discuss the necessary conditions for pluralism in a public sphere.