111 resultados para QUASI-MOLECULAR SHAPES
The technique of sentinel lymph node (SLN) dissection is a reliable predictor of metastatic disease in the lymphatic basin draining the primary melanoma. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is emerging as a highly sensitive technique to detect micrometastases in SLNs, but its specificity has been questioned. A prospective SLN study in melanoma patients was undertaken to compare in detail immunopathological versus molecular detection methods. Sentinel lymphadenectomy was performed on 57 patients, with a total of 71 SLNs analysed. SLNs were cut in slices, which were alternatively subjected to parallel multimarker analysis by microscopy (haematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemistry for HMB-45, S100, tyrosinase and Melan-A/MART-1) and RT-PCR (for tyrosinase and Melan-A/MART-1). Metastases were detected by both methods in 23% of the SLNs (28% of the patients). The combined use of Melan-A/MART-1 and tyrosinase amplification increased the sensitivity of PCR detection of microscopically proven micrometastases. Of the 55 immunopathologically negative SLNs, 25 were found to be positive on RT-PCR. Notably, eight of these SLNs contained naevi, all of which were positive for tyrosinase and/or Melan-A/MART-1, as detected at both mRNA and protein level. The remaining 41% of the SLNs were negative on both immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Analysis of a series of adjacent non-SLNs by RT-PCR confirmed the concept of orderly progression of metastasis. Clinical follow-up showed disease recurrence in 12% of the RT-PCR-positive immunopathology-negative SLNs, indicating that even an extensive immunohistochemical analysis may underestimate the presence of micrometastases. However, molecular analyses, albeit more sensitive, need to be further improved in order to attain acceptable specificity before they can be applied diagnostically.
Neural stem cells have been proposed as a new and promising treatment modality in various pathologies of the central nervous system, including malignant brain tumors. However, the underlying mechanism by which neural stem cells target tumor areas remains elusive. Monitoring of these cells is currently done by use of various modes of molecular imaging, such as optical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, which is a novel technology for visualizing metabolism and signal transduction to gene expression. In this new context, the microenvironment of (malignant) brain tumors and the blood-brain barrier gains increased interest. The authors of this review give a unique overview of the current molecular-imaging techniques used in different therapeutic experimental brain tumor models in relation to neural stem cells. Such methods for molecular imaging of gene-engineered neural stem/progenitor cells are currently used to trace the location and temporal level of expression of therapeutic and endogenous genes in malignant brain tumors, closing the gap between in vitro and in vivo integrative biology of disease in neural stem cell transplantation.
Brittle cornea syndrome (BCS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by extreme corneal thinning and fragility. Corneal rupture can therefore occur either spontaneously or following minimal trauma in affected patients. Two genes, ZNF469 and PRDM5, have now been identified, in which causative pathogenic mutations collectively account for the condition in nearly all patients with BCS ascertained to date. Therefore, effective molecular diagnosis is now available for affected patients, and those at risk of being heterozygous carriers for BCS. We have previously identified mutations in ZNF469 in 14 families (in addition to 6 reported by others in the literature), and in PRDM5 in 8 families (with 1 further family now published by others). Clinical features include extreme corneal thinning with rupture, high myopia, blue sclerae, deafness of mixed aetiology with hypercompliant tympanic membranes, and variable skeletal manifestations. Corneal rupture may be the presenting feature of BCS, and it is possible that this may be incorrectly attributed to non-accidental injury. Mainstays of management include the prevention of ocular rupture by provision of protective polycarbonate spectacles, careful monitoring of visual and auditory function, and assessment for skeletal complications such as developmental dysplasia of the hip. Effective management depends upon appropriate identification of affected individuals, which may be challenging given the phenotypic overlap of BCS with other connective tissue disorders.
Exploring Parallels Between Molecular Changes Induced in PNS by Aging and Demyelinating Neuropathies
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is involved in many age-dependent neurological deficits, including numbness, pain, restless legs, trouble with walking and balance that are commonly found in the elderly. These symptoms generally result from demyelination and/or loss of axonal integrity. However, the precise identity of age-regulated molecular changes in either neuronal or glial compartments of the nerve is unclear. Interestingly, these deficiencies are also present in inherited neuropathies, where the expressivity of the rapid and early onset phenotypes is undeniably more severe than in normal aging. Nevertheless, especially the molecular changes underlying loss of axonal integrity in neuropathy condition are also poorly understood. To unravel molecular mechanisms affected by PNS aging, we used wildtype mice at 17 time-points from day of birth until senescence (28 months-old). For the neuropathy study, we focused on 56 day-old Schwann cell-specific neuropathy-inducing mutants, MPZCre/1/ LpinfE2-3/fE2-3 and MPZCre/1/ScapfE1/fE1 mice, that have, at this age, already developed neuropathic symptoms. Transcriptomes of dissected Schwann cell-containing endoneurium or sensory neuron-containing dorsal root ganglia have been analyzed throughout time or genotypes, using Illumina Bead Chips. Following data validation, we identified groups of differentially expressed genes in the development, aging and in the neuropathic mutants, in both glial and neuronal compartments. We detected substantial differences in the dynamics of changes in gene expression during development and aging between these two compartments. Furthermore, considering the above-mentioned phenotypic similarities, we integrated aging and mutant data. Interestingly, we observed that there are some parallels at the molecular level between processes involved in aging, which leads to less severe and more progressive PNS alterations, and in the rapid onset peripheral neuropathies. Apart from helping the understanding of molecular alterations underlying age-related PNS phenotypes, this data should also contribute to the identification of pathways that could be used as targets for therapeutical approaches to prevent complications associated with both aging and inherited forms of neuropathies.
Background. Streptococcus gallolyticus is a causative agent of infective endocarditis associated with colon cancer. Genome sequence of strain UCN34 revealed the existence of 3 pilus loci (pil1, pil2, and pil3). Pili are long filamentous structures playing a key role as adhesive organelles in many pathogens. The pil1 locus encodes 2 LPXTG proteins (Gallo2178 and Gallo2179) and 1 sortase C (Gallo2177). Gallo2179 displaying a functional collagen-binding domain was referred to as the adhesin, whereas Gallo2178 was designated as the major pilin. Methods. S. gallolyticus UCN34, Pil1(+) and Pil1(-), expressing various levels of pil1, and recombinant Lactococcus lactis strains, constitutively expressing pil1, were studied. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the putative pilin subunits Gallo2178 and Gallo2179 were used in immunoblotting and immunogold electron microscopy. The role of pil1 was tested in a rat model of endocarditis. Results. We showed that the pil1 locus (gallo2179-78-77) forms an operon differentially expressed among S. gallolyticus strains. Short pilus appendages were identified both on the surface of S. gallolyticus UCN34 and recombinant L. lactis-expressing pil1. We demonstrated that Pil1 pilus is involved in binding to collagen, biofilm formation, and virulence in experimental endocarditis. Conclusions. This study identifies Pil1 as the first virulence factor characterized in S. gallolyticus.
Schwann cells synthesize a large amount of membrane that form a specialized structure called myelin that surrounds axons and facilitate the transmission of electrical signal along neurons in peripheral nervous system (PNS). Previous studies demonstrated that both Schwann cell differentiation and de-differentiation (in the situation of a nerve injury or demyelinating disease) are regulated by cell-intrinsic regulators including several transcription factors. In particular, the de-differentiation of mature Schwann cells is driven by the activation of multiple negative regulators of myelination including Sox2, c-Jun, Notch and Pax3, all usually expressed in immature Schwann cells and suppressed at the onset of myelination. In order to identify new regulators of myelination involved in the development of the PNS, we analyzed the gene-expression profiling data from developing PNS and from three models of demyelinating neuropathies. This analysis led to the identification of Sox4, a member of the Sox family of transcription factors, as a potential candidate. To characterize the molecular function of Sox4 in PNS, we generated two transgenic lines of mice, which overexpress Sox4 specifically in Schwann cells. Detailed analysis of these mice showed that the overexpression of Sox4 in Schwann cells causes a delay in progression of myelination between post-natal day 2 (P2) and P5. Our in vitro analysis suggested that Sox4 cDNA can be overexpressed while the protein translation is tightly regulated. Interestingly, we observed that Sox4 protein is stabilized in nerves of the CMT4C mouse, a model of the human neuropathy. We therefore crossed Sox4 transgenic mice with CMT4C mice and we observed that Sox4 overexpression exacerbated the neuropathy phenotype in these mice. While recognized as being crucial for the normal function of both neurons and myelinating glial cells, the processes that regulate the beginning of myelination and the nature of the neuro-glial cross-talk remains mostly unknown. In order to gain insight into the molecular pathways involved in the interactions between neurons and associated glial cells, we developed a neuron-glia co-culture system based on microfluidic chambers and successfully induced myelination in this system by ascorbic acid. Importantly, we observed that in addition to acting on Schwann cells, ascorbic acid also modulate neuronal/axonal NRG1/ErbB2-B3 signalling. The experimental setting used in our study thus allowed us to discover a novel phenomena of propagation for myelination in vitro. The further characterization of this event brought us to identify other compounds able to induce myelination: ADAMs secretases inhibitor GM6001 and cyclic-AMP. The results generated during my thesis project are therefore not only important for the advancement of our understanding of how the PNS works, but may also potentially help to develop new therapies aiming at improvement of PNS myelination under disease conditions. - Les cellules de Schwann synthétisent une grande quantité de membrane formant une structure spécialisée appelée myéline qui entoure les axones et facilite la transmission du signal électrique le long des neurones du système nerveux périphérique (SNP). Des études antérieures ont démontré que la différenciation et la dédifférenciation des cellules de Schwann (dans la situation d'une lésion nerveuse ou d'une maladie démyélinisante) sont régulées par des régulateurs cellulaires intrinsèques, incluant plusieurs facteurs de transcription. En particulier, la dédifférenciation des cellules de Schwann matures est contrôlée par l'activation de plusieurs régulateurs négatifs de la myélinisation dont Sox2, c-Jun, Notch et Pax3, tous habituellement exprimés dans des cellules de Schwann immatures et supprimés au début de la myélinisation. Afin d'identifier de nouveaux régulateurs de myélinisation impliqués dans le développement du SNP, nous avons analysé le profil d'expression génique durant le développement du SNP ainsi que dans trois modèles de neuropathies démyélinisantes. Cette analyse a mené à l'identification de Sox4, un membre de la famille des facteurs de transcription Sox, comme étant un candidat potentiel. Dans le but de caractériser la fonction moléculaire de Sox4 dans le SNP, nous avons généré deux lignées transgéniques de souris qui surexpriment Sox4 spécifiquement dans les cellules de Schwann. L'analyse détaillée de ces souris a montré que la surexpression de Sox4 dans les cellules de Schwann provoque un retard dans la progression de la myélinisation entre le jour postnatal 2 (P2) et P5. Notre analyse in vitro a suggéré que l'ADNc de Sox4 peut être surexprimé alors que la traduction des protéines est quand à elle étroitement régulée. De façon intéressante, nous avons observé que la protéine Sox4 est stabilisée dans les nerfs des souris CMT4C, un modèle de neuropathie humaine. Nous avons donc croisé les souris transgéniques Sox4 avec des souris CMT4C et avons observé que la surexpression de Sox4 exacerbe le phénotype de neuropathie chez ces souris. Bien que reconnus comme étant cruciaux pour le fonctionnement normal des neurones et des cellules gliales myélinisantes, les processus qui régulent le début de la myélinisation ainsi que la nature des interactions neurone-glie restent largement méconnus. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans les interactions entre les neurones et les cellules gliales leur étant associés, nous avons développé un système de co-culture neurone-glie basé sur des chambres microfluidiques et y avons induit avec succès la myélinisation avec de l'acide ascorbique. Étonnamment, nous avons remarqué que, en plus d'agir sur les cellules de Schwann, l'acide ascorbique module également la voie de signalisation neuronale/axonale NRG1/ErbB2-B3. Le protocole expérimental utilisé dans notre étude a ainsi permis de découvrir un nouveau phénomène de propagation de la myélinisation in vitro. La caractérisation plus poussée de ce phénomène nous a menés à identifier d'autres composés capables d'induire la myélinisation: L'inhibiteur de sécrétases ADAMs GM6001 et l'AMP cyclique. Les résultats obtenus au cours de mon projet de thèse ne sont donc pas seulement importants pour l'avancement de notre compréhension sur la façon dont le SNP fonctionne, mais peuvent aussi potentiellement aider à développer de nouvelles thérapies visant à l'amélioration de la myélinisation du SNP dans des conditions pathologiques.
T-cell vaccination may prevent or treat cancer and infectious diseases, but further progress is required to increase clinical efficacy. Step-by-step improvements of T-cell vaccination in phase I/II clinical studies combined with very detailed analysis of T-cell responses at the single cell level are the strategy of choice for the identification of the most promising vaccine candidates for testing in subsequent large-scale phase III clinical trials. Major aims are to fully identify the most efficient T-cells in anticancer therapy, to characterize their TCRs, and to pinpoint the mechanisms of T-cell recruitment and function in well-defined clinical situations. Here we discuss novel strategies for the assessment of human T-cell responses, revealing in part unprecedented insight into T-cell biology and novel structural principles that govern TCR-pMHC recognition. Together, the described approaches advance our knowledge of T-cell mediated-protection from human diseases.
Rapport de synthèse : Contexte: l'hydroxyéthylamidon (HEA) est largement utilisé comme expanseur volémique en anesthésiologie et réanimation. Cependant, cette classe de produits perturbe le system de la coagulation. Des améliorations restent possibles dans le choix de la combinaison optimale de poids moléculaire, de degré de substitution en radicaux éthyle et de localisation de ces radicaux sur le squelette glucidique des polymères, afin d'optimiser leur efficacité et leur tolérance. L'HEA de poids moléculaire élevé et faiblement substitué n'affecte pas plus la coagulation sanguine que de l'HEA de bas poids moléculaire faiblement substitué. Nous examinons in vivo l'effet d'un abaissement du rapport C2/C6 sur les caractéristiques pharmacocinétiques et l'impact sur la coagulation sanguine d'un HEA de haut poids moléculaire faiblement substitué. Matériels et méthode: nous comparons dans une étude prospective, randomisée et parallèle l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 avec l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 auprès de 30 cochons. Avant, pendant et jusqu'à 630 minutes après une perfusion de 30 ml/kg d'HEA, des échantillons sanguins ont été collectés pour mesurer les concentrations d'HEA, les tests de coagulation plasmatique classiques et la coagulation sanguine par thrombélastographie (TEG®, Haemoscope Corporation, Niles, II, U.S.). Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques ont été estimés en adaptant un modèle à deux compartiments. Résultats: la constante d'élimination est de 0.009 ± 0.001 (min-1) pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et 0.007 ± 0.001 (min-1) pour l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p<0.001); la surface sous la courbe de concentration est de 1374 ± 340 min*g/L pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et 1697 ± 411 min*g/L pour l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.026). Les concentrations mesurées d'HEA ne montrent pas de différence entre l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6. Les deux solutions d'HEA affectent de façon identique la coagulation sanguine: l'index de coagulation thrombélastographique diminue pareillement à ta fin de la perfusion d'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et d'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.29). De même, le temps de thromboplastine partielle activée et le temps de prothrombine augmentent de manière similaire pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.83). Conclusion: la réduction du rapport C2/C6 de l'HEA de poids moléculaire élevé et faiblement substitué aboutit à une élimination légèrement accélérée d'HEA. Cependant, elle ne modifie pas l'effet perturbateur sur la coagulation.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the molecular epidemiology and risk factors of predominant clones and sporadic strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Swiss hospitals and to compare them with European strains of epidemic clones. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One-year national survey of MRSA cases. Analysis of epidemiological and molecular typing data (PFGE) of MRSA strains. RESULTS: In 1997, 385 cases of MRSA were recorded in the five Swiss university hospitals and in 47 community hospitals. Half of the cases were found in Geneva hospitals where MRSA was already known to be endemic. Molecular typing of 288 isolates (one per case) showed that 186 (65%) belong to four predominant clones, three of which were mostly present in Geneva hospitals. In contrast, the fourth clone (85 cases) was found in 23 hospitals (in one to 16 cases per hospital). The remaining 35% of the strains were clustered into 62 pulsed field gel electrophoresis types. They accounted for one to five patients per hospital and were defined as sporadic. Multivariate analysis revealed no independent risk factors for harboring a predominant versus a sporadic strain, except that transfer from a foreign hospital increases the risk of harboring a sporadic strain (OR, 42; 95% CI, 5-360). CONCLUSION: While cases with predominant clones were due to the local spread of these clones, most sporadic cases appear to be due to the continuous introduction of new strains into the country. With the exception of a transfer from a hospital outside Switzerland, no difference in the clinical or epidemiological characteristics was observed between patients harboring a predominant clone and those with a sporadic strain.
Antifungal resistance of Candida species is a clinical problem in the management of diseases caused by these pathogens. In this study we identified from a collection of 423 clinical samples taken from Tunisian hospitals two clinical Candida species (Candida albicans JEY355 and Candida tropicalis JEY162) with decreased susceptibility to azoles and polyenes. For JEY355, the fluconazole (FLC) MIC was 8 μg/ml. Azole resistance in C. albicans JEY355 was mainly caused by overexpression of a multidrug efflux pump of the major facilitator superfamily, Mdr1. The regulator of Mdr1, MRR1, contained a yet-unknown gain-of-function mutation (V877F) causing MDR1 overexpression. The C. tropicalis JEY162 isolate demonstrated cross-resistance between FLC (MIC > 128 μg/ml), voriconazole (MIC > 16 μg/ml), and amphotericin B (MIC > 32 μg/ml). Sterol analysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that ergosterol was undetectable in JEY162 and that it accumulated 14α-methyl fecosterol, thus indicating a perturbation in the function of at least two main ergosterol biosynthesis proteins (Erg11 and Erg3). Sequence analyses of C. tropicalis ERG11 (CtERG11) and CtERG3 from JEY162 revealed a deletion of 132 nucleotides and a single amino acid substitution (S258F), respectively. These two alleles were demonstrated to be nonfunctional and thus are consistent with previous studies showing that ERG11 mutants can only survive in combination with other ERG3 mutations. CtERG3 and CtERG11 wild-type alleles were replaced by the defective genes in a wild-type C. tropicalis strain, resulting in a drug resistance phenotype identical to that of JEY162. This genetic evidence demonstrated that CtERG3 and CtERG11 mutations participated in drug resistance. During reconstitution of the drug resistance in C. tropicalis, a strain was obtained harboring only defective Cterg11 allele and containing as a major sterol the toxic metabolite 14α-methyl-ergosta-8,24(28)-dien-3α,6β-diol, suggesting that ERG3 was still functional. This strain therefore challenged the current belief that ERG11 mutations cannot be viable unless accompanied by compensatory mutations. In conclusion, this study, in addition to identifying a novel MRR1 mutation in C. albicans, constitutes the first report on a clinical C. tropicalis with defective activity of sterol 14α-demethylase and sterol Δ(5,6)-desaturase leading to azole-polyene cross-resistance.
Based on histology, the placentae of eutherians are currently grouped in epitheliochorial, endotheliochorial and haemochorial placentae. In a haeckelian sense, the epitheliochorial contact with marked histiotrophic feeding by uterine milk is generally considered as primitive, especially since similar contacts exist in Marsupials. In contrast, the more intimate endotheliochorial and haemochorial contact, facilitating haemotrophic nutrition, is interpreted as a derived state. A cladistic analysis based on the phylogenetic relationships established by molecular analyses reveals that the basic clades are all characterized by an endotheliochorial or haemochorial placenta, and that the epitheliochorial placenta evolved at least three times in a convergent manner. This evolution may be explained by the fact that the epitheliochorial placenta in eutherians is more efficient in nutritional transfer (flow rate by exchange surface). Moreover, this arrangement may confer an advantage to the mother who can probably reduce the degree of manipulation by a genetically imprinted embryo.
The International Molecular Exchange (IMEx) consortium is an international collaboration between major public interaction data providers to share literature-curation efforts and make a nonredundant set of protein interactions available in a single search interface on a common website (http://www.imexconsortium.org/). Common curation rules have been developed, and a central registry is used to manage the selection of articles to enter into the dataset. We discuss the advantages of such a service to the user, our quality-control measures and our data-distribution practices.
On the basis of serologic cross-reactivity, three immunoglobulin classes homologous to human IgG, IgM and IgA were identified in two species of acquatic mammal representing the orders Cetacea (dolphin) and Pinnipedea (sea lion). Molecular size was estimated by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and Sephadex G-200 chromatography, indicating a 7S IgG, 19S IgM and heterogeneous serum IgA. Human secretory component was readily bound to the IgM of both species and to an apparently lesser extent to the larger molecular size populations of IgA. No binding was observed with IgG. Several antisera specific for human γ-chains gave a single precipitin line with the sea lion IgG but when made to react with dolphin serum produced two lines, suggesting the presence of two different subclasses of IgG in this species.