27 resultados para Polish Entrepreneurs


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BACKGROUND: The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2542151 within the gene locus region encoding protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2 (PTPN2) has been associated with Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), type-I diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. We have previously shown that PTPN2 regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling and cytokine secretion in human THP-1 monocytes and intestinal epithelial cells (IEC). Here, we studied whether intronic PTPN2 SNP rs1893217 regulates immune responses to the nucleotide-oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2) ligand, muramyl-dipeptide (MDP). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Genomic DNA samples from 343 CD and 663 non-IBD control patients (male and female) from a combined German, Swiss, and Polish cohort were genotyped for the presence of the PTPN2 SNPs, rs2542151, and rs1893217. PTPN2-variant rs1893217 was introduced into T(84) IEC or THP-1 cells using a lentiviral vector. RESULTS: We identified a novel association between the genetic variant, rs1893217, located in intron 7 of the PTPN2 gene and CD. Human THP-1 monocytes carrying this variant revealed increased MAPK activation as well as elevated mRNA expression of T-bet transcription factor and secretion of interferon-γ in response to the bacterial wall component, MDP. In contrast, secretion of interleukin-8 and tumor necrosis factor were reduced. In both, T(84) IEC and THP-1 monocytes, autophagosome formation was impaired. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a novel CD-associated PTPN2 variant that modulates innate immune responses to bacterial antigens. These findings not only provide key insights into the effects of a functional mutation on a clinically relevant gene, but also reveal how such a mutation could contribute to the onset of disease.


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ABSTRACT My study seeks to answer the main question: "how does entrepreneurs' social capital positively and negatively affect their resource mobilization efforts, and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunity?" To answer this question, I develop a model for examining positive and negative effects of social capital on resource accumulation by entrepreneurs, and the subsequent effect of resource accumulation on the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunity, and utilize data from Africa to ëmpirically test the relationships in this model. Developing nations are a suitable context because: a) They require entrepreneurship for economic development, b) They have received less attention in management and entrepreneurship research, c) Because of inadequately-developed institutions, entrepreneurs from developing nations face major resource mobilization challenges hence they often turn to their social ties for resources, and d) The communalistic and collectivistic nature of most developing nations -encouraging support and sharing of resources- may help us better understand how society's values and structures may contribute and also deduct firm resources. My study reveals that social capital contributes resources to entrepreneurs in developing nations at a cost that takes away resources, and that more resources but lower costs facilitate entrepreneurial opportunity exploitation. For entrepreneurs in developing nations, large networks, greater shared identity, and more trust are beneficial. To increase chances of raising more resources, entrepreneurs from communalistic societies should include network members from outside their communities. Besides providing financial support, policy-makers should develop training programs and advisory services on configuration of entrepreneurs' networks so as to achieve more resources at a low cost. My study insights can help improve entrepreneurs' resource accumulation efforts and the subsequent growth of their firms, leading to the overall economic growth of developing nations.


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Project No. 369 (''Comparative Evolution of PeriTethyan Rift Basins'') of the International Geological Correlation Program produced a new palaeotectonic-palaeo-geographic atlas of the western PeriTethyan domain. The atlas contains more than two hundred new maps and documents grouped in nine regional sets (Iberia, Polish Trough, Eastern European and Scythian Platforms, Moesian Platform, Levant, Arabian Platform,, Northern Africa, NE Africa-NW Arabia, Libya-Pelagian Shelf plus a set of reconstructions for the whole western Tethys. The area, considered in the atlas stretches. from west to east, from the eastern Atlantic shores to the Urals and, from north to south, from the Baltic shield to equatorial Africa; the time span covered extends from the Late. Carboniferous to the Present. The dataset, resulting from an extensive cooperation between industrial and academic sources, is accessible interactively on a CD-ROM (Stampfli et al., 2001a) and includes legend, timetable, short explanatory notes, full references and additional supporting data. This dataset provides information on the development of the Tethyan realm in space and time. In particular, the relation between the Variscan and Cimmerian cycles in the Mediterranean realm is illustrated by numerous palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic maps.


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Solitary fibrous tumors are rare neoplasms of mesenchymal origin that have been reported in various other extrathoracic sites, including the liver. We present a case series of three malignant solitary fibrous tumors of the liver, occurring in two women 74 and 80 years old and one 65-year-old man. No clinical features were predictive of malignancy except the large sizes and synchronous presence of lung metastases in two of the three cases. Histological examinations revealed the presence of high pleomorphic cellularity with nuclear atypia, necrosis and high mitotic ratios. All patients died of disease progression.


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This thesis deals with combinatorics, order theory and descriptive set theory. The first contribution is to the theory of well-quasi-orders (wqo) and better-quasi-orders (bqo). The main result is the proof of a conjecture made by Maurice Pouzet in 1978 his thèse d'état which states that any wqo whose ideal completion remainder is bqo is actually bqo. Our proof relies on new results with both a combinatorial and a topological flavour concerning maps from a front into a compact metric space. The second contribution is of a more applied nature and deals with topological spaces. We define a quasi-order on the subsets of every second countable To topological space in a way that generalises the Wadge quasi-order on the Baire space, while extending its nice properties to virtually all these topological spaces. The Wadge quasi-order of reducibility by continuous functions is wqo on Borei subsets of the Baire space, this quasi-order is however far less satisfactory for other important topological spaces such as the real line, as Hertling, Ikegami and Schlicht notably observed. Some authors have therefore studied reducibility with respect to some classes of discontinuous functions to remedy this situation. We propose instead to keep continuity but to weaken the notion of function to that of relation. Using the notion of admissible representation studied in Type-2 theory of effectivity, we define the quasi-order of reducibility by relatively continuous relations. We show that this quasi-order both refines the classical hierarchies of complexity and is wqo on the Borei subsets of virtually every second countable To space - including every (quasi-)Polish space. -- Cette thèse se situe dans les domaines de la combinatoire, de la théorie des ordres et de la théorie descriptive. La première contribution concerne la théorie des bons quasi-ordres (wqo) et des meilleurs quasi-ordres (bqo). Le résultat principal est la preuve d'une conjecture, énoncée par Pouzet en 1978 dans sa thèse d'état, qui établit que tout wqo dont l'ensemble des idéaux non principaux ordonnés par inclusion forme un bqo est alors lui-même un bqo. La preuve repose sur de nouveaux résultats, qui allient la combinatoire et la topologie, au sujet des fonctions d'un front vers un espace métrique compact. La seconde contribution de cette thèse traite de la complexité topologique dans le cadre des espaces To à base dénombrable. Dans le cas de l'espace de Baire, le quasi-ordre de Wadge est un wqo sur les sous-ensembles Boréliens qui a suscité énormément d'intérêt. Cependant cette relation de réduction par fonctions continues s'avère bien moins satisfaisante pour d'autres espaces d'importance tels que la droite réelle, comme l'ont fait notamment remarquer Hertling, Schlicht et Ikegami. Nous proposons de conserver la continuité et d'affaiblir la notion de fonction pour celle de relation. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons la notion de représentation admissible étudiée en « Type-2 theory of effectivity » initiée par Weihrauch. Nous introduisons alors le quasi-ordre de réduction par relations relativement continues et montrons que celui-ci à la fois raffine les hiérarchies classiques de complexité topologique et forme un wqo sur les sous-ensembles Boréliens de chaque espace quasi-Polonais.


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This paper shows that in a stylized model with two countries, characterized by different levels of financial development, the following facts can be replicated: 1) persistent current account surpluses and 2) high TFP growth in China. Under autarky, entrepreneurs in the emerging country overinvest in short-term projects and underinvest in long-term projects because short-term assets help them secure long-term investments in the presence of credit constraints. This creates an aggregate misallocation of capital. When financial markets integrate, entrepreneurs with long-term projects can have access to cheaper short-term assets abroad, which leaves them more resources to invest in their projects. This both reduces capital misallocations and generates capital outflows.


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La fin de la mortalité due au vieillissement biologique est annoncée, et avec elle de grands bouleversements de la condition humaine, traditionnellement caractérisée par sa finitude. Fantasme futuriste ou engagement concret, le transhumanisme est désigné comme la bannière sous laquelle des biologistes, philosophes, gérontologues ou entrepreneurs préparent cette révolution. Cet article considère le transhumanisme avant tout comme un mouvement d'idées, dont les militants promeuvent un futur de l'humanité transformé par la technologie. Il montre ensuite que l'épistémologie mobilisée par les transhumanistes dans leur recherche de l'immortalité est guidée par une curiosité avide, mais reste fondée sur un savoir cumulatif intrinsèquement lacunaire. Il propose enfin d'envisager le transhumanisme non comme un fantasme de la toute-puissance humaine, mais comme une relation de confiance fragile avec des objets techniques retardataires, traces d'un futur récalcitrant.


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Tibau do Sul est une commune littorale du Rio Grande do Norte connue pour sa Praia da Pipa, un ancien village de pêcheurs entouré de plages spectaculaires, devenu un haut lieu du tourisme balnéaire dans le Nordeste brésilien. Située à la limite d'une zone de plantations sucrières, la station est fréquentée par des villégiateurs issus de l'élite agraire locale depuis le début du XXe siècle. Toutefois, ce n'est que dans les années 1970-80 que le tourisme se développe véritablement sous l'impulsion de jeunes surfeurs attirés par ses vagues, ses beaux paysages et « l'authenticité » de sa population autochtone. A l'époque, l'attitude subversive de ces jeunes voyageurs - inspirés de la contre-culture brésilienne - contraste de manière radicale avec le style paternaliste des élites villégiatrices. Pour la population locale, l'irruption du tourisme ouvre un nouveau champ de possibilités économiques, sociales et politiques. Elle coïncide par ailleurs avec une série d'autres transformations à l'oeuvre dans la région : le déclin des plantations, la modernisation de l'activité maritime, le développement des institutions municipales. Cette conjonction de facteurs encourage l'émergence d'une petite bourgeoisie autochtone impliquée dans les cercles de pouvoirs locaux et capable de négocier avec les étrangers attirés par le tourisme. A mesure que l'activité se professionnalise et s'internationalise, de nouveaux acteurs investissent la commune : agents immobiliers, entrepreneurs, investisseurs internationaux, résidents secondaires européens, travailleurs immigrés, écologistes, institutions publiques, etc. Il s'enclenche alors une cohabitation inédite entre des groupes socialement et culturellement très hétérogènes. A la fois conflictuelle et créatrice, cette configuration induit un certain nombre de frictions qui se manifestent aussi bien dans les rapports fonciers et les luttes environnementales, que dans les activités culturelles, les médias locaux et la politique municipale. A contre-courant des interprétations réductrices présentant le tourisme tantôt comme une forme de « néo-colonialisme », tantôt comme une « recette miracle » pour le développement, l'enquête ethnographique souligne toute l'ambivalence du phénomène touristique. À l'instar de la « situation coloniale » analysée par Georges Balandier (1951), la situation touristique est envisagée comme une configuration sociale fondée sur l'interdépendance entre les acteurs, historiquement déterminée, mais jamais acquise à l'avance. Dans le cas de Tibau do Sul, l'étude révèle l'influence déterminante des structures sociales et foncières - héritées des modes de production antérieurs (la paysannerie, la pêche et les plantations sucrières) - sur la trajectoire touristique des communautés du littoral.


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Local trajectories and arrangements play a significant role because the development of a research field, such as nanoscience and nanotechnology, requires substantial investments in human and instrumental resources. But why are there often concentrated in a limited number of places? What dynamics lead to such concentration? The hypothesis is that there is an assemblage of heterogeneous resources through the action of local actors. The chapter will explore, from an Actor Network Theory (ANT) perspective, how the local emergence of research dynamics from: the revival of local traditions, the local and national action of institutional entrepreneurs, controversial dynamics, and researchers' arrangements to involve other actors. It will examine how they connect up with each other and mutually commit themselves to the development of new technologies. It will focus on the role of narratives in this assembling: how were the local narratives of the past mobilized and to what effect.