103 resultados para Physics of the Early Universe


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BACKGROUND: Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is an inherited late-onset neurodegenerative disorder, characterized both by neurological and cognitive deficits. It is caused by the expansion of CGG repeats (55 to 200 repeats) in the noncoding region of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Abnormal immunological patterns are often associated with neurodegenerative disorders and implicated in their etiology. We therefore investigated the immune status of FXTAS patients, which had not been assessed prior to this study. METHOD: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were collected from 15 asymptomatic FMR1 premutation carriers and 20 age-matched controls. Concentrations of three cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-10) were measured in PBMC supernatants using ELISA assays. RESULTS: We found a significant increase in the concentration of the major anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in supernatants of PBMCs derived from premutation carriers, when compared with controls (P = 0.019). This increase correlated significantly with the number of CGG repeats (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Elevated IL-10 levels were observed in all premutation carriers, before appearance of the classical neurological symptoms; therefore, IL-10 may be one of the early biomarkers of FXTAS.


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Leishmania spp. are intracellular protozoan parasites that are delivered within the dermis of their vertebrate hosts. Within this peripheral tissue and the draining lymph node, they find and/or rapidly create dynamic microenvironments that determine their ultimate fate, namely their more or less successful expansion, and favour their transmission to another vertebrate host though a blood-feeding vector. Depending on their genetic characteristics as well as the genetic make-up of their hosts, once within the dermis Leishmania spp. very rapidly drive and maintain sustained T cell-dependent immune responses that arbitrate their ultimate fate within their hosts. The analysis of the parasitism exerted by Leishmania major in mice of different genetic backgrounds has allowed us to recognize some of the early and late mechanisms driven by this parasite that lead to either uncontrolled or restricted parasitism. Uncontrolled parasitism by Leishmania major characterizing mice from a few inbred strains (e.g. BALB/c) is associated with the expansion of parasite reactive Th2 CD4 lymphocytes and results from their rapid and sustained activity. In contrast, restricted parasitism characteristic of mice from the majority of inbred strains results from the development of a polarized parasite-specific Th1 CD4 response. This murine model of infection has already been and will continue to be particularly instrumental in dissecting the rules controlling the pathway of differentiation of T cells in vivo. In the long run, the understanding of these rules should contribute to the rational development of novel immunotherapeutic interventions against severe infectious diseases.


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Oxygen uptake was studied during the establishment of cephalocaudal polarity in the very early chick embryo, i.e., 10 hr before (stage VI) and at laying (stage X). Oxygen fluxes in minute regions of the intact blastoderms were measured in vitro by scanning microspectrophotometry in the presence or absence of glucose. The oxygen consumption of the whole blastoderm remained constant (6 nmol O2 X hr-1) throughout the period studied, although the number of cells increased more than twofold. The regional oxygen fluxes varied from 0.41 to 1.13 nmol O2 X hr-1 X mm-2 at stage VI and from 0.42 to 0.70 nmol O2 X hr-1 X mm-2 at stage X. At stage VI, the oxygen flux in the center of the blastoderm was significantly higher than that in its periphery. This pattern remained evident when the values were corrected for cell number or for cytoplasmic volume. At stage X, there was a tendency for the oxygen fluxes to decrease from the posterior to the anterior regions of the area pellucida. Thus the pattern of oxidative metabolism in the late uterine embryos seems to change from radial to bilateral. This change of symmetry probably reflects the process of formation of the embryonic axis. In addition, the fact that the oxygen uptake was similar in the presence or absence of glucose suggests that early chick embryos metabolize essentially intracellular stores.


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In the southwestern part of the Aiguilles Rouges massif (pre-Alpine basement of the Helvetic realm, western Alps), a metavolcanic sequence, newly defined as the ``Greenstone Unit'',is exposed in two NS trending belts of several 100 metres in thickness. It consists of epidote amphibolites, partly epidote and/or calcic amphibole-bearing greenschists, and small amounts of alkali feldspar-bearing greenschists, which underwent low- to medium-grade metamorphism during Visean oblique collision. Metamorphic calcic amphiboles and epidotes show strong chemical zoning, whereas metamorphic plagioclase is exclusively albitic in composition (An 1-3). The SiO2 content of the subalkaline tholeiitic to calc-alkaline suite ranges continuously from 44 wt% to 73 wt%,but andesitic rocks predominate. The majority of samples have chemical compositions close to recent subduction-related lavas; some are even restricted to recent oceanic arcs (extremely low Ta and Nb contents, high La/Nb and Th/Ta ratios). But several basaltic to basalto-andesitic samples resemble continental tholeiites (low Th/Ta, La/Nb ratio). As it is very probable that both lava types are to some extent contemporaneous, it is proposed that the Greenstone Unit represents a former oceanic volcanic are which temporarily underwent extension during which emplacement of continental tholeiite-like rocks occurred. The cause of the extension remains ambiguous. Considering palaeotectonic significance and age of other metavolcanic units in the Aiguilles Rouges massif, the Greenstone Unit most likely formed in the Early Palaeozoic.


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Background: Previous studies reported an increase of mean platelet volume (MPV) in patients with acute ischemic stroke. However, its correlation with stroke severity has not been investigated. Moreover, studies on the association of MPV with functional outcome yielded inconsistent results. Methods: We included all consecutive ischemic stroke patients admitted to CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois) Neurology Service within 24 h after stroke onset who had MPV measured on admission. The association of MPV with stroke severity (NIHSS score at admission and at 24 h) and outcome (Rankin Scale score at 3 and 12 months) was analyzed in univariate analysis. The chi(2) test was performed to compare the frequency of minor strokes (NIHSS score </=4) and good functional outcome (Rankin Scale score </=2) across MPV quartiles. The ANOVA test was used to compare MPV between stroke subtypes according to the TOAST classification. Student's two-tailed unpaired t test was performed to compare MPV between lacunar and nonlacunar strokes. MPV was generated at admission by the Sysmex XE-2100 automated cell counter (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) from EDTA blood samples. Results: There was no significant difference in the frequency of minor strokes (p = 0.46) and good functional outcome (p = 0.06) across MPV quartiles. MPV was not associated with stroke severity or outcome in univariate analysis. There was no significant difference in MPV between stroke subtypes according to the TOAST classification (p = 0.173) or between lacunar and nonlacunar strokes (10.50 +/- 0.91 vs. 10.40 +/- 0.81 fl, p = 0.322). Conclusions: MPV, assessed within 24 h after ischemic stroke onset, is not associated with stroke severity or functional outcome.


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Contrary to common belief, aesthetics had an important function in ritual forms implemented by Reformed Calvinist Churches. The impact of aesthetics on Reformed piety rested less on images, considered to be a source of distraction, than on music. By reconsidering the evolution of Calvin's thoughts on the relationship between music and religious services between 1536 and 1543, this study reveals how Calvin came to consider that, by singing psalms, Christians in their devotion could conciliate both a cognitive process guided by the meaning of the words and an affective response triggered by the tune. For Calvin, the spiritual elevation to which religious services should lead was to emerge from the conjunction of these two impetuses.


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The type three secretion system (T3SS) operons of Chlamydiales bacteria are distributed in different clusters along their chromosomes and are conserved at both the level of sequence and genetic organization. A complete characterization of the temporal expression of multiple T3SS components at the transcriptional and protein levels has been performed in Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, replicating in its natural host cell Acanthamoeba castellanii. The T3SS components were classified in four different temporal clusters depending on their pattern of expression during the early, mid- and late phases of the infectious cycle. The putative T3SS transcription units predicted in Parachlamydia are similar to those described in Chlamydia trachomatis, suggesting that T3SS units of transcriptional expression are highly conserved among Chlamydiales bacteria. The maximal expression and activation of the T3SS of Parachlamydia occurred during the early to mid-phase of the infectious cycle corresponding to a critical phase during which the intracellular bacterium has (1) to evade and/or block the lytic pathway of the amoeba, (2) to differentiate from elementary bodies (EBs) to reticulate bodies (RBs), and (3) to modulate the maturation of its vacuole to create a replicative niche able to sustain efficient bacterial growth.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Excess glucose transport to embryos during diabetic pregnancy causes congenital malformations. The early postimplantation embryo expresses the gene encoding the high-Km GLUT2 (also known as SLC2A2) glucose transporter. The hypothesis tested here is that high-Km glucose transport by GLUT2 causes malformations resulting from maternal hyperglycaemia during diabetic pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Glut2 mRNA was assayed by RT-PCR. The Km of embryo glucose transport was determined by measuring 0.5-20 mmol/l 2-deoxy[3H]glucose transport. To test whether the GLUT2 transporter is required for neural tube defects resulting from maternal hyperglycaemia, Glut2+/- mice were crossed and transient hyperglycaemia was induced by glucose injection on day 7.5 of pregnancy. Embryos were recovered on day 10.5, and the incidence of neural tube defects in wild-type, Glut2+/- and Glut2-/- embryos was scored. RESULTS: Early postimplantation embryos expressed Glut2, and expression was unaffected by maternal diabetes. Moreover, glucose transport by these embryos showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics of 16.19 mmol/l, consistent with transport mediated by GLUT2. In pregnancies made hyperglycaemic on day 7.5, neural tube defects were significantly increased in wild-type embryos, but Glut2+/- embryos were partially protected from neural tube defects, and Glut2-/- embryos were completely protected from these defects. The frequency of occurrence of wild-type, Glut2+/- and Glut2-/- embryos suggests that the presence of Glut2 alleles confers a survival advantage in embryos before day 10.5. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATIONS: High-Km glucose transport by the GLUT2 glucose transporter during organogenesis is responsible for the embryopathic effects of maternal diabetes.


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This paper examines the explanation of commercial crises offered by William Huskisson in 1810 in the wake of the debate on the Bullion Report. Huskisson argued that the suspension of convertibility made it possible to extend issues of paper currency beyond its proper limits. Such an expansion, being in the interest of all parties concerned, would actually take place and stimulate excessive speculations, which would eventually prove unsustainable and bring generalized ruin and distress. Although some elements of this explanations were not new (having been anticipated by writers sucha as James Currie in 1793, William Roscoe in 1793, William Anderson in 1797 and an anonymous in 1796), Huskisson's explanation is more systematic and better organized, and his emphasis on the endogenous character of the crisis and on the instability of the dynamics of trade and credit makes it an interesting foreshadower of the theories of crises that were advanced half a century later.


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OBJECTIVEIncrease in adipose cAMP response binding protein (CREB) activity promotes adipocyte dysfunction and systemic insulin resistance in obese mice. This is achieved by increasing the expression of activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3). In this study we investigated whether impaired expression of the inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER), a transcriptional antagonist of CREB, is responsible for the increased CREB activity in adipocytes of obese mice and humans.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSTotal RNA and nuclear proteins were prepared from visceral adipose tissue (VAT) of human nonobese or obese subjects, and white adipose tissue (WAT) of C57Bl6-Rj mice that were fed with normal or high-fat diet for 16 weeks. The expression of genes was monitored by real-time PCR, Western blotting, and electromobility shift assays. RNA interference was used to silence the expression of Icer.RESULTSThe expression of Icer/ICER was reduced in VAT and WAT of obese humans and mice, respectively. Diminution of Icer/ICER was restricted to adipocytes and was accompanied by a rise of Atf3/ATF3 and diminution of Adipoq/ADIPOQ and Glut4/GLUT4. Silencing the expression of Icer in 3T3-L1 adipocytes mimicked the results observed in human and mice cells and hampered glucose uptake, thus confirming the requirement of Icer for appropriate adipocyte function.CONCLUSIONSImpaired expression of ICER contributes to elevation in CREB target genes and, therefore, to the development of insulin resistance in obesity.


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Oxidative metabolism of the isolated embryonic heart of the chick has been determined using a spectrophotometric technique allowing global as well as localized micromeasurements of the O2 uptake. Entire hearts, excised from embryos of 10 somites (primordia fused, stage 10 HH) and 40 somites (S shaped, stage 20 HH) were placed in a special chamber under controlled metabolic conditions where they continued to beat spontaneously and regularly. During the 32 h of development, the O2 consumption of the whole heart increased from 0.9 +/- 0.1 to 5.3 +/- 0.8 nmol O2/h. These values corrected for protein content were, however, comparable (0.45 nmol O2.h-1.micrograms-1). At stage 10-12, the O2 uptake varied along the cardiac tube (from 0.74 to 1.0 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2). From stage 10 to 20, the O2 uptake per unit area of ventricle wall increased from 0.7 +/- 0.2 to 1.8 +/- 0.2 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2, and the O2 uptake per myocardial volume during one cardiac cycle varied from 7 to 2.5 nmol O2/cm3. These results indicate that, despite an intense morphogenesis, the cardiac tissue has a rather low and stable oxidative metabolism, although the O2 requirement of the whole heart increases significantly. Moreover, the normalized suprabasal aerobic energy expenditure decreases throughout early cardiogenesis. The functional integrity of the isolated embryonic heart combined with the experimental possibilities of the microtechnique make the preparation appropriate for studying the changes in cardiac metabolism during development.


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The concept of ideal geometric configurations was recently applied to the classification and characterization of various knots. Different knots in their ideal form (i.e., the one requiring the shortest length of a constant-diameter tube to form a given knot) were shown to have an overall compactness proportional to the time-averaged compactness of thermally agitated knotted polymers forming corresponding knots. This was useful for predicting the relative speed of electrophoretic migration of different DNA knots. Here we characterize the ideal geometric configurations of catenanes (called links by mathematicians), i.e., closed curves in space that are topologically linked to each other. We demonstrate that the ideal configurations of different catenanes show interrelations very similar to those observed in the ideal configurations of knots. By analyzing literature data on electrophoretic separations of the torus-type of DNA catenanes with increasing complexity, we observed that their electrophoretic migration is roughly proportional to the overall compactness of ideal representations of the corresponding catenanes. This correlation does not apply, however, to electrophoretic migration of certain replication intermediates, believed up to now to represent the simplest torus-type catenanes. We propose, therefore, that freshly replicated circular DNA molecules, in addition to forming regular catenanes, may also form hemicatenanes.


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RÉSUMÉ Après implantation dans l'utérus, le foetus de mammifère est composé de trois populations différentes de cellules: l'epiblast, l'ectoderme extraembryonnaire et l'endoderme viscéral. Pendant la gastrulation, les cellules de l'epiblast donnent naissance aux trois lignées germinales: l'ectoderme, le mésoderme et l'endodermes. Les lignées germinales produisent par la suite les différents tissus et organes du corps embryonnaire et adulte. Les cellules de l'ectoderme extraembryonnaire donnent par la suite le composant foetal du placenta qui est essentiel à la survie de l'embryon dans l'utérus. L'épiblast et l'ectoderme extraembryonnaire sont entourés par l'endoderme viscéral et forment une structure connue sous le nom de bouton embryonnaire. L'endoderme viscéral joue un rôle important dans l'embryogenèse car il comporte une sous-population de cellules appelées l'endoderme viscéral antérieur dont les signaux influencent l'épiblast adjacent et déterminent le futur axe antéro-postérieur de l'embryon. La protéine de signalisation Nodal de la famille des TGFß est essentielle dans l'épiblast pour spécifier le mésendoderme, l'endoderme viscéral antérieur, ainsi que pour maintenir les cellules souche de l'ectoderme extraembryonnaire. Ainsi, dans les embryons mutants pour Nodal, aucun axe antéro-postérieur n'est établi, les lignées germinales ne sont pas spécifiés et le placenta ne se développe pas. Au niveau moléculaire, comme pour les protéines de la famille des TGFß, Nodal est initialement synthétisée sous forme de précurseur avant d'être clivée de façon endoproteolytique par des protéanes sécrétées, les proprotéines convertases du type subtilisin (SPC), qui suppriment la partie inhibitrice N-terminale du pro peptide. Dans ce contexte, le projet de ma thèse a été d'analyser l'influence des SPC sur la fonction de Nodal en employant une combinaison d'approches génétiques et biochimiques. Premièrement, nous avons constaté que le clivage du précurseur par les protéases active Nodal, mais en même temps augmente son turn-over et diminue la portée de son action. Deuxièmement, dans l'embryon, il apparaît que Nodal est activé par l'action combinée de Furin et de PACE4, deux protéases sécrétées qui sont spécifiquement exprimées dans les cellules de l'ectoderme extraembryonnaire, donc adjacentes au domaine d'expression de Nodal. De manière similaire aux mutants de Nodal, les embryons mutants pour les deux protéases ne forment pas d'endoderme viscéral antérieur et ne gastrulent pas. Cependant, certains gènes cible de Nodal restent exprimés, suggérant que toutes les activités de Nodal ne sont pas dépendent du clivage par les SPCs. En effet, la génération et l'analyse de mutants portant un allèle knock-in qui code pour une forme mutante de Nodal résistante aux SPC, ont montré que ces mutants ont les caractères phénotypique des mutants de Nodal seulement de façon partielle. La formation de mésoderme est partiellement induite, et de façon remarquable, la forme de Nodal résistante aux SPC est capable d'agir à une distance de sa source, maintenant l'expression de ses propres protéases et d'autres gènes essentiels pour la spécification de l'ectoderme extraembryonnaire. Ensemble, ces résultats prouvent que par leur action directe les protéases extraembryonnaire modulent la signalisation de Nodal pendant le développement mammifère précoce. SUMMARY : Early after implantation in the uterus, the mammalian conceptus is composed of three different cell populations: the epiblast, the extraembryonic ectoderm and the visceral endoderm. During gastrulation, epiblast cells give rise to the three embryonic germ layers: the ectoderm, the mesoderm and the endoderm. These germ layers then generate the different tissues and organs of the embryonic and adult bodies. In parallel, extraembryonic ectoderm cells give rise to the fetal component of the placenta, which is essential for the survival of the embryo in the uterus. Both the epiblast and extraembryonic ectoderm are surrounded by the visceral endoderm to form a structure known as the egg cylinder. The visceral endoderm plays an important role as it harbours a subpopulation of cells called the anterior visceral endoderm, from which signals influence the adjacent epiblast and determine the future antero-posterior embryonic axis. The TGFß-related signalling protein Nodal is required within the epiblast to specify the mesoderm, the endoderm,the anterior visceral endoderm and is also essential to maintain stem cells in the extraembryonic ectoderm. Thus, in Nodal null conceptuses, no antero-posterior axis is established, the germ layers are not specified and the placenta does not develop. At the molecular level, Nodal, like related proteins of the TGFß family, is initially synthesized as a precursor and undergoes endoproteolytic cleavage by secreted proteases of the subtilisin-like proprotein convertases (SPC) to remove an inhibitory N-terminal pro peptide. In the embryo, Nodal is activated by the combined action of Furin and PACE4, two secreted SPCs that are specifically expressed in cells of the extraembryonic ectoderm, thus adjacent to the Nodal expression domain. Similar to Nodal null .embryos, mutant embryos lacking both these proteases fail to specify the anterior visceral endoderm and to undergo gastrulation. However, these mutants still express a subset of Nodal target genes, suggesting that part of Nodal activity is independent on cleavage by SPCs. Indeed, by generating and analyzing mutants with a knock-in allele that encodes an SPC-resistant mutant form of Nodal, I could show that they retain a subset of Nodal activities. Mesoderm formation is partially induced, but most remarkably, SPC-resistant Nodal form is able to act at a distance from its source, maintaining the expression of its proteases and of other genes essential for maintenance of the extraembryonic ectoderm.