300 resultados para Philosophie pratique
Inhalt: Seit ihren Anfängen bei den Vorsokratikern sind Philosophie und Physik eng miteinander verbunden. Kappt man diese Verbindung, gibt man die Kernaufgabe der Physik - zu Wissen über die Natur zu gelangen - ebenso auf wie die der Philosophie, die grundlegenden Charakteristika der Welt zu erforschen. Dieser Band soll die Vielfalt und Lebendigkeit der philosophischen Auseinandersetzung mit der Physik im deutschsprachigen Raum heute aufzeigen. Er setzt den Schwerpunkt auf die Interpretation der fundamentalen physikalischen Theorien, also die Quantentheorie und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, einschließlich der Quantengravitation und der Quantenfeldtheorie.
Breast cancer remains a major public health problem. Even if there is an increase in this cancer curability, metastatic breast cancer remains a lethal disease in the vast majority of cases. Therapeutic advances in the chemotherapeutic and targeted therapies fields induced an increase in survival, however the proportion of long survivors remains low. Phenotypic instability, an early process initiated during tumour progression, and continued on the metastatic stage of the disease, can be one of the putative hypotheses explaining these results. An increasing amount of scientific data are pledging for a reanalysis of the phenotypic profile regarding hormone receptors and HER-2 status of metastatic lesions in order to identify drugable targets and allow individualisation of the treatment of these metastatic breast cancer patients. Phenotypic changes between the primary tumour and the paired metastatic lymph nodes are a challenging pitfall, raising the question of which site has to be assessed in the adjuvant treatment decision process. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the frequency of theses phenotypic changes altogether with new modalities to evaluate this phenotypic status.
In Switzerland, national census data imply that 84.5 percent are affiliated with religious groups and national survey data imply that 15 percent attend a service on a given weekend in 2009. Research in other countries has shown that attendance is often over-reported, but the level of over-report varies across countries. Thus, in the United States, polls show high and stable levels of religious practice, while Church participation surveys indicate rates twice lower. This article assesses the validity of self-reported affiliation and attendance in Switzerland using the 2009 Swiss National Congregations Study (NCS). Results confirm the observation offered by others that the Swiss census undercounts the persuasions absent from the stylized response categories and they show for the first time that Swiss probably over-report their church attendance, though not as much as in the United States.
La consultance ou les coulisses d'une pratique de soins.. [The consultation or behind the scenes...]
Sur la base d'une analyse de leur pratique, les membres d'une équipe mobile intra-hospitalière de soins palliatifs proposent de définir le concept de la consultance. En décrivant trois modèles d'interaction entre un praticien et un consultant, ils invitent à prendre conscience de la complexité des enjeux relationnels existant entre les intervenants et espèrent ainsi favoriser leur collaboration au bénéfice du patient.