39 resultados para Philipp Melanchthon, Heubtartikel Christlicher Lere
Endotoxin causes an inflammation at the bronchial and alveolar level. The inflammation-induced increase in permeability of the bronchoalveolar epithelial barrier is supposed to cause a leakage of pneumoproteins. Therefore, their concentrations are expected to increase in the bloodstream.This study aimed at examining the association between occupational exposure to endotoxin and a serum pneumoprotein, surfactant protein A, to look for nonoccupational factors capable of confounding this association, and examine the relation between surfactant protein A and spirometry. There were 369 control subjects, 325 wastewater workers, and 84 garbage collectors in the study. Exposure to endotoxin was assessed through personal sampling and the Limulus amebocytes lysate assay. Surfactant protein A was determined by an in house sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 697 subjects. Clinical and smoking history were ascertained and spirometry carried out according to American Thoracic Society criteria. Multiple linear regression was used for statistical analysis. Exposure was fairly high during some tasks in wastewater workers but did not influence surfactant protein A. Surfactant protein A was lower in asthmatics. Interindividual variability was large. No correlation with spirometry was found. Endotoxin has no effect on surfactant protein A at these endotoxin levels and serum surfactant protein A does not correlate with spirometry. The decreased surfactant protein A secretion in asthmatics requires further study.
INTRODUCTION: Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and its consequence on workers׳ health are well documented. Most studies were devoted to enumerating and identifying cultivable bacteria and fungi, as well as measuring concentrations of airborne endotoxins, as these are the main health-related factors found in WWTP. Surprisingly, very few studies have investigated the presence and concentrations of airborne virus in WWTP. However, many enteric viruses are present in wastewater and, due to their small size, they should become aerosolized. Two in particular, the norovirus and the adenovirus, are extremely widespread and are the major causes of infectious gastrointestinal diseases reported around the world. The third one, hepatitis E virus, has an emerging status. GOAL AND METHODS: This study׳s objectives were to detect and quantify the presence and concentrations of 3 different viruses (adenovirus, norovirus and the hepatitis E virus) in air samples from 31 WWTPs by using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) during two different seasons and two consecutive years. RESULTS: Adenovirus was present in 100% of summer WWTP samples and 97% of winter samples. The highest airborne concentration measured was 2.27×10(6) genome equivalent/m(3) and, on average, these were higher in summer than in winter. Norovirus was detected in only 3 of the 123 air samples, and the hepatitis E virus was not detected. CONCLUSIONS: Concentrations of potentially pathogenic viral particles in WWTP air are non-negligible and could partly explain the work-related gastrointestinal symptoms often reported in employees in this sector.
Depuis 2004, le département de psychiatrie du centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) offre une prise en charge spécifique pour les patients présentant un premier épisode psychotique. La rupture de soins très fréquente, dès la sortie de l'hôpital, le mauvais pronostic à long terme en fonction de la durée de la psychose non traitée et enfin le taux élevé de tentatives de suicide avant une première hospitalisation se sont avérés suffisamment inquiétants et significatifs pour qu'une prise en charge de ce type puisse obtenir un soutien décisif. Dans l'article qui suit, nous nous proposons de décrire le programme Traitement et intervention précoces dans les troubles psychotiques (TIPP) en mettant en lumière la notion centrale de cette offre de soins, à savoir le rôle du case management. Il s'agira de rappeler brièvement les connaissances actuelles sur les psychoses émergentes, particulièrement la perspective plus optimiste que celle naguère réservée à cette forme de trouble psychique. Nous évoquerons également les offres de soins récentes telles qu'elles se déploient dans différents pays pour nous tourner ensuite plus spécifiquement vers notre expérience lausannoise. C'est à cet égard que nous développerons plus en détails le travail essentiel et spécifique du case manager, fil rouge du programme TIPP au long des trois ans qui le composent. La conclusion portera sur les projets de recherche en cours dédiés à cette population de jeunes patients, avec l'espoir que le changement de paradigme évoqué plus haut, un optimisme raisonnable pour le pronostic, puisse lui-même rester une question ouverte à de nouveaux apports scientifiques.
INTRODUCTION : L'alliance familiale : une jonction entre les approches développementale, familiale et systémique / Nicolas Pavez, France Frascarolo-Moutinot et Hervé Tissot - LA TRIADE PARENTS-BEBE : THEORIE ET EVALUATION DES INTERACTIONS : Le modèle de l'alliance familiale et le Jeu Trilogique de Lausanne (LTP) / Nicolas Favez - Observation des interactions triadiques en périnatalité : le Jeu du Change / Jérôme Rime et Werner Stadlmayr - Observation des interactions dans les familles avec plusieurs enfants : le Jeu du Pique-Nique / France Frascarolo-Moutinot et Nicolas Favez - L'observation du coparentage dans les familles biparentales : influence du contexte et de l'âge de l'enfant / Regina Kuersten-Hogan et James P. McHale - LE DEVELOPPEMENT NORMATIF DE LA GROSSESSE A L'ECOLE : La capacité triangulaire du bébé : une illustration à l'aide de deux cas contrastés / Elisabeth Fivaz-Depeursinge et Nicolas Favez - L'alliance coparentale prénatale comme prédicteur des perceptions du coparentage au post-partum / Sarah J. Schappe-Sullivan, Claire M. Kamp Dush et Daniel J. Bower - L'évolution de l'alliance familiale et son impact sur l'enfant à l'âge de 5 ans : une étude longitudinale en Suisse / Nicolas Favez, France Frascarolo-Moutinot et Chloé Lavanchy Scaiola - L'évolution de l'alliance familiale et son impact sur l'enfant à l'âge de 4 ans : une étude longitudinale en Italie / Alessandra Simonelli, Mara Bighin et Francesca De Palo - LA THÉRAPIE AVEC LES TRIADES : Alliance familiale dans les troubles fonctionnels et du comportement du nourrisson : évaluation avant et après une intervention thérapeutique. Une étude exploratoire / Marie-Joëlle Hervé... et al. - Le Jeu Trilogique de Lausanne (LTP) en clinique : application dans le contexte d'interventions de soutien à la relation parents-enfants / Silvia Mazzoni et Anna Lubrano Lavadera - Les comportements relationnels de l'enfant comme porte d'entrée pour intervenir sur le système familial / Chloé Lavanchy Scaiola et Kaija Puura - Le Reflective Family Play : un traitement de la famille entière centré sur l'attachement et le système familial / Diane Philipp et Christie Hayos - APPLICATIONS SPECIFIQUES : Le coparentage comme construit universel caractérisant diverses formes familiales : avancées et perspectives / James McHale et Rahael Kurrien - Les alliances coparentales dans les familles lesboparentales / Salvatore D'Amore, Alessandra Simonelli et Marina Miscioscia - Alliance familiale entre père, mère et leur bébé conçu par fécondation in vitro / Joëlle Darwiche... et al. - CONCLUSION : Le bébé dans la triade précoce / Nicolas Pavez, France Frascarolo-Moutinot et Hervé Tissot
One major methodological problem in analysis of sequence data is the determination of costs from which distances between sequences are derived. Although this problem is currently not optimally dealt with in the social sciences, it has some similarity with problems that have been solved in bioinformatics for three decades. In this article, the authors propose an optimization of substitution and deletion/insertion costs based on computational methods. The authors provide an empirical way of determining costs for cases, frequent in the social sciences, in which theory does not clearly promote one cost scheme over another. Using three distinct data sets, the authors tested the distances and cluster solutions produced by the new cost scheme in comparison with solutions based on cost schemes associated with other research strategies. The proposed method performs well compared with other cost-setting strategies, while it alleviates the justification problem of cost schemes.
Objectives To prospectively assess respiratory health in wastewater workers and garbage collectors over 5 years. Methods Exposure, respiratory symptoms and conditions, spirometry and lung-specific proteins were assessed yearly in a cohort of 304 controls, 247 wastewater workers and 52 garbage collectors. Results were analysed with random coefficient models and linear regression taking into account several potential confounders. Results Symptoms, spirometry and lung-specific proteins were not affected by occupational exposure. Conclusions In this population no effects of occupational exposure to bioaerosols were found, probably because of good working conditions.
BACKGROUND: Limited data have been published on the normal size of the ascending aorta (AA) measured using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). METHODS: AA diameters were measured in 1799 patients with normal cardiac findings on TTE and compared with the diameters of the sinus of Valsalva (SoV). RESULTS: Mean diameters in men and women, respectively, were 3.4 and 3.1 cm for the SoV and 3.2 and 3.0 cm for the AA. The sizes of the SoV and the AA showed strong correlations with age, age squared, and body surface area. The 5th and 95th percentile curves for the SoV and AA showed faster growth of diameters in early adulthood compared with old age. The dimensions of the SoV were larger than those of the AA (mean differences, 0.19 cm in men and 0.08 cm in women), and the difference between the SoV and AA was negatively correlated with age. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study stress the importance of indexing dimensions of the SoV and the AA to age and body surface area separately for men and women.
Nationwide surveys on radiation dose to the population from medical radiology are recommended in order to follow the trends in population exposure and ensure radiation protection. The last survey in Switzerland was conducted in 1998, and the annual effective dose from medical radiology was estimated to be 1 mSv y(-1) per capita. The purpose of this work was to follow the trends in diagnostic radiology between 1998 and 2008 in Switzerland and determine the contribution of different modalities and types of examinations to the collective effective dose from medical x-rays. For this reason, an online database (www.raddose.ch) was developed. All healthcare providers who hold a license to run an x-ray unit in the country were invited to participate in the survey. More than 225 examinations, covering eight radiological modalities, were included in the survey. The average effective dose for each examination was reassessed. Data from about 3,500 users were collected (42% response rate). The survey showed that the annual effective dose was 1.2 mSv/capita in 2008. The most frequent examinations are conventional and dental radiographies (88%). The contribution of computed tomography was only 6% in terms of examination frequency but 68% in terms of effective dose. The comparison with other countries showed that the effective dose per capita in Switzerland was in the same range as in other countries with similar healthcare systems, although the annual number of examinations performed in Switzerland was higher.
The Baby and the Couple provides an insider's view on how infant communication develops in the context of the family and how parents either work together as a team or struggle in the process. The authors present vignettes from everyday life as well as case studies from a longitudinal research project of infants and their parents interacting together in the Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP), an assessment tool for very young families. Divided into three parts, the book focuses not only on the parents, but also on the infant's contribution to the family. Part 1 presents a case study of Lucas and his family, from infancy to age 5. With each chapter we see how, in the context of their families, infants learn to communicate with more than one person at a time. Part 2 explores how infants cope when their parents struggle to work together - excluding, competing or only connecting through their child. The authors follow several case examples from infancy through to early childhood to illustrate various forms of problematic co-parenting, along with the infant's derailed trajectory at different ages and stages. In Part 3, prevention and intervention models based on the LTP are presented. In addition to an overview of these programs, chapters are devoted to the Developmental Systems Consultation, which combines use of the LTP and video feedback, and a new model, Reflective Family Play, which allows whole families to engage in treatment. The Baby and the Couple is a vital resource for professionals working in the fields of infant and preschool mental health including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, family therapists and educators, as well as researchers.